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Echolocating bats assess target range by the delay in echo relative to the emitted sonar pulse. Earlier studies in FM bats showed that a population of neurons in auditory centers above the inferior colliculus (IC) is tuned to echo delay, with different neurons tuned to different echo delays. A building block for delay-tuned responses is paradoxical latency shift (PLS), featuring longer response latencies to more intense sounds. PLS is first created in the IC, where neurons exhibit unit-specific quantum increase in response latency with increasing sound level. Other IC neurons display oscillatory discharges whose period is unit-specific and level tolerant, indicating that this is attributable to cell’s intrinsic properties. High-threshold inhibition of oscillatory discharge produces PLS, indicating that oscillatory discharge is a building block for PLS. To investigate the cellular basis of oscillatory discharges, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from IC neurons in leopard frogs (which also exhibit oscillatory discharges and PLS). These recordings show that IC neurons are heterogeneous displaying diverse biophysical phenotypes; each phenotype (and cell) has its own membrane time constant, input resistance, and strengths of I h, I kir, I kv—these intrinsic properties give rise to cell-specific resonance which can be observed through current and afferent stimulations.  相似文献   

Most insectivorous bats use echolocation to determine the identity of flying insects. Among the many target features that are so extracted, the insect's wingbeat pattern and frequency appear to serve as useful cues for identification. Biosonar pulses impinging on the fluttering wings of an insect are returned as echoes whose amplitudes vary with time, thus providing a characteristic signature of the insect. It has been shown previously that neurons in the inferior colliculus, a midbrain auditory nucleus, of the little brown bat respond to sound stimuli that mimic echoes from fluttering targets. To examine the manner in which target identity is represented in the inferior colliculus, an ensemble coding analysis using a filter-based approach was undertaken. The analysis indicates that a discrete subset of neurons in the inferior colliculus, the onset units, are strongly tuned to wingbeat frequencies of targets that the bat hunts, and that ensemble response reaches a maximum at a distinct phase of the prey capture maneuver: the late approach stage. On the basis of the analysis it is hypothesized that inferior colliculus neurons may play an important role in target detection-identification processing. Although ensemble coding of temporally sequenced information has not been analyzed in the auditory system so far, this study indicates that this method of coding may provide the information necessary to detect and identify targets during prey capture. Received: 4 December 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 19 April 1996  相似文献   

1.  Echolocating bats use the time delay between emitted sounds and returning echoes to determine the distance to an object. This study examined the accuracy of target ranging by bats and the effect of echo bandwidth on the bat's performance in a ranging task.
2.  Six big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) were trained in a yes-no procedure to discriminate between two phantom targets, one simulating a stationary target that reflected echoes at a fixed delay and another simulating a jittering target that reflected echoes undergoing small step-changes in delay.
3.  Eptesicus fuscus emits a frequency modulated sonar sound whose first harmonic sweeps from approximately 55 to 25 kHz in about 2 ms. Sound energy is also present in the second and third harmonics, contributing to a broadband signal in which each frequency in the sound can provide a time marker for its arrival at the bat's ears. We estimated range jitter discrimination in bats under conditions in which the echo information available to the bat was manipulated. Baseline performance with unfiltered echoes was compared to that with filtered echoes (low-pass filtered at 55 kHz and at 40 kHz; high-pass filtered at 40 kHz).
4.  The results indicate that the low-frequency portion of the first harmonic (25–40 kHz) is sufficient for the bat to discriminate echo delay changes of 0.4 microseconds. This echo delay discrimination corresponds to a distance discrimination of less than 0.07 mm.

