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Models of Golgi apparatus biogenesis and maintenance are focused on two possibilities: one is self-assembly from the endoplasmic reticulum, and the other is nucleation by a stable template. Here, we asked in three different experimental situations whether assembly of the Golgi apparatus might be dynamically nucleated. During microtubule depolymerization, the integral membrane protein p27 and the peripheral Golgi protein GM130, appeared in newly formed, scattered Golgi elements before three different Golgi apparatus cisternal enzymes, whereas GRASP55, a medial peripheral Golgi protein, showed, if anything, a tendency to accumulate in scattered Golgi elements later than a cisternal enzyme. During Golgi formation after brefeldin A washout, endoplasmic reticulum exit of Golgi resident enzymes could be completely separated from that of p27 and GM130. p27 and GM130 accumulation was onto newly organized perinuclear structures, not brefeldin A remnants, and preceded that of a cisternal enzyme. Reassembly was completely sensitive to guanosine 5'-diphosphate-restricted Sar1p. When cells were microinjected with Sar1pWT DNA to reverse a guanosine 5'-diphosphate-restricted Sar1p endoplasmic reticulum-exit block phenotype, GM130 and p27 collected perinuclearly with little to no exit of a cisternal enzyme from the endoplasmic reticulum. The overall data strongly indicate that the assembly of the Golgi apparatus can be nucleated dynamically by GM130/p27 associated structures. We define dynamic nucleation as the first step in a staged organelle assembly process in which new component association forms a microscopically visible structure onto which other components add later, e.g. Golgi cisternae.  相似文献   

During microtubule depolymerization, the central, juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus scatters to multiple peripheral sites. We have tested here whether such scattering is due to a fragmentation process and subsequent outward tracking of Golgi units or if peripheral Golgi elements reform through a novel recycling pathway. To mark the Golgi in HeLa cells, we stably expressed the Golgi stack enzyme N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 (GalNAc-T2) fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or to an 11–amino acid epitope, VSV-G (VSV), and the trans/TGN enzyme β1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalT) fused to GFP. After nocodazole addition, time-lapse microscopy of GalNAc-T2–GFP and GalT–GFP revealed that scattered Golgi elements appeared abruptly and that no Golgi fragments tracked outward from the compact, juxtanuclear Golgi complex. Once formed, the scattered structures were relatively stable in fluorescence intensity for tens of minutes. During the entire process of dispersal, immunogold labeling for GalNAc-T2–VSV and GalT showed that these were continuously concentrated over stacked Golgi cisternae and tubulovesicular Golgi structures similar to untreated cells, suggesting that polarized Golgi stacks reform rapidly at scattered sites. In fluorescence recovery after photobleaching over a narrow (FRAP) or wide area (FRAP-W) experiments, peripheral Golgi stacks continuously exchanged resident proteins with each other through what appeared to be an ER intermediate. That Golgi enzymes cycle through the ER was confirmed by microinjecting the dominant-negative mutant of Sar1 (Sar1pdn) blocking ER export. Sar1pdn was either microinjected into untreated or nocodazole-treated cells in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors. In both cases, this caused a gradual accumulation of GalNAc-T2–VSV in the ER. Few to no peripheral Golgi elements were seen in the nocodazole-treated cells microinjected with Sar1pdn. In conclusion, we have shown that Golgi-resident glycosylation enzymes recycle through the ER and that this novel pathway is the likely explanation for the nocodazole-induced Golgi scattering observed in interphase cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative distributional persistence of Golgi 'matrix' proteins and glycosyltransferases to an endoplasmic reticulum exit block induced by expression of a GDP-restricted Sar1p. HeLa cells were microinjected with plasmid encoding the GDP-restricted mutant (T39N) of Sar1p to block endoplasmic reticulum exit and then scored for the distribution of GM130 (Golgi m atrix protein of 130  kDa), a cis located golgin; p27, a member of the p24 family of proteins; giantin, a protein that interacts indirectly with GM130; and the Golgi glycosyltransferase, N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 (GalNAcT2). All of these proteins lost their compact, juxtanuclear distribution and displayed characteristics of endoplasmic reticulum/cytoplasmic accumulation with the same dependence on plasmid concentration. The kinetics of redistribution of GM130 and GalNAcT2 were identical. Expression of Sar1pT39N displaced the COPII coat protein Sec13p from endoplasmic reticulum exit sites consistent with disruption of these sites. This occurred without disturbing the overall distribution of endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Furthermore, the reassembly of a juxtanuclear Golgi matrix as assayed by the distribution of GM130 following washout of the Golgi disrupting drug, brefeldin A, was blocked by microinjected Sar1pT39N plasmids. We conclude that the persistence, i.e. stability and maintenance, of Golgi matrix distribution and its reassembly following drug disruption are exquisitely dependent on Sar1p activity.  相似文献   

