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The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal axis couples serotonergic activity in the brain to the peripheral regulators of energy balance and response to stress. The regulation of peripheral systems occurs largely through the release of peptide hormones, especially the melanocortins (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH] and alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone [α-MSH]), and beta-endorphin. Once in circulation, these peptides regulate a wide range of processes; α-MSH in particular regulates behaviors and physiologies with sexual and social functions. We investigated the role of the HPI and melanocortin peptides in regulation of electric social signals in the gymnotiform electric fish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. We found that corticotropin releasing factor, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and α-MSH, three peptide hormones of the HPI/HPA, increased electric signal waveform amplitude and duration when injected into free-swimming fish. A fourth peptide, a synthetic cyclic-α-MSH analog attenuated the normal circadian and socially-induced EOD enhancements in vivo. When applied to the electrogenic cells (electrocytes) in vitro, only α-MSH increased the amplitude and duration of the electrocyte discharge similar to the waveform enhancements seen in vivo. The cyclic-α-MSH analog had no effect on its own, but blocked or attenuated α-MSH-induced enhancements in the single-cell discharge parameters, demonstrating that this compound functions as a silent antagonist at the electrocyte. Overall, these results strongly suggest that the HPI regulates the EOD communication signal, and demonstrate that circulating melanocortin peptides enhance the electrocyte discharge waveform.  相似文献   

Energetic demands of social communication signals can constrain signal duration, repetition, and magnitude. The metabolic costs of communication signals are further magnified when they are coupled to active sensory systems that require constant signal generation. Under such circumstances, metabolic stress incurs additional risk because energy shortfalls could degrade sensory system performance as well as the social functions of the communication signal. The weakly electric fish Eigenmannia virescens generates electric organ discharges (EODs) that serve as both active sensory and communication signals. These EODs are maintained at steady frequencies of 200–600 Hz throughout the lifespan, and thus represent a substantial metabolic investment. We investigated the effects of metabolic stress (food deprivation) on EOD amplitude (EODa) and EOD frequency (EODf) in E. virescens and found that only EODa decreases during food deprivation and recovers after restoration of feeding. Cortisol did not alter EODa under any conditions, and plasma cortisol levels were not changed by food deprivation. Both melanocortin hormones and social challenges caused transient EODa increases in both food-deprived and well-fed fish. Intramuscular injections of leptin increased EODa in food-deprived fish but not well-fed fish, identifying leptin as a novel regulator of EODa and suggesting that leptin mediates EODa responses to metabolic stress. The sensitivity of EODa to dietary energy availability likely arises because of the extreme energetic costs of EOD production in E. virescens and also could reflect reproductive strategies of iteroparous species that reduce social signaling and reproduction during periods of stress to later resume reproductive efforts when conditions improve.  相似文献   

A characteristic electric organ discharge display in social encounters between mormyrid fish is a temporary discharge cessation. Using this response, we have investigated the useful range of electrocommunication under different water conductivity conditions in the mormyrid Brienomyrus niger. An individual fish was confined to a porous ceramic shelter tube and moved from a starting distance of 380 cm toward a similarly confined conspecific until discharge, cessation occurred. The moved fish was subsequently returned to its original, position. Water conductivity affects the peak-to-peak source voltage of the electric organ and the sensitivity of the fish's electroreceptors. Within a range of 10 to 36 000 μS/cm, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the electric organ discharge declined as a power function. At 120 μS/cm, the amplitude was 50%, and at 300μS/cm, 30% of the 10 μS/cm value. The interfish distance at which discharge cessation occurred and the associated electric field gradients were dependent on water conductivity and upon the spatial orientation of the two fish (end-to-end or parallel orientations of their shelter tubes). The respective ranges were from 135 cm and 0.02 mV/cm at 52 μS/cm (parallel orientation) to 22 cm and 0.36 mV/cm at 678 μS/cm (end-to-end orientation). When the data for both tube orientations were combined, the relationship between water conductivity (x) and the distance at which discharge cessation occurred (y) could be expressed by a power function, y=K·xa (with K=102.97 and a=?0.56). When an electrically ‘silent’ fish was moved away from its conspecific, a discharge resumption in the form of a high-frequency rebound occasionally effected changes in the other fish's discharge activity at distances up to 157 cm (with an associated electric, field gradient of 0.01 mV/cm under the lowest conductivity condition).  相似文献   

