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Birds have for long been popular study objects in speciation research. Being easy to observe in the field, they have traditionally been particularly important in studies of behavioural and ecological factors in speciation, whereas the genetic aspects of the process have been studied in other organisms, such as Drosophila. More recently, however, a stronger genetic focus has been placed on speciation research also in birds. Here, we review ecological, behavioural and genetic studies on speciation in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) and the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). These well‐studied birds provide among the few proposed examples of the process of reinforcement of premating isolation, and the evidence for reinforcement is strong. They are further characterized by having strong intrinsic postzygotic barriers (female hybrid sterility), yet the two species appear to be very similar ecologically. This is in stark contrast to another well‐studied bird complex, Darwin’s finches, in which the species differ vastly in ecologically important traits but have no developmental problems arising from genetic incompatibilities, and where no evidence for reinforcement is found. In the flycatchers, sex chromosome linkage of genes affecting traits associated with both pre‐ and postzygotic barriers to gene exchange is likely to facilitate reinforcement. We discuss whether such sex‐linkage may be common in birds. The contrast between flycatchers and Darwin’s finches indicate that speciation in birds cannot always be understood mainly as a result of divergent natural selection (‘ecological speciation’), and generalizations from one system may lead us astray. We discuss to what extent insight from research on the flycatchers may point to fruitful avenues for future research on bird speciation and specifically call for a more systematic effort to simultaneously investigate ecology, behaviour and genetics of birds caught in the process of speciation.  相似文献   

Mimicry is a widespread phenomenon. Vertebrate visual mimicry often operates in an intraspecific sexual context, with some males resembling conspecific females. Pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) dorsal plumage varies from the ancestral black to female‐like brown. Experimental studies have shown that conspecific and heterospecific (collared flycatcher, F. albicollis) individuals of both sexes respond, at least initially, to brown individuals as if they were female. We quantified the perceptual and biochemical differences between brown feathers and found that brown pied flycatcher males are indistinguishable from heterospecific, but not from conspecific, females in both aspects. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a visual mimetic signalling system in a sexual context where the model is heterospecific to the mimic. By only mimicking heterospecific females, brown pied flycatcher males can establish territories next to the more dominant collared flycatcher in sympatry, suffer less aggression by darker conspecifics in allopatry and preserve within‐species sexual recognition throughout the breeding range. A closer look at the evolutionary history and ecology of these two species illustrates how such a mimetic system can evolve. Although likely rare, this phenomenon might not be unique to Ficedula flycatchers.  相似文献   

It is well understood that females may gain direct benefits from breeding with attractive males. However, the direct fitness effects of mate-choice are rarely considered with respect to mating between different species (hybridization), a field dominated by discussion of indirect costs of producing unfit hybrid offspring. Hybridizing females may also gain by the types of direct benefits that are important for intraspecific mate choice, and in addition may have access to certain benefits that are restricted to mating with males of an ecologically diverged sister-taxon. We investigate possible direct benefits and costs female Ficedula flycatchers gain from breeding with a heterospecific male, and demonstrate that hybridizing female collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) breed in territories that do not suffer the seasonal decline in habitat quality experienced by females breeding with conspecifics. We exclude the hypotheses that heterospecific males provide alternative food-types or assume a greater amount of the parental workload. In fact, the diets of the two species (F. albicollis and F. hypoleuca) were highly similar, suggesting possible interspecific competition over food resources in sympatry. We discuss the implications of direct fitness effects of hybridization, and why there has been such a disparity in the attention paid to such benefits and costs with regard to intraspecific and interspecific mate-choice.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the large-scale identification and comparison of proteins in non-model organisms, Ficedula flycatchers. It highlights the potential of proteomics approaches in both non-sequenced and non-model organisms for identification of differentially expressed proteins. Not surprisingly, more than 55% of the proteins failed to be identified even though the MS spectra were of high quality. Nevertheless, the protein information obtained in this study will serve as a valuable resource for continued research.  相似文献   