The distance over which an object is detected by bees depends on the subtended visual angle and on spectral cues. At large angular subtenses detection is mediated only by chromatic cues. Achromatic targets, however, are also detectable. We investigated how chromatic and achromatic cues interact in detecting large-size targets. Coloured targets were used, with varied chromatic contrast that either did or did not present L-receptor contrast. Better detection correlated with higher chromatic contrast. Adding L-receptor contrast did not affect detection. It did allow the detection of achromatic targets, but at a lower level than most coloured ones, which indicates that the input from the achromatic system is negligible due to low sensitivity.  相似文献   

Despite being equipped with low-resolution eyes and tiny brains, many insects show exquisite abilities to detect and pursue targets even in highly textured surrounds. Target tracking behavior is subserved by neurons that are sharply tuned to the motion of small high-contrast targets. These neurons respond robustly to target motion, even against self-generated optic flow. A recent model, supported by neurophysiology, generates target selectivity by being sharply tuned to the unique spatiotemporal profile associated with target motion. Target neurons are likely connected in a complex network where some provide more direct output to behavior, whereas others serve an inter-regulatory role. These interactions may regulate attention and aid in the robust detection of targets in clutter observed in behavior.  相似文献   

Bats represent one of the most diverse mammalian orders, not only in terms of species numbers, but also in their ecology and life histories. Many species are known to use ephemeral and/or unpredictable resources that require substantial investment to find and defend, and also engage in social interactions, thus requiring significant levels of social coordination. To accomplish these tasks, bats must be able to communicate; there is now substantial evidence that demonstrates the complexity of bat communication and the varied ways in which bats solve some of the problems associated with their unique life histories. However, while the study of communication in bats is rapidly growing, it still lags behind other taxa. Here we provide a comprehensive overview of communication in bats, from the reasons why they communicate to the diversity and application of different signal modalities. The most widespread form of communication is the transmission of a signaller's characteristics, such as species identity, sex, individual identity, group membership, social status and body condition, and because many species of bats can rely little on vision due to their nocturnal lifestyles, it is assumed that sound and olfaction are particularly important signalling modes. For example, research suggests that secretions from specialized glands, often in combination with urine and saliva, are responsible for species recognition in several species. These olfactory signals may also convey information about sex and colony membership. Olfaction may be used in combination with sound, particularly in species that emit constant frequency (CF) echolocation calls, to recognize conspecifics from heterospecifics, yet their simple structure and high frequency do not allow much information of individual identity to be conveyed over long distances. By contrast, social calls may encode a larger number of cues of individual identity, and their lower frequencies increase their range of detection. Social calls are also known to deter predators, repel competitors from foraging patches, attract group mates to roost sites, coordinate foraging activities, and are used during courtship. In addition to sound, visual displays such as wing flapping or hovering may be used during courtship, and swarming around roost sites may serve as a visual cue of roost location. However, visual communication in bats still remains a poorly studied signal modality. Finally, the most common form of tactile communication known in bats is social grooming, which may be used to signal reproductive condition, but also to facilitate and strengthen cooperative interactions. Overall, this review demonstrates the rapid advances made in the study of bat social communication during recent years, and also identifies topics that require further study, particularly those that may allow us to understand adaptation to rapidly changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Many bats are extremely social. In some cases, individuals remain together for years or even decades and engage in mutually beneficial behaviours among non-related individuals. Here, we summarize ways in which unrelated bats cooperate while roosting, foraging, feeding or caring for offspring. For each situation, we ask if cooperation involves an investment, and if so, what mechanisms might ensure a return. While some cooperative outcomes are likely a by-product of selfish behaviour as they are in many other vertebrates, we explain how cooperative investments can occur in several situations and are particularly evident in food sharing among common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) and alloparental care by greater spear-nosed bats (Phyllostomus hastatus). Fieldwork and experiments on vampire bats indicate that sharing blood with non-kin expands the number of possible donors beyond kin and promotes reciprocal help by strengthening long-term social bonds. Similarly, more than 25 years of recapture data and field observations of greater spear-nosed bats reveal multiple cooperative investments occurring within stable groups of non-kin. These studies illustrate how bats can serve as models for understanding how cooperation is regulated in social vertebrates.  相似文献   

Vampire bats     
《Current biology : CB》2019,29(23):R1216-R1217

We investigated the ability of brown long-eared bats to make use of visual cues when searching for food. By using petri dishes containing mealworms that were subjected to different levels of illumination, we presented four bats with different sensory cues: visual, sonar and a combination of these. The bats preferred situations where both sonar cues and visual cues were available, and the visual information was more important than the sonar cues. The bats did, however, emit echolocation calls throughout the experiments. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(22):R1252-R1259

