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Development of hypoosmoregulatory ability in allis shad Alosa alosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When different ages of juvenile allis shad Alosa alosa (18–74 days post-fertilization) were exposed for 48 h to elevated salinity (25 or 30), all ages could tolerate moderates salinity (25) whereas only the older stages could tolerate the higher salinity. In 88 days post-fertilization allis shad, acclimatation to full-strength sea water for 2 weeks did not lead to significant changes in total water content and gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity whereas total Na+ content increased within 5 days to values which remained stable thereafter. Together, these data suggest that juvenile allis shad develop a limited euryhalinity, which allows them to fully adapt to hyperosmotic environment immediately after transfer.  相似文献   

Episodic increases in temperature of 5°C above 20° C, over 48 h or declines in pH of 1·0 unit from pH 7·0 reduced survival of yolk-sac and feeding-stage larvae of American shad Alosa sapidissima . Over 16 days all measures of survival, growth, and production were more favourable at each higher temperature in the 15–25° C range. More favourable responses were also obtained at the higher prey level (500 v . 50 Artemia nauplii l-1) and at the higher pH (7·5 v . 6·5). Combinations of high temperature and high prey levels, at pH 7·5, led to highest larval production. Little growth or production occurred at 15° C, regardless of pH or prey level. The effect of pH was strong with respect to survival, but weak with respect to growth. In attempts to restore American shad populations by larval stocking, release times and sites can be critical to optimize survival and eventual returns. Releases of larvae potentially will be most effective when made at temperatures >20° C, pH>7·0, and prey levels >50 1-1. These conditions are most likely to occur in Maryland tributaries of Chesapeake Bay between mid-May and early June.  相似文献   

Production of larvae by threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, and gizzard shad, D. cepedianum, varied over two orders of magnitude and was regulated by adult threadfin shad abundance over five years in Normandy Reservoir, Tennessee. Significantly more larvae of both species were produced in years following winterkills of threadfin shad (repeated-measures ANOVA, df=4, 75; F > 21.44, p=0.0001). Peak geometric mean catch of threadfin shad larvae in neuston samples was inversely related to biomass (kg ha–1; r = – 0.91; p=0.031) and density (no. ha–1; r=– 0.89; p = 0.043) of adult (> 70 mm total length) threadfin shad in mid-summer cove samples. Peak geometric mean catch of gizzard shad larvae was also inversely related to adult threadfin shad biomass (r = – 0.93; p=0.022) and density (r=– 0.88; p=0.046) in cove samples. Winterkills of threadfin shad were size selective, killing all fish under 60 mm total length but allowing some unknown percentage of larger fish to survive. When threadfin shad stocks were reduced by winterkills, surviving threadfin shad and gizzard shad may have taken advantage of less competition for food resources in early spring and increased condition enough to spawn successfully.  相似文献   

A landlocked population of the anadromous clupeid Alosa alosa from Aguieira Reservoir in Portugal is described. The individuals are fast-growing, mature in their third year of life, live for 5+ years, and consequently spawn more than once.  相似文献   

Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum were collected in 23 and threadfin shad D. petenense were collected in 22 of the 60 Florida lakes sampled. Logistic regression equations were 94% effective for predicting gizzard shad occurrence from chlorophyll and lake surface area, and 84% effective for predicting threadfin shad occurrence from lake surface area and lake volume inhabited (PVI). Occurrence of both shad species was related positively to lake size. In lakes where gizzard shad or threadfin shad were collected, shad density and biomass of both shad species were related positively to chlorophyll. Gizzard shad populations were generally vulnerable to predation in lakes, with the per cent of gizzard shad ≤200mm L T values exceeding 60% with few exceptions. Effects of gizzard shad and threadfin shad on fish community dynamics may be confined to relatively large (>100 ha) and fertile (chlorophyll >20–30μg l−1) Florida lakes.  相似文献   

Behaviour of drifting insect larvae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The larval drift behaviour of 23 species representing Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera was investigated in the laboratory using different current regimes. Mayfly nymphs often performed swimming, while caddis larvae were reluctant to do so. Stonefly nymphs were intermediate. In mayflies swimming seemed to be used to reach the substrate as soon as possible. In contrast most stonefly nymphs by swimming prolonged the time spent in the water column. Modes of swimming and sinking posture differed markedly between the orders. Living passively sinking animals often reached bottom faster than dead control specimens, so consequently behaviour did not always express itself in activity. Some caddis larvae spun adherent anchor lines. Differences among taxa seemed more important in explaining swimming activity compared to preferred habitats (as stream, river and lake) in each species. However, observed differences among closely related species indicated subtle differences related to microhabitat to be of profound importance in explaining the alternative behavioural strategies used.  相似文献   

