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Recent studies have focused on linking marine microbial communities with environmental factors, yet, relatively little is known about the drivers of microbial community patterns across the complex gradients from the nearshore to open ocean. Here, we examine microbial dynamics in 15 five-station transects beginning at the estuarine Piver's Island Coastal Observatory (PICO) time-series site and continuing 87 km across the continental shelf to the oligotrophic waters of the Sargasso Sea. 16S rRNA gene libraries reveal strong clustering by sampling site with distinct nearshore, continental shelf and offshore oceanic communities. Water temperature and distance from shore (which serves as a proxy for gradients in factors such as productivity, terrestrial input and nutrients) both most influence community composition. However, at the phylotype level, modelling shows the distribution of some taxa is linked to temperature, others to distance from shore and some by both factors, highlighting that taxa with distinct environmental preferences underlie apparent clustering by station. Thus, continental margins contain microbial communities that are distinct from those of either the nearshore or the offshore environments and contain mixtures of phylotypes with nearshore or offshore preferences rather than those unique to the shelf environment.  相似文献   

A previous bioremediation survey on a creosote-contaminated soil showed that aeration and optimal humidity promoted depletion of three-ringed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), but residual concentrations of four-ringed benzo(a)anthracene (B(a)A) and chrysene (Chry) remained. In order to explain the lack of further degradation of heavier PAHs such as four-ringed PAHs and to analyze the microbial population responsible for PAH biodegradation, a chemical and microbial molecular approach was used. Using a slurry incubation strategy, soil in liquid mineral medium with and without additional B(a)A and Chry was found to contain a powerful PAH-degrading microbial community that eliminated 89% and 53% of the added B(a)A and Chry, respectively. It is hypothesized that the lack of PAH bioavailability hampered their further biodegradation in the unspiked soil. According to the results of the culture-dependent and independent techniques Mycobacterium parmense, Pseudomonas mexicana, and Sphingobacterials group could control B(a)A and Chry degradation in combination with several microorganisms with secondary metabolic activity.  相似文献   

The indigenous bacterial communities in sediment microcosms from Dauphin Island (DI), Petit Bois Island (PB) and Perdido Pass (PP) of the coastal Gulf of Mexico were compared following treatment with Macondo oil (MC252) using pyrosequencing and culture-based approaches. After quality-based trimming, 28,991 partial 16S rRNA sequence reads were analyzed by rarefaction, confirming that analyses of bacterial communities were saturated with respect to species diversity. Changes in the relative abundances of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes played an important role in structuring bacterial communities in oil-treated sediments. Proteobacteria were dominant in oil-treated samples, whereas Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were either the second or the third most abundant taxa. Tenericutes, members of which are known for oil biodegradation, were detected shortly after treatment, and continued to increase in DI and PP sediments. Multivariate statistical analyses (ADONIS) revealed significant dissimilarity of bacterial communities between oil-treated and untreated samples and among locations. In addition, a similarity percentage analysis showed the contribution of each species to the contrast between untreated and oil-treated samples. PCR amplification using DNA from pure cultures of Exiguobacterium,  Pseudoalteromonas,  Halomonas and Dyadobacter, isolated from oil-treated microcosm sediments, produced amplicons similar to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading genes. In the context of the 2010 Macondo blowout, the results from our study demonstrated that the indigenous bacterial communities in coastal Gulf of Mexico sediment microcosms responded to the MC252 oil with altered community structure and species composition. The rapid proliferation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria suggests their involvement in the degradation of the spilt oil in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.  相似文献   

