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Increasing interest has been paid to applications of fluorescence measurements to analyze physiological mechanisms in living cells. However, few studies have taken advantage of DNA quantification by fluorometry for dynamic assessment of chromatin organization as well as cell motion during the cell cycle. This approach involves both optimal conditions for DNA staining and cell tracking methods. In this context, this report describes a stoichiometric method for nuclear DNA specific staining, using the bisbenzimidazole dye Hoechst 33342 associated with verapamil, a calcium membrane channel blocker. This method makes it possible to correlate variations of nuclear DNA content with cell motion in cells that are maintained alive. Motion measurement is the second goal of this paper and it explains the snake-spline method, and the associated cell following method.  相似文献   

目的:探讨流式细胞仪上405 nm激光激发Hoechst33342染色细胞DNA的效果及影响检测结果的因素。方法:SW480和A549两种细胞经Hoechst33342染色后,流式细胞仪405 nm激光激发检测DNA含量,利用软件计算出处于G0/G1期、S期和G2/M期细胞的百分比,以PI染色法结果作为对照。结果:SW480和A549细胞经Hoechst33342染色后各期的细胞百分比与PI染色法基本一致,无明显差异(P0.05)。结论:405 nm激光激发Hoechst33342染色细胞DNA结果可靠,可作为紫外检测的替代方法。  相似文献   

Although most cyanobacterial cells contain prominent polyphosphate bodies in the central cytoplasmic area enclosed by the peripheral thylakoid membranes, their roles are not fully understood. Storing phosphate for nucleotide production might be one of their important roles in survival of the cells. As a step towards identifying a possible contribution of the polyphosphate bodies to DNA synthesis, the relationship between polyphosphate bodies and DNA throughout cell division cycle of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 cells cultured under light/dark cycles was investigated with light and electron microscopy. During the dark period, the average size of polyphosphate bodies increased gradually without significant change in their number and distribution. However, during the light period, the number of polyphosphate bodies increased, while the size of each polyphosphate body decreased and cells elongated until the end of the light period, when most cells divided. The ratio of the content of polyphosphate bodies to cell length increased gradually during the dark period and decreased during the light period. Hoechst 33342‐stained DNA appeared diffuse during the dark period, but in the light period it became condensed and eventually formed a wavy, rope‐like structure prior to cell division. Close association between fibres containing DNA and polyphosphate bodies was demonstrated by TEM using DNA‐specific staining and BrdU labelling. These regular coordinated changes of polyphosphate bodies and DNA shape during the cell division cycle, together with their intimate interaction, imply a role of polyphosphate bodies in supplying material for DNA.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma contamination in cell culture is a serious setback to cell culturists across the world with a very high rate of reported occurrence particularly because of difficult early detection. Out of a variety of detection methods known, the double-step nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection of mycoplasma in cell culture has been critically viewed upon because of chances of producing reliable results. A nested PCR technique, described to detect a large range of cell-culture-contaminating mycoplasma species, with greater sensitivity to detect as low a contamination as a few organisms, was compared with the results from two cytological techniques employed in tandem. These are DNA staining using Hoechst, the gold standard, and an immunofluorescent assay using a highly specific monoclonal antibody. The study undertaken on randomly collected cell cultures revealed a false-negative and several false-positive results in comparison to the cytological methods employed. The observations were particularly more unambiguous with the immunofluorescent assay employed in the study while simultaneously employed Hoechst staining serving as an indicator of bacterial contamination. There is a general apprehension that genus-specific PCR approaches could be associated with inaccurate outcome and only species-specific PCRs may be satisfactory in routine screening for mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. At this juncture, it may be suggested that caution must be exercised while adopting the two-step nested PCR-based detection approaches, and the simultaneous employment of cytological methods used in this investigation could prove to be practicable in the proper interpretation of results.  相似文献   

