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本文用骨髓染色体制片法,报道产于南宁的变色树蜥Calotesversicolor的核型。其2n=12v+22m,NF=46;第2对大染色体长臂有随体。这与报道的西双版纳的变色树蜥有不同。  相似文献   

采用透明骨骼染色法,观测了荒漠麻蜥Eremias przewaskii比较完整的骨骼系统,对其各部分骨骼组成、形态和位置作了详细的描述,为麻蜥属的分类及演化提供骨骼方面的基础资料。其骨骼可分为中轴骨骼(包括头骨、脊柱、胸骨和肋骨)和附肢骨骼(包括肩带、腰带、前肢骨和后肢骨)。其头骨呈三角形,眼窝与颞窝相通,不完整。颈椎8枚,胸椎5枚,腰椎13枚,荐椎2枚,尾椎44~45枚。与已报道的蜥蜴物种骨骼特征相比较,发现其前肢腕骨部位、尺骨和桡骨远端中间具1枚骨化不完全的籽骨——介间骨;在前肢腕骨与掌骨的腹面,有2块平面不规整四方形的掌籽骨,位于连接腕骨与各掌骨的韧带中间;在后肢股骨远端的关节内侧与髌骨相对的位置存在1粒籽骨,为股腓侧豆状骨;跗骨腹面下方有1枚三角形籽骨——跗籽骨。  相似文献   

海南变色树蜥个体发育中形态和食性的变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
研究变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor)头,尾大小和食性在个体发育过程中的变化,以及头,尾大小两性异性的个体发生,成体体长(SVL)无显著的两性差异,两性异形主要表现为雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽)和尾部。头,尾大小的两性异形在初生幼体就已存在,并随个体发育的进行变得更加显著。不同年龄组两性个体头长以及雌体头宽随SVL呈同速增长;雄性头宽随SVL呈异速增长,表现为雄性头宽的增长速率在个体发育过程中逐渐增大。头,尾部的相对大小在个体发育过程中有显著的变化,初生幼体头部相对较大,尾部相对较小,这种形态特征是胚胎优先保证生态学意义更为显著的部分(如头部)生长的结果,有利于初生幼体的早期生存和生长,不同性别和年龄组的变色树蜥摄入食物的种类及各种食物在摄入食物中所的比例有一定程度的差别,因而食物生态位宽度和重叠度有一定程度的差别,然而没有直接的证据表明头部大小的两性异形能导致两性食物生态位的明显分离。  相似文献   

红嘴鸥的骨骼系统解剖   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吴介云  袁晓芬 《四川动物》1998,17(4):181-184
本文对红嘴鸥(Larusridbundns)的骨骼系统进行了系统的解剖观察。下列部分作了较详细描述:头骨(颅骨背面、侧面、底面、下颌),脊柱(颈椎、胸椎和胸骨、综合荐椎、尾椎),附肢骨(肩带、前肢骨、腰带、后肢骨)。红嘴欧属新腭型(neognathoustype)中的裂腭型类型。文中还对红嘴鸥的体重、体尺、头骨和附肢骨进行了测量。  相似文献   

物种分子系统关系是进化生物学领域最基本也是最重要的问题之一。本研究通过测序分析了来自广西等地90个变色树蜥Calotes versicolor的ND2-tRNA基因片段,分析了不同地理种群的单倍型、种群间的遗传分化程度(F_(st))和历史动态,构建了单倍型之间的分子系统关系。结果发现,所研究的地理种群共检测到45个单倍型,总体呈现较高的单倍型多样性(0.941 8)和较低的核苷酸多样性(0.005 5),其中有6个地理种群的个体共享1个单倍型。大部分种群间F_(st)值较高且差异显著,遗传分化程度较高。分子方差分析结果表明,遗传变异主要来自种群内的遗传差异。系统进化分析结果表明,所研究的地理种群并没有出现明显的遗传分支且在地理上没有严格的分布范围和分化,这可能是由于种群间存在渐渗杂交或不完全的谱系筛选。网络关系图也显示各采样种群间不存在明显的谱系结构。种群历史动态分析表明,各地理种群不存在扩张现象。把所有地理种群合并在一起分析表明,贝叶斯轮廓图分析与碱基错配分析方法均检测到种群在历史上发生过快速扩张,约0.05 Ma前存在种群扩张现象。  相似文献   

贵州疣螈骨骼系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
余平静  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2007,26(1):133-136,140
本文运用硬骨-软骨双染色技术对贵州疣螈(Tylototriton kweichowensis)的骨骼系统做了较全面的观察研究,包括头骨、脊柱和前后肢带骨,并对各骨块的形状、位置以及与邻近骨块的关系都作了详细的描述。最后,将贵州疣螈与东方蝾螈、有斑肥螈的骨骼系统进行了比较,为揭示蝾螈科属间演化关系提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

