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In fission yeast, the septation initiation network (SIN) is thought to promote cytokinesis by downstream activation of Rho1, a conserved GTPase that controls cell growth and division. Here we show that Etd1 and PP2A-Pab1, antagonistic regulators of SIN, are Rho1 regulators. Our genetic and biochemical studies indicate that a C-terminal region of Etd1 may activate Rho1 by directly binding it, whereas an N-terminal domain confers its ability to localize at the growing tips and the division site where Rho1 functions. In opposition to Etd1, our results indicate that PP2A-Pab1 inhibits Rho1. The SIN cascade is upstream-regulated by the Spg1 GTPase. In the absence of Etd1, activity of Spg1 drops down prematurely, thereby inactivating SIN. Interestingly, we find that ectopic activation of Rho1 restores Spg1 activity in Etd1-depleted cells. By using a cytokinesis block strategy, we show that Rho1 is essential to feedback-activate Spg1 during actomyosin ring constriction. Therefore, activation of Spg1 by Rho1, which in turn is regulated by Etd1, uncovers a novel feedback loop mechanism that ensures SIN activity while cytokinesis is progressing.  相似文献   

How cells set the where and when of cytokinesisCompared with the complex choreography required to sort chromosomes during mitosis, cytokinesis might seem fairly simple. But ensuring that the contractile ring of actin and myosin pinches off daughter cells also takes some fancy footwork. Two independent groups (1, 2) offer fresh details about how cells cue cytokinesis at the right time and place.Open in a separate windowFOCAL POINT Top: Asymmetry might set the cytokinesis clock, Dannel McCollum (left) and Juan Carlos García-Cortés (right) determined. The cytokinesis-triggering septum initiation network (indicated by a bright dot on the spindle pole body) turns on only in one side of these yeast cells. Bottom: Eric Griffis (left) and Ron Vale (right), together with James Spudich, reveal that microtubules and the motor protein Kinesin-6 help dictate where cytokinesis occurs. Here, Kinesin-6 (green) has migrated to the equator of a mitotic cell.Cytokinesis can''t begin until the chromosomes have separated, and to forestall multiple divisions it has to end when the daughter cell is independent. García-Cortés and McCollum (1) show that mitotic cells stay on this schedule thanks to a team of proteins that sparks cytokinesis but also initiates its own shutdown.In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the septum initiation network, or SIN, instigates cytokinesis. The mystery was how cells commit SIN at the right time. The SIN activator Spg1 rides on the spindle pole bodies that anchor the mitotic spindle. Previous work (3) showed that the protein Etd1, which turns on Spg1, amasses at the ends of the cell. García-Cortés and McCollum wondered whether the lengthening of the spindle as chromosomes pull apart might bring Spg1 and Etd1 together, thereby activating SIN. To test that idea, the researchers followed Spg1 activation in cells dosed with a drug that halts spindle elongation. In cells where drug exposure came after the spindle had stretched out, Spg1 turned on as normal. But if the cells entered mitosis after addition of the drug—and thus could not lengthen their spindles—Spg1 remained inactive. The researchers also found that tethering Spg1 to Etd1 prompted cells to divide again and again, further evidence that the rendezvous between the two proteins spurs cytokinesis when chromosome separation is complete.
“It provides a mechanism for how cells can know when they''ve finished cytokinesis.”