Prenylated Rab acceptors (PRAs) bind to prenylated Rab proteins and possibly aid in targeting Rabs to their respective compartments. In Arabidopsis, 19 isoforms of PRA1 have been identified and, depending upon the isoforms, they localize to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus and endosomes. Here, we investigated the localization and trafficking of AtPRA1.B6, an isoform of the Arabidopsis PRA1 family. In colocalization experiments with various organellar markers, AtPRA1.B6 tagged with hemagglutinin (HA) at the N-terminus localized to the Golgi apparatus in protoplasts and transgenic plants. The valine residue at the C-terminal end and an EEE motif in the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain were critical for anterograde trafficking from the ER to the Golgi apparatus. The N-terminal region contained a sequence motif for retention of AtPRA1.B6 at the Golgi apparatus. In addition, anterograde trafficking of AtPRA1.B6 from the ER to the Golgi apparatus was highly sensitive to the HA:AtPRA1.B6 level. The region that contains the sequence motif for Golgi retention also conferred the abundance-dependent trafficking inhibition. On the basis of these results, we propose that AtPRA1.B6 localizes to the Golgi apparatus and its ER-to-Golgi trafficking and localization to the Golgi apparatus are regulated by multiple sequence motifs in both the C- and N-terminal cytoplasmic domains.  相似文献   

Targeting of proteins to the Golgi apparatus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Golgi apparatus maintains a highly organized structure in spite of the intense membrane traffic which flows into and out of this organelle. Resident Golgi proteins must have localization signals to ensure that they are targeted to the correct Golgi compartment and not swept further along the secretory pathway. There are a number of distinct groups of Golgi membrane proteins, including glycosyltransferases, recyclingtrans-Golgi network proteins, peripheral membrane proteins, receptors and viral glycoproteins. Recent studies indicate that there are a number of different Golgi localization signals and mechanisms for retaining proteins to the Golgi apparatus. This review focuses on the current knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

A family of five-pass transmembrane proteins (FinGERs) were identified from the protein sequence database. The family includes yeast Yip1p, Yip4p, Yip5p, and Yif1p, and also their plant, insects, nematode, and mammalian homologues, suggesting their conserved function in a broad range of species. Eight family members were found in human. Multiple sequence alignment revealed three regions conserved among all family members. All of the human family members were expressed widely in various tissues. The human proteins were localized in and around the Golgi apparatus and may also be in the ER to some extent. The Golgi apparatus was fragmented by overexpression of the five of the family members. Some of the members were found to interact by yeast two-hybrid analysis, suggesting the formation of a complex. These results suggest that FinGERs function in maintenance of the Golgi structure and/or transport between the ER and the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Extracellular agonists mobilize Ca2+ from SERCA-comprising intracellular Ca2+ stores located in both the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. Ca2+ release from both these compartments was studied in HeLa cells stably expressing the luminescent Ca2+ indicator aequorin specifically targeted to these compartments. Changes in lumenal [Ca2+] as detected by the aequorin measurements were correlated with parallel changes in total Ca2+ content of the stores. The latencies and initial rates of Ca2+ release from the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum were quite similar. However, maximal Ca2+ release measured with Golgi-targeted aequorin terminated faster than that from the endoplasmic reticulum. The rate and extent of Ca2+ depletion from both compartments correlated well with the peak amplitude of the cytosolic [Ca2+] rise. Time-course experiments further revealed that the peak of the cytosolic Ca2+ response occurred before the lumenal [Ca2+] reached its lowest level. We conclude that both the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum contribute to the rise in cytosolic [Ca2+] upon agonist stimulation, but the kinetics of the Ca2+ release are different.  相似文献   