对胎生蜥Lacerta vivipara的排泄和生殖系统进行了解剖观察.胎生蜥的排泄系统由肾脏、输尿管和泄殖腔组成,左肾较右肾稍大,但在位置上没有明显差别;雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、附睾和半阴茎组成,左侧精巢位置较右侧稍接近身体前部且稍大;雌性生殖系统南卵巢和输卯管组成,左右卵巢在大小上无明显差别,但左侧卵巢比右侧卵巢略接近身体前部.对繁殖期和繁殖期后的生殖系统比较显示,生殖腺在繁殖期明显增大.胎生蜥的生殖系统与其他卵生和卵胎生类蜥蜴无明显差别.  相似文献   

为了解西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)骨骼系统的形态特征, 采用传统的解剖法和透明骨法对西伯利亚鲟幼鱼进行解剖观察, 为西伯利亚鲟在形态学和分类学的研究提供基础资料。结果表明: 西伯利亚鲟幼鱼骨骼系统由主轴骨骼和附肢骨骼两部分构成, 主轴骨骼包括头骨、脊柱和肋骨, 附肢骨骼由鳍条、支鳍骨骼和带骨构成。对比分析发现, 西伯利亚鲟和施氏鲟骨骼系统的组成与构造较为相似, 其原因可能是其对高纬度低水温环境长期适应的结果。  相似文献   

本文报道了中国水蛇骨骼系统的大全解剖,并叙述了脑颅各骨之内面观。  相似文献   

冠斑犀鸟的骨骼系统解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对冠斑犀鸟的骨骼系统进行了详细的观察和描述,其头骨厚重、骨壁坚硬;颌骨、前颌骨极度前伸,构成巨大的上喙,其后部连同鼻骨向背方显著隆起,构成盔.寰椎、枢椎、尾综骨、胸骨等形态特殊.跗跖骨结构以及足趾近、远端趾节的长度反映了明显的树栖性特征.  相似文献   

变色树蜥消化道5-羟色胺细胞的免疫组织化学定位   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用免疫组织化学ABC法,应用5-羟色胺(5-HT)特异性抗血清,对变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor)消化道内含有5-HT的内分泌细胞进行了免疫组织化学的定位研究和形态学观察。结果显示,5-HT细胞在变色树蜥消化道的各个部位均有分布,分布密度近似呈“M”形,其中以空肠分布密度最高,胃体次之,食管最低。5-HT细胞的形态多样,呈圆形、椭圆形、锥体形、长锥体形等,其中胃、幽门和直肠以圆形和椭圆形为主,小肠则以长锥体形为主,其细长突起指向肠腔或固有膜;细胞分布于上皮基部、上皮细胞之间、腺泡上皮细胞之间或固有膜内;多数细胞以内分泌功能为主,少数细胞具有外分泌功能。比较分析表明,5-HT细胞分布型可能与动物的食性有关。  相似文献   

Studies have indicated that the abundance and community structure of gut microbiota are altered by diet. In this study, next‐generation sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene amplicon was performed to evaluate variations in the gut microbiota of wild and captive individuals of both sexes of Calotes versicolor. The results showed that there was a significant sex difference in microbial community structure for wild C. versicolor, Bacteroide was the dominant genus in wild females (WF), whereas Ochrobactrum was the dominant genus in wild males (WM). Acinetobacter and Hymenobacter were the dominant genera in WF, while Clostridium was the dominant genus in captive females (CF). The results indicated that differences in diet between wild and captive C. versicolor also resulted in variations in gut microbiota. Thus, it was not surprising that captivity and sex shape the gut microbiota in C. versicolor. In summary, the fundamental information presented about the gut microbiota of both sexes of wild (and captive females) C. versicolor, indicates that the artificial environments are not suitable for the wild C. versicolor.  相似文献   

A complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence was determinedfor the lizard Calotes versicolor (Reptilia; Agamidae). The16,670-bp genome with notable shorter genes for some protein-codingand tRNA genes had the same gene content as that found in othervertebrates. However, a novel gene arrangement was found inwhich the proline tRNA (trnP) gene is located in the light strandinstead of its typical heavy-strand position, providing thefirst known example of gene inversion in vertebrate mtDNAs.A segment of mtDNA encompassing the trnP gene and its flankinggenes and the control region was amplified and sequenced forvarious agamid taxa to investigate timing and mechanism of thegene inversion. The inverted trnP gene organization was sharedby all South Asian draconine agamids examined but by none ofthe other Asian and African agamids. Phylogenetic analyses includingclock-free Bayesian analyses for divergence time estimationsuggested a single occurrence of the gene inversion on a lineageleading to the draconine agamids during the Paleogene period.This gene inversion could not be explained by the tandem duplication/randomloss model for mitochondrial gene rearrangements. Our availablesequence data did not provide evidence for remolding of thetrnP gene by an anticodon switch in a duplicated tRNA gene.Based on results of sequence comparisons and other circumstantialevidence, we hypothesize that inversion of the trnP gene wasoriginally mediated by a homologous DNA recombination and thatthe de novo gene organization that does not disrupt expressionof mitochondrial genes has been maintained in draconine mtDNAsfor such a long period of time.  相似文献   

热耐受性及温度对食物同化的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
邱清波  曾小飚  林隆慧  计翔 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1738-1744
研究变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor)的选择体温、热耐受性、温度对食物同化的影响.结果显示:①幼体的选择体温、临界高温和临界低温的平均值分别为32.6、41.7℃和 7.7℃;成体的选择体温、临界高温和临界低温的平均值分别为33.1、42.0℃和8.2℃.②环境温度在26~34℃时,对变色树蜥食物通过时间和摄入能有显著的影响;对表观消化系数(ADC)和同化效率(AE)无显著的影响;在28~34℃时食物通过时间随温度升高而缩短;在26、28℃和30℃时,摄入能小于更高温度的对应值.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothalamic nuclei of the lizard, Calotes versicolor, can be broadly divided into AF-positive and AF-negative. The AF-positive cell complexes include the nucleus supraopticus, nucleus paraventricularis, and a few interconnecting bridge cells. In addition, some AF-positive neurones are also observed in the median eminence. As many as 15 AF-negative nuclei-like accumulations of nerve cells can be identified in the hypothalamus. The nucleus periventricularis hypothalami of earlier authors is subdivided into eight circumscribed neuronal complexes. In addition, a few AF-negative nuclei, e.g. nucleus subfornicalis, nucleus ventralis tuberis, nucleus med. recessus infundibuli, nucleus lat. recessus infundibuli and nucleus praemamillaris, are regarded for the first time as anatomical entities. The distribution of the hypothalamic nuclei and their cytoarchitectonic features are described at the light microscopical level. An attempt has been made to interprete the nuclei identified in the present study on a comparative and phylogenetic basis.Dedicated to Professors W. Bargmann and B. Scharrer, the pioneers of neuroendocrinology, on the occasion of their birthday anniversariesSupported in part by research grant [No. F. 30-4 (6431)/76(SR-II)] by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India. The facilities provided by Dr. V. K. Thakare are hereby acknowledgedFormer scholar of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stuftung (1973–1975), Federal Republic of Germany. The present study was initiated by Professor A. Oksche, Department of Anatomy and Cytobiology, Justus Liebig University of GiessenThe facilities provided by Dr. A.K. Dorle are gratefully acknowledged

Summary The basilar papilla of the lizard Calotes versicolor contains about 225 sensory cells. These are of two types: the short-haired type A cells in the ventral (apical) part of the organ, and the type B cells with long hair bundles, in the dorsal (basal) part of the organ. The type A cells are unidirectionally oriented and are covered by a tectorial membrane while the type B cells lack a covering structure and their hair bundles are oriented bidirectionally. Apart from those differences, the type A and type B cells are similar. They are columnar, and display the features common to most sensory cells in inner ear epithelia. The sensory cells are separated by supporting cells, which have long slender processes that keep the sensory cells apart. Close to the surface of the basilar papilla a terminal bar of specialized junctions interlocks adjacent cells. Below this, adjacent supporting cells are linked by an occluding junction.The cochlear nerve enters from the medial (neural) aspect. The fibres of the nerve lose their myelin sheaths as they enter the basilar papilla. Each sensory cell is associated with several nerve endings. All the nerves identified were afferent. Marked variations were seen between nerve endings in the basilar papilla, but no morphological equivalents of any functional differences were observed.This work is supported by grant no. B76-12X-00720-11A from the Swedish Medical Research Council, and by funds from the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   

昆明裂腹鱼骨骼系统解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常规方法和透明骨法制备昆明裂腹鱼的骨骼标本,记录观测结果并拍照,对其骨骼系统进行描述。其特征为脊椎数目在46~47之间,肋骨在18~19之间,咽骨上有三排咽齿,齿式呈2:3:5式。骨骼系统的形状和变化可以为裂腹鱼亚属的分类及演化提供分类方面的基础资料。  相似文献   

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