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Nuclear Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP-N/PPM1E) is an enzyme that dephosphorylates and downregulates multifunctional Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs) as well as AMP-dependent protein kinase. In our previous study, we found that zebrafish CaMKP-N (zCaMKP-N) underwent proteolytic processing and translocated to cytosol in a proteasome inhibitor-sensitive manner. In the present study, we found that zCaMKP-N is regulated by phosphorylation at Ser-480. When zCaMKP-N was incubated with the activated CaMKI, time-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme was observed. This phosphorylation was significantly reduced when Ser-480 was replaced by Ala, suggesting that CaMKI phosphorylates Ser-480 of zCaMKP-N. Phosphorylation-mimic mutants, S480D and S480E, showed higher phosphatase activities than those of wild type and S480A mutant in solution-based phosphatase assay using various substrates. Furthermore, autophosphorylation of CaMKII after ionomycin treatment was more severely attenuated in Neuro2a cells when CaMKII was cotransfected with the phosphorylation-mimic mutant of zCaMKP-N than with the wild-type or non-phosphorylatable zCaMKP-N. These results strongly suggest that phosphorylation of zCaMKP-N at Ser-480 by CaMKI activates CaMKP-N catalytic activity and thereby downregulates multifunctional CaMKs in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP) and CaMKP-N dephosphorylate and regulate multifunctional Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases. The enzymatic properties of CaMKP-N and CaMKP resemble each other, whereas their localizations are different. CaMKP-N is localized in the nucleus, whereas CaMKP is localized in the cytosol. In the present study, the nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of CaMKP-N were identified and characterized. CaMKP-N contains two NLSs, NLS1 and NLS2, at the C-terminus. A cluster of basic residues in the NLSs is important for their function. NLS1 and NLS2 function independently, but mutagenesis analysis suggests that these NLSs interact with each other.  相似文献   

Preliminary data demonstrated that the inhibition of reactivated sperm motility by calcium was correlated with inhibited protein phosphorylation. The inhibition of phosphorylation by Ca2+ was found to be catalyzed by the calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase (calcineurin). Sperm from dog, pig, and sea urchin contain both the Ca2+-binding B subunit of the enzyme (Mr 15,000) and the calmodulin-binding A subunit with an Mr of 63,000. The sperm A subunit is slightly higher in Mr than reported for other tissues. Inhibition of endogenous calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase activity with a monospecific antibody revealed the presence of 14 phosphoprotein substrates in sperm for this enzyme. The enzyme was localized to both the flagellum and the postacrosomal region of the sperm head. The flagellar phosphatase activity was quantitatively extracted with 0.6 M KCl from isolated flagella from dog, pig, and sea urchin sperm. All salt-extractable phosphatase activity was inhibited with antibodies against the authentic enzyme. Preincubation of sperm models with the purified phosphatase stimulated curvolinear velocity and lateral head amplitude (important components of hyperactivated swimming patterns) and inhibited beat cross frequency suggesting a role for this enzyme in axonemal function. Our results suggest that calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase plays a major role in the calcium-dependent regulation of flagellar motility.  相似文献   

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKPase) is a protein phosphatase which dephosphorylates autophosphorylated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and deactivates the enzyme (Ishida, A., Kameshita, I. and Fujisawa, H. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 1904-1910). In this study, a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation relationship between CaMKII and CaMKPase was examined. CaMKPase was not significantly phosphorylated by CaMKII under the standard phosphorylation conditions but was phosphorylated in the presence of poly-L-lysine, which is a potent activator of CaMKPase. The maximal extent of the phosphorylation was about 1 mol of phosphate per mol of the enzyme and the phosphorylation resulted in an about 2-fold increase in the enzyme activity. Thus, the activity of CaMKPase appears to be regulated through phosphorylation by its target enzyme, CaMKII.  相似文献   

The calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase was shown to be phosphorylated by the Ca2+, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the 61 kDa catalytic subunit was phosphorylated. Phosphorylation by protein kinase C was stimulated up to 15-fold by addition of phosphatidyl-L-serine and between 0.5 to 1.0 mole of phosphate was incorporated per mole of phosphatase. It is possible that protein kinase C is involved in the regulation of the calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase via this novel phosphorylation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM-kinase) phosphatase dephosphorylates and concomitantly deactivates CaM-kinase II activated upon autophosphorylation, and CaM-kinases IV and I activated upon phosphorylation by CaM-kinase kinase [Ishida, I., Okuno, S., Kitani, T., Kameshita, I., and Fujisawa, H. (1998) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 253, 159-163], suggesting that CaM-kinase phosphatase plays important roles in the function of Ca2+ in the cell, because the three multifunctional CaM-kinases (CaM-kinases I, II, and IV) are thought to be the key enzymes in the Ca2+-signaling system. In the present study, cDNA for CaM-kinase phosphatase was cloned from a rat brain cDNA library. The coded protein consisted of 450 amino acids with a molecular weight of 49, 165. Western blot analysis showed the ubiquitous tissue distribution of CaM-kinase phosphatase. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that CaM-kinase phosphatase is evenly distributed outside the nucleus in a cell.  相似文献   

Nuclear Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP-N) is an enzyme that dephosphorylates and concomitantly downregulates multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs) in vitro. However, the functional roles of this enzyme in vivo are not well understood. To investigate the biological significance of CaMKP-N during zebrafish embryogenesis, we cloned and characterized zebrafish CaMKP-N (zCaMKP-N). Based on the nucleotide sequences in the zebrafish whole genome shotgun database, we isolated a cDNA clone for zCaMKP-N, which encoded a protein of 633 amino acid residues. Transiently expressed full-length zCaMKP-N in mouse neuroblastoma, Neuro2a cells, was found to be localized in the nucleus. In contrast, the C-terminal truncated mutant lacking RKKRRLDVLPLRR (residues 575-587) had cytoplasmic staining, suggesting that the nuclear localization signal of zCaMKP-N exists in the C-terminal region. Ionomycin treatment of CaMKIV-transfected Neuro2a cells resulted in a marked increase in the phosphorylated form of CaMKIV. However, cotransfection with zCaMKP-N significantly decreased phospho-CaMKIV in ionomycin-stimulated cells. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis of zebrafish embryos showed that zCaMKP-N is exclusively expressed in the head and neural tube regions. Gene knockdown of zCaMKP-N using morpholino-based antisense oligonucleotides induced significant morphological abnormalities in zebrafish embryos. A number of apoptotic cells were observed in brain and spinal cord of the abnormal embryos. These results suggest that zCaMKP-N plays a crucial role in the early development of zebrafish.  相似文献   

Ca2+-sensitive protein kinases are thought to play a pivotal role in Ca2+-mediated neuronal communication. We describe here the cloning, purification, and characterization of a major Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent, brain-specific protein kinase which is particularly enriched in cerebellar granule cells. The enzyme is comprised of Mr 65,000 and 67,000 polypeptides which copurify to homogeneity and phosphorylate synapsin I. The protein kinase is coded for by two poly(A+) RNAs of 2.0 and 3.5 kilobases which probably derive from a single gene. Two cDNA inserts, one of 198 base pairs and one of 1225 base pairs, contain a total of 677 base pairs of the protein coding sequence which includes sequences homologous to other calmodulin-dependent protein kinases including part of the calmodulin-binding domain. The surprising presence of extended sequences which are enriched in glutamate residues may influence the subcellular distribution of this kinase. Immunohistochemical localization with an affinity-purified antibody reveals that whereas the enzyme is expressed in several neuronal subpopulations, it is exceptionally enriched in the granule cells of the cerebellum. The relevance of the biochemical, molecular, and histologic properties of this enzyme is discussed in the context of neuronal Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   

