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GSTs在植物非生物逆境胁迫中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物在生长过程中会面临各种各样的胁迫,为了自我保护,植物进化出了多种抵御胁迫的策略。植物谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(glutathione-S-transferases,GSTs,EC2.5.1.18)可以催化亲核性的谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GSH)与各种亲电子外源化学物的结合反应,降低细胞体内活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)水平,从而减轻非生物胁迫对植物的损伤。本文主要概述了GSTs在植物抗非生物胁迫的作用。  相似文献   

c-Myc interacts with components of the pre-replication complex and directly regulates DNA replication [1]. However the consequences of this novel c-Myc function on cell cycle dynamics and replication-associated damage are unknown. Here, we show that c-Myc overexpression in primary human fibroblasts markedly accelerates S-phase while c-Myc deficient fibroblasts exhibit a prolonged S-phase. We also show that the Werner DNA helicase protein (WRN) plays a critical role in supporting c-Myc-driven S-phase, as depletion of WRN in c-Myc overexpressing cells increases DNA damage specifically at sites of DNA synthesis. This excess DNA damage activates a “replication stress” pathway involving ATR, CHK1, CHK2, and p53, leading to rapid senescence of WRN deficient c-Myc overexpressing cells. Indeed, depletion of p53 rescues this senescence response. We propose that WRN functions to repair abnormal replication structures caused by the acceleration of DNA replication by c-Myc. This work provides an additional mechanistic explanation for c-Myc-induced DNA damage and senescence, and reveals a vulnerability of c-Myc overexpressing cells that could potentially be exploited in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Perinatal transmission of Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV),also called mother-to-child transmission(MTCT),accounts for 90% of infections in infants worldwide and occurs in 30%-45% of children born to untreated HIV-1 infected mothers.Among HIV-1 infected mothers,some viruses are transmitted from mothers to their infants while others are not.The relationship between virologic properties and the pathogenesis caused by HIV-1 remains unclear.Previous studies have demonstrated that one obvious source of selectiv...  相似文献   

CuSO4 was added into Hoagland solution to imitate Cu2+ polluted water environment, and the roles of the two antioxidation systems in resisting Cu2+ stress in Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. was studied. The results showed that Cu2+pollution less than 70 mg/L in concentration could stimulate the accumulation of superoxide radical (O-·2), thus lead to lipid peroxidation and increase of membrane permeability. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) were both induced in high level and took important parts in antioxidation at higher concentration of Cu2+ and in middle and late phases of Cu2+ stress. Catalase (CAT) had little effect. Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) was induced in lower level and showed its function in lower Cu2+ concentration and in early phase. Ascorbic acid (AsA) could also function at higher Cu2+ concentration by transition from reduced state to oxidized state.  相似文献   

In Staphylococcus aureus, the intracellular siderophore staphyloferrin B, which has been shown to chelate iron-bound to serum transferrin, is transported into cells by the SirABC system. In this work, we have analysed the role of the Sir transporter under stress conditions that resemble those imposed by the mammalian innate immune system. We show that exposure of S. aureus to oxidative and nitrosative stress generated by hydrogen peroxide and S-nitrosoglutathione, respectively, induced the expression of the sirA gene. The disruption of the sir operon led to a strain with lower viability and decreased resistance to oxidative stress. S. aureus sir null mutant was also analysed during infection of murine macrophages and shown to contribute to S. aureus survival inside macrophages. Altogether, our results indicate that the Sir transport system confers protection against reactive oxygen species, therefore, contributing to the virulence of S. aureus.  相似文献   

植物中microRNA的合成及在发育和抗逆中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了植物microRNA(miRNA)的结构、合成、作用机制及其在植物生长发育和逆境胁迫中作用的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物褪黑素及其抗逆性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
褪黑素(N-乙酰-5-甲氧基色胺)是脊椎动物的松果体产生的吲哚类激素,主要参与动物昼夜节律调节.现已证实褪黑素在高等植物中也普遍存在,但对其功能的研究还不甚深入.目前,植物中褪黑素的可能功能包括清除自由基、调节光周期、参与生长调节等.本文简述了植物中褪黑素的研究概况、含量及其合成途径,重点综述了其在提高植物抗逆性方面的功能,并对其研究前景进行展望.  相似文献   

水花生抗氧化系统在抵御Cu~(2 ) 胁迫中的作用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

In general, drought depresses nutrient uptake by the root and transport to the shoot due to a restricted transpiration rate, which may contribute to growth limitation under water deprivation. Moreover, water stress may also restrict the ability of plants to reduce and assimilate nitrogen through the inhibition of enzymes implicated in nitrogen metabolism. The assimilation of nitrogen has marked effects on plant productivity, biomass, and crop yield, and nitrogen deficiency leads to a decrease in structural components. Plants produce significant quantities of NH4 + through the reduction of NO3 ? and photorespiration, which must be rapidly assimilated into nontoxic organic nitrogen compounds. The aim of the present work was to determine the response of reciprocal grafts made between one tomato tolerant cultivar (Lycopersicon esculentum), Zarina, and a more sensitive cultivar, Josefina, to nitrogen reduction and ammonium assimilation under water stress conditions. Our results show that when cv. Zarina (tolerant cultivar) was used as rootstock grafted with cv. Josefina (ZarxJos), these plants showed an improved N uptake and NO3 ? assimilation, triggering a favorable physiological and growth response to water stress. On the other hand, when Zarina was used as the scion (JosxZar), these grafted plants showed an increase in the photorespiration cycle, which may generate amino acids and proteins and could explain their better growth under stress conditions. In conclusion, grafting improves N uptake or photorespiration, and increases leaf NO3 ? photoassimilation in water stress experiments in tomato plants.  相似文献   

