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Cheng JK  Ji RR 《Neurochemical research》2008,33(10):1970-1978
During evolution, living organisms develop a specialized apparatus called nociceptors to sense their environment and avoid hazardous situations. Intense stimulation of high threshold C- and Aδ-fibers of nociceptive primary sensory neurons will elicit pain, which is acute and protective under normal conditions. A further evolution of the early pain system results in the development of nociceptor sensitization under injury or disease conditions, leading to enhanced pain states. This sensitization in the peripheral nervous system is also called peripheral sensitization, as compared to its counterpart, central sensitization. Inflammatory mediators such as proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β), PGE2, bradykinin, and NGF increase the sensitivity and excitability of nociceptors by enhancing the activity of pronociceptive receptors and ion channels (e.g., TRPV1 and Nav1.8). We will review the evidence demonstrating that activation of multiple intracellular signal pathways such as MAPK pathways in primary sensory neurons results in the induction and maintenance of peripheral sensitization and produces persistent pain. Targeting the critical signaling pathways in the periphery will tackle pain at the source. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ji-Sheng Han.  相似文献   

李翠  石铁军 《生物磁学》2009,(15):2954-2956,2994
Dendrin作为一类新的树突蛋白,在脑内的表达随着行为活动的改变而变化。最近本课题组采用免疫组织化学方法对dendrin在小鼠初级感觉神经元内的表达进行了研究,并进一步研究外周神经损伤后dendrin在背根神经节和脊髓背角内的表达变化。本文还就dendrin的生物学特征以及在神经系统内表达情况对其近期研究成果和未来发展趋势进行综述。  相似文献   

35S-labeled proteins carried by fast axonal transport in sciatic sensory axons of bullfrog and rat were separated electrophoretically on discontinuous polyacrylamide gradient slab gels. In contrast to the previously reported similarity in the electrophoretic profiles of rapidly transported proteins from functionally different neurons, we have found that there is very little correspondence in the profiles of these proteins in functionally similar neurons from two widely studied species. We also found very little correspondence between the two species in the profiles of locally synthesized sciatic nerve protein. The results demonstrate the difficulty inherent in comparing the electrophoretic profiles obtained using these two model systems for the study of rapidly transported axonal proteins. In particular, relationships between the major rapidly transported proteins in the two species could_not be analyzed with this technique.  相似文献   

Information about muscle length is transmitted to the cerebellum from muscle spindle receptors through the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (DSCT). The “transinformation” about muscle length in single DSCT fibers was calculated from steady-state spike trains by two different methods, assuming that the decoding mechanisms use a frequency code. By the first method, the number of distinguishable muscle lengths (and thus the transiformation) was determined from the rate of convergence of the mean frequency of firing (with increasing number of intervals). The observation time necessary to estimate the mean frequency of the impulse train with a certain accuracy was independent of the stretch level, even though the number of intervals necessary to make this estimate was different at high and low levels of stretch. By the second method an input frequency-output frequency matrix was calculated. The transinformations and the rate of transinformation was then calculated from this matrix. There was an acceptable agreement in the estimates of transinformation by the two methods. The rates of transinformation are significantly increased by the particular time structure of the discharge patterns of the nerve cells. Consequently, the loss of information due to the synaptic coupling is appreciably reduced.  相似文献   

