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An organism’s DNA sequence is one of the key factors guiding the positioning of nucleosomes within a cell’s nucleus. Sequence-dependent bending anisotropy dictates how DNA is wrapped around a histone octamer. One of the best established sequence patterns consistent with this anisotropy is the periodic occurrence of AT-containing dinucleotides (WW) and GC-containing dinucleotides (SS) in the nucleosomal locations where DNA is bent in the minor and major grooves, respectively. Although this simple pattern has been observed in nucleosomes across eukaryotic genomes, its use for prediction of nucleosome positioning was not systematically tested.


We present a simple computational model, termed the W/S scheme, implementing this pattern, without using any training data. This model accurately predicts the rotational positioning of nucleosomes both in vitro and in vivo, in yeast and human genomes. About 65 – 75% of the experimentally observed nucleosome positions are predicted with the precision of one to two base pairs. The program is freely available at http://people.rit.edu/fxcsbi/WS_scheme/. We also introduce a simple and efficient way to compare the performance of different models predicting the rotational positioning of nucleosomes.


This paper presents the W/S scheme to achieve accurate prediction of rotational positioning of nucleosomes, solely based on the sequence-dependent anisotropic bending of nucleosomal DNA. This method successfully captures DNA features critical for the rotational positioning of nucleosomes, and can be further improved by incorporating additional terms related to the translational positioning of nucleosomes in a species-specific manner.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-313) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Completion of the whole genome sequence of a laboratory yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae in 1996 ushered in the development of genome-wide experimental tools and accelerated subsequent genetic study of S. cerevisiae. The study of sake yeast also shared the benefit of such tools as DNA microarrays, gene disruption-mutant collections, and others. Moreover, whole genome analysis of representative sake yeast strain Kyokai no. 7 was performed in the late 2000s, and enabled comparative genomics between sake yeast and laboratory yeast, resulting in some notable finding for of sake yeast genetics. Development of next-generation DNA sequencing and bioinformatics also drastically changed the field of the genetics, including for sake yeast. Genomics and the genome-wide study of sake yeast have progressed under these circumstances during the last two decades, and are summarized in this article.

Abbreviations: AFLP: amplified fragment length polymorphism; CGH: comparative genomic hybridization; CNV: copy number variation; DMS: dimethyl succinate; DSW: deep sea water; LOH: loss of heterozygosity; NGS: next generation sequencer; QTL: quantitative trait loci; QTN: quantitative trait nucleotide; SAM: S-adenosyl methionine; SNV: single nucleotide variation  相似文献   

The possible role of border factors in determining the nucleosome positioning on a DNA sequence was investigated. To this end a family of recombinant plasmids based on Gal10Cyc1 promoter and neomycin phosphotransferase gene NPTII were created. A DNA sequence adjoining the GalCyc promoter was varied in these plasmids. Three nearly equally represented nucleosome positions on the GalCyc promoter were found. In the basal plasmid an FRT sequence adjoins the GalCyc promoter at the right. It contains an internal signal of multiple positioning. Its replacement with different DNA sequences does not affect nucleosome positioning on the GalCyc promoter. The nucleosome positioning on the GalCyc promoter does not depend on nucleosome positioning (or its absence) on adjoining sequences. The same is true for nucleosome positioning on FRT sequence. It was found also that nucleosomes' positioning on the NPTII gene and their mutual disposition, namely the spacing between neighboring nucleosomes (linker length) are determined by the location of positioning signals only. Generally the nucleosome positioning in our experimental model is determined solely by internal DNA sequence occupied by nucleosome. On the other hand, the action of this internal positioning signal does not extend to neighboring DNA sequences.  相似文献   

In large-scale fermentations with oscillating microbial cultures, noise is commonly present in the feed stream(s). As this can destabilize the oscillations and even generate chaotic behavior, noise filters are employed. Here three types of filters were compared by applying them to a noise-affected continuous culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with chaotic oscillations. The aim was to restore the original noise-free stable oscillations. An extended Kalman filter was found to be the least efficient, a neural filter was better and a combined hybrid filter was the best. In addition, better filtering of noise was achieved in the dilution rate than in the oxygen mass transfer coefficient. These results suggest the use of hybrid filters with the dilution rate as the manipulated variable for bioreactor control.  相似文献   

陈伟  罗辽复 《生物信息学》2009,7(2):159-162
应用多样性增量结合二次判别分析(Increment of Diversity with Quadratic Discriminant analysis, IDQD)方法,对酵母基因组中的核小体强/弱偏好序列进行了识别。10交叉检验的预测成功率超过了97%,受试者操作特性(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线下面积达到了0.99,预测成功率高于现有SVM算法。最后利用构建好的分类器对酵母基因组中三类包含TATA盒基因的起始密码子ATC上游400nt下游100nt区域进行了分析。结果表明,IDQD算法有能力应用于基因组中核小体序列的识别。  相似文献   

