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In a recent article published in Cryobiology, Seki and Mazur [9] performed kinetic analysis to investigate the physicochemical mechanism of the intracellular ice formation in mouse oocytes subjected to rapid cooling. Based on their results, the authors calculated the activation energy for the ice recrystallization process to be 27.5 kcal/mol. In this letter, we report our analysis of the result in terms of the transition-state theory to show that the process is unfavorable in terms of enthalpy but favorable in terms of entropy accompanying molecular expansions. This report is expected to evoke interests in applying thermodynamics to the investigation of the intracellular ice formation.  相似文献   

In vitrified solutions, ice can form during warming if the concentration of the cryoprotectant is insufficient. For the cryopreservation of cells, ice is innocuous when it remains outside the cell, but intracellular ice (ICI) is lethal. We tried to estimate the conditions in which ICI forms in vitrified mouse morulae during warming. The solutions for the experiments (EFS10–EFS50) contained 10–50% ethylene glycol plus Ficoll plus sucrose. When vitrified EFS20, EFS30, and EFS40 were kept at −80 °C, they remained transparent after 3 min, but turned opaque after 60 min (EFS20, EFS30) or 24 h (EFS40). Morulae were vitrified with EFS solutions after exposure for 30–120 s at 25 °C. They were warmed by various methods and survival was assessed in culture. After rapid warming (control), survival was high with EFS30 (79–93%) and EFS40 (96–99%). After slow warming, survival decreased with both EFS30 (48–62%) and EFS40 (44–64%). This must be from the formation of ICI. To examine the temperature at which ICI formed during slow warming, vitrified embryos were kept at various sub-zero temperatures during warming. Survival with EFS30 and EFS40 decreased on keeping samples for 3 min at −80 (25–75%), −60 (7–49%), −40 (0–41%), or −20 °C (26–60%). When samples were kept at −80 °C for 24 h, the survival decreased to 0–14%. These results suggest that ICI forms at a wide range of temperatures including −80 and −20 °C, more likely between −60 and −40 °C, and the ice forms not only quickly but also slowly.  相似文献   

The occurrence of intracellular ice formation (IIF) during freezing, or the lack there of, is the single most important factor determining whether or not cells survive cryopreservation. One important determinant of IIF is the temperature at which a supercooled cell nucleates. To avoid intracellular ice formation, the cell must be cooled slowly enough so that osmotic dehydration eliminates nearly all cell supercooling before reaching that temperature. This report is concerned with factors that determine the nucleation temperature in mouse oocytes. Chief among these is the concentration of cryoprotective additive (here, glycerol or ethylene glycol). The temperature for IIF decreases from -14 degrees C in buffered isotonic saline (PBS) to -41 degrees C in 1M glycerol/PBS and 1.5M ethylene glycol/PBS. The latter rapidly permeates the oocyte; the former does not. The initial extracellular freezing at -3.9 to -7.8 degrees C, depending on the CPA concentration, deforms the cell. In PBS that deformation often leads to IIF; in CPA it does not. The oocytes are surrounded by a zona pellucida. That structure appears to impede the growth of external ice through it, but not to block it. In most cases, IIF is characterized by an abrupt blackening or flashing during cooling. But in some cases, especially with dezonated oocytes, a pale brown veil abruptly forms during cooling followed by slower blackening during warming. Above -30 degrees C, flashing occurs in a fraction of a second. Below -30 degrees C, it commonly occurs much more slowly. We have observed instances where flashing is accompanied by the abrupt ejection of cytoplasm. During freezing, cells lie in unfrozen channels between the growing external ice. From phase diagram data, we have computed the fraction of water and solution that remains unfrozen at the observed flash temperatures and the concentrations of salt and CPA in those channels. The results are somewhat ambiguous as to which of these characteristics best correlates with IIF.  相似文献   

