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The literature describes different rooting protocols for Arabidopsis thaliana as models to study adventitious rooting, and results are generally perceived as comparable. However, there is a lack of investigations focusing on the distinct features, advantages and limitations of each method in the study of adventitious rooting with both wild-type (WT) ecotypes and their respective mutants. This investigation was undertaken to evaluate the adventitious rooting process in three different experimental systems, all using A. thaliana, analysing the same rooting parameters after transient exposure to auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) and control conditions: excised leaves, de-rooted plants and etiolated seedlings. The founding tissues and sites of origin of roots differed depending on the system used, whereas all rooting patterns were of the direct type (i.e., without callus formation). None of the systems had an absolute requirement for exogenous auxin, although rooting was enhanced by this phytohormone, with the exception of de-rooted plants, which had adventitious rooting strongly inhibited by exogenous auxin. Root elongation was much favoured in isolated leaves. Auxin-overproducing mutants could not be used in the detached leaf system due to precocious senescence; in the de-rooted plant system, these mutants had a WT-like rooting response, whereas the expression of the 'rooty' phenotype was only evident in the etiolated seedling system. Adventitious rooting of etiolated WT seedlings in the presence of exogenous auxin was inhibited by exogenous flavonoids, which act as auxin transport inhibitors; surprisingly, the flavonoid-deficient mutant chs had a lower rooting response compared to WT. Although Arabidopsis is an excellent model system to study adventitious rooting, physiological and developmental responses differed significantly, underlining the importance of avoiding data generalisation on rooting responses derived from different experimental systems with this species.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) is the primary determinant of the outbreeding mode of sexual reproduction in the Brassicaceae. All Arabidopsis thaliana accessions analyzed to date carry mutations that disrupt SI functions by inactivating the SI specificity-determining S locus or SI modifier loci. S-locus genes isolated from self-incompatible close relatives of A. thaliana restore robust SI in several accessions that harbor only S-locus mutations and confer transient SI in accessions that additionally harbor mutations at modifier loci. Self-incompatible transgenic A. thaliana plants have proved to be valuable for analysis of the recognition and signaling events that underlie SI in the Brassicaceae. Here, we review results demonstrating that S-locus genes are necessary and sufficient for SI signaling and for restoration of a strong and developmentally stable SI phenotype in several accessions of A. thaliana. The data indicate that introduction of a functional E3 ligase-encoding ARC1 gene, which is deleted in all accessions that have been analyzed to date, is not required for SI signaling leading to inhibition of self pollen or for reversion of A. thaliana to its fully self-incompatible ancestral state.It is well established that specific pollen recognition in the self-incompatibility (SI) response of the Brassicaceae is determined by allele-specific interactions that occur at the stigma surface between two highly polymorphic proteins encoded in the S locus: the S-locus receptor kinase SRK and its ligand, the S-locus cysteine-rich protein SCR. Arabidopsis thaliana lacks a functional SI system and harbors nonfunctional S-locus variants that contain defective alleles of the SRK and/or SCR genes (Kusaba et al., 2001; Sherman-Broyles et al., 2007; Tang et al., 2007; Shimizu et al., 2008; Boggs et al., 2009a; Tsuchimatsu et al., 2010; Dwyer et al., 2013). Despite being highly self-fertile, A. thaliana can be made to express SI upon transformation with functional SRK-SCR gene pairs isolated from its self-incompatible close relatives (Nasrallah et al., 2002, 2004; Boggs et al., 2009a, 2009b). The first transfer of the SI trait into A. thaliana was achieved using the SRKb-SCRb gene pair isolated from the Sb locus of Arabidopsis lyrata (Kusaba et al., 2001; Nasrallah et al., 2002, 2004). Many of the subsequent studies that have been performed in the transgenic A. thaliana SRK-SCR system have used plants transformed with p548, a plasmid that we constructed by inserting the A. lyrata SRKb and SCRb genes with their 5′ and 3′ regulatory sequences into the pBIN+ binary vector (Nasrallah et al., 2004).Indriolo et al. (2014) recently used the p548 plasmid to generate SRKb-SCRb transformants and test the role of the ARM Repeat Containing1 (ARC1) gene in SI. ARC1 was originally identified as a Brassica napus protein that interacts with the SRK kinase domain in yeast (Gu et al., 1998), and it was subsequently inferred to be required for SI because downregulation of the ARC1 gene in B. napus (Stone et al., 1999) and A. lyrata (Indriolo et al., 2012), as well as overexpression of ARC1’s target, Exo70A1, in B. napus (Samuel et al., 2009), caused partial breakdown of the SI response. However, the involvement of the proposed SRK-ARC1-Exo70A1 pathway in SI has been questioned because the ARC1 gene was found to be deleted in all A. thaliana accessions analyzed to date (Kitashiba et al., 2011; Indriolo et al., 2012), including those in which the SRKb-SCRb transgenes confer a strong SI phenotype (Kitashiba et al., 2011). Additionally, overexpression of Exo70A1 did not cause weakening of the SI response in A. thaliana SRKb-SCRb plants (Kitashiba et al., 2011).Indriolo et al. (2014) reported on their characterization of the SI response in plants of the Sha and Columbia-0 (Col-0) accessions, which they either transformed with the p548 plasmid alone or cotransformed with p548 and a plasmid containing an ARC1 gene isolated from A. lyrata or B. napus. They concluded that, along with SRK and SCR, “ARC1 is the third component that is required to return A. thaliana to its ancestral self-incompatibility state.” However, this conclusion is inconsistent with results of previous studies of SI in transgenic A. thaliana SRK-SCR transformants, which have shown that several A. thaliana accessions are rendered fully self-incompatible by transformation with the p548 plasmid without the addition of a functional ARC1 gene. Contrary to Indriolo et al.’s assertion that in previous studies of A. thaliana SRK-SCR transformants, “the self-pollen rejection response was incomplete,” we reported that among 11 A. thaliana accessions tested by transformation with the p548 plasmid, five accessions (C24, Cvi-0, Hodja, Kas-2, and Sha) were converted to full SI by expression of the SRKb and SCRb genes alone (Nasrallah et al., 2004; Boggs et al., 2009a). Importantly, the SI phenotype of these self-incompatible SRKb-SCRb transformants faithfully recapitulates the SI phenotype of naturally self-incompatible Brassicaceae with respect to the four defining features of SI in this family: (1) site of pollen inhibition at the stigma surface, (2) intensity of the response, (3) developmental regulation over the course of stigma maturation, and (4) heritability. These features suggest that the inhibition of self pollen in self-incompatible A. thaliana SRK-SCR transformants is achieved via the same signaling pathway as that utilized by other self-incompatible Brassicaceae species.  相似文献   

