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受体介导的内吞作用是目前公认的生物体摄取生物大分子的途径,而网格蛋白介导的内吞又是最主要的受体介导方式.结合国内外最新报道,介绍了网格蛋白和衔接蛋白的结构、分子特性和功能;从衔接蛋白、网格蛋白的招募;包被小凹的内陷、缢缩和包被液泡的芽殖和包被液泡的脱壳等过程,阐释了网格蛋白介导的内吞作用机制.  相似文献   

Endocytosis   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

The dependence of PC1 and ATP1 dephosphorylation on the number of isometric twitches in the iodoacetate-nitrogen-poisoned muscle has been examined. There is no net dephosphorylation of adenosinetriphosphate. PC dephosphorylation varies linearly with the number of twitches and produces equivalent amounts of C1 and P1i.1 Iodoacetate concentrations which block the enzyme, creatine phosphokinase, render the muscle non-contractile. A value of 0.286 µmole/gm. for the amount of PC split per twitch is obtained which gives a value of -9.62 kcal./mole for the "physiological" heat of hydrolysis of PC in agreement with expectations based on thermochemical data. In a single maximal isometric twitch it is estimated that 2 to 3 PC molecules are dephosphorylated per myosin molecule, or 1 per actin molecule. The results support the view that under the conditions of these experiments PC dephosphorylation is the net energy yielding reaction. The in vivo stoichiometry of the mechano-chemistry of contraction revealed by these studies on the one hand, and the known stoichiometry of actin polymerization and its coupling to the creatine phosphokinase system on the other are strikingly similar and strongly suggest that the reversible polymerization of actin is involved in a major way in the contraction-relaxation-recovery cycle of muscle.  相似文献   

Adaptation of molecular structure to the ligand chemistry and interaction with the cytoskeletal filament are key to understanding the mechanochemistry of molecular motors. Despite the striking structural similarity with kinesin-1, which moves towards plus-end, Ncd motors exhibit minus-end directionality on microtubules (MTs). Here, by employing a structure-based model of protein folding, we show that a simple repositioning of the neck-helix makes the dynamics of Ncd non-processive and minus-end directed as opposed to kinesin-1. Our computational model shows that Ncd in solution can have both symmetric and asymmetric conformations with disparate ADP binding affinity, also revealing that there is a strong correlation between distortion of motor head and decrease in ADP binding affinity in the asymmetric state. The nucleotide (NT) free-ADP (φ-ADP) state bound to MTs favors the symmetric conformation whose coiled-coil stalk points to the plus-end. Upon ATP binding, an enhanced flexibility near the head-neck junction region, which we have identified as the important structural element for directional motility, leads to reorienting the coiled-coil stalk towards the minus-end by stabilizing the asymmetric conformation. The minus-end directionality of the Ncd motor is a remarkable example that demonstrates how motor proteins in the kinesin superfamily diversify their functions by simply rearranging the structural elements peripheral to the catalytic motor head domain.  相似文献   