A calmodulin-dependent protein kinase has been purified from rat spleen. The enzyme showed a remarkably similar substrate specificity and kinetic parameters to those of rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, and exhibited cross-reactivity to a monoclonal antibody against rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, indicating that the enzyme might be a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II isozyme. The sedimentation coefficient was 13.9S, the Stokes radius was 67 A, and the molecular weight was calculated to be 380,000. The purified enzyme gave five polypeptides bands, corresponding to molecular weights of 51,000, 50,000, 21,000, 20,000, and 18,000, on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Incubation of the purified enzyme with Ca2+, calmodulin, and ATP under phosphorylating conditions induced the phosphorylation of all five polypeptides. When the logarithm of the velocity of the phosphorylation was plotted against the logarithm of the enzyme concentration (van't Hoff plot), slopes of 0.89, 0.94, and 1.1 were obtained for the phosphorylation of the 50/51-kDa doublet, 20/21-kDa doublet, and 18-kDa polypeptide, respectively. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of the five polypeptides is an intramolecular process, and further indicate that all five polypeptides are subunits of this enzyme. Of the five polypeptides, only the 50- and 51-kDa polypeptides bound to [125I]calmodulin, the other polypeptides not binding to it. A number of isozymic forms of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II so far demonstrated in various tissues are known to be composed of subunits with molecular weights of 50,000 to 60,000 which can bind to calmodulin. Thus a new type of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was demonstrated in the present study.  相似文献   

Phospholamban, the putative regulatory proteolipid of the Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, was selectively phosphorylated by a Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase associated with a cardiac membrane preparation. This kinase also catalyzed the phosphorylation of two exogenous proteins known to be phosphorylated by the multifunctional Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (Ca2+/CaM-kinase II), i.e., smooth muscle myosin light chains and glycogen synthase a. The latter protein was phosphorylated at sites previously shown to be phosphorylated by the purified multifunctional Ca2+/CaM-kinase II from liver and brain. The membrane-bound kinase did not phosphorylate phosphorylase b or cardiac myosin light chains, although these proteins were phosphorylated by appropriate, specific calmodulin-dependent protein kinases added exogenously. In addition to phospholamban, several other membrane-associated proteins were phosphorylated in a calmodulin-dependent manner. The principal one exhibited a Mr of approximately 56,000, a value similar to that of the major protein (57,000) in a partially purified preparation of Ca2+/CaM-kinase II from the soluble fraction of canine heart that was autophosphorylated in a calmodulin-dependent manner. These data indicate that the membrane-bound, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase that phosphorylates phospholamban in cardiac membranes is not a specific calmodulin-dependent kinase, but resembles the multifunctional Ca2+/CaM-kinase II. Our data indicate that this kinase may be present in both the particulate and soluble fractions of canine heart.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKPase) dephosphorylates and regulates multifunctional Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs). One of the prominent features of CaMKPase is stimulation of phosphatase activity by polycations such as poly-L-lysine (poly(Lys)). Using various polycations, basicity and molecular weight of the polymer proved to be important for the stimulation. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis showed that CaMKIV(T196D), which mimics CaMKPase substrate, and CaMKPase could form tight complexes with poly(Lys). Pull-down binding experiments suggested that the formation of a tightly associated ternary complex consisting of CaMKPase, poly(Lys), and phosphorylated CaMKIV is essential for stimulation. Dilution experiments also supported this contention. Poly(Lys) failed to stimulate a CaMKPase mutant in which a Glu cluster corresponding to residues 101-109 in the N-terminal domain was deleted, and the mutant could not interact with poly(Lys) in the presence of Mn(2+). Thus, the Glu cluster appeared to be the binding site for polycations and to play a pivotal role in the polycation stimulation of CaMKPase activity.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP) and its nuclear homolog CaMKP-N are Ser/Thr protein phosphatases that belong to the PPM family. These phosphatases are highly specific for multifunctional CaM kinases and negatively regulate their activities. CaMKP-N is only expressed in the brain and specifically localized in the nucleus. In this study, we found that zebrafish CaMKP-N (zCaMKP-N) underwent proteolytic processing in both the zebrafish brain and Neuro2a cells. In Neuro2a cells, the proteolytic processing was effectively inhibited by the proteasome inhibitors MG-132, Epoxomicin, and Lactacystin, suggesting that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway was involved in this processing. Using MG-132, we found that the proteolytic processing changed the subcellular localization of zCaMKP-N from the nucleus to the cytosol. Accompanying this change, the cellular targets of zCaMKP-N in Neuro2a cells were significantly altered. Furthermore, we obtained evidence that the zCaMKP-N activity was markedly activated when the C-terminal domain was removed by the processing. Thus, the proteolytic processing of zCaMKP-N at the C-terminal region regulates its catalytic activity, subcellular localization and substrate targeting in vivo.  相似文献   

