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All three α2-adrenoceptor subtypes have a long third intracellular loop (3i), which is conserved by overall size and charge-hydrophobic properties but not by amino acid sequence similarity. These properties must be relevant for function and structure, because they have been preserved during hundreds of millions of years of evolution. The contribution of different loop portions to agonist/antagonist binding properties and G protein coupling of the human α2B-adrenoceptor (α2B-AR) was investigated with a series of 3i truncated constructs (Δ 3i). We used a variety of agonists/antagonists in competition binding assays. We stimulated α2B-AR Δ3i with various agonists and measured [35S]GTPγS binding in isolated cell membranes with or without antagonist inhibition. We also evaluated the ability of oligopeptides, analogous to the amino and carboxyl terminal parts of 3i, to promote G protein activation, monitored with the [35S]GTPγS assay. Our results reveal that the carboxyl end residues of 3i, R360(6.24) to V372(6.36), are important for Gi/Go protein activation. Deletions in regions from G206(5.72) to R245(5.110) altered the binding of some α2B-AR agonists, indicating that agonist binding is dependent on the conformation of the 3i domain, possibly through the involvement of G protein interactions. The truncated receptor constructs may be more stable on purification and thus be useful for structural characterization of α2B-AR.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase, in a Ca(2+)-bound conformation, has recently been elucidated (Toyoshima, C., Nakasako, M., Nomura, H. & Ogawa, H. (2000) Nature 405, 647-655). Important steps for further understanding the mechanism of ion pumps will be the atomic structural characterization of different key conformational intermediates of the transport cycle, including phosphorylated intermediates. Following our previous report (Champeil, P., Henao, F., Lacapère, J.-J. & McIntosh, D. B. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 5795-5803), we show here that it is possible to prepare a phosphorylated form of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate) with a week-long stability both in membranes and in mixed lipid-detergent micelles. We show that this phosphorylated fluorescein isothiocyanate-ATPase can form two-dimensional arrays in membranes, similar to those that were used previously to reconstruct from cryoelectron microscopy images the three-dimensional structure of Ca(2+)-free unphosphorylated ATPase. The results also provide hope that crystals of phosphorylated Ca(2+)-ATPase suitable for x-ray crystallography will be achieved.  相似文献   

Antiquitin (ALDH7) is a member of the aldehyde dehydrogenase superfamily which oxidizes various aldehydes to form the corresponding carboxylic acids. Human antiquitin (ALDH7A1) is believed to play a role in detoxification, osmoregulation and more specifically, in lysine metabolism in which alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde is identified as the specific, physiological substrate of the enzyme. In the present study, the structural basis for the substrate specificity was studied by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis on wild-type human antiquitin and its mutants E121A and R301A demonstrated the importance of Glu121 and Arg301 in the binding as well as the turnover of alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde. On the functional aspect, in addition to the already diversified physiological functions of antiquitin, the recent demonstration of its presence in the nucleus suggests that it may also play a role in cell growth and cell cycle progression. In this investigation, the expression level of antiquitin was monitored in synchronized WRL68 and HEK293 cell culture systems. It was found that the protein was up-regulated during G(1)-S phase transition. Immunofluorescence staining of the synchronized cells demonstrated an increased expression and accumulation of antiquitin in the nucleus during the G(1)-S phase transition. Knockdown of antiquitin using shRNA transfection also resulted in changes in the levels of several key cell cycle-regulating proteins.  相似文献   

Our ability to alter and control the structure and function of biomolecules, and of proteins in particular, will be of utmost importance in order to understand their respective biological roles in complex systems such as living organisms. This challenge has prompted the development of powerful modern techniques in the fields of molecular biology, physical biochemistry and chemical biology. These fields complement each other and their successful combination has provided unique insights into protein structure and function at the level of isolated molecules, cells and organisms. Chemistry is without doubt most suited for introducing subtle changes into biomolecules down to the atomic level, but often struggles when it comes to large targets, such as proteins. In this review, we attempt to give an overview of modern and broadly applicable techniques that permit chemical synthesis to be applied to complex protein targets in order to gain control over their structure and function. As will be demonstrated, these approaches offer unique possibilities in our efforts to understand the molecular basis of protein functioning in vitro and in vivo. We will discuss modern synthetic reactions that can be applied to proteins and give examples of recent highlights. Another focus of this review will be the application of inteins as versatile protein engineering tools.  相似文献   

