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The transformation of freshwater wetlands to pastures is a common practice in Mexico. This rapid loss of wetlands contrasts with the scarce information that exists about these ecosystems. To identify the environmental factors that control vegetation structure of a freshwater wetland invaded by the African grass Echinochloa pyramidalis, we characterized the vegetation (species composition, cover and aerial biomass), soil (moisture, redox potential, bulk density and topography) and water (water depth level, electric conductivity and pH) in two seasons of the year (dry and rainy). In addition, we analyzed the soil and water of three vegetation areas in the wetland, one dominated by E. pyramidalis, another by Sagittaria lancifolia and a third by Typha domingensis. The parameters associated with the hydrology of the wetland (water level, soil moisture, redox potential and bulk density) explained the plant species distribution. The invasive grass dominated in the relatively drier areas in the wetland while native species such as S. lancifolia, T. domingensis and Pontederia sagitatta dominated wetter sites. Introduction of E. pyramidalis has caused negative changes in the wetland, in particular a decrease of the diversity of plant species. In addition, we believe that the invader grass, as a C4 species, has more efficient use of water than the native plants, as well as a larger biomass, characteristics that can change the hydrological pattern of this wetland.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pattern of native vegetation, distribution of alien species and variation of environmental parameters were studied in mountain grasslands in a lithologically homogeneous Córdoba mountain range in Central Argentina. CCA showed that altitude was the most important factor determining the compositional variation of the vegetation, with soil nutrient status and stoniness as additional factors. Short‐grass communities, associated with the driest habitats on plateaus, showed higher small‐scale native species richness than wet‐turf communities in valleys and tall‐grass communities on slopes. Species richness was negatively correlated with soil parameters that indicate nutrient status and water availability. Also, there was a negative correlation between soil Ca‐ and Mg‐ content and richness. High native species richness coincided with high alien species richness. When smaller units – community types – were considered, it became evident that within short‐grass vegetation, the three most species‐rich community types contained significant numbers of alien species, while the other two did not. Even within one community type, the same quadrats that contained the highest number of native species, were also characterized by the highest numbers of alien species. Evidently, the same mechanism was responsible for high richness of both native and alien species. Alien species were distinguished by a greater proportion of annuals and prostrate stoloniferous plants, by lower palatability and by smaller proportion of zoochory. DCA ordination of quadrats on the basis of plant traits as attributes resulted in a clear distinction of three main vegetation types. Short‐grass vegetation was distinguished by a predomination of late flowering species, tall‐grass vegetation by the presence of high herbaceous plants and bushes, and wet‐turf vegetation by the presence of plants with storage organs, the lack of hairy leaves, and by a high proportion of cryptophytes. Quadrats with and without alien species were distinguished as well, indicating that the occurrence of aliens may be dependent on plant traits in a particular patch of a community.  相似文献   


We investigated the effects of invasion by introduced grey willow (Salix cinerea) on beetle communities within four wetland vegetation types: native vegetation, native vegetation following grey willow removal, native vegetation undergoing grey willow invasion and dense grey willow-dominated vegetation. In total, 1505 beetles from 90 species were collected using modified Malaise traps. Native wetland vegetation had significantly lower beetle species richness than willow-dominated vegetation and was dominated by herbivores, whereas detritivores characterised willow-dominated vegetation. Beetle abundance was highest in the willow-dominated vegetation and mostly comprised detritivores. In contrast, beetle abundance was lowest in native wetland vegetation, but had even proportions of herbivores and detritivores. Native wetland vegetation had a high proportion of native beetles present. As grey willows invaded, introduced beetles became more common. The beetle community composition differed significantly between grey willow-dominated vegetation and native wetland vegetation. These compositional differences were mainly due to the increasing complexity of vegetation structure following grey willow invasion. The beetle communities within restored native wetland vegetation were most similar to those within the native wetland vegetation. From a conservation perspective, these results are encouraging and suggest that, although grey willows dramatically alter the composition of beetle communities present, these communities can be restored to a beetle fauna that is similar to those found within native wetland through the removal of the willows.  相似文献   



To assess how environmental, biotic and anthropogenic factors shape native–alien plant species richness relationships across a heterogeneous landscape.


Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.


We integrated a comprehensive floristic survey of over 1200 systematically located 6 × 6 m plots, with corresponding climate, environmental and anthropogenic data. General linear models examined variation in native and alien plant species richness across the entire landscape, between native‐ and alien‐dominated plots, and within separate elevational bands.


Across all plots, there was a significant negative correlation between native and alien species richness, but this relationship differed within subsets of the data: the correlation was positive in alien‐dominated plots but negative in native‐dominated plots. Within separate elevational bands, native and alien species richness were positively correlated at lower elevations, but negatively correlated at higher elevations. Alien species richness tended to be high across the elevation gradient but peaked in warmer, mid‐ to low‐elevation sites, while native species richness increased linearly with elevation. The negative relationship between native and alien species richness in native‐dominated communities reflected a land‐use gradient with low native and high alien richness in more heavily modified native‐dominated vegetation. In contrast, native and alien richness were positively correlated in very heavily modified alien‐dominated plots, most likely due to covariation along a gradient of management intensity.

Main conclusions

Both positive and negative native–alien richness relationships can occur across the same landscape, depending on the plant community and the underlying human and environmental gradients examined. Human habitat modification, which is often confounded with environmental variation, can result in high alien and low native species richness in areas still dominated by native species. In the most heavily human modified areas, dominated by alien species, both native and alien species may be responding to similar underlying gradients.

Many invasive alien plants drive changes in native community composition, structure and diversity. They alter soil nutrient regimes of native communities and affect native plant recovery outcomes following their removal. We assessed whether Eucalyptus grandis invasion and removal alters the soil physico‐chemical properties and native vegetation recovery in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. We collected samples from topsoil in E. grandis invaded sites (canopy cover > 75%), cleared sites (eight years ago) and native sites (canopy cover > 80%) and quantified soil moisture, concentrations of soil macro elements (N, C and P), pH and exchangeable cations (K, Ca, Mg, Na) as well as measured soil water repellency using the Water Droplet Penetration Time and infiltration. We conducted vegetation surveys in plots measuring 10 × 10 m. Invasion by E. grandis had varying effects on soil physico‐chemical properties, causing increase in soil pH and P, while decreasing total N and C. The removal of E. grandis also showed varying effects on soil physico‐chemical properties, but seems to have further triggered the loss of some soil nutrients (especially soil P). Soil water repellency (a measure of soil compaction) has improved in cleared sites to non‐repellent soils compared to repellent soils in invaded site. Eucalyptus grandis reduced species richness of the invaded sites. The presence of native species on cleared sites indicates a positive trajectory towards vegetation recovery. We conclude that E. grandis invasion and removal trigger varying effects on soil properties (both increases and decreases). For soil and vegetation restoration of cleared sites to be effective, active restoration techniques such as soil transfer, nutrient manipulation and native plant seeding should be considered.  相似文献   

The invasion by alien macrophytes in aquatic ecosystems may produce a strong alteration of the native aquatic vegetation leading to heavy impacts for both plant and faunal native diversity. Myriophyllum aquaticum is an aquatic plant native of Southern America, invasive in several part of the world. We studied the effects of M. aquaticum invasion on plant and macro-arthropod communities in the canals around a protected wetland in the Mediterranean basin. We sampled plant and macro-arthropod communities in 10 transects in invaded and non-invaded tracts of the canals. We assessed the differences in plant and macro-arthropod species richness, diversity, taxonomic diversity and species composition between invaded and non-invaded habitats by means of univariate and multivariate analyses. Our study shows a significant loss of plant diversity between non-invaded to invaded sites, leading to communities numerically and taxonomically impoverished and highly divergent in the species composition. We also detected significant differences in arthropod species composition between invaded and non-invaded transects. Some taxa such as mosquitoes and malacostraca were more frequent in the M. aquaticum-dominated stands. Furthermore, the study shows a positive relation between invaded habitats and juvenile individuals of the invasive alien crayfish Procambarus clarkii.  相似文献   