Herbicide Safener-Inducible Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The potential use of a new chemical-inducibie gene expressionsystem in Arabidopsis thaliana has been examined. The systemis based on the maize In2-2 promoter which is activated by benzenesulfonamideherbicide safe-ners. Plants transformed with the ß-glucuronidase(gus) reporter gene under the control of the In2-2 promoterwere grown in the presence of different safeners and the inducedGUS activity pattern was studied histochemically. In the absenceof safeners, the In2-2 promoter was not active. Applicationof different safeners induced distinct gus expression patterns,including expression in the root, hy-dathodes, and the shootapical meristem. Plants maintained continuously on inducingconcentrations of the safeners were retarded in growth. Thegrowth inhibition effects of the Sa5 safener could be overcomein a sul-fonylurea-resistant background. In2-2 promoter activitycould also be induced by the sulfonylurea herbicide chlor-sulfuron.In the sulfonylurea-resistant background, which derives fromherbicide-resistant acetolactate synthase activity, inductionof the In2-2 promoter by chlorsulfuron was lower. Furthermore,branched-chain amino acids, known to inhibit acetolactate synthaseactivity, also induced In2-2 promoter activity. Our data suggesta strong correlation between In2-2 expression and inhibitionof the acetolactate synthase activity. (Received November 12, 1996; Accepted February 21, 1997)  相似文献   

Sharma YK  Davis KR 《Plant physiology》1994,105(4):1089-1096

The switch from an outcrossing mode of mating enforced by self-incompatibility to self-fertility in the Arabidopsis thaliana lineage was associated with mutations that inactivated one or both of the two genes that comprise the self-incompatibility (SI) specificity-determining S-locus haplotype, the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) and the S-locus cysteine-rich (SCR) genes, as well as unlinked modifier loci required for SI. All analyzed A. thaliana S-locus haplotypes belong to the SA, SB, or SC haplotypic groups. Of these three, the SC haplotype is the least well characterized. Its SRKC gene can encode a complete open-reading frame, although no functional data are available, while its SCRC sequences have not been isolated. As a result, it is not known what mutations were associated with inactivation of this haplotype. Here, we report on our analysis of the Lz-0 accession and the characterization of its highly rearranged SC haplotype. We describe the isolation of its SCRC gene as well as the subsequent isolation of SCRC sequences from other SC-containing accessions and from the A. lyrata S36 haplotype, which is the functional equivalent of the A. thaliana SC haplotype. By performing transformation experiments using chimeric SRK and SCR genes constructed with SC- and S36-derived sequences, we show that the SRKC and SCRC genes of Lz-0 and at least a few other SC-containing accessions are nonfunctional, despite SCRC encoding a functional full-length protein. We identify the probable mutations that caused the inactivation of these genes and discuss our results in the context of mechanisms of S-locus inactivation in A. thaliana.  相似文献   



Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in DNA have been traditionally thought of as functionally unimportant and have been studied mainly as genetic markers. A recent handful of studies have shown, however, that SSRs in different positions of a gene can play important roles in determining protein function, genetic development, and regulation of gene expression. We have performed a detailed comparative study of the distribution of SSRs in the sequenced genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice.  相似文献   

硫酯酶在生物体内能催化水解脂酰酰基载体蛋白和饱和脂肪脂酰链,对中链脂肪酸(Medium chain fatty acids,MCFAs)的积累起着关键作用。为获得具有生产中链脂肪酸能力的工程菌,以拟南芥c DNA为模板,PCR扩增得到其脂酰-ACP硫酯酶基因At Fat A,经Eco RⅠ/XbaⅠ双酶切后连接至同样双酶切的质粒中,获得重组质粒p PICZαA-At Fat。将重组质粒电击转入毕赤酵母GS115中,通过Zeocin抗性筛选,挑选出阳性克隆子并摇瓶发酵诱导,SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析获得明显目的蛋白条带,首次成功构建At Fat A的真菌表达系统。气质联用法检测发酵产物胞外游离脂肪酸,发现毕赤酵母At Fat A重组菌株比起始GS115菌株胞外游离MCFAs(主要是辛酸)产量增加51%,MCFAs产量占胞外总脂肪酸产量的28.7%,而野生菌中这一比例仅有18.1%,这为日后生产安全无毒害的MCFAs探索了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

This is the first report on using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a pH reporter in plants. Proton fluxes and pH regulation play important roles in plant cellular activity and therefore, it would be extremely helpful to have a plant gene reporter system for rapid, non‐invasive visualization of intracellular pH changes. In order to develop such a system, we constructed three vectors for transient and stable transformation of plant cells with a pH‐sensitive derivative of green fluorescent protein. Using these vectors, transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco plants were produced. Here the application of pH‐sensitive GFP technology in plants is described and, for the first time, the visualization of pH gradients between different developmental compartments in intact whole‐root tissues of A. thaliana is reported. The utility of pH‐sensitive GFP in revealing rapid, environmentally induced changes in cytoplasmic pH in roots is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

富含巯基的植物II型金属硫蛋白(MT)对植物抵抗重金属胁迫具有重要作用,其中一个可能机制是金属硫蛋白可能猝灭重金属引起的氧化胁迫。利用转MT-II基因和野生型拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)植株来对比研究MT在胁迫过程中通过清除氧自由基,特别是H2O2而对植物抗旱性的影响。研究表明,转基因型拟南芥能有效维持体内氧化—还原势,减少MDA的产生,从而缓解干旱胁迫引起的伤害,提高抗旱性。  相似文献   

Two new loci have been found to be clustered with five other genes for the nitrate assimilation pathway in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome. One gene, located close to the 3′-end of the high-affinity nitrate transporter (HANT) gene Nrt2;2, corresponds to the nitrite reductase (NiR) structural gene Nii1. This is supported by a number of experimental findings: (i) NiR-deficient mutants have lost Nii1 gene expression; (ii) Nii1 mRNA accumulation is co-regulated with the expression of other structural genes of the nitrate assimilation pathway; (iii) nitrite (nitrate) utilization ability is recovered in the NiR mutants by functional complementation with a wild-type Nii1 gene; (iv) the elucidated NII1 amino acid sequence is highly similar to that of the cyanobacterial and higher-plant enzyme, and contains the predicted domains for plastidic ferredoxin-NiRs. Thus, the mutant phenotype and the mRNA sequence and expression of the Nii1 gene have been unequivocally related. Accumulation of mRNA for the second locus identified, Lde1 (light-dependent expression), was not regulated by nitrogen, but like nitrate-assimilation clustered genes, its expression was down-regulated in the dark. Received: 27 November 1997 / Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

