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Nurses are the largest group of healthcare providers and will be at the forefront during a response to a bioterrorism attack in the U.S. However, nurses' bioterrorism risk perceptions and their participation in bioterrorism preparedness activities, such as bioterrorism-related exercises or drills, have not been evaluated. We mailed a survey to all members of the Missouri Nurses Association in July 2006, consisting of 1,528 registered nurses. The instrument measured risk perception, perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, bioterrorism education received, participation in exercises/drills, and personal response plan thoroughness. The response rate was 31% (474/1,528). Most respondents believe that a bioterrorism attack will occur in the U.S. (82.3%; n = 390), but few (21.3%; n = 101) believe that one will occur in their community. The majority of nurses reported that they believe that a bioterrorism attack would have serious consequences (96.1%, n = 448), including having a serious impact on U.S. citizens' safety (90.7%, n = 446) and on their own safety (84.3%, n = 379). Most (60%, n = 284) reported that they had not received any bioterrorism-related education nor participated in any drills/exercises (82.7%, n = 392). Of those who had received education, most had participated in 3 or fewer programs and in only 1 drill. Few nurses (3.6%, n = 15) reported having all aspects of a personal bioterrorism response plan; approximately 20% (19.4%, n = 81) did not have any components of a plan. Most of the registered nurses in Missouri who were surveyed are not receiving bioterrorism education, participating in bioterrorism exercises, or developing thorough personal response plans. Nurses need to be aware of and encouraged to participate in the many education and training opportunities on bioterrorism and infectious disease disasters.  相似文献   

Community health centers (CHCs) are essential in the delivery of primary care services to underserved populations. Given the critical function of CHCs, surprisingly little is known about their role in preparing for or responding to acts of terrorism. This survey-based study examines the state of CHCs in terrorism preparedness and assesses their training needs. Of the administrators who responded to the survey, 87% indicated that their centers had an emergency response or disaster plan. Of those, 78% indicated they had updated their plans within the past year. Among those who had a written plan, 41% addressed bioterrorism preparedness, 38% had contingencies for a mass influx of patients, and 3% indicated that their plans addressed increasing operational capacity. Additionally, while 48% reported having assessed the education and training needs of their professional staff in the area of disease surveillance and reporting, only 24% had assessed these needs in relation to bioterrorism. Our findings suggest that CHCs have made great strides in preparing for some emergencies but that preparedness does not yet extend to specifically include terrorism events. Policy and practice recommendations are included to more fully develop CHCs as a resource.  相似文献   

Coordinating and integrating mental health topics into emergency preparedness planning is a critical step for ensuring effective response to the psychological issues connected with trauma. In order to remedy the current lack of integration, potential response providers must receive effective mental health preparedness training. The current study provided mental health preparedness training to public health and allied health professionals in Kansas and assessed the impact of the training on perceived mental health preparedness knowledge. Participants included 157 potential first and secondary responders from public health and allied fields who attended one of 10 training presentations on mental health emergency preparedness. Pre- and post-presentation, participants responded to six Likert-scale questions about their perceived knowledge of topics and level of mental health preparedness. Questions addressed common psychological responses to disaster or terrorist events, stress reactions of specific populations, psychological resiliency, mental health preparedness integration, and level of agency preparedness. Post-training, participants reported statistically significant (p<0.001) increases in perceived level of knowledge on all topics. Participants were also significantly more likely (p<0.001) to report that their agency could respond to the mental health issues related to a disaster or emergency. The current study provides data about gaps in practitioner knowledge regarding mental health preparedness in Kansas. While the self-report nature of responses is a limitation, these findings serve as the first step toward producing and implementing effective mental health preparedness information and training on a wide scale.  相似文献   

