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Sensory integration is vital for motile organisms constantly exposed to changing surroundings. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a single-celled green alga found swimming in freshwater. In this type of alga, sensory input is first detected by membrane receptors located in the cell body, and then transduced to the beating cilia by membrane depolarization. Many components of the machinery associated with sensory integration in C. reinhardtii, such as chemoreceptors and repolarization-associated channels, are yet uncharacterized. TRP channels are known mediators for cellular sensing in animal cells and it has been suggested that the C. reinhardtii genome encodes for a set of TRP proteins. Here, by combining behavioral studies with electrophysiological experiments conducted on both population and single alga, we test whether TRP channel blockers affect algal swimming behavior. Our results suggest that a TRP conductance is associated to the repolarization that follows a depolarizing receptor potential, highlighting a primitive function of TRP proteins.  相似文献   

Ma W  Chen M  Wang L  Wei L  Wang Q 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(18):8635-8638
Treatment with NaHSO3 induces a 10-fold increase in H2 photoproduction in the filamentous N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. However, it is unclear whether this treatment also increases H2 photoproduction in green alga. In this study, treatment with 13 mM NaHSO3 resulted in about a 200-fold increase in H2 production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and this increase was most probably the result of reduced O2 content and enhanced hydrogenase activity. Compared to the conventional strategy of sulfur deprivation, NaHSO3 treatment results in a higher maximum rate of H2 photoproduction, greater efficiency of conversion of light energy into H2, shorter half-time to produce the maximum accumulated H2 levels, and reduced costs because no centrifugation is involved. We therefore conclude that NaHSO3 treatment is an efficient, rapid, and economic strategy for improving photobiological H2 production in the green alga C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) catalyzes the initial steps of photosynthetic carbon reduction and photorespiratory carbon oxidation cycles by combining CO(2) and O(2), respectively, with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate. Many photosynthetic organisms have form I rubiscos comprised of eight large (L) and eight small (S) subunits. The crystal structure of the complex of activated rubisco from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the reaction intermediate analogue 2-carboxyarabinitol-1,5-bisphosphate (2-CABP) has been solved at 1.84 A resolution (R(cryst) of 15.2 % and R(free) of 18.1 %). The subunit arrangement of Chlamydomonas rubisco is the same as those of the previously solved form I rubiscos. Especially, the present structure is very similar to the activated spinach structure complexed with 2-CABP in the L-subunit folding and active-site conformation, but differs in S-subunit folding. The central insertion of the Chlamydomonas S-subunit forms the longer betaA-betaB loop that protrudes deeper into the solvent channel of rubisco than higher plant, cyanobacterial, and red algal (red-like) betaA-betaB loops. The C-terminal extension of the Chlamydomonas S-subunit does not protrude into the solvent channel, unlike that of the red algal S-subunit, but lies on the protein surface anchored by interactions with the N-terminal region of the S-subunit. Further, the present high-resolution structure has revealed novel post-translational modifications. Residue 1 of the S-subunit is N(alpha)-methylmethionine, residues 104 and 151 of the L-subunit are 4-hydroxyproline, and residues 256 and 369 of the L-subunit are S(gamma)-methylcysteine. Furthermore, the unusual electron density of residue 471 of the L-subunit, which has been deduced to be threonine from the genomic DNA sequence, suggests that the residue is isoleucine produced by RNA editing or O(gamma)-methylthreonine.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamine, but not phosphatidylcholine, is found in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. A cDNA coding for diacylglycerol: CDP-ethanolamine ethanolaminephosphotransferase (EPT) was cloned from C. reinhardtii. The C. reinhardtii EPT appears phylogenetically more similar to mammalian aminoalcoholphosphotransferases than to those of yeast and the least close to those of plants. Similar membrane topography was found between the C. reinhardtii EPT and the aminoalcoholphosphotransferases from mammals, yeast, and plants. A yeast mutant deficient in both cholinephosphotransferase and ethanolaminephosphotransferase was complemented by the C. reinhardtii EPT gene. Enzymatic assays of C. reinhardtii EPT from the complemented yeast microsomes demonstrated that the C. reinhardtii EPT synthesized both PC and PE in the transformed yeast. The addition of either unlabeled CDP-ethanolamine or CDP-choline to reactions reduced incorporation of radiolabeled CDP-choline and radiolabeled CDP-ethanolamine into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. EPT activity from the transformed yeast or C. reinhardtii cells was inhibited nearly identically by unlabeled CDP-choline, CDP-ethanolamine, and CMP when [14C]CDP-choline was used as the primary substrate, but differentially by unlabeled CDP-choline and CDP-ethanolamine when [14C]CDP-ethanolamine was the primary substrate. The Km value of the enzyme for CDP-choline was smaller than that for CDP-ethanolamine. This provides evidence that C. reinhardtii EPT, similar to plant aminoalcoholphosphotransferase, is capable of catalyzing the final step of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis, as well as that of phosphatidylethanolamine in the Kennedy pathway.  相似文献   