Isolated protein preparations of the small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) associated with mineralized tissues have provided important information in understanding their structural and functional interactions within extracellular matrices and their potential roles in mineralization. Two important SLRPs, decorin and biglycan, copurify following extraction and purification from mineralized tissues using standard procedures, and to overcome this problem decorin was synthesized within a mammalian expression system to obtain pure preparations. The expressed protein was purified from the culture medium using anion-exchange chromatography, and characterization confirmed the presence of a decorin-rich fraction. However, N-terminal sequencing revealed the additional presence of alpha2HS-glycoprotein (alpha2HSG), representing approximately 35% of the total purified fraction. The decorin-rich fraction was subjected to selected further purification techniques to separate decorin from alpha2HSG. Application of the sample at a low concentration (1 mg/ml) to a second anion-exchange procedure and elution over an expanded sodium chloride gradient resulted in a high degree of purity (98%), with a single protein isolate demonstrable by SDS-PAGE. Electroelution achieved partial purification ( approximately 89%), but immunoprecipitation with antibodies against the glycosaminoglycan chain and the polyhistidine tag failed to separate the two proteins. This study suggests there is a strong interaction between recombinantly produced decorin and alpha2 HSG and highlights the importance of the purification technique to the application of recombinantly produced proteins or those that have been extracted from mineralized tissues for use in structural and functional interactions.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins are involved in various critical biological processes,and studying membrane proteins represents a major challenge in protein biochemistry.As shown by both structural and functional studies,the membrane environment plays an essential role for membrane proteins.In vitro studies are reliant on the successful reconstitution of membrane proteins.This review describes the interaction between detergents and lipids that aids the understanding of the reconstitution processes.Then the techniques of detergent removal and a few useful techniques to refine the formed proteoliposomes are reviewed.Finally the applications of reconstitution techniques to study membrane proteins involved in Ca2+ signaling are summarized.  相似文献   

A glycosylation deficient (dG) version of the human adenosine 2a receptor (hA2aR) was made in Pichia pastoris strain SMD1163. Under optimal conditions, expression levels of between 8 and 12pmol receptor/mg membrane protein were obtained routinely. In a shake flask, this is equivalent to ca. 0.2mg of receptor per litre of culture. The level of functional receptor produced was essentially independent of the pH of the yeast media. In contrast to this, addition of the hA2aR antagonist theophylline to the culture media caused a twofold increase in receptor expression. A similar effect on dG hA2aR production was also observed when the induction temperature was reduced from 29 to 22 degrees C. In P. pastoris membranes, dG hA2aR had native-like pharmacological properties, binding antagonists with rank potency ZM241385>XAC>theophylline, as well as the agonist NECA. Furthermore, the receptor was made with its large (ca. 120 amino acid) C-terminal domain intact. dG hA2aR was purified to homogeneity in three steps, and its identity confirmed by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry following digestion with trypsin. The secondary structure of the entire receptor is largely (ca. 81%) alpha-helical. Purified dG hA2aR bound [(3)H]ZM241385 in a saturable manner with a B(max) of 18.1+/-0.5 nmol/mg protein, close to the theoretical B(max) value for pure protein (21.3 nmol/mg protein), showing that the receptor had retained its functionality during the purification process. Regular production of pure dG hA2aR in milligram quantities has enabled crystallisation trials to be started.  相似文献   

Short-time limited peptic hydrolysis of ligand-free human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) gave two main fragments with molecular masses of 38 and 32 kDa, which had been produced by splitting of the molecule at the position Leu(312)-Asn(313). A more prolonged proteolysis led to the further degradation of these fragments and appearance of highly proteolytically resistant 23-kDa (P23) and 26-kDa (P26) fragments, corresponding to N- and C-terminal parts of the AFP molecule, respectively. Comparative study of intact free of ligands AFP and isolated stable P23 and P26 fragments by circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, and immunoprecipitation techniques demonstrated that these fragments conserved native secondary, tertiary; and antigenic structure, characteristic of the intact molecule. It was concluded that, free of ligands, the AFP molecule could be considered as a three-domain molecule, in which two compact rigid domains (N-terminal domain I and C-terminal domain III) are connected by relatively labile domain II. The structure of domain II could be approximated by a "molten globule" state, characterized by the absence of rigid tertiary structure but having a pronounced secondary structure. Tumor-suppressive activity via induction of apoptosis was recently shown for AFP [Dudich, E. I., et al. (1998) Tumor Biol. 19, 261-272]. We studied here the ability of isolated proteolytic AFP fragments to induce apoptosis in the AFP-sensitive Raji cell line, to determine possible localization of the active site responsible for apoptosis signaling. Unlike intact AFP, neither isolated fragments nor their equimolar mixture was able to induce apoptosis in a human lymphoma Raji cell line. However, it was demonstrated that both fragments P23 or P26 and their equimolar mixture P23 + P26 operated synergistically with intact AFP in suppression of Raji cell proliferation. These data suggested that two structurally determined requirements are necessary for AFP-mediated triggering of apoptosis: (i) dimerization of AFP to form the heterodimeric complex of C- and N-terminal domains and (ii) participation of the central part of AFP molecule (domain II).  相似文献   

