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采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记对瓣蕊唐松草(Thalictrum petaloideum L.)(毛莨科)11个居群246个体的遗传多样性及居群遗传结构进行了检测.20个随机引物扩增出125个用于分析的条带.结果表明:瓣蕊唐松草在物种水平上具有极高的遗传多样性,多态条带比率(PPB)为96%,Nei的基因多样度(h)为0.3502,Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.519 9;居群间分化比较明显,基因分化系数(GsT)为0.351 1,分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明居群间遗传变异占总遗传变异的38.88%;根据条带频率与平均分类距离和Nei遗传距离分别进行UPGMA聚类,结果基本一致,并且反映出与该种地理分布有一定相关性;长江流域分布的两个居群表现出较高的相似性,并与北方分布的各居群构成独立的两支,显示出这两个居群的特殊性,从而对该物种独特分布区成因是由于冰退回迁造成的观点提供了一定的支持.  相似文献   

银杉遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
用随机扩增多态 DNA(RAPD)标记方法对银杉(Chthaya argyrophylla)75个个体(采自湖南和四川)进行了遗传多样性检测. 21个 10 mer -的寡核苷酸引物共检测106个位点,其中多态位点34个,占32%.相对于其它裸子植物,银杉的遗传变异水平偏低.湖南居群和四川居群的多态位点百分率分别为 18%和 25%,两居群间的遗传变异量占总变异量的 7. 99%,这一数值高于裸子植物居群间遗传差异的平均值(6.8%).同时,发现遗传变异水平的高低与生境的复杂程度有一定的相关性.由于点突变和随机遗传漂变,银杉的部分亚居群间有较强烈的分化,亚居群间的遗传差异最高可达 16. 23%.此外,提出了度量遗传多样性水平的分化指数概念及其计算方法,并指出低水平的遗传多样性可能是银杉濒危的原因之一.  相似文献   

香菇品种遗传多样性RAPD分子标记的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对32个中国栽培香菇品种和2个野生子实体的遗传多样性进行了RAPD标记研究,9个引物共扩增出113条DNA带,83.19%具有多态性。结果显示,34个香菇菌株间均有遗传上的差异,但遗传相关性极高,表明中国栽培菌株间的遗传背景单一。  相似文献   

粗壮女贞(苦丁茶)不同种质材料遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木犀科苦丁茶是我国西南地区一大类重要的代茶饮料植物,其中以粗壮女贞[Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume]为代表.本研究应用随机扩增多态DNA(randomly amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)分子标记技术,系统地研究了粗壮女贞种质材料的亲缘关系和遗传多样性.用所筛选出的19条RAPD随机引物对79份不同地域来源的粗壮女贞种质材料进行扩增,共扩增出369条谱带,多态性带百分率为86.0%;各种质材料间的GS值变化范围为0.466 4~0.973 6,平均GS值为0.662 3;有效等位基因数Ne=1.432 1,Nei’s基因多样性指数He=0.259 5,Shannon多样性信息指数Ho=0.396 0.这表明,粗壮女贞不同地域来源或不同类群种质材料之间存在着显著的遗传差异,其遗传多样性丰富; RAPD技术可以应用于粗壮女贞种内遗传多样性分析.基于RAPD遗传相似系数的UPGMA聚类结果表明,所有各供试材料均按其地理起源聚类,可把供试的79份粗壮女贞材料分为两大类群,即A类群(贵州 四川类群)和B类群 (云南类群).  相似文献   

共生在水生蕨类植物满江红(又称“红萍”:Azolla)叶腔中的固氮兰细菌曾被认为是一个种满江红鱼腥藻(Anabaena azollae Strasb.).但由于现存的满江红在分类学上有2个亚属,7个种1,对不同满江红叶腔中鱼腥藻的鉴别,多年来引起人们的重视.80年代,鱼腥藻的单克隆抗体和RFLP的研究,发现了它与宿主分类上一定程度的对应关系2,3.90年代以后,Van Coppenolle和Eskew分别以RAPD-PCR和DAF-PCR对从满江红共生体中提取的DNA进行了分析4,5,但后者发现了共生体中藻的DNA对整个PCR产物的干扰作用会影响满江红属本身系统分类.    相似文献   