Summary A constructed urban wetland in Adelaide was surveyed 18 months and 10 years after construction to see how shoreline vegetation, soil electrical conductivity (EC), texture and pH changed over time and to provide data for future site management. Multivariate analysis detected four plant associations at 18 months: salt‐tolerant taxa on conductive clays; a weed‐dominated community on lower EC soil; and two smaller waterlogged, low EC clusters dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis) and Sea Club‐Rush (Bolboschoenus caldwellii), respectively. At 10 years, site cover and heterogeneity was higher, with the margins dominated by Phragmites and salt‐tolerant species. EC was much lower and more uniform, and the soils were heavier and more alkaline. Managed storm water flushing apparently lowered soil EC, but possibly also disturbed the shoreline. However, weeds were still common, and the potential for domination by Phragmites at the expense of other native shoreline species means that ongoing monitoring and hydrological and vegetation management are essential to maintain site habitat diversity.  相似文献   

Drainage is a major disturbance affecting wetlands, as drains lower water tables and convert lentic habitats to lotic ones. Consequently, invertebrate communities in drained wetlands are likely to differ from those in unimpacted wetlands. This study investigated the effect of hydrological restoration on invertebrate communities in small drains in a New Zealand fen. Invertebrates were collected over 4 summers from 10 drains within the wetland, one of which was blocked as part of a restoration program. The sampling protocol thus represented a Before‐After Control‐Impact experiment. Invertebrate community composition varied over the 4 years, but variability was greatest in the manipulated drain before and after it was blocked. Relative abundance of the amphipod Paraleptamphopus decreased after blockage, whereas those of the midges Chironomus zelandicus and Tanypodinae increased. Relative abundances of these taxa in control sites were unchanged. Hydraulic restoration thus had a demonstrable impact on the invertebrate communities. The invertebrate community of the blocked drain was compared to that of natural wetlands in undisturbed catchments. Similarity was very low prior to drain blockage, but increased following drain blockage. Invertebrate communities in the restored drain were more similar to those of low pH wetlands than high pH wetlands. Given the goal of restoring the communities to those similar to natural conditions, this was a beneficial result. These results, coupled with studies that showed a decline in the cover of alien pasture grasses around the blocked drain, suggest that drain blockage represents a cost‐effective way of restoring wetland plant and aquatic invertebrate communities, especially where connectivity allows for the natural recruitment of these organisms into restored areas.  相似文献   

Aim We tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic fires favour the successful establishment of alien annual species to the detriment of natives in the Chilean coastal matorral. Location Valparaíso Region, central Chile. Methods We sampled seed rain, seedbank emergence and establishment of species in four paired burned and unburned areas and compared (using GLMM) fire resistance and propagule arrival of alien and native species. To assess the relative importance of seed dispersal and seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment after fire, we compared seed rain and seedbank structure with post‐fire vegetation using ordination analyses. Results Fire did not change the proportion of alien species in the coastal matorral. However, fire increased the number of annual species (natives and aliens) of which 87% were aliens. Fire reduced the alien seedbank and not the native seedbank, but alien species remained dominant in burned soil samples (66% of the total species richness). Seed rain was higher for alien annuals than for native annuals or perennials, thus contributing to their establishment after fire. Nevertheless, seed rain was less important than seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment in burned areas. Main conclusions Anthropogenic fires favoured alien and native annuals. Thus, fire did not increase the alien/native ratio but increased the richness of alien species. The successful establishment of alien annuals was attributable to their ability to maintain rich seedbanks in burned areas and to the greater propagule arrival compared to native species. The native seedbank also survived fire, indicating that the herbaceous community has become highly resilient after centuries of human disturbances. Our results demonstrate that fire is a relevant factor for the maintenance of alien‐dominated grasslands in the matorral and highlight the importance of considering the interactive effect of seed rain and seedbank survival to understand plant invasion patterns in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

