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Two amino acids, Leu149 and Val223, were identified as proteolytically sensitive when Pseudozyma antarctica lipase (PalB) was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The functional expression was enhanced using the double mutant for cultivation. However, the recombinant protein production was still limited by PalB misfolding, which was resolved by DsbA coexpression.Though Escherichia coli retains popularity as a host for recombinant protein production, it has technical limitations for expressing eukaryotic proteins. Host/protein incompatibility is critical, since eukaryotic proteins heterologously expressed in E. coli are recognized as a foreign object that can induce heat shock responses and drive protease-mediated degradation. E. coli contains several proteases situated in various intracellular compartments, including the cytoplasm, periplasm, inner membrane, and outer membrane (7, 9). While these proteases play a pivotal role in maintaining cell physiology by clearing up abnormal proteins (4), they can potentially degrade recombinant proteins (6). Nevertheless, the mechanisms associated with protein degradation and protein substrate specificity are incompletely understood.Since the proteolysis of recombinant proteins is a common issue, approaches to overcome this limitation have been extensively explored. These include using protease-deficient mutants as an expression host (10, 18), lowering the cultivation temperature (3), coexpressing folding factors (19, 20), applying protein fusion technology (2, 8), eliminating protease cleavage sites (5, 15), and modifying target protein hydrophobicity (11). While genetic elimination of proteolytically sensitive sequences without impacting the target protein''s bioactivity appears to be technically attractive, there is no effective prediction or identification of potential protease cleavage sites. Proteolytically sensitive sequences might not be specific to certain proteases. Various factors affecting the folding, solubility, steric hindrance, and binding of the substrate protein, e.g., neighboring domains or amino acids, can contribute to the sensitivity of proteolytic sites, making sequence manipulation for proteolysis alleviation more difficult.Herein, the recombinant protein''s sensitivity toward intracellular proteolysis was genetically alleviated to enhance the functional expression of PalB, an industrial enzyme with justified applications (1), in E. coli and to understand the relationship between proteolytic specificity and substrate protein sequence. Since there are three intramolecular disulfide bonds whose formation can potentially affect PalB structure and bioactivity, PalB expression in the oxidative periplasm of E. coli was explored (20, 22). However, the expressed PalB protein was extremely sensitive to intracellular proteolysis, resulting in complete degradation. To overcome this problem, PalB mutant variants that were stable against proteolysis were derived (Table (Table11).


Strains, plasmids, and oligonucleotides
Strain, plasmid, or oligonucleotideRelevant genotype or DNA sequencea
    BL21(DE3)FompT dcm lon hsdSB (rB mB) gal λ(DE3[lacIind1sam7 nin5 lacUV5-T7 gene 1])
    pARDsbA (20)ParaB::dsbA, Ori (pACYC184), Cmr
    pARDsbC (20)ParaB::dsbA, Ori (pACYC184), Cmr
    pETG (20)PT7-pelB::palB, Ori (pBR322), Apr
    pETGM-2pETG derivative containing two mutations of Leu149Val and Val223Ile in palB (by ep-PCR with pETG and LB-P10/LB-P11)
    pETGM-3pETG derivative containing mutation of Leu149Gly in palB (by SDMb with pETG and P104/P114)
    pETGM-4pETG derivative containing mutation of Leu149Val in palB (by SDM with pETG and P103/P113)
    pETGM-5pETG derivative containing mutation of Leu149Ala in palB (by SDM with pETG and P105/P115)
    pETGM-6pETG derivative containing mutation of Leu149Met in palB (by SDM with pETG and P106/P116)
    pETGM-7pETG derivative containing mutation of Leu149Ile in palB (by SDM with pETG and P107/P117)
    pETGM-8pETG derivative containing mutation of Val223Phe in palB (by SDM with pETG and P112/P122)
    pETGM-9pETG derivative containing mutation of Val223Met in palB (by SDM with pETG and P111/P121)
    pETGM-10pETG derivative containing mutation of Val223Ala in palB (by SDM with pETG and P110/P120)
    pETGM-11pETG derivative containing mutation of Val223Gly in palB (by SDM with pETG and P109/P119)
    pETGM-12pETG derivative containing mutation of Val223Ile in palB (by SDM with pETGM-2 and P136/P137, i.e., by reverting the mutation of Val149 to Leu in pETGM-2)
Open in a separate windowaFor oligonucleotides, italic indicates mutated nucleotides, underlining indicates restriction site (silent mutation), and bold indicates a mutation codon.bSDM, site-directed mutagenesis.The results for functional expression of various PalB variants are summarized in Table Table22 and Fig. Fig.1.1. Neither PalB activity nor PalB-related polypeptide was detectable for the BL21(DE3)(pETG) culture sample, suggesting that the expressed gene product was degraded. Error-prone PCR (ep-PCR) was conducted using pETG as the template and LB-P10/LB-P11 as the primers. Potential mutants were screened on tributyrin agar plates. A colony developed a large halo, and the harboring plasmid (i.e., pETGM-2) was purified for sequencing. Two mutations, Leu149Val and Val223Ile, were identified in the expressed PalB mutant (i.e., M-2). High PalB activity was obtained for the BL21(DE3) (pETGM-2) culture sample. However, a PalB-related polypeptide was detected in both the soluble and insoluble fractions, implying potential protein misfolding. It was previously reported that the functional expression of PalB could be limited by disulfide bond formation associated with folding (21). It was intriguing to observe the structural effect of these two simple mutations on improving PalB stabilization and functional expression.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Western blotting analysis of the culture samples for the expression of various PalB mutants. Both soluble and insoluble fractions are shown. The number (n = 2 to 12) represents the PalB mutant (M-n) with the use of BL21(DE3) harboring the expression plasmid pETGM-n, summarized in Tables Tables11 and and2.2. “G” represents the control experiment using BL21(DE3) harboring pETG. “C” and “I” represent the cultures without and with IPTG induction, respectively.