Seki S  Mazur P 《Cryobiology》2008,56(3):171-180
Intracellular ice formation (IIF) is almost invariably lethal. In most cases, it results from the too rapid cooling of cells to below −40 °C, but in some cases it is manifested, not during cooling, but during warming when cell water that vitrified during cooling first devitrifies and then recrystallizes during warming. Recently, Mazur et al. [P. Mazur, I.L. Pinn, F.W. Kleinhans, Intracellular ice formation in mouse oocytes subjected to interrupted rapid cooling, Cryobiology 55 (2007) 158–166] dealt with one such case in mouse oocytes. It involved rapidly cooling the oocytes to −25 °C, holding them 10 min, rapidly cooling them to −70 °C, and warming them slowly until thawed. No IIF occurred during cooling but intracellular freezing, as evidenced by blackening of the cells, became detectable at −56 °C during warming and was complete by −46 °C. The present study differs in that the oocytes were warmed rapidly from −70 °C to temperatures between −65 and −50 °C and held for 3–60 min. This permitted us to determine the rate of blackening as function of temperature. That in turn allowed us to calculate the activation energy (Ea) for the blackening process; namely, 27.5 kcal/mol. This translates to about a quadrupling of the blackening rate for every 5 °C rise in temperature. These data then allowed us to compute the degree of blackening as a function of temperature for oocytes warmed at rates ranging from 10 to 10,000 °C/min. A 10-fold increase in warming rate increased the temperature at which a given degree of blackening occurred by 8 °C. These findings have significant implications both for cryobiology and cryo-electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The formation of more than trace amounts of ice in cells is lethal. The two contrasting routes to avoiding it are slow equilibrium freezing and vitrification. The cryopreservation of mammalian oocytes by either method continues to be difficult, but there seems a slowly emerging consensus that vitrification procedures are somewhat better for mouse and human oocytes. The approach in these latter procedures is to load cells with high concentrations of glass-inducing solutes and cool them at rates high enough to induce the glassy state. Several devices have been developed to achieve very high cooling rates. Our study has been concerned with the relative influences of warming rate and cooling rate on the survival of mouse oocytes subjected to a vitrification procedure. Oocytes suspended in an ethylene glycol–acetamide–Ficoll–sucrose solution were cooled to −196 °C at rates ranging from 37 to 1827 °C/min between 20 and −120 °C, and for each cooling rate, warmed at rates ranging from 139 to 2950 °C/min between −70 and −35 °C. The results are unambiguous. If the samples were warmed at the highest rate, survivals were >80% over cooling rates of 187–1827 °C/min. If the samples were warmed at the lowest rate, survivals were near 0% regardless of the cooling rate. We interpret the lethality of slow warming to be a consequence of it allowing time for the growth of small intracellular ice crystals by recrystallization.  相似文献   

High survival rate of unfertilized mouse oocytes after vitrification   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Unfertilized mouse oocytes were cooled rapidly by directly plunging them into liquid nitrogen, immediately after exposure to a highly concentrated solution (modified VS1: 2.53 M-dimethyl sulphoxide, 2.36 M-acetamide, 1.19 M-propylene glycol, 5.4% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (Mr 8000) in PB1), and later warmed in a 37 degree C waterbath. After warming, 305 out of 348 oocytes (87.6%) were morphologically normal. After fertilization in vitro of cryopreserved oocytes, the proportions of pronuclear oocytes and 2-cell embryos 5 and 24 h after insemination were 81.6% (124/152) and 78.4% (120/153), respectively. All 2-cell embryos obtained from cryopreserved oocytes were transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients and 45.8% (55/120) developed to normal young.  相似文献   

MII mouse oocytes in 1 and 1.5M ethylene glycol(EG)/phosphate buffered saline have been subjected to rapid freezing at 50 degrees C/min to -70 degrees C. When this rapid freezing is preceded by a variable hold time of 0-3 min after the initial extracellular ice formation (EIF), the duration of the hold time has a substantial effect on the temperature at which the oocytes subsequently undergo intracellular ice formation (IIF). For example, in 1M EG, the IIF temperatures are -23.7 and -39.2 degrees C with 0 and 2 min hold times; in 1.5M EG, the corresponding IIF temperatures are -29.1 and -40.8 degrees C.  相似文献   

