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X-ray computed tomography for 3D plant imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Trends in plant science》2021,26(11):1171-1185

Reliable, noninvasive imaging modalities to characterize plaque components are clinically desirable for detecting unstable coronary plaques, which cause acute coronary syndrome. Although recent clinical developments in computed tomography (CT) have enabled the visualization of luminal narrowing and calcified plaques in coronary arteries, the identification of noncalcified plaque components remains difficult. Phase-contrast X-ray CT imaging has great potentials to reveal the structures inside biological soft tissues, because its sensitivity to light elements is almost 1,000 times greater than that of absorption-contrast X-ray imaging. Moreover, a specific mass density of tissue can be estimated using phase-contrast X-ray CT. Ex vivo phase-contrast X-ray CT was performed using a synchrotron radiation source (SPring-8, Japan) to investigate atherosclerotic plaque components of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Samples were also histologically analyzed. Phase-contrast X-ray CT at a spatial resolution of 10-20 mum revealed atherosclerotic plaque components easily, and thin fibrous caps were detected. The specific mass densities of these plaque components were quantitatively estimated. The mass density of lipid area was significantly lower (1.011 +/- 0.001766 g/ml) than that of smooth muscle area or collagen area (1.057 +/- 0.001407 and 1.080 +/- 0.001794 g/ml, respectively). Moreover, the three-dimensional assessment of plaques could provide their anatomical information. Phase-contrast X-ray CT can estimate the tissue mass density of atherosclerotic plaques and detect lipid-rich areas. It can be a promising noninvasive technique for the investigation of plaque components and detection of unstable coronary plaques.  相似文献   

Visualization of the vasculature is becoming increasingly important for understanding many different disease states. While several techniques exist for imaging vasculature, few are able to visualize the vascular network as a whole while extending to a resolution that includes the smaller vessels. Additionally, many vascular casting techniques destroy the surrounding tissue, preventing further analysis of the sample. One method which circumvents these issues is micro-Computed Tomography (μCT). μCT imaging can scan at resolutions <10 microns, is capable of producing 3D reconstructions of the vascular network, and leaves the tissue intact for subsequent analysis (e.g., histology and morphometry). However, imaging vessels by ex vivo μCT methods requires that the vessels be filled with a radiopaque compound. As such, the accurate representation of vasculature produced by μCT imaging is contingent upon reliable and complete filling of the vessels. In this protocol, we describe a technique for filling mouse coronary vessels in preparation for μCT imaging. Two predominate techniques exist for filling the coronary vasculature: in vivo via cannulation and retrograde perfusion of the aorta (or a branch off the aortic arch), or ex vivo via a Langendorff perfusion system. Here we describe an in vivo aortic cannulation method which has been specifically designed to ensure filling of all vessels. We use a low viscosity radiopaque compound called Microfil which can perfuse through the smallest vessels to fill all the capillaries, as well as both the arterial and venous sides of the vascular network. Vessels are perfused with buffer using a pressurized perfusion system, and then filled with Microfil. To ensure that Microfil fills the small higher resistance vessels, we ligate the large branches emanating from the aorta, which diverts the Microfil into the coronaries. Once filling is complete, to prevent the elastic nature of cardiac tissue from squeezing Microfil out of some vessels, we ligate accessible major vascular exit points immediately after filling. Therefore, our technique is optimized for complete filling and maximum retention of the filling agent, enabling visualization of the complete coronary vascular network--arteries, capillaries, and veins alike.  相似文献   

Dedicated high-resolution small animal systems have recently emerged as important new tools for laboratory animal research. These imaging systems permit researchers to noninvasively screen animal models for mutations or pathologies and to monitor disease progression and response to therapy. The authors survey various small animal imaging modalities, including MRI, PET, SPECT, and microCT, and discuss several representative microCT mouse imaging studies.  相似文献   

Biominerals typically have complex hierarchical structures traversing many length scales. This makes their structural characterization complicated, since it requires 3D techniques that can probe full specimens at down to nanometer-resolution, a combination that is difficult – if not impossible – to achieve simultaneously. One challenging example is bone, a mineralized tissue with a highly complex architecture that is replete with a network of cells. X-ray computed tomography techniques enable multiscale structural characterization through the combination of various equipment and emerge as promising tools for characterizing biominerals. Using bone as an example, we discuss how combining different X-ray imaging instruments allow characterizing bone structures from the nano- to the organ-scale. In particular, we compare and contrast human and rodent bone, emphasize the importance of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network in bone, and finally illustrate how combining synchrotron X-ray imaging with laboratory instrumentation for computed tomography is especially helpful for multiscale characterization of biominerals.  相似文献   

Imaging has long been one of the principal techniques used in biological and biomedical research. Indeed, the field of cell biology grew out of the first electron microscopy images of organelles in a cell. Since this landmark event, much work has been carried out to image and classify the organelles in eukaryotic cells using electron microscopy. Fluorescently labeled organelles can now be tracked in live cells, and recently, powerful light microscope techniques have pushed the limit of optical resolution to image single molecules. In this paper, we describe the use of soft X-ray tomography, a new tool for quantitative imaging of organelle structure and distribution in whole, fully hydrated eukaryotic Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells. In addition to imaging intact cells, soft X-ray tomography has the advantage of not requiring the use of any staining or fixation protocols—cells are simply transferred from their growth environment to a sample holder and immediately cryofixed. In this way the cells can be imaged in a near native state. Soft X-ray tomography is also capable of imaging relatively large numbers of cells in a short period of time, and is therefore a technique that has the potential to produce information on organelle morphology from statistically significant numbers of cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Symmelia is a rare birth defect, often combined with severe malformations of the urogenital system and the lower gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, a deformed pelvis and various degrees of separation of the lower limbs are present. CASES: We report the examination findings of 3 autopsy specimens of symmelia using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) with 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructions, and conventional X-ray. CONCLUSIONS: MRI and CT with the addition of 3D visualization can be used additionally with autopsy and conventional X-ray images in the investigation of such complex anatomical abnormalities.  相似文献   