Studies of morphological processes in culture of pulmonate mollusc neurons have allowed identifying structural criteria for the main morphogenetic mechanisms: growth and retraction of processes, their invagination into the cell body, and changes of neuronal orientation. By comparing these criteria with pictures of fixed preparations of epidermal plexus of phoroniids and of abdominal ganglion of polychaetes, stained supravitally with methylene blue, it has become possible to determine possible mechanisms of the initial evolutionary morphogenesis of the nervous system. Thus, it can be concluded that outcome of sensory neurons from epithelium (start of centralization) occurs as a result of retraction of their basal processes and translocation of the nucleus with the surrounding cytoplasm inside the processes to the center. This leads to a narrowing and thinning of the sensory cell apical pole that is transformed into a train process (the primary sensory dendrite). Subsequently, at the end of this process in a part of sensory neurons, a bulb of retraction appears, and the process contracts and is invaginated into the neuronal body. The loss of the sensory dendrite under conditions for formation of interneuronal connections in the nerve plexus converts the primary sensory cell into the associative neuron. A similar mechanism can also be placed in a part of sensory neurons of abdominal ganglion of polychaetes. Using morphogenetic criteria of mobility, it becomes possible to arrange a consecutive line of stages of neuronal structural reconstructions to show contraction of the receptor dendrite with its gradual invagination into the cellular soma. Loss of the dendrite in this case also transforms the sensory neuron into the associative one. All the above processes act as the inexorable cause-effect mechanisms of the single evolutionary process of centralization of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Reweighting sensory information adaptively is considered critical for flexible postural control, but little is known of the time scale of the reweighting process. We analyzed the transient dynamics of sensory reweighting in a previously published nonlinear adaptive model of sensory integration in the human postural control system. The model’s dynamics of adaptation were tested in response to abrupt changes in the amplitude of the motion of the visual surround. In addition to qualitatively reproducing the correct asymptotic response to such changes in visual amplitude, as previously found, the model qualitatively reproduced the asymmetric transient response elucidated in recent experiments (Oie et al. in Gait Posture 2005). In particular, the model adapts at an initially rapid rate to a switch from low to high amplitude visual motion, but at an initially slower rate upon the return to low amplitude motion. The observed temporal asymmetry has potential functional value. Rapid downweighting of a visual stimulus that suddenly increases is necessary to prevent loss of upright equilibrium. A visual stimulus that decreases in amplitude does not pose a threat to upright balance, allowing for slower upweighting without functional consequence.  相似文献   

Neuronal axons use specific mechanisms to mediate extension, maintain integrity, and induce degeneration. An appropriate balance of these events is required to shape functional neuronal circuits. The protocol described here explains how to use cell culture inserts bearing a porous membrane (filter) to obtain large amounts of pure axonal preparations suitable for examination by conventional biochemical or immunocytochemical techniques. The functionality of these filter inserts will be demonstrated with models of developmental pruning and Wallerian degeneration, using explants of embryonic dorsal root ganglion. Axonal integrity and function is compromised in a wide variety of neurodegenerative pathologies. Indeed, it is now clear that axonal dysfunction appears much earlier in the course of the disease than neuronal soma loss in several neurodegenerative diseases, indicating that axonal-specific processes are primarily targeted in these disorders. By obtaining pure axonal samples for analysis by molecular and biochemical techniques, this technique has the potential to shed new light into mechanisms regulating the physiology and pathophysiology of axons. This in turn will have an impact in our understanding of the processes that drive degenerative diseases of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Development of a precise olfactory circuit relies on accurate projection of olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) axons to their synaptic targets in the olfactory bulb (OB). The molecular mechanisms of OSN axon growth and targeting are not well understood. Manipulating gene expression and subsequent visualizing of single OSN axons and their terminal arbor morphology have thus far been challenging. To study gene function at the single cell level within a specified time frame, we developed a lentiviral based technique to manipulate gene expression in OSNs in vivo. Lentiviral particles are delivered to OSNs by microinjection into the olfactory epithelium (OE). Expression cassettes are then permanently integrated into the genome of transduced OSNs. Green fluorescent protein expression identifies infected OSNs and outlines their entire morphology, including the axon terminal arbor. Due to the short turnaround time between microinjection and reporter detection, gene function studies can be focused within a very narrow period of development. With this method, we have detected GFP expression within as few as three days and as long as three months following injection. We have achieved both over-expression and shRNA mediated knock-down by lentiviral microinjection. This method provides detailed morphologies of OSN cell bodies and axons at the single cell level in vivo, and thus allows characterization of candidate gene function during olfactory development.Download video file.(69M, mov)  相似文献   