Morphogens are signaling molecules that are secreted by a localized source and spread in a target tissue where they are involved in the regulation of growth and patterning. Both the activity of morphogenetic signaling and the kinetics of ligand spreading in a tissue depend on endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. Here, we review quantitative approaches to study how large-scale morphogen profiles and signals emerge in a tissue from cellular trafficking processes and endocytic pathways. Starting from the kinetics of endosomal networks, we discuss the role of cellular trafficking and receptor dynamics in the formation of morphogen gradients. These morphogen gradients scale during growth, which implies that overall tissue size influences cellular trafficking kinetics. Finally, we discuss how such morphogen profiles can be used to control tissue growth. We emphasize the role of theory in efforts to bridge between scales.A fundamental challenge in biology is to understand how morphologies and complex patterns form in multicellular systems by the collective organization of many cells. Cells divide and undergo apoptosis, and they communicate via signaling pathways that use molecules as information carriers. In tissues, large-scale patterns of gene expression emerge from the coordinated signaling activity and response of many cells. The establishment of such patterns is often guided by long-range concentration profiles of morphogens. Cell divisions and cell rearrangements must be coordinated over large distances to achieve specific tissue sizes and shapes. To unravel how molecular processes and interactions can eventually be responsible for the formation of structures and patterns in tissues during development, it is important to study processes at different scales and understand how different levels of organization are connected. Such an approach becomes strongest if it involves a combination of quantitative experimental studies with theory.In the present article, we discuss several such approaches on different scales with a particular emphasis on theory. Starting from the kinetic and dynamic properties of endosomal networks inside a cell, we discuss transport processes in a tissue that can be related to kinetic trafficking parameters. Such transport processes are then responsible for the formation of graded morphogen concentration profiles. To permit scalable patterns in tissues of different sizes, it has been suggested that morphogen gradients scale during growth. This can be achieved on the tissue level by feedback systems that are sensitive to tissue size and regulate, for example, morphogen degradation. Finally, morphogen gradients that scale with tissue size can provide a system to robustly organize cell division in a large tissue and generate homogeneous growth. Theory can play an important role to bridge scales and understand how molecular and cellular processes can control pattern formation and tissue growth on larger scales.Morphogens are signaling molecules that are secreted in specific regions of developing tissues and can induce signaling activity far from their source. They typically form graded concentration profiles and therefore endow cells with positional information (cells can obtain information about their position in a tissue). Thus, they can guide cells to differentiate into complex morphological patterns. Morphogens also control cell growth and cell division. Because they control both patterning and growth, they may play a key role to coordinate these two processes. Such coordination is important because the size of morphological patterns must adjust during growth, whereas growth influences such patterns. A well-studied morphogen is Decapentaplegic (Dpp), which controls morphogenesis in the imaginal wing disc of developing Drosophila. Consequently, mutations in Dpp or defects in the trafficking pathways that control its graded concentration profiles and signaling affect the formation and structure of the adult wing.The study of morphogens was traditionally approached from a genetic perspective: Which gene products behave like morphogens? Which mutants affect patterning and growth? The realization that morphogens typically operate by a gradient of concentration raised the question of how morphogen gradients are generated. It became clear that the cellular trafficking of morphogens is a key issue for the generation of morphogen profiles. Morphogens are secreted ligands that bind receptors in the plasma membrane. The secretion of the ligands and the concentrations of receptor, ligand, and receptor/ligand complex at the plasma membrane are governed by their trafficking in the cell by vesicular transport. In particular, it was shown that trafficking through the endocytic pathway has an important impact on the formation of morphogen gradients (reviewed in Gonzalez-Gaitan 2003; see Bökel and Brand 2014). This is, to a large extent, how the cells respond to morphogens and contribute to set their local concentrations. To understand functions of morphogens in a tissue, we need to study how the gradient is formed. This, in turn, requires insights into morphogen trafficking through the endocytic pathway. The problem of morphogen behavior, therefore, becomes a problem spanning several levels of complexity: the organ level, the tissue level, the cell level, the organelle level, and the molecular level. Theoretical approaches motivated by physics combined with quantitative experimental approaches provide an ideal framework to understand how these different levels of complexity are intertwined.Two recent discoveries highlighted such integration. (1) The observation that profiles of the morphogen Dpp scale during growth, which implies that the rate of Dpp degradation mediated by the endocytic pathway of each of the cells in the tissue depends on the size of the overall tissue. This suggests that two levels of complexity are linked because cellular trafficking receives cues about the global tissue size. (2) As a result of the changes of the degradation rate that leads to gradient scaling, cells receive an increasing level of signaling. This, in turn, can be used by the cells to decide when to divide. This regulation again involves two levels of complexity because regulation at the endocytic pathway determines the growth properties of the tissue and, ultimately, its final size.In the following, we discuss quantitative approaches to study cellular signaling processes on different scales. Here, the aim is to understand how patterns on large scales can emerge during development from molecular processes and signaling pathways that involve endocytosis and cellular trafficking. We begin by describing trafficking of ligands in the endocytic pathway. We then consider the situation of a morphogen ligand and its impact in gradient formation. Subsequently, we discuss how gradient scaling might be realized. Finally, we discuss how such scaling processes play an important role in the regulation of morphogenetic growth.  相似文献   