A brain-specific multifunctional calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, which exhibited characteristic properties quite different from those of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, was purified approximately 230-fold from rat cerebellum. The purified preparation gave two protein bands with molecular weights of 63,000 (alpha) and 66,000 (beta) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both of which showed protein kinase activity as examined by the activity gel method. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated as about 67,000 from sedimentation coefficient (3.2 S) and Stokes radius (50 A), indicating a monomeric structure of the enzyme. The enzyme phosphorylated smooth muscle myosin light chain, synapsin I, microtubule-associated protein 2, tau protein, myelin basic protein, histone H1, and tyrosine hydroxylase in a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent manner, suggesting that the enzyme is a multifunctional calmodulin-dependent protein kinase capable of phosphorylating a large number of substrates. A synthetic peptide, Lys-Ser-Asp-Gly-Gly-Val-Lys-Lys-Arg-Lys-Ser-Ser-Ser-Ser, was found to be a specific substrate for this kinase and, using this peptide as substrate, the distribution of the enzyme activity in various rat tissues was examined. The activity was found in cerebral cortex, brain stem, and cerebellum, most abundantly in cerebellum, but other tissues tested, including liver, spleen, kidney, lung, heart, skeletal muscle, and adrenal gland showed very little activity.  相似文献   

The Ca2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinase associated with the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes (SR CaM kinase) plays a specific and important role in the modulation of both Ca2+ uptake and release functions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum itself. In this work we have localized a 60 kD SR CaM kinase in slow and fast twitch rabbit skeletal muscle fractions; the kinase was present in both the longitudinal and the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum. We then developed a procedure for the purification of the active kinase from the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum and performed biochemical and functional characterization of the enzyme. Differently from what was previously suggested, our analysis shows that the biochemical properties of the purified SR CaM kinase (Ca2+ sensitivity, K0.5 for calmodulin, Km for ATP, IC50 for the specific inhibitory peptide (290-309), autophosphorylation properties) are not significantly different from those of the soluble multifunctional CaM kinase II. Moreover, we show that the purified SR CaM kinase retains the ability to autophosphorylate in a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent manner, becoming a Ca2+-independent enzyme. In the light of the knowledge of the rabbit SR CaM kinase biochemical properties, we propose and discuss the possibility that, under physiological conditions, the activity of the autophosphorylated kinase persists when the Ca2+ transient is over.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase from bovine brain and heart was assayed for phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine phosphatase activity using several substrates: 1) smooth muscle myosin light chain (LC20) phosphorylated on tyrosine or serine residues, 2) angiotensin I phosphorylated on tyrosine, and 3) synthetic phosphotyrosine- or phosphoserine-containing peptides with amino acid sequences patterned after the autophosphorylation site in Type II regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The phosphatase was activated by Ni2+ and Mn2+, and stimulated further by calmodulin. In the presence of Ni2+ and calmodulin, it exhibited similar kinetic constants for the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosyl LC20 (Km = 0.9 microM, and Vmax = 350 nmol/min/mg) and phosphoseryl LC20 (Km = 2.6 microM, Vmax = 690 nmol/min/mg). Dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosyl LC20 was inhibited by phosphoseryl LC20 with an apparent Ki of 2 microM. Compared to the reactions with phosphotyrosyl LC20 as the substrate, reactions with phosphotyrosine-containing oligopeptides exhibited slightly higher Km and lower Vmax values. The reaction with the phosphoseryl peptide based on the Type II regulatory subunit sequence exhibited a slightly higher Km (23 microM), but a much higher Vmax (4400 nmol/min/mg) than that with its phosphotyrosine-containing counterpart. Micromolar concentrations of Zn2+ inhibited the phosphatase activity; vanadate was less potent, and 25 mM NaF was ineffective. The study provides quantitative data to serve as a basis for comparing the ability of the calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase to act on phosphotyrosine- and phosphoserine-containing substrates.  相似文献   

