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Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in Maine, USA, are listed as a Distinct Population Segment under the U.S. Endangered Species Act due to reduced spawning runs and juvenile densities. Whenever possible, optimal conservation strategies for endangered populations should incorporate both present and historical knowledge of genetic variation. We assayed genetic diversity at seven microsatellite loci and at the mitochondrial ND1 gene in an endangered wild population of Atlantic salmon captured from the Dennys River from 1963 to 2001 using DNA’s extracted from archival scale and tissue samples. We examined temporal trends of genetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size (Ne). Overall temporal trends of diversity and Ne show significant reductions from 1963 to 2001 raising the possibility that current restoration efforts may be impacted by historical loss of diversity potentially critical to adaptation. Although our results suggest genetic stability in this population from 1963 to 1981, significant differentiation was observed for both the 1995 and 2001 samples compared with all other temporal samples. The presence of an ND1 mtDNA haplotype in this population, historically observed only in European and Newfoundland stocks, may represent previously unrecognized local wild diversity or, alternatively, may represent introgression from non-native fish.  相似文献   

A modified method of sample displacement chromatography (SDC) was used to purify active salmon thrombin on a heparin-coupled matrix to near homogeneity in milligram amounts from 117 ml plasma. This was achieved by combining a low-pressure multi-column affinity chromatography system with non-homogenous sample application in the order of increasing affinity to Heparin Sepharose. The results suggest that this modified method could be useful in protein purification. Some characteristics of salmon thrombin are presented.  相似文献   

Diflubenzuron is a potent inhibitor of chitin synthesis, with potential use against salmon lice infestations. The absorption, distribution and elimination of the substance in Atlantic salmon was examined after a single, oral dose of 75 mg/kg body weight. The kinetic properties were studied by whole-body autoradiography, liquid scintillation counting and thin layer chromatography, using a 14C-labelled isotope of the substance. The drug was poorly absorbed from the intestine, but reached a concentration of more than 4 µg/g in the mucus layer of the skin 2 days after administration. If maintained for several days, this concentration is probably sufficient to control all moulting stages of sea lice in Atlantic salmon. The main route of excretion was via the bile.  相似文献   

The hearing of the Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hearing of the salmon, Salmo salar L., was studied by means of a cardiac conditioning technique. Fish were trained to show a slowing of the heart, on hearing a sound, in anticipation of a mild electric shock applied later. The minimum sound level to which the fish would respond was determined for a range of pure tones, both in the sea, and in the laboratory. The fish responded only to low frequency tones (below 380 Hz), and particle motion, rather than sound pressure, proved to be the relevant stimulus. The sensitivity of the fish to sound was not affected by the level of sea noise under natural conditions but hearing is likely to be masked by ambient noise in a turbulent river. Sound measurements made in the River Dee, near Aberdeen, lead to the conclusion that salmon are unlikely to detect sounds originating in air, but that they are sensitive to substrate borne sounds. Compared with the carp and cod the hearing of the salmon is poor, and more like that of the perch and plaice.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin (TSH) producing cells are distributed in the rostral and proximal pars distalis. This cell type is the smallest and most infrequent cell of the adenohypophysis. Its cytology is similar to the smallest gonadotropic (GTH) cells although the two cell types can be separated by the size of the small secretory granules (diameter less than 200 nm) in the TSH cells. In presmolts and smolts the cells are more numerous than in parr and adult salmon and have cytological features indicating an increased activity. This was also the case after intraperitoneal injections of synthetic TRH. Antisera to carp GTH and salmon GTH cross-reacted with both the GTH and the TSH cells. Anti-human TSH cross-reacted only with the TSH cells which confirms the assumption of antigenic similarity between human and fish TSH.  相似文献   

Marine Biotechnology - The determination of sex in salmonid fishes is controlled by genetic mechanisms, with males being the heterogametic sex. The master sex-determining gene, the sexually...  相似文献   