Sorafenib is the standard first-line therapeutic treatment for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but its use is hampered by the development of drug resistance. The activation of Akt by sorafenib is thought to be responsible for this resistance. Bufalin is the major active ingredient of the traditional Chinese medicine Chan su, which inhibits Akt activation; therefore, Chan su is currently used in the clinic to treat cancer. The present study aimed to investigate the ability of bufalin to reverse both inherent and acquired resistance to sorafenib. Bufalin synergized with sorafenib to inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. This effect was at least partially due to the ability of bufalin to inhibit Akt activation by sorafenib. Moreover, the ability of bufalin to inactivate Akt depended on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress mediated by inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1). Silencing IRE1 with siRNA blocked the bufalin-induced Akt inactivation, but silencing eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) or C/EBP-homologous protein (CHOP) did not have the same effect. Additionally, silencing Akt did not influence IRE1, CHOP or phosphorylated eIF2α expression. Two sorafenib-resistant HCC cell lines, which were established from human HCC HepG2 and Huh7 cells, were refractory to sorafenib-induced growth inhibition but were sensitive to bufalin. Thus, Bufalin reversed acquired resistance to sorafenib by downregulating phosphorylated Akt in an ER-stress-dependent manner via the IRE1 pathway. These findings warrant further studies to examine the utility of bufalin alone or in combination with sorafenib as a first- or second-line treatment after sorafenib failure for advanced HCC.  相似文献   

ABCA1在动脉粥样硬化发生与发展中的作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
腺苷三磷酸结合盒转运体A1(ATP binding cassette transporter A1 ,ABCA1)是一种整合膜蛋白,它以ATP为能源,促进细胞内游离胆固醇和磷脂的流出,在胆固醇逆转运(RCT)和HDL生成的起始步骤中起重要作用,被称作RCT守门人。核受体PPARs、LXRs和FXR对ABCA1蛋白的表达具有调控作用。人体50种组织中存在有ABCA1 mRNA,在胰、肝、肺、肾上腺和胎儿组织中ABCAl表达水平最高,ABCAl功能障碍将导致巨噬细胞内大量的胆固醇沉积而成为泡沫细胞,继而漫润血管壁,促进As的发生发展。  相似文献   

食欲素因其在调节能量代谢、睡眠和唤醒等生理功能中的作用而备受关注.近年来研究逐渐发现,食欲素参与应激和奖赏过程的调节,特别是其在药物成瘾过程中的作用是目前的研究热点.主要介绍食欲素系统与应激相关系统之间的神经联系,阐述了其在应激相关的生理、神经内分泌与行为反应中的作用.并进一步介绍了食欲素系统在应激诱发药物成瘾复吸过程中的作用.食欲素对应激反应的调控作用具有相对特异性,受应激的种类、其他应激相关神经递质系统及食欲素神经元的投射通路等多种因素影响.  相似文献   

脱水素在植物低温胁迫响应中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脱水素(dehydrin)是一类胚胎发育后期丰富蛋白(LEA.late embryogenesis abundant proteins),含有富含赖氨酸的K片段,属于具有高度热稳定性的亲水性蛋白,在植物脱水条件下能保护细胞内蛋白质和膜结构免受破坏.低温胁迫下,耐低温植物细胞内部会发生一系列的生理生化反应来抵御低温所造成的伤害.很多研究表明植物脱水素的表达和积累与多种双子叶植物(包括草本和木本植物)以及冬季栽培的禾本科植物品种(特别是小麦和大麦)的耐低温能力密切相关.本文对近年来国内外关于脱水素的结构、功能以及内源ABA(abscisie acid)含量、拟南芥CBF(C-repeat binding factor)同源转录激活因子、春化基因、光周期信号等对脱水素基因的表达调控机制进行综述.  相似文献   

All methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains carry an acquired genetic determinant – mecA or mecC - which encode for a low affinity penicillin binding protein –PBP2A or PBP2A′ – that can continue the catalysis of peptidoglycan transpeptidation in the presence of high concentrations of beta-lactam antibiotics which would inhibit the native PBPs normally involved with the synthesis of staphylococcal cell wall peptidoglycan. In contrast to this common genetic and biochemical mechanism carried by all MRSA strains, the level of beta-lactam antibiotic resistance shows a very wide strain to strain variation, the mechanism of which has remained poorly understood. The overwhelming majority of MRSA strains produce a unique – heterogeneous – phenotype in which the great majority of the bacteria exhibit very poor resistance often close to the MIC value of susceptible S. aureus strains. However, cultures of such heterogeneously resistant MRSA strains also contain subpopulations of bacteria with extremely high beta-lactam MIC values and the resistance level and frequency of the highly resistant cells in such strain is a characteristic of the particular MRSA clone. In the study described in this communication, we used a variety of experimental models to understand the mechanism of heterogeneous beta-lactam resistance. Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) that received the mecA determinant in the laboratory either on a plasmid or in the form of a chromosomal SCCmec cassette, generated heterogeneously resistant cultures and the highly resistant subpopulations that emerged in these models had increased levels of PBP2A and were composed of bacteria in which the stringent stress response was induced. Each of the major heterogeneously resistant clones of MRSA clinical isolates could be converted to express high level and homogeneous resistance if the growth medium contained an inducer of the stringent stress response.  相似文献   

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