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Numerous studies have demonstrated that activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase is involved in the maturation of oocytes. In this study, the expression and phosphorylation of MAP kinase and p90rsk, one of the substrates of MAP kinase, during rabbit oocyte maturation were studied. The results showed that MAP kinase phosphorylation began to occur after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and the active form was maintained until metaphase II. p90rsk was also activated after GVBD following MAP kinase activation. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that p90rsk was enriched in the nuclear area after GVBD and was gradually localised to the spindle. When GVBD was inhibited by increased cAMP or decreased protein kinase C activity, the phosphorylation of both MAP kinase and p9rsk was blocked. Our data suggest that (1) MAP kinase/p90rsk activation is not necessary for GVBD, but plays an important role in the post-GVBD events including spindle assembly in rabbit oocytes; and (2) MAP kinase/p9rsk activation is down-regulated by cAMP and up-regulated byprotein kinase C in cumulus-enclosed rabbit oocytes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that direct or indirect elevation of cAMP levels in cultured amphibian ovarian follicles simultaneously stimulated production of oocyte maturation-inducing steroid (progesterone) by the follicles and inhibited oocyte maturation induced by endogenous or exogenous hormone. The duration of cAMP stimulation influenced arrest and reinitiation of oocyte meiotic maturation in ovarian follicles of Rana dybowskii. Addition of forskolin (adenylate cyclase stimulator) to cultured follicles inhibited both progesterone- and frog pituitary homogenate (FPH)-induced oocyte maturation. Similar inhibitory results were obtained when hormone-treated follicles were cultured in the continual presence of cAMP. Oocyte maturation increasingly occurred in follicular oocytes when cAMP or forskolin addition was delayed following treatment with FPH or progesterone. Transient exposure (6-8 hr) of ovarian follicles to forskolin or cAMP markedly stimulated oocyte maturation as well as accumulation of progesterone as measured by radioimmunoassay within the ovarian follicles. Forskolin was more effective than cAMP, at the dose tested, in stimulating progesterone production and accumulation by the follicles. The data demonstrate that transient manipulation (elevation) of cAMP levels in cultured follicles, without added FPH or steroid, was sufficient to initiate oocyte maturation. Results suggest that, with transient exposure to forskolin or exogenous cAMP, there is a sequential increase and decrease in endogenous cAMP levels in the somatic cells and germ cell components of the ovarian follicle. These changes appear to mediate production of maturation-inducing steroid and secondarily allow its effects on the oocyte to be expressed.  相似文献   

It is essential to enhance the in vitro maturation (IVM) condition for immature oocytes after cryopreservation, particularly if limited numbers of oocytes collected from specific donors. The objective of this study was to determine if quality of vitrified porcine immature oocytes was enhanced by coculturing with fresh oocytes during IVM. To distinguish fresh versus vitrified oocytes, we used two types of coculture systems: (a) transwell two‐chamber coculture; (b) labeling and tracing fresh oocytes with CellTracker? Green CMFDA during conventional culture. Coculture systems significantly accelerated meiotic progression of vitrified oocytes and significantly increased blastocyst formation rates following parthenogenetic activation and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Reactive oxygen species generation in vitrified oocytes was ameliorated by the coculture conditions, with no significant difference between fresh and vitrified oocytes for intracellular glutathione level. Both coculture systems significantly increased rate of normal mitochondrial distribution in vitrified oocytes, but did not affect fluorescence intensity of mitochondria. The percentage of oocytes with normal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) distribution and ER fluorescence intensity were significantly higher in vitrified oocytes cocultured with fresh oocytes. After 20 hr of IVM, mRNA expression of COX2, HAS2, PTX3, and TNFAIP6 remained significantly higher in cumulus cells derived from vitrified oocytes and coculture systems significantly decreased the expression of these genes. Additionally, coculture methods prevented the reduction of mRNA expression for BMP15, ZAR1, POU5F1, and DNMT3A in vitrified oocytes. In conclusion, oocyte quality and subsequent embryo development of vitrified porcine immature oocytes were significantly improved by fresh oocyte coculture during IVM.  相似文献   