A complication to the story—Spg1 and SIN only flip on in half of the cell—might explain how cells determine when to curtail cytokinesis. After the contractile ring has tightened, SIN triggers the elimination of Etd1 in the cell half where Spg1 was turned on. In turn, that leads to the shutdown of Spg1 and then SIN. According to the researchers, asymmetry of SIN signaling might serve as an indicator that the cytoplasm has been divided. “It provides a mechanism for how cells can know when they''ve finished cytokinesis,” says senior author Dannel McCollum. What researchers don''t understand is how the cell chooses which end will activate Spg1 and SIN.Even if a cell''s timing is impeccable, cytokinesis will go awry if the contractile ring assembles at the wrong location. The findings from Vale, Spudich, and Griffis (2) suggest that the molecular motor Kinesin-6 helps designate where the cell will split.Previous studies have shown that the GTPase RhoA (4) is the master regulator of cytokinesis and switches on in the cleavage furrow. Why it activates there isn''t clear. Other studies indicate that certain microtubules dictate the site of the contractile ring (5). Kinesin-6, which hauls RhoA effectors, might connect these two mechanisms.The team used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to follow Kinesin-6 and myosin in Drosophila cells that were just entering anaphase. They observed that myosin filaments disappeared from the poles of the fly cells and appeared again at the equator—both changes require Kinesin-6. Contrary to some other studies, the researchers didn''t observe the molecules traveling en masse from one location to the other. Instead, the researchers think that myosin filaments at the poles dissolve and then reform at the equator.Kinesin-6 itself has to concentrate at the cleavage furrow. The researchers found that the molecules first hop on the tips of growing microtubules. Microtubules that reach the cell center stabilize and form bundles. Eventually, all of a cell''s Kinesin-6 accumulates on microtubule tips or in a broad swath around the cell''s midsection. The work suggests that Kinesin-6 helps demarcate the cleavage furrow by delivering RhoA activators that spur the formation of myosin filaments at the cell equator. “Our data suggest that the process of building the contractile ring is largely due to the concentration of positive factors, rather than a directed delivery of negative factors,” says co-author Eric Griffis. What triggers myosin disassembly at the poles and reassembly at the cleavage furrow remains unclear.  相似文献   

The septation initiation network (SIN) serves to coordinate cytokinesis with mitotic exit in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. SIN components Spg1 and Cdc7 together play a central role in regulating the onset of septation and cytokinesis. Spg1, a Ras-like GTPase, localizes to the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) throughout the cell cycle. It is converted to its GTP-bound (active) state during mitosis, only to become inactivated at one SPB during anaphase and at both SPBs as cells exit mitosis. Cdc7 functions as an effector kinase for Spg1, binding to Spg1 in its GTP-bound state, and therefore is present at both SPBs during mitosis and asymmetrically at only one during anaphase. Interestingly, the kinase activity of Cdc7 does not vary across the cell cycle, suggesting the possibility that Cdc7 kinase activity is independent of Spg1 binding. Consistent with this, we found that Cdc7 associates with Spg1 only during mitosis. To learn more about the essential role of Cdc7 kinase in the SIN and its regulation, we undertook a structure/function analysis and identified independent functional domains within Cdc7. We found that a region adjacent to the kinase domain is responsible for Spg1 association and identified an overlapping but distinct SPB localization domain. In addition Cdc7 associates with itself and exists as a dimer in vivo.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation initiation network (SIN) is an Spg1-GTPase-mediated protein kinase cascade that triggers actomyosin ring constriction, septation, and cell division. The SIN is assembled at the spindle pole body (SPB) on the scaffold proteins Cdc11 and Sid4, with Cdc11 binding directly to SIN signaling components. Proficient SIN activity requires the asymmetric distribution of its signaling components to one of the two SPBs during anaphase, and Cdc11 hyperphosphorylation correlates with proficient SIN activity. In this paper, we show that the last protein kinase in the signaling cascade, Sid2, feeds back to phosphorylate Cdc11 during mitosis. The characterization of Cdc11 phosphomutants provides evidence that Sid2-mediated Cdc11 phosphorylation promotes the association of the SIN kinase, Cdc7, with the SPB and maximum SIN signaling during anaphase. We also show that Sid2 is crucial for the establishment of SIN asymmetry, indicating a positive-feedback loop is an important element of the SIN.  相似文献   

