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Michael R. Wasielewski Douglas G. Johnson Govindjee Christopher Preston Michael Seibert 《Photosynthesis research》1989,22(1):89-99
We have measured the rate constant for the formation of the oxidized chlorophyll a electron donor (P680+) and the reduced electron acceptor pheophytin a– (Pheo a–) following excitation of isolated Photosystem II reaction centers (PS II RC) at 15 K. This PS II RC complex consists of D1, D2, and cytochrome b-559 proteins and was prepared by a procedure which stabilizes the protein complex. Transient absorption difference spectra were measured from 450–840 nm as a function of time with 500fs resolution following 610 nm laser excitation. The formation of P680+-Pheo a– is indicated by the appearance of a band due to P680+ at 820 nm and corresponding absorbance changes at 490, 515 and 546 nm due to the formation of Pheo a–. The appearance of the 490 nm and 820 nm bands is monoexponenital with =1.4±0.2 ps. Treatment of the PS II RC with sodium dithionite and methyl viologen followed by exposure to laser excitation results in accumulation of Pheo a–. Laser excitation of these prereduced RCs at 15 K results in formation of a transient absorption spectrum assigned to 1*P680. We observe wavelength-dependent kinetics for the recovery of the transient bleach of the Qy absorption bands of the pigments in both untreated and pre-reduced PS II RCs at 15K. This result is attributed to an energy transfer process within the PS II RC at low temperature that is not connected with charge separation.Abbreviations PS I Photosystem I - PS II Photosystem II - RC reaction center - P680 primary electron donor in Photosystem II - Chl a chlorophyll a - Pheo a pheophytin a 相似文献
The dynamics of energy and charge transfer in the Photosystem II reaction center complex is an area of great interest today.
These processes occur on a time scale ranging from femtoseconds to tens of picoseconds or longer. Steady-state and ultrafast
spectroscopy techniques have provided a great deal of quantitative and qualitative data that have led to varied interpretations
and phenomenological models. More recently, microscopic models that identify specific charge separated states have been introduced,
and offer more insight into the charge transfer mechanism. The structure and energetics of PS II reaction centers are reviewed,
emphasizing the effects on the dynamics of the initial charge transfer.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The shape of the EPR spectrum of the triplet state of photosystem II reaction centers with a singly reduced primary acceptor complex QAFe2+ was studied. It was shown that the spectroscopic properties do not significantly change when the relaxation of the primary acceptor is accelerated and when the magnetic interaction between the reduced quinone molecule QA and the nonheme iron ion Fe2+ is disrupted. This observation confirmed the earlier conclusion that the anisotropy of the quantum yield of the triplet state is the main cause of the anomalous shape of the EPR spectrum. A scheme of primary processes in photosystem II that is consistent with the observed properties of the EPR spectrum of the triplet state is discussed. 相似文献
Results are presented of a study of primary processes of formation of the charge separated states P+BA
- and P+HA
- (where P is the primary electron donor, BA and HA the primary and secondary electron acceptors) in native and pheophytin-modified reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 by methods of femtosecond spectroscopy of absorption changes at low temperature. Coherent oscillations were studied in the kinetics at 935 nm (P* stimulated emission band), at 1020 nm (BA
- absorption band), and at 760 nm (HA absorption band). It was found that when the wavepacket created under femtosecond light excitation approaches the intersection between P* and P+BA
- potential surfaces at 120- and 380-fsec delays, the formation of two electron states emitting light at 935 nm (P*) and absorbing light at 1020 nm (P+BA
-) takes place. At the later time the wavepacket motion has a frequency of 32 cm-1 and is accompanied by electron transfer from P* to BA in pheophytin-modified and native RCs and further to HA in native RCs. It was shown that electron transfer processes monitored by the 1020-nm absorption band development as well as by bleaching of 760-nm absorption band have the enhanced 32 cm-1 mode in the Fourier transform spectra. 相似文献
The primary act of charge separation was studied in P+BA
– and P+HA
