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We examined intra-specific phylogenetic relationships in leatherside chub, Gila copei. The complete mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) was sequenced for 30 individuals from 10 populations that span the geographical distribution of this species. Traditional phylogenetic analyses revealed two deeply divergent and evolutionarily distinct mtDNA clades that are geographically separated in northern and southern drainage basins. Interpopulation sequence variation between clades ranged from 7.7 to 8.1%. The northern clade was genetically more similar and phylogenetically more closely related to the selected out-group Lepidomeda m. mollispinus than to the southern clade, suggesting that the taxonomy of this species may require revision. Sequence variation among populations within clades ranged from 0 to 0.3% in the north and from 0 to 0.7% in the south. Statistical parsimony was used to construct phylogenetic networks of haplotypes within clades. Nested clade analysis revealed that geographical fragmentation has played an important role in genetic structuring within northern and southern clades.  相似文献   

The genetic differentiation among populations of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata living in wetlands of Japan was studied based on the sequence data of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene region (750 bp). Two distinct lineages of mitochondrial haplotypes were found: one (clade A) consisted of 26 haplotypes distributed over the distribution range of C. virgata between north‐east Honshu and Kyushu, whereas the other (clade B) was monotypic and confined to a small region in north‐east Honshu where it coexisted with clade A. Nested clade analysis for these haplotypes suggested that range expansion and following differentiation due to isolation by distance might have resulted in the present distribution pattern of the haplotypes in clade A. We discuss the evolutionary process leading to the occurrence of two distinct haplotype clades in Japan in terms of repeated colonization from the continent and range expansion and contraction during climatic changes.  相似文献   

A gene tree is an evolutionary reconstruction of the genealogical history of the genetic variation found in a sample of homologous genes or DNA regions that have experienced little or no recombination. Gene trees have the potential of straddling the interface between intra- and interspecific evolution. It is precisely at this interface that the process of speciation occurs, and gene trees can therefore be used as a powerful tool to probe this interface. One application is to infer species status. The cohesion species is defined as an evolutionary lineage or set of lineages with genetic exchangeability and/or ecological interchangeability. This species concept can be phrased in terms of null hypotheses that can be tested rigorously and objectively by using gene trees. First, an overlay of geography upon the gene tree is used to test the null hypothesis that the sample is from a single evolutionary lineage. This phase of testing can indicate that the sampled organisms are indeed from a single lineage and therefore a single cohesion species. In other cases, this null hypothesis is not rejected due to a lack of power or inadequate sampling. Alternatively, this null hypothesis can be rejected because two or more lineages are in the sample. The test can identify lineages even when hybridization and lineage sorting occur. Only when this null hypothesis is rejected is there the potential for more than one cohesion species. Although all cohesion species are evolutionary lineages, not all evolutionary lineages are cohesion species. Therefore, if the first null hypothesis is rejected, a second null hypothesis is tested that all lineages are genetically exchangeable and/or ecologically interchangeable. This second test is accomplished by direct contrasts of previously identified lineages or by overlaying reproductive and/or ecological data upon the gene tree and testing for significant transitions that are concordant with the previously identified lineages. Only when this second null hypothesis is rejected is a lineage elevated to the status of cohesion species. By using gene trees in this manner, species can be identified with objective, a priori criteria with an inference procedure that automatically yields much insight into the process of speciation. When one or more of the null hypotheses cannot be rejected, this procedure also provides specific guidance for future work that will be needed to judge species status.  相似文献   