Kinetics of intracellular ice formation (IIF) under various freezing conditions was investigated for mouse oocytes at metaphase II obtained from B6D2F1 mice. A new cryostage with improved optical performance and "isothermal" temperature field was used for nucleation experiments. The maximum thermal gradient across the window was less than 0.1 degrees C/10 mm at sample temperatures near 0 degrees C. The dependence of IIF on the initial concentration of the suspending medium was found to be pronounced. The mean IIF temperatures were found to be -9.56, -12.49, -17.63, -22.20 degrees C for freezing at 120 degrees C/min in 200, 285, 510, and 735 mosm phosphate-buffered saline, respectively. For concentrations higher than 735 mosm, the kinetics of IIF showed a break point at approximately -31 degrees C. Below -31 degrees C, all the remaining unfrozen oocytes underwent IIF almost immediately over a temperature range of less than 3 degrees C. This dramatic shift in the kinetics of IIF suggests that there were two distinct mechanisms responsible for IIF during freezing. The effect of the cooling rate on the kinetics of IIF was also investigated in isotonic PBS. At 1 degrees C/min none of the oocytes contained ice, whereas, at 5 degrees C/min all the oocytes contained ice. The mean IIF temperatures for cooling rates between 1 and 120 degrees C/min were almost constant with an average of -12.82 +/- 0.6 degrees C (SEM). In addition, constant temperature experiments were conducted in isotonic PBS. The percentages of oocytes with IIF were 0, 50, 60, and 95% for -3.8, -6.4, -7.72, and -8.85 degrees C. In undercooling experiments, IIF was not observed until approximately -20 degrees C (at which temperature the whole suspension was frozen spontaneously), suggesting the involvement of the external ice in the initiation of IIF between approximately -5 and -31 degrees C during freezing of oocytes.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Ning FY  Du WJ  Wang CS  Piao SH  An TZ 《Cryobiology》2012,64(2):97-102
To improve the vitrification of mouse oocytes using straws, we attempted to estimate the type and extent of injuries during vitrification with a vitrification solution EAFS10/10. Injuries in oocytes were assessed based on cellular viability, the integrity of the plasma membrane, the status of the meiotic spindle/chromosomes, and morphological appearance. For morphologically normal oocytes, the ability to be fertilized and to develop into blastocysts was examined. Morphological assessment revealed 15% of oocytes to be injured by intracellular ice formed during vitrification, and 10% by osmotic swelling during removal of the cryoprotectant. When assessed by the status of spindles/chromosomes, the most sensitive criterion, damage was found in 16% of oocytes without any treatment. This value was similar to the proportion of fresh oocytes that did not cleave after insemination (13%). On exposure to EAFS10/10, the spindles/chromosomes were affected in 33% of oocytes. The exposure reduced the rate of cleavage by 18% points and the rate of development into blastocysts by 19 points. Vitrification reduced these rates by 15% and 36% points, respectively. Although the mechanism responsible for this moderate toxic effect on developmental ability is not known, information obtained in the present study will be useful to develop a practical method for the vitrification of mouse oocytes using straws.  相似文献   