E. Røskaft    T. Järvi 《Journal of Zoology》1992,228(3):521-532
When closely-related species are sympatric, there will be a coevolutionary selection pressure for species-specific characteristics to be developed, e.g. in plumage-colour. Because the three European Ficedula flycatchers have similar ecological requirements, we expected that some kind of interspecific signalling system had been evolved in sympatric regions of species of this genus. By using museum specimens we studied the seasonal and geographical variations in plumage-colour of the males of the three European species of the genus, and found that in areas of sympatry with F. albicollis , the subdominant species, F. hypoleuca , was lighter coloured than in allopatric areas. The plumage-colour of F. hypoleuca gradually changes from light in sympatric areas to dark in allopatric areas. A similar pattern was found for the eastern species F. semitorquata . The results of this paper, therefore, support the character displacement hypothesis.  相似文献   

Birds, reptiles, amphibia and fish have an enormous variety of chromosomal sex determination mechanisms that apparently do not follow any phylogenetic or taxonomic scheme. A similar picture is now emerging at the molecular level. Most genes that function downstream of the mammalian master sex-determining gene, Sry, have been found in non-mammalian vertebrates. Although the components of the machinery that determines sex seem to be conserved, their interaction and most importantly the initial trigger is not the same in all vertebrates. This variety is the consequence of the extremely dynamic process of the evolution of sex determination mechanisms and sex chromosomes, which is prone to create differences rather than uniformity.  相似文献   

The causes and magnitude of inbreeding depression are of considerable importance for a wide range of issues in evolutionary and conservation biology, but we have only a limited understanding of inbreeding depression in natural populations. Here, we present a study of inbreeding in a large wild population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). Inbreeding was rare, to the extent that we detected only 1.04% of 2139 matings over 18 years that resulted in offspring with a non-zero inbreeding coefficient, f > 0. When it did occur, inbreeding caused a significant reduction in the egg-hatching rate, in fledgling skeletal size and in post-fledging juvenile survival, with the number of offspring being recruited to the breeding population from a nest of f = 0.25 being reduced by 94% relative to a non-inbred nest. A maximum-likelihood estimate of the number of lethal equivalents per gamete was very high at B = 7.47, indicating a substantial genetic load in this population. There was also a non-significant tendency for inbreeding depression to increase with the strength of selection on a trait. The probability of mating between close relatives (f = 0.25) increased throughout the breeding season, possibly reflecting increased costs of inbreeding avoidance. Our results illustrate how severe inbreeding depression and considerable genetic load may exist in natural populations, but detecting them may require extensive long-term datasets.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in phenotypes plays a key role in fundamental evolutionary processes such as local adaptation, population differentiation and speciation, but the selective forces behind it are rarely known. We found support for the hypothesis that geographic variation in plumage traits of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca is explained by character displacement with the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis in the contact zone. The plumage traits of the pied flycatcher differed strongly from the more conspicuous collared flycatcher in a sympatric area but increased in conspicuousness with increasing distance to there. Phenotypic differentiation (PST) was higher than that in neutral genetic markers (FST), and the effect of geographic distance remained when statistically controlling for neutral genetic differentiation. This suggests that a cline created by character displacement and gene flow explains phenotypic variation across the distribution of this species. The different plumage traits of the pied flycatcher are strongly to moderately correlated, indicating that they evolve non‐independently from each other. The flycatchers provide an example of plumage patterns diverging in two species that differ in several aspects of appearance. The divergence in sympatry and convergence in allopatry in these birds provide a possibility to study the evolutionary mechanisms behind the highly divergent avian plumage patterns.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanism underlying the cost of reproduction may consist of immunodepression caused by increased parental effort. Here, we report effects of experimental manipulation of clutch size on T-lymphocyte cell-mediated immune response in female pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. Parents with reduced broods provisioned at lower rates than those caring for control and enlarged broods three days after hatching. Parents caring for enlarged broods provisioned nests at higher rates 13 days after chick hatching than those feeding control and reduced broods. Females with enlarged broods weighed less than females with control or reduced broods. No effect of experimental treatment on nestling mass and size was found. The response to the injection of phytohaemagglutinin in the wing-web of females decreased with increasing brood size and with increasing provisioning rate when the chicks were three days old, when controlling for the negative effect of female mass on response. The T-lymphocyte cell-mediated response decreased from the reduced to the control, and from this to the enlarged group, when controlling for female mass. This effect of experimental manipulation of clutch size was significant and consistent with a trade-off between maternal effort and immunocompetence.  相似文献   