The interaction of thrombin with alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) was characterized by monitoring conformational changes and measuring the increase of free sulfhydryl groups during the reaction. Under experimental conditions where [thrombin] greater than [alpha 2M], the conformational change, measured by increases in the fluorescence of 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonate, and thiol group appearance displayed biphasic kinetics. The initial rapid phase results in the formation of a stable complex, the appearance of two sulfhydryl groups, the cleavage of approximately half of the Mr 180 000 subunits, and a conformational change that is not as extensive as that which occurs with trypsin. The slower phase is associated with the appearance of two additional sulfhydryl groups, increased cleavage of the Mr 180 000 subunit, and additional conformational changes. The available evidence suggests that the slow phase results from hydrolysis of the Mr 180 000 subunit(s) due to proteolysis of the alpha 2M-thrombin complex by free thrombin. Experiments with 125I-thrombin document the binding of 1 mol of thrombin/mol of alpha 2M that is not dissociated upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the complex. At higher ratios of thrombin to alpha 2M, a second mole of thrombin will reversibly associate with the 1:1 alpha 2M-thrombin complex. Under conditions where [thrombin] less than [alpha 2M], biphasic kinetics were not observed, and the conformational change, sulfhydryl appearance, and hydrolysis of the Mr 180 000 subunit were found to follow second-order kinetics.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

alpha 2-Macroglobulin (alpha 2M) is an abundant glycoprotein with the intrinsic capacity for capturing diverse proteins for rapid delivery into cells. After internalization by the receptor- mediated endocytosis, alpha 2M-protein complexes were rapidly degraded in the endolysosome system. Although this is an important pathway for clearance of both alpha 2M and biological targets, little is known about the nature of alpha 2M degradation in the endolysosome system. To investigate the possible involvement of intracellular aspartic proteinases in the disruption of structural and functional integrity of alpha 2M in the endolysosome system, we examined the capacity of alpha 2M for interacting with cathepsin E and cathepsin D under acidic conditions and the nature of its degradation. alpha 2M was efficiently associated with cathepsin E under acidic conditions to form noncovalent complexes and rapidly degraded through the generation of three major proteins with apparent molecular masses of 90, 85 and 30 kDa. Parallel with this reaction, alpha 2M resulted in the rapid loss of its antiproteolytic activity. Analysis of the N-terminal amino-acid sequences of these proteins revealed that alpha 2M was selectively cleaved at the Phe811-Leu812 bond in about 100mer downstream of the bait region. In contrast, little change was observed for alpha 2M treated by cathepsin D under the same conditions. Together, the synthetic SPAFLA peptide corresponding to the Ser808-Ala813 sequence of human alpha 2M, which contains the cathepsin E-cleavage site, was selectively cleaved by cathepsin E, but not cathepsin D. These results suggest the possible involvement of cathepsin E in disruption of the structural and functional integrity of alpha 2M in the endolysosome system.  相似文献   