Cultivation performance for production of PalB mutant variantsa
PlasmidCell density (OD600)b
Activity (U/liter/OD600)cMutation in PalB
pETG3.1 ± 0.03.3 ± 0.1NDNone
pETGM-23.4 ± 0.13.3 ± 0.0155Leu149Val, Val223Ile
pETGM-33.2 ± 0.13.3 ± 0.0NDLeu149Gly
pETGM-43.4 ± 0.13.6 ± 0.160Leu149Val
pETGM-53.3 ± 0.13.5 ± 0.1NDLeu149Ala
pETGM-62.7 ± 0.13.0 ± 0.1NDLeu149Met
pETGM-73.5 ± 0.03.2 ± 0.038Leu149Ile
pETGM-83.0 ± 0.03.6 ± 0.050Val223Phe
pETGM-92.9 ± 0.12.8 ± 0.0NDVal223Met
pETGM-103.4 ± 0.13.3 ± 0.1NDVal223Ala
pETGM-113.5 ± 0.03.5 ± 0.130Val223Gly
pETGM-123.6 ± 0.13.5 ± 0.157Val223Ile
Open in a separate windowaBL21(DE3) was used as an expression host to harbor various plasmids. PalB enzyme assay was conducted at 37°C and pH 8.0 using a pH stat with olive oil as a substrate. One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to liberate one μmole of fatty acid per min.bOD600, optical density at 600 nm; w/o and w/IPTG, without and with isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside, respectively.cThese activities represent IPTG-induced cultures. No activity was detected for all control cultures without IPTG induction. ND, not detected.Site-directed mutagenesis was conducted to introduce various single mutations of Leu149 and Val223 for a further understanding of the structural effect. Note that only hydrophobic amino acid residues were selected for the replacement to avoid any major structural disturbances. Among the five single mutations on Leu149, only Leu149Val and Leu149Ile were associated with a slight improvement in functional expression, and Leu149Val was more effective than Leu149Ile, whereas the others behaved similarly to the wild type. Among the five single mutations at Val223, only Val223Phe, Val223Gly, and Val223Ile showed a slight improvement in functional expression, with Val223Ile as the most effective one, whereas the others showed no improvement. The results suggest that Leu149 and Val223 are two amino acids critically affecting the proteolytic susceptibility of PalB in E. coli, with a synergistic effect on PalB stabilization from Leu149Val and Val223Ile mutations.Several amino acids were identified as being involved in the catalytic mechanism (17), such as Ser107-Asp189-His226, forming the catalytic triad, and Thr42 and Gly108, acting as the hydrogen bond donors in the oxyanion hole of the active site. However, Leu149 is located at the entrance of the partially formed lid of the protein structure, whereas Val223 is situated near one of the catalytic triad residues, His226, in the active site. The substitutions at Leu149 and/or Val223 with a PalB stabilization effect potentially convert the overall protein conformation into a less proteolytically sensitive form without changing the enzyme kinetics or activity. It was interesting to observe a similarly positive effect upon replacing Val223 with either a bulky Phe or a small Gly, implying that the molecular size of this amino acid residue was not critical for alleviation of the proteolytic sensitivity. Note that PalB-related polypeptide was present in the insoluble fraction for all the PalB mutants with improved functional expression, suggesting another expression hurdle of protein misfolding.To overcome the protein misfolding, coexpression of two periplasmic folding factors, DsbA and DsbC, was explored, and the cultivation results are summarized in Fig. Fig.2.2. DsbA coexpression significantly boosted functional expression, with specific PalB activity of more than twofold that of the control culture and a slight reduction of insoluble PalB. However, the improving effect associated with DsbC coexpression was minimal. The results suggest that the initiation but not isomerization for disulfide bond formation in the periplasm became limiting. The chaperone activity associated with DsbA could assist the folding of the expressed PalB double mutant.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Effect of DsbA or DsbC coexpression on the functional expression of the PalB double mutant. Cultivations were performed in a bioreactor containing 1 liter LB medium and operated at pH 7.0, 28°C, and 650 rpm. The cultures were induced with 0.1 mM isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside and/or 0.2 g/liter arabinose at a ∼0.5 optical density at 600 nm (OD600) cell density. (A) Time profiles of cell density; (B) time profiles of the specific PalB activity [note that there was no detectable activity for BL21(DE3) (pETG) culture samples]; (C) Western blotting analysis of the final samples of the four cultures. Both soluble and insoluble fractions are shown. Lanes 1 and 5, BL21(DE3) (pETG); lanes 2 and 6, BL21(DE3) (pETGM-2); lane 3 and 7, BL21(DE3) (pETGM-2, pARDsbC); lanes 4 and 8, BL21(DE3) (pETGM-2, pARDsbA).While many studies based on rational mutagenesis, directed evolution, and gene shuffling are conducted to derive PalB mutants with improved enzyme properties, such as thermostability, bioactivity, or enantioselectivity (12-14, 16), this is an approach to improve protein manufacturing by deriving the variants with less proteolytic susceptibility. Though it has been perceived that the proteolytic specificity can be intrinsically determined by the protein substrate sequence, experimental demonstration of this is rarely reported. This study complements the lack of such experimental demonstration by showing the proteolytic specificity and sensitivity of PalB heterologously expressed in E. coli can be drastically altered by simple amino acid substitutions. It also demonstrates the application of molecular manipulation to enhance recombinant protein production in E. coli.  相似文献   