The predacious behaviour of Dytiscus circumcinctus and D. latissimus larvae was studied experimentally. When offered different prey simultaneously, D. latissimus larvae preferred cased caddis larvae relative to mayfly nymphs and isopods, whereas in D. circumcinctus the preference order was reversed. Notonectid nymphs and tadpoles were consumed in higher numbers by D. circumcinctus than by D. latissimus larvae. D. circumcinctus larvae and instar III larvae of D. latissimus most frequently captured caddis larvae through the case wall, whereas the instar I and II larvae of D. latissimus normally attacked the thorax of the exposed larva from above the front opening of the case. Limnephilus borealis, L. nigriceps and L. rhombicus caddis larvae differed in case structure, and they were all successfully captured by D. latissimus and D. circumcinctus instar II and III larvae. Neither capture success nor ingestion efficiency varied significantly between the two Dytiscus species or between different prey species. Instar II and III D. circumcinctus larvae had shorter reaction times than those of D. latissimus. The larger L. borealis and L. rhombicus larvae were preferred by the two last Dytiscus larval instars, and the handling time of these two prey was longer than that of L. nigriceps larvae.  相似文献   

Heart mass of American shad Alosa sapidissima did not change during migration in the Connecticut River. Spleen mass decreased and there was an increase in available blood haemoglobin (+22%) and haematocrit (+9%). The decreases in spleen somatic index (-29%) and spleen haemoglobin content (-15%) were dependent upon distance travelled upriver and not seasonal migration timing or short-term exercise events such as passage up a fish ladder. There was no effect of migration timing on any of the blood parameters measured, suggesting that any physiological responses during migration were based on distance travelled rather than seasonally variable conditions such as temperature, although blood haemoglobin (+24%) and haematocrit (+21%) increased after passage up a fish ladder. These changes in haematological physiology occurring during upstream migration may increase swimming performance and migratory success in American shad.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of 16-and 18-day-old American larvae ( Alosa sapidissima ) increased with prey density (0, 500, and 1000 Artemia l−1), though differences were not always significant. Significant differences were not observed in growth parameters and survival for larvae fed 500 v . 1000 Artemia 1−1 in laboratory experiments. Food deprivation for as little as 2 days had significant effects on survival but growth effects were not detectable until 4 days of starvation. These findings have application to the Susquehanna River where c . 11 million 2.5-week-old shad larvae are released annually as part of a basin wide effort to restore the species. Larvae released at upriver sites where food may be limiting would drift for 2–3 days to reach reservoirs with higher prey densities. Based on these laboratory findings, survival of shad may be reduced significantly if larvae do not feed prior to reaching reservoir environments.  相似文献   

Atlantic halibut larvae show an increase in activity, together with a decrease in swimming speed during active periods, occurring from day 26 onwards, which corresponds approximately to 50% yolk absorption.  相似文献   