When a local health department in Virginia learned that a deceased hospital-based nurse had worked for several months with undiagnosed and untreated active tuberculosis, it mounted an extraordinary effort to find, screen, test, and potentially treat numerous contacts. In responding to this challenge, it adapted plans, concepts, and equipment that had been recently developed or acquired for responding to acts of bioterrorism. The improved coordination and integration with community partners and participating agencies, fostered through bioterrorism preparedness planning, were keys to success. Using procedures developed and exercised to distribute prophylactic medication in the Strategic National Stockpile, the health department shifted philosophically from a program-specific response to a more integrated approach. Implementation of this mass tuberculosis-screening program was based on the principles of the Incident Command System (ICS). Owing to the efficiency of the operation, more than 2,500 people were quickly screened, and the rate of return for skin test readings was 91.6%, ranking it extremely high compared to the benchmarks. Overall, 5.9% of those tested were found to be infected with tuberculosis, and no cases of active tuberculosis were identified. This outcome demonstrated public health's improved ability to react, as a result of bioterrorism preparedness activities, to "traditional" public health mass events and non-bioterrorism emergencies.  相似文献   

With the current shortage of qualified staff at state and local public health departments, a flexible public health workforce could fill critical gaps in staffing. Disease intervention specialists (DISs) are public health outreach workers who are responsible for finding and counseling people with sexually transmitted diseases and their contacts. DIS skills and job duties parallel those that would be needed to respond quickly and efficiently to urgent public health problems, including bioterrorism. Including DISs in public health preparedness planning could be a practical way of providing surge capacity for departments of public health. In many states, DISs are already being used for functions that fall outside their traditional duties. However, planning and DIS training are essential for effective utilization of DIS skills in a public health emergency. North Carolina has included DISs in their bioterrorism response plans and currently deploys them on an as-needed basis for nonroutine activities.  相似文献   

Modernization of electronic communication systems to facilitate infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigation became a priority after the 2001 anthrax attacks. However, the extent to which communicable disease investigators are using web-based information resources, e-mail notifications, or secure information exchange systems to facilitate surveillance is unknown. To address this question, we conducted a survey in 2004 of state and local communicable disease investigators responsible for infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigation in three states. The majority (70.7%) of the 297 respondents accessed the Internet for information regarding infectious disease surveillance and outbreaks at least weekly. Most (74%) respondents who searched for information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website reported that they found what they were looking for 75-100% of the time, compared with 54% who found the information from their state health department websites 75-100% of the time. One-third of respondents read e-mail notifications regarding outbreaks under investigation in their state less frequently than monthly; 34% of those enrolled in CDC's Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X) read e-mail notifications of new reports less frequently than monthly. Forty-seven (18%) respondents read ProMED-mail at least monthly, while 46% indicated they had never consulted MEDLINE/PubMed. Some progress has been made in use of the Internet to facilitate communication in infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigation. Addressing barriers to access and usability of new information systems in conjunction with training and technical support could enhance infectious disease surveillance and timely investigation of outbreaks and bioterrorism events.  相似文献   

Responding to agricultural bioterrorism with pathogenic agents that are communicable from animals to humans (zoonotic diseases) requires effective coordination of many organizations, both inside and outside of government. Action must be simultaneously taken to address public health concerns, respond to the agricultural dimensions of the event, and carry out the necessary law enforcement investigation. As part of a project focused on examining public health preparedness in Georgia, an exercise was carried out in July 2005 examining the intentional introduction of avian influenza (H5N1) in commercial poultry operations. The attack scenario, which was written to occur during an already severe human influenza season, enabled exploration of a range of issues associated with public health preparedness for major disease outbreaks including pandemic influenza, coordination of a multiagency response operation at multiple levels of government, and effective management of interdisciplinary response activities. The exercise is described and broader policy lessons regarding preparedness planning are discussed.  相似文献   