In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by constriction of an actomyosin ring. In fission yeast cells, ring constriction is triggered by the septum initiation network (SIN), an SPB-associated GTPase-regulated kinase cascade that coordinates exit from mitosis with cytokinesis. We have identified a novel protein, Etd1p, required to trigger actomyosin ring constriction in fission yeasts. This protein is localised at the cell tips during interphase. In mitosis, it relocates to the medial cortex region and, coincident with cytokinesis, it assembles into the actomyosin ring by association to Cdc15p. Relocation of Etd1p from the plasma membrane to the medial ring is triggered by SIN signalling and, reciprocally, relocation of the Sid2p-Mob1p kinase complex from the SPB to the division site, a late step in the execution of the SIN, requires Etd1p. These results suggest that Etd1p coordinates the mitotic activation of SIN with the initiation of actomyosin ring constriction. Etd1p peaks during cytokinesis and is degraded by the ubiquitin-dependent 26S-proteasome pathway at the end of septation, providing a mechanism to couple inactivation of SIN to completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a late mitotic kinase pathway called the septation initiation network (SIN) triggers cytokinesis. Here we show that the SIN is also involved in regulating anaphase spindle elongation and telophase nuclear positioning via inhibition of Klp2, a minus end–directed kinesin-14. Klp2 is known to localize to microtubules (MTs) and have roles in interphase nuclear positioning, mitotic chromosome alignment, and nuclear migration during karyogamy (nuclear fusion during mating). We observe SIN-dependent disappearance of Klp2 from MTs in anaphase, and we find that this is mediated by direct phosphorylation of Klp2 by the SIN kinase Sid2, which abrogates loading of Klp2 onto MTs by inhibiting its interaction with Mal3 (EB1 homologue). Disruption of Klp2 MT localization is required for efficient anaphase spindle elongation. Furthermore, when cytokinesis is delayed, SIN inhibition of Klp2 acts in concert with microtubules emanating from the equatorial microtubule-organizing center to position the nuclei away from the cell division site. These results reveal novel functions of the SIN in regulating the MT cytoskeleton and suggest that the SIN may have broader functions in regulating cellular organization in late mitosis than previously realized.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Etd1 is a positive regulator of the septation initiation network (SIN), a conserved GTPase-regulated kinase cascade that triggers cytokinesis. Here we show that a mutation in the pab1 gene, which encodes the B-regulatory subunit of the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), suppresses mutations in the etd1 gene. Etd1 is required for the function of the GTPase Spg1, a key regulator of SIN signaling. Interestingly, the loss of Pab1 function restored the activity of Spg1 in Etd1-deficient cells. This result suggests that PP2A-Pab1–mediated dephosphorylation inhibits Spg1, thus antagonizing Etd1 function. The loss of pab1 function also rescues the lethality of mutants of other genes in the SIN cascade such as mob1, sid1, and cdc11. Two-hybrid assays indicate that Pab1 physically interacts with Mob1, Sid1, Sid2, and Cdc11, suggesting that the phosphatase 2A B-subunit is a component of the SIN complex. Together, our results indicate that PP2A-Pab1 plays a novel role in cytokinesis, regulating SIN activity at different levels. Pab1 is also required to activate polarized cell growth. Thus, PP2A-Pab1 may be involved in coordinating polar growth and cytokinesis.THE fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a leading experimental model for eukaryotic cytokinesis (Bathe and Chang 2009; Pollard and Wu 2010). Fission yeast cells grow in a polarized manner by elongation at the cell ends and divide during cytokinesis by the action of a contractile actomyosin ring assembled in the middle of the cell (Snell and Nurse 1993). At the end of mitosis, when nuclear separation has been completed, actomyosin ring constriction is triggered by the septation initiation network (SIN). This signal transduction cascade is composed of the GTPase Spg1 and three protein kinases—Cdc7, GC-kinase Sid1, and NDR-kinase Sid2 in their presumed order of action—and the associated proteins Cdc14 with Sid1 and Mob1 with Sid2. These proteins are all located at the spindle pole body (SPB) during mitosis on a scaffold composed of the coiled-coil proteins Sid4 and Cdc11 (Krapp et al. 2004). The Sid2-Mob1 protein kinase complex is thought to transmit the division signal from the SPB to the actomyosin ring since it also associates at the division site during septation (Krapp and Simanis 2008). The SIN triggers actomyosin ring contraction coordinated with