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Many animals rely on stored energy through periods of high energy demand or low energy availability or both. A variety of mechanisms may be employed to attain and conserve energy for such periods. Wild grey seals demonstrate seasonal patterns of energy storage and foraging behaviour that appear to maximize the allocation of energy to reproduction—a period characterized by both high energy demand and low food availability. We examined seasonal patterns in resting rates of oxygen consumption as a proxy for metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition in female grey seals (four adults and six juveniles), testing the hypothesis that adults would show seasonal changes in RMR related to the reproductive cycle but that juveniles would not. There was significant seasonal variation in rates of resting oxygen consumption of adult females, with rates being highest in the spring and declining through the summer months into autumn. This variation was not related to changes in water temperature. Adults increased in total body mass and in fat content during the same spring to autumn period that RMR declined. RMR of juveniles showed no clear seasonal patterns, but did increase with increasing mass. These data support the hypothesis that seasonal variation in RMR in female grey seals is related to the high costs of breeding.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests are characterized by punctuated seasonal precipitation patterns that drive primary production and the availability of fruits, seeds, flowers, and insects throughout the year. In environments in which the quantity and quality of food resources varies seasonally, consumers should adjust their foraging behavior to maximize energy intake while minimizing overlap with competitors during periods of low food availability. Here, we investigated how the diets of frugivorous bats in tropical dry forests of NW Mexico varied in response to seasonal availability and how this affected dietary overlap of morphologically similar species. We performed stable isotope analyses to understand temporal and interspecific patterns of overall isotopic niche breadth, trophic position, and niche overlap in the diet of six frugivorous species of closely related New World leaf-nosed bats (family Phyllostomidae, subfamily Stenodermatinae). We estimated seasonal changes in resource abundance in two complementary ways: (a) vegetative phenology based on long-term remote sensing data and (b) observational data on food availability from previously published insect and plant fruiting surveys. In all species, there was a consistent pattern of reduced isotopic niche breadth during periods of low food availability. However, patterns of niche overlap varied between morphologically similar species. Overall, results from our study and others suggest that seasonal food availability likely determines overall dietary niche breadth in Phyllostomidae and that despite morphological specialization, it is likely that other mechanisms, such as opportunistic foraging and spatiotemporal niche segregation, may play a role in maintaining coexistence rather than simply dietary displacement.  相似文献   

It has been widely argued that children and females are most severely affected during periods of food scarcity. This proposition is tested using dietary and anthropometric data from the Andean community of Nuñoa, Peru. Contrary to expectation, children (ages 12 years and under) are relatively protected from seasonal food scarcity while adults experience severe caloric stress. Anthropometric measures of nutritional status corroborate the dietary analysis, indicating significantly better nutritional status in children. Sex differences in dietary adequacy are not evident. Adult males, however, have significantly poorer measures of nutritional status than adult females. These differences in dietary adequacy and nutritional status reflect adaptations to marked seasonality in work demands and energy availability.  相似文献   

Increased awareness of spatiotemporal variation in species interactions has motivated the study of temporally-resolved food web dynamics at the landscape level. Empiricists have focused attention on cross-habitat flows of materials, nutrients, and prey, largely ignoring the movement of predators between habitats that differ in productivity (and how predators integrate pulses in resource availability over time). We set out to study seasonal variation in food web interactions between mammalian carnivores and their rodent prey along a riparian–upland gradient in semi-arid southeastern Arizona which features both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in resource availability. Specifically, we tested whether mammalian carnivores spill over from productive, near-river habitats into adjacent, desert-scrub habitats; and if they do, to document the effects of this spillover on rodent communities. Furthermore, we examined seasonal variation in top-down effects by measuring changes in carnivore diet and distribution patterns and rodent populations over time. The results indicate that carnivores track seasonally-abundant resources across the landscape, varying both their diet and movement patterns. In turn, desert-scrub rodent population dynamics track seasonal shifts in carnivore habitat use but not resource availability, suggesting that predation plays a role in structuring rodent communities along the San Pedro River. Further evidence comes from data on rodent community composition, which differs between desert-scrub habitats near and far from the river, despite similarities in resource availability. Our data also suggest that seasonal omnivory helps predators survive lean times, increasing their effects on prey populations. Taken together, these results underscore the importance of spatiotemporal variation in species interactions, highlighting the complexity of natural systems and the need for further detailed studies of food web dynamics.  相似文献   

