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The wet campo (campo úmido) marsh type is widely distributed in the cerrado region of central Brazil. These marshes develop on slopes along margins of gallery forests where the water table persists at or near the soil surface year-round. Their grass and sedge vegetation covers spongy, highly organic (not peaty) soils. Ground and surface water seeping through the wet campos tends to be slightly acidic (pH about 5), ion-poor (conductivity less than 10 µS cm–1) and well oxygenated.A typical freshwater meiofaunal community develops in those wet campos where soils remain moist throughout the year (moisture content more than about 60% of soil wet weight). Such a community was studied from 1979–1982 in a wet campo in a protected natural area on the Fazenda Água Limpa of the Universidade de Brasília. It was dominated by nematodes, rotifers and harpacticoid copepods, and included protozoans, turbellarians, cyclopoid copepods, cladocerans, ostracods, oligochetes, hydracarines and several families of aquatic insect larvae. This community was most fully developed in the wetter areas.Species richness of the copepod community is the highest yet recorded in a freshwater system. The 29 species of harpacticoid copepods and 4 species of cyclopoid copepods displayed pronounced zonation which seemed best correlated with soil moisture content and water regime.  相似文献   

Marten  Gerald G.  Bordes  Edgar S.  Nguyen  Mieu 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):491-496
The New Orleans Mosquito Control Board mass produces Mesocyclops longisetus and Macrocyclops albidus for introduction to mosquito breeding sites as a routine part of control operations. Mesocyclops longisetus is used in tires that collect rainwater; M. albidus is used in temporary pools. Field trials in a Spartina marsh, rice fields, and residential roadside ditches in Louisiana suggest that M. longisetus and M. albidus could be of use to control larvae of Anopheles spp. and Culex quinquefasciatus. Mesocyclops longisetus has proved to be effective for Aedes aegypti control in cisterns, 55-gallon drums, and other domestic containers in Honduras.  相似文献   

Four new species of Cyclopoida from deep-sea waters are described and placed in two new genera: Giselina gen. n. and Sensogiselina gen. n. The new genera and species belong to a new monophyletic group within the cyclopinid cyclopoids. A new name, Giselinidae, is proposed for this monophylum. The new family is characterised by the combination of the following characters: (1) tergite of leg 1 fused to cephalosome dorsally, but incompletely fused laterally, (2) absence of aesthetascs on ancestral antennulary segments XVI, XXI and XXV, (3) absence of antennary exopodal setae, (4) presence of only three spines on distal exopodal segment of leg 1, (5) absence of inner setae on first endopodal segments of legs 1–4, (6) outer terminal and distal inner elements of distal endopodal segment of leg 4 transformed into spines, (7) distal outer element of leg 5 exopod transformed into a spine, (8) leg 6 with only one seta, and (9) furcal setae I and III located on dorsal margin. Received in revised form: 16 June 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

de Roa Zoppi  Evelyn 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):429-435
A 14 year monitoring of species composition and abundance of cyclopoid copepods throughout the rainy and dry seasons in a flooded savanna at Mantecal, Apure State, Venezuela, is presented. Two characteristic habitats within these water bodies were selected: the open center of small ponds free of emergent vegetation and the surrounding flooded grassland. In total, 13 species were registered, all of which appeared in the flooded grassland and 11 of which occurred in the open water. Ten species were common for the two habitats during the dry season. The highest abundance was found in flooded grassland during the dry season. Eight species showed abundances greater than 1.0 individual per liter in flooded grassland during both seasons; 3 and 7 species were this abundant in the open water during rainy and dry seasons, respectively. Mesocyclops meridianus and Microcyclops varicans were the most abundant species in both habitats and seasons, while Thermocyclops decipiens was the dominant species during rainy season in open water. Principal component analysis indicates that the important species were positively correlated between them (sharing habitat and season).  相似文献   