The coastal waters of the Baltic Sea are constantly threatened by oil spills, due to the extensive transportation of oil products across the sea. To characterise the hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial community of this marine area, microcosm experiments on diesel fuel, crude oil and shale oil were performed. Analysis of these microcosms, using alkane monooxygenase (alkB) and 16S rRNA marker genes in PCR-DGGE experiments, demonstrated that substrate type and concentration strongly influence species composition and the occurrence of alkB genes in respective oil degrading bacterial communities. Gammaproteobacteria (particularly the genus Pseudomonas) and Alphaproteobacteria were dominant in all microcosms treated with oils. All alkB genes carried by bacterial isolates (40 strains), and 8 of the 11 major DGGE bands from the microcosms, had more than 95% sequence identity with the alkB genes of Pseudomonas fluorescens. However, the closest relatives of the majority of sequences (54 sequences from 79) of the alkB gene library from initially collected seawater DNA were Actinobacteria. alkB gene expression, induced by hexadecane, was recorded in isolated bacterial strains. Thus, complementary culture dependent and independent methods provided a more accurate picture about the complex seawater microbial communities of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen pollution on species cover was tested in the Dovre mountains, south-central Norway, through a three-year fertilisation experiment in a low-alpine community and a two-year one in a middle-alpine community, both dominated by lichens. The doses used were 0.7, 3.5 and 7 g N/m2, the highest doses corresponding to 1.75 and 3.5 times the annual deposition of nitrogen in southwestern Norway. The results were tested using the SAS/STAT/MIXED procedure. Using the Bonferroni correction, the procedure did not confirm a change in the cover of single species due to increased nitrogen supply, but there seemed to be a general tendency for an increase in cover in the low-alpine Cetrarietum nivalis community. When less rigorous tests were applied, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Polytrichum piliferum, Cetraria nivalis and Cladonia mitis in Cetrarietum nivalis, and Cladonia coccifera in Phyllodoco-Juncetum trifidi seemed to indicate that nitrogen had some effect on these communities. The lack of a clear response in single species may be due to the application of low doses over a short time-span in an environment characterised by large interannual variations in climate, the deficiency of other important nutrients, dryness, the low growth potential of the species involved, and, to some extent, the community structure.  相似文献   

To reduce the freezing point of sesame oil, the lipase-catalyzed interesterification of sesame oil in a solvent free system was studied. The lipase was immobilized on Celite and refined sesame oil was used as the only substrate for the reaction. After interesterification, the oil did not solidify at 0 degrees C even after 24 h, and even longer storage at 2-4 degrees C did not result in solidification. The change of physical behavior was investigated with a differential scanning calorimeter and X-ray diffraction, and reduction in the thermodynamic and crystallographic stability of the interesterified oil was demonstrated. The change in triacylglycerol species composition after the reaction was analyzed, showing that content of trisaturated acylglycerol was decreased.  相似文献   

Mesocosm studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of dispersed oil on total and heterotrophic bacterial communities of under-ice seawater from the St. Lawrence Estuary. A regular survey of bacterial changes in the oil-contaminated seawater was performed during a two week period. The bacterial community structure was investigated by carrying out 27 morphological and biochemical tests on 168 isolated strains. The results show a detectable but transient response of the bacterial community to crude oil addition. While total bacterial counts were approximately constant during the experiment, dispersed oil induced an increase in heterotrophic bacterial microflora (from 104 to 105 bacteria ml-1 after two weeks of contamination). The dispersed oil appeared to have an inhibitory effect on some components of the bacterial community. A decrease of most probable number values was observed just after addition of crude oil in the most polluted tanks and one day later in the less polluted tank. However, except for the most polluted tank, this adverse effect disappeared rapidly. While the dispersed oil induced a total disappearance of some components of the bacterial community in the most polluted tank, the structure of the bacterial community in the less polluted tank appeared relatively unchanged after 14 days of contamination.Offprint requests to: Daniel Delille  相似文献   

Microbial communities from a subseafloor sediment core from the southwestern Sea of Okhotsk were evaluated by performing both cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent (molecular) analyses. The core, which extended 58.1 m below the seafloor, was composed of pelagic clays with several volcanic ash layers containing fine pumice grains. Direct cell counting and quantitative PCR analysis of archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments indicated that the bacterial populations in the ash layers were approximately 2 to 10 times larger than those in the clays. Partial sequences of 1,210 rRNA gene clones revealed that there were qualitative differences in the microbial communities from the two different types of layers. Two phylogenetically distinct archaeal assemblages in the Crenarchaeota, the miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group and the deep-sea archaeal group, were the most predominant archaeal 16S rRNA gene components in the ash layers and the pelagic clays, respectively. Clones of 16S rRNA gene sequences from members of the gamma subclass of the class Proteobacteria dominated the ash layers, whereas sequences from members of the candidate division OP9 and the green nonsulfur bacteria dominated the pelagic clay environments. Molecular (16S rRNA gene sequence) analysis of 181 isolated colonies revealed that there was regional proliferation of viable heterotrophic mesophiles in the volcanic ash layers, along with some gram-positive bacteria and actinobacteria. The porous ash layers, which ranged in age from tens of thousands of years to hundreds of thousands of years, thus appear to be discrete microbial habitats within the coastal subseafloor clay sediment, which are capable of harboring microbial communities that are very distinct from the communities in the more abundant pelagic clays.  相似文献   