Hybrid speciation, or the formation of a daughter species due to interbreeding between two parental species, is a potentially important means of diversification, because it generates new forms from existing variation. However, factors responsible for the origin and maintenance of hybrid species are largely unknown. Here we show that the North American butterfly Papilio appalachiensis is a hybrid species, with genomic admixture from Papilio glaucus and Papilio canadensis. Papilio appalachiensis has a mosaic phenotype, which is hypothesized to be the result of combining sex-linked traits from P. glaucus and P. canadensis. We show that P. appalachiensis' Z-linked genes associated with a cooler thermal habitat were inherited from P. canadensis, whereas its W-linked mimicry and mitochondrial DNA were inherited from P. glaucus. Furthermore, genome-wide AFLP markers showed nearly equal contributions from each parental species in the origin of P. appalachiensis, indicating that it formed from a burst of hybridization between the parental species, with little subsequent backcrossing. However, analyses of genetic differentiation, clustering, and polymorphism based on molecular data also showed that P. appalachiensis is genetically distinct from both parental species. Population genetic simulations revealed P. appalachiensis to be much younger than the parental species, with unidirectional gene flow from P. glaucus and P. canadensis into P. appalachiensis. Finally, phylogenetic analyses, combined with ancestral state reconstruction, showed that the two traits that define P. appalachiensis' mosaic phenotype, obligatory pupal diapause and mimicry, evolved uniquely in P. canadensis and P. glaucus, respectively, and were then recombined through hybridization to form P. appalachiensis. These results suggest that natural selection and sex-linked traits may have played an important role in the origin and maintenance of P. appalachiensis as a hybrid species. In particular, ecological barriers associated with a steep thermal cline appear to maintain the distinct, mosaic genome of P. appalachiensis despite contact and occasional hybridization with both parental species.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation predicts that hybrids should experience relatively low fitness in the local environments of their parental species. In this study, we performed a translocation experiment of nestling hybrids between collared and pied flycatchers into the nests of conspecific pairs of their parental species. Our aim was to compare the performance of hybrids with purebred nestlings. Nestling collared flycatchers are known to beg and grow faster than nestling pied flycatchers under favorable conditions, but to experience higher mortality than nestling pied flycatchers under food limitation. The experiment was performed relatively late in the breeding season when food is limited. If hybrid nestlings have an intermediate growth potential and begging intensity, we expected them to beg and grow faster, but also to experience lower survival than pied flycatchers. In comparison with nestling collared flycatchers, we expected them to beg and grow slower, but to survive better. We found that nestling collared flycatchers indeed begged significantly faster and experienced higher mortality than nestling hybrids. Moreover, nestling hybrids had higher weight and tended to beg faster than nestling pied flycatchers, but we did not detect a difference in survival between the latter two groups of nestlings. We conclude that hybrid Ficedula nestlings appear to have a better intrinsic adaptation to food limitation late in the breeding season compared with nestling collared flycatchers. We discuss possible implications for gene flow between the two species.  相似文献   