The present study analyzed the pattern of temporal distribution of planktonic copepods in a recently formed reservoir and investigated whether there were differences in the predominance of species. The animals were collected at six stations in the limnetic zone of the central body and lateral arms of the reservoir with a motorized pump at different depths, from December 1996 through November 1998. Three species of Cyclopidae (Thermocyclops decipiens, Thermocyclops minutus and Mesocyclops longisetus) and one species of Diaptomidae (Notodiaptomus iheringi) were recorded. Adults and young, mainly nauplii, of the cyclopoids were predominant during the entire study period. Calanoids became numerically important after the third month following reservoir formation, in some months becoming approximately as abundant as the cyclopoids. There was succession in the abundance of the species, with T. decipiens predominating in the first six months, N. iheringi at the end of the first year, and T. minutus at the beginning of the second year. The differences in water level in the dry and rainy seasons and the operation of the reservoir affected the dynamics of certain copepod species.  相似文献   

Cyclopid copepods collected mainly in aquatic microcosms and semiterrestrial habitats in the Juréia Ecological Reserve are studied. Hesperocyclops herbsti and Bryocyclops campaneri are described as new species and their taxonomical relationships discussed. Females of Muscocyclops operculatus (Chappuis) are redescribed and the males described for the first time. An emended diagnosis for Muscocyclops is proposed.  相似文献   

Reid  Janet W. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):429-434
Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) is described from the plankton of Rios Guamá and Acará Grande near Belém, State of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

Six of the 10 recognised families of the order Cyclopoida are parasitic, with 4 of them occurring on marine invertebrates and the remaining 2 on freshwater gastropods and fishes, respectively. A cladistic analysis of the 10 families indicates that evolution of parasitism occurred twice in the history of the cyclopoids. The first attempt was made by the marine epibenthic ancestors seeking food and shelter in sessile tunicates — the ascidians. This event led to the evolution of 2 ascidicolous families: Archinotodelphyidae and Notodelphyidae. The descendant of this lineage had also invaded the mantle cavity of marine bivalve molluscs, eventually leading to the evolution of the Mantridae. The second attempt for the parasitic mode of life was launched by the ancestor which was the sister group of the ancestral cyclopoids — the most successful family of freshwater copepods. This ancestral stock, while living in the coastal zone, split into 2 groups: one group stayed behind in the ocean and colonised again the ascidians; the other groups invaded freshwater and evolved into the fish-parasitising Lernaeidae and the gastropod-parasitising Ozmanidae.  相似文献   

AIMS: Evaluation of the composition, distribution and activities of syntrophic bacteria and methanogens in soils from eutrophic and low nutrient regions of a freshwater marsh, and to compare these results with those obtained from a similar study in the Florida Everglades. METHODS AND RESULTS: Culture dependent and independent approaches were employed to study consortia of syntrophs and methanogens in a freshwater marsh. Methanogenesis from butyrate oxidation was fourfold higher in microcosms containing soil from eutrophic regions of the marsh than from low nutrient regions. Propionate was oxidized in eutrophic microcosms at lower rates than butyrate and with lower yields of methane. Sequence analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from DNA extracted from microcosms and soils revealed differences such that the dominant restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) phylotypes (representing 82-88% of clone libraries) from eutrophic soils clustered with fatty acid oxidizing Syntrophomonas spp. The four dominant RFLP phylotypes (representing 11-24%) from microcosms containing soils from low nutrient regions were sequenced, and clustered with micro-organisms having the potential for fermentative and syntrophic metabolism. Archaeal 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that methanogens from eutrophic regions were from diverse families, including Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanosarcinaceae, and Methanocorpusculaceae, but clone libraries from low nutrient soils revealed only members of Methanosarcinaceae. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that syntroph-methanogen consortia differed with nutrient levels in a freshwater marsh. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is one of few studies addressing the distribution of fatty acid consuming-hydrogen producing bacteria (syntrophs) and their methanogenic partners in wetland soils, and the effects of eutrophication on the ecology these groups.  相似文献   

The following method is used for maintaining a laboratory supply of freshwater cyclopoid copepods with intervening diapause phase. Animals are collected with a core sampler from the upper sediment surface just after initiation of diapause, i.e. during early summer for summer resting species and mid autumn for winter resting species. The method makes it possible at all times of the year to keep a variety of cyclopoid copepod species ready for experimental work. The following widespread species have been used: Mesocyclops leuckarti, Thermocyclops oithonoides, Diacyclops bicuspidatus, Cyclops vicinus, C. strenuus and C. abyssorum. Probably all cyclopoid copepods with a diapause phase could be stored according to the present method.  相似文献   