异源四倍体鲫鲤群体遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
湖南师范大学和湘阴县东湖渔场合作,经过10多年的研究,获得了两性可育的异源四倍体鲫鲤群体1—7,目前已经繁殖到了F14。异源四倍体鲫鲤具有4套染色体(4n=200),它们的遗传多样性水平怎么样?这是关系到异源四倍体鲫鲤这一新的种质资源能否生存和进化的问题,有必要从分子水平进行深入的研究。随机扩增多态DNA(Random Am-plified Polymorphic DNA,RAPD)是建立在PCR基础之上的一种DNA分子标记技术8,具有简便、快速、实验成本低等特点,因此被广泛应用于物种的遗传多样性分析、亲缘关系的探讨和系统进化等方面的研究9—15。本研究采用RAPD技术,检测了异源四倍体鲫鲤群体的遗传多样性水平,以期为异源四倍体鲫鲤的人工繁殖、种群复壮以及种质资源保护提供DNA水平上的依据。    相似文献   

南方红豆杉不同居群遗传多样性的RAPD研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
用随机扩增多态性方法对广东、湖南、江西等3省的12个南方红豆杉自然居群进行了基因组DNA多态性分析,从100条引物中共筛选出10个引物,获得RAPD谱带86条,多态性谱带占51%。聚类分析结果表明:南方红豆杉居群间的遗传距离与这些居群的地理分布相关,即相同或相邻产地的居群间的遗传距离较小,不同产地个体间的遗传距离较大。粤北南方红豆杉的9个居群的遗传多样性较低,可能与近年来资源遭到严重破坏,及其生长缓慢、种子萌发率低、成活率不高等原因有关。  相似文献   

采用RAPD分子标记技术对6个叉蕊薯蓣(Dioscorea collettii Hook. f.)居群及5个粉背薯蓣[D. collettii var. hypoglauca (Palibin)C. T. Ting et al.]居群的遗传多样性进行了分析,并基于遗传相似系数采用UPGMA法对11个居群进行了聚类分析.用14个寡聚核苷酸引物共扩增出170条带,其中多态性条带161条,多态性条带百分率高达94.71%; 粉背薯蓣5个居群多态性条带百分率的变化幅度(81.25%~89.29%)略大于叉蕊薯蓣6个居群(82.00%~84.21%).粉背薯蓣居群间的有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei's基因多样性指数(h)和Shannon多样性指数(I)分别为1.368 5、0.238 4和0.376 3,叉蕊薯蓣居群间的Ne、h和I分别为1.331 1、0.197 2和0.298 3;叉蕊薯蓣与粉背薯蓣间的基因分化系数(Gst)为0.122 8,基因流(Nm)为3.570 7.二者间的遗传相似系数为0.922 3, 遗传距离为0.080 9; 其中, 粉背薯蓣江西庐山居群和叉蕊薯蓣云南丽江居群间的遗传距离最远,达0.693 1;叉蕊薯蓣云南蒙自和云南景洪居群间的遗传距离最近,仅0.219 4.根据聚类分析结果可将参试的11个居群分成4组,其中,所有的叉蕊薯蓣居群和粉背薯蓣浙江临安居群聚成第1组,粉背薯蓣重庆南川居群和湖南衡山居群聚为第2组,粉背薯蓣湖南永顺居群和江西庐山居群则各自独立成组.研究结果证明,叉蕊薯蓣和粉背薯蓣这2个类群之间为原变种和变种的关系,并存在着变种水平上的分化不完全.  相似文献   

四川农业大学小麦研究所侯永翠、郑有良、魏育明等研究人员对黑麦遗传多样性课题作了研究。他们采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)标记 ,对黑麦属 (SecaleL) 7个品种共 1 2份材料进行了遗传多样性检测 ,发现被检测材料间RAPD标记多态性较高 ,在 4 0个随机引物中 ,有 2 5个引物约占整个的 6 2 .5 %的扩增产物具有多态性。这 2 5个中共扩增出 1 6 7条带 ,其中 89条带约占 5 3.2 %具有多态性 ,每个引物可扩增出 1~ 1 0条多态性带 ,平均为 3~ 6条。RAPD标记遗传距离GD变异范围为 0 .1 382~ 0 .4 5 1 2 ,平均为 0 .2 71 2。通过聚类分析表…  相似文献   

目的分析家蚕近交系IS-c108A的遗传纯度,为家蚕实验动物化的培育工作提供指导。方法应用经过筛选的20条随机引物对家蚕近交系IS-c108A(F10)的3个蛾区各30个个体和该近交系的亲本系统c108、对照实用化品种871各30个个体的基因组DNA进行RAPD扩增,计算个体间和蛾区间的相似系数及遗传距离。结果家蚕近交系IS-c108A(F10)的3个蛾区内的多态性带频率分别为1.807%、1.841%、1.841%,平均为1.830%;起点亲本c108个体间多态性带频率为7.207%,对照品种871个体间的多态性带频率为7.08%;而近交系IS-c108A与c108之间的多态性带频率为49.20%,c108和871品种之间的多态性带频率为58.33%。家蚕近交系IS-c108A10的3个蛾区内个体之间遗传相似系数的平均值分别为0.99581、0.99555、0.99551,总平均为0.99562。结论家蚕近交系IS-c108A(F10)已具有较高的遗传纯合度,家蚕具有易于获得高纯的有利条件。  相似文献   