the synthesis of the primary and secondary septa that will form the new cell wall (Krapp et al. 2004; Wolfe and Gould 2005). The small GTPase Rho1 is known to promote cell-wall formation at the division site by stimulation of Cps1p/Drc1 1,3-β-glucan synthase (Le Goff et al. 1999), but the mechanism remains unclear.SIN activity is tightly regulated during the cell cycle to ensure proper coordination of mitosis and cytokinesis. Mutants that negatively affect SIN function undergo nuclear division in the absence of septation, while increased SIN activity induces septation in interphase cells (Krapp and Simanis 2008). Regulation of the SIN is complex, involving multiple, partially redundant mechanisms, but the nucleotide status of the Ras superfamily small GTPase, Spg1, represents a key step in SIN activity (Lattmann et al. 2009). Cdc16 and Byr4 form a two-component GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Spg1 that inhibits its activity (Furge et al. 1998; Cerutti and Simanis 1999). Proteins acting as a guanine nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF) for this GTPase have not been identified. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the pathway analogous to the SIN is known as the mitotic exit network (MEN) (reviewed in Krapp and Simanis 2008). Contact between the SPB-localized GTPase Tem1 (the Spg1 homolog) with its putative GEF Lte1, which is present only within the bud, has been proposed as a mechanism to ensure that mitotic exit occurs only after the spindle has oriented correctly (Bardin et al. 2000; Pereira et al. 2000). Bfa1-Bub2 (the Cdc16-Byr4 equivalent) are negative regulators of the MEN, acting as a two-component GAP for Tem1 (Geymonat et al. 2002).Etd1 was identified in a genetic screen searching for new regulators of the S. pombe cell division cycle (Jimenez and Oballe 1994). Further characterization indicated that Etd1 acts as a positive regulator of the SIN (Daga et al. 2005). A recent study has established a key role for Etd1 in the timing of cytokinesis via the regulation of Spg1, acting as a potential homolog of budding yeast Lte1 (Garcia-Cortes and McCollum 2009). Loss of Etd1 function can be suppressed by mutations in a number of genes, some of which are involved in morphogenesis (Jimenez and Oballe 1994). Here we show that one of the mutations that bypass the requirement for etd1 in cytokinesis affects the activity of pab1, which encodes the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunit B. The characterization of Pab1 and pab1 mutants described in this study reveals a novel role for PP2A-Pab1 in SIN regulation and provides new insight into the mechanism by which Etd1 might regulate SIN signaling. We also show that Pab1 participates in activation of the morphological pathway, suggesting a role for PP2A-Pab1 in the coordination of cytokinesis and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation initiation network (SIN) signals the onset of cell division from the spindle pole body (SPB) and is regulated by the small GTPase Spg1p. The localization of SIN components including Spg1p to the SPB is required for cytokinesis and is dependent on Sid4p, a constitutive resident of SPBs. However, a direct interaction between Sid4p and other members of the SIN has not been detected. To understand how Sid4p is linked to other SIN components, we have begun to characterize an S. pombe homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SPB protein Nud1p. We have determined that this S. pombe Nud1p homolog corresponds to Cdc11p, a previously uncharacterized SIN element. We report that Cdc11p is present constitutively at SPBs and that its function appears to be required for the localization of all other SIN components to SPBs with the exception of Sid4p. The Cdc11p C terminus localizes the protein to SPBs in a Sid4p-dependent manner, and we demonstrate a direct Cdc11p-Sid4p interaction. The N-terminus of Cdc11p is required for Spg1p binding to SPBs. Our studies indicate that Cdc11p provides a physical link between Sid4p and the Spg1p signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation initiation network (SIN) triggers actomyosin ring constriction, septation, and cell division. It is organized at the spindle pole body (SPB) by the scaffold proteins Sid4p and Cdc11p. Here, we dissect the contributions of Sid4p and Cdc11p in anchoring SIN components and SIN regulators to the SPB. We find that Sid4p interacts with the SIN activator, Plo1p, in addition to Cdc11p and Dma1p. While the C terminus of Cdc11p is involved in binding Sid4p, its N-terminal half is involved in a wide variety of direct protein-protein interactions, including those with Spg1p, Sid2p, Cdc16p, and Cdk1p-Cdc13p. Given that the localizations of the remaining SIN components depend on Spg1p or Cdc16p, these data allow us to build a comprehensive model of SIN component organization at the SPB. FRAP experiments indicate that Sid4p and Cdc11p are stable SPB components, whereas signaling components of the SIN are dynamically associated with these structures. Our results suggest that the Sid4p-Cdc11p complex organizes a signaling hub on the SPB and that this hub coordinates cell and nuclear division.  相似文献   

