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This study describes the validation of a new wearable system for assessment of 3D spatial parameters of gait. The new method is based on the detection of temporal parameters, coupled to optimized fusion and de-drifted integration of inertial signals. Composed of two wirelesses inertial modules attached on feet, the system provides stride length, stride velocity, foot clearance, and turning angle parameters at each gait cycle, based on the computation of 3D foot kinematics. Accuracy and precision of the proposed system were compared to an optical motion capture system as reference. Its repeatability across measurements (test-retest reliability) was also evaluated. Measurements were performed in 10 young (mean age 26.1±2.8 years) and 10 elderly volunteers (mean age 71.6±4.6 years) who were asked to perform U-shaped and 8-shaped walking trials, and then a 6-min walking test (6 MWT). A total of 974 gait cycles were used to compare gait parameters with the reference system. Mean accuracy±precision was 1.5±6.8 cm for stride length, 1.4±5.6 cm/s for stride velocity, 1.9±2.0 cm for foot clearance, and 1.6±6.1° for turning angle. Difference in gait performance was observed between young and elderly volunteers during the 6 MWT particularly in foot clearance. The proposed method allows to analyze various aspects of gait, including turns, gait initiation and termination, or inter-cycle variability. The system is lightweight, easy to wear and use, and suitable for clinical application requiring objective evaluation of gait outside of the lab environment.  相似文献   



Oceans offer a vast amount of renewable energy. Tidal and wave energy devices are currently the most advanced conduits of ocean energy. To date, only a few life cycle assessments for ocean energy have been carried out for ocean energy. This study analyses ocean energy devices, including all technologies currently being proposed, in order to gain a better understanding of their environmental impacts and explore how they can contribute to a more sustainable energy supply.


The study followed the methodology of life cycle assessment including all life cycle steps from cradle to grave. The various types of device were assessed, on the basis of a functional unit of 1 kWh of electricity delivered to the grid. The impact categories investigated were based on the ILCD recommendations. The life cycle models were set up using detailed technical information on the components and structure of around 180 ocean energy devices from an in-house database.

Results and discussion

The design of ocean energy devices still varies considerably, and their weight ranges from 190 to 1270 t, depending on device type. Environmental impacts are closely linked to material inputs and are caused mainly by mooring and foundations and structural components, while impacts from assembly, installation and use are insignificant for all device types. Total greenhouse gas emissions of ocean energy devices range from about 15 to 105 g CO2-eq. kWh?1. Average global warming potential for all device types is 53?±?29 g CO2-eq. kWh?1. The results of this study are comparable with those of other studies and confirm that the environmental impacts of ocean energy devices are comparable with those of other renewable technologies and can contribute to a more sustainable energy supply.


Ocean energy devices are still at an early stage of development compared with other renewable energy technologies. Their environmental impacts can be further reduced by technology improvements already being pursued by developers (e.g. increased efficiency and reliability). Future life cycle assessment studies should assess whole ocean energy arrays or ocean energy farms.

The examination of an elderly patient often requires special techniques and attention to the patient''s comfort and ease. This paper outlines a reasonable approach to each phase of the interview and discusses the particular medical problems of this age group. Older people are often slow to bring their troubles to medical attention because their symptoms are vague or because they accept their disability as part of old age. Sometimes they have difficulty in communicating effectively with the physician. Simple patience can ease an otherwise frustrating situation.  相似文献   

Major objectives in forensic gerontology are physical and mental disorders during aging, which can be caused by various factors involving nutrition and stress, often accompanied by dysfunction in the neuroendocrine systems including the hypophysis. The objective of the present study was to investigate the histopathological changes in the adenohypophysis in elderly subjects using autopsy materials. Hypophyses with a scaphoid shape (group S: 16 males and 4 females; mean age, 78.6 years) and a normal one (group C: 30 males and 20 females; mean age, 65.2 years) were compared. Incidence of the scaphoid-shaped hypophysis mildly increased with age, being 17% in the elderly over 65 years of age. The weight of the pituitary gland in group S (0.42 +/- 0.1 g) was lower than that of group C (0.65 +/- 0.2 g). The degree of fibrosis was higher in group S (31.6% +/- 5.4%) than in group C (18.3% +/- 6.3%). Immunohistochemical staining showed no significant differences in the proportion of the ACTH cells and the TSH cells between the two groups (p > 0.05). However, there was an increase in the proportion of gonadotrophs, prolactin cells, and S-100-containing cells in group S and a decrease in that of GH cells (p < 0.05). These findings may be associated with reduced anabolic, gonadal and hepatic functions due to malnutrition.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Nanostructured polymer particles are produced to be used in ball grid array (BGA) and chip scale packaging (CSP). The technology could replace conventional BGA and CSP metal balls, and the hypothesis is that the shift could be eco-efficient as polymer core particles increase the reliability. For the first time, these particles are environmentally evaluated.  相似文献   