The electric organ discharge of the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus is a biphasic waveform. The female's electric organ discharge is nearly symmetric but males produce a longer second phase than first phase. In this study, infrared-sensitive video cameras monitored the position of unrestrained fish, facilitating precise measurement of electric organ discharge duration and amplitude every 2 h for 24 h. Males (n=27) increased electric organ discharge duration by 37 ± 12% and amplitude by 24 ± 9% at night and decreased it during the day. In contrast, females (n=8) exhibited only minor electric organ discharge variation over time. Most of a male's increase occurred rapidly within the first 2–3 h of darkness. Electric organ discharge values gradually diminished during the second half of the dark period and into the next morning. Modulation of the second phase of the biphasic electric organ discharge produced most of the duration change in males, but both phases changed amplitude by similar amounts. Turning the lights off at mid-day triggered an immediate increase in electric organ discharge, suggesting modification of existing ion channels in the electric organ, rather than altered genomic expression. Exaggeration of electric organ discharge sex differences implies a social function. Daily reduction of duration and amplitude may reduce predation risk or energy expenditure. Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

The communication signals of electric fish can be dynamic, varying between the sexes on a circadian rhythm and in response to social and environmental cues. In the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus gauderio waveform shape of the electric organ discharge (EOD) is regulated by steroid and peptide hormones. Furthermore, EOD amplitude and duration change on different timescales and in response to different social stimuli, suggesting that they are regulated by different mechanisms. Little is known about how androgen and peptide hormone systems interact to regulate signal waveform. We investigated the relationship between the androgens testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), the melanocortin peptide hormone α-MSH, and their roles in regulating EOD waveform of male B. gauderio. Males were implanted with androgen (T, 11-KT, or blank), and injected with α-MSH before and at the peak of androgen effect. We compared the effects of androgen implants and social interactions by giving males a size-matched male stimulus with which they could interact electrically. Social stimuli and both androgens increased EOD duration, but only social stimuli and 11-KT elevated amplitude. However, no androgen enhanced EOD amplitude to the extent of a social stimulus, suggesting that a yet unidentified hormonal pathway regulates this signal parameter. Additionally, both androgens increased response of EOD duration to α-MSH, but only 11-KT increased response of EOD amplitude to α-MSH. Social stimuli had no effect on EOD response to α-MSH. The finding that EOD amplitude is preferentially regulated by 11-KT in B. gauderio may provide the basis for independent control of amplitude and duration.  相似文献   

By mimicking tropical rainy season conditions in aquaria, we stimulated two species of gymnotoid electric fish, Eigenmannia virescens and Apteronotus leptorhynchus, to spawn in captivity. Their courtship activity, breeding behaviour and electric social communication were monitored in several groups over 2 years. Groups of both species established dominance hierarchies correlated with electric organ discharge frequency, aggressiveness and size. Spawning was preceded by several nights of courtship during which the male modulated its electric organ discharge to produce ‘chirps’. Continual bouts of chirping lasted for hours on evenings prior to spawning. These electrical signals play a significant role in courtship and spawning, as gravid E. virescens females could be stimulated to spawn by playing back into the tank a tape recording of male courtship chirps. In both species the chirp invovves a slight increase in frequency followed by a cessation of the dominant frequency. This suggests a common mode of signal production in these two different genera of fish. Chirps are short and abrupt during aggressive encounters, but assume a softer and more raspy quality during courtship.  相似文献   