Follicular oocytes collected prior to the expected time of the LH surge from PMSG-treated immature rats were incubated cummulus-intact (with or without LH) or cumulus-free (CF). Oocytes were incubated in the presence or absence of lysophosphatidlylserine (LS), a naturally occurring membrane phospholipid that has been previously shown to block sperm-related membrane fusion events. Fusion events occurring during oocyte maturation that might be affected by LS include maintenance of the intact germinal vesicle (GVI) and prevention of GV breakdown (GVBD) and first polar body formation (PBI). LS had only a slight effect upon GVI. The incidence of GVI was significantly increased in only one of the three oocyte culture conditions employed (CF). Exposure to LS from the outset of collection and washing did not increase the incidence of GVI, indicating the lack of effect by LS was not owing to the passage of a sensitive period during oocyte collection. In contrast, LS was not owing to the passage of a sensitive period during oocyte colection. In contrast, LS almost completely abolished PBI in all oocyte culture conditions at 100 μ in PBI and those sperm-related fusion processes previously found to be sensitive to LS. Finally, LS or similar agents may be responsible for the block to maturation (often at anaphase I) and even the retarded cleavage observed in vitro during oocyte maturation or embryo culture in some species.  相似文献   

[3H]Vinblastine transport across MDCK (renal epithelial) cell layers has been characterised. The basal-to-apical [3H]vinblastine flux (JA-B) (at 10 nM) exceeded apical-to-basal flux by 19.6 fold. Net vinblastine secretion (JB-A - JA-B) was inhibited by verapamil (0.1 mM) primarily by a reduction in JB-A, consistent with net vinblastine secretion resulting from an inhibition of P-glycoprotein. 1,9-Dideoxy-forskolin and forskolin (0.1 mM) both resulted in significant inhibition of JB-A and net vinblastine secretion of 64.3 +/- 3.1% and 29.1 +/- 4.8% respectively. 7 beta-deactyl-7 beta-(gamma-N-methylpiperazino)-butyryl-forskolin was ineffective. Half-maximal inhibition of vinblastine secretion by 1,9-dideoxy-forskolin was observed at 65 microM. 1,9-dideoxy-forskolin is unable to stimulate adenylate cyclase, suggesting that this forskolin derivative is a potentially important lead antagonist of P-glycoprotein for circumvention of pleiotropic drug resistance.  相似文献   

Immature mouse oocytes undergo spontaneous meiotic maturation when released from antral follicles into culture media. The first sign of meiotic resumption is germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB). Cytosolic free Ca2+ was measured in mouse oocytes during spontaneous maturation by monitoring fluorescence of indo-1 or fluo-3. The majority of oocytes showed a series of Ca2+ oscillations that continued for 1-3 h. Repetitive Ca2+ increases occurred every 1-3 min and lasted for 10-60 s. The Ca2+ oscillations appeared to be caused by an increase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) because once they ceased, similar oscillations were triggered by injection of exogenous InsP3. Also, injection of the InsP3 receptor antagonist heparin (final concentration, 100 micrograms/ml) blocked the spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations. In contrast, Ca2+ oscillations induced by thimerosal were not inhibited by heparin. Treating oocytes with media containing 20 microM BAPTA/AM abolished Ca2+ oscillations in oocytes but did not affect the rate of GVB. The data show that cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations apparently caused by polyphosphoinositide turnover occur during mammalian oocyte maturation. However, the spontaneous oscillations do not appear to trigger GVB. Also, the data indicate that there are two separate Ca2+ release mechanisms in mouse oocytes, one sensitive to InsP3, the other to thimerosal.  相似文献   

In vitro maturation of horse oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alm H  Torner H 《Theriogenology》1994,42(2):345-349
Ovaries collected from slaughtered mares of unknown reproductive history were transported to the laboratory, and their oocytes were recovered and cultured in modified TCM 199 supplemented with 20% horse serum and additional granulosa cells. To characterize the ovaries, the size and number of follicles were counted. To determine the time required for nuclear maturation, oocytes were fixed either after 18 h (n=23), 24 h (n=50), or 30 h (n=33) of culture. After co-culture with granulosa cells most oocytes reached metaphase II (M II) by 30 h (72.7%). After 24 h of maturation only 56.0% of the cultured oocytes had reached metaphase II (M II).  相似文献   