Olsen KM 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(5):901-911
The nature of gene flow in plants -- including the propensity for interspecific introgression -- makes them interesting candidates for phylogeographical analysis. Plant phylogeography studies have been limited, however, by the availability of suitable intraspecific variation. In this study, DNA sequence variation from a nuclear gene [Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; (G3pdh)] was used to examine the population history of Manihot esculenta ssp. flabellifolia and a potentially hybridizing species, M. pruinosa. These species occur in the rainforest-savanna ecotone adjoining the Amazon basin, a region believed to have undergone major habitat shifts since the Pleistocene. Geographical distributions of the G3pdh haplotypes indicate genetic isolation-by-distance across the range of M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia. However, there is greater genetic similarity between northeastern and western populations than would be expected given the present species distribution. A nested clade analysis suggests that northeastern and western populations were connected by gene flow until relatively recently, when they became fragmented. This inferred fragmentation event is consistent with post-Pleistocene habitat shifts proposed for the Amazon basin. At the interspecific level, haplotype sharing with M. pruinosa may reflect either recent interspecific introgression or incomplete lineage sorting between these closely related species.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the West Mediterranean lineages of the subtribe Scaritina have been investigated by studying the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene (COI) and the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, including the localization of rDNA genes by fluorescence in situ hybridization. These sources of data are congruent and suggest the following conclusions: (1) the subgenus Parallelomorphus (genus Scarites ) is a monophyletic group according to molecular and karyotypic data, in agreement with its geographical distribution and morphological characters; (2) in the same genus, the subgenus Scallophorites seems to be monophyletic but includes two well-separated lineages – one represented by Scarites buparius (Forster, 1771) and Scarites occidentalis (Bedel, 1895) (both with multiple sex chromosomes), and one represented by Scarites hespericus (Dejean, 1831); (3) the nominal subgenus Scarites s.s . represented by Scarites eurytus (Fischer, 1828), is cladistically more closely related to subgenus Scallophorites than to subgenus Parallelomorphus ; (4) Distichus planus (Bonelli, 1813) belongs to a distinct clade that is well separated from Scarites, and shows more plesiomorphic states of COI sequence and chromosome number. In addition, the presence of two autapomorphies, such as rDNA sites located in the X chromosome, and an A + T rich intergenic spacer of about 120 bp between the stop codon of the COI gene and the tRNAleu, agree with the ranking of Distichus as a separate genus from Scarites .  相似文献   

Climate oscillations of the Quaternary drove the repeated expansion and contraction of ecosystems. Alpine organisms were probably isolated in sky island refugia during warm interglacials, such as now, and expanded their range by migrating down-slope during glacial periods. We used population genetic and phylogenetic approaches to infer how paleoclimatic events influenced the distribution of genetic variation in the predominantly alpine butterfly Parnassius smintheus. We sequenced a 789 bp region of cytochrome oxidase I for 385 individuals from 20 locations throughout the Rocky Mountains, ranging from southern Colorado to northern Montana. Analyses revealed at lease two centers of diversity in the northern and southern Rocky Mountains and strong population structure. Nested clade analysis suggested that the species experienced repeated cycles of population expansion and fragmentation. The estimated ages of these events, assuming a molecular clock, corresponded with paleoclimatic data on habitat expansion and contraction over the past 400,000 years. We propose that alpine butterflies persisted in an archipelago of isolated sky islands during interglacials and that populations expanded and became more connected during cold glacial periods. An archipelago model implies that the effects of genetic drift and selection varied among populations, depending on their latitude, area, and local environment. Alpine organisms are sensitive indicators of climate change and their history can be used to predict how high-elevation ecosystems might respond to further climate warming.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and population history of Meladema diving beetles (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) were examined using mitochondrial DNA sequence from 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome oxidase I genes in 51 individuals from 22 populations of the three extant species (M. imbricata endemic to the western Canary Islands, M. lanio endemic to Madeira and M. coriacea widespread in the Western Mediterranean and on the western Canaries), using a combination of phylogenetic and nested clade analyses. Four main lineages are observed within Meladema, representing the three recognized species plus Corsican populations of M. coriacea. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate the sister relationship of the two Atlantic Island taxa, and suggest the possible paraphyly of M. coriacea. A molecular clock approach reveals that speciation within the genus occurred in the Early Pleistocene, indicating that the Atlantic Island endemics are not Tertiary relict taxa as had been proposed previously. Our results point to past population bottlenecks in all four lineages, with recent (Late-Middle Pleistocene) range expansion in non-Corsican M. coriacea and M. imbricata. Within the Canary Islands, M. imbricata seems to have independently colonized La Gomera and La Palma from Tenerife (although a colonization of La Palma from La Gomera cannot be discarded), and M. coriacea has independently colonized Tenerife and Gran Canaria from separate mainland lineages. In the Mediterranean basin this species apparently colonized Corsica on a single occasion, relatively early in its evolutionary history (Early Pleistocene), and has colonized Mallorca recently on multiple occasions. On the only island where M. coriacea and M. imbricata are broadly sympatric (Tenerife), we report evidence of bidirectional hybridization between the two species.  相似文献   