– states (P, primary electron donor; BA and HA, primary and secondary electron acceptor) of native reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 using femtosecond absorption spectroscopy at low (90 K) and room temperature. Coherent oscillations were studied in the kinetics of the stimulated emission band of P* (935 nm), of absorption band of BA
– (1020 nm) and of absorption band of HA (760 nm). It was found that in native RCs kept in heavy water (D2O) buffer the isotopic decreasing of basic oscillation frequency 32 cm –1 and its overtones takes place by the same factor 1.3 in the 935, 1020, and 760 nm bands in comparison with the samples in ordinary water H2O. This suggests that the femtosecond oscillations in RC kinetics with 32 cm –1 frequency may be caused by rotation of hydrogen-containing groups, in particular the water molecule which may be placed between primary electron donor PB and primary electron acceptor BA. This rotation may appear also as high harmonics up to sixth in the stimulated emission of P*. The rotation of the water molecule may modulate electron transfer from P* to BA. The results allow for tracing of the possible pathway of electron transfer from P* to BA along a chain consisting of polar atoms according to the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (1PRC): Mg(PB)-N-C-N(His M200)-HOH-O = BA. We assume that the role of 32-cm –1 modulation in electron transfer along this chain consists of a fixation of electron density at BA
– during a reversible electron transfer, when populations of P* and P+BA
– states are approximately equal. 相似文献
The process of electron transfer from the primary electron donor P* to the primary electron acceptor BA in the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 under 30 fsec pulse excitation was studied in this work with the aim of establishing a relationship between the nuclear subsystem motion and charge transfer. For this purpose the fsec and psec oscillations in the bands of stimulated emission of P* and in the band of reaction product B
at 1020 nm were investigated. It was established that the reversible formation of the P+B
state is characterized by two vibration modes (130 and 320 cm-1) and connected with an arrival of the wavepacket induced by fsec excitation to the intersection of potential surfaces P*BA and P+B
. The irreversible formation of the P+B
state with the time constant of 3 psec is followed by oscillations with frequencies of 9 and 33 cm-1. These results show that the irreversibility of electron transfer is determined by two factors: 1) by a difference between the energy width of the wavepacket and the gap between the named surfaces; 2) by a difference between the duration of wavepacket residence near the intersection of the surfaces and the relaxation time of the P+B
state. 相似文献
Photosynthetic organisms transform the energy of sunlight into chemical potential in a specialized membrane-bound pigment-protein complex called the reaction center. Following light activation, the reaction center produces a charge-separated state consisting of an oxidized electron donor molecule and a reduced electron acceptor molecule. This primary photochemical process, which occurs via a series of rapid electron transfer steps, is complete within a nanosecond of photon absorption. Recent structural data on reaction centers of photosynthetic bacteria, combined with results from a large variety of photochemical measurements have expanded our understanding of how efficient charge separation occurs in the reaction center, and have changed many of the outstanding questions.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - P a dimer of BChl molecules - BPh bacteriopheophytin - QA and QB quinone molecules - L, M and H light, medium and heavy polypeptides of the reaction center 相似文献
Low-temperature absorption and fluorescence spectra of fully active cores and membrane-bound PS II preparations are compared. Detailed temperature dependence of fluorescence spectra between 5 and 70 K are presented as well as 1.7-K fluorescence line-narrowed (FLN) spectra of cores, confirming that PS II emission is composite. Spectra are compared to those reported for LHCII, CP43, CP47 and D1/D2/cytit b559 subunits of PS II. A combination of subunit spectra cannot account for emission of active PS II. The complex temperature dependence of PS II fluorescence is interpretable by noting that excitation transfer from CP43 and CP47 to the reaction centre is slow, and strongly dependent on the precise energy at which a ‘slow-transfer’ pigment in CP43 or CP47 is located within its inhomogeneous distribution. PS II fluorescence arises from CP43 and CP47 ‘slow-transfer’ states, convolved by this dependence. At higher temperatures, thermally activated excitation transfer to the PS II charge-separating system bypasses such bottlenecks. As the charge-separating state of active PS II absorbs at >700 nm, PS II emission in the 680–700 nm region is unlikely to arise from reaction centre pigments. PS II emission at physiological temperatures is discussed in terms of these results. 相似文献