Hydrological characteristics have been recognized as major driving forces for wetland vegetation. The water cycle and hydrological processes of wetland are increasingly influenced by the ongoing climate change and more intensive human activities, which may in turn affect the distribution and structure of vegetation communities. Poyang Lake, located on the south bank of the lower reach of Yangtze River, receives inflows from five tributaries and discharges to the Yangtze River. The unique hydrological conditions of the Poyang Lake wetland create abundant wetland vegetation communities. As a major national hydraulic project, the Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze River has changed the water regime of Poyang Lake and hence may affect the vegetation distribution. This work aims to investigate the influences of hydrological properties on vegetation structure at broad spatial and temporal scales. Histograms and sensitivity index are used to link the hydrological processes with the vegetation distribution across the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve. The results show that different vegetation communities react differently to the hydrological conditions. Specifically, certain communities, e.g. Carex and Eremochloa ophiuroides, are able to survive a wide variety of mean water depth and percent time inundated, while others, like Carex–Polygonum criopolitanum, are found to be relatively sensitive to hydrological conditions. It is suggested that this work provides a new insight for evaluating the impact of hydro-engineering projects on vegetation communities and wetland vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

Much of eastern Australia's coastal lowlands are underlain by Holocene sulfidic sediments. Large areas have been drained for agriculture. Drained, sulfidic sediments oxidize and produce highly acidic discharge (pH<4) with significant impacts on estuarine ecosystems. The rate of production of acid from drained floodplains is between 100 to 300 kg H2SO4 /ha/y and hundreds of tonnes of H2SO4 can be discharged in a single flood from the floodplain. Generation and export of acidity is controlled by the water balance of the floodplain, the characteristics of the drainage system and the distribution of sulfides. Evapotranspiration by native plants and crops plays a dominant role in the oxidation of sediments in dry periods. In wet periods, upland discharges to floodplains dominate the water balance. Drain spacing and drain depth are critical factors in the export of acidity into coastal streams. Amelioration of acidic outflows requires an understanding of the interaction between chemical and hydrological processes in sulfidic landscapes. Redesign of drainage systems to manage surface waters and reduce drain density with the treatment of drains with lime offer promise for treating acidic discharge and reducing impacts. Reflooding of drained, partially oxidized floodplains with freshwater may not be a panacea because of the large volumes of acid stored in the soil, a lack of labile organic matter in the sediments needed to reduce sulfate and irreversible changes to the soil due to oxidation. Tidal brackish water reflooding of unproductive acidified lowlands offers promise for rehabilitating wetlands. Sulfidic wetlands which are still undrained should remain so unless all acidic discharge can be treated.  相似文献   


This research aims at finding the potential plant successions in riparian vegetation along gravel-bed streams of Lombardy (Northern Italy), investigating the influence of exotic species and proposing a more sustainable and efficient management planning for habitats conservation. To characterise the riparian vegetation, 65 phytosociological relevés were carried out along four rivers in Lombardy (Pioverna, Staffora, Ogliolo and Grigna). We evaluated a series of ecological indexes to assess the ecology of plant communities. A clustering analysis detected five different plant communities characterised by specific ecological traits. On the basis of such results, we discuss about a model of plant succession describing: (i) the typical native species succession representing the riverine forests of the study areas; (ii) a succession with moderate presence of exotic species; and (iii) a succession dominated by alien species with an unclear development. To preserve the natural heritage and landscape with a small rate of alien species, it is important to plan vegetation management actions, which limit the presence of new empty space. For containing the exotic species, mechanical and chemical measures could lead to good results, but they can be expensive and cause adverse effects. Otherwise, biological control, combined with other actions, has the potential to bring results with low environmental and economic impact. Ecological restoration measures using fast-growing and spreading native species could restrict alien plant colonisation. In this regard, a better comprehension of the invasive alien plants behaviour is necessary, especially in terms of their competition mechanisms. Nevertheless, the application of long-term vegetation management of river ecosystems is crucial for a continuous monitoring and for addressing the goals of the 2030 global agenda concerning biodiversity conservation.