Population-level analysis of dietary influences on nutritional status is challenging in part due to limitations in dietary intake data. Household expenditure surveys, covering recent household expenditures and including key food groups, are routinely conducted in low- and middle-income countries. These data may help identify patterns of food expenditure that relate to child growth.ObjectivesWe investigated the relationship between household food expenditures and child growth using factor analysis.MethodsWe used data on 6993 children from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam at ages 5, 8 and 12y from the Young Lives cohort. We compared associations between household food expenditures and child growth (height-for-age z scores, HAZ; body mass index-for-age z scores, BMI-Z) using total household food expenditures and the “household food group expenditure index” (HFGEI) extracted from household expenditures with factor analysis on the seven food groups in the child dietary diversity scale, controlling for total food expenditures, child dietary diversity, data collection round, rural/urban residence and child sex. We used the HFGEI to capture households’ allocations of their finances across food groups in the context of local food pricing, availability and pReferencesResultsThe HFGEI was associated with significant increases in child HAZ in Ethiopia (0.07), India (0.14), and Vietnam (0.07) after adjusting for all control variables. Total food expenditures remained significantly associated with increases in BMI-Z for India (0.15), Peru (0.11) and Vietnam (0.06) after adjusting for study round, HFGEI, dietary diversity, rural residence, and whether the child was female. Dietary diversity was inversely associated with BMI-Z in India and Peru. Mean dietary diversity increased from age 5y to 8y and decreased from age 8y to 12y in all countries.ConclusionHousehold food expenditure data provide insights into household food purchasing patterns that significantly predict HAZ and BMI-Z. Including food expenditure patterns data in analyses may yield important information about child nutritional status and linear growth.  相似文献   

Animals facing seasonal variation in food availability experience selective pressures that favor behavioral adjustments such as migration, changes in activity, or shifts in diet. Eclectic omnivores such as many primates can process low-quality fallback food when preferred food is unavailable. Such dietary flexibility, however, may be insufficient to eliminate constraints on reproduction even for species that live in relatively permissive environments, such as moist tropical forests. Focusing on a forest-dwelling primate with a flexible diet (Cercopithecus mitis) we investigated whether females experience seasonal energetic stress and how it may relate to reproductive seasonality. We used fecal glucocorticoids (fGCs) as an indicator of energetic stress, controlling for the potentially confounding effects of social interactions and reproductive state. We modeled within-female fGC variation with General Linear Mixed Models, evaluating changes in feeding behavior and food availability as main effects. Regardless of reproductive state, fGCs increased when females shifted their diet towards fallback foods (mature leaves and other non-preferred items) and when they spent more time feeding, while fGCs decreased with feeding time on preferred items (insects, fruits, young leaves) and with the availability of young leaves. Changes in fruit availability had no general effects on fGCs, likely because fruits were sought out regardless of availability. As predicted, females in the energetically demanding stages of late pregnancy and early lactation showed greater increases in fGCs between periods of low versus high availability of fruits and young leaves than females in other reproductive states. Potential social stressors had no measurable effects on fGCs. Preliminary evidence suggests that seasonal energetic stress may affect the timing of infant independence from mothers and contribute to unusually long inter-birth intervals compared to closely related species of similar body size. Our findings highlight how the study of stress responses can provide insights into the proximate control of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Nutrient intake of animals is influenced by an interplay of external and internal factors, such as food availability and reproductive state, respectively. We used the nutritional geometry framework to analyze individual-based data on energy and nutrient intake in relation to reproductive state in a population of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis), which live in a harsh high-latitude habitat, the Taihangshan mountains of China, and exhibit strong reproductive seasonality. We combined data over a 3-year period on food availability, diets, reproductive output, and components of maternal investment to understand how Taihangshan macaques respond to variation in food availability and nutrition in reproduction. Our results show there was high interannual variation in availability of an important staple source of fat and carbohydrates (nonprotein energy), seeds of oak (Quercus spp). Despite this variability in seed availability skewing the dietary macronutrient ratios considerably (from 12.96% to 30.12% dietary energy from protein), total metabolizable energy intake was maintained across years during pregnancy. Lactating females had higher mean daily energy intakes than pregnant females. As in pregnant females, energy intake was maintained constant across years, but only when seed availability enabled the contribution of available protein to energy intake to be maintained between 15.32% (2013) and 17.97% (2015). In 2014, when seeds were scarce, lactating females had a shortfall in energy intake compared with 2013 and 2015. This corresponded with a reduction in the number of females giving birth (11 out of 23), but there was no interannual difference in survival rates. Compared to 2013 and 2015, in 2014 females had greater weight loss (drew on body reserves), moved less, and spent more time nursing their offspring. We discuss implications of these results for range limitation in Taihangshan macaques.  相似文献   