Summary Weakly electric fish (Gymnotiformes) emit quasi-sinusoidal electric organ discharges within speciesspecific frequency ranges. The electrosensory system is organized into 2 parallel pathways which convey either the amplitude or the timing of each electric organ discharge cycle. Two putative metabolic activity markers, calbindin D 28K and cytochrome c oxidase, and their relationship with the electrosensory nuclei of high- and low-frequency species were studied. Calbindin is found in the somata of the spherical neurons in the first-order electrosensory recipient nucleus, the electrosensory lateral-line lobe, and in layer VI of the midbrain's torus semicircularis, in Eigenmannia virescens, an intermediate-frequency species, and Apteronotus leptorhynchus, a high-frequency species. Calbindin immunoreactivity was completely absent in these nuclei in Sternopygus macrurus, a closely related, low-frequency species. Cytochrome c oxidase levels were inversely related to calbindin immunoreactivity since relatively high levels were observed in the electrosensory lateral-line lobe and torus semicircularis of S. macrurus but were absent in these nuclei in A. leptorhynchus. Our studies indicate that calbindin immunoreactivity is present in tonic, repetitively firing neurons with high frequencies.  相似文献   

Sexually-selected communication signals can be used by competing males to settle contests without incurring the costs of fighting. Steroid regulation of these signals can render them as reliable indicators of a male's physiological state. We investigated how plasticity in electrocommunication signals is driven by social competition for mates, mediated by steroid hormones, and subject to the effects of past social experience. We measured the electric waveform's amplitude and duration and steroid hormone levels of male gymnotiform electric fish (Brachyhypopomus gauderio) following week-long periods of social isolation, and low or high social competition. To quantify the effect of social history on the modulation of the electric signal, six groups of six males experienced all three social conditions but in different order. We found that males differentially modulate their electric signals depending on the order they experienced these conditions. Thus, past social interactions affect both present and future social electric signals. Cortisol levels and the amplitude of the electric signal appeared to track the intensity of competition, while androgen levels and the duration of the electric signal only responded to the presence (low and high competition) or absence (isolation) of a social environment (low and high androgens respectively). In addition, cortisol levels were related to the body size of the males at high social competition. Taken together, these findings suggest that the capacity of males to modulate their signals in response to social competition is regulated by steroids.  相似文献   

Signal honesty may be compromised when heightened competition provides incentive for signal exaggeration. Some degree of honesty might be maintained by intrinsic handicap costs on signalling or through imposition of extrinsic costs, such as social punishment of low quality cheaters. Thus, theory predicts a delicate balance between signal enhancement and signal reliability that varies with degree of social competition, handicap cost, and social cost. We investigated whether male sexual signals of the electric fish Brachyhypopomus gauderio would become less reliable predictors of body length when competition provides incentives for males to boost electric signal amplitude. As expected, social competition under natural field conditions and in controlled lab experiments drove males to enhance their signals. However, signal enhancement improved the reliability of the information conveyed by the signal, as revealed in the tightening of the relationship between signal amplitude and body length. Signal augmentation in male B. gauderio was independent of body length, and thus appeared not to be curtailed through punishment of low quality (small) individuals. Rather, all individuals boosted their signals under high competition, but those whose signals were farthest from the predicted value under low competition boosted signal amplitude the most. By elimination, intrinsic handicap cost of signal production, rather than extrinsic social cost, appears to be the basis for the unexpected reinforcement of electric signal honesty under social competition. Signal modulation may provide its greatest advantage to the signaller as a mechanism for handicap disposal under low competition rather than as a mechanism for exaggeration of quality under high competition.  相似文献   