The restoration of inland salt‐affected plant communities, including saltflat mixed prairie and playa lakes wetlands, has received little attention despite the importance of these communities for critical wildlife habitat. The salt‐affected communities of Cheyenne Bottoms, located in central Kansas, are a crucial stopover site for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds. In 1998, The Nature Conservancy attempted to restore native plant communities to grazed and former cropland at Cheyenne Bottoms by reestablishing sheet flow across these disturbed areas. We collected vegetation cover data along permanent transects established in rangeland, former cropland, and in a shallow basin 3 years (1996–1998) before the hydrological changes and continued to collect vegetation data for 3 years (1999–2001) after the hydrological changes. Vegetation composition changes in response to the restored hydrology were subtle, but the average wetland index along the transects in the basin and the rangeland significantly declined. Significant decreases occurred in the cover of perennials and graminoids in both spring and fall species assemblages of the rangeland area. Changes in the former cropped areas were mixed, indicating the difficulty of restoring these disturbed plant communities to native plant assemblages within a few years.  相似文献   

Regularly managed electric power line corridors may provide habitats for both early-successional grassland plant species and disturbance-dependent alien plant species. These habitats are especially important in urban areas, where they can help conserve native grassland species and communities in urban greenspace. However, they can also provide further footholds for potentially invasive alien species that already characterize urban areas. In order to implement power line corridors into urban conservation, it is important to understand which environmental conditions in the corridors favor grassland species and which alien species. Likewise it is important to know whether similar environmental factors in the corridors control the species composition of the two groups. We conducted a vegetation study in a 43 kilometer long urban power line corridor network in south-western Finland, and used generalized linear models and distance-based redundancy analysis to determine which environmental factors best predict the occurrence and composition of grassland and alien plant species in the corridors. The results imply that old corridors on dry soils and steep slopes characterized by a history as open areas and pastures are especially suitable for grassland species. Corridors suitable for alien species, in turn, are characterized by productive soils and abundant light and are surrounded by a dense urban fabric. Factors controlling species composition in the two groups are somewhat correlated, with the most important factors including light abundance, soil moisture, soil calcium concentration and soil productivity. The results have implications for grassland conservation and invasive alien species control in urban areas.  相似文献   

Vegetation variability, the participation of target and undesirable species, and the role of local species pool were studied in the course of spontaneous succession in disused gravel–sand pits. The study was conducted in various regions of the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The regions represented either agrarian lowlands with a relatively warm and dry climate or mostly woodland uplands with a relatively cold and wet climate. The gravel–sand pits (36) comprised stages of different age from 1 to 75 years since abandonment. Altogether, 224 vegetation samples were recorded with species cover (%) visually estimated. Species affinity to different vegetation types was assessed in each sample based on the species cover. Local site factors, such as water table and soil characteristics, and landscape characteristics, namely climatic parameters, presence of nearby (semi)natural plant communities and main land cover categories in the broader surroundings, were evaluated as well as the participation of target (grassland, woodland, and wetland) and undesirable (ruderal, alien) species. Ordination analyses showed that vegetation succession led to target grassland, wetland, or woodland vegetation depending on local site factors, especially moisture and the presence of (semi)natural vegetation in the surroundings (local species pool). Restoration of target vegetation in disused gravel–sand pits by processes of spontaneous succession can be possible and successful in about 25 years, especially if (semi)natural vegetation exists in the surroundings. The invasion of the alien tree Robinia pseudacacia must be taken into consideration within the dry sites in lowlands.  相似文献   