The ecology of the young stages of allis shad Alosa alosa is poorly documented, although they can be exposed to many pressures during their freshwater phase and their downstream migration. When passing through systems such as the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne watershed (GGD, SW France), they can be subjected to high temperatures and low levels of oxygen (hypoxia). The aim of this work is to assess the tolerance of young Alosa alosa at four ages (c. 10, 30, 60 and 85 days old) by challenging them to different temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 28°C) together with decreasing oxygen saturation levels (from 100% to 30%). Survival of the 10-day-old individuals was not influenced by oxy-thermic conditions, but high stress levels were detected and perhaps this age class was too fragile regarding the constraint of the experimental design. Survival at 30 and at 60 days old was negatively influenced by the highest temperatures tested alone (from 26°C and from 28°C, respectively) but no effect was detected at 85 days old up to 28°C. A combined effect of temperature and oxygen level was highlighted, with heat accelerating survival decrease when associated with oxygen level depletion: essentially, survival was critical (<50%) at 30 days old at temperature ≥22°C together with 30% O2; at 60 days old, at temperature = 28°C with 30% O2; at 85 days old, at temperature ≥26°C with ≤40% O2. Tolerance to oxy-thermic pressures appeared to be greater among the migratory ages (60 and 85 days old) than among the 30-day-old group. Based on environmental data recorded in the GGD system and on our experimental results, an exploratory analysis allowed a discussion of the possible impact of past oxy-thermic conditions on the local population dynamics between 2005 and 2018. The oxy-thermic conditions that may affect Alosa alosa at ages when they migrate downstream (60 and 85 days old) were not frequently recorded in this period, except in cases of extreme episodes of heat together with hypoxia that occurred in some years, in summertime in the turbidity maximum zone of the Gironde estuary (particularly in the year 2006). Interestingly, oxy-thermic conditions that are likely to threaten the 30-day-old individuals occurred more frequently in the lower freshwater parts of the GGD system between the years 2005 and 2018. In the context of climate change, a general increase in temperature is predicted, as well as more frequent and severe hypoxic events, therefore we suggest that local Alosa alosa population recruitment could encounter critical oxy-thermic conditions more frequently in the future if no adaptive management of water resources occurs.  相似文献   

To assess the energetics of migration in an anadromous fish, adult American shad (Alosa sapidissima) were swum in a large respirometer at a range of speeds (1.0–2.3 body lengths (BL) s−1, 13–24 °C). Metabolic rate (MO2) was logarithmically related to swimming speed (Bl s−1; r 2 = 0.41, slope = 0.23 ± 0.037) and tailbeat frequency (beats × min−1; r 2 = 0.52, slope = 0.003 ± 0.0003). Temperature had a significant effect on metabolic rate (r 2 = 0.41) with a Q10 of 2.2. Standard metabolic rate (SMR), determined directly after immobilization with the neuroblocker gallamine triethiodide, ranged from 2.2–6.2 mmolO2 kg−1 h−1 and scaled with mass (W) such that SMR = 4.0 (±0.03)W0.695(±0.15). Comparison of directly determined and extrapolated SMR suggests that swimming respirometry provides a good estimate of SMR in this species, given the differences in basal activity monitored by the two methods. Overall, American shad metabolic rates (MO2 and SMR) were intermediate between salmonids and fast-swimming perciforms, including tunas, and may be a result of evolutionary adaptation to their active pelagic, schooling life history. This study demonstrates variability in metabolic strategy among anadromous fishes that may be important to understanding the relative success of different migratory species under varying environmental conditions. Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

Live yolk-sac halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.) larvae from rearing experiments at Austevoll Aquaculture Station, Norway, were examined from hatching to past first feeding for developmental morphology and behaviour. The findings include development of the respiratory and circulatory organs, eye pigmentation, mouth formation, organs of the digestive system and the process of yolk absorption, as well as swimming speed and activity levels.
A stomodeum is not present at hatching although drinking is possible through a pair of branchial pits which gradually develop into the operculum and gill basket. The mouth normally opens slowly, the gape being restricted by a transverse septum until bones are formed. The amount of time spent swimming varies from less than 15% of the observation period during the first 2 weeks after hatching to between 70 and 100% around the seventh week after hatching, when individual differences become more apparent. Larvae generally react with a burst of swimming when two come into contact. Speed and duration of swimming seems to be correlated with development of eye pigment, heart size and fin formation. The yolk-sac period is divided into four stages.  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of 534 coral reef fish larvae from 27 species was explored at Moorea Island (French Polynesia) while they searched for a suitable settlement habitat, on the first night of their lagoon life. Most larvae swam actively (74%) and avoided the bottom (77%). A significant relationship was highlighted between the vertical position of larvae in the water column and the distance they travelled from lagoon entrance to settlement habitat: larvae swimming close to the surface settled farther away on the reef than bottom-dwelling larvae.  相似文献   