Anionic surfactants, especially alkylbenzene sulfonates, are discharged into marine areas in great quantities. Because of their poor biodegradability, linear alkylbenzene sulfonates accumulate in seawater and sediments. Bacterial communities that can degrade surfactants were selected from coastal seawater contaminated by urban sewage. All the isolated strains consisted of gram-negative, strictly aerobic rods or helical bacteria. Some of these, though isolated from coastal seawater, did not need sodium for growth and appeared to be related to the genera Alcaligenes and Pseudomonas. Complete surfactant biodegradation was achieved by three important steps: terminal oxidation of the alkyl chain, desulfonation, and aromatic-ring cleavage. Only a few strains were able to carry out the first two steps. The aromatic ring was then cleaved by other strains that possess very specific enzymatic activities. Finally, a number of strains grew on short acids that were end-of-metabolism products of the others.  相似文献   

A culture-independent molecular phylogenetic analysis was carried out to study for the first time the diversity of bacterial ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) and nitrogenase reductase subunit H (nifH) genes from Urca inlet at Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Most bacterial amoA and nifH sequences exhibited identities of less than 95% to those in the GenBank database revealing that novel ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms may exist in this tropical marine environment. The observation of a large number of clones related to uncultured bacteria also indicates the necessity to describe these microorganisms and to develop new cultivation methodologies.  相似文献   

During operation of mobile air conditioning (MAC) systems in automobiles, malodours can occur. We studied the microbial communities found on contaminated heat exchanger fins of 45 evaporators from car MAC systems which were operated in seven different regions of the world and identified corresponding volatile organic compounds. Collected biofilms were examined by scanning electron microscopy and fluorescent in situ hybridization. The detected bacteria were loosely attached to the metal surface. Further analyses of the bacteria using PCR-based single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing of isolated 16S rRNA gene fragments identified highly divergent microbial communities with multiple members of the Alphaproteobacteriales, Methylobacteria were the prevalent bacteria. In addition, Sphingomonadales, Burkholderiales, Bacillales, Alcanivorax spp. and Stenotrophomonas spp. were found among many others depending on the location the evaporators were operated. Interestingly, typical pathogenic bacteria related to air conditioning systems including Legionella spp. were not found. In order to determine the nature of the chemical compounds produced by the bacteria, the volatile organic compounds were examined by closed loop stripping analysis and identified by combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Sulphur compounds, i.e. di-, tri- and multiple sulphides, acetylthiazole, aromatic compounds and diverse substituted pyrazines were detected. Mathematical clustering of the determined microbial community structures against their origin identified a European/American/Arabic cluster versus two mainly tropical Asian clusters. Interestingly, clustering of the determined volatiles against the origin of the corresponding MAC revealed a highly similar pattern. A close relationship of microbial community structure and resulting malodours to the climate and air quality at the location of MAC operation was concluded.  相似文献   

