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Genes of the highly dynamic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are directly linked to individual fitness and are of high interest in evolutionary ecology and conservation genetics. Gene duplication and positive selection usually lead to high levels of polymorphism in the MHC region, making genotyping of MHC a challenging task. Here, we compare the performance of two methods for MHC class I genotyping in a passerine with highly duplicated MHC class I genes: capillary electrophoresis-single-strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP) analysis and 454 GS FLX Titanium pyrosequencing. According to our findings, the number of MHC variants (called alleles for simplicity) detected by CE-SSCP is significantly lower than detected by 454. To resolve discrepancies between the two methods, we cloned and Sanger sequenced a MHC class I amplicon for an individual with high number of alleles. We found a perfect congruence between cloning/Sanger sequencing results and 454. Thus, in case of multi-locus amplification, CE-SSCP considerably underestimates individual MHC diversity. However, numbers of alleles detected by both methods are significantly correlated, although the correlation is weak (r = 0.32). Thus, in systems with highly duplicated MHC, 454 provides more reliable information on individual diversity than CE-SSCP.  相似文献   

Microsatellites (or SSRs: simple sequence repeats) are among the most frequently used DNA markers in many areas of research. The use of microsatellite markers is limited by the difficulties involved in their de novo isolation from species for which no genomic resources are available. We describe here a high-throughput method for isolating microsatellite markers based on coupling multiplex microsatellite enrichment and next-generation sequencing on 454 GS-FLX Titanium platforms. The procedure was calibrated on a model species (Apis mellifera) and validated on 13 other species from various taxonomic groups (animals, plants and fungi), including taxa for which severe difficulties were previously encountered using traditional methods. We obtained from 11,497 to 34,483 sequences depending on the species and the number of detected microsatellite loci ranged from 199 to 5791. We thus demonstrated that this procedure can be readily and successfully applied to a large variety of taxonomic groups, at much lower cost than would have been possible with traditional protocols. This method is expected to speed up the acquisition of high-quality genetic markers for nonmodel organisms.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionised the analysis of genomic structural variants (SVs), providing significant insights into SV de novo formation based on analyses of rearrangement breakpoint junctions. The short DNA reads generated by NGS, however, have also created novel obstacles by biasing the ascertainment of SVs, an aspect that we refer to as the 'short-read dilemma'. For example, recent studies have found that SVs are often complex, with SV formation generating large numbers of breakpoints in a single event (multi-breakpoint SVs) or structurally polymorphic loci having multiple allelic states (multi-allelic SVs). This complexity may be obscured in short reads, unless the data is analysed and interpreted within its wider genomic context. We discuss how novel approaches will help to overcome the short-read dilemma, and how integration of other sources of information, including the structure of chromatin, may help in the future to deepen the understanding of SV formation processes.  相似文献   

The more demanding requirements of DNA preservation for genomic research can be difficult to meet when field conditions limit the methodological approaches that can be used or cause samples to be stored in suboptimal conditions. Such limitations may increase rates of DNA degradation, potentially rendering samples unusable for applications such as genome‐wide sequencing. Nonetheless, little is known about the impact of suboptimal sampling conditions. We evaluated the performance of two widely used preservation solutions (1. DESS: 20% DMSO, 0.25 M EDTA, NaCl saturated solution, and 2. Ethanol >99.5%) under a range of storage conditions over a three‐month period (sampling at 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months) to provide practical guidelines for DNA preservation. DNA degradation was quantified as the reduction in average DNA fragment size over time (DNA fragmentation) because the size distribution of DNA segments plays a key role in generating genomic datasets. Tissues were collected from a marine teleost species, the Australasian snapper, Chrysophrys auratus. We found that the storage solution has a strong effect on DNA preservation. In DESS, DNA was only moderately degraded after three months of storage while DNA stored in ethanol showed high levels of DNA degradation already within 24 hr, making samples unsuitable for next‐generation sequencing. Here, we conclude that DESS was the most promising solution when storing samples for genomic applications. We recognize that the best preservation protocol is highly dependent on the organism, tissue type, and study design. We highly recommend performing similar experiments before beginning a study. This study highlights the importance of testing sample preservation protocols and provides both practical and economical advice to improve DNA preservation when sampling for genome‐wide applications.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals have demonstrated the ability to shuffle their endosymbiotic dinoflagellate communities (genus Symbiodinium) during periods of acute environmental stress. This has been proposed as a mechanism of acclimation, which would be increased by a diverse and flexible association with Symbiodinium. Conventional molecular techniques used to evaluate Symbiodinium diversity are unable to identify genetic lineages present at background levels below 10%. Next generation sequencing (NGS) offers a solution to this problem and can resolve microorganism diversity at much finer scales. Here we apply NGS to evaluate Symbiodinium diversity and host specificity in Acropora corals from contrasting regions of Western Australia. The application of 454 pyrosequencing allowed for detection of Symbiodinium operational taxonomic units (OTUs) occurring at frequencies as low as 0.001%, offering a 10 000‐fold increase in sensitivity compared to traditional methods. All coral species from both regions were overwhelmingly dominated by a single clade C OTU (accounting for 98% of all recovered sequences). Only 8.5% of colonies associated with multiple clades (clades C and D, or C and G), suggesting a high level of symbiont specificity in Acropora assemblages in Western Australia. While only 40% of the OTUs were shared between regions, the dominance of a single OTU resulted in no significant difference in Symbiodinium community structure, demonstrating that the coral‐algal symbiosis can remain stable across more than 15° of latitude and a range of sea surface temperature profiles. This study validates the use of NGS platforms as tools for providing fine‐scale estimates of Symbiodinium diversity and can offer critical insight into the flexibility of the coral‐algal symbiosis.  相似文献   