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in redox regulation by their capacity to reversibly oxidize cysteine residues. This regulation is used by cells to modulate and integrate different responses to extracellular stimuli. In the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone layer, gibberellic acid (GA(3)) is perceived at the plasma membrane and induces the synthesis and secretion of alpha-amylase. All aleurone membrane systems participate in the elaboration of this response. During these events, ROS are generated as a by-product from intense lipid metabolism. Therefore, we hypothesized that redox regulation may be operating in the GA(3)-induced response. To test this hypothesis, we measured if GA(3) treatment induced changes in the redox state of aleurone membrane-associated proteins. Membrane proteins with sulfhydryl and disulfide groups were isolated from reduced and in situ NEM-alkylated microsomal fractions, respectively. Each fraction was enriched by thiol-affinity chromatography and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The in vivo redox state of each membrane protein present in GA(3)-treated and -untreated tissue was determined. Results showed that GA(3) induced the reduced state in 17 constitutive proteins and the oxidized state in another 5. These data indicate that redox changes occur in membrane proteins after GA(3) signaling in the aleurone layer.  相似文献   

This is the first country-wide surveillance of bat-borne viruses in Kenya spanning from 2012–2015covering sites perceived to have medium to high level bat-human interaction. The objective of this surveillance study was to apply a non-invasive approach using fresh feces to detect viruses circulating within the diverse species of Kenyan bats. We screened for both DNA and RNA viruses;specifically, astroviruses(AstVs), adenoviruses(ADVs), caliciviruses(CalVs), coronaviruses(CoVs), flaviviruses, filoviruses, paramyxoviruses(PMVs), polyomaviruses(PYVs) and rotaviruses.We used family-specific primers, amplicon sequencing and further characterization by phylogenetic analysis. Except for filoviruses, eight virus families were detected with varying distributions and positive rates across the five regions(former provinces) studied. AstVs(12.83%), CoVs(3.97%), PMV(2.4%), ADV(2.26%), PYV(1.65%), CalVs(0.29%), rotavirus(0.19%) and flavivirus(0.19%). Novel CalVs were detected in Rousettus aegyptiacus and Mops condylurus while novel Rotavirus-A-related viruses were detected in Taphozous bats and R. aegyptiacus. The two Rotavirus A(RVA) strains detected were highly related to human strains with VP6 genotypes I2 and I16. Genotype I16 has previously been assigned to human RVA-strain B10 from Kenya only, which raises public health concern, particularly considering increased human-bat interaction.Additionally, 229E-like bat CoVs were detected in samples originating from Hipposideros bats roosting in sites with high human activity. Our findings confirm the presence of diverse viruses in Kenyan bats while providing extended knowledge on bat virus distribution. The detection of viruses highly related to human strains and hence of public health concern, underscores the importance of continuous surveillance.  相似文献   

Nectarivorous feeding mechanisms in bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cranio-dental characteristics are quantified between micro- and megachiropteran nectarivores and compared with microchiropteran animalivores, frugivores, and megachiropteran frugivores. Microchiropteran nectarivores share many characteristics with megachiropteran nectarivores and frugivores, but differ in having a long, narrow head. Megachiropterans have wide zygomata, which would allow for more jaw musculature. Diminutive cheekteeth are characteristic of nectarivory in both suborders, but both have relatively large canines. Teeth in nectarivores can occupy as little as a tenth of the palatal area compared to nearly two-thirds in microchiropteran animalivores. The proportion that the dilambdodont stylar shelf occupies of molars in microchiropteran nectarivores can be as much as that in microchiropteran animalivores (insectivorous and carnivorous bats) or as little as that in microchiropteran frugivores but not as extreme as either. In addition to dimunitive teeth, nectarivores have fused mandibles and upper canines that are worn from contact with the lower canines (thegosis). These characteristics may be necessary for the lower jaw to support an elongated, mobile tongue. While microchiropteran nectarivory, frugivory, and carnivory probably evolved independently from an insectivorous microchiropteran ancestor, megachiropteran nectarivory probably evolved from megachiropteran frugivory or the reverse.  相似文献   