Oil sands mining is a major disturbance to boreal landscapes in north-eastern Alberta, Canada. Freshwater peatlands dominate the landscape prior to mining, but the post-mining reclamation landscape will have wetlands that span a salinity gradient. Little is known about the native vegetation communities in subsaline and saline marshes in the boreal region, yet these communities offer the best potential for reclamation of wetlands after oil sands mining. The overall intent of this study is to provide information on natural wetland communities along a gradient of salinities that can be used to enhance oil sands wetland reclamation. Our specific study objectives were to: (1) characterize environmental conditions of industrial and natural wetlands, (2) characterize vegetation communities (composition and diversity) in these wetlands, (3) and explore how vegetation communities (composition and diversity) may be influenced by environmental conditions. We surveyed vegetation communities and environmental variables in 25 natural boreal wetlands along a salinity gradient and in 10 industrial marshes in the oil sands mining region. We observed an electrical conductivity (EC) range of 0.5-28 mS cm−1 in the wetlands, indicating that salinity similar to or higher than anticipated for oil sands reclamation is naturally present in some boreal wetlands. We observed low species richness in both industrial and natural wetlands. There were 101 plant species observed in all the wetlands, with 82 species recorded in the natural wetlands and 44 species in industrial wetlands. At the plot level, richness decreased with increasing EC and pH, but increased with soil organic matter. Using Cluster Analysis and indicator species analysis we defined 16 distinct vegetation community types, each dominated by one or two species of graminoid vegetation. In general these communities resembled those of boreal or prairie marshes. Electrical conductivity, pH, and water depth were important factors correlating with community composition of the wetlands, however peat depth and soil organic content did not differ among community types. Not all community types were present in industrial wetlands, indicating that these communities may need to be planted to enhance overall diversity in future reclaimed oil sands wetlands.  相似文献   

We analyzed the vegetation of Lake Burullus at the deltaic Mediterranean coast of Egypt, the sand bar between its northern shore and Mediterranean Sea, the water courses that drain into the lake and the wetland around it. Our ultimate aim was to identify threatened species and communities and the environmental factors that affect their distribution in order to formulate a plan for their conservation. The total number of the recorded species was 197 (100 annuals and 97 perennials), including 12 floating and submerged hydrophytes. Three species are endemic to Egypt: two annuals (Sinapis arvensis subsp. allionii and Sonchus macrocarpus) and one perennial (Zygophyllum album var. album). Thirty-four species are rare allover Egypt (15 annuals and 19 perennials). The lake area included 10 types of habitat (sand formations, salt marshes, lake cuts, terraces, slopes, water edges and open water of the drains, islets, shores and lake). The vegetation was classified into 13 groups (i.e., plant communities). Six groups were dominated or co-dominated by the common reed (Phragmites australis); these groups occupied a wide environmental gradient from xeric to hydric habitats. Five other groups were dominated by halophytic species (Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Suaeda vera, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Halocnemum strobilaceum and Salsola Kali). The remaining two groups were dominated by the emergent Typha domingensis and the submerged Potamogeton pectinatus. Moisture, salinity and sedimentation were the main factors that governed the plant succession in this wetland.  相似文献   

引种高等植物构建半自然湿地生态系统,是修复遭受严重污染和破坏的湖泊湿地的重要方法之一.以2011-2012年滇池湖滨区26个样点128个样方的调查数据为基础,结合1960-1970年的研究资料,探讨了人为活动对滇池湖滨区高等植物种类的影响.结果表明: 2012年在滇池湖滨区共发现湿地高等植物88科299种,其中本土植物181种,外来植物118种(包括32种入侵物种);在42种水生植物中,13种为外来植物(包括2种入侵物种).与1960-1970年资料相比,新记录植物232种、已消失植物43种.其中,沉水植物、漂浮植物和浮叶植物分别减少了2种、2种和5种,挺水植物增加了8种.目前共有14个植物群落类型,新出现了以大薸、喜旱莲子草等外来植物为优势种的群落类型,而以海菜花、苦草等本土植物为优势种的植物群落已消失.在引种高等植物修复退化湖泊湿地时,应科学合理地选配植物物种,以免人工引发湿地退化.  相似文献   

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