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Major attention has been focused on dendrimer-DNA complexes because of their applications in gene delivery systems. Dendrimers are also used to transport miRNA and siRNA in vitro. We examine the interaction of tRNA with several dendrimers of different compositions, mPEG-PAMAM (G3), mPEG-PAMAM (G4), and PAMAM (G4) under physiological conditions using constant tRNA concentration and various dendrimer contents. FTIR, UV-visible, and CD spectroscopic methods as well as atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to analyze the macromolecule binding mode, the binding constant, and the effects of dendrimer complexation on RNA stability, aggregation, particle formation, and conformation. Structural analysis showed that dendrimer-tRNA complexation occurred via RNA bases and the backbone phosphate group with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic contacts. The overall binding constants of K(mPEG-G3) = 7.6 (± 0.9) × 10(3) M(-1), K(mPEG-G4) = 1.5 (± 0.40) × 10(4) M(-1), and K(PAMAM-G4) = 5.3 (± 0.60) × 10(4) M(-1) show stronger polymer-RNA complexation by PAMAM-G4 than pegylated dendrimers. RNA remains in the A-family structure, whereas biopolymer aggregation and particle formation occurred at high polymer concentrations.  相似文献   

The conjugation of trypsin (try) and trypsin inhibitor (tryi) with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) anthracene (mPEG-anthracene) was investigated in aqueous solution, using multiple spectroscopic methods, thermodynamic analysis, and molecular modeling. Thermodynamic parameters ΔS, ΔH, and ΔG showed protein-PEG bindings occur via H-bonding and van der Waals contacts with trypsin inhibitor forming more stable conjugate than trypsin. As polymer size increased more stable PEG-protein conjugate formed, while hydrophobic mPEG-anthracene forms less stable protein complexes. Modeling showed the presence of several H-bonding contacts between polymer and amino acids that stabilize protein-polymer conjugation. Polymer complexation induces more perturbations of trypsin inhibitor structure than trypsin with reduction of protein alpha-helix and major increase in random structures, indicating protein structural destabilization.  相似文献   

Specific aggregation of yeast glycine tRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The dependence on environmental conditions of the assembly of barstar into amyloid fibrils was investigated starting from the nonnative, partially folded state at low pH (A-state). The kinetics of this process was monitored by CD spectroscopy and static and dynamic light scattering. The morphology of the fibrils was visualized by electron microscopy, while the existence of the typical cross- structure substantiated by solution X-ray scattering. At room temperature, barstar in the A-state is unable to form amyloid fibrils, instead amorphous aggregation is observed at high ionic strength. Further destabilization of the structure is required to transform the polypeptide chain into an ensemble of conformations capable of forming amyloid fibrils. At moderate ionic strength (75 mM NaCl), the onset and the rate of fibril formation can be sensitively tuned by increasing the temperature. Two types of fibrils can be detected differing in their morphology, length distribution and characteristic far UV CD spectrum. The formation of the different types depends on the particular environmental conditions. The sequence of conversion: A-statefibril type Ifibril type II appears to be irreversible. The transition into fibrils is most effective when the protein chain fulfills particular requirements concerning secondary structure, structural flexibility and tendency to cluster.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - DLS dynamic light scattering - EM electron microscopy - SLS static light scattering - SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering - SOXS solution X-ray scattering  相似文献   

Summary Colchicine, an agent which disrupts microtubules, inhibits the vasopressin (VP)-induced increase in water permeability as well as intramembranous particle (IMP) aggregation in the luminal plasma membrane of granular cells of toad urinary bladder. However, the hydroosmotic response induced by serosal hypertonicity is not affected by colchicine. The present investigation was initiated to establish whether serosal hypertonicity is associated with IMP aggregation and whether the aggregation, if present, is altered by colchicine. The experimental half of paired hemibladders from the toad, Bufo marinus, treated with 0.1 mM colchicine for 4 h prior to exposure to serosal mannitol (240 mM) demonstrated no significant difference in osmotic water How (Jv) (1.03 × 0.18 vs. 1.13 ± 0.22l · min–1 · cm–2; p>0.20) when compared with control hemibladders. Similarly, comparison of control and colchicine-treated bladders revealed no difference in the number of IMP aggregation sites per area of membrane (17.8 ± 2.0 vs. 24.7 ± 3.5/100m; p>0.10), the relative area of membrane occupied by these sites (0.30 ± 0.06 vs. 0.39 ± 0.07%; p>0.10) or the mean size of the aggregates (17.0 ± 1.4 vs. 15.8 ± 1.0 × 103 m2; p > 0.20). These results indicate that in toad bladder the increase in Jv induced by serosal hypertonicity is associated with IMP aggregation. Secondly, an intact microtubule system is not required to induce the hydroosmotic or the aggregation responses. If, as has been proposed, the cellular actions of VP and serosal hypertonicity share a common pathway to bring about an increase in osmotic water permeability and cause IMP aggregation in the luminal membrane of the granular cell, the present results suggest that the pathway begins at a step subsequent not only to the generation of cAMP, but also beyond the involvement of the microtubule system.This work was supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service Grant AM 13845. Dr. Dratwa was supported through a U.S. Public Health Service International Research Fellowship F05TW2447. The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Mrs. Helen Parks, Mr. Isaiah Taylor, Mrs. Betty Waller, and Mrs. Jessie Calder  相似文献   