Breast conserving surgery (BCS) offering similar surgical outcomes as mastectomy while retaining breast cosmesis is becoming increasingly popular for the management of early stage breast cancers. However, its association with reoperation rates of 20% to 40% following incomplete tumor removal warrants the need for a fast and accurate intraoperative surgical margin assessment tool that offers cellular, structural and molecular information of the whole specimen surface to a clinically relevant depth. Biophotonic technologies are evolving to qualify as such an intraoperative tool for clinical assessment of breast cancer surgical margins at the microscopic and macroscopic scale. Herein, we review the current research in the application of biophotonic technologies such as photoacoustic imaging, Raman spectroscopy, multimodal multiphoton imaging, diffuse optical imaging and fluorescence imaging using medically approved dyes for breast cancer detection and/or tumor subtype differentiation toward intraoperative assessment of surgical margins in BCS specimens, and possible challenges in their route to clinical translation.  相似文献   

Goal and Scope  The potential environmental impacts associated with two landfill technologies for the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW), the engineered landfill and the bioreactor landfill, were assessed using the life cycle assessment (LCA) tool. The system boundaries were expanded to include an external energy production function since the landfill gas collected from the bioreactor landfill can be energetically valorized into either electricity or heat; the functional unit was then defined as the stabilization of 600 000 tonnes of MSW and the production of 2.56x108 MJ of electricity and 7.81x108 MJ of heat. Methods  Only the life cycle stages that presented differences between the two compared options were considered in the study. The four life cycle stages considered in the study cover the landfill cell construction, the daily and closure operations, the leachate and landfill gas associated emissions and the external energy production. The temporal boundary corresponded to the stabilization of the waste and was represented by the time to produce 95% of the calculated landfill gas volume. The potential impacts were evaluated using the EDIP97 method, stopping after the characterization step. Results and Discussion  The inventory phase of the LCA showed that the engineered landfill uses 26% more natural resources and generates 81% more solid wastes throughout its life cycle than the bioreactor landfill. The evaluated impacts, essentially associated with the external energy production and the landfill gas related emissions, are on average 91% higher for the engineered landfill, since for this option 1) no energy is recovered from the landfill gas and 2) more landfill gas is released untreated after the end of the post-closure monitoring period. The valorization of the landfill gas to electricity or heat showed similar environmental profiles (1% more raw materials and 7% more solid waste for the heat option but 13% more impacts for the electricity option). Conclusion and Recommendations  The methodological choices made during this study, e.g. simplification of the systems by the exclusion of the identical life cycle stages, limit the use of the results to the comparison of the two considered options. The validity of this comparison could however be improved if the systems were placed in the larger context of municipal solid waste management and include activities such as recycling, composting and incineration.  相似文献   

This study proposes a comprehensive assessment of myoelectric activity of the main muscles involved in the Functional Reach (FR) test, in 24 elderly subjects. A specific protocol for the surface electromyography (sEMG) signal acquisition during FR-test was developed. Results show that anterior muscles activate following a caudo-cranial order. Tibialis Anterior (TA) is the first to be activated (−18.0 ± 16.3% of the FR-period), together with Rectus Femoris (−10.4 ± 17.9%). Then, Rectus Abdominis (19.7 ± 24.7%) and Sternocleidomastoideus (19.9 ± 15.6%) activate after the FR-start. Hamstrings, Soleus, and L4-level Erectores Spinae (posterior muscles) activate after the FR-start in this order (11.4 ± 16.8%, 17.7 ± 16.6%, and 35.2 ± 29.0%, respectively) and remain active until the movement end. The analysis of the kinematic strategies adopted by subjects revealed an association between TA-activation patterns and two kinematic strategies (hip/mixed strategy), quantified by an increase (p < 0.05) of TA-activity duration in subjects adopting the hip strategy (89.9 ± 34.5) vs. subjects adopting the mixed strategy (27.0 ± 16.8). This suggests that TA sEMG activity could be able to discriminate among kinematic strategies, providing different information on balance control. Thus, the present analysis represents the first attempt to quantify the sEMG activity during FR-test in elderly subjects, providing an early contribution in building a reference frame for balance assessment in clinical context.  相似文献   