Abbott CL  Double MC 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2747-2758
The evolutionary relationship between shy (Thalassarche cauta) and white-capped (T. steadi) albatrosses was examined using mitochondrial control region sequences. Results were interpreted in the context of a recent and contentious taxonomic revision that recommended full species status for shy and white-capped albatrosses. Low sequence divergence between shy and white-capped albatrosses (1.8%) and between their close relatives, Salvin's and Chatham albatrosses (2.9%), was observed. Much higher sequence divergence was found between the shy/white-capped pair and the Salvin's/Chatham pair (7.0%). Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the separation of the shy/white-capped pair from the Salvin's/Chatham pair but did not provide species-level resolution. Phylogeographic analyses, including a nested clade analysis, FST estimates and an analysis of molecular variance, indicated unambiguous genetic structuring between shy and white-capped albatrosses, thus confirming the demographic isolation of the species, but showed little to no structuring within each species. The geographical distribution of mtDNA haplotypes and other evidence suggest that shy albatrosses arose through range expansion by white-capped albatrosses.  相似文献   

Four distinct phylogeographical patterns across Southeast Asia were observed for four species of seahorse (genus Hippocampus) with differing ecologies. For all species, genetic differentiation (based on cytochrome b sequence comparisons) was significantly associated with sample site (Phi(ST) = 0.190-0.810, P < 0.0001) and with geographical distance (Mantel's r = 0.37-0.59, P < 0.019). Geographic locations of genetic breaks were inconsistent across species in 7/10 comparisons, although some similarities across species were also observed. The two shallow-water species (Hippocampus barbouri and Hippocampus kuda) have colonized the Sunda Shelf to a lesser degree than the two deeper-water species (Hippocampus spinosissimus and Hippocampus trimaculatus). In all species the presence of geographically restricted haplotypes in the Philippines could indicate past population fragmentation and/or long-distance colonization. A nested clade analysis (NCA) revealed that long-distance colonization and/or fragmentation were likely the dominant forces that structure populations of the two shallow-water species, whereas range expansion and restricted dispersal with isolation by distance were proportionally more important in the history of the two deeper-water species. H. trimaculatus has the most widespread haplotypes [average clade distance (D(c)) of nonsingleton haplotypes = 1169 km], indicating potentially high dispersal capabilities, whereas H. barbouri has the least widespread haplotypes (average D(c) = 67 km) indicating potentially lower dispersal capabilities. Pleistocene separation of marine basins and postglacial flooding of the Sunda Shelf are extrinsic factors likely to have contributed to the phylogeographical structure observed, whereas differences among the species appear to reflect their individual ecologies.  相似文献   

Through the examination of past and present distributions of plants and animals, historical biogeographers have provided many insights on the dynamics of the massive organismal exchange between North and South America. However, relatively few phylogeographic studies have been attempted in the land bridge of Mesoamerica despite its importance to better understand the evolutionary forces influencing this biodiversity 'hotspot'. Here we use mitochondrial DNA sequence data from fresh samples and formalin-fixed museum specimens to investigate the genetic and biogeographic diversity of the threatened Mesoamerican spiny-tailed lizards of the Ctenosaura quinquecarinata complex. Species boundaries and their phylogeographic patterns are examined to better understand their disjunct distribution. Three monophyletic, allopatric lineages are established using mtDNA phylogenetic and nested clade analyses in (i) northern: México, (ii) central: Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and (iii) southern: Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The average sequence divergence observed between lineages varied between 2.0% and 3.7% indicating that they do not represent a very recent split and the patterns of divergence support the recently established nomenclature of C. quinquecarinata, Ctenosaura flavidorsalis and Ctenosaura oaxacana. Considering the geological history of Mesoamerica and the observed phylogeographic patterns of these lizards, major evolutionary episodes of their radiation in Mesoamerica are postulated and are indicative of the regions' geological complexity. The implications of these findings for the historical biogeography, taxonomy and conservation of these lizards are discussed.  相似文献   