Huber Heinz Meyer Michaela Scheer Hugo Zinth Wolfgang Wachtveitl Josef 《Photosynthesis research》1998,55(2-3):153-162
The initial electron transfer steps in pigment modified reaction centers, where bacteriopheophytin is replaced by plant pheophytin (R26.Phe-a RCs) have been investigated over a wide temperature range by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy. The experimental data obtained in the maximum of the bacteriochlorophyll anion band at 1020 nm show the existence of a high and long-lived population of the primary acceptor P+BA
– even at 10 K. The data suggest a stepwise electron transfer mechanism with BA as primary acceptor also in the low temperature domain. A detailed data analysis suggests that the pigment modification leads to a situation with almost isoenergetic primary and secondary acceptor levels, approximately 450 cm–1 below P*. A Gaussian distribution (with = 400 cm –1) of the G values has to be assumed to account for the strong dispersive character of the kinetics in this sample. Based on these assumptions, a model is presented that reproduces the observed kinetics, heterogeneity and temperature dependence. 相似文献
The properties of Photosystem II electron donation were investigated by EPR spectrometry at cryogenic temperatures. Using preparations from mutants which lacked Photosystem I, the main electron donor through the Photosystem II reaction centre to the quinone-iron acceptor was shown to be the component termed Signal II. A radical of 10 G line width observed as an electron donor at cryogenic temperatures under some conditions probably arises through modification of the normal pathway of electron donation. High-potential cytochrome b-559 was not observed on the main pathway of electron donation. Two types of PS II centres with identical EPR components but different electron-transport kinetics were identified, together with anomalies between preparations in the amount of Signal II compared to the quinone-iron acceptor. Results of experiments using cells from mutants of Scenedesmus obliquus confirm the involvement of the Signal II component, manganese and high-potential cytochrome b-559 in the physiological process leading to oxygen evolution. 相似文献
Masayuki Komura 《BBA》2006,1757(12):1657-1668
We performed picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in spinach photosystem II (PS II) particles at 4, 40, and 77 K and identified a new fluorescence band, F689. F689 was identified in addition to the well-known F685 and F695 bands in both analyses of decay-associated spectra and global Gaussian deconvolution of time-resolved spectra. Its fast decay suggests the energy transfer directly from F689 to the reaction center chlorophyll P680. The contribution of F689, which increases only at low temperature, explains the unusually broad and variable bandwidth of F695 at low temperature. Global analysis revealed the three types of excitation energy transfer/dissipation processes: (1) energy transfer from the peripheral antenna to the three core antenna bands F685, F689, and F695 with time constants of 29 and 171 ps at 77 and 4 K, respectively; (2) between the three core bands (0.18 and 0.82 ns); and (3) the decays of F689 (0.69 and 3.02 ns) and F695 (2.18 and 4.37 ns). The retardations of these energy transfer rates and the slow F689 decay rate produced the strong blue shift of the PS II fluorescence upon the cooling below 77 K. 相似文献
On the efficiency of energy transfer and the different pathways of electron transfer in mutant reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
van Brederode Marion E. Ridge Justin P. van Stokkum Ivo H. M. van Mourik Frank Jones Michael R. van Grondelle Rienk 《Photosynthesis research》1998,55(2-3):141-146
The efficiency of energy transfer from the monomeric pigments to the primary donor was determined from 77 K steady-state fluorescence excitation spectra of three mutant reaction centers, YM210L, YM210F and LM160H / FM197H. For all three reaction centers this efficiency was not 100% and ranged between 55 and 70%. For the YM210L mutant it was shown using pump-probe spectroscopy with B band excitation at 798 nm that the excitations which are not transferred to P give rise to efficient charge separation. The results can be interpreted with a model in which excitation of the B absorbance band leads to direct formation of the radical pair state BA+HA– in addition to energy transfer to P. It is also possible that some P+BA– is formed from B*. In previous publications we have demonstrated the operation of such alternative pathways for transmembrane electron transfer in a YM210W mutant reaction center [van Brederode et al. (1996) The Reaction center of Photosynthetic Bacteria, pp 225–238; (1997a,b) Chem Phys Lett 268: 143–149; Biochemistry 36: 6855–6861]. The results presented here demonstrate that these alternative mechanisms are not peculiar to the YM210W reaction center. 相似文献