Annual influenza epidemics create a significant public health burden each year in the United States. That influenza continues to pose a public health threat despite being largely preventable through vaccination is indicative of continuing weaknesses in the U.S.'s public health system. Moreover, the burden of annual influenza epidemics and the fragility and instability of the capacity to respond to them underscore the U.S.'s ongoing vulnerability to pandemic influenza and highlights gaps in bioterrorism preparedness and response efforts. This article examines the burden of annual influenza epidemics in the U.S., efforts to combat that burden with vaccination, shortcomings of influenza vaccination efforts, and how those shortcomings exemplify weaknesses in pandemic influenza and bioterrorism preparedness efforts. We make the case for establishing an annual universal influenza vaccination program to assure access to influenza vaccination to anyone who can safely receive vaccination and desires it. Such a program could greatly reduce the annual burden of influenza while advancing and maintaining U.S. pandemic influenza and bioterrorism preparedness and response efforts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Public health agencies are often tasked with the development and execution of interventions, but the communication strategy and its impact on the effectiveness of an intervention is often not evaluated or incorporated by local and state health agencies. The primary objective of this study was to determine the impact of information from various sources on knowledge about an emergency preparedness public health intervention involving the mass distribution of medicine. METHODS: The study used validated written mail surveys containing 12 simple knowledge-based questions. One-way ANOVA, the Studentized Newman-Keuls (SNK) test, logistic regression, and multiple regression were used to evaluate the data. RESULTS: Reading an educational fact sheet or receiving job training were the highest predictive variables for correct responses on the survey among all groups. Commercial media were found to potentially diminish comprehension among survey respondents. There was significant variability in knowledge among different groups surveyed, ranging from an average of 15% to 74% correct responses on the survey. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that job training and fact sheets that are delivered directly to the intended recipients are very effective at enhancing knowledge among the general public and emergency responders. Conversely, we found that commercial media, such as television, may be detrimental to educating the public about important public health interventions. The internet was not widely used by the survey respondents to obtain information; this raises questions regarding the usefulness of websites for emergency preparedness education.  相似文献   

Results of a cross-sectional study to determine the level of emergency and disaster response planning at Ohio nonhuman animal shelters and the role Ohio agencies have in emergency and disaster response planning in their communities indicated a lack of preparedness coupled with underutilization of the agencies as a resource. A total of 115 agencies (68%) responded to a standardized survey mailed to 170 Ohio agencies. Most (68%) agencies agreed that emergency and disaster response planning was important to their organization, although only 13% of agencies had completed a written emergency and disaster response plan. The majority (80%) of agencies indicated they would provide critical resources in an emergency or disaster in their community. Only 38 (33%) of the responding agencies were aware of the PETS Act of 2006. Although many agencies indicated the importance of an emergency and disaster plan, there may be insufficient resources, including time and proper training, available to ensure plans are developed. Improved coordination among veterinarians, local veterinary medical associations, emergency preparedness agencies, and animal shelters would enhance the relief efforts in a crisis.  相似文献   

Two qualitative case studies focus on the allocation of CDC funds distributed during 2002 for bioterrorism preparedness in two Texas public health regions (each as populous and complex as many states). Lessons learned are presented for public health officials and others who work to build essential public health services and security for our nation. The first lesson is that personal relationships are the cornerstone of preparedness. A major lesson is that a regional strategy to manage funds may be more effective than allocating funds on a per capita basis. One regional director required every local department to complete a strategic plan as a basis for proportional allocation of the funds. Control of communicable diseases was a central component of the planning. Some funds were kept at the regional level to provide epidemiology services, computer software, equipment, and training for the entire region. Confirmation of the value of this regional strategy was expressed by local public health and emergency management officials in a focus group 1 year after the strategy had been implemented. The group members also pointed out the need to streamline the planning process, provide up-to-date computer networks, and receive more than minimal communication. This regional strategy can be viewed from the perspective of adaptive leadership, defined as activities to bring about constructive change, which also can be used to analyze other difficult areas of preparedness.  相似文献   

Although Canada has not experienced a major terrorist attack, an increased global pending threat has put preparedness at the top of the Canadian government's agenda. Given its strong multicultural community and close proximity to the recently targeted United States, the Canadian experience is unique. However, minimal research exists on the public's reactions to terrorism threats and related preparedness strategies. In order for response initiatives to be optimally effective, it is important that the public's opinions regarding terrorism and preparedness be considered. This qualitative study examined perceptions of terrorism threats among Canadians living in Central and Eastern Canada (N = 75) in the fall of 2004. Conceptualizations of terrorism threat, psychosocial impacts, and sense of preparedness were explored in a series of qualitative interviews. Findings revealed that the majority of Canadians did not feel overly threatened by terrorist attacks, due in part to a perception of terrorist threats as related to global sociopolitical events and a positive Canadian identity. In addition, while most respondents did not feel they were individually affected by the threat of terrorism, there was some concern regarding larger societal impacts, such as increased paranoia, discrimination, and threats to civil liberties. Participants' views on preparedness focused largely on the utility of emergency preparedness strategies and the factors that could mitigate or inhibit preparedness at the individual and institutional levels, with a specific focus on education. Finally, the significant relevance of these findings in shaping terrorism preparedness, both in Canada and generally, is discussed.  相似文献   