A yeast plasmid was constructed to contain a hybrid GAL-CYC promoter, the NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase gene, and the FRT sequence between them. The CYC part of the GAL-CYC promoter harbored four upstream activating sequences (UASs) and two close TATA boxes. NPTII was efficiently expressed upon induction with galactose, conferring G418 resistance on yeast cells. Nucleosome positioning was studied in repressed and induced NPTII in transformed cells. A stable positioning of three nucleosomes was detected under repressive conditions (growth on glucose). Two nucleosomes were on the CYC part of the promoter, one including both of the TATA boxes. The third nucleosome overlapped the FRT sequence and the start of the NPTII coding region. Each of the three nucleosomes displayed multiple positions, suggesting their sliding along DNA. After induction of NPTII expression with galactose, a sliding of two nucleosomes was detected, exposing the TATA box and a long promoter segment. The 5′-distal nucleosome moved closer to the UASs, bringing them closer to the TATA box, which was assumed to facilitate the assembly of the preinitiation complex. The two nucleosomes slid independently of each other. The second nucleosome moved towards the FRT sequence and repositioned at its nucleosome positioning signal. Galactose-induced expression did not affect the nucleosome positioning in the coding region of NPTII. Unidirectional sliding and repositioning were detected without induction after deacetylase inhibition with trichostatin A. Basal NPTII expression was observed without activation of the GAL-CYC promoter and after a spatial uncoupling of the coding sequence and promoter via gene inversion and was probably driven by the FRT TATA-like element, which is in the region permanently exposed in vivo.  相似文献   

基因组大尺度遗传操纵是指对基因组大片段DNA的敲除、整合、易位等遗传改造。相较于小规模基因编辑,基因组大尺度遗传操纵可实现更多遗传信息的同步改造,对于探究多基因相互作用等复杂机制的理解有重要意义。同时,基因组大尺度遗传操纵技术可对基因组开展更大规模的设计重构,甚至创建全新的基因组,在复杂功能重塑方面具有重要创新潜力。酵母是一种重要的真核模式生物,因其安全性和易于操作而被广泛应用。本文系统总结了酵母基因组大尺度遗传操纵的工具包,包括重组酶介导的大尺度操纵、核酸酶介导的大尺度操纵、从头合成大片段DNA以及其他大尺度操纵工具,介绍了它们的基本工作原理与典型应用案例。最后,对大尺度遗传操纵面临的挑战和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

A new simple method for the preparation of chemically crosslinked chitosan beads is presented. It consists of the dropwise addition of 2-3% (w/v) low molecular weight chitosan solution containing 2% (w/v) glyoxal in 1% (w/v) tetrasodiumdiphosphate, pH 8.0. Immobilized viable baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) could be obtained via gel entrapment within the new beads when means preventing their direct contact with soluble chitosan were provided, "disguising" the cells until gelation and crosslinking were completed. Such means included cell suspension in castor oil or mixing with carboxymethyl-cellulose powder. Application of these means was shown to be necessary, as cells exposed to soluble chitosan immediately lost their viability and glycolytic activity. Yeast disguised in castor oil was also protected from bead reinforcement by glutaraldehyde treatment, significantly strengthening bead stability while operating under acidic conditions. This capability was demonstrated by continuous ethanol production by chitosan entrapped yeast. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Having the complete genome sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae makes us aware of the ultimate goal of yeast molecular biology: the 'solution' of the cell, that is, an understanding of the function of all approximately 6000 proteins (and a few RNAs) and how they interact with each other and the environment. The recent development of 'genomic' approaches for studying gene function makes this goal seem reachable in the foreseeable future. When this is accomplished, we will have entered a Golden Age, when we will have the information necessary for designing truly incisive experiments to reveal biological function.  相似文献   

The essentiality of iodine for humans, especially in the early stages of life, is well recognized. The chemical forms of iodine in food supplements, infant formulae and iodated salt are either iodide (KI) or iodate (KIO3). Because there are no or rare data about iodine uptake by yeasts, we investigated the influence of different sources of iodine, as KI, KIO3 and periodate (KIO4), on its uptake in and growth of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . KIO3 inhibited the growth of the yeast the most and already at a 400 μM initial concentration in the growth medium; the OD was reduced by 23% in comparison with the control, where no KIO3 was added. The uptake of different iodine sources by the yeast S. cerevisiae was minimal, in total <1%. Tracer experiments with radioactive 131I added as KI showed that the yeast S. cerevisiae does not have the ability to transform KI into volatile species. We investigated the specificity of iodine uptake added as KIO3 in the presence of Na2SeO4 or ZnCl2 or K2CrO4 in the growth medium, and it was found that chromate had the most influence on reduction of KIO3 uptake.  相似文献   