The techniques for inducing the death of specific cells in tissue has attracted attention as new methodologies for studying cell function and tissue regeneration. In this study, we show that a sequential process of targeted cell death and removal can be triggered by short-term exposure of near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses. Kinetic analysis of the intracellular accumulation of trypan blue and the assay of caspase activity revealed that femtosecond laser pulses induced immediate disturbance of plasma membrane integrity followed by apoptosis-like cell death. Yet, adjacent cells showed no sign of membrane damage and no increased caspase activity. The laser-exposed cells eventually detached from the substrate after a delay of >54 min while adjacent cells remained intact. On the base of in vitro experiments, we applied the same approach to ablate targeted single cardiac cells of a live zebrafish heart. The ability of inducing targeted cell death with femtosecond laser pulses should find broad applications that benefit from precise cellular manipulation at the level of single cells in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Steroidogenic cells of the adrenal and gonad are thought to be derived from a common primordium that divides into separate tissues during embryogenesis. In this paper, we show that cells with mixed adrenal and Leydig cell properties are found dispersed in the insterstitium of the embryonic and adult mouse testis. They express the adrenal markers Cyp11b1 and Cyp21 and respond to ACTH. Consistent with these properties, we show that the embryonic testis produces the adrenal steroid corticosterone. These cells also express Cyp17 and respond to hCG stimulation but do not express the Leydig specific marker Insl3 showing that they are a population of steroidogenic cells distinct from Leydig cells. Based on their properties, we refer to these cells as adrenal-like cells of the testis and propose that they are the mouse equivalent of the precursors of human adrenal rests, tumors found primarily in male patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Organ culture studies show that ACTH-responsive cells are present at the gonad/mesonephros border and seem to migrate into the XY but not the XX gonad during development. Consistent with this, using transgenic Cyp11a1 reporter mice, we definitively show that steroidogenic cells can migrate from the mesonephros into the XY gonad. We also show that the region between the mesonephros and the gonad harbors steroidogenic cell precursors that are repressed by the presence of the mesonephros. We propose that this region is the source of the adrenal-like cells that migrate into the testis as it develops and are activated when Leydig cells differentiate. These studies reveal the complex nature of steroidogenic cell differentiation during urogenital development.  相似文献   

Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) reveals information about the spatiotemporal coincidence of two spectrally well-defined fluorescent molecules in a small observation area at the level of single-molecule sensitivity. To simultaneously evaluate the activities of caspase-3 and caspase-9, we constructed a chimeral protein that consisted of tandemly fused enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), monomeric red fluorescent protein (mCherry) and monomeric yellow fluorescent protein (Venus). In HeLa cell lysates, a combination of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)- and cycloheximide (CHX-)-induced apoptosis was monitored. In this, decreases of cross-correlation amplitudes were observed between ECFP and mCherry and between mCherry and Venus. Moreover, time-dependent monitoring of single cells revealed decreases in the cross-correlation amplitudes between ECFP and mCherry and between mCherry and Venus before morphologic changes were observed by laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (LSM). Thus, our method could predict the fate of the cell in the early apoptotic stage.  相似文献   

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) with 5‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is known to be limited for applications in tumours of large volume mainly due to the limited penetration of topical photosensitization. The results show that micro‐holes created using a femtosecond laser before PDT significantly increased the depth of PDT effect in the healthy tissue. The combination of ultrashort laser ablation technique with PDT showed an important scientific breakthrough related to transportation and delivery of drugs into the deeper regions of the tissue. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Individual DNA molecules in solution can be visualized under a fluorescence microscope by using the DNA-binding dye 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and can be recorded on video as mobile structures (Morikawa & Yanagida, 1981). DNA in the presence of 10mm-MgCl2 was found to adhere to the glass surface, so that 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained DNA can be filmed as still images. Fluorescence micrographs of DNA (bacteriophages T4, T3 and λ, yeast and chicken erythrocyte) taken by the present procedure are better in resolution than those obtained by video, showing structural details of DNA molecules hitherto not observed in solution. In the specimens prepared at the reduced shear stress, the folded particles and the short thick filaments were abundant. The shear stream extended them into the wavy and the straight thin filaments. The lengths of the thin filaments seen in viral DNA correlated well with those determined by electron microscopy. Our results suggest that a DNA molecule in solution forms a certain kind of supercoil of its own accord.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of lithium (Li+) on gastrulation movements was investigated during the development of the urodele amphibianPleurodeles waltl. Attention was focused on mesodermal cell migration. Under conditions of Li+ treatment providing a maximal enhancement of dorsoanterior structures, it was found that the dorsoventral polarity of gastrulation was abolished. In particular, vital staining and scanning electron microscopy observations on embryo fractures showed that mesodermal cells migrated radially after Li+ treatment, which led to the formation of rounded embryos. Epiboly movements thus were accelerated. Nevertheless, contrasting with the precocious disappearance of the early-formed yolk plug, archenteron invagination was constantly retarded and commenced with a delay of several hours as compared to control gastrulae. Cell-lineage analysis of the progenies from ventral or dorsal equatorial blastomeres of 32-cell-stage embryos provided evidence that both dorsal and ventral mesoderm contributed to notochordal tissue after Li+ treatment. Dorsalization of the entire marginal zone was confirmed by the ability of the entire mesoderm rudiment to behave as a dorsal organiser after Li+ treatment. Comparison of the migratory behaviour of isolated animal hemispheres from Li+-treated or control embryos cultured on fibronectin-coated substrate indicated that all marginal cells acquired the autonomous capacity for migration of dorsal marginal cells under the action of lithium.  相似文献   