In social animals, hierarchical rank governs food availability, territorial rights and breeding access. Rank order can change rapidly and typically depends on dynamic aggressive interactions. Since the neuromodulator corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) integrates internal and external cues to regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, we analyzed the CRF system during social encounters related to status. We used a particularly suitable animal model, African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni, whose social status regulates reproduction. When presented with an opportunity to rise in rank, subordinate A. burtoni males rapidly change coloration, behavior, and their physiology to support a new role as dominant, reproductively active fish. Although changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH1), the key reproductive molecular actor, have been analyzed during social ascent, little is known about the roles of CRF and the HPA axis during transitions. Experimentally enabling males to ascend in social rank, we measured changes in plasma cortisol and the CRF system in specific brain regions 15 minutes after onset of social ascent. Plasma cortisol levels in ascending fish were lower than subordinate conspecifics, but similar to levels in dominant animals. In the preoptic area (POA), where GnRH1 cells are located, and in the pituitary gland, CRF and CRF1 receptor mRNA levels are rapidly down regulated in ascending males compared to subordinates. In the Vc/Vl, a forebrain region where CRF cell bodies are located, mRNA coding for both CRFR1 and CRFR2 receptors is lower in ascending fish compared to stable subordinate conspecifics. The rapid time course of these changes (within minutes) suggests that the CRF system is involved in the physiological changes associated with shifts in social status. Since CRF typically has inhibitory effects on the neuroendocrine reproductive axis in vertebrates, this attenuation of CRF activity may allow rapid activation of the reproductive axis and facilitate the transition to dominance.  相似文献   

Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus (pulse-type weakly electric fish) is a gregarious species that displays reproductive behavior and agonistic encounters between males only during the breeding season. During social interactions, in addition to its basal electric organ discharge (EOD), fish emit social electric signals (SESs) in the contexts of reproduction and intrasexual aggression. We reproduced natural behavior in laboratory settings: SESs recorded in the field are indistinguishable from those observed in our experimental setup. SESs are nocturnal, change seasonally and exhibit sexual dimorphism. This study provides an exhaustive characterization and classification of SESs produced by males and females during the breeding season. In male–female dyads, males produce accelerations and chirps while females interrupt their EODs. The same SESs are observed in male–male dyads. We present a novel, thorough classification of male chirps into four independent types (A, B, C, and M) based on their duration and internal structure. The type M chirp is only observed in male–male dyads. Chirps and interruptions, both in male–female and male–male dyads, are emitted in bouts, which are also grouped throughout the night. Our data suggest the existence of a sophisticated electric dialog during reproductive and aggressive interaction whose precise timing and behavioral significance are being investigated.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish use their electric fields to locate objects and communicate with each other. Their electric discharges vary with species, gender, and social status. This variation is mediated by steroid and peptide hormones that influence ion currents through changes in gene expression or phosphorylation state. Understanding how electric fish decode the perturbations of their electric fields that result from interactions with the discharges of other fish or prey is illuminating general mechanisms of neuronal processing. Their central sensory circuits are specialized to process amplitude modulated signals, to detect microsecond variations in spike timing, and are dynamically reconfigured depending on the stimulus parameters.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish orient at night by employing active electrolocation. South American and African species emit electric signals and perceive the consequences of these emissions with epidermal electroreceptors. Objects are detected by analyzing the electric images which they project onto the animal’s electroreceptive skin surface. Electric images depend on size, distance, shape, and material of objects and on the morphology of the electric organ and the fish’s body. It is proposed that the mormyrid Gnathonemus petersii possesses two electroreceptive “foveae” at its Schnauzenorgan and its nasal region, both of which resemble the visual fovea in the retina of many animals in design, function, and behavioral use. Behavioral experiments have shown that G. petersii can determine the resistive and capacitive components of an object’s complex impedance in order to identify prey items during foraging. In addition, fish can measure the distance and three-dimensional shape of objects. In order to determine object properties during active electrolocation, the fish have to determine at least four parameters of the local signal within an object’s electric image: peak amplitude, maximal slope, image width, and waveform distortions. A crucial parameter is the object distance, which is essential for unambiguous evaluation of object properties.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2014,14(3):165-175
For successful fertilization, spermatozoa must access, bind, and penetrate an egg, processes for which activation of spermatozoa motility is a prerequisite. Fish spermatozoa are stored in seminal plasma where they are immotile during transit through the genital tract of most externally fertilizing teleosts and chondrosteans. Under natural conditions, motility is induced immediately following release of spermatozoa from the male genital tract into the aqueous environment. The nature of an external trigger for the initiation of motility is highly dependent on the aquatic environment (fresh or salt water) and the species’ reproductive behavior. Triggering signals include osmotic pressure, ionic and gaseous components of external media and, in some cases, egg-derived substances. Extensive study of environmental factors influencing fish spermatozoa motility has led to the proposal of several mechanisms of activation in freshwater and marine fish. However, the signal transduction pathways initiated by these mechanisms remain clear. This review presents the current knowledge with respect to (1) membrane reception of the activation signal and its transduction through the spermatozoa plasma membrane via the external membrane components, ion channels, and aquaporins; (2) cytoplasmic trafficking of the activation signal; (3) final steps of the signaling, including signal transduction to the axonemal machinery, and activation of axonemal dyneins and regulation of their activity; and (4) pathways supplying energy for flagellar motility.  相似文献   