Endogenous circadian rhythms allow living organisms to anticipate daily variations in their natural environment. Temperature regulation and entrainment mechanisms of circadian clocks are still poorly understood. To better understand the molecular basis of these processes, we built a mathematical model based on experimental data examining temperature regulation of the circadian RNA-binding protein CHLAMY1 from the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, simulating the effect of temperature on the rates by applying the Arrhenius equation. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that our model is temperature-compensated and can be entrained to temperature cycles of various length and amplitude. The range of periods that allow entrainment of the model depends on the shape of the temperature cycles and is larger for sinusoidal compared to rectangular temperature curves. We show that the response to temperature of protein (de)phosphorylation rates play a key role in facilitating temperature entrainment of the oscillator in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We systematically investigated the response of our model to single temperature pulses to explain experimentally observed phase response curves.  相似文献   

In most photosynthetic organisms, inorganic arsenic taken up into the cells inhibits photosynthesis and cellular growth. In a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 0.5 mM arsenate inhibited photosynthesis almost completely within 30 min. However, in cells acclimated with a sublethal concentration (0.05 to 0.1 mM) of Cd, the inhibition of photosynthesis at 30 min after the addition of arsenate was relieved by more than 50%. The concentrations of arsenic incorporated into the cells were not significantly different between the Cd-acclimated and the non-acclimated cells. The Cd-acclimated cells accumulated Cd and synthesized phytochelatin (PC) peptides, which are known to play an important role in detoxification of heavy metals in plants. By the addition of an inhibitor of glutathione (an intermediate in the PC biosynthetic pathway) biosynthesis, buthionine sulfoximine, cells lost not only Cd tolerance but also arsenate tolerance. These results suggest that glutathione and/or PCs synthesized in Cd-acclimated cells are involved in mechanisms of arsenate tolerance. The authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Light is essential for photosynthesis but excess light is hazardous as it may lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species. Photosynthetic organisms struggle to optimize light utilization and photosynthesis while minimizing photo-oxidative damage. Hereby light to heat dissipation via specialized proteins is a potent mechanism to acclimate toward excess light. In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the expression of an ancient light-harvesting protein LHCSR3 enables cells to dissipate harmful excess energy. Herein we summarize newest insights into the function of LHCSR3 from C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Zhao Z  Wu Z  Fan Z  Chen J  Wu J  Li J 《Mitochondrion》2011,11(5):716-721
The efficient expression of exogenous gene in mitochondria of photosynthetic organism has been an insurmountable problem. In this study, the pBsLPNCG was constructed by inserting the egfp gene into a site between TERMINVREP-Left repeats and the cob gene in a fragment of mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-124 and introduced into the mitochondria of respiratory deficient dum-1 mutation of C. reinhardtii CC-2654. Sequencing and DNA Southern analyses revealed that egfp gene had been integrated into the mitochondrial genome of transgenic algae as expected and no other copy of egfp existed in their nucleic genome. Both the fluorescence detection and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of eGFP protein in the transgenic algae; it indicated that the egfp gene was successfully expressed in the mitochondria of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Summary. The temperature-sensitive conditional met1 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant arrests in metaphase at the restrictive temperature (33°C) with an intact spindle and high cell division kinase levels. In this study, met1 was investigated with respect to changes in the microtubule and centrin-based cytoskeletons after arrest at 33°C. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that, initially on arrest, the microtubule spindle and centrin-based cytoskeleton appeared as previously reported for wild-type metaphase cells; crescent-shaped spindles were seen with two brightly labelled centrin foci at each spindle pole in the basal body region at the cell surface. Observation of met1 held at the restrictive temperature reveals spindles can detach from one spindle pole and chromosomes eventually detach from the spindles. Moreover, a pseudo-anaphase event of spindle and nucleus elongation occurs in the absence of chromosome separation. Electron microscopy confirms that cytokinesis is initiated, the nuclei maintain a crescent shape but are distended and multiple pyrenoids are detected, suggesting chloroplast division also continues. Interestingly, prolamellar-like bodies usually present in etioplasts of dark-grown plants appear at the nuclear envelope. These results are discussed in relation to the coordination of division events in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the loss of viability in arrested cells of this mutant.Correspondence and reprints: Cell Biology Group, School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 55, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were undertaken to characterize the cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and to compare immunologically several cytoplasmic r-proteins with those of chloroplast ribosomes of this alga, Escherichia coli, and yeast. The large and small subunits of the C. reinhardtii cytoplasmic ribosomes were shown to contain, respectively, 48 and 45 r-proteins, with apparent molecular weights of 12,000–59,000. No cross-reactivity was seen between antisera made against cytoplasmic r-proteins of Chlamydomonas and chloroplast r-proteins, except in one case where an antiserum made against a large subunit r-protein cross-reacted with an r-protein of the small subunit of the chloroplast ribosome. Antisera made against one out of five small subunit r-proteins and three large subunit r-proteins recognized r-proteins from the yeast large subunit. Each of the yeast r-proteins has been previously identified as an rRNA binding protein. The antiserum to one large subunit r-protein cross-reacted with specific large subunit r-proteins from yeast and E. coli.  相似文献   