Determining the anatomic severity and extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) by means of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) and its effect on perfusion using myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) form the pillars of the non-invasive imaging assessment of CAD. This review will 1) focus on CCTA and [15O]H2O positron emission tomography MPI as stand-alone imaging modalities and their combined use for detecting CAD, 2) highlight some of the lessons learned from the PACIFIC trial (Comparison of Coronary CT Angiography, SPECT, PET, and Hybrid Imaging for Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease Determined by Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) (NCT01521468)), and 3) discuss the use of [15O]H2O PET MPI in the clinical work-up of patients with a chronic coronary total occlusion (CTO).


Rau C  Hwang M  Lee WK  Richter CP 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e33568
Imaging with hard X-rays allows visualizing cochlear structures while maintaining intrinsic qualities of the tissue, including structure and size. With coherent X-rays, soft tissues, including membranes, can be imaged as well as cells making use of the so-called in-line phase contrast. In the present experiments, partially coherent synchrotron radiation has been used for micro-tomography. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the mouse cochlea have been created using the EM3D software and the volume has been segmented in the Amira Software Suite. The structures that have been reconstructed include scala tympani, scala media, scala vestibuli, Reissner's membrane, basilar membrane, tectorial membrane, organ of Corti, spiral limbus, spiral ganglion and cochlear nerve. Cross-sectional areas of the scalae were measured. The results provide a realistic and quantitative reconstruction of the cochlea.  相似文献   

In this study, high-resolution computed tomography X-ray scanning was used to scan ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) copulatory plugs. This method produced accurate measures of plug volume and surface area, but was not useful for visualizing plug internal structure. Copulatory plug size was of interest because it may relate to male fertilization success. Copulatory plugs form from coagulated ejaculate, and are routinely displaced in this species by the penis of a subsequent mate during copulation (Parga [2003] Int. J. Primatol. 24:889-899). Because one potential function of these plugs may be to preclude or delay other males' successful insemination of females, we tested the hypothesis that larger plugs are more difficult for subsequent males to displace. Plugs were collected opportunistically upon displacement during data collection on L. catta mating behavior on St. Catherines Island, Georgia (USA) during two subsequent breeding seasons. Copulatory plugs exhibited a wide range of volumes: 1,758-5,013.6 mm3 (n = 9). Intraindividual differences in plug volume were sometimes greater than interindividual differences. Contrary to predictions, larger plugs were not more time-consuming for males to displace via penile intromission during copulation. Nor were plugs with longer vaginal residence times notably smaller than plugs with shorter residence times, as might be expected if plugs disintegrate while releasing sperm (Asdell [1946] Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction; Ithaca: Comstock). We found a significant inverse correlation between number of copulatory mounts leading to ejaculation and copulatory plug volume. This may indicate that if males are sufficiently sexually aroused to reach ejaculation in fewer mounts, they tend to produce ejaculates of greater volume.  相似文献   

Wood biodegradation is a central process at the crossroads of several disciplines. It is not only important for carbon storage in forests, but it is also important for wood conservation, wood protection and wood transformation products. Many methods already exist for studying wood biodegradation; however, they present several drawbacks, being time-consuming or destructive. Moreover, they provide little information regarding the complexity of the degradation process and the heterogeneity of the wood substrate. Based on a kinetic study of the biodegradation of Fagus sylvatica by the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, we developed an X-ray computed tomography method coupled with an in-house plugin for fast, non-destructive and accurate measurement of the density variations of decaying wood. This method allowed us to examine the spatial heterogeneity of woody decayed material at the millimeter scale, providing information about the fungal pattern of degradation. Thus, X-ray computed tomography is an efficient tool that can be used for measuring the degradation of a variety of wood substrates ranging from small normalized wood blocks to fallen logs in the forest.  相似文献   

Considering the high cost of dedicated small-animal positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), an acceptable alternative in many situations might be clinical PET/CT. However, spatial resolution and image quality are of concern. The utility of clinical PET/CT for small-animal research and image quality improvements from super-resolution (spatial subsampling) were investigated. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NU 4 phantom and mouse data were acquired with a clinical PET/CT scanner, as both conventional static and stepped scans. Static scans were reconstructed with and without point spread function (PSF) modeling. Stepped images were postprocessed with iterative deconvolution to produce super-resolution images. Image quality was markedly improved using the super-resolution technique, avoiding certain artifacts produced by PSF modeling. The 2 mm rod of the NU 4 phantom was visualized with high contrast, and the major structures of the mouse were well resolved. Although not a perfect substitute for a state-of-the-art small-animal PET/CT scanner, a clinical PET/CT scanner with super-resolution produces acceptable small-animal image quality for many preclinical research studies.  相似文献   

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