Background: In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitotic-exit network (MEN) functions in anaphase to promote the release of the Cdc14p phosphatase from the nucleolus. This release causes mitotic exit via inactivation of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk). Cdc14p-like proteins are highly conserved; however, it is unclear if these proteins regulate mitotic exit as in S. cerevisiae. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe a signaling pathway homologous to the MEN and termed the septation initiation network (SIN) is required not for mitotic exit, but for initiation of cytokinesis and for a cytokinesis checkpoint that inhibits further cell cycle progression until cytokinesis is complete.Results: We have identified the S. pombe Cdc14p homolog, Clp1p, and show that it is not required for mitotic exit but rather functions together with the SIN in coordinating cytokinesis with the nuclear-division cycle. As cells enter mitosis, Clp1p relocalizes from the nucleolus to the spindle and site of cell division. Clp1p exit from the nucleolus does not depend on the SIN, but the SIN is required for keeping Clp1p out of the nucleolus until completion of cytokinesis. Clp1p, in turn, may promote the activation of the SIN by antagonizing Cdk activity until cytokinesis is complete and thus ensuring that cytokinesis is completed prior to the initiation of the next cell cycle. In addition to its roles in anaphase, Clp1p regulates the G2/M transition since cells deleted for clp1 enter mitosis precociously and cells overexpressing Clp1p delay mitotic entry. Unlike Cdc14p, Clp1p appears to antagonize Cdk activity by preventing dephosphorylation of Cdc2p on tyrosine.Conclusions: S. pombe Clp1p affects cell cycle progression in a markedly different manner than its S. cerevisiae homolog, Cdc14p. This finding raises the possibility that related phosphatases in animal cells will prove to have important roles in coordinating the onset of cytokinesis with the events of mitosis.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the septation initiation network (SIN) triggers cytokinesis after mitosis. We investigated the relationship between Dma1p, a spindle checkpoint protein and cytokinesis inhibitor, and the SIN. Deletion of dma1 inactivates the spindle checkpoint and allows precocious SIN activation, while overexpressing Dma1p reduces SIN signaling. Dma1p seems to function by inhibiting the SIN activator, Plo1p kinase, since dma1 overexpression and deletion phenotypes suggest that Dma1p antagonizes Plo1p localization. Furthermore, failure to maintain high cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity during spindle checkpoint activation in dma1 deletion cells requires Plo1p. Dma1p itself localizes to spindle pole bodies through interaction with Sid4p. Our observations suggest that Dma1p functions to prevent mitotic exit and cytokinesis during spindle checkpoint arrest by inhibiting SIN signaling.  相似文献   

The fission yeast septation initiation network (SIN) triggers the onset of septum formation and cytokinesis. SIN proteins signal from the spindle pole body (SPB), to which they bind in a cell cycle-dependent manner, via the scaffold proteins sid4p and cdc11p. cdc11p becomes hyperphosphorylated during anaphase, when the SIN is active. We have investigated the phosphorylation state of cdc11p during mitosis in various mutant backgrounds. We show that association of cdc11p with the spindle pole body is required for its phosphorylation and that ectopic activation of the SIN results in hyperphosphorylation of cdc11p. We demonstrate that mitotic hyperphosphorylation of cdc11p requires the activity of cdc7p and that its dephosphorylation at the end of mitosis requires PP2A-par1p. Furthermore, spindle checkpoint arrest prevents cdc11p hyperphosphorylation. Finally, we show that the septation inhibitor byr4p interacts preferentially with hypophosphorylated cdc11p. We conclude that cdc11p hyperphosphorylation correlates with activation of the SIN and that this may be mediated primarily by cdc7p in vivo.  相似文献   