In experiments on the somata of sensory neurons isolated from the spinal and trigeminal ganglia of rats, we characterized three subclasses of proton-gated currents differing from each other in their kinetics of desensitization and characteristics of stationary desensitization (but not in the characteristics of stationary activation). A voltage clamp technique in the whole cell configuration and intracellular perfusion were used. Expression of the channels providing currents of each subclass depended on the soma diameter but not on anatomical localization of the neuron. Proton-gated channels of type I were characterized by mono- or biexponential kinetics of current desensitization with the duration of complete decay within a 1 to 15 sec range; the mean pH50 of the curve of stationary desensitization was 7.21 ± 0.02. Channels of type II possessed mostly monoexponential desensitization kinetics with the duration of decay within a 1 to 3 sec range; their pH50 of the stationary desensitization curve was 7.11 ± 0.02. Channels of type III showed mostly biexponential desensitization kinetics; the complete current decay lasted about 5 sec, while the mean pH50 was about 6.78 ± 0.02. Channels of type I were typical of small neurons (soma diameter 10-20 m), while those of types II and III were found mostly in large cells (35-60 m).  相似文献   

Neurons are multifaceted cells that carry information essential for a variety of functions including sensation, motor movement, learning, and memory. Studying neurons in vivo can be challenging due to their complexity, their varied and dynamic environments, and technical limitations. For these reasons, studying neurons in vitro can prove beneficial to unravel the complex mysteries of neurons. The well-defined nature of cell culture models provides detailed control over environmental conditions and variables. Here we describe how to isolate, dissociate, and culture primary neurons from chick embryos. This technique is rapid, inexpensive, and generates robustly growing sensory neurons. The procedure consistently produces cultures that are highly enriched for neurons and has very few non-neuronal cells (less than 5%). Primary neurons do not adhere well to untreated glass or tissue culture plastic, therefore detailed procedures to create two distinct, well-defined laminin-containing substrata for neuronal plating are described. Cultured neurons are highly amenable to multiple cellular and molecular techniques, including co-immunoprecipitation, live cell imagining, RNAi, and immunocytochemistry. Procedures for double immunocytochemistry on these cultured neurons have been optimized and described here.  相似文献   

When cultured chick sensory neurons were labeled with [35S]methionine for 1 h or longer in the presence of 5-25 mM LiCl, we found a dose-dependent reduction in the level of radiolabeled tubulin, to one third of control levels, with no noticeable effect on other proteins. The magnitude of this response was identical after a 1-h or 72-h preincubation in 25 mM LiCl and returned to control values within 1 h after removal of LiCl. Short (5-min) pulse-chase experiments revealed that tubulin synthesis was not affected by Li+, but that newly synthesized tubulin was rapidly degraded, such that 50% of the labeled beta-tubulin was lost within 5 min. There was no enhanced degradation of tubulin present before exposure to Li+. Addition of LiCl at various times before and after a 10-min pulse suggested that tubulin becomes completely refractory to Li(+)-induced degradation within 10 min after translation. Although Li+ treatment resulted in a decrease in the fraction of extant tubulin present in the unassembled form, the Li(+)-induced degradation of nascent tubulin is not a consequence of shifts in assembly state, because colcemid or taxol treatment did not lead to rapid degradation of newly synthesized tubulin, and neither drug altered the response to Li+. We suggest that Li+ interferes with the correct folding of tubulin polypeptides, exposing sites, normally hidden, to the action of a protease(s).  相似文献   

The gaseous signalling molecule nitric oxide (NO) is involved in various physiological processes including regulation of blood pressure, immunocytotoxicity and neurotransmission. In the mammalian olfactory bulb (OB), NO plays a role in the formation of olfactory memory evoked by pheromones as well as conventional odorants. While NO generated by the neuronal isoform of NO synthase (nNOS) regulates neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium, NO has not been implicated in olfactory signal transduction. We now show the expression and function of the endothelial isoform of NO synthase (eNOS) in mature olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) of adult mice. Using NO-sensitive micro electrodes, we show that stimulation liberates NO from isolated wild-type OSNs, but not from OSNs of eNOS deficient mice. Integrated electrophysiological recordings (electro-olfactograms or EOGs) from the olfactory epithelium of these mice show that NO plays a significant role in modulating adaptation. Evidence for the presence of eNOS in mature mammalian OSNs and its involvement in odorant adaptation implicates NO as an important new element involved in olfactory signal transduction. As a diffusible messenger, NO could also have additional functions related to cross adaptation, regeneration, and maintenance of MOE homeostasis.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(1):31-41.e3
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