采用RAPD和ISSR标记探讨中国疣粒野生稻的遗传多样性   总被引:123,自引:1,他引:123  
用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)和inter-简单重复序列(ISSR0标记对分别来自中国海南和云南20个居群的疣料野生稻(Oryaz granulata (Nees et Arn. ex Watt.))混合样品,以及海南(M5)和云南(M27)2个居群各20个植株的遗传多生进行了检测。在混合取样的居群中,20个RAPD引物和12个ISSR引物分别扩增出209个122条带,多态条带比率9PPB)分别  相似文献   

采用RAPD和ISSR标记探讨中国疣粒野生稻的遗传多样性   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) methods were applied to detect genetic variation of 20 bulking samples and two individually sampled populations of Oryza granulata (Nees et Arn. ex Watt.) from China (M5 from Hainan Province and M27 from Yunnan Province). For the bulking sampled populations, 20 RAPD and 12 ISSR primers generated 209 and 122 bands, of which 134 (64.11%) and 89 (72.95%) were polymorphic respectively. For population M5, 146 and 95 bands were generated with 21.48% and 34.78% being polymorphic (PPB). For population M27, 151 (PPB = 17.22%) and 94 (PPB = 19.15%) bands of RAPD and ISSR were obtained. The results indicated that the level of genetic variation of O. granulata was lower than other species detected in the genus Oryza. UPGMA cluster based on genetic similarity and principle component analyses (PCA) based on band patterns divided the populations into two groups corresponding to their sources, which revealed that the majority of genetic variation of O. granulata occurred between Hainan and Yunnan. Consequently, more populations of the species should be considered for a reasonable conservation management. Comparison between the two marker systems showed that ISSR was better than RAPD in terms of reproducibility and ability of detecting genetic polymorphism. Mantel test revealed that the goodness of fit between them was significant (r=0.917, t=12.718) when detecting genetic diversity at species level, but was poor at population level (r<0.200). The discrepancy was considered as the facts that different fragments were targeted by RAPD and ISSR, and that evolutionary process of O. granulata varied at different hierarchical levels.  相似文献   

Five cultivars of Plantago ovata Forsk. (medicinal plant) have been developed by different agricultural universities in India. Genetic variability of these cultivars was estimated using RAPD markers. The data were correlated to morphological characters and a dendrogram was obtained from Jaccard's coefficient. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were characterized for 25 specimens of Usnea filipendula to evaluate the genetic diversity of populations reinvading formerly uninhabited regions in Northrhine-Westphalia due to decreasing sulfur dioxide levels. With six 10-mer randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers, a 66 character by 25 specimens matrix was generated. Phenetic analysis (UPGMA) showed no obvious groupings. The reinvading populations are distributed over the phenogram and are not genetically closely related. The results suggest that the reinvading populations of this usually sterile species are derived from different sources and do not consist of a particular clone capable of re-entering the area.  相似文献   

湖南四种尾矿环境下的狗牙根遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁长春  施苏华  赵运林 《广西植物》2003,23(1):36-40,47
选择湖南4种有代表性的有色金属尾矿地所生长的野生狗牙根作为研究对象,并以正常生境下的野生狗牙根作为对照,采用RAPD技术分析了这些特别环境下的狗牙根的遗传多样性。17条10个核苷酸长的引物用于PCR扩增,共得到432条DNA带。检测位点160个,其中多态位点134个,占83.75%。各个类群间的Jaccard相似系数平均为0.4475±0.0806,遗传距离平均为0.3825±0.0712。结果显示生长于这些不同尾矿环境下的狗牙根种群在遗传本质上均产生了明显的分化,完全可以根据其尾矿基质的不同而划分为不同的生态型或品种,甚至可能处理为新的变种。狗牙根种群具有丰富的遗传多样性,作为先锋植物可为尾矿的复垦提供更多的品种选择。  相似文献   