Development of vitrified mouse oocytes after in vitro fertilization   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mouse oocytes were cryopreserved by the vitrification method using vitrification solution (VSI) and the effects of dilution methods were examined on the rate of in vitro and in vivo development. Eighty-three percent and 75% of vitrified oocytes exhibited normal morphology when diluted in glycerol + sucrose and sucrose alone, respectively. In contrast, only 35% of the oocytes diluted by a stepwise method exhibited a normal appearance. A high proportion of vitrified oocytes was fertilized in vitro (84-94%), 80 to 87% of which were normal. Of the later embryos, 69 to 78% developed to blastocysts after 4 days of culture. Thirty-six live young (51%) were obtained when vitrified oocytes were transferred to recipient females. The overall rate of development to live young was 25% when vitrified oocytes were diluted with glycerol + sucrose solution. These results indicate that the simple and rapid procedure of vitrification and glycerol + sucrose dilution is suitable for the cryopreservation of mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of in vitro culture system on bovine blastocyst yield and quality after vitrification. In Experiment 1, IVM/IVF zygotes were allocated to three culture conditions: (I) Oviductal cells-SOF (OCM-SOF); (II) Oviductal cells-TCM (OCM-TCM); and (III) SOF for 8 days. There was no significant difference between blastocyst rates among groups.In Experiment 2, the IVP-blastocysts in three above culture conditions were vitrified within groups segregated according to age (Day 7 and 8) and blastocoelic cavity size (early and expanded blastocysts). A trend of higher survival rate was obtained in vitrified/warmed early blastocysts compared with expanded ones, so that the difference in OCM-TCM group was significant (P < 0.001). Higher survival and hatching rates (P < 0.001) were obtained in OCM-SOF and OCM-TCM groups (co-culture) compared with SOF group and the age of blastocyst had no effect on post-thaw survival and hatching rates. In Experiment 3, after staining of blastocysts, in fresh blastocysts the highest number of trophectoderm cells was observed in OCM-TCM group and the number of inner cell mass (ICM) was higher in co-culture groups than SOF group (P < 0.001). In vitrified/warmed blastocysts the number of ICM and trophectoderm cells in co-culture groups was higher than SOF group (P < 0.001) except for the ICM of expanded blastocysts. In conclusion, in our culture conditions, the blastocyst yield is not influenced by culture system, while the cryotolerance of IVP-blastocysts is positively influenced by the presence of somatic cells. Moreover, the expanded blastocysts are more susceptible to cryoinjury than early blastocysts.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of in vitro culture system on bovine blastocyst yield and quality after vitrification. In Experiment 1, IVM/IVF zygotes were allocated to three culture conditions: (I) Oviductal cells-SOF (OCM-SOF); (II) Oviductal cells-TCM (OCM-TCM); and (III) SOF for 8 days. There was no significant difference between blastocyst rates among groups.In Experiment 2, the IVP-blastocysts in three above culture conditions were vitrified within groups segregated according to age (Day 7 and 8) and blastocoelic cavity size (early and expanded blastocysts). A trend of higher survival rate was obtained in vitrified/warmed early blastocysts compared with expanded ones, so that the difference in OCM-TCM group was significant (P < 0.001). Higher survival and hatching rates (P < 0.001) were obtained in OCM-SOF and OCM-TCM groups (co-culture) compared with SOF group and the age of blastocyst had no effect on post-thaw survival and hatching rates. In Experiment 3, after staining of blastocysts, in fresh blastocysts the highest number of trophectoderm cells was observed in OCM-TCM group and the number of inner cell mass (ICM) was higher in co-culture groups than SOF group (P < 0.001). In vitrified/warmed blastocysts the number of ICM and trophectoderm cells in co-culture groups was higher than SOF group (P < 0.001) except for the ICM of expanded blastocysts. In conclusion, in our culture conditions, the blastocyst yield is not influenced by culture system, while the cryotolerance of IVP-blastocysts is positively influenced by the presence of somatic cells. Moreover, the expanded blastocysts are more susceptible to cryoinjury than early blastocysts.  相似文献   