In most cell types, mitosis and cytokinesis are tightly coupled such that cytokinesis occurs only once per cell cycle. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe divides using an actomyosin-based contractile ring and is an attractive model for the study of the links between mitosis and cytokinesis. In fission yeast, the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and the septation initiation network (SIN), a spindle pole body (SPB)–associated GTPase-driven signaling cascade, function sequentially to ensure proper coordination of mitosis and cytokinesis. Here, we find a novel interplay between the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain–containing subunit of the APC/C, Nuc2p, and the SIN, that appears to not involve other subunits of the APC/C. Overproduction of Nuc2p led to an increase in the presence of multinucleated cells, which correlated with a defect in actomyosin ring maintenance and localization of the SIN component protein kinases Cdc7p and Sid1p to the SPBs, indicative of defective SIN signaling. Conversely, loss of Nuc2p function led to increased SIN signaling, characterized by the persistent localization of Cdc7p and Sid1p on SPBs and assembly of multiple actomyosin rings and division septa. Nuc2p appears to function independently of the checkpoint with FHA and ring finger (CHFR)–related protein Dma1p, a known inhibitor of the SIN in fission yeast. Genetic and biochemical analyses established that Nuc2p might influence the nucleotide state of Spg1p GTPase, a key regulator of the SIN. We propose that Nuc2p, by inhibiting the SIN after cell division, prevents further deleterious cytokinetic events, thereby contributing to genome stability.  相似文献   

The septation initiation network (SIN) triggers the onset of cytokinesis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe by promoting contraction of the medially placed F-actin ring. SIN signaling is regulated by the polo-like kinase plo1p and by cdc2p, the initiator of mitosis, and its activation is co-ordinated with other events in mitosis to ensure that cytokinesis does not begin until chromosomes have been separated. Though the SIN controls the contractile ring, the signal originates from the poles of the mitotic spindle. Recent studies suggest that the spindle pole body may act as a dynamic assembly site for active SIN signaling complexes. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the counterpart of the SIN, called the MEN, mediates both mitotic exit and cytokinesis, in part through regulating activation of the phosphoprotein phosphatase Cdc14p. Flp1p, the S. pombe ortholog of Cdc14p, is not essential for mitotic exit, but may contribute to an orderly mitosis-G1 transition by regulating the destruction of the mitotic inducer cdc25p.  相似文献   

Proper cell division requires strict coordination between mitotic exit and cytokinesis. In the event of a mitotic error, cytokinesis must be inhibited to ensure equal partitioning of genetic material. In the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the checkpoint protein and E3 ubiquitin ligase, Dma1, delays cytokinesis by inhibiting the septation initiation network (SIN) when chromosomes are not attached to the mitotic spindle. To elucidate the mechanism by which Dma1 inhibits the SIN, we screened all SIN components as potential Dma1 substrates and found that the SIN scaffold protein, Sid4, is ubiquitinated in vivo in a Dma1-dependent manner. To investigate the role of Sid4 ubiquitination in checkpoint function, a ubiquitination deficient sid4 allele was generated and our data indicate that Sid4 ubiquitination by Dma1 is required to prevent cytokinesis during a mitotic checkpoint arrest. Furthermore, Sid4 ubiquitination delays recruitment of the Polo-like kinase and SIN activator, Plo1, to spindle pole bodies (SPBs), while at the same time prolonging residence of the SIN inhibitor, Byr4, providing a mechanistic link between Dma1 activity and cytokinesis inhibition.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, late mitotic events are coordinated with cytokinesis by the septation initiation network (SIN), an essential spindle pole body (SPB)–associated kinase cascade, which controls the formation, maintenance, and constriction of the cytokinetic ring. It is not fully understood how SIN initiation is temporally regulated, but it depends on the activation of the GTPase Spg1, which is inhibited during interphase by the essential bipartite GTPase-activating protein Byr4-Cdc16. Cells are particularly sensitive to the modulation of Byr4, which undergoes cell cycle–dependent phosphorylation presumed to regulate its function. Polo-like kinase, which promotes SIN activation, is partially responsible for Byr4 phosphorylation. Here we show that Byr4 is also controlled by cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk1)–mediated phosphorylation. A Cdk1 nonphosphorylatable Byr4 phosphomutant displays severe cell division defects, including the formation of elongated, multinucleate cells, failure to maintain the cytokinetic ring, and compromised SPB association of the SIN kinase Cdc7. Our analyses show that Cdk1-mediated phosphoregulation of Byr4 facilitates complete removal of Byr4 from metaphase SPBs in concert with Plo1, revealing an unexpected role for Cdk1 in promoting cytokinesis through activation of the SIN pathway.  相似文献   

