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M R Conte  G L Conn  T Brown    A N Lane 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(13):2627-2634
The thermodynamic stability of nine dodecamers (four DNA and five RNA) of the same base composition has been compared by UV-melting. TheDeltaG of stabilisation were in the order: r(GACUGAUCAGUC)2>r(CGCAAATTTGCG)2 approximately r(CGCAUAUAUGCG)2>d(CGCAAATTTGCG)2 approximately r(CGCAAAUUUGCG)2>d(CGCATATATGCG)2 approximately d(GACTGATCAGTC)2>r(CGCUUUAAAGCG)2 approximately d(CGCTTTAAAGCG)2. Compared with the mixed sequences, both r(AAAUUU) and r(UUUAAA) are greatly destablising in RNA, whereas in DNA, d(TTTAAA) is destabilising but d(AAATTT) is stabilising, which has been attributed to the formation of a special B'structure involving large propeller twists of the A-T base pairs. The solution structure of the RNA dodecamer r(CGCAAAUUUGCG)2has been determined using NMR and restrained molecular dynamics calculations to assess the conformational reasons for its stability in comparison with d(CGCAAATTTGCG)2. The structures refined to a mean pairwise r.m.s.d. of 0.89+/-0.29 A. The nucleotide conformations are typical of the A family of structures. However, although the helix axis displacement is approximately 4.6 A into the major groove, the rise (3.0 A) and base inclination ( approximately 6 degrees ) are different from standard A form RNA. The extensive base-stacking found in the AAATTT tract of the DNA homologue that is largely responsible for the higher thermodynamic stability of the DNA duplex is reduced in the RNA structure, which may account for its low relative stability.  相似文献   

The molecular and crystal structure of 2'-O-Me (CGCGCG)2 has been determined using synchrotron radiation at near-atomic resolution (1.30 A), the highest resolution to date in the RNA field. The crystal structure is a half-turn A-type helix with some helical parameters deviating from canonical A-RNA, such as low base pair rise, elevated helical twist and inclination angles. In CG steps, inter-strand guanines are parallel while cytosines are not parallel. In steps GC this motif is reversed. This type of regularity is not seen in other RNA crystal structures. The structure includes 44 water molecules and two hydrated Mg2+ions one of which lies exactly on the crystallographic 2-fold axis. There are distinct patterns of hydration in the major and the minor grooves. The major groove is stabilised by water clusters consisting of fused five- and six-membered rings. Minor groove contains only a single row of water molecules; each water bridges either two self-parallel cytosines or two self-parallel guanines by a pair of hydrogen bonds. The structure provides the first view of the hydration scheme of 2'-O-methylated RNA duplex.  相似文献   

Deuteron T(1) and T(2) was studied as a function of hydration in homopolyglycine (PG) and homopolyproline (PP). Water deuteron relaxation rates in PG conform to a hydration model involving two types of primary hydration sites where water is directly bonded to the polymer. Once these sites are filled, additional water only bonds to water molecules at the primary sites and in so doing affect their dynamics. PP exhibits an anomalous T(1) and T(2) hydration dependence which has been interpreted in terms of a cooperative water molecule-PP molecule helical conformational rearrangement which occurs once a certain hydration level is reached. The proposal of a water-PP structure is tested using molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of an RNA duplex r(gugucgcac)(2) with uridine bulges.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The crystal structure of a nonamer RNA duplex with a uridine bulge in each strand, r(gugucgcac)(2), was determined at 1.4 A resolution. The structure was solved by multiple anomalous diffraction phasing method using a three-wavelength data set collected at the Advanced Protein Source and refined to a final R(work)/R(free) of 21.2 %/23.4 % with 33,271 independent reflections (Friedel pairs unmerged). The RNA duplex crystallized in the tetragonal space group P4(1)22 with two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The unit cell dimensions are a=b=47.18 A and c=80.04 A. The helical region of the nonamer adopts the A-form conformation. The uridine bulges assume similar conformations, with uracils flipping out and protruding into the minor groove. The presence of the bulge induces very large twist angles (approximately +50 degrees) between the base-pairs flanking the bulges while causing profound kinks in the helix axis at the bulges. This severe twist and the large kink in turn produces a very narrow major groove at the middle of the molecule. The ribose sugars of the guanosines before the bulges adopt the C2'-endo conformation while the rest, including the bulges, are in the C3'-endo conformation. The intrastrand phosphate-phosphate (P-P) distance of the phosphate groups flanking the bulges (approximately 4.4 A) are significantly shorter than the average P-P distance in the duplex (6.0 A). This short distance between the two phosphate groups brings the non-bridging oxygen atoms close to each other where a calcium ion is bound to each strand. The calcium ions in molecule 1 are well defined while the calcium ions in molecule 2 are disordered.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the RNA octamer duplex r(CCCIUGGG)2has been elucidated at 2.5 A resolution. The crystals belong to the space group P21and have unit cell constants a = 33.44 A, b = 43.41 A, c = 49.39 A and beta = 104.7 degrees with three independent duplexes (duplexes 1-3) in the asymmetric unit. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to an Rwork/Rfree of 0.185/0.243 using 3765 reflections between 8.0 and 2.5 A. This is the first report of an RNA crystal structure incorporating I.U wobbles and three molecules in the asymmetric unit. Duplex 1 displays a kink of 24 degrees between the mismatch sites, while duplexes 2 and 3 have two kinks each of 19 degrees and 27 degrees, and 24 degrees and 29 degrees, respectively, on either side of the tandem mismatches. At the I.U/U.I mismatch steps, duplex 1 has a twist angle of 33.9 degrees, close to the average for all base pair steps, but duplexes 2 and 3 are underwound, with twist angles of 24.4 degrees and 26.5 degrees, respectively. The tandem I.U wobbles show intrastrand purine-pyrimidine stacking but exhibit interstrand purine-purine stacking with the flanking C.G pairs. The three independent duplexes are stacked non-coaxially in a head-to-tail fashion to form infinite pseudo-continuous helical columns which form intercolumn hydrogen bonding interactions through the 2'-hydroxyl groups where the minor grooves come together.  相似文献   