Mechanochemistry of transcription termination factor Rho   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The bacteriophage T7 helicase is a ring-shaped hexameric motor protein that unwinds double-stranded DNA during DNA replication and recombination. To accomplish this it couples energy from the nucleotide hydrolysis cycle to translocate along one of the DNA strands. Here, we combine computational biology with new biochemical measurements to infer the following properties of the T7 helicase: (1) all hexameric subunits are catalytic; (2) the mechanical movement along the DNA strand is driven by the binding transition of nucleotide into the catalytic site; (3) hydrolysis is coordinated between adjacent subunits that bind DNA; (4) the hydrolysis step changes the affinity of a subunit for DNA allowing passage of DNA from one subunit to the next. We construct a numerical optimization scheme to analyze transient and steady-state biochemical measurements to determine the rate constants for the hydrolysis cycle and determine the flux distribution through the reaction network. We find that, under physiological and experimental conditions, there is no dominant pathway; rather there is a distribution of pathways that varies with the ambient conditions. Our analysis methods provide a systematic procedure to study kinetic pathways of multi-subunit, multi-state cooperative enzymes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The formation of digestive vacuoles by starved Tetrahymena pyriformis could be induced by mixtures of latex particles and a variety of potentially digestible solutes. Latex particles themselves had little effect in inducing vacuole formation. Protein, polypeptide, and RNA were highly effective inducers, while glutamate, amino acid mixtures, polysacharides, and glucose were moderately effective. Sodium-β-glycerophosphate had a slight effect and sodium acetate was ineffective. The possible stimulus to endocytosis is discussed. The endocytic response to inducers does not appear to be an all-or-none phenomenon and varies with the concentration of inducer. The stimulatory effect for protein-related inducers seems to be produced by a large number of stimulatory molecules acting upon a single cell and the magnitude of the response appears to be related to molecular size.  相似文献   

The pentameric ATPase motor gp16 packages double-stranded DNA into the bacteriophage ?29 virus capsid. On the basis of the results of single-molecule experimental studies, we propose a push and roll mechanism to explain how the packaging motor translocates the DNA in bursts of four 2.5 bp power strokes, while rotating the DNA. In this mechanism, each power stroke accompanies Pi release after ATP hydrolysis. Since the high-resolution structure of the gp16 motor is not available, we borrowed characterized features from the P4 RNA packaging motor in bacteriophage ?12. For each power stroke, a lumenal lever from a single subunit is electrostatically steered to the DNA backbone. The lever then pushes sterically, orthogonal to the backbone axis, such that the right-handed DNA helix is translocated and rotated in a left-handed direction. The electrostatic association allows tight coupling between the lever and the DNA and prevents DNA from slipping back. The lever affinity for DNA decreases towards the end of the power stroke and the DNA rolls to the lever on the next subunit. Each power stroke facilitates ATP hydrolysis in the next catalytic site by inserting an Arg -finger into the site, as captured in ?12-P4. At the end of every four power strokes, ADP release happens slowly, so the cycle pauses constituting a dwell phase during which four ATPs are loaded into the catalytic sites. The next burst phase of four power strokes starts once spontaneous ATP hydrolysis takes place in the fifth site without insertion of an Arg finger. The push and roll model provides a new perspective on how a multimeric ATPase transports DNA, and it might apply to other ring motors as well.  相似文献   

Endocytosis in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Endocytosis in animal cells has been heavily documented. Both fluid-phase and receptor-mediated modes of uptake have been frequently studied, and the endocytic pathway is well defined. This contrasts markedly with the situation in plants where our knowledge of this process is still rudimentary. Partly responsible for this situation has been the view, widely held among plant physiologists, that because of turgor, endocytosis cannot occur in plant cells. As discussed below, the case against endocytosis is no longer water-tight.
Endocytosis is a fact in protoplasts. It can be demonstrated with electron-dense tracers as well as with membrane impermeant dye Lucifer Yellow CH. The latter has also been used with success on both suspension-cultured and tissue cells of higher plants, suggesting that fluid-phase endocytosis is also a feature of cells with walls. Through the application of fluorescently labelled elicitor molecules, which specifically bind to the cell surface of suspension-cultured cells, it has also been possible to provide convincing evidence for the operation of receptor-mediated endocytosis in plants. A number of studies on protoplasts and cells clearly indicate that endocytosis in plants can be mediated by coated pits in the plasma membrane. At least one of the organelles that lie on the endocytic pathway in plants has a structurally similar counterpart in animal cells: the multivesicular body. The first recipient of internalized molecules is the partially coated reticulum, although its relationship to the Golgi apparatus and Golgi function remain to be clarified. The final target for endocytosis in plants appears to be the vacuole.  相似文献   

Endocytosis and transcytosis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Internalization of membrane, fluid and receptor-bound ligands into cells occurs by at least two endocytic mechanisms. One is dependent on clathrin and responsible for concentrative uptake of growth factors and other ligands, whereas the other operates without clathrin. Clathrin-independent endocytosis, which might involve more than one mechanism, can contribute significantly to the total uptake of membrane and fluid in a cell. The properties and possible roles of clathrin-independent endocytosis are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells use endocytosis to internalise plasma membrane, surface receptors and their ligands, viruses and various extracellular soluble molecules. Endocytosis has been regarded as a long-term mechanism of signal attenuation via receptor clearance from the cell surface. However, additional, and quite unexpected, functions for endocytosis have emerged, which, together with its attenuation function, project a central role for this process in cellular homeostasis and control of proliferation. Subversion of endocytic control is thus predicted to play a causative role in hyperproliferative conditions, first and foremost cancer.  相似文献   