PEG引发对芹菜种子活力影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以芹菜种子为试验材料,研究了不同浓度的聚乙二醇(PEG)及其不同浸种时间对芹菜种子活力指标以及电导率的影响。结果表明,选择50mg/L的PEG处理芹菜种子能够显著提高其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、芽长、根长、鲜重和干重。不同浓度PEG处理的芹菜种子的浸泡电导率和绝对电导率均显著低于对照组,且以50mg/L的PEG处理的两种电导率值最低。因此,通过选择50mg/LPEG浸泡芹菜种子4h,能够使其活力得到显著的提高。  相似文献   

Translational diffusion coefficients have been simulated for various conformations of tRNAPhe (yeast) by bead models, in order to analyze data obtained by dynamic light scattering on the free and the aminoacylated form. The 18% increase of the translational diffusion coefficient upon deacylation, reported by Potts et al. (1981), could not be represented by any change of the L-hinge angle, but could only be simulated by a conformation change to an extended form with extensive dissociation of base pairs. Since extensive unpairing is not consistent with evidence accumulated in the literature, the change of the diffusion coefficient must be mainly due to processes other than intramolecular conformational changes.  相似文献   

Abbreviations C catechin

ECG epicatechin gallate

EGCG Epigallocatechin gallate

A Adenine

C cytosine

G Guanine

U uracil

FTIR Fourier transform infrared

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Payoe R  Fahlman RP 《Biochemistry》2011,50(15):3075-3083
The bacterial stringent response is a cellular response to amino acid limitations and is characterized by the accumulation of the alarmone polyphosphate guanosine ((p)ppGpp). A key molecular event leading to (p)ppGpp synthesis is the binding of a deacylated tRNA to the vacant A-Site of a ribosome. The resulting ribosomal complex is recognized by and activates RelA, the (p)ppGpp synthetase. Activated RelA catalyzes (p)ppGpp formation until the deacylated tRNA passively dissociates from the ribosomal A-Site. In this report, we have investigated a novel role for the identity of A-Site bound tRNA in RelA-mediated (p)ppGpp synthesis. A comparison in the stimulation of RelA activity was made using ribosome complexes with either a tightly or weakly binding deacylated tRNA occupying the A-Site. In vitro analysis reveals that ribosome complexes formed with tight binding tRNA(Val) stimulate RelA activity at lower concentrations than that required for ribosome complexes formed with the weaker binding tRNA(Phe). The data suggest that the recovery from the stringent response may be dependent on the identity of the amino acid that was initially limiting for the bacteria.  相似文献   

The intracranial injection of an opioid antagonist (naloxone) caused aggregation of xanthophores in goldfish scales. This aggregating effect produced by naloxone was inhibited by an injection of methionine-enkephalin (M-ENK). M-ENK, when injected together with melatonin which normally produces aggregation of xanthophores, interfered with the effect of melatonin by inhibiting the aggregation. An injection of naloxone together with melatonin showed no difference in the aggregation from that of either naloxone or melatonin alone. The possibility of interaction between melatonin and M-ENK was discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the calcium channel blocker verapamil on the aggregation of human blood platelets was studied in vitro in comparison with the calcium channel blocker diltiazem and with the 5-HT antagonist cyproheptadine. Verapamil inhibited the 5-HT-potentiated. ADP-induced aggregation more effectively than the aggregation induced by adrenaline, ADP and collagen. Verapamil antagonized the 5-HT effect in a noncompetitive manner. The same was true of cyprohepatadine which was by more than one order of magnitude more potent than verapamil in inhibiting the 5-HT-induced aggregation. Diltiazem was much less effective than verapamil.  相似文献   

Biological effectiveness of bovine lung heparin and porcine mucosal heparin was tested in vitro and compared with the effectiveness of 12 semisynthetic heparinoids obtained by sulfation of waste heparin mucopolysaccharides and other biomolecules. Equieffective concentrations of these substances were determined in the sense of prolongation of the thrombin time and the APTT, inhibition of the thrombin- and collagen-induced aggregation, and potentiation of the primary ADP-induced aggregation. The influence of sulfation was proved on the biological effectiveness as well as the significance of the proper choice of the parent structure. Some polycondensates of the polysaccharide type were effective altogether with the sulfated waste heparin mucopolysaccharides. On the contrary, protein structures and low molecular weight glycosides exhibited little or no activity. The effective substances were related to heparin not only by the anticoagulant activity but also by the inhibitory action on the thrombin- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Contrary to heparin, higher concentrations of the studied heparinoids strongly potentiated the ADP-induced aggregation response. Strong inhibition of the collagen-induced aggregation was proved after administration of heparin to patients with end-stage renal failure on days without haemodialysis. Less significant changes in the secondary aggregation were observed also after administration of S-heparin (one of the studied heparinoids) to volunteers in the form of the rectal suppositories.  相似文献   

Stimulation of toad skin with isproterenol resulted in a dramatic increase in water flow, and in the appearance of aggregates of intramembrane particles in the apical membrane of granular cells of the replacement layer, just beneath the stratum corneum. This membrane structural modification appears to be a general prerequisite for the change in water permeability of vasopressin-sensitive epithelia.  相似文献   

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