The extraction and characterization of DNA from aquatic environmental samples offers an alternative, noninvasive approach for the detection of rare species. Environmental DNA, coupled with PCR and next‐generation sequencing (“metabarcoding”), has proven to be very sensitive for the detection of rare aquatic species. Our study used a custom‐designed group‐specific primer set and next‐generation sequencing for the detection of three species at risk (Eastern Sand Darter, Ammocrypta pellucida; Northern Madtom, Noturus stigmosus; and Silver Shiner, Notropis photogenis), one invasive species (Round Goby, Neogobius melanostomus) and an additional 78 native species from two large Great Lakes tributary rivers in southern Ontario, Canada: the Grand River and the Sydenham River. Of 82 fish species detected in both rivers using capture‐based and eDNA methods, our eDNA method detected 86.2% and 72.0% of the fish species in the Grand River and the Sydenham River, respectively, which included our four target species. Our analyses also identified significant positive and negative species co‐occurrence patterns between our target species and other identified species. Our results demonstrate that eDNA metabarcoding that targets the fish community as well as individual species of interest provides a better understanding of factors affecting the target species spatial distribution in an ecosystem than possible with only target species data. Additionally, eDNA is easily implemented as an initial survey tool, or alongside capture‐based methods, for improved mapping of species distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Cullis CA 《Annals of botany》2005,95(1):201-206
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The nuclear DNA of certain varieties of flax (Linum usitatissimum) can vary within a single generation when the plants are grown under specific environmental conditions. This review details the genomic variations that have been identified and associated with this environmental response. CONCLUSIONS: The variation occurs across the whole spectrum of sequence repetition and has been shown to occur in the highly repeated, middle repetitive and low copy number sequences. Although the variation has been shown to be spread throughout the genome it does not occur at random, as similar molecular events have been shown to occur repeatedly. The changes in two labile regions in the nucleus, the ribosomal RNA genes and a site-specific insertion event, have been shown to occur within the period of vegetative growth and over a relatively short period of that growth. The gradual change in total nuclear DNA that has been described would then need to have arisen through an accumulation of changes occurring over the whole, or most of the, period of growth prior to flowering. The polymorphisms that result from these rapidly occurring genomic events have also been observed in many other flax and linseed varieties as well as in the wild progenitors of flax.  相似文献   

Common variants, such as those identified by genome-wide association scans, explain only a small proportion of trait variation. Growing evidence suggests that rare functional variants, which are usually missed by genome-wide association scans, play an important role in determining the phenotype. We used pooled multiplexed next-generation sequencing and a customized analysis workflow to detect mutations in five candidate genes for lignin biosynthesis in 768 pooled Populus nigra accessions. We identified a total of 36 non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms, one of which causes a premature stop codon. The most common variant was estimated to be present in 672 of the 1536 tested chromosomes, while the rarest was estimated to occur only once in 1536 chromosomes. Comparison with individual Sanger sequencing in a selected sub-sample confirmed that variants are identified with high sensitivity and specificity, and that the variant frequency was estimated accurately. This proposed method for identification of rare polymorphisms allows accurate detection of variation in many individuals, and is cost-effective compared to individual sequencing.  相似文献   