利用飞秒泵探测技术研究了紫细菌光合反应中心RS601中的超快能量传递过程,通过选择激反应中心中的不同色素,观察到了以不同色素为起点发生在飞秒时域的超快能量传递过程,从细菌去镁叶绿素H到辅助细胞叶绿素B的能量传递发生在约130fs时间尺度,而通过激发色素B则观察到了从B到原始电子供体P的约240fs的超快能量传递,另外,P激发态的超快弛豫过程则说明其上、下激子能级间存在超快的内转换过程,通过对不同色素激发态的能量弛豫过程的分析,说明由原初电子供体H的电子传递过在几个皮秒时间内完成,其中辅助细菌叶绿素B为该电子传递过程中间态。 相似文献
Vyacheslav V. Klimov Sergei K. Zharmukhamedov Javier De Las Rivas James Barber 《Photosynthesis research》1995,44(1-2):67-74
Effect of a highly efficient inhibitor of Photosystem II (PS II), K-15 (4-[methoxy-bis-(trifluoromethyl)methyl)-2,6-dinitrophenyl hydrazone methyl ketone), was investigated using the D1/D2/cytochrome b559 reaction centre (RC) complex. A novel approach for photoaccumulating reduced pheophytin (Pheo–) in the absence of the strong reducing agent, sodium dithionite, was demonstrated which involved illumination in the presence of TMPD (from 5 to 100 M) under anaerobic conditions. The addition of K-15 at concentrations of 0.5 M and 2 M resulted in approx. 50% and near 100%, respectively, inhibition of this photoreaction, while subsequent additions of dithionite eliminated the inhibitory effect of K-15. Methyl viologen induced similar inhibition at much higher concentrations (>1 mM). Moreover, K-15 efficiently quenched the variable part of chlorophyll fluorescence (which is the recombination luminescence of the pair P680
+ Pheo–). A 50% inhibition was induced by 5 M K-15 and the effect was maximal in the range 20 to 200 M. Photooxidation of P680 in the presence of 0.1 mM silicomolybdate was also efficiently inhibited by K-15 (50% inhibition at 15 M). The data are consistent with the idea put forward earlier (Klimov et al. 1992) that the inhibitory effect of K-15 is based on facilitating a rapid recombination between Pheo– and P680
+ (or Z+) via its redox properties. The inhibitor can be useful for suppressing PS II reactions in isolated RCs of PS II which are resistant to all traditional inhibitors, like diuron, and probably functions by substituting for QA missing in the preparation.At a concentration of 0.5–50 M K-15 considerably increased both the rate and extent of cytochrome b559 photoreduction in the presence, as well as in the absence, of 5 mM MnCl2. Consequently it is suggested that K-15 also serves as a mediator for electron transfer from Pheo– to cytochrome b559.Abbreviations K-15
4-[methoxy-bis-(trifluoromethyl)methyl]-2,6-dinitrophenyl hydrazone methyl ketone
- P680
the primary electron donor of PS II
- Pheo
Photosystem II
- QA and QB
the primary and the secondary electron acceptor of PS II
- RC
reaction centre
- SiMo
- Z
secondary electron donor of PS II 相似文献
Extraction of PS II particles with 50 mM cholate and 1 M NaCl releases several proteins (33-, 23-, 17- and 13 kDa) and lipids from the thylakoid membrane which are essential for O2 evolution, dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) reduction and for stable charge separation between P680+ and QA
-. This work correlates the results on the loss of steady-state rates for O2 evolution and PS II mediated DCIP photo-reduction with flash absorption changes directly monitoring the reaction center charge separation at 830 nm due to P680+, the chlorophyll a donor. Reconstitution of the extracted lipids to the depleted membrane restores the ability to photo-oxidize P680 reversibly and to reduce DCIP, while stimulating O2 evolution minimally. Addition of the extracted proteins of masses 33-, 23- and 17- kDa produces no further stimulation of DCIP reduction in the presence of an exogenous donor like DPC, but does enhance this rate in the absence of exogenous donors while also stimulating O2 evolution. The proteins alone in the absence of lipids have little influence on charge separation in the reaction center. Thus lipids are essential for stable charge separation within the reaction center, involving formation of P680+ and QA
-.Abbreviations A830
Absorption change at 830 nm
- Chl
- D1
primary electron donor to P680
3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid
- P680
reaction center chlorophyll a molecule of photosystem II
Photosystem II
- QA, QB
first and second quinone acceptors in PS II
rate of DCIP reduction
- V-O2
rate of oxygen evolution
- Y
water-oxidizing enzyme system
3-Cyclohexylamino-propanesulfonic acid 相似文献