Bjerkås  E.  Waagbø  R.  Sveier  H.  Breck  O.  Bjerkås  L.  Bjornestad  E.  Maage  A. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1996,37(3):351-360
Irreversible bilateral cataracts were diagnosed by slit-lamp biomicroscopy in 178 of 200 farm-raised Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) fed a standard diet over a five-month period. Initial changes were anterior polar opacities, progressing to involve both the anterior and posterior cortex before changes in the lens nucleus were seen. The lens changes were recorded and given scores according to the severity of the cataracts. At each of 3 samplings, after 2, 4 and 5 months, 200 fish were measured, weighed and examined by slit-lamp biomicroscopy. At all 3 samplings, there was a significant correlation between body length and both cataract incidence and cataract severity. There was also a significant correlation between body weight and cataract incidence and severity for the 2 last samplings. There was a significant correlation between K-factor as a measure of the shape of the fish, and both cataract incidence and severity, at all 3 samplings. Evaluation of specific growth rate in the periods between the examinations showed that the rapidly-growing fish were most susceptible to cataract formation. After cataract developed, however, the growth rate slowed. Follow-up examination of severely affected fish 3 months after transfer to sea water showed a normal cortical zone in the periphery of the lens in 24 out of 28 fish.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum albumin was purified from plasma and its N-terminal sequence determined. Atlantic salmon albumin is the predominant plasma protein, negatively charged, at pH 8.6. Albumin was purified to >95% purity which yielded a single band on SDS-PAGE and agarose gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the purified albumin was approximately 6,5 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of Atlantic chinook salmon albumin was consistent with that predicted from its previously determined cDNA sequence and was identical to that of salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) albumin through the first 15 residues. However, the fact that the actual N-terminus was different from that predicted from cDNA sequence indicates that Atlantic salmon albumin, like chinook salmon albumin, lacks a propeptide.  相似文献   

Early sexual maturation is considered a serious drawback for Atlantic salmon aquaculture as it retards growth, increases production times and affects flesh quality. Although both growth and sexual maturation are thought to be complex processes controlled by several genetic and environmental factors, selection for these traits has been continuously accomplished since the beginning of Atlantic salmon selective breeding programs. In this genome-wide association study (GWAS) we used a 6.5K single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array to genotype ∼480 individuals from the Cermaq Canada broodstock program and search for SNPs associated with growth and age at sexual maturation. Using a mixed model approach we identified markers showing a significant association with growth, grilsing (early sexual maturation) and late sexual maturation. The most significant associations were found for grilsing, with markers located in Ssa10, Ssa02, Ssa13, Ssa25 and Ssa12, and for late maturation with markers located in Ssa28, Ssa01 and Ssa21. A lower level of association was detected with growth on Ssa13. Candidate genes, which were linked to these genetic markers, were identified and some of them show a direct relationship with developmental processes, especially for those in association with sexual maturation. However, the relatively low power to detect genetic markers associated with growth (days to 5 kg) in this GWAS indicates the need to use a higher density SNP array in order to overcome the low levels of linkage disequilibrium observed in Atlantic salmon before the information can be incorporated into a selective breeding program.  相似文献   

Synopsis We investigated the relationship between conservation status and genetic variability in European and North American Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, populations, many of which have suffered severe bottlenecks. A negative north--south cline exists for the status of population conservation in this species. A literature review of genetic variability and demographic parameters of wild Atlantic salmon populations resulted in no statistical associations between population conservation status and genetic variation at enzyme or VNTR loci. We found however, a negative relationship between male parr maturation rates and geographical latitude for both American and European populations. The increase in effective population size due to participation by mature male parr and the increased proportions of these males in smaller (southern) populations could explain the lack of expected relationship between genetic variation and conservation status.  相似文献   


Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum albumin was purified from plasma and its N‐terminal sequence determined. Atlantic salmon albumin is the predominant plasma protein, negatively charged, at pH 8.6. Albumin was purified to >95% purity which yielded a single band on SDS‐PAGE and agarose gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the purified albumin was approximately 6,5 kDa. The N‐terminal sequence of Atlantic chinook salmon albumin was consistent with that predicted from its previously determined cDNA sequence and was identical to that of salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) albumin through the first 15 residues. However, the fact that the actual N‐terminus was different from that predicted from cDNA sequence indicates that Atlantic salmon albumin, like chinook salmon albumin, lacks a propeptide.  相似文献   

Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI), recently associated with a novel Atlantic salmon reovirus (ASRV), is currently one of the most prevalent inflammatory diseases in commercial Atlantic salmon farms in Norway. Mortality varies from low to 20%, but morbidity can be very high, reducing growth performance and causing considerable financial impact. Clinical symptoms, including myocarditis, myocardial and red skeletal muscle necrosis, correlate with the intensity of the inflammatory response. In the present study, the effects of two functional feeds (FF1 and FF2) were compared to a standard commercial reference feed (ST) in Atlantic salmon subjected to an ASRV challenge. The functional feeds had reduced levels of total lipid and digestible energy, and different levels and proportions of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA). The objective was to determine whether these feeds could provide effective protection by decreasing the inflammatory response associated with HSMI. Histopathology, viral load, fatty acid composition and gene expression of heart tissue were assessed over a period of 16 weeks post-infection with ASRV. The viral load and histopathology scores in heart tissue in response to ASRV infection were reduced in fish fed both functional feeds, with FF1 showing the greatest effect. Microarray hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the functional feeds greatly affected expression of inflammation/immune related genes over the course of the ASRV infection. Viral load correlated with up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes at the early-mid stages of infection in fish fed the ST diet. Expression of inflammatory genes 16-weeks after ASRV challenge reflected the difference in efficacy between the functional feeds, with fish fed FF1 showing lower expression. Thus, severity of the lesions in heart tissue correlated with the intensity of the innate immune response and was associated with tissue fatty acid compositions. The present study demonstrated that dietary modulation through clinical nutrition had major influences on the development and severity of the response to ASRV infection in salmon. Thus, HSMI was reduced in fish fed the functional feeds, particularly FF1. The modulation of gene expression between fish fed the different feeds provided further insight into the molecular mechanisms and progression of the inflammatory and immune responses to ASRV infection in salmon.  相似文献   