The effects of two oil dispersants (Vecom B-1425 GL and Norchem OSD-570) mixed with diesel oil on the survival and behaviour of the stage II nauplii of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite were investigated. The24 and 48-hour LC50 values for Vecom B-1425 GL:diesel mixture were 514 and 48 mg l−1 respectively, while respective values for Norchem OSD-570:diesel mixture were 505 and 71 mg l−1. Under sublethal concentrations, increased levels of the dispersant:diesel mixtures caused a reduction in phototactic responses. Balanus amphitrite nauplii failed to exhibit phototactic responses when exposed to Vecom B-1425GL:diesel mixtures of 400 mg l−1 and higher for 24 hours. A longer exposure time of 48 hours further reduced the Lowest Observable Effect Concentrations (LOECs) to 60 mg l−1. The LOECs for Norchem OSD-570:diesel mixtures under exposure periods of 24 and 48 hours were 400and 80 mgl−1 respectively. The curvilinear velocities (VCL) and straight-line velocities (VSL) of the stage II nauplii ranged from 0.7–1.1and 0.2-0.4 mms−1 respectively. Increased concentrations of dispersant:diesel mixtures caused a significant change in the curvilinear and straight-line velocities. Both oil dispersants, dispersant:diesel mixtures of 20 to 40 mgl−1 caused significant increases in VCL, but no significant change in VSL. Dispersant:diesel mixtures of 100 mg l−1 and higher resulted in a reduction in VSL for both dispersants. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The duration of intensive searching behaviour of third-instar larvae ofCoccinella septempunctata L. following feeding, and the searching behaviour of fourth instar larvae following an unsuccessful prey encounter, was determined. Even though the speed of search and track width of third instar larvae is less than that of fourth instar larvae and adults, their intensive searching behaviour was found to be of similar duration. Intensive searching behaviour was elicited even after an unsuccessful prey encounter, an important strategy for early instar larvae whose capture efficiency is low.
Effet du stade sur le comportement intensif de prospection des Coccinelles
Résumé On a déterminé au laboratoire la durée du comportement intensif de prospection du 3è stade larvaire deCoccinella septempuncatata après un repas, et le comportement de prospection du 4è stade après rencontre infructueuse avec une proie.La durée de la recherche intensive pendant le 3è stade, après privation d'aliment pendant 20 h, était de 28,8 sec. Bien que l'aire parcourue par unité de temps pour ce stade ait été inférieure à la moitié de celles parcourues par des larves de 4è stade et des adultes, les durées de recherches intensives étaient voisines. Le comportement de recherche intensive a été provoqué même après une rencontre infructueuse avec une proie, et il durait autant qu'après une rencontre fructueuse. Ce comportement est particulièrement important pour les stades précoces dont l'efficacité de capture est faible, puisqu'une rencontre infructueuse est l'indication qu'un groupe de proies a été découvert. La recherche intensive succédant à un échec accroît les probabilités de localisation ultérieure de proies et ainsi augmente les probabilités de capture.

The prey-location behaviour of larvae of Episyrphus balteatus DeG. (Dipt.: Syrphidae) was investigated in two different experimental set-ups. First instar larvae exhibited directed search over short distances, guided by olfactory cues from aphids, but not from honeydew. However, second and third instars did not respond to aphid-plant-complex odours in a 4-arm-olfactometer. Aphid extracts, honeydew and sucrose were found to be feeding stimulants for the larvae. The oviposition behaviour of female syrphids was investigated in a series of two-choice experiments: females were able to evaluate aphid numbers and adjust oviposition rates accordingly, with higher prey numbers eliciting increased oviposition, even when the aphids were removed at the start of the experiment. The presence of conspecific syrphid larvae did not inhibit oviposition when the females were deprived of suitable oviposition sides before the experiments were conducted.  相似文献   

美国鲥鱼对我国淡水生态系统的潜在入侵风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来美国鲥鱼已被引入到我国的上海和广东等地进行水产养殖。本实验报道了在纯淡水人工养殖条件下美国鲥鱼的繁殖和生长情况。人工养殖鲥鱼的生长速度接近美国北卡罗莱纳州沿岸野生鲥鱼的生长速度,而高于特拉华河野生鲥鱼的生长速度;人工养殖的2龄鲥鱼既可以在养殖池中自然产卵,也可以通过注射激素人工诱导产卵,其平均受精率、孵化率和仔鱼17天内的存活率分别约15%、75%和54%。这一结果表明,尽管鲥鱼是在海水中进行繁殖的洄游性鱼类,但在生长环境适宜的淡水条件下同样可以正常生长,并达到性成熟和繁育后代,有可能在适宜的淡水水体中形成自我维持的种群。结合本实验结果和美国鲥鱼的其他生物学特性,本文认为美国鲥鱼在我国天然水体生态系统中具有潜在的入侵性。  相似文献   

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