The number of online databases and web-tools for gene expression analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana has increased tremendously during the last years. These resources permit the database-assisted identification of putative cis-regulatory DNA sequences, their binding proteins, and the determination of common cis-regulatory motifs in coregulated genes. DNA binding proteins may be predicted by the type of cis-regulatory motif. Further questions of combinatorial control based on the interaction of DNA binding proteins and the colocalization of cis-regulatory motifs can be addressed. The database-assisted spatial and temporal expression analysis of DNA binding proteins and their target genes may help to further refine experimental approaches. Signal transduction pathways upstream of regulated genes are not yet fully accessible in databases mainly because they need to be manually annotated. This review focuses on the use of the AthaMap and PathoPlant® databases for gene expression regulation analysis and discusses similar and complementary online databases and web-tools. Online databases are helpful for the development of working hypothesis and for designing subsequent experiments.  相似文献   

The expression of the auxin-inducible Nt103-1 gene of tobacco was studied in Arabidopsis thaliana. For this purpose we introduced a gene fusion between the promoter of the gene and the -glucuronidase reporter gene (GUS) into Arabidopsis thaliana. The expression and location of GUS activity were studied histochemically in time and after incubation of seedlings on medium containing auxins or other compounds. The auxins 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and 1-naphthylacetic acid (1-NAA) were able to induce GUS activity in the root tips of transgenic seedlings. The auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid was able to induce GUS activity not only in the root tip, but also in other parts of the root. Induction by the inactive auxin analog 3,5-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was much weaker. Compounds like glutathione and the heavy metal CuSO4 were weak inducers. GUS activity observed after induction by glutathione was located in the transition zone. Salicylic acid and compounds increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the cell were also very well able to induce GUS activity in the roots. The possible involvement of hydrogen peroxide as a second messenger in the pathway leading to the induction of the Nt103-1 promoter is discussed.  相似文献   



Pollen tubes deliver sperm after navigating through flower tissues in response to attractive and repulsive cues. Genetic analyses in maize and Arabidopsis thaliana and cell ablation studies in Torenia fournieri have shown that the female gametophyte (the 7-celled haploid embryo sac within an ovule) and surrounding diploid tissues are essential for guiding pollen tubes to ovules. The variety and inaccessibility of these cells and tissues has made it challenging to characterize the sources of guidance signals and the dynamic responses they elicit in the pollen tubes.  相似文献   

The majority of mutations that delay flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana have been identified in studies of the Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotype. In this report we describe a gene (referred to as FLD) that, when mutated, delays flowering in the Columbia ecotype but has a minimal phenotype in the Ler genetic background. The late-flowering phenotype of fld mutants requires a non-Ler allele of another gene involved in the control of flowering time, Flowering Locus C. fld mutants retain a photoperiod response, and the flowering time of fld mutants can be reduced by cold treatment and low red/far-red light ratios.  相似文献   

Type 1 phosphoprotein Ser/Thr phosphatases (PP1) are highly conserved enzymes found in all eukaryotes. These enzymes have multiple functions in fungal and animal cells but little is known of their function and regulation in plants. Previous studies in our laboratory indicated that maize and Arabidopsis contain a family of PP1 genes and/or pseudogenes. In this study, we report the isolation of five distinct Arabidopsis cDNA clones (TOPP1, TOPP2, TOPP3, TOPP4 and TOPP5) which encode the catalytic subunit (PP1c) of type 1 protein phosphatases. Genomic Southern blot analyses indicate that these clones are the products of five distinct genes and that an additional 2–3 PP1c genes and/or pseudogenes may be present in the Arabidopsis genome. The derived amino acid sequences of the TOPP clones are very similar to published sequences of PP1c from animals, fungi and plants. Four of the TOPP amino acid sequences show unique structural features not observed in other PP1c sequences from fungi or animals. All of the TOPP genes are expressed in Arabidopsis roots, rosettes and flowers, although TOPP1, TOPP2 and TOPP3 appear to be expressed at higher levels in these tissues than TOPP4 and TOPP5.  相似文献   

Small proteins secreted to the extracellular matrix in plants regulate many physiological activities, including pathogen response, material transport, and morphogenesis, but the functions of most small secreted proteins have not been elucidated except for some well-known small secreted proteins. To predict the functions and physiological roles of unidentified small secreted proteins, information on their expression patterns is valuable. Here, we report expression analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana small secreted protein (ATSP) genes that encode proteins possessing a signal peptide at N-terminal, and protein sizes were less than 100 amino acid residues. By promoter:reporter experiments, we examined the expression of 122 ATSPs, including 47 unannotated ATSPs that do not have any discernable motifs, in tissues and at the cellular level in Arabidopsis seedlings, and floral organs. As a result, 79 ATSP genes were expressed in various regions of the seedlings, and 37 ATSP genes were specifically expressed.  相似文献   

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