Rafel Coma  Marta Ribes 《Oikos》2003,101(1):205-215
The aim of this work is to examine the role of food as a constraining factor at different levels of ecological organization in benthic littoral ecosystems. In the search for patterns in ecological systems, it has recently been documented that seasonality in the dynamics of benthic suspension feeders (BSF) in the Mediterranean Sea is characterized by summer dormancy. We review recent studies on seston availability in the water column and feeding and respiration by BSF in the Mediterranean. The objective is to assess whether a pattern across particular studies exists that could provide evidence of food as a constraining factor. A pattern emerges from these organism‐level studies, one which indicates the seasonal occurrence of an energy shortage in the taxa exhibiting summer dormancy. This energy shortage is closely related to low food availability and suggests that an energetic constraint underlie the summer dormancy phenomenon. The seasonal occurrence of summer energy shortage also appears to affect the dynamics of BSF at population and community level. In this sense, in late summer 1999, a mass mortality event of BSF affected several hundreds of kilometers in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). The fact that the mass mortality event occurred in late summer and especially affected the taxa that exhibit energy shortage – such as anthozoans and sponges – suggests, that energetic constraints may contribute to the understanding of the mass mortality event. The energy shortage phenomenon may provide a mechanism to understand how the occurrence of anomalous climatic conditions may have induced the mass mortality of some BSF taxa. This review points out the existence of a common energy shortage phenomenon mainly related to low food availability as an important determinant of the dynamics of most BSF taxa at organism level in the Mediterranean. But this determinant also affects the dynamics of BSF at population and community level. Therefore, the extant data point up the crucial role of food as a constraining factor for benthic littoral ecosystems in oligotrophic areas like the Mediterranean, with important seasonal variations in seston abundance and composition.  相似文献   

随机饥饿和重喂食对小鼠能量代谢和行为的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为阐明能量代谢和行为的可塑性对动物适应食物资源变化的意义,将成年雄性KM 小鼠随机饥饿驯化4
周,再重喂食驯化4 周。采用食物平衡法测定摄食量、封闭式流体压力呼吸计测定基础代谢率(BMR) 和非颤
抖性产热(NST)、观察法测定行为。随机饥饿使摄食量、消化道重量显著增加,BMR 和NST 显著降低。与对照
低BMR、NST 和活动行为,从而保存身体贮存的能量。能量代谢和活动行为在较短的时间尺度内表现出显著的
可塑性对小鼠适应不可预测的食物资源短缺的应激环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Hibernation is widely regarded as an adaptation to seasonal energy shortage, but the actual influence of energy availability on hibernation patterns is rarely considered. Here we review literature on the costs and benefits of torpor expression to examine the influence that energy may have on hibernation patterns. We first establish that the dichotomy between food- and fat-storing hibernators coincides with differences in diet rather than body size and show that small or large species pursuing either strategy have considerable potential scope in the amount of torpor needed to survive winter. Torpor expression provides substantial energy savings, which increase the chance of surviving a period of food shortage and emerging with residual energy for early spring reproduction. However, all hibernating mammals periodically arouse to normal body temperatures during hibernation. The function of these arousals has long been speculated to involve recovery from physiological costs accumulated during metabolic depression, and recent physiological studies indicate these costs may include oxidative stress, reduced immunocompetence, and perhaps neuronal tissue damage. Using an optimality approach, we suggest that trade-offs between the benefits of energy conservation and the physiological costs of metabolic depression can explain both why hibernators periodically arouse from torpor and why they should use available energy to minimize the depth and duration of their torpor bouts. On the basis of these trade-offs, we derive a series of testable predictions concerning the relationship between energy availability and torpor expression. We conclude by reviewing the empirical support for these predictions and suggesting new avenues for research on the role of energy availability in mammalian hibernation.  相似文献   