A bioterrorism attack could overwhelm medical personnel and facilities, suggesting a need for aid from nonmedical personnel. The American Dental Association suggests that dental professionals should assist in such cases, utilizing their strong scientific and technical skills. This study describes New England dental professionals' willingness, potential roles, motivators, and barriers to providing this aid. This cross-sectional study used a self-administered survey to collect data addressing the knowledge and opinions of dental professionals concerning acting as responders. The survey was distributed to 370 attendees of the 2005 Yankee Dental Conference, in Boston, Massachusetts. Most dental professionals expressed willingness to help during an attack (N = 340, 92%), reporting that dental professionals, in general, should perform a mean number of 6 roles. Three-quarters of dentists and dental students were personally willing, with proper training, to give immunizations, and 54% would perform triage. Knowledge was weak, but most dental professionals were interested in obtaining further education (83%). Since dental professionals are willing to assist during a bioterrorism attack and are motivated to obtain disaster response training, government officials and local directors and managers of disaster/emergency response agencies should consider incorporating dental professionals into their disaster management plans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe female surgeons'' perceptions of discrimination against them as women during the selection and training process and in career development and advancement, and to describe trends over time. DESIGN: Population survey of practising Canadian female surgeons. SETTING: Canada. PARTICIPANTS: All 459 female members in good standing of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Corporation professionnelle des médecins du Québec, or both, practising in Canada as of March 1990. Participants completed a survey between March 1990 and May 1992, the response rate was 91% (419/459). OUTCOME MEASURES: Reported levels of discrimination during selection and training and in career development and advancement, institutional policies on maternity leave and job sharing, and the existence of female role models or mentors. RESULTS: Discrimination during the process of selection for residency was reported by 15% (63/413) of the respondents. Just over half of the respondents (206/405) reported male attending staff as being discriminatory during training, and 41% (168/407) reported nursing staff as being discriminatory. Almost half of the respondents (199/408) indicated that discrimination did not hinder their career development or advancement at all, and 29% (118) indicated that it had little effect. Almost two thirds (245/381) reported no maternity leave policies during residency or practice, and 78% (296/379) reported having no job-sharing opportunities. Although 82% (338/413) agreed that female medical students need female role models, 80% (330/415) reported they did not have a female mentor. CONCLUSIONS: Although most of our respondents perceived no discrimination in their selection for residency and reported that discrimination did not hinder their career development or advancement, the perception of discrimination during surgical training suggests that there needs to be a concentrated effort to identify and address problems. Moreover, since few respondents reported having institutional policies on maternity leave and job-sharing or female mentors, these issues need to be examined.  相似文献   

We performed studies to determine whether chronic hypoxia impairs nitric oxide (NO) signaling in resistance level pulmonary arteries (PAs) of newborn piglets. Piglets were maintained in room air (control) or hypoxia (11% O(2)) for either 3 (shorter exposure) or 10 (longer exposure) days. Responses of PAs to a nonselective NO synthase (NOS) antagonist, N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME), a NOS-2-selective antagonist, aminoguanidine, and 7-nitroindazole, a NOS-1-selective antagonist, were measured. Levels of NOS isoforms and of two proteins involved in NOS signaling, heat shock protein (HSP) 90 and caveolin-1, were assessed in PA homogenates. PAs from all groups constricted to L-NAME but not to aminoguanidine or 7-nitroindazole. The magnitude of constriction to L-NAME was similar for PAs from control and hypoxic piglets of the shorter exposure period but was diminished for PAs from hypoxic compared with control piglets of the longer exposure period. NOS-3, HSP90, and caveolin-1 levels were similar in hypoxic and control PAs. These findings indicate that NOS-3, but not-NOS 2 or NOS-1, is involved with basal NO production in PAs from both control and hypoxic piglets. After 10 days of hypoxia, NO function is impaired in PAs despite preserved levels of NOS-3, HSP90, and caveolin-1. The development of NOS-3 dysfunction in resistance level PAs may contribute to the progression of chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in newborn piglets.  相似文献   