Many endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins are known to be localized to the ER by a mechanism called retrieval, which returns the molecules that are exported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus back to the ER. Signals are required to be recognized by this retrieval system. In the work on yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have demonstrated that transmembrane domains of a subset of ER membrane proteins including Sec12p, Sec71p and Sec63p contain novel ER retrieval signals. For the retrieval of these proteins, a Golgi membrane protein, Rer1p, is essential (Sato et al., Mol. Biol. Cell 6 (1995) 1459–1477; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997) 9693–9698). To address the role of Rer1p in higher eukaryotes, we searched for homologues of yeast RER1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. We identified three cDNAs encoding Arabidopsis counterparts of Rer1p with an amino acid sequence identity of 39–46% to yeast Rer1p and named AtRER1A, AtRER1B, and AtRER1C1. AtRer1Ap and AtRer1Bp are homologous to each other (85% identity), whereas AtRer1C1p is less similar to AtRer1Ap and AtRer1Bp (about 50%). Genomic DNA gel blot analysis indicates that there are several other AtRER1-related genes, implying that Arabidopsis RER1 constitutes a large gene family. The expression of these three AtRER1 genes is ubiquitous in various tissues but is significantly higher in roots, floral buds and a suspension culture in which secretory activity is probably high. All the three AtRER1 cDNAs complement the yeast rer1 mutant and remedy the defect of Sec12p mislocalization. However, the degree of complementation differs among the three with that of AtRER1C1 being the lowest, again suggesting a divergent role of AtRer1C1p.  相似文献   

Arf GTPases are known to be key regulators of vesicle budding in various steps of membrane traffic in yeast and animal cells. We cloned the Arabidopsis Arf1 homologue, AtArf1, and examined its function. AtArf1 complements yeast arf1 arf2 mutants and its GFP-fusion is localized to the Golgi apparatus in plant cells like its animal counterpart. The expression of dominant negative mutants of AtArf1 in tobacco and Arabidopsis cultured cells affected the localization of co-expressed GFP-tagged proteins in a variety of ways. AtArf1 Q71L and AtArf1 T31N, GTP- and GDP-fixed mutants, respectively, changed the localization of a cis-Golgi marker, AtErd2-GFP, from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum but not that of GFP-AtRer1B or GFP-AtSed5. GFP-AtRer1B and GFP-AtSed5 were accumulated in aberrant structures of the Golgi by AtArf1 Q71L. A soluble vacuolar protein, sporamin-GFP, was also located to the ER by AtArf1 Q71L. These results indicate that AtArf1 play roles in the vesicular transport between the ER and the Golgi and in the maintenance of the normal Golgi organization in plant cells.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic study of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) roots treated with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), an inhibitor of the Ca2+-ATPase in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been carried out. Drastic changes in the endomembrane system of the secretory root cap cells were observed. After treatment with CPA dense spherical or elliptoidal aggregates of ER (diameter 2–4 m) were formed in addition to the randomly distributed ER cisternae characteristic for control cells. The formation of ER aggregates indicates that in spite of an inhibition of the Ca2+ -ATPase in the ER by CPA, membrane synthesis in the ER continued. The ER aggregates are interpreted as a reservoir of ER membrane material newly synthesized during the 2 h CPA-treatment. Hypertrophied Golgi cisternae and secretory vesicles, which are characteristic for secretory cells under control conditions, were completely absent. Additionally the shape of the Golgi stacks was flat and the diameter of the cisternae was shortened by about one third. These phenomena are indicative of an inactive state of the Golgi apparatus. The cellular organization of both other cell types of the root cap, meristematic cells and statocytes, was not visibly affected by CPA, both having a relatively low secretory activity. The formation of ER aggregates as well as the reduction of Golgi compartments are indications for the existence of a unidirectional transport of membrane material from the ER to the Golgi. It is suggested that the membrane traffic from the ER to the Golgi apparatus is regulated by the cytosolic and/or luminal calcium concentration in secretory cells of the root cap.Abbreviations CPA cyclopiazonic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Sato S  Inoue H  Kogure T  Tagaya M  Tani K 《FEBS letters》2010,584(21):4389-4395
Mammals have three members of the intracellular phospholipase A1 protein family (phosphatidic acid preferring-phospholipase A1, p125, and KIAA0725p). In this study, we showed that KIAA0725p is localized in the Golgi, and is rapidly cycled between the Golgi and cytosol. Catalytic activity is important for targeting of KIAA0725p to Golgi membranes. RNA interference experiments suggested that KIAA0725p contributes to efficient membrane trafficking from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane, but is not involved in brefeldin A-induced Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum retrograde transport.

