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This paper explores the “pre-embryo” debate in America to analyze the relationship between scientific uncertainty and moral decision-making. This paper explores how an ethical debate among bioethicists around the term “pre-embryo” has been transformed into a scientific “fact” debate between developmental biology and embryology. This transformation is driven by the scientism of ethical reasoning that stresses scientific claims to increase the credibility of ethical claims. This paper concludes that the “pre-embryo” debate is not an ethical controversy over a unified science but rather credibility struggles between two heterogeneous assemblages of science and bioethics.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on social evolution is pervaded by the old debate about the relative merits of kin and group selection. In this debate, the biological interpretation of processes occurring in real populations is often conflated with the mathematical methodology used to describe these processes. Here, we highlight the distinction between the two by placing this discussion within the broader context of evolution in structured populations. In this review we show that the current debate overlooks important aspects of the interplay between genetic and demographic structuring, and argue that a continued focus on the relative merits of kin versus group selection distracts attention from moving the field forward.  相似文献   

The GM public debate: context and communication strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Science communication is developing a new approach that promotes dialogue between scientists and the public. A recent example is the debate on the possible introduction of genetically modified crops into the United Kingdom. As this exercise in public engagement draws to a close, we consider the context in which this debate has taken place, and the challenges of developing such interactions between science and society.  相似文献   

Conflicts involving wildlife are, in essence, often conflicts between human parties with differing wildlife management objectives. However, the study and management of wildlife conflicts often focuses on the ecological context without addressing disagreements between people over these objectives. This research uses quantitative approaches to examine actors’ views on a complex wildlife-related conflict: a raptor of conservation concern that impacts on game-bird management. Four dominant elements of the debate emerged from initial semi-structured interviews: perceptions of conflict related issues; perceptions of each other; perceived barriers to consensus within the debate; and assessment of proposed practical management solutions. A quantitative survey that built on these elements demonstrates the degree to which perceptions differ between groups and how local variation in these elements may be obscured in a regional or national level debate. The findings emphasise the importance of understanding the social issues involved in wildlife related conflicts if management aims are to be agreed and achieved.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, stem cell science has generated considerable public and political debate. These debates tend to focus on issues concerning the protection of nascent human life and the need to generate medical and therapeutic treatments for the sick and vulnerable. The framing of the public debate around these issues not only dichotomises and oversimplifies the issues at stake, but tends to marginalise certain types of voices, such as the women who donate their eggs and/or embryos to stem cell research and the patients who might benefit from its potential clinical outcomes. This paper draws on empirical research conducted on a recent stem cell policy episode in Australia. From the qualitative examination of 109 newspaper opinion editorials and twenty-three in-depth interviews, it is argued that these voices are marginalised because they are based on discourses that have less epistemological status in public debate. Our results suggest that the personal experiences of women and patients are marginalised by the alliances that form between more powerful discourse communities that use science as a source of authority and legitimation. It is argued that members of these communities establish legitimacy and assert authority in public debate by discursively deploying science in claims that marginalise other epistemologies. Implications are discussed along with suggestions for a more enriched and inclusive public debate.  相似文献   

The ongoing debate about the relationship between race and genetics is more than a century old and has yet to be resolved. Recent emphasis on population-based patterns in human genetic variation and the implications of those for disease susceptibility and drug response have revitalized that long-standing debate. Both sides in the debate use the same rhetorical device of treating geographic, ancestral, population-specific, and other categories as surrogates for race, but otherwise share no evidentiary standards, analytic frameworks, or scientific goals that might resolve the debate and result in some productive outcome. Setting a common goal of weighing the scientific benefits of using racial and other social heuristics with testable estimates of the potential social harms of racialization can reduce both the unreflexive use of race and other social identities in biological analyses as well as the unreflexive use of racialization in social critiques of genetics. Treating social identities used in genetic studies as objects for investigation rather than artifacts of participant self-report or researcher attribution also will reduce the extent to which genetic studies that report social identities imply that membership in social categories can be defined or predicted using genetic features.  相似文献   

There has of late been much debate about the relation of women, nationalism and ethnicity. This collection contributes to that debate in several ways. Firstly, it considers the ways in which gender and ethnicity are complicit, or more precisely how identities as women and as national/ethnic subjects are mutually created. Secondly, it ponders the relation between the colonial and the postcolonial in such discourses of gendered ethnicity. And finally it poses the tough question about the problematic relation beteen women as objects and subjects of both colonial and postcolonial discourses.  相似文献   