Studies on hydration are important for better understanding of structure and function of nucleic acids. We compared the hydration of self-complementary DNA, RNA and 2′-O-methyl (2′-OMe) oligonucleotides GCGAAUUCGC, (UA)6 and (CG)3 using the osmotic stressing method. The number of water molecules released upon melting of oligonucleotide duplexes, ΔnW, was calculated from the dependence of melting temperature on water activity and the enthalpy, both measured with UV thermal melting experiments. The water activity was changed by addition of ethylene glycol, glycerol and acetamide as small organic co-solutes. The ΔnW was 3–4 for RNA duplexes and 2–3 for DNA and 2′-OMe duplexes. Thus, the RNA duplexes were hydrated more than the DNA and the 2′-OMe oligonucleotide duplexes by approximately one to two water molecules depending on the sequence. Consistent with previous studies, GC base pairs were hydrated more than AU pairs in RNA, whereas in DNA and 2′-OMe oligonucleotides the difference in hydration between these two base pairs was relatively small. Our data suggest that the better hydration of RNA contributes to the increased enthalpic stability of RNA duplexes compared with DNA duplexes.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of the DNA duplex d(CGCGAATTGGCG)2, which contains two noncomplementary G.G base pairs, have been examined in aqueous solution by 1H and 31P NMR as a function of temperature. The G.G mismatch is highly destabilizing, with a Tm value 35 K below that observed for the native EcoRI dodecamer. The dodecamer appears symmetric in the NMR spectra and exists largely as an average B-type DNA conformation. However, the 1H and 31P NMR spectra give evidence of considerable conformational heterogeneity at the mismatched nucleotides and their nearest neighbors, which increases with increasing temperature. There is no evidence for a significant population of the syn purine conformation. The imino protons of the mispaired bases G4 and G9 are degenerate, resonate at high field, and exchange readily with solvent. These results indicate that the mispaired bases are only weakly hydrogen-bonded and are only partially stacked into the helix. On raising the temperature, the duplex shows increasing exchange between two or more conformations originating from the mismatch sites. However, these additional conformations maintain their Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding. The increase in chemical exchange is consistent with a quasimelting process for which the G.G sites provide local nuclei. Extensive modeling studies by dynamic annealing have confirmed that the G(anti).G(anti) conformation is favored and that the mispairs are poorly stacked within the helix. The results explain both the poor thermal stability and low hypochromicity of this duplex.  相似文献   

The solution-state structure of 2′-O-(2-methoxyethly) substituted dodecamer r(*CG*CGAA*U*U*CG*C)d(G), 2′-MOE RNA, with all cytosines and uracils methylated at the C5-position has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. The chemical modifications were used to improve the oligonucleotide's drug-like properties. The 2′-MOE group drives pseudorotational equilibrium of the ribofuranose moiety to the N-type conformation and supposedly results in structural preorganization leading to high affinity of a modified oligonucleotide towards its complementary biological target, improved pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties. The high melting temperature of the antiparallel duplex structure adopted by 2′-MOE RNA was explained through the formation of a stable A-form RNA consistent with effective base-pairing and stacking interactions. The comparison of the solution-state structure with the crystal structure of a non-methylated analogue shows an increase in the stacking at the base pair steps for the C5-methylated 2′-MOE RNA duplex. The MOE substituents adopt a well-defined structure in the minor groove with the predominant gauche conformations around the ethylene bond.  相似文献   