Structured summary

MINT-8019765: KIAA0725 (uniprotkb:O94830) and Beta-COP (uniprotkb:P53618) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)MINT-8019775: KIAA0725 (uniprotkb:O94830) and GM130 (uniprotkb:Q5PXD5) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)  相似文献   

We have fused the signal anchor sequences of a rat sialyl transferase and a human galactosyl transferase along with the Arabidopsis homologue of the yeast HDEL receptor (AtERD2) to the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) and transiently expressed the chimeric genes in tobacco leaves. All constructs targeted the Golgi apparatus and co-expression with DsRed fusions along with immunolabelling of stably transformed BY2 cells indicated that the fusion proteins located all Golgi stacks. Exposure of tissue to brefeldin A (BFA) resulted in the reversible redistribution of ST-GFP into the endoplasmic reticulum. This effect occurred in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor and also in the absence of microtubules or actin filaments. Likewise, reformation of Golgi stacks on removal of BFA was not dependent on either protein synthesis or the cytoskeleton. These data suggest that ER to Golgi transport in the cell types observed does not require cytoskeletal-based mechanochemical motor systems. However, expression of an inhibitory mutant of Arabidopsis Rab 1b (AtRab1b(N121I) significantly slowed down the recovery of Golgi fluorescence in BFA treated cells indicating a role for Rab1 in regulating ER to Golgi anterograde transport.  相似文献   