Patients with the autosomal recessive disorder Fanconi anemia (FA) present with progressive pancytopenia, skeletal abnormalities and a predisposition to leukemia. In addition to elevated rates of spontaneous chromosome aberrations occurring in cultured fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cell lines, an increased susceptibility to DNA cross-linking agents and oxygen has been found. To explain this hypersensitivity to clastogenic agents a defective function of DNA topoisomerase I or II could be invoked, a suggestion which is supported by the co-localization of the DNA topoisomerase I gene and a putative FA gene to chromosome 20q. In order to investigate the function of DNA topoisomerases in FA, the sensitivity of lymphoid B-cell lines derived from FA patients and control cell lines to inhibitors of DNA topoisomerases I and II was compared using continuous bromodeoxyuridine labeling and bivariate Hoechst/ethidium bromide flow cytometry. Both agents inhibited cell proliferation mainly by arresting cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. However, no difference was found in sensitivity towards both DNA topoisomerase inhibitors between control and FA cell lines.  相似文献   

The correction of genetically based disorders by the introduction of a therapeutic genetic construct into the appropriate cell type (“gene therapy”), has become a distinct possibility in recent years. In order for gene therapy to be a practical alternative to more conventional pharmaceutical approaches to treatment, it must be administrable in vivo. This demands that a system be developed that can specifically target the DNA to the desired cell type once introduced into the patient. Among the procedures that are currently being pursued, the delivery of DNA to cells by receptor mediated endocytosis (RME), comes closest to fulfilling this crucial requirement. The natural physiological process of RME can be exploited to deliver genetic material to cells. An antibody or ligand to a cell surface receptor that is known to undergo endocytosis, is complexed with DNA through a covalently linked polycationic adjunct (e.g., polylysine, protamines). Such complexes retain their binding specificity to the cell surface and are taken up into the cell where they enter the endosomal compartment via normal endocytotic processes. In addition, steps must be taken to avoid degradation of the DNA within the endosome-lysosome. Cells can be treated with the lysosomatropic agent chloroquine during the transfection procedure. Alternatively, the components of viruses that enter cells by endocysis and possess an endosomal “break out” capacity can be used. Replication defective adenovirus coupled to the ligand-DNA complex gives transfection efficiencies of virtually 100% on tissue culture cells in vitro. Synthetic peptides that mimic the membrane fusing region of influenza virus hemagglutinin, have also been successfully used as part of the ligand-DNA complex to bring about endosomal escape. Preliminary studies have demonstrated the potential of this method to specifically target DNA to the cell type of choice in vivo. Delivery of genes by receptor-mediated endocytosis offers the greatest hope that gene therapy can be an inexpensive, easily applicable, widespread technology.  相似文献   

DNA damage response (DDR) is vital for genomic stability, and its deficiency is linked to tumorigenesis. Extensive studies in interphase (G(1)-S-G(2)) mammalian cells have revealed the mechanisms of DDR in great detail; however, how mitotic cells respond to DNA damage remains less defined. We report here that a full DDR is suppressed in mitotic mammalian cells until telophase/cytokinesis. Although early DDR markers such as the phosphorylations of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and histone H2A.x (H2AX) can be readily detected, the ionizing radiation-induced foci (IRIF) formation of late DDR markers such as breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1) and p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1) are absent until the telophase/cytokinesis stage. We further showed that the IR-induced ubiquitination cascade around DNA damage sites did not occur in mitotic cells, which explains, at least in part, why BRCA1 and 53BP1 cannot be recruited to the damaged sites. These observations indicate that DDR is suppressed in mitotic cells after the step of γH2AX formation. Not surprisingly, we found that the absence of a full DDR in mitotic cells was associated with the high cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) activities. More 53BP1 IRIF could be detected when the irradiated mitotic cells were treated with a CDK1 inhibitor. Further, the activation of CDK5 in interphase cells impedes the formation of 53BP1 IRIF. Together, these results suggest that the DDR is suppressed by the high CDK1 activity in mitotic mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The interactions of DNA-binding dyes (Hoechst 33258, DAPI, acridine orange) and DiBAC4(3) with hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix cells were investigated by the combination of calorimetric, spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. All of the dyes, studied here, affect the thermal stability of DNA in vivo and in vitro. Hoechst 33258 is highly DNA-specific probe, which does not affect the thermal transitions of other cellular components as can be detected by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Due to this unique property, it can be used as a potential DNA marker for in vivo DSC studies. The localization of the dyes in the cells and viability assay was revealed by fluorescence microscopy. Hoechst 33258, DAPI and acridine orange did not distinguish between viable and non-viable cells of Aeropyrum pernix. Only with the commercially available Live/Dead BacLightTM kit we were able to discriminate viable and non-viable Aeropyrum pernix cells.  相似文献   

