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Daily light and feeding cycles act as powerful synchronizers of circadian rhythmicity. Ultimately, these external cues entrain the expression of clock genes, which generate daily rhythmic behavioral and physiological responses in vertebrates. In the present study, we investigated clock genes in a marine teleost (gilthead sea bream). Partial cDNA sequences of key elements from both positive (Bmal1, Clock) and negative (Per2, Cry1) regulatory loops were cloned before studying how feeding time affects the daily rhythms of locomotor activity and clock gene expression in the central (brain) and peripheral (liver) oscillators. To this end, all fish were kept under a light-dark (LD) cycle and were divided into three experimental groups, depending on the time of their daily meal: mid-light (ML), mid-darkness (MD), or at random (RD) times. Finally, the existence of circadian control on gene expression was investigated in the absence of external cues (DD?+?RD). The behavioral results showed that seabream fed at ML or RD displayed a diurnal activity pattern (>91% of activity during the day), whereas fish fed at MD were nocturnal (89% of activity during the night). Moreover, seabream subjected to regular feeding cycles (ML and MD groups) showed food-anticipatory activity (FAA). Regardless of the mealtime, the daily rhythm of clock gene expression in the brain peaked close to the light-dark transition in the case of Bmal1 and Clock, and at the beginning of the light phase in the case of Per2 and Cry1, showing the existence of phase delay between the positive and negative elements of the molecular clock. In the liver, however, the acrophases of the daily rhythms differed depending on the feeding regime: the maximum expression of Bmal1 and Clock in the ML and RD groups was in antiphase to the expression pattern observed in the fish fed at MD. Under constant conditions (DD?+?RD), Per2 and Cry1 showed circadian rhythmicity in the brain, whereas Bmal1, Clock, and Per2 did in the liver. Our results indicate that the seabream clock gene expression is endogenously controlled and in liver it is strongly entrained by food signals, rather than by the LD cycle, and that scheduled feeding can shift the phase of the daily rhythm of clock gene expression in a peripheral organ (liver) without changing the phase of these rhythms in a central oscillator (brain), suggesting uncoupling of the light-entrainable oscillator (LEO) from the food-entrainable oscillator (FEO). These findings provide the basis and new tools for improving our knowledge of the circadian system and entraining pathways of this fish species, which is of great interest for the Mediterranean aquaculture. (Author correspondence: javisan@um.es).  相似文献   

Aquaporin (AQP)-mediated intestinal water absorption may play a major osmoregulatory role in euryhaline teleosts, although the molecular identity and anatomical distribution of AQPs in the fish gastrointestinal tract is poorly known. Here, we have investigated the functional properties and cellular localization in the intestine of two gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) homologs of mammalian aquaporin-1 (AQP1), named SaAqp1a and SaAqp1b. Heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes showed that SaAqp1a and SaAqp1b were water-selective channels. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot using specific antisera indicated that abundance of SaAqp1a mRNA and protein was higher in duodenum and hindgut than in the rectum, whereas abundance of SaAqp1b was higher in rectum. In duodenum and hindgut, SaAqp1a localized at the apical brush border and lateral membrane of columnar enterocytes, whereas SaAqp1b was detected occasionally and at very low levels at the apical membrane. In the rectum, however, SaAqp1a was mainly accumulated in the cytoplasm of a subpopulation of enterocytes spread in groups over the surface of the epithelia, including the intervillus pockets, whereas SaAqp1b was detected exclusively at the apical brush border of all rectal enterocytes. Freshwater acclimation reduced the synthesis of SaAqp1a protein in all intestinal segments, but it only reduced SaAqp1b abundance in the rectum. These results show for the first time in teleosts a differential distribution and regulation of two functional AQP1 homologs in the intestinal epithelium, which suggest that they may play specialized functions during water movement across the intestine.  相似文献   

Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) is an important marine fish in Mediterranean aquaculture. Sex determination by age and/or body weight is a critical life‐history trait, the genetic basis for which is largely unknown in this sequential hermaphrodite species. Herein, we performed a partial genome scan to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting body weight and sex using 74 informative microsatellite markers from 10 paternal half‐sib families to construct nine linkage groups (LG). In total, four growth‐related QTL (two chromosome‐wide and two genome‐wide) and six QTL related to sex determination (three pairs in three different LGs) were detected (two chromosome‐wide and one genome‐wide). The proportion of phenotypic variation explained by the body‐weight QTL ranged from 9.3% to 17.2%, showing their potential for use in marker‐assisted selection. The results obtained offer solid ground to investigate the structure and function of the genomic regions involved in the mechanisms of sex reversal.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells provide a unique tool for cell-mediated gene transfer and targeted gene mutations due to the possibility of in vitro selection of desired genotypes. When selected cells contribute to the germ line in chimaeric embryos, transgenic animals may be generated with modified genetic traits. Though the ES cell approach has up to now been limited to mice, there is an increasing interest to develop this technology in both model and commercial fish species, with so far promising results in the medaka and zebrafish. In this study, we present evidence regarding a long-term stable cell line (SaBE-1c), derived from embryonic cells of the aquaculture marine fish Sparus aurata which has been characterized for (i) cell proliferation, (ii) chromosome complement, (iii) molecular markers, and (iv) in vitro tests of pluripotency by alkaline phosphatase (AP) staining, telomerase activity, and induced cell differentiation. These cells have proved their pluripotent capacities by in vitro tests. Furthermore, we have demonstrated their ability to produce chimaeras and to contribute to the formation of tissues from all three embryonic germ layers. These features suggest that SaBE-1c cells have the potential for multiple applications for the ES technology in fish, with the added value of originating from an economically important species.  相似文献   