Genealogical trees have been constructed using mitochondrial ND5 gene sequences of 87 specimens consisting of 32 species which have been believed to belong to the division Digitulati (one of the lineages of the subtribe Carabina) of the world. There have been recognized six lineages, which are well separated from each other. Each lineage contains the following genus: (1) the lineage A: Ohomopterus from Japan; (2) the lineage B: Isiocarabus from eastern Eurasian Continent; (3) the lineage C: Carabus from China which are further subdivided into three sublineages; (4) the lineage D: Carabus from USA; (5) the lineage E: Carabus from the Eurasian Continent, Japan and North America; and (6) the lineage F: Eucarabus from the Eurasian Continent. Additionally, the genus Acrocarabus which had been treated as a constituent of the division Archicarabomorphi has been recognized to be the 7th lineage of the division Digitulati from the ND5 genealogical analysis as well as morphology. These lineages are assumed to have radiated within a short period and are largely linked to their geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Morphological features of three common European olfactory hunting carabid beetles, Carabus coriaceus mediterraneus Born, 1906, Carabus lefebvrei Dejean, 1826 and Carabus preslii neumeyeri Schaum, 1856, were compared. According to eye measurements, the three species are nocturnal and/or twilight hunters. They differ, however, in relative length of the antennae, relative surface area of the compound eyes, density of ommatidia and relative head width. These differences can be correlated with the species-specific habitat demands (light intensity, open land or shaded places). In particular, the greater lateral eye protrusion in C. lefebvrei corresponds to its tree-climbing habits, while the larger relative eye surface area and ommatidia density in C. coriaceus correspond to its choice of open habitats.  相似文献   

The Polyborinae is the most diverse subfamily of the Falconidae in terms of both morphology and behaviour, and includes falconet‐shaped birds (Spiziapteryx), arboreal omnivores (Daptrius, Ibycter), as well as terrestrial generalists and scavengers (Caracara, Milvago and Phalcoboenus). The Polyborinae are endemic to the New World, with all but one species (Caracara cheriway) being restricted to Central and South America. Using over 7300 bp of mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data, we aim to clarify the taxonomy and biogeography of the Polyborinae. The genus Milvago was unexpectedly found to be polyphyletic, with Chimango Caracara Milvago chimango being related to the genus Phalcoboenus and Yellow‐headed Caracara Milvago chimachima being sister to Daptrius. Furthermore, very low genetic divergence was found among the four species of the genus Phalcoboenus, with the lowest divergence being between White‐throated Caracara Phalcoboenus albogularis and Mountain Caracara Phalcoboenus megalopterus. Our divergence time analyses revealed that the Polyborinae started to diversify in the Miocene, at about 14 Ma, and that the generalist/scavenger behaviour in the Falconidae appeared between 14 and 6.6 Ma. All speciation events within the caracaras occurred during the Pleistocene. This situation differs from the general pattern described for forest birds, in which most diversification events are older, occurring primarily in the Pliocene and Miocene.  相似文献   

We compared mitochondrial DNA and gill-raker number variation in populations of the European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) species complex to illuminate their evolutionary history, and discuss mechanisms behind diversification. Using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing 528 bp of combined parts of the cytochrome oxidase b (cyt b) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 (ND3) mithochondrial DNA (mtDNA) regions, we documented phylogeographic relationships among populations and phylogeny of mtDNA haplotypes. Demographic events behind geographical distribution of haplotypes were inferred using nested clade analysis (NCA) and mismatch distribution. Concordance between operational taxonomical groups, based on gill-raker numbers, and mtDNA patterns was tested. Three major mtDNA clades were resolved in Europe: a North European clade from northwest Russia to Denmark, a Siberian clade from the Arctic Sea to southwest Norway, and a South European clade from Denmark to the European Alps, reflecting occupation in different glacial refugia. Demographic events inferred from NCA were isolation by distance, range expansion, and fragmentation. Mismatch analysis suggested that clades which colonized Fennoscandia and the Alps expanded in population size 24 500-5800 years before present, with minute female effective population sizes, implying small founder populations during colonization. Gill-raker counts did not commensurate with hierarchical mtDNA clades, and poorly with haplotypes, suggesting recent origin of gill-raker variation. Whitefish designations based on gill-raker numbers were not associated with ancient clades. Lack of congruence in morphology and evolutionary lineages implies that the taxonomy of this species complex should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