 用不同浓度NaCl处理6天龄大麦(Hordeum vulgare)幼苗3 d,以非共价键形式与叶片类囊体膜结合的多胺含量在低浓度盐处理时含量不变,随NaCl处理浓度的上升含量明显下降。在检测到的3种多胺中Spd(亚精胺)含量最高,约占膜上非共价键结合多胺总量的40%。以共价键形式与类囊体膜蛋白结合的多胺含量随NaCl处理浓度的上升一直呈下降趋势。在检测到的3种多胺中Put(腐胺)含量最高,约占膜上共价键结合多胺总量的60%以上。低浓度盐处理对14C-Glu向类囊体膜蛋白的掺入没有影响,随NaCl处理浓度的上升14C-Glu向类囊体膜蛋白的掺入明显下降。  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) cover about 22% of the conterminous United States. Understanding their role on historical land use and land cover change (LULCC) and on the carbon cycle is essential to provide guidance for environmental policies. In this study, we compiled historical LULCC and PAs data to explore these interactions within the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM). We found that intensive LULCC occurred in the conterminous United States from 1700 to 2005. More than 3 million km2 of forest, grassland and shrublands were converted into agricultural lands, which caused 10,607 Tg C release from land ecosystems to atmosphere. PAs had experienced little LULCC as they were generally established in the 20th century after most of the agricultural expansion had occurred. PAs initially acted as a carbon source due to land use legacies, but their accumulated carbon budget switched to a carbon sink in the 1960s, sequestering an estimated 1,642 Tg C over 1700–2005, or 13.4% of carbon losses in non‐PAs. We also find that PAs maintain larger carbon stocks and continue sequestering carbon in recent years (2001–2005), but at a lower rate due to increased heterotrophic respiration as well as lower productivity associated to aging ecosystems. It is essential to continue efforts to maintain resilient, biodiverse ecosystems and avoid large‐scale disturbances that would release large amounts of carbon in PAs.  相似文献   

Progesterone antagonists (PAs, antiprogestins) can modulate estrogenic effects in various estrogen-dependent tissues. These modulatory effects are complex and depend on species, tissue, type of compound, dose, and duration of treatment. In non-human primates, PAs, including mifepristone, ZK 137 316 and ZK 230 211, inhibit endometrial proliferation and induce amenorrhea. When administered chronically at relatively low doses, these compounds block the mitotic activity of endometrial epithelium and induce stromal compaction in a dose-dependent manner in both spayed and intact monkeys at high estradiol concentrations. These effects were accompanied by an atrophy of spiral arteries. The antiproliferative effects were endometrium-specific, since the estrogenic effects in the oviduct and vagina were not inhibited by PAs. Similar endometrial antiproliferative effects were also found after treatment with the progesterone receptor modulator (PRM), mesoprogestin J1042. The endometrial antiproliferative effects of PAs, particularly within the endometrial glands, were also observed in spayed rabbits. In spayed rats, however, the PAs did not inhibit, but rather enhanced, various estrogen responses, including endometrial proliferation, pointing to species-specific differences. In conclusion, our studies indicate that both pure PAs and PRMs selectively inhibit estrogen-dependent endometrial proliferation in the primate endometrium without affecting estrogenic response in other estrogen-dependent tissues or inducing unscheduled bleeding. Our studies indicate that the spiral arteries, which are unique to the primate endometrium, are the primary targets that are damaged or inhibited by PAs and PRMs. The damage to these unique vessels may underlay the paradoxical, endometrium-specific, antiproliferative effects of these compounds. Hence, the properties of PAs and PRMs (mesoprogestins) open up new applications in gynecological therapy and hormone replacement therapy.  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacterium Bacillus anthracis has become the subject of intense study as a result of its use in a bioterrorism attack in the United States in September and October 2001. Previous studies suggested that B. anthracis Ames Ancestor, the original Ames fully virulent plasmid-containing isolate, was the ideal reference. This study describes the complete genome sequence of that original isolate, derived from a sample kept in cold storage since 1981.  相似文献   

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