Genomes of numerous diploid plant and animal species possess traces of interspecific crosses, and many researches consider them as support for homoploid hybrid speciation (HHS), a process by which a new reproductively isolated species arises through hybridization and combination of parts of the parental genomes, but without an increase in ploidy. However, convincing evidence for a creative role of hybridization in the origin of reproductive isolation between hybrid and parental forms is extremely limited. Here, through studying Agrodiaetus butterflies, we provide proof of a previously unknown mode of HHS based on the formation of post-zygotic reproductive isolation via hybridization of chromosomally divergent parental species and subsequent fixation of a novel combination of chromosome fusions/fissions in hybrid descendants. We show that meiotic segregation, operating in the hybrid lineage, resulted in the formation of a new diploid genome, drastically rearranged in terms of chromosome number. We also demonstrate that during the heterozygous stage of the hybrid species formation, recombination was limited between rearranged chromosomes of different parental origin, representing evidence that the reproductive isolation was a direct consequence of hybridization.  相似文献   

We exposed females of a highly placentotrophic viviparous scincid lizard (Pseudemoia pagenstecheri) to various environmental factors during pregnancy, and quantified the effects of these treatments on their offspring. The clear result was that the phenotypes of neonatal lizards can be substantially modified by the environment that their mother experiences during gestation. Restricting prey availability to the females reduced the size of their offspring. Limiting the females' basking opportunities delayed their seasonal timing of parturition, and modified body proportions (tail length relative to snout-vent length) of the neonates. More surprisingly, female lizards that were regularly exposed to the scent of sympatric lizard-eating snakes gave birth to offspring that were heavier, had unusually long tails relative to body length, and were highly sensitive to the odour of those snakes (as measured by tongue-flick responses). The neonates' antipredator responses were also modified by the experimental treatment to which their mother was exposed. The modifications in body mass, tail length and response to snake scent plausibly reduce the offspring's vulnerability to predatory snakes, and hence may constitute adaptive maternal manipulations of the neonatal phenotype. Received: 6 July 1998 / Accepted: 5 December 1998  相似文献   

We designed three experiments to identify important cues asto how bigamous male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) apportionnestling feeding between their broods. Normally, males givepriority to their primary brood, that is, the brood of theirfirst-acquired mate. In the first experiment, we reversed thehatching order of primary and secondary broods by substitutingeggs. Males responded by reallocating their efforts in favorof secondary broods. Males thus favored the brood that hatchedfirst, irrespective of female mating order. In the second experiment,carried out on the same males when the younger brood was 4 or5 days old, we transferred the older brood to the nest of theyounger, and vice versa; the males changed their investmentpattern accordingly, still giving priority to the older brood.In the third experiment, primary and secondary broods were madeto hatch on the same day. In these cases, males divided theirnestling feeding efforts fairly equally between the broods.The results reveal a remarkable flexibility of male investmentdecisions, which is discussed in light of parental investmenttheory. The fact that the degree of male assistance to secondarymates is variable and that it is to a large extent predictablefrom the nest initiation asynchrony of the two females has importantimplications for our understanding of the polyterritorial matingsystem of this species.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the literature on the growing body of data demonstrating the rapid evolution of sex and reproduction related (SRR) genes and show how a paradigm shift to the study of SRR genes can provide new approaches to solving some of the old problems in evolutionary biology. The argument is based on (1) the growing scope and importance of sexual selection in evolution, (2) the growing number of case studies showing rapid evolution of sexual traits in a wide variety of taxa, (3) the faster rate of DNA sequence divergence in genes affecting sexual function and fertility, (4) the evidence for the involvement of novel traits/genes in sexual functions, and (5) a proposed sex/non-sex dichotomy of the gene pool affecting viability versus fertility. It is argued that the adoption of the sex/non-sex dichotomy of genes/traits can provide new perspectives on such problems as species concepts, modes (allopatric/sympatric) of speciation, Haldane's rule, reinforcement, and the founder effect. It is proposed that the evolutionary study of genes affecting viability versus fertility is the key to understanding the genetic basis of speciation.  相似文献   