Background information. Syntaxin 17 is a SNARE (soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive‐factor‐attachment protein receptor) protein that predominantly localizes to the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and to some extent in the ERGIC (ER—Golgi intermediate compartment). Syntaxin 17 has been suggested to function as a receptor at the ER membrane that mediates trafficking between the ER and post‐ER compartments. It has a unique 33 amino acid luminal tail whose function is not known. Here we have investigated the structural requirements for localization of syntaxin 17 to the ERGIC and its role in trafficking. Results. Deletion analysis showed that syntaxin 17 required its cytoplasmic domain to exit the ER and localize to the ERGIC. Mutation of a conserved tyrosine residue in the cytoplasmic domain resulted in reduced localization of syntaxin 17 in the ERGIC and ER‐exit sites, suggesting the presence of a tyrosine‐based ER export motif. Syntaxin 17 also required its C‐terminal tail to localize to the ERES (ER exit sites) and ERGIC. Knockdown of syntaxin 17 destabilized the ERGIC organization and also caused fragmentation of the Golgi complex. Syntaxin 17 showed direct interaction with transmembrane proteins p23 and p25 (cargo receptors that cycle between the ER and Golgi) with the help of its C‐terminal tail. Overexpression of syntaxin 17 redistributed β‐COP (β‐coatomer protein) which required its C‐terminal tail. Overexpression of syntaxin 17 also blocked the anterograde transport of VSVG (vesicular stomatitis virus G‐protein) in the ERGIC. Conclusions. We show that syntaxin 17 has a tyrosine‐based motif which is required for its incorporation into COPII (coatomer protein II) vesicles, exit from the ER and localization to the ERGIC. Our results suggest that syntaxin 17 cycles between the ER and ERGIC through classical trafficking pathways involving COPII and COPI (coatomer protein I) vesicles, which requires its unique C‐terminal tail. We also show that syntaxin 17 is essential for maintaining the architecture of ERGIC and Golgi.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that yeast glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐anchored proteins (GPI‐APs) and other secretory proteins are preferentially incorporated into distinct coat protein II (COPII) vesicle populations for their transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus, and that incorporation of yeast GPI‐APs into COPII vesicles requires specific lipid interactions. We compared the ER exit mechanism and segregation of GPI‐APs from other secretory proteins in mammalian and yeast cells. We find that, unlike yeast, ER‐to‐Golgi transport of GPI‐APs in mammalian cells does not depend on sphingolipid synthesis. Whereas ER exit of GPI‐APs is tightly dependent on Sar1 in mammalian cells, it is much less so in yeast. Furthermore, in mammalian cells, GPI‐APs and other secretory proteins are not segregated upon COPII vesicle formation, in contrast to the remarkable segregation seen in yeast. These findings suggest that GPI‐APs use different mechanisms to concentrate in COPII vesicles in the two organisms, and the difference might explain their propensity to segregate from other secretory proteins upon ER exit.  相似文献   

Developing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) endosperm was examined using ultrathin sections prepared from tissues harvested at 5, 9, 16 and 25 d after flowering. Protein bodies were evident by 9 d and displayed a variety of membranous structures and inclusions. The Golgi apparatus was a prominent organelle at all stages, and by 9 d was associated with small electron-dense inclusions. By immunocytochemical techniques, gliadin (wheat prolamine) was localized within these vesicles and in homogeneous regions of protein bodies, but not in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The protein bodies appear to enlarge by fusion of smaller protein bodies resulting in larger, irregular-shaped organelles. The affinity of the Golgi-derived vesicles for gliadin-specific probes during the period of maximal storage-protein synthesis and deposition indicates that this organelle includes the bulk, if not all, of the gliadin produced. The involvement of the Golgi apparatus in the packaging of gliadins into protein bodies indicates a pathway which differs from the mode of prolamine deposition in other cereals such as maize, rice and sorghum, and resembles the mechanism employed for the storage of rice glutelin and legume globulins.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - IgG immunoglobulin G - DAF days after flowering  相似文献   

Protein secretion plays an important role in plant cells as it does in animal and yeast cells, but the tools to study molecular events of plant secretion are very limited. We have focused on the Sar1 GTPase, which is essential for the vesicle formation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in yeast, and have previously shown that tobacco and Arabidopsis SAR1 complement yeast sar1 mutants. In this study, we have established a transient expression system of GFP-fusion proteins in tobacco and Arabidopsis cultured cells. By utilizing confocal laser scanning microscopy, we demonstrate that a dominant negative mutant of Arabidopsis Sar1 inhibits the ER-to-Golgi transport of Golgi membrane proteins, AtErd2 and AtRer1B, and locates them to the ER. The same mutant Sar1 also blocks the exit from the ER of a vacuolar storage protein, sporamin. These results not only provide the first evidence that the Sar1 GTPase functions in the ER-to-Golgi transport in plant cells, but also prove that conditional expression of dominant mutants of secretory machinery can be a useful tool in manipulating vesicular trafficking.  相似文献   