Two strains of Escherichia coli which produce hydrogen sulfide appear to have acquired this ability via transfer of genetic material from another genus.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌是用于生产重组蛋白的重要工程宿主菌。但是,要获得足够的正确折叠的蛋白还存在一定的缺陷,其中一种解决此问题的方法就是使重组蛋白分泌到大肠杆菌的周间腔里。在这篇综述中,主要讨论了使重组蛋白分泌表达至大肠杆菌周间腔的近期的研究进展。  相似文献   

聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHA)是一类由微生物合成的高分子聚酯的统称,具有生物可降解性、生物可再生性和良好的生物相容性,应用前景广阔。PHA具有类似塑料的材料学性能,倍受到科学界和工业界的关注,但是生产成本较高等原因极大地限制了其大规模应用。本研究通过筛选优化在微氧条件下能够高效调控基因表达的启动子,能有效提高生产菌株在微氧条件下积累PHA的能力,减少生产能耗,降低成本。首先,在大肠杆菌基因表达库中筛选出5个在微氧条件下高效调控基因表达的启动子,与编码红色荧光蛋白的RFP报告基因相连,通过酶标仪检测RFP的荧光信号值,对5个不同的微氧启动子的表达强度进行评估,比较得到其中最高效的启动子Pslp。为进一步提高生产PHA的效率,将2个Pslp序列采用串联的方式构建得到一个新启动子P2slp,利用其调控PHA代谢合成途径中3个关键基因phbC、phbA和phbB的表达。通过发酵扩大生产,在启动子P2slp的调控下,重组大肠杆菌的细胞干重由22 g/L提高至29 g/L,PHA的产量由49.1%提高至81.3%。本研究通过筛选优化启动子提高了重组大肠杆菌生产PHA的产量,为PHA的产业化应用提供了一种有效的提高PHA产量的方法,具有实际价值。  相似文献   