There is convincing geological evidence for the historical existence of an ancient lake on the Australian-New Guinea continental shelf during the late Pleistocene. Lake Carpentaria was a vast fresh- to brackishwater lake that would presumably have provided habitat for, and facilitated gene flow among, aquatic taxa that tolerate low to moderate salinities in this region. Moreover, it has been argued that the outflow of Papua New Guinea's Fly River was diverted westward into Lake Carpentaria during this period, although this hypothesis is controversial. We predicted that these events, if a true history, would have promoted gene flow and population growth via range-expansion events in the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and restricted gene flow subsequently by way of a vicariant event as sea levels rose during the late Pleistocene, and a marine environment replaced Lake Carpentaria. We tested these hypotheses using phylogeographical and phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA variation in M. rosenbergii populations sampled from the Lake Carpentaria region. Our results support the hypothesis that Lake Carpentaria facilitated gene flow among populations of M. rosenbergii that are today isolated, but contest claims of a westward diversion of the Fly River. We inferred the timing of initial expansion in the 'Lake Carpentaria lineage' and found the timing of this event to be broadly concordant with geological dating of the formation of Lake Carpentaria. Reconciling geological and molecular data, as presented here, provides a powerful framework for investigating the influence of historical earth history events on the distribution of biological (i.e. molecular) diversity.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to analyse whether, and how, the inclusion of habitat specialists and edge‐preferring species modifies the species–area relationship predictions of the island biogeography theory for an insect group (ground beetles, Coloptera: Carabidae) living in natural fragments. Species–habitat island area relationships applied to terrestrial habitat islands can be distorted by the indiscriminate inclusion of all species occurring in the fragments. Matrices surrounding terrestrial habitat fragments can provide colonists that do not necessarily distinguish the fragment from the matrix and can survive and reproduce there. Edge‐preferring species can further distort the expected relationship, as smaller fragments have larger edge:core ratios. Location Nineteen forest fragments were studied in the Bereg Plain, Hungary, and SW Ukraine. This area contains natural forest patches, mainly of oak and hornbeam, and supports a mountain entomofauna. Methods Ground beetles (Carabidae) present in the 19 forest patches were categorized into generalists, forest specialists and edge‐preferring species. We analysed the relationship between species richness and fragment area using species richness in the different categories. Results The assemblages contained a high share of generalist species (species that occur also in the surrounding matrix). Forest patch size and the number of generalist species showed a marginally significant negative relationship, indicating that generalist species were more important in smaller patches. Forest specialist species richness was correlated positively with patch area. Edge‐preferring species were shown to influence the species–area relationship: the number of edge‐preferring species increased with the edge:area ratio. Main conclusions Both generalist and edge‐preferring species can considerably distort the species–area relationship. Island biogeography theory can be applied to habitat islands only if the habitat islands are defined correctly from the viewpoint of the target species.  相似文献   

To elucidate the speciation patterns of two endemic flightless cerambycid beetles, Parechthistatus gibber and Hayashiechthistatus inexpectus, molecular phylogenetic analysis was carried out. A 1144 bp region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene was sequenced for individuals from 51 local populations of these species. There were nine haplotype lineages of P. gibber, and H. inexpectus was included within a P. gibber lineage. These lineages were highly divergent and occurred in different regions. Based on previously published molecular change rates for the COI gene (1.5–2.3% per million years), the time of divergence of P. gibber COI haplotypes was inferred to be 3.0–4.6 million years ago, in the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies of the genus Platycerus in Japan were characterized based on the nuclear 28S ribosomal RNA and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes. These analyses, combined with our previous morphological information, revealed a detailed diversification process of Platycerus in Japan, as well as estimates of their divergence times. Japanese species were monophyletic and were inferred to have diverged to the acuticollis species group and all other species ca 1.69 Mya. The acuticollis species group then appeared to split into P. viridicuprus and a group including P. takakuwai, P. albisomni and P. acuticollis ca 1.26 Mya. Other specific divergences have occurred primarily since ca 0.33 Mya. Comparing the molecular trees and the morphological tree, we also found introgression of the COI gene in some species. Genetic divergence of Platycerus has occurred intensely in southwestern Japan.  相似文献   

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