淡水湿地种子库的小尺度空间格局   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
刘贵华  刘幼平  李伟 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2739-2743
以长江中下游淡水湿地湖里沼泽为对象,研究了种子库在小尺度空间范围的水平分布格局。在沼泽中选择地表植被分布比较均一的16m×4m大小的方形区域,按1m间隔获取64个内径7·8cm、深5cm的圆柱状土样,通过幼苗萌发法鉴定每个土样的种子库组成。采用2个格局指数(离散系数和Lloyd平均拥挤指数)以及Moran空间自相关系数分析了种子库中优势种的空间分布格局。结果显示种子库由17个物种组成,多年生的锐棱荸荠(Eleocharisacutangula)和龙师草(E·tetraqueter)是种子库中密度最大的物种。两个格局指数显示7个分布频率大于10%的物种的种子全部为聚集分布。MoransI统计分析显示其中只有3个物种为显著的正的空间自相关,表明这3个物种的种子斑块大小超过了目前的两个取样单位之间的距离(1m),而其它4个物种的种子斑块则小于这个尺度。  相似文献   

The depth distribution of Oligochaeta in an Irish quaking marsh   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Brenda Healy 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):235-247
The depth distribution of oligochaetes was studied in a quaking marsh at Tinure, Co. Louth, Ireland. The dominant plants were grasses which formed a fibrous mat floating on semi-liquid peat. The water level remained near the surface except for a few weeks in winter and early spring when up to 50% surface cover of water was seen. Depth profiles of pH and redox potential showed seasonal variations with the anaerobic layer approaching the surface in summer. Oligochaetes were the most important group of invertebrates and were represented by 7 species of Naididae, 7 Tubificidae, 2 Lumbriculidae, 13 Enchytraeidae and 1 Lumbricidae. Lumbricids and most species of Enchytraeidae were concentrated at the surface but the enchytraeids Marionina riparia, Cernosvitoviella spp. and Cognettia glandulosa were frequent in the anaerobic layer. Aquatic oligochaetes were most numerous below the surface. Tubificids penetrated further than other groups and reached a peak at 4–6 cm. The effects of lowering the water level were studied in pot cultures where water was maintained at 4 different levels. Enchytraeids always remained near the surface, while aquatic oligochaetes concentrated nearer the water level. It is concluded that enchytraeids are prevented from colonizing most freshwater habitats by their inability to tolerate extended periods of anoxia.  相似文献   

Intertidal zonation and seasonal variability of benthic macrofaunawere analysed along a Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) marshand nearby unvegetated flat in a subtropical bay. Fivereplicate samples were taken along six tidal levels from the uppermarsh, limited by mangroves, to the lower unvegetated flat.Sediment composition, live and dead above- and below-ground biomassof S. alterniflora and detritus biomass from the vegetatedand unvegetated areas were determined to evaluate whethervariations on plant structure and detritus along the 25 m transectaffect the dynamics of benthic invertebrates. Composition andabundance of invertebrates varied with the elevation and plantcover clearly plays a key role on the distribution patterns of themacrofauna. Below-ground and dead above-ground biomass presentedthe highest correlation with the densities of the invertebrates.Vertical distribution of benthic fauna, however, appears not to beaffected by bellow-ground fraction. Higher detritus biomass in theupper unvegetated flat coincided with higher densities ofdetritivorous or omnivorous species in this level. An eruptivealgal growth during summer affected positively most of the dominantspecies.  相似文献   

A study of freeliving freshwater Cyclopoida of Malaysia and Singapore yielded 15 species. Some remarks are made on the morphology including a species belonging to the schmeili group of Thermocyclops. Shallow and vegetation-bearing habitats had the largest numbers of species. Most of the species are cosmopolitan. The three common species, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Thermocyclops crassus and Microcyclops varicans are eurytopic. M. leuckarti and T. crassus are the only species occurring commonly in limnetic situations in contrast to a much wider limnetic Cyclopoida species spectrum in temperate lakes. There appears to be a reduction in Cyclopoida from temperate to tropical latitudes, but the data on which this are based are at present fragmentary.  相似文献   