The simultaneous determination of the cell cycle phase of individual adherent Chinese hamster ovary cells using a fluorescence microscope after staining with 4′,6-diamidine-2′-phenylindole dihydrochloride and bromodeoxyuridine and the laser phase shift by a phase-shifting laser microscopy revealed that the laser phase shift of cells in the G2/M phase was markedly higher than that of cells in the G1 and S phases.  相似文献   

Fluorometric quantification of DNA in cells and tissue   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The validation of a simple and rapid DNA solubilization procedure is described. Quantitative extraction of intact, polymerized DNA was achieved by cell lysis or tissue homogenization in an ammonium hydroxide-Triton X-100 solution. The solubilization procedure inactivates endogenous DNAase and increases the fluorescence-enhancement activity of the extracted DNA, thereby eliminating the need for enzyme treatment or exposure to high salt solutions. The extracts can be utilized directly in a sensitive fluorescence-enhancement assay with bisbenzimidazole (Hoechst 33258) reagent. Estimates of DNA cell content were unaffected by the number of cells lysed or the volume of lysate employed in the assay. In all cases, the solubilized DNA estimates were linear and parallel to the bovine DNA standard. The optimum range for estimation of DNA in this assay is 5-150 ng. In addition, estimates of DNA obtained with this method and the standard diphenylamine assay were in excellent agreement. This simple, one-step DNA extraction procedure can be utilized in conjunction with Hoechst reagent to obtain quantitative estimates of DNA levels in cell or tissue extracts.  相似文献   

A method was established for staining and counting of actively respiring bacteria in natural stone by using the tetrazolium salt 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyltetrazolium chloride (CTC) in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Applying 5 mM CTC for 2 h to pure cultures of representative stone-inhabiting microorganisms showed that chemoorganotrophic bacteria and fungi-in contrast to lithoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria-were able to reduce CTC to CTF, the red fluorescing formazan crystals of CTC. Optimal staining conditions for microorganisms in stone material were found to be 15 mM CTC applied for 24 h. The cells could be visualized on transparent and nontransparent mineral materials by means of CLSM. A semi-automated method was used to count the cells within the pore system of the stone. The percentage of CTC-stained bacteria was dependent on temperature and humidity of the material. At 28 degrees C and high humidity (maximum water holding capacity) in the laboratory, about 58% of the total bacterial microflora was active. On natural stone exposed for 9 years at an urban exposure site in Germany, 52-56% of the bacterial microflora was active at the east, west, and north side of the specimen, while only 18% cells were active at the south side. This is consistent with microclimatic differences on the south side which was more exposed to sunshine thus causing UV and water stress as well as higher temperatures on a microscale level. In combination with CLSM, staining by CTC can be used as a fast method for monitoring the metabolic activity of chemoorganotrophic bacteria in monuments, buildings of historic interest or any art objects of natural stone. Due to the small size of samples required, the damage to these objects and buildings can be minimized.  相似文献   

There is an increasing demand for phenotyping assays in the field of human functional genetics. DNA repair activity is representative of this functional approach, being seen as a valuable biomarker related to cancer risk. Repair activity is evaluated by incubating a cell extract with a DNA substrate containing lesions specific for the DNA repair pathway of interest. Enzymic incision at the lesion sites can be measured by means of the comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis). The assay is particularly applicable for evaluation of base and nucleotide excision repair pathways (BER and NER). Substrate DNA containing oxidised purines gives a measure of BER, while UV-induced photolesions are the substrate for NER. While applications of comet-based DNA repair assays continue to increase, there are no commonly accepted standard protocols, which complicates inter-laboratory comparisons of results.  相似文献   

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