In animal communication, the social context that elicits particular dynamic changes in the signal can provide indirect clues to signal function. Female presence should increase the expression of male signal traits relevant for mate-choice, while male presence should promote the enhancement of traits involved in male-male competition. The electric fish Brachyhypopomus gauderio produces a biphasic electric pulse for electrolocation and communication. Pulse amplitude predicts the signaler’s body size while pulse duration predicts circulating androgen levels. Males enhance pulse amplitude and duration when the numbers of males and females increase simultaneously. Here we tested the relative effects of female presence and male presence on male signal enhancement, and whether the size of the male competitor affected this enhancement. We found that male presence drives the enhancement of both pulse amplitude and second phase duration, independently of the size of the male competitor. Female presence induces the enhancement of pulse duration, but not pulse amplitude. These data suggest that males probably attend to information about a competitor’s body size coded by pulse amplitude and attend to aggressiveness coded by a competitor’s pulse duration, both potential predictors of fight outcome. Females may be primarily concerned about information on reproductive condition coded by pulse duration.  相似文献   

The long-QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inherited cardiac disorder associated with syncope and a high risk of sudden death. The molecular basis of type-1 LQTS (LQT1) is a missense or nonsense mutation in KCNQ channels that reduces slowly activating delayed rectifier potassium channel (IKs) resulting in a prolonged action potential. Noticeably, the S2–S3 linker is a highly congregating region of LQT1 mutations. To further explore the mechanism, a KCNQ mutant (L191P) identified in one Chinese pedigree with LQT1 was chosen for this purpose. As Leu-191 is located in the middle of a well-known endoplasmic reticulum (ER) localization signal (RXR) in the intracellular S2–S3 linker, we examined the kinetics and the surface expression of both the KCNQ1 and L191 mutants. Our results showed that the mutation did not affect the channel kinetics, whereas the surface expression increased with increasing hydrophobicity of the middle residue ‘X’ of the RXR motif. Based on an analysis of fractional fluorescence data using a binomial model, we also found that the percentage of KCNQ1/L191P heteromeric channels expressed at the cell surface were 22.0%, 40.5%, 27.9%, 8.6% and 1.0% of heteromeric channels with 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 subunits of L191P, respectively, in a transfected ratio of KCNQ1: L191P = 1:1. These experiments demonstrated that coexpression of L191P resulted in a trafficking factor α < 1, causing a trafficking deficiency of heteromeric channels that underlay the dominant-negative effect. This study suggests several trafficking signals coexisting in this region, and expands our understanding of possible dominant-negative mechanisms underlying LQTS.  相似文献   