Coordination of mitosis and cytokinesis is crucial for ensuring proper chromosome segregation and genomic stability. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the sid genes (cdc7, cdc11, cdc14, spg1, sid1, sid2 and sid4) define a signaling pathway that regulates septation and cytokinesis. Here we describe the characterization of a novel protein kinase, Sid1p. Sid1p localizes asymmetrically to one spindle pole body (SPB) in anaphase. Sid1p localization is maintained during medial ring constriction and septum synthesis and disappears prior to cell separation. Additionally, we found that Cdc14p is in a complex with Sid1p. Epistasis analysis places Sid1p-Cdc14p downstream of Spg1p-Cdc7p but upstream of Sid2p. Finally, we show that cyclin proteolysis during mitosis is unaffected by inactivating the sid pathway; in fact, loss of Cdc2-cyclin activity promotes Sid1p-Cdc14p association with the SPB, possibly providing a mechanism that couples cytokinesis with mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Septum formation is a crucial step of cytokinesis in fungi. In the basidiomycete Ustilago maydis, the germinal centre kinase Don3 triggers initiation of a secondary septum necessary for cell separation after cytokinesis. Here we show that oligomerization of Don3 via a putative coiled-coil domain is critical for secondary septum formation. Within the Don3 sequence we detected a characteristic C-terminal sequence motif (T-motif), which determines the subcellular localization of Don3 but is not required for regulation of cell separation. This motif defines a novel family of fungal protein kinases including Sid1p, an essential component of the septation initiation network (SIN) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the yeast two-hybrid system we isolated the Don3-interacting protein Dip1, which is similar to S. pombe Cdc14p, another member of the SIN. Remarkably, deletion of dip1 did not interfere with cytokinesis in U. maydis, but both dip1 and don3 mutants were affected in nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) during mitosis. This phenotype has already been described for mutants, which lack the small GTPase Ras3, the U. maydis homologue of the SIN component Spg1p. We propose that the Don3 kinase exerts a dual function in the regulation of cell separation and NEBD.  相似文献   

Cell division in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe requires the formation and constriction of an actomyosin ring at the division site. The actomyosin ring is assembled in metaphase and anaphase A, is maintained throughout mitosis, and constricts after completion of anaphase. Maintenance of the actomyosin ring during late stages of mitosis depends on the septation initiation network (SIN), a signaling cascade that also regulates the deposition of the division septum. However, SIN is not active in metaphase and is not required for the initial assembly of the actomyosin ring early in mitosis. The FER/CIP4-homology (FCH) domain protein Cdc15p is a component of the actomyosin ring. Mutations in cdc15 lead to failure in cytokinesis and result in the formation of elongated, multinucleate cells without a division septum. Here we present evidence that the requirement of Cdc15p for actomyosin ring formation is dependent on the stage of mitosis. Although cdc15 mutants are competent to assemble actomyosin rings in metaphase, they are unable to maintain actomyosin rings late in mitosis when SIN is active. In the absence of functional Cdc15p, ring formation upon metaphase arrest depends on the anillin-like Mid1p. Interestingly, when cytokinesis is delayed due to perturbations to the division machinery, Cdc15p is maintained in a hypophosphorylated form. The dephosphorylation of Cdc15p, which occurs transiently in unperturbed cytokinesis, is partially dependent on the phosphatase Clp1p/Flp1p. This suggests a mechanism where both SIN and Clp1p/Flp1p contribute to maintenance of the actomyosin ring in late mitosis through Cdc15p, possibly by regulating its phosphorylation status.  相似文献   

During cell division, chromosome segregation must be coordinated with cell cleavage so that cytokinesis occurs after chromosomes have been safely distributed to each spindle pole. Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) is an essential kinase that regulates spindle assembly, mitotic entry and chromosome segregation, but because of its many mitotic roles it has been difficult to specifically study its post-anaphase functions. Here we use small molecule inhibitors to block Plk1 activity at anaphase onset, and demonstrate that Plk1 controls both spindle elongation and cytokinesis. Plk1 inhibition did not affect anaphase A chromosome to pole movement, but blocked anaphase B spindle elongation. Plk1-inhibited cells failed to assemble a contractile ring and contract the cleavage furrow due to a defect in Rho and Rho-GEF localization to the division site. Our results demonstrate that Plk1 coordinates chromosome segregation with cytokinesis through its dual control of anaphase B and contractile ring assembly.  相似文献   

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