Effect of warming rate on mouse embryos frozen and thawed in glycerol   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mouse embryos (8-cell) fully equilibrated in 1.5 M-glycerol were cooled slowly (0.5 degrees C/min) to temperatures between - 7.5 and - 80 degrees C before rapid cooling and storage in liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C). Some embryos survived rapid warming (approximately 500 degrees C/min) irrespective of the temperature at which slow cooling was terminated. However, the highest levels of survival of rapidly warmed embryos were observed when slow cooling was terminated between -25 and -80 degrees C (74-86%). In contrast, high survival (75-86%) was obtained after slow warming (approximately 2 degrees C/min) only when slow cooling was continued to -55 degrees C or below before transfer into liquid N2. Injury to embryos cooled slowly to -30 degrees C and then rapidly to -196 degrees C occurred only when slow warming (approximately 2 degrees C/min) was continued to -60 degrees C or above. Parallel cryomicroscopical observations indicated that embryos became dehydrated during slow cooling to -30 degrees C and did not freeze intracellularly during subsequent rapid cooling (approximately 250 degrees C/min) to -150 degrees C. During slow warming (2 degrees C/min), however, intracellular ice appeared at a temperature between -70 and -65 degrees C and melted when warming was continued to -30 degrees C. Intracellular freezing was not observed during rapid warming (250 degrees C/min) or during slow warming when slow cooling had been continued to -65 degrees C. These results indicate that glycerol provides superior or equal protection when compared to dimethyl sulphoxide against the deleterious effects of freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

Mazur P  Pinn IL  Kleinhans FW 《Cryobiology》2007,54(2):223-233
We have previously reported [Cryobiology 51 (2005) 29-53] that intracellular ice formation (IIF) in mouse oocytes suspended in various concentrations of glycerol and ethylene glycol (EG) occurs at temperatures where the percentage of unfrozen water is about 6% and 12%, respectively, even though the IIF temperatures varied from -14 to -41 degrees C. However, because of the way the solutions were prepared, the concentrations of salt and glycerol or EG in that unfrozen fraction at IIF were also rather tightly grouped. The experiments reported in the present paper were designed to separate the effects of the unfrozen fraction at IIF from that of the solute concentration in the unfrozen fraction. This separation makes use of two facts. One is that the concentration of solutes in the residual liquid at a given subzero temperature is fixed regardless of their concentration in the initial unfrozen solution. However, second, the fraction unfrozen at a given temperature is dependent on the initial solute concentration. Experimentally, oocytes were suspended in solutions of glycerol/buffered saline and EG/buffered saline of varying total solute concentration with the restriction that the mass ratios of glycerol and EG to salts are held constant. The oocytes were then cooled rapidly enough (20 degrees C/min) to avoid significant osmotic shrinkage, and the temperature at which IIF occurred was noted. When this is done, we find, as previously that the fraction of water remaining unfrozen at the temperature of IIF remains nearly constant at 5-8% for both glycerol and EG even though the IIF temperatures vary from -14 to -50 degrees C. But unlike the previous results, the salt and CPA concentrations in the unfrozen fraction vary by a factor of three. The present procedure for preparing the solutions produces a potentially complicating factor; namely, the cell volumes vary substantially prior to freezing: substantially greater than isotonic in some solutions; substantially smaller in others. However, the data in toto demonstrate that cell volume is not a determining factor in the IIF temperature.  相似文献   

Characterization of intracellular ice formed during the cooling procedures of cells significantly benefits the development and optimization design of cryopreservation or cryosurgery techniques. In this study, we investigated the influence of the concentration of extracellular non-permeable and permeable solutes on the melting points of the intracellular ice in mouse oocytes using cryomicroscopy. The results showed that the melting points of the intracellular ice are always lower than the extracellular ice. Based on this observation and the Gibbs–Thomson relation, we established a physical model to calculate the size of intracellular ice crystals and described its relationship with the concentrations of intracellular permeating solutes and macromolecules. This model predicts that the increased concentration of macromolecules in cells, by increasing the extracellular non-permeating solute concentration, can significantly lower the required concentration of permeable solutes for intracellular vitrification. The prediction was tested through the cryomicroscopic observation of the co-existence of intracellular vitrification and extracellular crystallization during cooling at 100 °C/min when the extracellular solutions contain 5 molal (m) ethylene glycol and 0.3 to 0.6 m NaCl.  相似文献   

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