Uptake of exogenous polyamines by the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and their effects on polyamine metabolism were investigated. Our data show that, in contrast to mammalian cells, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii does not contain short-living, high-affinity polyamine transporters whose cellular level is dependent on the polyamine concentration. However, exogenous polyamines affect polyamine metabolism in Chlamydomonas cells. Exogenous putrescine caused a slow increase of both putrescine and spermidine and, vice versa, exogenous spermidine also led to an increase of the intracellular levels of both spermidine and putrescine. No intracellular spermine was detected under any conditions. Exogenous spermine was taken up by the cells and caused a decrease in their putrescine and spermidine levels. As in other organisms, exogenous polyamines led to a decrease in the activity of ornithine decarboxylase, a key enzyme of polyamine synthesis. In contrast to mammalian cells, this polyamine-induced decrease in ornithine decarboxylase activity is not mediated by a polyamine-dependent degradation or inactivation, but exclusively due to a decreased synthesis of ornithine decarboxylase. Translation of ornithine decarboxylase mRNA, but not overall protein biosynthesis is slowed by increased polyamine levels.  相似文献   

High light illumination of photosynthetic organisms stimulates the production of singlet oxygen by photosystem II and causes photooxidative stress. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, singlet oxygen also induces the expression of the nuclear-encoded glutathione peroxidase homologous gene GPXH. We provide evidence that singlet oxygen stimulates GPXH expression by activating a signaling mechanism outside the thylakoid membrane. Singlet oxygen from photosystem II could be detected with specific probes in the aqueous phase of isolated thylakoid suspensions and the cytoplasm of high light stressed cells. This indicates that singlet oxygen can stimulate a response farther from its production site than generally believed.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro protein synthesis was used to characterize the antibiotic sensitivity of cytoplasmic ribosomes from wild-type and antibiotic-resistant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cytoplasmic ribosomes from two cycloheximide-resistant mutants, act-1 and act-2, were resistant to the antibiotic in vitro. The alteration effected by the act-1 mutation, which was dominant in diploids, was localized to the large subunit of the cytoplasmic ribosomes, but no ribosomal protein alterations were detected using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The act-2 mutation, which was semidominant in diploids, was frequently associated with a charge alteration in the large subunit ribosomal protein (r-protein) cyL38 that segregated independently from the antibiotic-resistant phenotype in crosses.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid method for isolation of the Photosystem I (PS1) complex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using epitope tagging. Six histidine residues were genetically added to the N-terminus of the PsaA core subunit of PS1. The His6-tagged PS1 could be purified with a yield of 80–90% from detergent-solubilized thylakoid membranes within 3 h in a single step using a Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) column. Immunoblots and low-temperature fluorescence analysis indicated that the His6-tagged PS1 preparation was highly pure and extremely low in uncoupled pigments. Moreover, the introduced tag appeared to have no adverse effect upon PS1 structure/function, as judged by photochemical assays and EPR spectroscopy of isolated particles, as well as photosynthetic growth tests of the tagged strain. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Truncated light-harvesting antenna 1 (TLA1) is a nuclear gene proposed to regulate the chlorophyll (Chl) antenna size in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Chl antenna size of the photosystems and the chloroplast ultrastructure were manipulated upon TLA1 gene over-expression and RNAi downregulation. The TLA1 over-expressing lines possessed a larger chlorophyll antenna size for both photosystems and contained greater levels of Chl b per cell relative to the wild type. Conversely, TLA1 RNAi transformants had a smaller Chl antenna size for both photosystems and lower levels of Chl b per cell. Western blot analyses of the TLA1 over-expressing and RNAi transformants showed that modulation of TLA1 gene expression was paralleled by modulation in the expression of light-harvesting protein, reaction centre D1 and D2, and VIPP1 genes. Transmission electron microscopy showed that modulation of TLA1 gene expression impacts the organization of thylakoid membranes in the chloroplast. Over-expressing lines showed well-defined grana, whereas RNAi transformants possessed loosely held together and more stroma-exposed thylakoids. Cell fractionation suggested localization of the TLA1 protein in the inner chloroplast envelope and potentially in association with nascent thylakoid membranes, indicating a role in Chl antenna assembly and thylakoid membrane biogenesis. The results provide a mechanistic understanding of the Chl antenna size regulation by the TLA1 gene.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has long been used as a model organism in studies of cell motility and flagellar dynamics. The motility of the well-conserved ‘9+2’ axoneme in its flagella remains a subject of immense curiosity. Using high-speed videography and morphological analyses, we have characterized long-flagella mutants (lf1, lf2-1, lf2-5, lf3-2, and lf4) of C. reinhardtii for biophysical parameters such as swimming velocities, waveforms, beat frequencies, and swimming trajectories. These mutants are aberrant in proteins involved in the regulation of flagellar length and bring about a phenotypic increase in this length. Our results reveal that the flagellar beat frequency and swimming velocity are negatively correlated with the length of the flagella. When compared to the wild-type, any increase in the flagellar length reduces both the swimming velocities (by 26–57%) and beat frequencies (by 8–16%). We demonstrate that with no apparent aberrations/ultrastructural deformities in the mutant axonemes, it is this increased length that has a critical role to play in the motion dynamics of C. reinhardtii cells, and, provided there are no significant changes in their flagellar proteome, any increase in this length compromises the swimming velocity either by reduction of the beat frequency or by an alteration in the waveform of the flagella.  相似文献   

Gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii synthesize numerous proteins not observed in vegetative cells and vice versa. Gametogenesis induced changes in gene expression were confirmed by SDS-PAGE of in vitro translation products using total RNA from gametes and vegetative cells. Vegetative cells and gametes thus represent two cell types with distinct patterns of gene expression. The generation of mature gametes from liquid cultures of asynchronously growing vegetative cells was dependent on light. This light requirement could not be substituted for by an organic source of energy and carbon, indicating that light serves as a signal in gametogenesis. The light signal was shown to become effective only after preincubation in nitrogen-free medium. This delayed competence for light indicates that the two external signals — nitrogen-starvation and light —may function in sequence. Execution of the light dependent step in gamete formation required cytoplasmic protein synthesis and RNA synthesis.Abbreviations CAM chloramphenicol - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - PSII photosystem II - TAP Tris acetate phosphate - TMP Tris minimal phosphate This paper is dedicated by C. F. Beck to Professor John L. Ingraham, teacher and friend, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of an algo-bacterial community (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and bacterial satellites) were studied, as well as the mechanism and patterns of bacterial effect on algae. Four strains of predominant bacteria were isolated and partially characterized. They were assigned to the following taxa: Rhodococcus terrea, Micrococcus roseus, and Bacillus spp. A pure culture of the alga under study was obtained by plating serial dilutions on agarized media. Within the algo-bacterial association, the alga had a higher growth rate (0.76 day?1) and yield (60 μg chlorophyll/ml culture) than in pure cultures (0.4 day?1 and 10 μg chlorophyll/ml culture, respectively). The viability of the algal cells within the association was retained longer than in pure culture. Among the isolated bacterial satellites, strains B1 and Y1, assigned to the species Rhodococcus terrae, had the highest stimulatory effect on algal growth. The culture liquid of bacteria incubated under the conditions not permitting growth stimulated algal growth; the culture liquid of actively growing bacteria had an opposite effect.  相似文献   

Intron-binding proteins in eukaryotic organelles are mainly encoded by the nuclear genome and are thought to promote the maturation of precursor RNAs. Here, we present a biochemical approach that enable the isolation of a novel nuclear-encoded protein from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii showing specific binding properties to organelle group II intron RNA. Using FPLC chromatography of chloroplast protein extracts, a 61-kDa RNA-binding protein was isolated and then tentatively identified by mass spectrometry as the chloroplast heat shock protein Cpn60. Heterologous Cpn60 protein was used in RNA protein gel mobility shift assays and revealed that the ATPase domains of Cpn60 mediates the specific binding of two group II intron RNAs, derived from the homologous chloroplast psaA gene and the heterologous mitochondrial LSU rRNA gene. The function of Cpn60 as a general organelle splicing factor is discussed.  相似文献   

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