A considerable number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are required to elucidate genotype–phenotype associations and determine the molecular basis of important traits. In this work, we carried out de novo SNP discovery accounting for both genome duplication and genetic variation from American and European salmon populations. A total of 9 736 473 nonredundant SNPs were identified across a set of 20 fish by whole‐genome sequencing. After applying six bioinformatic filtering steps, 200 K SNPs were selected to develop an Affymetrix Axiom® myDesign Custom Array. This array was used to genotype 480 fish representing wild and farmed salmon from Europe, North America and Chile. A total of 159 099 (79.6%) SNPs were validated as high quality based on clustering properties. A total of 151 509 validated SNPs showed a unique position in the genome. When comparing these SNPs against 238 572 markers currently available in two other Atlantic salmon arrays, only 4.6% of the SNP overlapped with the panel developed in this study. This novel high‐density SNP panel will be very useful for the dissection of economically and ecologically relevant traits, enhancing breeding programmes through genomic selection as well as supporting genetic studies in both wild and farmed populations of Atlantic salmon using high‐resolution genomewide information.  相似文献   

The benefits from recent improvement in sequencing technologies, such as the Roche GS FLX (454) pyrosequencing, may be even more valuable in non-model organisms, such as many plant pathogenic fungi of economic importance. One application of this new sequencing technology is the rapid generation of genomic information to identify putative single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be used for population genetic, evolutionary, and phylogeographic studies on non-model organisms. The focus of this research was to sequence, assemble, discover and validate SNPs in a fungal genome using 454 pyrosequencing when no reference sequence is available. Genomic DNA from eight isolates of Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum was pooled in one region of a four-region sequencing run on a Roche 454 GS FLX. This yielded 71 million total bases comprising 217,000 reads, 80% of which collapsed into 16,125,754 bases in 30,339 contigs upon assembly. By aligning reads from multiple isolates, we detected 298 SNPs using Roche's GS Mapper. With no reference sequence available, however, it was difficult to distinguish true polymorphisms from sequencing error. Eagleview software was used to manually examine each contig that contained one or more putative SNPs, enabling us to discard all but 45 of the original 298 putative SNPs. Of those 45 SNPs, 13 were validated using standard Sanger sequencing. This research provides a valuable genetic resource for research into the genus Ophiognomonia, demonstrates a framework for the rapid and cost-effective discovery of SNP markers in non-model organisms and should prove especially useful in the case of asexual or clonal fungi with limited genetic variability.  相似文献   

The Périgord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.), considered a gastronomic delicacy worldwide, is an ectomycorrhizal filamentous fungus that is ecologically important in Mediterranean French, Italian and Spanish woodlands. In this study, we developed a novel resource of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for T. melanosporum using Illumina high‐throughput resequencing. The genome from six T. melanosporum geographical accessions was sequenced to a depth of approximately 20×. These geographical accessions were selected from different populations within the northern and southern regions of the geographical species distribution. Approximately 80% of the reads for each of the six resequenced geographical accessions mapped against the reference T. melanosporum genome assembly, estimating the core genome size of this organism to be approximately 110 Mbp. A total of 442 326 SNPs corresponding to 3540 SNPs/Mbps were identified as being included in all seven genomes. The SNPs occurred more frequently in repeated sequences (85%), although 4501 SNPs were also identified in the coding regions of 2587 genes. Using the ratio of nonsynonymous mutations per nonsynonymous site (pN) to synonymous mutations per synonymous site (pS) and Tajima's D index scanning the whole genome, we were able to identify genomic regions and genes potentially subjected to positive or purifying selection. The SNPs identified represent a valuable resource for future population genetics and genomics studies.  相似文献   

Several reviews in the past decade have heralded the benefits of embracing high‐throughput sequencing technologies to inform conservation policy and the management of threatened species, but few have offered practical advice on how to expedite the transition from conservation genetics to conservation genomics. Here, we argue that an effective and efficient way to navigate this transition is to capitalize on emerging synergies between conservation genetics and primary industry (e.g., agriculture, fisheries, forestry and horticulture). Here, we demonstrate how building strong relationships between conservation geneticists and primary industry scientists is leading to mutually‐beneficial outcomes for both disciplines. Based on our collective experience as collaborative New Zealand‐based scientists, we also provide insight for forging these cross‐sector relationships.  相似文献   