Anionic surfactants, especially alkylbenzene sulfonates, are discharged into marine areas in great quantities. Because of their poor biodegradability, linear alkylbenzene sulfonates accumulate in seawater and sediments. Bacterial communities that can degrade surfactants were selected from coastal seawater contaminated by urban sewage. All the isolated strains consisted of gram-negative, strictly aerobic rods or helical bacteria. Some of these, though isolated from coastal seawater, did not need sodium for growth and appeared to be related to the genera Alcaligenes and Pseudomonas. Complete surfactant biodegradation was achieved by three important steps: terminal oxidation of the alkyl chain, desulfonation, and aromatic-ring cleavage. Only a few strains were able to carry out the first two steps. The aromatic ring was then cleaved by other strains that possess very specific enzymatic activities. Finally, a number of strains grew on short acids that were end-of-metabolism products of the others.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of petroleum in seawater at low temperatures   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The major objective of this study is to understand the upper thermal limits and potential impact of temperature elevation on copepods caused by coastal power plants. Laboratory experiments were designed to evaluate the upper incipient lethal temperature (UILT) and critical thermal maximum (CTMax) of eight coastal copepod species collected from a subtropical bay in spring and summer. The 48h-UILT of copepods acclimatized at 16.0, 20.0, 28.0 °C were 26.4-29.1, 27.3-30.1, 32.9-36.9 °C, respectively. And the CTMax of copepods acclimatized at 28.0 °C was 35.80-41.03 °C. The UILT of copepods increased significantly with rising acclimatization temperatures, but the difference values between UILT and acclimatization temperatures decreased, which indicated that the seawater temperature elevation induced the growing mortalities of copepods with increasing natural seawater temperatures from the thermal addition of power plants. The results also showed that estuarine copepods had more tolerances to the thermal stress than those from other more stable marine environments. As to the calanoid copepod species, there was a significant negative correlation between the CTMax and body length (p < 0.01). So it seemed that the copepod species with large body size were more sensitive to the thermal addition than the smaller ones. Thus, owing to the temperature increase, the copepod species diversity might reduce and the composition of copepod communities might tend to be small-sized in natural sea areas close to the coastal power plants.  相似文献   

The high incidence of coral disease in shallow coastal marine environments suggests seawater depth and coastal pollution have an impact on the microbial communities inhabiting healthy coral tissues. A study was undertaken to determine how bacterial communities inhabiting tissues of the coral Montastraea annularis change at 5 m, 10 m and 20 m water depth in varying proximity to the urban centre and seaport of Willemstad, Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles. Analyses of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (TRFLP) of 16S rRNA gene sequences show significant differences in bacterial communities of polluted and control localities only at the shallowest seawater depth. Furthermore, distinct differences in bacterial communities were found with increasing water depth. Comparisons of TRFLP peaks with sequenced clone libraries indicate the black band disease cyanobacterium clone CD1C11 is common and most abundant on healthy corals in less than 10 m water depth. Similarly, sequences belonging to a previously unrecognized group of likely phototrophic bacteria, herein referred to as CAB-I, were also more common in shallow water. To assess the influence of environmental and physiologic factors on bacterial community structure, canonical correspondence analysis was performed using explanatory variables associated with: (i) light availability; (ii) seawater pollution; (iii) coral mucus composition; (iv) the community structure of symbiotic algae; and (v) the photosynthetic activity of symbiotic algae. Eleven per cent of the variation in bacterial communities was accounted for by covariation with these variables; the most important being photosynthetically active radiation (sunlight) and the coral uptake of sewage-derived compounds as recorded by the delta(15)N of coral tissue.  相似文献   

【目的】为解决中国寒冷地区水稻秸秆大面积废弃问题,加快低温地区水稻秸秆饲料转化,本文筛选了可以低温下加速秸秆发酵过程的微生物复合菌系,研究其微生物组成并跟踪其发酵动态。【方法】通过5℃下连续定向富集筛选,获得低温复合菌系。采用克隆文库方法分析复合菌系的组成。将复合菌系和商业接种剂(由Lactobacillus plantarum,Enterococcus faecium,L.salivarilus,Pediococcus acidilactici组成)分别接入稻秸进行10℃发酵。气质联机(GC-MS)测定发酵产物的同时,通过变性梯度凝胶电泳检测微生物在发酵体系的定殖情况。采用定量PCR方法追踪复合菌系组成菌在发酵过程中的动态。【结果】16S rDNA克隆文库分析结果表明复合系主要由两种微生物组成,一种属乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus),一种属乳酸球菌(Leuconostoc)。10℃稻秸发酵结果表明,在发酵第6天接种复合菌系处理的pH已经下降到4.3,乳酸菌菌落形成单位为2.9×109CFU/g鲜样,而接种商业接种剂的处理pH为5.3,乳酸菌菌落形成单位为3.6×108 CFU/g鲜样;在发酵30 d时,接种复合菌系处理的乳酸含量为8.1 g/kg鲜样,接种商业接种剂处理的乳酸含量为2.0 g/kg鲜样。变性梯度凝胶电泳结果表明,在接种复合菌系的稻秸中,从发酵的第6天开始,检测到的微生物主要为L.sakei和Leuconostoc inhae,在整个发酵过程中,两菌一直存在;在商业接种剂处理中,发酵第6天检测到的微生物除其四种组成菌外,还包括Uncultured bacterium;而在发酵第16天和第30天,只检测到组成菌中的L.plantarum和E.faecium。定量PCR结果显示,接种复合菌系处理中,L.sakeiDNA在发酵第6天达到41.0%,在发酵第16天已达到65%,Le inhae在发酵的第6天达到整个发酵过程中的最大值(5.5%)。【结论】接种复合菌系,可以有效促进水稻秸秆的低温发酵进程。复合菌系组成菌可以定殖在发酵体系中,并占据优势。复合菌系的关键菌为L.sakei。  相似文献   