Genome sizes for 36 species of cyclopoid copepods were determined by DNA-Feulgen cytophotometry of nuclei from adults collected from diverse habitats and locales in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Genome sizes are small, show a 20-fold range ( C  = 0.10–2.02 pg DNA), and vary in a discontinuous fashion. The genomes of cyclopoid copepods are remarkably small and constant within each species, unlike the large and variable genomes of marine calanoid species. These differences may reflect the evolutionary antiquity of marine copepods in relation to marine, brackish, and freshwater copepods, as well as differences in mechanisms used to modulate genome size. The small genome sizes of contemporary cyclopoids provide substantive evidence of evolutionary constraint, possibly favouring small genomes, rapid replication rates and accelerated development as adaptive strategies for survival in often fragmented, stressful, and changing habitats. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 625–635.  相似文献   

Animals are known to influence and sometimes help maintain plant species richness in terrestrial systems. This study investigated the effects of mammals in influencing plant species richness of a floating Typha marsh at Point Pelee National Park. The extent of use of the marsh by terrestrial mammals was documented by mapping mammal trails from air photographs. Trail densities ranging from 70 to 1550 m ha–1 in various areas of the marsh, provided evidence for widespread, and in some places frequent, mammal activity. Plant surveys indicated a pattern of increased species richness and frequency associated with these trails, particularly in late summer when Typha biomass increased off trails. Three mechanisms by which mammals might influence species richness: disturbance of the dominant Typha, nutrient enrichment, and seed dispersal, were investigated using field and lab experiments. Two types of disturbance, trampling and herbivory, at two levels of intensity were simulated within 2×2m plots with and without fertilizer added. Disturbance significantly affected species richness; high levels of trampling decreased while high levels of clipping increased species richness. Nutrients had no effect; there were no significant disturbance×nutrients interactions. The importance of seed dispersal by raccoon was studied by collecting raccoon scat from within the marsh, incubating scat in a growth chamber and comparing the species that emerged to those growing in the marsh. Although substantial numbers of viable seeds of terrestrial species were found in scat, only one of these species was actually part of the Typha mat community. We concluded that mammals do influence plant species richness in this marsh primarily through disturbance of the dominant Typha.  相似文献   

J. Pozo  R. Colino 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(3):165-175
Decomposition dynamics of aerial parts and root-rhizomes of Spartina maritima in a Basque Country salt marsh was studied, using litter bags placed on the soil surface and buried 10 cm below ground. Aerial parts of the plant in aboveground position showed higher breakdown rates than samples placed belowground. There was no significant difference found between aerial parts and root-rhizomes buried. Nitrogen and phosphorus followed different dynamics (seasonal changes and progressive losses) that may be a consequence of distinctive mineralization pathways. The low faunal richness and densities belowground reflect the unfavourable life conditions in such a situation and, to a certain extent, the lower decomposition rates of buried litter. Four mathematical expressions that fit the data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Troglocyclopina balearica gen nov. ap. nov. and Muceddina multispinosa gen nov. sp. nov. are described from the flooded coastal karst of the Balearic Islands, and from caves on Sardinia, the Balearics, and Lanzarote (Canaries), respectively. Both taxa seem to prefer anchihaline habitats with water salinities in excess of 18%, although Troglocyclopina has also been found in more reduced salinity cave lakes located some distance from the coast. These new taxa are the first cyclopinids to be reported from caves, all previous citations of cyclopinids from hypogean environments relate only to the marine interstitial. The small clutch-size exhibited by Troglocyclopina balearica (two eggs per sac) and the absence of the exopodal seta on the antenna at Muceddina multispinosa are interpreted as troglomorphic features, in addition to the absence of the nauplius eye and the lack of body pigmentation in both taxa. The derivation of both taxa from shallow-water, hyperbenthic marine ancestors is proposed.  相似文献   

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