Porcine follicular oocytes from medium-sized follicles (3-5 mm in diameter) were cultured in modified Hank's balanced salts solution (MHBS) to which pyruvate, lactate, and glucose were added as an energy source. Bovine serum albumin (0.4%) was added as a protein source and the oocytes were cultured for 42 h at 37 degrees C in 5% CO2 in air. In this medium porcine oocytes underwent 80-90% nuclear maturation after 42 h. Oocytes were cultured in MHBS with various amounts of CaCl2 as well as in the presence of verapamil, a Ca2+ channel blocker, and the divalent cationophore A23187. It was found that the lowest concentration of Ca2+ required for oocyte maturation was around 0.0265-0.053 mM. Such a requirement for Ca2+ in the culture medium extended through metaphase II. If Ca2+ was omitted during the final 4 h of culture, the metaphase II chromosomes appeared extremely condensed or degenerated. Verapamil at a level of 0.2 mM inhibited germinal vesicle breakdown or resulted in degeneration, whereas lower concentrations did not affect oocyte maturation. In the presence of 0.02 mM verapamil, the maturation of cumulus-enclosed oocytes was not affected, whereas at the same dose of verapamil the maturation of denuded oocytes was inhibited. Less than 3.8 X 10(-7) M divalent cationophore did not inhibit oocyte maturation. Maturation was inhibited by 3.8 X 10(-7) and 3.8 X 10(-6) M divalent cationophore. In conclusion, maintenance of oocytes in a nondegenerated state also requires the constant presence of Ca2+ in the culture medium.  相似文献   

Oocytes were exposed to GnRHa to induce their maturation both in vivo, by administration of the hormone to hypophysectomized rats, and in vitro, in cultures of intact ovarian follicles. Mature oocytes obtained under both these conditions were then exposed in vitro to a sperm suspension for fertilization. Fertilization of control groups of oocytes, isolated from intact or hypophysectomized PMSG-primed hCG-induced ovulators, was 88.3 +/- 3.3% (n = 331) and 90.0 +/- 2.8% (n = 427), respectively, as compared to 82.8 +/- 3.2% (n = 413) for oocytes isolated from hypophysectomized PMSG-primed GnRHa-induced ovulators. Fertilization rate in oocytes treated by GnRHa in vitro was 78.5 +/- 3.1% (n = 247) as compared to 79.3 +/- 4.1% (n = 261) in LH-treated oocytes. These results demonstrate that fertilizability of oocytes undergoing maturation in response to GnRHa is similar to that of oocytes induced to mature by LH. No differences could be detected in the proportions of abnormal oocytes (polyspermic, fragmented and dead) and the zygotes obtained after fertilization of GnRHa- or LH-treated oocytes showed similar ability to cleave.  相似文献   

Bovine immature oocytes cultured for various times in TC-199 medium were inseminated with frozen-thawed spermatozoa in Medium BO with caffeine (5 mM) and heparin (10 micrograms/ml). Very high penetration rates (95-100%) were obtained in all oocytes which had been cultured for 0-20 h. When oocytes cultured for 0 and 4 h were inseminated, 100% of them were penetrated and had a decondensing sperm head and most of the oocytes remained at the stage of condensed germinal vesicle (GV) to telophase-I 20-22 h after insemination. The formation of male and female pronuclei was first observed in oocytes inseminated 8 h after culture. The proportions of polyspermy and average number of spermatozoa in penetrated oocytes gradually decreased as oocyte maturation proceeded. Penetration of at least one spermatozoon with a decondensing head into oocytes at the GV stage (without culture) was almost completed up to 8 h after insemination and at that time most of the penetrated oocytes were still at the stage of GV or condensed GV. These results indicate that maturation of bovine oocytes is not required for sperm penetration into the vitellus or for sperm nuclear decondensation under the in-vitro conditions used.  相似文献   

Porcine follicular fluid (pFF), as a supplement of maturation media, has been shown several times to improve the in vitro production (IVP) of porcine embryos. As a transudate of serum, pFF contains locally produced factors in addition to the ones derived from serum. The objective of this study was to determine the additional positive effects of these pFF specific factors on the nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of porcine oocytes. Follicular fluid and autologous serum were collected from sows in the preovulatory phase of the estrous cycle. Subsequently, oocytes from prepubertal gilts were matured in NCSU23 supplemented with either 10% pFF or 10% autologous serum derived from the same sow. Oocytes were then fertilized and the putative zygotes were cultured for 7 days. Nuclear maturation and cumulus expansion were assessed after the maturation culture. For evaluation of cytoplasmic maturation, oocyte glutathione (GSH) content, fertilization parameters and embryonic development were evaluated. After in vitro maturation (IVM) of the oocytes, both cumulus expansion rate and oocyte GSH content were increased for oocytes matured in pFF (P<0.05). More monospermic penetration was found when cumulus-intact oocytes had been matured in 10% pFF but this effect was lost after fertilization of cumulus denuded oocytes indicating that the pFF was acting through the cumulus. We speculate that the increased cumulus expansion and increased glutathione content, which were prevalent after IVM in pFF, are responsible for the positive effects on fertilization and the pre-implantation development of the embryos.  相似文献   