The development and screening of microsatellite markers have been accelerated by next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technology and in particular GS‐FLX pyro‐sequencing (454). More recent platforms such as the PGM semiconductor sequencer (Ion Torrent) offer potential benefits such as dramatic reductions in cost, but to date have not been well utilized. Here, we critically compare the advantages and disadvantages of microsatellite development using PGM semiconductor sequencing and GS‐FLX pyro‐sequencing for two gymnosperm (a conifer and a cycad) and one angiosperm species. We show that these NGS platforms differ in the quantity of returned sequence data, unique microsatellite data and primer design opportunities, mostly consistent with the differences in read length. The strength of the PGM lies in the large amount of data generated at a comparatively lower cost and time. The strength of GS‐FLX lies in the return of longer average length sequences and therefore greater flexibility in producing markers with variable product length, due to longer flanking regions, which is ideal for capillary multiplexing. These differences need to be considered when choosing a NGS method for microsatellite discovery. However, the ongoing improvement in read lengths of the NGS platforms will reduce the disadvantage of the current short read lengths, particularly for the PGM platform, allowing greater flexibility in primer design coupled with the power of a larger number of sequences.  相似文献   

The number of polymorphisms identified with next‐generation sequencing approaches depends directly on the sequencing depth and therefore on the experimental cost. Although higher levels of depth ensure more sensitive and more specific SNP calls, economic constraints limit the increase of depth for whole‐genome resequencing (WGS). For this reason, capture resequencing is used for studies focusing on only some specific regions of the genome. However, several biases in capture resequencing are known to have a negative impact on the sensitivity of SNP detection. Within this framework, the aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of WGS and capture resequencing on SNP detection and genotype calling, which differ in terms of both sequencing depth and biases. Indeed, we have evaluated the SNP calling and genotyping accuracy in a WGS dataset (13X) and in a capture resequencing dataset (87X) performed on 11 individuals. The percentage of SNPs not identified due to a sevenfold sequencing depth decrease was estimated at 7.8% using a down‐sampling procedure on the capture sequencing dataset. A comparison of the 87X capture sequencing dataset with the WGS dataset revealed that capture‐related biases were leading with the loss of 5.2% of SNPs detected with WGS. Nevertheless, when considering the SNPs detected by both approaches, capture sequencing appears to achieve far better SNP genotyping, with about 4.4% of the WGS genotypes that can be considered as erroneous and even 10% focusing on heterozygous genotypes. In conclusion, WGS and capture deep sequencing can be considered equivalent strategies for SNP detection, as the rate of SNPs not identified because of a low sequencing depth in the former is quite similar to SNPs missed because of method biases of the latter. On the other hand, capture deep sequencing clearly appears more adapted for studies requiring great accuracy in genotyping.  相似文献   

Abdominal fat content is an economically important trait in commercially bred chickens. Although many quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to fat deposition have been detected, the resolution for these regions is low and functional variants are still unknown. The current study was conducted aiming at increasing resolution for a region previously shown to have a QTL associated with fat deposition, to detect novel variants from this region and to annotate those variants to delineate potentially functional ones as candidates for future studies. To achieve this, 18 chickens from a parental generation used in a reciprocal cross between broiler and layer lines were sequenced using the Illumina next‐generation platform with an initial coverage of 18X/chicken. The discovery of genetic variants was performed in a QTL region located on chromosome 3 between microsatellite markers LEI0161 and ADL0371 (33 595 706–42 632 651 bp). A total of 136 054 unique SNPs and 15 496 unique INDELs were detected in this region, and after quality filtering, 123 985 SNPs and 11 298 INDELs were retained. Of these variants, 386 SNPs and 15 INDELs were located in coding regions of genes related to important metabolic pathways. Loss‐of‐function variants were identified in several genes, and six of those, namely LOC771163, EGLN1, GNPAT, FAM120B, THBS2 and GGPS1, were related to fat deposition. Therefore, these loss‐of‐function variants are candidate mutations for conducting further studies on this important trait in chickens.  相似文献   

Assessing the genetic variability of the tick Ixodes ricinus—an important vector of pathogens in Europeis an essential step for setting up antitick control methods. Here, we report the first identification of a set of SNPs isolated from the genome of I. ricinus, by applying a reduction in genomic complexity, pyrosequencing and new bioinformatics tools. Almost 1.4 million of reads (average length: 528 nt) were generated with a full Roche 454 GS FLX run on two reduced representation libraries of I. ricinus. A newly developed bioinformatics tool (DiscoSnp), which isolates SNPs without requiring any reference genome, was used to obtain 321 088 putative SNPs. Stringent selection criteria were applied in a bioinformatics pipeline to select 1768 SNPs for the development of specific primers. Among 384 randomly SNPs tested by Fluidigm genotyping technology on 464 individuals ticks, 368 SNPs loci (96%) exhibited the presence of the two expected alleles. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium tests conducted on six natural populations of ticks have shown that from 26 to 46 of the 384 loci exhibited significant heterozygote deficiency.  相似文献   

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