Weakly electric "wave" fish make highly regular electric organ discharges (EODs) for precise electrolocation. Yet, they modulate the ongoing rhythmicity of their EOD during social interactions. These modulations may last from a few milliseconds to tens of minutes. In this paper we describe the different types of EOD modulations, what they may signal to recipient fish, and how they are generated on a neural level. Our main conclusions, based on a species called the brown ghost (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) are that fish: (1) show sexual dimorphism in the signals that they generate; (2) make different signals depending on Whether they are interacting with a fish of the opposite sex or, within their own sex, to a fish of that which is dominant or subordinate to it; (3) are able to assess relative dominance from electrical cues; (4) have a type of plasticity in the pacemaker nucleus, the control center for the EOD, that occurs after stimulation of NMDA receptors that causes a long-lasting (tens of minutes to hours) change in EOD frequency; (5) that this NMDA receptor-dependent change may occur in reflexive responses, like the jamming avoidance response (JAR), as well as after certain long-lasting social signals. We propose that NMDA-receptor dependent increases in EOD frequency during the JAR adaptively shift the EOD frequency to a new value to avoid jamming by another fish and that such increases in EOD frequency during social encounters may be advantageous since social dominance seems to be positively correlated with EOD frequency in both sexes.  相似文献   

Trafficking of the pore-forming α-subunits of large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels to the cell surface represents an important regulatory step in controlling BK channel function. Here, we identify multiple trafficking signals within the intracellular RCK1-RCK2 linker of the cytosolic C terminus of the channel that are required for efficient cell surface expression of the channel. In particular, an acidic cluster-like motif was essential for channel exit from the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequent cell surface expression. This motif could be transplanted onto a heterologous nonchannel protein to enhance cell surface expression by accelerating endoplasmic reticulum export. Importantly, we identified a human alternatively spliced BK channel variant, hSloΔ579–664, in which these trafficking signals are excluded because of in-frame exon skipping. The hSloΔ579–664 variant is expressed in multiple human tissues and cannot form functional channels at the cell surface even though it retains the putative RCK domains and downstream trafficking signals. Functionally, the hSloΔ579–664 variant acts as a dominant negative subunit to suppress cell surface expression of BK channels. Thus alternative splicing of the intracellular RCK1-RCK2 linker plays a critical role in determining cell surface expression of BK channels by controlling the inclusion/exclusion of multiple trafficking motifs.  相似文献   

A series of four related experiments on guppy, Poecilia reticulata, juveniles indicates that eye colour is related to motivational state. In juveniles of this species two distinct eye colour states are easily discernible, with a transient intermediate state infrequently seen. These states are dark, light, and intermediate. In aggressive interactions involving both both dark- and light-eyed fish, dark-eyed fish won 98.6% of the encounters (N=222 encounters). Eye colours are significantly correlated with bout lengths of certain behaviours (aggressive encounters, swimming, substrate biting); total time spent in certain behaviours (swimming, aggressive encounters); and type and intensity of aggressive encounters. Eye colour appears to be related to motivational state and may serve a signal function.  相似文献   

Communication signals are highly diverse traits. This diversity is usually assumed to be shaped by selective forces, whereas the null hypothesis of divergence through drift is often not considered. In Panama, the weakly electric fish Brachyhypopomus occidentalis is widely distributed in multiple independent drainage systems, which provide a natural evolutionary laboratory for the study of genetic and signal divergence in separate populations. We quantified geographic variation in the electric signals of 109 fish from five populations, and compared it to the neutral genetic variation estimated from cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences of the same individuals, to test whether drift may be driving divergence of their signals. Signal distances were highly correlated with genetic distances, even after controlling for geographic distances, suggesting that drift alone is sufficient to explain geographic variation in electric signals. Significant differences at smaller geographic scales (within drainages) showed, however, that electric signals may evolve at a faster rate than expected under drift, raising the possibility that additional adaptive forces may be contributing to their evolution. Overall, our data point to stochastic forces as main drivers of signal evolution in this species and extend the role of drift in the evolution of communication systems to fish and electrocommunication.  相似文献   

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