In the recent past years, a large number of proteins have been expressed in Escherichia coli with high productivity due to rapid development of genetic engineering technologies. There are many hosts used for the production of recombinant protein but the preferred choice is E. coli due to its easier culture, short life cycle, well-known genetics, and easy genetic manipulation. We often face a problem in the expression of foreign genes in E. coli. Soluble recombinant protein is a prerequisite for structural, functional and biochemical studies of a protein. Researchers often face problems producing soluble recombinant proteins for over-expression, mainly the expression and solubility of heterologous proteins. There is no universal strategy to solve these problems but there are a few methods that can improve the level of expression, non-expression, or less expression of the gene of interest in E. coli. This review addresses these issues properly. Five levels of strategies can be used to increase the expression and solubility of over-expressed protein; (1) changing the vector, (2) changing the host, (3) changing the culture parameters of the recombinant host strain, (4) co-expression of other genes and (5) changing the gene sequences, which may help increase expression and the proper folding of desired protein. Here we present the resources available for the expression of a gene in E. coli to get a substantial amount of good quality recombinant protein. The resources include different strains of E. coli, different E. coli expression vectors, different physical and chemical agents and the co expression of chaperone interacting proteins. Perhaps it would be the solutions to such problems that will finally lead to the maturity of the application of recombinant proteins. The proposed solutions to such problems will finally lead to the maturity of the application of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Allostery is a fundamental process by which ligand binding to a protein alters its activity at a distant site. Both experimental and theoretical evidence demonstrate that allostery can be communicated through altered slow relaxation protein dynamics without conformational change. The catabolite activator protein (CAP) of Escherichia coli is an exemplar for the analysis of such entropically driven allostery. Negative allostery in CAP occurs between identical cAMP binding sites. Changes to the cAMP-binding pocket can therefore impact the allosteric properties of CAP. Here we demonstrate, through a combination of coarse-grained modeling, isothermal calorimetry, and structural analysis, that decreasing the affinity of CAP for cAMP enhances negative cooperativity through an entropic penalty for ligand binding. The use of variant cAMP ligands indicates the data are not explained by structural heterogeneity between protein mutants. We observe computationally that altered interaction strength between CAP and cAMP variously modifies the change in allosteric cooperativity due to second site CAP mutations. As the degree of correlated motion between the cAMP-contacting site and a second site on CAP increases, there is a tendency for computed double mutations at these sites to drive CAP toward noncooperativity. Naturally occurring pairs of covarying residues in CAP do not display this tendency, suggesting a selection pressure to fine tune allostery on changes to the CAP ligand-binding pocket without a drive to a noncooperative state. In general, we hypothesize an evolutionary selection pressure to retain slow relaxation dynamics-induced allostery in proteins in which evolution of the ligand-binding site is occurring.  相似文献   

Xylonate is a valuable chemical for versatile applications. Although the chemical synthesis route and microbial conversion pathway were established decades ago, no commercial production of xylonate has been obtained so far. In this study, the industrially important microorganism Escherichia coli was engineered to produce xylonate from xylose. Through the coexpression of a xylose dehydrogenase (xdh) and a xylonolactonase (xylC) from Caulobacter crescentus, the recombinant strain could convert 1 g/L xylose to 0.84 g/L xylonate and 0.10 g/L xylonolactone after being induced for 12 h. Furthermore, the competitive pathway for xylose catabolism in E. coli was blocked by disrupting two genes (xylA and xylB) encoding xylose isomerase and xylulose kinase. Under fed-batch conditions, the finally engineered strain produced up to 27.3 g/L xylonate and 1.7 g/L xylonolactone from 30 g/L xylose, about 88% of the theoretical yield. These results suggest that the engineered E. coli strain has a promising perspective for large-scale production of xylonate.  相似文献   

Transcriptional proofreading in Escherichia coli.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

Transcriptional organization of the Escherichia coli hemolysin genes   总被引:39,自引:10,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文

The identification of optimal genotypes that result in improved production of recombinant metabolites remains an engineering conundrum. In the present work, various strategies to reengineer central metabolism in Escherichia coli were explored for robust synthesis of flavanones, the common precursors of plant flavonoid secondary metabolites. Augmentation of the intracellular malonyl coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) pool through the coordinated overexpression of four acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) subunits from Photorhabdus luminescens (PlACC) under a constitutive promoter resulted in an increase in flavanone production up to 576%. Exploration of macromolecule complexes to optimize metabolic efficiency demonstrated that auxiliary expression of PlACC with biotin ligase from the same species (BirAPl) further elevated flavanone synthesis up to 1,166%. However, the coexpression of PlACC with Escherichia coli BirA (BirAEc) caused a marked decrease in flavanone production. Activity improvement was reconstituted with the coexpression of PlACC with a chimeric BirA consisting of the N terminus of BirAEc and the C terminus of BirAPl. In another approach, high levels of flavanone synthesis were achieved through the amplification of acetate assimilation pathways combined with the overexpression of ACC. Overall, the metabolic engineering of central metabolic pathways described in the present work increased the production of pinocembrin, naringenin, and eriodictyol in 36 h up to 1,379%, 183%, and 373%, respectively, over production with the strains expressing only the flavonoid pathway, which corresponded to 429 mg/liter, 119 mg/liter, and 52 mg/liter, respectively.  相似文献   

生物合成琥珀酸摆脱了对不可再生战略资源石油的依赖,以其社会、经济和环境效益展现出良好的发展前景。野生型大肠杆菌的琥珀酸生产强度难以满足生物合成琥珀酸工业化的要求,但遗传背景清楚,容易改造。近年来,人们深入研究了大肠杆菌的琥珀酸代谢途径,通过强化大肠杆菌琥珀酸合成途径、抑制琥珀酸旁路代谢途径、构建产琥珀酸乙醛酸循环和有氧生产体系等多种基因工程策略,对大肠杆菌进行菌株改造和代谢进化筛选,提高了琥珀酸产量。综述了大肠杆菌产琥珀酸的基因工程研究进展。  相似文献   

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