We have generated, by transfection and proper selection, a stable mouse C127 cell line which expresses the human alpha 2-adrenergic receptor gene. The size of the mRNA produced by the cloned gene is 1.8 kb. Electrophoretic analysis and autoradiography of cell membrane proteins photoaffinity labeled with p-[3H]azidoclonidine gave a broad protein band of molecular mass of approx. 64 kDa. Saturation binding with [3H]rauwolscine as ligand gave an equilibrium dissociation constant of 1.29 +/- 0.46 nM (mean +/- S.D.) and binding capacity range of 18-35 pmol/mg membrane protein, with (3-6) x 10(6) receptors per cell. Antagonist competition experiments displayed the order of potency: yohimbine greater than rauwolscine greater than phentolamine much greater than prazosin. Agonist competitions demonstrated the order of potency: p-aminoclonidine greater than (-)epinephrine much greater than (+)epinephrine much greater than (-)isoproterenol. This pharmacological profile is characteristic of the human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor. The expressed receptor is able to couple to the Gi protein. Thus, when epinephrine competition for specific binding of [3H]rauwolscine was performed in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM Gpp[NH]p increased the Ki for epinephrine from 164 to 315 nM. Following preincubation of cultures with 1 mM isobutylmethylxanthine, 1 microM epinephrine decreased forskolin-stimulated cellular cyclic AMP accumulation by 72%. The response was biphasic, and the attenuation effect disappeared at 100 microM epinephrine. A transfected clone which did not demonstrate detectable alpha 2-adrenergic receptor mRNA displayed low levels of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor, (less than 50 fmol/mg membrane protein), similar to those found in the parent C127 cell line. In this clone, epinephrine did not attenuate but, rather, enhanced forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation. This new C127 cell line expressing high levels of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor provides an abundant source of a single human adrenergic receptor subtype in membrane-bound conformation which is able to couple to the Gi protein and inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. This cell line will facilitate studies of the structure: function relationship of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor and should aid in separating the components of various signal transduction mechanisms putatively attributed to this receptor.  相似文献   

The human interferon-alpha 2 subvariants 2a, 2b and 2c differ by only one or two amino acids at positions 23 and/or 34 of the mature protein. In this study, the coding regions of the three interferon-alpha 2 subvariants were derived from the cDNA of interferon-alpha 2c by site-directed in vitro mutagenesis. The interferon-alpha subvariants were synthesized using the same Escherichia coli strain for production and were subsequently purified. Comparative studies revealed that they differ significantly in their biological and antigenic properties. Therefore, amino acid positions 23 and 34 seem to be crucial for structure/function of human interferon-alpha. Furthermore, the study points to the importance of defining, whether such minor structural variants of naturally occurring polypeptides represent functional variants.  相似文献   

Allosteric binding sites, as opposed to traditional orthosteric binding sites, offer unparalleled opportunities for drug discovery by providing high levels of selectivity, mimicking physiological conditions, affording fewer side effects because of desensitization/downregulation, and engendering ligands with chemotypes divergent from orthosteric ligands. For kinases, allosteric mechanisms described to date include alteration of protein kinase conformation blocking productive ATP binding which appear 'ATP competitive' or blocking kinase activation by conformational changes that are 'ATP non-competitive'. For GPCRs, allosteric mechanisms impart multiple modes of target modulation (positive allosteric modulation (PAM), negative allosteric modulation (NAM), neutral cooperativity, partial antagonism (PA), allosteric agonism and allosteric antagonism). Here, we review recent developments in the design principles and structural diversity of allosteric ligands for kinases and GPCRs.  相似文献   

Fang Y  Gursky O  Atkinson D 《Biochemistry》2003,42(22):6881-6890
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) plays an important structural and functional role in lipid transport and metabolism. This work is focused on the central region of apoA-I (residues 60-183) that is predicted to contain exclusively amphipathic alpha-helices. Six N- and/or C-terminally truncated mutants, delta(1-41), delta(1-59), delta(198-243), delta(209-243), delta(1-41,185-243), and delta(1-59,185-243), were analyzed in their lipid-free state in solution at pH 4.7-7.8 by far- and near-UV CD spectroscopy. At pH 7.8, all mutants show well-defined secondary structures consisting of 40-52% alpha-helix. Comparison of the alpha-helix content in the wild type and mutants suggests that deletion of either the N- or C-terminal region induces helical unfolding elsewhere in the structure, indicating that the terminal regions are important for the integrity of the solution conformation of apoA-I. Near-UV CD spectra indicate significant tertiary and/or quaternary structural changes resulting from deletion of the N-terminal 41 residues. Reduction in pH from 7.8 to 4.7 leads to an increase in the mutant helical content by 5-20% and to a large increase in thermal unfolding cooperativity. Van't Hoff analysis of the mutants at pH 4.7 indicates melting temperatures T(m) ranging from 51 to 59 degrees C and effective enthalpies deltaH(v)(T(m)) = 35 +/- 5 kcal/mol, similar to the values for plasma apoA-I at pH 7.8 (T(m) = 57 degrees C, deltaH(v) = 32 kcal/mol). Our results provide the first report of the pH effects on the secondary, tertiary, and/or quaternary structure of apoA-I variants and indicate the importance of the electrostatic interactions for the solution conformation of apoA-I.  相似文献   

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