植物的光合作用包括光能固定和过剩光能的耗散两个方面,在光能耗散方面,除了人们以前所认识的光呼吸、Mehler反应等生化机制外,近几年人们发现在光合系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)复合体内还存在三种光能耗散方式:a.围绕PSⅡ的电子循环;b.与类囊体膜的能量化和叶黄素循环有关的热耗散;c与PSⅡ反应中心异质化及D1蛋白修复循环有关的能量耗散机制. 相似文献
Artificial increase of the light-harvesting ability of photosynthetic units in isolated chloroplasts
A synthetic fluorochromous lipid, rhodaminyl triglyceride (rhodaminyl TG), was intercalated into isolated thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts up to 30 molecules per 100 molecules of chlorophyll. As a result of fluorochrome presence, an absorption band appeared in a yellow-green spectrum region, its intensity being comparable with the red and blue chlorophyll bands. The energy absorbed by rhodaminyl TG was transferred through chlorophyll to the reaction centers of photosystems I and II, inducing an additional electron flow of about 30%. Therefore the exogenous fluorochrome dissolved in lipid matrix functions as an accessory pigment which significantly modifies the spectral sensitivity of the photosynthetic process. The energy transfer from rhodaminyl TG to chlorophyll occurs by mechanism of the inductive resonance type.Abbreviations rhodaminyl TG
rhodaminyl triglyceride (rac-1,2-dioleoyl-3[11(3-rhodaminyl)amino-undelanoyl]glycerol)
- Me2SO
- PS
pigment-protein complex
- F0, Fm
initial and maximal levels of chlorophyll fluorescence 相似文献
We use the electron-conformational interaction approach to develop a physical model which self-consistently describes the photomobilized electron transfer kinetics and structure conformational transitions in reaction centers (RCs) of purple bacteria. We consider the kinetics of electron transition from pigment onto primary acceptor and the subsequent charge recombination accounting for the change of distance between the above-mentioned cofactors. It is shown that, given natural values of RC parameters, the kinetic constant's dependence on the acting light intensity is monotone. As opposed to the previous case, similar dependencies for the chain of electron transfer between primary and secondary quinone acceptors revealed anS-like relationship. This can lead to bistability of the RC optical transmission coefficient and a fundamental dependence of charge recombination kinetics upon the prehistory of the RC's interaction with exciting radiation. 相似文献
A study was made of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectra between 100 and 4.2 K of chloroplasts of various species of higher plants (wild strains and chlorophyll b mutants) and of subchloroplast particles enriched in Photosystem I or II. The chloroplast spectra showed the well known emission bands at about 685, 695 and 715–740 nm; the System I and II particles showed bands at about 675, 695 and 720 nm and near 685 nm, respectively. The effect of temperature lowering was similar for chloroplasts and subchloroplast particles; for the long wave bands an increase in intensity occurred mainly between 100 and 50 K, whereas the bands near 685 nm showed a considerable increase in the region of 50-4.2 K. In addition to this we observed an emission band near 680 nm in chloroplasts, the amplitude of which was less dependent on temperature. The band was missing in barley mutant no. 2, which lacks the lightharvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complex. At 4.7 K the spectra of the variable fluorescence (Fv) consisted mainly of the emission bands near 685 and 695 nm, and showed only little far-red emission and no contribution of the band at 680 nm.From these and other data it is concluded that the emission at 680 nm is due to the light-harvesting complex, and that the bands at 685 and 695 nm are emitted by the System II pigment-protein complex. At 4.2 K, energy transfer from System II to the light-harvesting complex is blocked, but not from the light-harvesting to the System I and System II complexes. The fluorescence yield of the chlorophyll species emittting at 685 nm appears to be directly modulated by the trapping state of the reaction center. 相似文献
A personal view of the history of progress in photosynthesis research beginning in the seventeenth century and ending in 1992 is presented in a chart form. The 350-year time span is divided arbitrarily into seven periods by the development junctures, which are likened to bamboo joints. The tempo of progress is reflected in the duration of the periods, starting from over 200 years for Period I, which progressively shortens in subsequent periods. This brief introduction highlights some of the events to show the dynamic nature of the progress in photosynthesis research.Professor emeritus of Okayama University, Okayama, Japan; correspondence address: Yokoi-kami, 507-66, Okayama City, Okayama, 701-11, Japan 相似文献