Using immunogold electron microscopy, we have investigated the relative distribution of two types of vacuolar sorting receptors (VSR) and two different types of lumenal cargo proteins, which are potential ligands for these receptors in the secretory pathway of developing Arabidopsis embryos. Interestingly, both cargo proteins are deposited in the protein storage vacuole, which is the only vacuole present during the bent-cotyledon stage of embryo development. Cruciferin and aleurain do not share the same pattern of distribution in the Golgi apparatus. Cruciferin is mainly detected in the cis and medial cisternae, especially at the rims where storage proteins aggregate into dense vesicles (DVs). Aleurain is found throughout the Golgi stack, particularly in the trans cisternae and trans Golgi network where clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) are formed. Nevertheless, aleurain was detected in both DV and CCV. VSR-At1, a VSR that recognizes N-terminal vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) of the NPIR type, localizes mainly to the trans Golgi and is hardly detectable in DV. Receptor homology-transmembrane-RING H2 domain (RMR), a VSR that recognizes C-terminal VSDs, has a distribution that is very similar to that of cruciferin and is found in DV. Our results do not support a role for VSR-At1 in storage protein sorting, instead RMR proteins because of their distribution similar to that of cruciferin in the Golgi apparatus and their presence in DV are more likely candidates. Aleurain, which has an NPIR motif and seems to be primarily sorted via VSR-At1 into CCV, also possesses putative hydrophobic sorting determinants at its C-terminus that could allow the additional incorporation of this protein into DV.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with Saccharomyces cerevisiae had suggested that diacylglycerol-containing glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) are added to newly synthesized proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and that ceramides subsequently are incorporated into GPI proteins by lipid remodeling. Here we prove this hypothesis by labeling yeast cells with [3H]dihydrosphingosine ([3H]DHS) and showing that this tracer is incorporated into many GPI proteins even when protein synthesis and, hence, anchor addition, is blocked by cycloheximide. [3H]DHS incorporation is greatly enhanced if endogenous synthesis of DHS is inhibited by myriocin. Labeled GPI anchors contain three types of ceramides which, based on previous and present results, are identified as DHS-C26:0, phytosphingosine-C26:0 and phytosphingosine-C26:0-OH, the latter being found only on proteins which have reached the Golgi. Lipid remodeling can occur both in the ER and in a later secretory compartment. In addition, ceramide is incorporated into GPI proteins a long time after their initial synthesis by a process in which one ceramide gets replaced by another ceramide. Remodeling outside the ER requires vesicular flow from the ER to the Golgi, possibly to supply the remodeling enzymes with ceramides.  相似文献   

It has been established that inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate(IP3) is responsible for the mobilization of calcium(Ca2+) from intracellular locations in a wide variety of tissues, and that this response triggers the stimulation of several hormones and neurotransmitters. However, these phenomena have yet to be examined in the mammary epithelium. Ca2+ uptake from the medium into the endoplasmic reticulum(ER) and Golgi apparatus in vitro in both pregnant and lactating mouse mammary epithelial cells was studied and a strong Ca2+ release from these organelles into the medium with the use of IP3 was shown. The Ca2+ uptake and its release due to IP3 was also usually greater during pregnancy than lactation.  相似文献   

In polarized exocrine cells, the Golgi apparatus is cup-shaped and its convex and concave surfaces are designated as cis and trans faces, functionally confronting the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the cell surface, respectively. To clarify the morphological characteristics of the Golgi apparatus in non-polarized endocrine cells, the investigators immunocytochemically examined its precise architecture in pituitary gonadotropes, especially in relation to the arrangement of the intracellular microtubule network. The Golgi apparatus in the gonadotropes was not cup-shaped but ball-shaped or spherical, and its outer and inner surfaces were the cis and trans faces, respectively. Centrioles were situated at the center of the Golgi apparatus, from which radiating microtubules isotropically extended to the cell periphery through the gaps in the spherical wall of the Golgi stack. The shape of the Golgi apparatus and the arrangement of microtubules demonstrated in the present study could explain the microtubule-dependent movements of tubulovesicular carriers and granules within the gonadotropes. Furthermore, the spherical shape of the Golgi apparatus possibly reflects the highly symmetrical arrangement of microtubule arrays, as well as the poor polarity in the cell surface of pituitary gonadotropes.  相似文献   

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