We have studied the hydration and dynamics of RNA C2'-OH in a DNA. RNA hybrid chimeric duplex [d(CGC)r(aaa)d(TTTGCG)](2). Long-lived water molecules with correlation time tau(c) larger than 0.3 ns were found close to the RNA adenine H2 and H1' protons in the hybrid segment. A possible long-lived water molecule was also detected close to the methyl group of 7T in the RNA-DNA junction but not to the other two thymine bases (8T and 9T). This result correlates with the structural studies that only DNA residue 7T in the RNA-DNA junction adopts an O4'-endo sugar conformation (intermediate between B-form and A-form), while the other DNA residues including 3C in the DNA-RNA junction, adopt C1'-exo or C2'-endo conformations (in the B-form domain). Based on the NOE cross-peak patterns, we have found that RNA C2'-OH tends to orient toward the O3' direction, forming a possible hydrogen bond with the 3'-phosphate group. The exchange rates for RNA C2'-OH were found to be around 5-20 s(-1), compared to 26.7(+/-13.8) s(-1) reported previously for the other DNA.RNA hybrid duplex. This slow exchange rate may be due to the narrow minor groove width of [d(CGC)r(aaa)d(TTTGCG)](2), which may trap the water molecules and restrict the dynamic motion of hydroxyl protons. The distinct hydration patterns of the RNA adenine H2 and H1' protons and the DNA 7T methyl group in the hybrid segment, as well as the orientation and dynamics of the RNA C2'-OH protons, may provide a molecular basis for further understanding the structure and recognition of DNA.RNA hybrid and chimeric duplexes.  相似文献   

The conformation of the decanucleotide duplex d(GGTAATTACC)2 has been investigated in solution by one- and two-dimensional proton NMR spectroscopy. Intra- and inter-nucleotide two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement data, recorded at mixing times between 15 and 250 ms, reveal a right-handed B-DNA structure. The data also show that the A-T basepairs of the TAATTA tract are highly propeller twisted and the minor groove is particularly narrow.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a self-complementary RNA duplex r(GGGCGCUCC)2with non-adjacent G*U and U*G wobble pairs separated by four Watson-Crick base pairs has been determined to 2.5 A resolution. Crystals belong to the space group R3; a = 33.09 A,alpha = 87.30 degrees with a pseudodyad related duplex in the asymmetric unit. The structure was refined to a final Rworkof 17.5% and Rfreeof 24.0%. The duplexes stack head-to-tail forming infinite columns with virtually no twist at the junction steps. The 3'-terminal cytosine nucleosides are disordered and there are no electron densities, but the 3' penultimate phosphates are observed. As expected, the wobble pairs are displaced with guanine towards the minor groove and uracil towards the major groove. The largest twist angles (37.70 and 40.57 degrees ) are at steps G1*C17/G2*U16 and U7*G11/C8*G10, while the smallest twist angles (28.24 and 27.27 degrees ) are at G2*U16/G3*C15 and C6*G12/U7*G11 and conform to the pseudo-dyad symmetry of the duplex. The molecule has two unequal kinks (17 and 11 degrees ) at the wobble sites and a third kink at the central G5 site which may be attributed to trans alpha (O5'-P), trans gamma (C4'-C5') backbone conformations. The 2'-hydroxyl groups in the minor groove form inter-column hydrogen bonding, either directly or through water molecules.  相似文献   

Determination of the solution structure of the duplex d(GCAAGTC(HE)AAAACG)·d(CGTTTTAGACTTGC) containing a 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2′-deoxyuridine·deoxyadenine (HE·A) base pair is reported. The three-dimensional solution structure, determined starting from 512 models via restrained molecular mechanics using inter-proton distances and torsion angles, converged to two final families of structures. For both families the HE and the opposite A residues are intrahelical and in the anti conformation. The hydroxyethyl chain lies close to the helix axis and for one family the hydroxyl group is above the HE·A plane and in the other case it is below. These two models were used to start molecular dynamic calculations with explicit solvent to explore the hydrogen bonding possibilities of the HE·A base pair. The dynamics calculations converge finally to one model structure in which two hydrogen bonds are formed. The first is formed all the time and is between HEO4 and the amino group of A, and the second, an intermittent one, is between the hydroxyl group and the N1 of A. When this second hydrogen bond is not formed a weak interaction CH···N is possible between HEC7H2 and N1A21. All the best structures show an increase in the C1′–C1′ distance relative to a Watson–Crick base pair.  相似文献   