We present here the sequence and characterization of various minisatellite-like tandem repeat loci isolated from the genome of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Their diversity of sequence and lack of core motifs common to minisatellites of other species suggest the presence of numerous and previously unidentified simple sequence repeat families in this salmonid. Evidence for their ubiquity was provided by screening of a salmon genomic library. Southern blot analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of a subset of the minisatellites found one sequence to be pervasive among vertebrates, others present only in Salmoninae or Salmonidae species, and one amplified only in Atlantic salmon. There is evidence for the positioning of microsatellite and minisatellite arrays in close proximity at many loci. Furthermore, one tandem repeat appears to have been inserted into the transposase coding region of a copy of the Tc1 transposon-like element recently identified in salmonids. Received: 9 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

Wild and domesticated Atlantic salmon males display large variation for sea age at sexual maturation, which varies between 1–5 years. Previous studies have uncovered a genetic predisposition for variation of age at maturity with moderate heritability, thus suggesting a polygenic or complex nature of this trait. The aim of this study was to identify associated genetic loci, genes and ultimately specific sequence variants conferring sea age at maturity in salmon. We performed a genome wide association study (GWAS) using a pool sequencing approach (20 individuals per river and phenotype) of male salmon returning to rivers as sexually mature either after one sea winter (2009) or three sea winters (2011) in six rivers in Norway. The study revealed one major selective sweep, which covered 76 significant SNPs in which 74 were found in a 370 kb region of chromosome 25. Genotyping other smolt year classes of wild and domesticated salmon confirmed this finding. Genotyping domesticated fish narrowed the haplotype region to four SNPs covering 2386 bp, containing the vgll3 gene, including two missense mutations explaining 33–36% phenotypic variation. A single locus was found to have a highly significant role in governing sea age at maturation in this species. The SNPs identified may be both used as markers to guide breeding for late maturity in salmon aquaculture and in monitoring programs of wild salmon. Interestingly, a SNP in proximity of the VGLL3 gene in humans (Homo sapiens), has previously been linked to age at puberty suggesting a conserved mechanism for timing of puberty in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Synopsis I combined neutral microsatellite markers with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIB to study genetic differentiation and colonization history in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Baltic Sea and in the north-eastern Atlantic. Baltic salmon populations have lower levels of microsatellite genetic variation, in terms of heterozygosity and allelic richness than Atlantic populations, confirming earlier findings with other genetic markers, suggesting that the Baltic Sea populations have been exposed to genetic bottlenecks, most likely at a founding event. On the other hand, the level of MHC variation was similar in the Baltic and in the north-eastern Atlantic, indicating that positive balancing selection has increased the level of MHC-variation. Both microsatellite and MHC class IIB genetic variation give strong support to the hypothesis that the Baltic salmon are of a biphyletic origin, the southern population in this study is strongly differentiated from both the northern Baltic salmon populations and from the north-eastern Atlantic populations. Salmon may have colonized the northern Baltic Sea either from the south, via the so called “N?rke strait” or from the north, via a proposed historical connection between the White Sea and the northern Baltic. At microsatellites, no significant isolation-by distance was found at either colonization route. At the MHC, populations were significantly isolated by distance when assuming that colonization occurred via the “N?rke strait”.  相似文献   

The changes that take place in the saccus vasculosus epithelium during smoltification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are described. The major cell type of the epithelium, the coronet cells, have a number (mean = 32) of spherical protrusions connected with a non-motile cilium to the apical part of the cell. The protrusions extend into the saccus lumen. In parr the protrusions become more spherical during the spring season, while in smolt the opposite process takes place. Parr coronet cells have most of the mitochondria in the apical part of the cell, while in smolt they are concentrated basally. The relative areal fraction of heterochromatin in the nuclei increase from 23 to 29 during the smoltification process. The results are consistent with the view that the coronet cells take an active part in the smoltification process.  相似文献   

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