Tarsus length has previously been shown to have an additive genetic component in some pied flycatcher populations. In addition to estimation of additive genetic variation by means of repeatability analyses at various ontogenetic stages and degrees of genetic resemblance, we explore in this paper variation among parent-offspring regressions between sexes and years, as well as the influence of hatching date, ectoparasite abundance, egg volume, and male and female condition on the tarsus length of their offspring. Mother-offspring regressions gave heritability estimates consistently higher than father-offspring regressions, although variation among years was large and both types of estimates yielded lower heritability values than those estimated by means of full-sib resemblance. This indicates that common environmental effects were inflating heritability estimates. There existed maternal effects via egg size, larger eggs fledging chicks with larger tarsi. Mean tarsus length of broods decreased with hatching date and, independently, with high loads of ectoparasitic, blood-feeding mites (Acari). The maternal effect via egg size persisted into the adulthood, and confounded the interpretation of differences between heritability slopes. We address the method of examining differences in parent-offspring regressions as a shorthand for estimating extra-pair copulation (EPC) rates. In our population, this method would give an EPC rate of 0–59%, depending on whether the analysis is performed with fledglings recruited to the breeding population or with offspring at the nest.  相似文献   

Nests of cavity‐nesting birds usually harbor some species of haematophagous ectoparasites that feed on the incubating adults and nestlings. Given the negative impact of ectoparasites on nestlings there will be selection on hosts to reduce parasite infestations through behavioural means. We have experimentally reduced the abundance of all ectoparasites in nests of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca to explore both whether there are changes in the frequency and duration of putative anti‐parasite behaviours by tending adults, as well as whether such anti‐parasite behaviours are able to compensate for the deleterious effects that parasites may have on nestlings. Heat treatment of nests substantially decreased the density of ectoparasites, and thereby positively affected nestling growth. The frequency and intensity of female grooming and nest sanitation behaviours during the incubation and nestling periods decreased as a consequence of the experimental reduction of ectoparasite infestation. Although nestlings begged more intensely in infested nests, the experiment had no significant effect on parental provisioning effort. Reduction of parasites resulted in larger nestlings shortly before fledging and increased fledging success. This study shows a clear effect of a complete natural nest ectoparasite fauna on parental behaviour at the nest and nestling growth in a cavity‐nesting bird. Although ectoparasites induce anti‐parasite behaviours in females, these behaviours are not able to fully remove parasite's deleterious effects on nestling growth and survival.  相似文献   

Several theories have been proposed to explain the often-noted sterility of both reciprocal and Robertsonian X-autosome translocations in male mammals. However, there are a number of species in which all members of the species carry a Robertsonian X-autosome translocation. Meiosis in spermatocytes from these sterile vs. fertile animals is compared within the context of these theories. New technologies and insights into underlying mechanisms are summarized and suggestions presented for further studies.  相似文献   

The expression and impact of maternal effects may vary greatly between populations and environments. However, little is known about large‐scale geographical patterns of variation in maternal deposition to eggs. In birds, as in other oviparous animals, the outermost maternal component of an egg is the shell, which protects the embryo, provides essential mineral resources and allows its interaction with the environment in the form of gas exchange. In this study, we explored variation of eggshell traits (mass, thickness, pore density and pigmentation) across 15 pied flycatcher populations at a large geographic scale. We found significant between‐population variation in all eggshell traits, except in pore density, suggesting spatial variation in their adaptive benefits or in the females’ physiological limitations during egg laying. Between‐ population variation in shell structure was not due to geographic location (latitude and longitude) or habitat type. However, eggshells were thicker in populations that experienced higher ambient temperature during egg laying. This could be a result of maternal resource allocation to the shell being constrained under low temperatures or of an adaptation to reduce egg water loss under high temperatures. We also found that eggshell colour intensity was positively associated with biliverdin pigment concentration, shell thickness and pore density. To conclude, our findings reveal large‐ scale between‐population variation of eggshell traits, although we found little environmental dependency in their expression. Our findings call for further studies that explore other environmental factors (e.g. calcium availability and pollution levels) and social factors like sexual selection intensity that may account for differences in shell structure between populations.  相似文献   

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