Endocytosis of influenza viruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Receptor-mediated endocytosis is known to play an important role in the entry of many viruses into host cells. However, the exact internalization mechanism has, until recently, remained poorly understood for many medically important viruses, including influenza. Developments in real-time imaging of single viruses as well as the use of dominant-negative mutants to selectively block specific endocytic pathways have improved our understanding of the influenza infection process.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) represent an interesting amalgamation of the three basic kinds of cellular macromolecules viz. proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. An unusually hybrid moiety, the GPI-anchor is expressed in a diverse range of organisms from parasites to mammalian cells and serves to anchor a large number of functionally diverse proteins and has been the center of attention in scientific debate for some time now. Membrane organization of GPI-APs into laterally-organized cholesterol-sphingolipid ordered membrane domains or "rafts" and endocytosis of GPI-APs has been intensely debated. Inclusion into or exclusion from these membrane domains seems to be the critical factor in determining the endocytic mechanisms and intracellular destinations of GPI-APs. The intracellular signaling as well as endocytic trafficking of GPI-APs is critically dependent upon the cell surface organization of GPI-APs, and the associations with these lipid rafts play a vital role during these processes. The mechanism of endocytosis for GPI-APs may differ from other cellular endocytic pathways, such as those mediated by clathrin-coated pits (caveolae), and is necessary for unique biological functions. Numerous intracellular factors are involved in and regulate the endocytosis of GPI-APs, and these may be variably dependent on cell-type. The central focus of this article is to describe the significance of the endocytosis of GPI-APs on a multitude of biological processes, ranging from nutrient-uptake to more complex immune responses. Ultimately, a thorough elucidation of GPI-AP mediated signaling pathways and their regulatory elements will enhance our understanding of essential biological processes and benefit as components of disease intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Endocytosis entails selective packaging of cell-surface proteins, such as receptors for cytokines and adhesion components, in cytoplasmic vesicles (endosomes). The series of sorting events that determines the fate of internalized proteins, either degradation in lysosomes or recycling back to the plasma membrane, relies on intrinsic sequence motifs, posttranslational modifications (e.g., phosphorylation and ubiquitination), and transient assemblies of both Rab GTPases and phosphoinositide-binding proteins. This multicomponent process is enhanced and skewed in cancer cells; we review mechanisms enabling both major drivers of cancer, p53 and Ras, to bias recycling of integrins and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Likewise, cadherins and other junctional proteins of cancer cells are constantly removed from the cell surface, thereby disrupting tissue polarity and instigating motile phenotypes. Mutant forms of RTKs able to evade Cbl-mediated ubiquitination, along with overexpression of the wild-type forms and a variety of defective feedback regulatory loops, are frequently detected in tumors. Finally, we describe pharmacological attempts to harness the peculiar endocytic system of cancer, in favor of effective patient treatment.Cancer cells are fundamentally similar to their normal counterparts. Their differences lie in a series of relatively subtle modifications of normal physiological processes that, when combined, can create markedly altered phenotypes and behaviors. It has long been suspected that endocytosis is one such physiological process that is modified in cancer. Not only do cancer cells show alterations in the overall appearance and dynamics of the plasma membrane, but also the common inability of cancer cells to properly regulate the function of several types of receptors, including many RTKs, strongly suggests an inability to internalize, recycle, or degrade these key cancer drivers. In recent years, there has been considerable progress made toward understanding the breadth and mechanisms of alterations to the endocytic pathway that occur during cancer. Although our knowledge remains incomplete and the pathophysiological contributions of these alterations may not be wholly understood, this review considers just how profoundly the pathways of endocytosis can be modified in cancer and what this reveals about disease mechanisms and normal processes.  相似文献   

Many cellular signaling processes are governed by endocytosis through the internalization of plasma membrane receptors. This receptor clearance defines the quality with which a cell can react to extracellular stimuli. However, growing evidence indicates that endocytosis also enables the formation of endosome-specific signal transduction complexes. Their activity is controlled by the balanced trafficking of receptors and signaling molecules through the endocytic compartments. These are commonly divided into early endosomes, recycling endosomes, and late endosomes. Recent progress has been made in the understanding of the biogenesis of these organelles, highlighting their dynamic interconversion, maturation and also the generation of heterogenous subdomains on their surface. These multifunctional compartments represent the physical basis for the assembly and turnover of signaling complexes, which in turn themselves can define specialized endosomal-signaling platforms.  相似文献   

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