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tPAInvolvementinOvulation──StudiesonMechanismofOvulation:RoleofTissueTypePlasminogenActivatorLIUYi-xun(StateKeyLaboratoryofRe...  相似文献   

An ischemia/reperfusion injury of rat’s sciatic nerve was experimentally developed. In this model, we measured the in vivo production of superoxide radical, as a marker of oxidative stress and the occludin expression as an indicator of blood-nerve barrier function and we examined potential protective innervations against these abnormalities. Right sciatic nerves of the animals underwent 3 h of ischemia followed by 7 days of reperfusion and were divided into three groups: ischemic, pretreated with vitamin C in conjunction with vitamin E and treated with tissue plasminogen activator. Compared to measurements from left sciatic nerves used as sham, the ischemic group showed significantly increased superoxide radical and reduced expression of occludin in western blot and immunohistochemistry. No such differences were detected between sham and nerves in the vitamin or tissue plasminogen activator groups. It is suggested that the experimental ischemia/reperfusion model was suitable for studying the relationship between oxidative state and blood-nerve barrier. The reversion of abnormalities by the applied neuroprotective agents might prove to be a clinically important finding in view of the implication of vascular supply derangement in various neuropathies in humans.  相似文献   

The erythroid- and developmental stage-specific expression of the human ε-globin gene is controlled,in part,by the 5‘-flanking DNA sequence of this gene.In the present study,we have used DNA-protein binding assays to identify trans-acting factors which regulate the temporal expression of the human ε-globin gene during development.Using gel mobility shift assays and DNaseI footprinting assays,a nuclear protein factor (termed ε-SSF1) in the nuclear extracts from mouse haematopoietic tissues at d 11 and d 13 of gestation was identified.It could specifically bind to the positive control region (between-535 and -453bp) of the human ε-globin gene.We speculated that the ε-SSF1 might be an erythroid-and developmental stage-specific activator.In addition,we found another nuclear protein factor (terned ε-R1) in the nuclear extract from mouse fetal liver at d18 of gestation,which could strongly bind to the silencer region (between-392 and -177bp) of this gene.Therefore,we speculated that the ε-R1 might be an erythroid-and developmental stagespecific repressor.Our data suggest that both ε-SSF1 and ε-R1 might play important roles in developmental regulation of the human ε-globin gene expression during the early embryonic life.On the hand,we observed that the binding patterns of nuclear proteins from three cell lines (K562,HEL and Raji) to these regulatory regions were partially different.These results suggest that different trans-acting factors in K562,HEL and Raji cells might be responsible for activating or silencing the human ε-globin gene in three different cell lines.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of parvovirus H-1 on the colonyforming ability.in vitro of QGY-7703,a cultured human hepatoma cell line,and on the formation and growth of its tumors in nude mice was studied.With higher multiplicity of infection(MOI) of H-1 given,survival of the QGY-7703 cells was found to be decreased.H-1 DNA amplification level at 30h postinfection(p.i.) was detected to be 7.4 times higher than that at 2h by dispersed cells assay,while the cells were delayed to enter into S phase.Plaques were formed in the indicator cells(new-born human kidney cell line,NBK) by progeny H-1 virus particles released from the infected QGY-7703 cells by infectious cell center assay.The formation of tumors in nude mice by QGY-7703 cells which were injected s c at 2h postinfection was observed to by prevented in 2 proups with given MOI 25 and 50.The tumor growth of MOI 10 group occurred at a lower exponential rate than that of control,after a 20d latent period.It was evident that parvovirus H-1 exhibited a direct inhibitory effect on the formation and growth of human hepatoma cells in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

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