Individuals of many species experience marked seasonal variation in environmental conditions and must adapt to potentially large fluctuations in energy availability and expenditure. Seasonal changes in immunity have likely evolved as an adaptive mechanism to cope with seasonal stressors. In addition, these changes may be constrained by seasonal fluctuations in energy availability. The goal of this study was to assess the role of energetic trade-offs associated with seasonal variation in immunity. In addition to body fat stores, metabolic fuels (e.g., glucose) may affect immune function in seasonally breeding rodents. In this study we experimentally reduced energy availability via injections of the metabolic inhibitor 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) in long- and short-day housed Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) and then examined antigen-specific antibody production. Metabolic stress decreased antibody response compared with control animals in long days. In contrast, no difference was observed between treatment groups in short days. These data suggest that reductions in energy availability suppress immunity and short days buffer organisms against glucoprivation-induced immunosuppression.  相似文献   

In this article data on household food consumption is used to further understanding of subsistence strategies in three Caboclo populations on Marajó Island, Amazonia, Brazil. Data were collected using participant observation and 24-hour food recalls in 16 households for 7 consecutive days during the rainy (March) and dry (July) seasons. Marajó-Açu households (n = 6) had the highest levels of energy and protein intake relative to recommendations. This was probably related to their successful integration into the prosperous acai (a palm fruit) market of the riverine area. Praia Grande households (n = 6) had the lowest values for energy intake (rainy season), which supports the authors' ethnographic observations of some instability in the subsistence system of this population. Paricatuba households (n = 4) exhibited intermediate values of energy and protein intakes, but less seasonal variation in consumption than the other two populations. Despite the differences observed, food consumption does not appear to be a major limitation for any of the three populations. The data support recent hypotheses concerning the concomitant and multiple use of várzea (floodplain) and terra firme (upland) environments by the Caboclos and integration into the local market economy as the central strategies in dealing with the so-called socioenvironmental constraints of the Amazonian floodplain.  相似文献   

In this paper, I provide data on the possible effects of group size and seasonal changes in food availability on the activity and habitat use patterns of two species of prosimian primate: the rufous lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus) and the red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer). General and subtle seasonal differences were observed between lemur species in (1) group size and composition, (2) activity profiles, and (3) habitat use. Rufous lemur groups were larger (mean = 8 individuals) and contained more adults than red-bellied lemur groups (mean = 3 individuals). The overall degree and distribution of diurnal activity differed between lemur species and varied within species with seasonal changes in food availability. In general, rufous lemurs traveled more often than red-bellied lemurs. During food scarcity, both species increased the amount of time spent feeding, although peak feeding and traveling times differed. Both species also preferred horizontal substrates; however, during food scarcity, red-bellied lemurs used terminal branches more often while feeding than rufous lemurs. In addition, red-bellied lemurs used the lower middle story forest and rested in taller, upper canopy trees more often than rufous lemurs. Differences in activity and habitat use patterns between lemur species were more related to seasonal changes in food availability than overall differences in group size. These behavioral patterns may represent different strategies used by each lemur species to avoid directly competing for similar resources during times of food scarcity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BackgroundPlant–pollinator community diversity has been found to decrease under conditions of drought stress; however, research into the temporal dimensions of this phenomenon remains limited. In this study, we investigated the effect of seasonal drought on the temporal niche dynamics of entomophilous flowering plants in a water‐limited ecosystem. We hypothesized that closely related native and exotic plants would tend to share similar life history and that peak flowering events would therefore coincide with phylogenetic clustering in plant communities based on expected phenological responses of plant functional types to limitations in soil moisture availability.LocationGaliano Island, British Columbia, Canada.MethodsCombining methods from pollinator research and phylogenetic community ecology, we tested the influence of environmental filtering over plant community phenology across gradients of landscape disturbance and soil moisture. Floral resource availability and community structure were quantified by counts of flowering shoots. We constructed a robust phylogeny to analyze spatial and temporal variation in phylogenetic patterns across the landscape, testing the significance of the observed patterns against a randomly generated community phylogeny. Phylogenetic metrics were then regressed against factors of disturbance and soil moisture availability.ResultsCritical seasonal fluctuations in floral resources coincided with significant phylogenetic clustering in plant communities, with decreasing plant diversity observed under conditions of increasing drought stress. Exotic plant species in the Asteraceae became increasingly pervasive across the landscape, occupying a late season temporal niche in drought‐stressed environments.Main conclusionResults suggest that environmental filtering is the dominant assembly process structuring the temporal niche of plant communities in this water‐limited ecosystem. Based on these results, and trends seen elsewhere, the overall diversity of plant–pollinator communities may be expected to decline with the increasing drought stress predicted under future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