Keratins, constituent proteins of intermediate filaments of epithelial cells, are phosphoproteins containing phosphoserine and phosphothreonine. We examined the in vitro phosphorylation of keratin filaments by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. When rat liver keratin filaments reconstituted by type I keratin 18 (molecular mass 47 kDa; acidic type) and type II keratin 8 (molecular mass 55 kDa; basic type) in a 1:1 ratio were used as substrates, all the protein kinases phosphorylated both of the constituent proteins to a significant rate and extent, and disassembly of the keratin filament structure occurred. Kinetic analysis suggested that all these protein kinases preferentially phosphorylate keratin 8, compared to keratin 18. The amino acid residues of keratins 8 and 18 phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C were almost exclusively serine, while those phosphorylated by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II were serine and threonine. Peptide mapping analysis indicated that these protein kinases phosphorylate keratins 8 and 18 in a different manner. These observations gave the way for in vivo studies of the role of phosphorylation in the reorganization of keratin filaments.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are serine/threonine protein kinases activated by dual phosphorylation on threonine and tyrosine residues. A MAP kinase kinase (MKK1 or MEK1) has been identified as a dual-specificity protein kinase that is sufficient to phosphorylate MAP kinases p42mapk and p44mapk on the regulatory threonine and tyrosine residues. Because of the multiplicity of MAP kinase isoforms and the diverse circumstances and agonists leading to their activation, we thought it unlikely that a single MKK could accommodate this complexity. Indeed, two protein bands with MKK activity have previously been identified after renaturation following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We now report the molecular cloning and characterization of a second rat MAP kinase kinase cDNA, MKK2. MKK2 cDNA contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 400 amino acids, 7 residues longer than MKK1 (MEK1). The amino acid sequence of MKK2 is 81% identical to that of MKK1, but nucleotide sequence differences occur throughout the aligned MKK2 and MKK1 cDNAs, indicating that MKK2 is the product of a distinct gene. MKK1 and MKK2 mRNAs are expressed differently in rat tissues. Both cDNAs when expressed in COS cells displayed the ability to phosphorylate and activate p42mapk and p44mapk, both MKK1 and MKK2 were activated in vivo in response to serum, and both could be phosphorylated and activated by the v-Raf protein in vitro. However, differences between MKK1 and MKK2 in sites of phosphorylation by proline-directed protein kinases predict differences in feedback regulation.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Calcineurin, one of the major calmodulin-binding proteins in the brain, dephosphorylates a phosphorylated protein termed inhibitor-1, a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1. The phosphatase activity was Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent and was reversed by EGTA or trifluoperazine, an antagonist of calmodulin. Using a radioimmunoassay of calcineurin and a phosphatase activity assay, we found that the two activities coincided in a sucrose density gradient and in a non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel. These results demonstrate that calcineurin is a calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase.  相似文献   

We report the purification and characterization of an active catalytic fragment of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, derived from autophosphorylation and subsequent limited chymotryptic digestion of the purified rat forebrain soluble kinase. The purified fragment was completely Ca2+/calmodulin-independent, existed as a monomer, and phosphorylated synapsin I at the same sites as does the native form of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Kinetic studies with the purified fragment revealed a more than 10-fold increase in Vmax and a 50% decrease in Km for synthetic peptide substrates, compared with native Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. No 32P-labeled autophosphorylated residues were detected in the purified active fragment, indicating that the autophosphorylation sites were not contained within this fragment. Comparative studies of this active fragment (30 kDa) and its inactive counterpart (32-kDa fragment) revealed certain structural details of both fragments. Calmodulin-overlay study, immunoblot analysis, and direct amino acid sequencing suggest that both fragments contain the entire NH2-terminal catalytic domain and were generated by distinct cleavage within the regulatory domain. The putative cleavage sites for both fragments are discussed.  相似文献   

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