The distribution of perikarya and fibers containing corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) was studied in the brain of the teleost Sparus aurata by immunocytochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Antisera against rat CRF, arginine vasotocin, and human adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) were used. Most CRF-immunoreactive neurons were located in the nucleus lateralis tuberis, but they were absent from the nucleus preopticus, which only contained arginine vasotocin neurons. Few CRF perikarya were identified in the nucleus preopticus periventricularis and in the mesencephalic tegmentum. A conspicuous bundle of immunoreactive fibers ran along the diencephalic floor and pituitary stalk to end near the cells of the hypophysial pars intermedia. No CRF was seen near the adenohypophysial rostral pars distalis. Our results suggest that, in Sparus aurata, CRF is a releasing factor for melanotropic cells. Its role as a releasing factor for ACTH is discussed.  相似文献   

To date, vertebrate DNA has been found methylated at the 5 position of cytosine exclusively in dinucleotide CpG or CpNpG stretches. On the the other hand, we determined that cytosine was methylated unusually in dinucleotide GpC at 5-GGCC-3 sequences in the teleost Sparus aurata EcoRI satellite DNA family. This finding is the first example of methylated GpC sequences in the eukaryotic genomes. At this regard, we have examined the relative methylation levels at this site of the highly repetitive EcoRI satellite DNA family from Sparus aurata different tissues. The EcoRI repeat was remarkably more methylated in male germ cells but hypomethylated in female germ cells at the Hae III restriction site ( GpC). The novel modification and the differential methylation pattern suggest that EcoRI satellite could have a structural and/or functional role at the centromeres of Sparus aurata.  相似文献   

We have studied the pigmentary system of the teleost Sparus aurata skin by electron microscopy and chromatographic analysis. Under electron microscopy, we found the dermis to contain the three major types of recognized chromatophores: melanophores, xanthophores and iridophores. Melanophores were more abundant in the dorsal region, whereas the iridophores were more abundant in the ventral region. The most important discovery was that of epidermal xanthophores. Epidermal xanthophores were the only chromatophores in the epidermis, something only found in S aurata and in a teleost species living in the Antartic sea. In contrast, the biochemical analysis did not establish any special characteristics: we found pteridine and flavin pigments located mostly in the pigmented dorsal region. Riboflavin and pterin were two of the most abundant coloured pigment types, but other colourless pigments such as xanthopterin and isoxanthopterin were also detected.  相似文献   

The gilthead seabream is a protandrous hermaphrodite seasonal breeding teleost with a bisexual gonad that offers an interesting model for studying the testicular regression process that occurs in both seasonal testicular involution and sex change. Insofar as fish reproduction is concerned, little is known about cell renewal and elimination during the reproductive cycle of seasonal breeding teleosts with asynchronous spermatogenesis. We have previously described how acidophilic granulocytes infiltrate the testis during postspawning where, surprisingly, they produce interleukin-1beta, a known growth factor for mammalian spermatogonia, rather than being directly involved in the elimination of degenerative germ cells. In this study, we are able to discriminate between spermatogonia stem cells and primary spermatogonia according to their nuclear and cytoplasmic diameters and location in the germinal epithelium, finding that these two cell types, together with Sertoli cells, proliferate throughout the reproductive cycle with a rate that depends on the reproductive stage. Thus, during spermatogenesis the spermatogonia stem cells, the Sertoli cells, and the developing germ cells (primary spermatogonia, A and B spermatogonia, and spermatocytes) in the germinal compartment, and cells with fibroblast-shaped nuclei in the interstitial tissue proliferate. However, during spawning, the testis shows few proliferating cells. During postspawning, the resumption of proliferation, the occurrence of apoptotic spermatogonia, and the phagocytosis of nonshed spermatozoa by Sertoli cells lead to a reorganization of both the germinal compartment and the interstitial tissue. Finally, the proliferation of spermatogonia increases during resting when, unexpectedly, both oogonia and oocytes also proliferate. This proliferative pattern was correlated with the gonadosomatic index, testicular morphology, and testicular and gonad areas, suggesting that complex mechanisms operate in the regulation of gonocyte proliferation in hermaphrodite fish.  相似文献   

Pinto JP  Ohresser MC  Cancela ML 《Gene》2001,270(1-2):77-91
Bone Gla protein (BGP, Osteocalcin) is a bone-specific vitamin K-dependent protein which has been intensively studied in mammals. Although BGP is the most abundant non-collagenous protein of bone, its mode of action at the molecular level remains unclear. From an evolutionary point of view, the appearance of BGP seems to parallel the appearance of hydroxyapatite-containing bone structures since it has never been found in elasmobranchs, whose skeleton is composed of calcified cartilage. Accordingly, recent work indicates that, in mammalian bone, BGP is required for adequate maturation of the hydroxyapatite crystal. Taken together, these data suggest that teleost fishes, presumably the first vertebrates to develop a BGP-containing skeleton, may be a useful model to further investigate BGP function. In addition, fish offer several advantages over mammalian models, due to a large progeny, external embryonic development and transparency of larvae. In the present work, the BGP cDNA and gene were cloned from a teleost fish, Sparus aurata, and its tissue distribution, pattern of developmental expression and evolutionary pathways analyzed. The molecular organization of the Sparus BGP (spBGP) gene is similar to mammalian BGP genes, and its expression throughout development follows the onset of calcification. The spBGP gene encodes a pre-propeptide of 97 amino acid residues, expressed only in bone and showing extensive homology to its mammalian homologs. Phylogenetic analysis of the available BGP sequences supports the hypothesis that all BGPs have a single origin and share a common ancestor with a related vitamin K-dependent protein (Matrix Gla protein).  相似文献   

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