Energy balance and protein gain contribute significantly to an animal’s survival. Although data are available for certain species in captive settings, there is little information on these factors for primates living in their natural environments. In this preliminary study, we combined detailed behavioral, phonological, and chemical data for a well habituated chimpanzee community from the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, with estimates of energy gain and expenditure from captive chimpanzees and humans to investigate how energy balance and protein gain across age-sex categories are affected by seasonal variations in food availability and how chimpanzees correspondingly alter their feeding and daily journey length (DJL). Comparisons between fruiting seasons characterized by varying quantities and qualities of available food revealed that food quality had the largest effect on individual energy balance and protein gain. Within given fruit seasons, energy balance and protein gain did not vary among age-sex categories. However, there was, variation across seasons among adult males and young of both sexes, but not among adult females. Our study revealed important effects of periods of food scarcity to which chimpanzees reacted by reducing their DJL and increasing their feeding time.  相似文献   

Animals living in temperate climates with predictable seasonal changes in food availability may use seasonal information to engage different metabolic strategies. Siberian hamsters decrease costs of thermoregulation during winter by reducing food intake and body mass in response to decreasing or short-day lengths (SD). These experiments examined whether SD reduction in food intake in hamsters is driven, at least in part, by altered behavioral responses to ghrelin, a gut-derived orexigenic peptide which induces food intake via NPY-dependent mechanisms. Relative to hamsters housed in long-day (LD) photoperiods, SD hamsters consumed less food in response to i.p. treatment with ghrelin across a range of doses from 0.03 to 3 mg/kg. To determine whether changes in photoperiod alter behavioral responses to ghrelin-induced activation of NPY neurons, c-Fos and NPY expression were quantified in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) via double-label fluorescent immunocytochemistry following i.p. treatment with 0.3 mg/kg ghrelin or saline. Ghrelin induced c-Fos immunoreactivity (-ir) in a greater proportion of NPY-ir neurons of LD relative to SD hamsters. In addition, following ghrelin treatment, a greater proportion of ARC c-Fos-ir neurons were identifiable as NPY-ir in LD relative to SD hamsters. Changes in day length markedly alter the behavioral response to ghrelin. The data also identify photoperiod-induced changes in the ability of ghrelin to activate ARC NPY neurons as a possible mechanism by which changes in day length alter food intake.  相似文献   