Protected areas are controversial because they are so important for conservation and because they distribute fortune and misfortune unevenly. The nature of that distribution, as well as the terrain of protected areas themselves, have been vigorously contested. In particular, the relationship between protected areas and poverty is a long-running debate in academic and policy circles. We review the origins of this debate and chart its key moments. We then outline the continuing flashpoints and ways in which further evaluation studies could improve the evidence base for policy-making and conservation practice.  相似文献   

Despite extensive debate, there is no consensus on whether individual genetic data should be disclosed to research participants. The emergence of whole-genome sequencing methods is increasingly generating unequalled amounts of genetic data, making the need for a clear feedback policy even more urgent. In this debate two positions can be broadly discerned: a restrictive disclosure policy ('no feedback except life-saving data') and an intermediate policy of qualified disclosure ('feedback if the results meet certain conditions'). We explain both positions and present the principal underlying arguments. We suggest that the debate should no longer address whether genetic research results should be returned, but instead how best to make an appropriate selection and how to strike a balance between the possible benefits of disclosure and the harms of unduly hindering biomedical research.  相似文献   

The selection of ecological indicators is an important step toward more effective restoration monitoring. The debate between Reid (2015) and Durigan and Suganuma (2015) regarding the usefulness of species composition for monitoring restoration trajectory is timely and salient, but it lacks a middle way proposal to balance ecological relevance and practical viability. We propose a way forward to resolving this debate, namely using easily measurable functional traits, a type of compositional measure, as an indicator. Assessing functional composition trajectory may help overcome some limitations with taxonomic identification and provide more meaningful outcomes to evaluate restoration success.  相似文献   

Evolution: reducible complexity -- the case for bacterial flagella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A recent paper, which will surely figure centrally in the debate between evolutionists and Intelligent Design creationists, proposes a (perhaps too simple) scheme for the evolution of bacterial flagella.  相似文献   

Gibson S 《Bioethics》2004,18(3):221-233
When one thinks about the ethics of abortion, one inevitably thinks about rights, since it is in terms of the concept of rights that much of the debate has been conducted. This is true of overtly feminist as well as non-feminist accounts. Indeed, some early feminist writers--Judith Jarvis Thomson and Mary Ann Warren, for example--employ a model of rights that is indistinguishable, or virtually indistinguishable, from that of their non-feminist counterparts. However, more recent feminist writers have developed a different understanding of 'a woman's right to choose.' In this paper, I will begin by outlining the non-feminist debate over the moral permissibility of abortion. I will suggest that this debate is irresolvable, since at its heart is an 'essentially contested concept', that of personhood. I will then consider the way in which some feminist writers have attempted to reconceive the terms of the abortion debate and suggest an expanded account of women's right to abortion, drawing on the work of Susan Sherwin. Finally, I will argue that there is a further element to a 'woman's right to choose' that expands on and provides a conceptual link between feminist and non-feminist understanding of abortion.  相似文献   

This article is an ethnographic study of Persian-language weblogs (blogs), focusing on a divisive argument among Iranian bloggers that came to be known as the "vulgarity debate." Sparked by a controversial blogger who ridiculed assertions that Islam was compatible with human rights, the debate revolved around the claim that blogging had a "vulgar spirit" that made it easy for everything from standards of writing to principles of logical reasoning to be undermined. My study focuses primarily on the linguistic side of the controversy: I analyze blogging as an emergent speech genre and identify the structural features and social interactions that make this genre seem "vulgar." I also examine the controversy as a confrontation between bloggers with unequal access to cultural capital and a struggle over "intellectualist" hegemony. In the conclusion, I use the construct of "deep play" to weave together multiple layers of structure, explanation, and meaning in the debate.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a renewed debate over the importance of groupselection, especially as it relates to the evolution of altruism. Onefeature of this debate has been disagreement over which kinds ofprocesses should be described in terms of selection at multiple levels,within and between groups. Adapting some earlier discussions, we presenta mathematical framework that can be used to explore the exactrelationships between evolutionary models that do, and those that donot, explicitly recognize biological groups as fitness-bearing entities.We show a fundamental set of mathematical equivalences between these twokinds of models, one of which applies a form of multi-level selectiontheory and the other being a form of ``individualism.' However, we alsoargue that each type of model can have heuristic advantages over theother. Indeed, it can be positively useful to engage in a kind ofback-and-forth switching between two different perspectives on theevolutionary role of groups. So the position we defend is a``gestalt-switching pluralism.'  相似文献   