基因组重排(genome shuffling)技术是在传统诱变育种的基础上与细胞原生质体融合技术相结合一种新兴微生物菌种改良手段,由于该技术高效的正向突变效率和频率,近年来被广泛应用于酵母菌种的选育和改良。本文主要对基因组重排技术在酵母菌育种中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Abstract cAMP-dependent phosphoprotein changes were determined using 1-dimensional SDS-gel electrophoresis in a cAMP-requiring yeast mutant ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae AM18). During cAMP starvation, the yeast cells accumulated 3 32P-labeled bands with M r/ 72000, 54000, and 37000. The M r/ 72000 protein was the most prominent phosphorylated protein. After the readdition of cAMP, these phosphoproteins lost their 32P-label while phosphoproteins with M r/ 76000, 65000, 56000 and 30000 were accumulated. Similar phosphoprotein changes were also detected in cdc35 at the nonpermissive temperature, but not in wildtype (A363A) or cdc7 strains of S. cerevisiae .  相似文献   

It has earlier been shown that multiple positioning of nucleosomes on mouse satellite DNA is determined by its nucleotide sequence. To clarify whether other factors, such as boundary ones, can affect the positionings, we modified the environment of satellite DNA monomer by inserting it into a yeast plasmid between inducible GalCyc promoter and a structural region of the yeast FLP gene. We have revealed that the positions of nucleosomes on satellite DNA are identical to those detected upon reconstruction in vitro. The positioning signal (GAAAAA sequence) of satellite DNA governs nucleosome location at the adjacent nucleotide sequence as well. Upon promoter induction the nucleosome, translationally positioned on the GalCyc promoter, transfers to the satellite DNA and its location follows the positioning signal of the latter. Thus, the alternatives of positioning of a nucleosome on satellite DNA are controlled by its nucleotide sequence, though the choice of one of them is determined by the adjacent nucleosome.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae T206 K+R+, a K2 killer yeast, was differentiated from other NCYC killer strains of S. cerevisiae on the basis of CHEF-karyotyping and mycoviral RNA separations. Genomic DNA of strain T206 was resolved into 13 chromosome bands, ranging from approximately 0.2 to 2.2 Mb. The resident virus in strain T206 yielded L and M RNA species of approximately 5.1 kb and 2.0 kb, respectively. In micro-scale vinifications, strain T206 showed a lethal effect on a K-R- mesophilic wine yeast. Metabolite accumulation and toxin activity were measured over a narrow pH range of 3.2 to 3.5. Contrary to known fermentation trends, the challenged fermentations were neither stuck nor protracted although over 70% of the cell population was killed. Toxin-sensitive cells showed cytosolic efflux.  相似文献   

Terpenes are structurally diverse compounds that are of interest because of their biological activities and industrial value. These compounds consist of chirally rich hydrocarbon backbones derived from terpene synthases, which are subsequently decorated with hydroxyl substituents catalyzed by terpene hydroxylases. Availability of these compounds is, however, limited by intractable synthetic means and because they are produced in low amounts and as complex mixtures by natural sources. We engineered yeast for sesquiterpene accumulation by introducing genetic modifications that enable the yeast to accumulate high levels of the key intermediate farnesyl diphosphate (FPP). Co-expression of terpene synthase genes diverted the enlarged FPP pool to greater than 80 mg/L of sesquiterpene. Efficient coupling of terpene production with hydroxylation was also demonstrated by coordinate expression of terpene hydroxylase activity, yielding 50 mg/L each of hydrocarbon and hydroxylated products. These yeast now provide a convenient format for investigating catalytic coupling between terpene synthases and hydroxylases, as well as a platform for the industrial production of high value, single-entity and stereochemically unique terpenes.  相似文献   

How eukaryotic genomes encode the folding of DNA into nucleosomes and how this intrinsic organization of chromatin guides biological function are questions of wide interest. The physical basis of nucleosome positioning lies in the sequence-dependent propensity of DNA to adopt the tightly bent configuration imposed by the binding of the histone proteins. Traditionally, only DNA bending and twisting deformations are considered, while the effects of the lateral displacements of adjacent base pairs are neglected. We demonstrate, however, that these displacements have a much more important structural role than ever imagined. Specifically, the lateral Slide deformations observed at sites of local anisotropic bending of DNA define its superhelical trajectory in chromatin. Furthermore, the computed cost of deforming DNA on the nucleosome is sequence-specific: in optimally positioned sequences the most easily deformed base-pair steps (CA:TG and TA) occur at sites of large positive Slide and negative Roll (where the DNA bends into the minor groove). These conclusions rest upon a treatment of DNA that goes beyond the conventional ribbon model, incorporating all essential degrees of freedom of "real" duplexes in the estimation of DNA deformation energies. Indeed, only after lateral Slide displacements are considered are we able to account for the sequence-specific folding of DNA found in nucleosome structures. The close correspondence between the predicted and observed nucleosome locations demonstrates the potential advantage of our "structural" approach in the computer mapping of nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the analysis of protein components of the mitochondrial nucleoid and replisome of baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, opens a unique opportunity for understanding the molecular principles of mitochondrial inheritance. In this work we identified homologs of proteins involved in the mitochondrial DNA packaging and replication in the complete genome sequence of the petite-negative yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Comparative analysis of their counterparts from phylogenetically diverse yeast species revealed conserved as well as diverged features of the organellar chromosome structure and its replication strategy. Moreover, it provides a basis for subsequent functional studies of the structure and dynamics of the mitochondrial nucleoids.  相似文献   

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