Novel astroviruses in insectivorous bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chu DK  Poon LL  Guan Y  Peiris JS 《Journal of virology》2008,82(18):9107-9114
Bats are increasingly recognized to harbor a wide range of viruses, and in most instances these viruses appear to establish long-term persistence in these animals. They are the reservoir of a number of human zoonotic diseases including Nipah, Ebola, and severe acute respiratory syndrome. We report the identification of novel groups of astroviruses in apparently healthy insectivorous bats found in Hong Kong, in particular, bats belonging to the genera Miniopterus and Myotis. Astroviruses are important causes of diarrhea in many animal species, including humans. Many of the bat astroviruses form distinct phylogenetic clusters in the genus Mamastrovirus within the family Astroviridae. Virus detection rates of 36% to 100% and 50% to 70% were found in Miniopterus magnater and Miniopterus pusillus bats, respectively, captured within a single bat habitat during four consecutive visits spanning 1 year. There was high genetic diversity of viruses in bats found within this single habitat. Some bat astroviruses may be phylogenetically related to human astroviruses, and further studies with a wider range of bat species in different geographic locations are warranted. These findings are likely to provide new insights into the ecology and evolution of astroviruses and reinforce the role of bats as a reservoir of viruses with potential to pose a zoonotic threat to human health.  相似文献   

Data on rabies virus infection in bats that were submitted to the Alabama Department of Public Health from 1995-2005 were analyzed. Demographic factors, such as species and sex, and temporal aspects, such as yearly and monthly trends, were investigated. Thirteen species of bats were submitted, and of those, individuals from seven species were rabid; prevalence was highest in Lasiurus borealis and Pipistrellus subflavus and lowest in Eptesicus fuscus and Nycticeius humeralis. There was no difference in prevalence of rabies between sexes or years. Statistically, more rabid bats were submitted in August, September, and November; and fewer were submitted in March, June, and July. Results were similar to those from other regions of North America; these data from Alabama can help to present a more complete view of rabies in bats in North America.  相似文献   

Neurobiology of echolocation in bats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Echolocating bats (sub-order: Microchiroptera) form a highly successful group of animals, comprising approximately 700 species and an estimated 25% of living mammals. Many echolocating bats are nocturnal predators that have evolved a biological sonar system to orient and forage in three-dimensional space. Acoustic signal processing and vocal-motor control are tightly coupled, and successful echolocation depends on the coordination between auditory and motor systems. Indeed, echolocation involves adaptive changes in vocal production patterns, which, in turn, constrain the acoustic information arriving at the bat's ears and the time-scales over which neural computations take place.  相似文献   

Different species of bat can be morphologically very similar. In order to estimate the amount of cryptic diversity among European bats we screened the intra- and interspecific genetic variation in 26 European vespertilionid bat species. We sequenced the DNA of subunit 1 of the mitochondrial protein NADH dehydrogenase (ND1) from several individuals of a species, which were sampled in a variety of geographical regions. A phylogeny based on the mitochondrial (mt) DNA data is in good agreement with the current classification in the family. Highly divergent mitochondrial lineages were found in two taxa, which differed in at least 11% of their ND1 sequence. The two mtDNA lineages in Plecotus austriacus correlated with the two subspecies Plecotus austriacus austriacus and Plecotus austriacus kolombatovici. The two mtDNA lineages in Myotis mystacinus were partitioned among two morphotypes. The evidence for two new bat species within Europe is discussed. Convergent adaptive evolution might have contributed to the morphological similarity among distantly related species if they occupy similar ecological niches. Closely related species may differ in their ecology but not necessarily in their morphology. On the other hand, two morphologically clearly different species (Eptesicus serotinus and Eptesicus nilssonii) were found to be genetically very similar. Neither morphological nor mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis alone can be guaranteed to identify species.  相似文献   

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