The birth of immunology. II. Metchnikoff and his critics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presentation of the phagocytic theory of immunity, proposed by Metchnikoff in 1883, was immediately attacked by German pathologists and microbiologists. Led by Baumgarten and Ziegler, criticism was levied against the hypothesis in three general respects: 1) Can an analogy truly be established between leukocyte phagocytosis and feeding of monocellular organisms? 2) What is compelling about the phagocytic process as a universal defensive activity? 3) General philosophic objections were raised, centered upon the accusation of a teleologic formulation. Underlying the argument was the rejection of the notion that the response of phagocytic leukocytes was truly causal in the successful response to infection. We note that the humoral school of immunity was not established until 1888-1890, and the early debate between Metchnikoff and his detractors was not over an alternative theory of an active immune response. There was none. With the development of the humoralist position, in direct response to Metchnikoff's formulation, a true dialogue about immunity, in the modern context of active host response, was initiated. The debate at this point changed to issues of mechanism (cellular versus humoral effectors), and the relative importance of defining innate versus acquired immune processes. Our study traces the scientific and logical basis of the initial rejection of the phagocytosis theory. More broadly, the analysis of this debate elucidates the emergence of a new concept of immunity that rested upon the notion of an active host response. The humoralists erected their theory on Metchnikoff's original scaffold, and the ensuing debate of the nascent science relied on the successful establishment of his basic concept. With the studies of Bordet, Metchnikoff's protégé, the essential resolution of the acrimonious debate was offered. Metchnikoff continued his research by attempting to apply the phagocytosis theory to mechanisms of senility, while immunology oriented itself toward the biochemical definition of immune recognition.  相似文献   

Cannabis has been known for at least 4,000 years to have profound effects on the mind--effects that have provoked dramatically divergent attitudes towards it. Some societies have regarded cannabis as a sacred boon for mankind that offers respite from the tribulations of everyday life, whereas others have demonized it as inevitably leading to 'reefer madness'. The debate between the protagonists and prohibitionists has recently been re-ignited, but unfortunately this debate continues mainly in ignorance of our new understanding of the effects of cannabis on the brain and of studies that have quantified the extent of the risks of long-term use.  相似文献   

The role of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in phagocytosis has been the subject of debate for over a decade. Proteomic determinations and dynamic microscopy of live cells led to conflicting conclusions. Recent insights into the existence of a variety of membrane contact sites (MCS) may help reconcile the seemingly disparate views. Specifically, earlier results can be rationalized considering that the ER forms specialized MCS with nascent and maturing phagosomes, without undergoing fusion. The composition and function of documented ER‐to‐phagosome contact sites is described. In addition, we speculate about the possible existence of additional phagosomal contact sites, based on available knowledge of interactions between the ER and other endocytic compartments. The interaction between phagosomes and the ER has been the subject of debate. Earlier observations that led to the suggestion that the ER fuses with the phagosomal membrane can now be explained in the light of recent evidence that intimate contacts form between the two organelles.  相似文献   

The fundamental unit of assessment in the sociobiology debate is neither a field nor a theory, but a framework of group commitments. Recourse to the framework concept is motivated, in general, by post-Kuhnian philosophy of scientific change and, in particular, by the dispute between E. O. Wilson and R. C. Lewontin. The framework concept is explicated in terms of commitments about problems, domain, disciplinary relations, exemplars, and performance evaluations. One upshot is that debate over such charges as genetic determinism, reductionism, adaptationism, and the biologization of human nature has been vexed. It has lost sight of human sociobiology's central problem, namely to help show that the modern synthesis is complete.  相似文献   


Forests have long been locations of contestation between people and state bureaucracies, and among the knowledge frameworks of local users, foresters, ecologists, and conservationists. An essential framing of the debate has been between the categories of primary and secondary forest. In this introduction to a collection of papers that address the questions of what basis, in what sense, and for whom primary forest is ‘primary’ and secondary forest is ‘secondary,’ and whether these are useful distinctions, we outline this debate and propose a new conceptual model that departs from the simple binary of primary and secondary forests. Rather, we propose that attention should be given to the nature of the disturbance that may alter forest ecology, the forms of regeneration that follow, and the governance context within which this takes place.


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