1. Fluctuations in the quality of the habitat in which an animal lives can have major consequences for its behaviour and physiological state. In poor-quality habitat with low food availability, metabolically intensive foraging activity is likely to result in increased generation of reactive oxygen species, while scarcity of food can lead to a weakening of exogenously derived antioxidant defences. The consequent oxidant/antioxidant imbalance may lead to elevated oxidative stress. 2. Although the link between food availability and oxidative stress has been studied in the laboratory, very little is known about this relationship in the wild. Here, we investigate the association between territory quality (measured through food availability) and oxidative stress in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). 3. Seychelles warblers are insectivorous birds that inhabit a fixed feeding territory year round. Individuals experience profound and rapid local fluctuations in territory quality within these territories, owing to changing patterns of vegetation defoliation resulting from seasonal changes in prevailing wind direction and wind-borne salt spray. 4. As expected, oxidant generation (measured as reactive oxygen metabolites; ROMs) was higher when territory quality was low, but there was no correlation between territory quality and antioxidant capacity (OXY). The negative correlation between territory quality and ROMs was significant between individuals and approached significance within individuals, indicating that the pattern resulted from individual responses to environmental variation. 5. ROMs and OXY levels within individuals were positively correlated, but the relationship between territory quality and ROMs persisted after including OXY as a covariate, implying that oxidative stress occurs in low territory quality conditions. 6. Our results indicate that the oxidative stress balance of an individual is sensitive to relatively short-term changes in territory quality, which may have consequences for the birds' fitness.  相似文献   

Lotic epilithic biofilms are submitted to seasonal disturbances (e.g. flood events, self-detachment), which influence the biomass, diversity and viability of their algal and bacterial communities. The objective of this study is to examine whether (1) biofilm-dwelling nematodes respond to such seasonal changes in terms of diversity and community structure, (2) nematode species and feeding-types distribution respond to the varied trophic situations within the biofilm, since variations in biofilm microalgal composition may represent a variation in available food. The biofilm-dwelling nematode community was monitored in a temperate river over an 18 month period with a high sampling frequency. These data were linked to environmental abiotic and biofilm biotic factors. Nematode density was positively correlated to biofilm and microalgal biomass, but was dampened by floods. A clear seasonal pattern of the community was detected (summer shift), so that two nematode groups stand out: (1) the epistrate-feeders Chromadorina bioculata (Schultze in Carus, 1857) and Chromadorina viridis (Linstow, 1876) were primarily related to diatom availability, and dominated the nematode assemblage most of the time, (2) seven species from various feeding types (deposit-feeders, suction-feeders and chewers) grew mainly under summer conditions concomitantly to a change of biofilm trophic status and microalgal composition. Overall, the results suggested that, in addition to abiotic disturbances, the availability of potential preys in the biofilm might represent an important driver of nematode community patterns.  相似文献   

Among the few existing works on seasonal variation in metabolic rate of polar species, most have been conducted during summer due to logistic constraints and have been focused on species that cease feeding during winter. In this work, we present the first extensive data set on the seasonal variation in metabolic rate of G. antarctica, an abundant amphipod that feeds throughout the year, and its relationship with body size, potential food availability and temperature. We measured the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of groups of individuals during 6 months from late summer through winter at 4 experimental temperatures and for a wide range of body size. RMR had a negative allometric scaling with body size and showed a tendency to increase with temperature as expected. However, temperature and body size effects on RMR showed a significant temporal variation, and an increase in temperature decreased scaling exponents. RMR at the mean seawater temperature throughout the study showed a strong seasonal variation following food availability: RMR decreased from the end of summer through winter, coinciding with a reduction in microphytobenthos stock, but recovered summer values in August, when an epontic algae boom occurred. The seasonal factorial aerobic scope (×2.37) is lower than benthic Antarctic invertebrates that cease feeding during winter, in agreement with what is expected based on theoretical grounds. Results suggest that seasonal variation of RMR would allow G. antarctica to achieve a high efficiency in energy utilization, while maintaining the ability to exploit sudden changes in food supply.  相似文献   

分别测定了随机限食和重喂食驯化的雌性KM小鼠的体重、摄食量、基础代谢率(BMR)、行为活动、身体脂肪和性腺重量.随机限食使摄食量增加、BMR和活动行为降低,生长发育迟缓,但对身体脂肪无显著影响.重喂食后上述指标均恢复到对照组水平,表现出显著的可塑性变化.结果表明,动物通过能量摄入和支出的权衡策略适应难以预测的食物资源变化,能量代谢和活动行为的可塑性调节在能量代谢的权衡策略中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

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