This paper is a two-fold introduction. For one, it introduces a new, open source, LCA software. Second, it is to establish a new section in Int J LCA named ‘LCA Software’. Herewith, the editors of the journal recognise the growing possibilities and the impact of software, meaning both databases and calculation as well as modelling software, for practical applications as well as for the scientific development in LCA. This section is designed to house a broad variety of papers to beLCA focused and related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology). In this sense, announcements (as this one), conference reports, but also peer-reviewed papers on methodology and case studies, are most welcome.  相似文献   

An increase in concentration of one of the tastants in a 'real food' might affect not only the perception of the taste quality of that manipulated tastant but also the other perceivable taste qualities. The influence of concentration increase of sodium or potassium chloride in tomato soup, sucrose or aspartame in iced tea, acetic or citric acid in mayonnaise, caffeine or quinine HCl in chocolate drink, monosodium glutamate (MSG) or inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) in broth on the other perceivable taste qualities in these foods was studied in 21 young subjects (19-33 years) and 21 older subjects (60-75 years). The results showed that for each of these tastants, except for the two acids, increasing the concentration provoked significant positive or negative interaction effects on the perception of one or more other taste qualities of the product. Especially in the young, olfaction plays a larger role in the assessment of taste intensity than has been hitherto assumed. The elderly are less able to discriminate between the taste qualities in a product, whereas the young are more able to do so.  相似文献   

In recent literature, prospective application of life cycle assessment (LCA) at low technology readiness levels (TRL) has gained immense interest for its potential to enable development of emerging technologies with improved environmental performances. However, limited data, uncertain functionality, scale up issues and uncertainties make it very challenging for the standard LCA guidelines to evaluate emerging technologies and requires methodological advances in the current LCA framework. In this paper, we review published literature to identify major methodological challenges and key research efforts to resolve these issues with a focus on recent developments in five major areas: cross‐study comparability, data availability and quality, scale‐up issues, uncertainty and uncertainty communication, and assessment time. We also provide a number of recommendations for future research to support the evaluation of emerging technologies at low technology readiness levels: (a) the development of a consistent framework and reporting methods for LCA of emerging technologies; (b) the integration of other tools with LCA, such as multicriteria decision analysis, risk analysis, technoeconomic analysis; and (c) the development of a data repository for emerging materials, processes, and technologies.  相似文献   

Chronically sun-exposed facial skin of three females aged 68, 71, and 78 years, and of a male aged 78, was examined by electron microscopy in order to study the condition of the epidermal melanocytes. Considerable heterogeneity of morphological and functional characteristics of the cells was observed. The majority of melanocytes were large, active, with occasionally lobulated or double nuclei, an appearance indicative of hyperstimulation. Some cells exhibited an appearance of having reached the end of an active life cycle and were labelled "aged." Others, in the upper end of the outer root sheath of hair follicles and adjacent interfollicular epidermis, presented a typically inactive appearance, indistinguishable from that of fetal melanocytes, or of those in unexposed skin of younger subjects. A cell with indented nucleus, fully melanised melanosomes, and hypertrophic Golgi apparatus was sporadically seen. Minute foci of dissociation of keratocytes were present, and melanocytes included in these were frequently disrupted. Swelling of mitochondria and cytoplasmic lipid droplets occurred sporadically within all the above variants of melanocytes. It proved difficult to establish criteria of specific sun damage of melanocytes. It is suggested that either the melanocytes exhibiting stimulation or the relatively inactive ones could be the precursors of the proliferating cells of lentigo maligna.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of ventilation in elderly subjects awake and asleep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We studied the periodicities of ventilation in elderly subjects using digital comb filtering. Two groups of subjects were studied, those with and without sleep apnea. Measurements were made in wakefulness, stage 1-2 sleep, and where possible in stage 3-4 sleep. For each of the digital filters we calculated the average power of the oscillatory output. To compare subject groups we first specifically determined the average power in the filter with the maximum output. The mean of this measurement was greater in elderly subjects with apnea compared with those without apnea, both during wakefulness and stage 1-2 sleep. In both groups of subjects the cycle time of the major ventilatory oscillations was on the order of 40-60 s. There was no difference in this cycle time between the two groups of subjects in wakefulness or stage 1-2 sleep. Thus, whereas similar oscillatory processes occur in subjects with and without apnea, it is the magnitude of the oscillation that differs between the two groups. These conclusions are supported by analysis of the output of individual filters of the digital comb filter. In both groups, stage 1-2 sleep produced significantly increased oscillations in ventilation. Both in wakefulness and stage 1-2 sleep, significantly greater periodicities occurred in the apneic compared with the nonapneic group. In the few subjects who had sufficient data in stage 3-4 sleep for spectral analysis, ventilatory oscillations were virtually absent in this state. Our data suggest that subjects who develop apnea during sleep have an increased propensity for periodic breathing even while awake.  相似文献   

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