Oocyte nuclei of the dipteran insect Heteropeza pygmaea display swift pulsating movements during in vitro follicle formation in the ovaries. Low doses of cytochalasin B (CB) completely inhibit the nuclear movements within a few minutes and cause the nuclei to assume spherical shapes. If the drug is removed, nuclear pulsation is resumed within 5–10 min. Phalloidin and colchicine do not affect the nuclear movements. Actin is shown by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to be present in considerable amounts all over the cytoplasm of the oocytes. It is concluded that microfilaments are responsible for pulsation of the oocyte nuclei, whereas microtubules are not involved.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of amino acid uptake in cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nutritional role of mouse granulosa cells on antral dictyate mouse oocytes has been studied by measuring the transfer of different amino acids through gap junctional channels between somatic and germ cells. When present in the incubation medium at concentrations resembling in vivo conditions, glycine, alanine, proline, serine, tyrosine, glutamic acid and lysine entered cumulus-enclosed oocytes cooperatively, while valine, leucine and phenylalanine did not. However, cooperative uptake of leucine and phenylalanine was observed at higher external precursor concentrations. We conclude that in vivo antral mouse oocytes depend on surrounding granulosa cells for amino acid uptake, with the exception of amino acids carried by the leucine exchange transport system, and propose that amino acid transfer between granulosa cells and oocytes is dependent on precursor concentrations in the coupled cells.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors and forskolin on steroid-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) were investigated in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) oocytes using an in vitro incubation technique. Follicles were first treated with a collagenase solution to remove the follicle wall. Denuded oocytes were examined, using scanning electron microscopy. In all experiments GVBD was induced by the use of 17 alpha, 20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) levels were measured (by protein-binding assay) in control and forskolin-treated oocytes. Collagenase treatment removed a majority of the follicle wall, as shown by scanning electron microscopy. Partially denuded (PD) oocytes were slightly more sensitive to steroid treatment than intact follicles (IF), as shown by ED50 values; but PD oocytes did not respond to gonadotropin (GTH) stimulation. Both 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX) and SQ20,006 (Squibb) blocked GVBD, but IBMX was more inhibitory. Forskolin also blocked steroid-induced GVBD. Kinetics of inhibition studies were performed using IBMX, forskolin, and cycloheximide. IBMX and cycloheximide inhibited GVBD if added during the first 18 h following steroid stimulation, whereas forskolin blocked GVBD if added within 12 h after steroid treatment. Forskolin, at levels that block GVBD in vitro, significantly increased cAMP in both IF and PD oocytes, but the response of IF was greater than that of PD oocytes.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence implicates cyclic 3', 5' adenosine monophosphate (AMP) in the maintenance of meiotic arrest of mammalian oocytes. Since this laboratory previously found that adenosine augmented follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-stimulated accumulation of cyclic AMP in oocyte-cumulus-complexes (OCC), in the present studies we investigated the possibility that adenosine inhibits maturation of oocytes. In rat OCC cultured in the presence of FSH, adenosine markedly inhibited oocyte maturation in a dose-dependent and biphasic manner. Maximum inhibition of oocyte maturation was seen with 1-30 microM adenosine in the presence of FSH, and half-maximal inhibition occurred with less than 0.3 microM adenosine. High levels of adenosine (100 microM) did not inhibit oocyte maturation in the presence of FSH. In the absence of FSH, adenosine showed little effect on oocyte maturation in the present studies, but increased the maximum inhibition of oocyte maturation produced by FSH approximately twofold. Like adenosine, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) also inhibited oocyte maturation; whereas adenine, guanosine, inosine, and hypoxanthine were inactive at equivalent levels. The metabolism-resistant adenosine analog (2-chloroadenosine) was as active an inhibitor as adenosine. Inhibition produced by the adenine nucleotides may have been direct or due to conversion to adenosine by extracellular nucleotidases. The concentration dependence and purine specificity for inhibition of oocyte maturation are characteristic of an adenosine receptor-mediated process, but direct evidence for such a mechanism was not shown. The effective concentration of adenosine for inhibition of oocyte maturation is within the range of reported levels of adenosine in biological tissues and fluids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of luteinizing hormone (NIH-bovine LH) and progesterone on maturation in vitro of oocyte-cumulus complexes from adult proestrous rats were studied by comparing proportions of oocytes showing germinal vesicle breakdown, mucification of the cumulus oophorus, and fertilizability. Addition of either or both of the hormones to the medium in concentrations between 1.25 and 10 μg/ml during maturation had no discernible effect on germinal vesicle breakdown or on fertilization. Mucification was stimulated by LH and even more by LH plus progesterone. It was concluded that maturation in vivo is the result of concerted action of the two hormones. However, addition of LH + progesterone had no effect on the fertilizability of these oocytes. We attribute this to a relative insensitivity of the system for fertilization in vitro to subtle changes in the oocyte.  相似文献   

Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) were collected from abbatoir-derived llama ovaries and cultured in vitro for 28, 30, or 36 h at 39 degrees C in 5% CO2 to determine the time required for maturation. The majority of COC (n=298, 87%) were classified as categories 1 and 2 (COC with > or =5 layers or 2-4 compact layers of cumulus cells, respectively) and homogeneous ooplasm, and the proportion that underwent nuclear maturation (MII) was 78, 81 and 80%, after 28, 30 and 36 h, respectively (P=0.65). To compare the effectiveness of FSH versus eCG for inducing in vivo maturation, in experiment 2, llamas (n=20 per group) were treated with: (1) 25 mg FSH, twice-daily for 4 day, plus 5 mg armour of LH at the end of FSH treatment; or (2) 1000 IU of eCG, plus 5 mg armour of LH 4 day after eCG treatment. The FSH- and eCG-treated groups did not differ (P=0.85) with respect to the number of follicles > or =6mm at the time of COC collection (17.9+/-2.2 versus 17.7+/-2.2), the number of COC collected (10.7+/-2.1 versus 11.2+/-2.3 per llama), or the collection rate per follicle aspirated (71 versus 74%). As well, no difference (P=0.49) was detected between the FSH and eCG groups in the number of expanded COC collected (8.3+/-2.1 versus 10.6+/-2.2) or the number of COC at the MII stage (6.9+/-1.8 versus 8.9+/-1.9). In conclusion, llama oocytes reached MII as early as 28 h after in vitro culture and both FSH and eCG were equally effective in inducing ovarian superstimulation. Treatment with LH after either FSH or eCG superstimulation permitted the recovery of a preponderance of expanded COC in metaphase II that may be suitable for in vitro fertilization without in vitro maturation.  相似文献   

Protein patterns of pig oocytes during in vitro maturation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In vitro maturation (IVM) of fully grown mammalian oocytes is characterized by initial germinal vesicle (GV) breakdown and rearrangement of microtubule network during the first meiosis (MI), followed by extrusion of the first polar body and block of the oocytes in metaphase of the second meiosis (MII). Only fully matured oocytes are capable of undergoing fertilization and the initiation of zygotic development. These observations are mostly based on morphological evaluation; however, the molecular events responsible for these processes are not known. In this study, we have launched the analysis of pig oocytes during in vitro maturation using a proteomics approach. First, oocyte proteins have been separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by mass spectrometry. Remarkably, several proteins, including peroxiredoxins, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1, and spermine synthase, are even more abundant than actin, usually the most abundant protein in somatic cells. Furthermore, we have initiated comparative analysis of the oocytes at different stages of maturation to characterize candidate proteins, which are differentially expressed during in vitro maturation. To date, we have identified antiquitin (D7A1), the member of aldehyde dehydrogenase family7 that has been significantly increased in MI and MII stages compared with GV oocytes. To our knowledge, this is the first pig oocyte proteome available so far that may be used as a reference map. The proteins that are differentially regulated during IVM may present potential biomarkers of oocyte maturation and quality. It is a useful inventory toward a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying reproduction and development.  相似文献   

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