Plant and microbial community composition in connection with soil chemistry determines soil nutrient cycling. The study aimed at demonstrating links between plant and microbial communities and soil chemistry occurring among and within four sites: two pine forests with contrasting soil pH and two grasslands of dissimilar soil chemistry and vegetation. Soil was characterized by C and N content, particle size, and profiles of low-molecular-weight compounds determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of soil extracts. Bacterial and actinobacterial community composition was assessed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning followed by sequencing. Abundances of bacteria, fungi, and actinobacteria were determined by quantitative PCR. In addition, a pool of secondary metabolites was estimated by erm resistance genes coding for rRNA methyltransferases. The sites were characterized by a stable proportion of C/N within each site, while on a larger scale, the grasslands had a significantly lower C/N ratio than the forests. A Spearman's test showed that soil pH was correlated with bacterial community composition not only among sites but also within each site. Bacterial, actinobacterial, and fungal abundances were related to carbon sources while T-RFLP-assessed microbial community composition was correlated with the chemical environment represented by HPLC profiles. Actinobacteria community composition was the only studied microbial characteristic correlated to all measured factors. It was concluded that the microbial communities of our sites were influenced primarily not only by soil abiotic characteristics but also by dominant litter quality, particularly, by percentage of recalcitrant compounds.  相似文献   

This work studied the bioremediation of weathered crude oil (WCO) in coastal sediment samples using central composite face centered design (CCFD) under response surface methodology (RSM). Initial oil concentration, biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were used as independent variables (factors) and oil removal as dependent variable (response) in a 60 days trial. A statistically significant model for WCO removal was obtained. The coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.9732) and probability value (P < 0.0001) demonstrated significance for the regression model. Numerical optimization based on desirability function were carried out for initial oil concentration of 2, 16 and 30 g per kg sediment and 83.13, 78.06 and 69.92 per cent removal were observed respectively, compare to 77.13, 74.17 and 69.87 per cent removal for un-optimized results.  相似文献   

Summary Linolenic acid, the component responsible for flavour instability of soybean oil could be reduced to 3% or less by interesterification (acidolysis) of the oil using lipases as catalysts at 10°C.  相似文献   

In an attempt to evaluate the potential of petroleum bioremediation at high latitudes environments, microcosm studies using Antarctic coastal seawater contaminated with diesel or crude oil were conducted in Kerguelen Archipelago (49°22′S, 70°12′E). Microcosms were incubated at three different temperatures (4, 10 and 20°C). During experiments, changes observed in microbial assemblages (total direct count, heterotrophic cultivable microorganisms and hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms) were generally similar for all incubation temperatures, but chemical data showed only some slight changes in biodegradation indices [Σ(C12–C20)/Σ(C21–C32) and C17/pristane]. The complete data set provided strong evidence of the presence of indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in Antarctic seawater and their high potential for hydrocarbon bioremediation. The rate of oil degradation could be increased by the addition of a commercial fertilizer, but water temperature had little effects on biodegradation efficiency which is in conflict with the typical temperature-related assumption predicting 50% rate reduction when temperature is reduced by 10°C. Global warming of Antarctic seawater should not increase significantly the rate of oil biodegradation in these remote regions.  相似文献   

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