Isoetes yunguiensis is an endangered and endemic fern in China.Field survey indicated that only one population and no more than 50 individuals occur in the wild.The genetic variation of 46 individuals from the population remaining at Pingha (Guizhou Province,China)was assessed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)fingerprinting.Twelve primers were screened from sixty ten-bp arbitrary primers,and a total of 95 DNA fragments were scored.Of these,62.1%were polymorphic loci,which indicated that high level genetic variation existed in the natural population.The accumulation of genetic variation in the history of the taxon and the apparent minimal reduction effect on genetic diversity following destruction of habitat might be responsible for the high level genetic diversity presently remaining in the I.yunguiensis population.However,with the continuing decrease of population size,the genetic diversity will gradually be lost.We suggest that the materials from the extant population should be used for re-establishment of the populations.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity within and among populations of Hepatacodium miconioides collected at three different altitudes in Tiantai Mountain, Zhejiang Province and its relationships to environmental factors were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Amplification using 12 random primers of 60 plants and 122 repetitive loci were produced. The percentage of polymorphic loci of three populations ranged from 18.85% to 23.77% with an average of 21.86%, indicating the relatively low genetic diversity of H. miconioides. The average Shannon index of phenotypic diversity (0.1329) and Nei index (0.0925) within populations were relatively low. A distinct genetic differentiation existed among populations of H. miconioides in spite of the relatively small geographical distribution. The average genetic diversity within populations of H. miconioides accounted for 33.58% of the total genetic diversity while the genetic diversity among populations accounted for 66.42% as estimated by the Shannon index of phenotypic diversity, The genetic differentiation among populations of H. miconioides was 0.6546, as estimated by Nei index. The gene flow estimated from G ST was only 0.2656 and it indicated that gene flow among populations of H. miconioides was relatively low. The mean value of the genetic identity among populations of H. miconioides was 0.7126 and the average of genetic distance of H. miconioides was 0.3412. The genetic identity between populations at the elevation of 990 m and at the elevation of 780 m was the highest. The genetic identity between population at the elevation 500 m and other two populations was relatively low. The correlation analysis showed that the genetic diversity within populations was significantly related with the soil total nitrogen. __________ Translated from Journal of Zhejiang University (science Edition) 2005, 32 (4)[译81EA;: 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2005,32(4)]  相似文献   

The genetic diversity within and among populations of Hepatacodium miconioides collected at three different altitudes in Tiantai Mountain,Zhejiang Province and its relationships to environmental factors were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)technique.Amplification using 12 random primers of 60 plants and 122 repetitive loci were produced.The percentage of polymorphic loci of three populations ranged from 18.85% to 23.77% with an average of 21.86%,indicating the relatively low genetic diversity of H.miconioides.The average Shannon index of phenotypic diversity(0.1329)and Nei index(0.0925)within populations were relatively low.A distinct genetic differentiation existed among populations Of H miconioides in spite of the relatively small geographical distribufion.The average genetic diversity within populations of H.miconioides accounted for 33.58% of the total genetic diversity while the genetic diversity among populations accounted for 66.42% as estimated by the Shannon index of phenotypic diversity,The genetic differentiation among populations of H.miconioides was 0.6546,as estimated by Nei index.The gene flow estimated from Gsr was only 0.2656 and it indicated that gene flow among populations of H.miconioides was relatively low.The mean value of the genetic identity among populations of H.miconioides was 0.7126 and the average of genetic distance of H.miconioides was 0.3412.The genetic identity between populations at the elevation of 990m and at the elevation of 780 m was the highest.The genetic identity between population at the elevation 500 m and other two populations was relatively low.The correlation analysis showed that the genetic diversity within populations was significantly related with the soil total nitrogen.  相似文献   

Rosa rugosa Thunb. is one of the dominant and important shrub species in estuary dunes and shingle beaches of northern China. However, its area of distribution, the number of populations, and the size of each population have decreased rapidly in the past two decades because of habitat degradation and loss. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers were used to determine the genetic diversity of four remaining large natural populations of R. rugosa and to discuss an effective conservation strategy for this endangered species in China. High genetic variations were detected in R. rugosa populations in China. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci (P%) within four local populations was 57.99%, with the P% of the total population being 75.30%. Mean Shannon's information index (H0) was 0.2826, whereas total Ho was 0.3513. The genetic differentiation among populations was 0.1878, which indicates that most genetic diversity occurs within populations. Population Tumenjiang (TMJ) showed the highest genetic diversity (P% = 66.27%; H0 = 0.3117) and contained two exclusive bands. Population Changshandao (CSD) showed higher genetic diversity (P% =59.04%; H0 = 0.3065). Populations TMJ and CSD contained 95.33% and 99.33%, respectively, of loci with moderate to high frequency (P〉0.05) of the total population. These results indicate that populations TMJ and CSD should be given priority for in situ conservation and regarded as seed or propagule sources for ex situ conservation. The results of the present study also suggest that R. rugosa in China has become endangered as a result of human actions rather than genetic depression of populations; thus, human interference should be absolutely forbidden in R. rugosa habitats.  相似文献   

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