The conformations of all the nucleotides in the hexamer d(CGTACG)2 have been determined using time-dependent one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) and the program NUCFIT (see previous article). The glycosidic torsion angles are well determined, the fraction of the C2' endo state for the sugar puckers is less well determined, and the pseudorotation phase angle is poorly determined by the NOEs. The average glycosidic torsion angle is -107 +/- 9 degrees, and the deoxyriboses of the purine residues have a higher fraction of the C2' endo state than those of the pyrimidine residues. There is good agreement between the one- and two-dimensional NOE data. Of the helical parameters, the local rise and twist are moderately well determined, but the roll and tilt of the bases are not well described. The overall structure belongs to the B family of conformations, as previously described by Gronenborn et al. (Biochem. J. (1984) 221, 723-736), but there are significant differences which can be ascribed to the improved treatment of the spin-diffusion and motional averaging possible with the program NUCFIT. The results obtained using NUCFIT are compared with those from restrained energy minimisation calculations using distance restraints obtained from NUCFIT.  相似文献   

S H Chou  P Flynn  B Reid 《Biochemistry》1989,28(6):2422-2435
Ten-micromole solid-phase RNA synthesis has been successfully performed on an automated nucleic acid synthesizer with coupling efficiencies up to 99%, using the tert-butyldimethylsilyl group to protect the 2'-hydroxyl. The tert-butyldimethylsilyl group was easily removed by tetrabutylammonium fluoride under conditions in which virtually no 2'- to 3'-isomerization was found to occur. By use of this approach, the self-complementary RNA dodecamers r(CGCGAAUUCGCG) and r(CGCGUAUACGCG) were synthesized on an automated nucleic acid synthesizer, purified by TLC, and studied by high-resolution NMR. Imino protons were assigned from one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effects. The nonexchangeable base, H1', and H2' protons were assigned by the sequential NOESY connectivity method. The NOE data from these two oligomers were analyzed qualitatively and compared to the ideal A- and B-type helix models of Arnott et al. (1972a,b). The internucleotide H6/H8 NOEs to the preceding H1' in r(CGCGUAUACGCG) were found to be sequence-dependent and probably reflect the roll angles between adjacent bases. The internucleotide H6/H8 to H2' NOEs of these oligomers correspond very well to an A-type conformation, but the interstrand adenine H2 NOEs to the following H1' were much stronger than those predicted from the fiber model. These srong interstrand NOEs can be rationalized by base pair slide to favor more interstrand base overlap, as predicted by Callidine and Drew (1984).  相似文献   

We are interested in creating artificial gene repressors based on duplex DNA recognition by nucleic acids. Homopyrimidine RNA oligonucleotides bind to duplex DNA at homopurine/homopyrimidine sequences under slightly acidic conditions. Recognition is sequence-specific, involving rU.dA.dT and rC+.dG.dC base triplets. Affinities were determined for folded polymeric RNAs (ca. 100-200 nt) containing 0, 1 or 3 copies of a 21 nt RNA sequence that binds duplex DNA by triple helix formation. When this recognition sequence was inserted into the larger folded RNAs, micromolar concentrations of the resulting RNA ligands bound a duplex DNA target at pH 5. However, these binding affinities were at least 20-fold lower than the affinity of an RNA oligonucleotide containing only the recognition sequence. Enzymatic probing of folded RNAs suggests that reduced affinity arises from unfavorable electrostatic, structural and topological considerations. The affinity of a polymeric RNA with three copies of the recognition sequence was greater than that of a polymeric RNA with a single copy of the sequence. This affinity difference ranged from 2.6- to 13-fold, depending on pH. Binding of duplex DNA by polymeric RNA might be improved by optimizing the RNA structure to efficiently present the recognition sequence.  相似文献   

We used solid-state deuterium NMR spectroscopy and an approach involving geometric analysis of labeled alanines (GALA method) to examine the structure and orientation of a designed synthetic hydrophobic, membrane-spanning alpha-helical peptide in phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers. The 19-amino-acid peptide consists of an alternating leucine and alanine core, flanked by tryptophans that serve as interfacial anchors: acetyl-GWW(LA)(6)LWWA-ethanolamine (WALP19). A single deuterium-labeled alanine was introduced at different positions within the peptide. Peptides were incorporated in oriented bilayers of dilauroyl- (di-C12:0-), dimyristoyl- (di-C14:0-), or dioleoyl- (di-C18:1(c)-) phosphatidylcholine. The NMR data fit well to a WALP19 orientation characterized by a distinctly nonzero tilt, approximately 4 degrees from the membrane normal, and rapid reorientation about the membrane normal in all three lipids. Although the orientation of WALP19 varies slightly in the different lipids, hydrophobic mismatch does not seem to be the dominant factor causing the tilt. We suggest rather that the peptide itself has an inherently preferred tilted orientation, possibly related to peptide surface characteristics or the disposition of tryptophan indole anchors relative to the lipids, the peptide backbone, and the membrane/water interface. Additionally, the data allow us to define more precisely the local alanine geometry in this membrane-spanning alpha-helix.  相似文献   

Aureolic acid group compounds, such as chromomycin A3(CHM) and mithramycin (MIT), are known as antitumor drugs. Recently we isolated a novel aureolic acid group antitumor drug, UCH9, from Streptomyces sp. The chemical structure of UCH9 is unique in that mono- (A ring) and tetrasaccharide (B-E rings) segments and a longer hydrophobic sidechain are attached to the chromophore, while di- and trisaccharide segments and a methyl group are attached to it in the cases of CHM and MIT. It has been shown by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis that the three drugs cause DNA unwinding, UCH9 causing less than the others. A photo-CIDNP experiment has revealed that UCH9 binds to the minor groove of DNA. The structure of the UCH9-d(TTGGCCAA)2 complex has been determined by 1H NMR and simulated annealing calculations. The obtained structure indicates that UCH9 binds as a dimer to the minor groove of d(TTGGCCAA)2, like CHM and MIT, but that the structural change in DNA induced on binding of UCH9 is moderate in comparison with those on binding of the other two drugs. It turns out that the dimer structure of UCH9, stabilized presumably through a hydrophobic interaction involving the A, D and E rings and the hydrophobic sidechain is different from that of CHM and thus DNA can interact with UCH9 in the minor groove with a moderate structural change.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) hydrolytically deaminate adenosines (A) in a wide variety of duplex RNAs and misregulation of editing is correlated with human disease. However, our understanding of reaction selectivity is limited. ADARs are modular enzymes with multiple double-stranded RNA binding domains (dsRBDs) and a catalytic domain. While dsRBD binding is understood, little is known about ADAR catalytic domain/RNA interactions. Here we use a recently discovered RNA substrate that is rapidly deaminated by the isolated human ADAR2 deaminase domain (hADAR2-D) to probe these interactions. We introduced the nucleoside analog 8-azanebularine (8-azaN) into this RNA (and derived constructs) to mechanistically trap the protein–RNA complex without catalytic turnover for EMSA and ribonuclease footprinting analyses. EMSA showed that hADAR2-D requires duplex RNA and is sensitive to 2′-deoxy substitution at nucleotides opposite the editing site, the local sequence and 8-azaN nucleotide positioning on the duplex. Ribonuclease V1 footprinting shows that hADAR2-D protects ∼23 nt on the edited strand around the editing site in an asymmetric fashion (∼18 nt on the 5′ side and ∼5 nt on the 3′ side). These studies provide a deeper understanding of the ADAR catalytic domain–RNA interaction and new tools for biophysical analysis of ADAR–RNA complexes.  相似文献   

Structures of r(CGCGCG)2 and 2'-O-Me(CGCGCG)2 have been determined by NMR spectroscopy under low salt conditions. All protons and phosphorus nuclei resonances have been assigned. Signals of H5'/5" have been assigned stereospecifically. All 3JH,H and 3JP,H coupling constants have been measured. The structures were determined and refined using an iterative relaxation matrix procedure (IRMA) and the restrained MD simulation. Both duplexes form half-turn, right-handed helices with several conformational features which deviate significantly from a canonical A-RNA structure. Duplexes are characterised as having C3'-endo sugar pucker, very low base-pair rise and high helical twist and inclination angles. Helices are overwound with <10 bp per turn. There is limited inter-strand guanine stacking for CG steps. Within CG steps of both duplexes, the planes of the inter-strand cytosines are not parallel while guanines are almost parallel. For the GC steps this pattern is reversed. The 2'-O-methyl groups are spatially close to the 5'-hydrogens of neighbouring residues from the 3'-side and are directed towards the minor groove of 2'-O-Me(CGCGCG)2 forming a hydrophobic layer. Solution structures of both duplexes are similar; the effect of 2'-O-methylation on the parent RNA structure is small. This suggests that intrinsic properties imposed by alternating CG base pairs govern the overall conformation of both duplexes.  相似文献   

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