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Fossil remains of Late Miocene (Baode, NMU10-NMU11) horse antelopes from Tuva (Russia) are described, including Tragoreas sp., Protoryx tuvaensis sp. nov. from the Taralyk Cher locality and Quirliqnoria sp. from the Kholu locality. A new species, Protoryx tuvaensis Dmitrieva et Serdyuk, is described. These taxa compose a Late Miocene antelope assemblage of a new eastern geographical point (Russia, Tuva, Baode, NMU10-MN11).  相似文献   

New murids of Late Miocene (medial Baodean Chinese Mammal Unit) age from Inner Mongolia, northern China, and from Yunnan Province, southern China, are described. Hansdebruijnia perpusilla nov. sp. represents the earliest known and morphologically most primitive species of the genus, which is known from the latest Miocene of Europe and western Asia. The new species suggests an eastern Palaearctic origin of Hansdebruijnia. “ProgonomysyunnanensisQIU and STORCH, 1990 from Lufeng, Yunnan Province, is referred to Linomys nov. gen. New samples from Leilao, Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, are included in this species, although this population is somewhat more primitive than that from Lufeng. Leilaomys zhudingi nov. gen. and sp. from Leilao shows a unique combination of apomorphic and plesiomorphic characters, which suggest an early divergence from the murid stem. The new findings indicate that our knowledge of the early radiation of murids in southeast Asia is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

A new collection of carnivores from the Late Miocene deposits of Axios Valley, Macedonia, Greece was collected in 2004–2009 at the localities named Xirochori 1 (XIR) and Ravin de la Pluie (RPl), dated to the Late Vallesian (MN 10), as well as at Ravin des Zouaves 5 (RZO), dated to the Early Turolian (MN 11). The studied material is described and compared morphologically and biometrically with other materials from Greece and its neighboring area. The following species are determined: XIR: Dinocrocuta sp.; RPl: Eomellivora wimani, Adcrocuta eximia leptoryncha, ?Hyaenictis sp., Metailurus parvulus; RZO: Plioviverrops orbignyi, Machairodus giganteus. This collection is interesting because it includes the upper deciduous dentition of A. eximia and Dinocrocuta, which are only known from limited material until now, especially the latter taxon. E. wimani is recognized for the first time in Greece and the Balkans, while M. parvulus is identified for the first time in the Vallesian of Greece. The possible presence of Hyaenictis in RPl is the first indication of its presence in the Vallesian. The guild structure diagrams of the carnivore fauna from the three studied localities provide some indications of their palaeoenvironment, which fits quite well with the results of previous studies on the palaeoenvironments of these localities and of the wider Eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

河南许昌灵井遗址的晚更新世鹿科化石新种类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董为  李占扬 《人类学学报》2009,28(3):319-326
记述了在近几年从河南省许昌市灵井旧石器遗址出土的1个鹿科化石新亚种: 灵井山西轴鹿新亚种(Axis shansius lingjingensis sub sp.nov.)和1个属、种未定的潜在新种。前者角冠的主枝呈琴弓状, 并有一定程度的螺旋状, 目前是轴鹿属在晚更新世的唯一代表;后者的角冠在角环上方同一位置向不同的方向伸出3个分枝, 与鹿亚科其他成员的角冠在角环上方只有主枝和眉枝(或第一枝)的情况完全不同,而介于晚中新世的皇冠鹿(Stephanocemas)和中、晚更新世的大角鹿(Megaloceros)之间。  相似文献   

Diacodexeidae are the first representatives of Artiodactyla in the fossil record. Their first occurrence is at the very base of the Ypresian (earliest Eocene, 56.0 Ma) with Diacodexis, a genus well diversified during the early Eocene in Europe, especially during the MP7–MP8 + 9 interval. However, most of European species are documented by scarce material, retrieved from single localities. In this work, we describe new Diacodexis material from ~MP7 and ~MP8 + 9 localities of Southern Europe, including material of D. antunesi from Silveirinha, considered as the most primitive European Diacodexis species, and material from three localities from Southern France (Fordones, Palette, and La Borie). The new material documents Diacodexis premolar morphology and deciduous dentition which bear potentially important phylogenetic information, as well as astragali, including a specimen from Silveirinha that constitutes the earliest occurrence of an astragalus of the genus Diacodexis in the European fossil record. Investigation of the enamel microstructure reveals that early European species had a simple enamel pattern with one-layered Schmelzmuster composed of ‘basic’ radial enamel only, instead of the two-layered Schmelzmuster (thin radial enamel + thick layer of Hunter-Schreger bands) observed on North American species and so far considered to represent the primitive condition within Artiodactyla. In accordance with previous studies, our observations highlight that Diacodexis gigasei from Belgium is morphologically closer to the North American species D. ilicis than to D. antunesi from Portugal. The latter species, together with D. aff. antunesi from Fordones, appears to be morphologically closer to the Asiatic taxa D. indicus and D. pakistanensis. Finally, we found numerous similarities between D. cf. gigasei from Palette and D. gigasei, a result that challenges the intra-European provincialism that characterizes the earliest Ypresian. Diacodexis gigasei could be one of the rare species shared by the northwestern and southwestern European bioprovinces.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):221-229
Fossils of an unnamed large suiform have been recovered from two Early Miocene localities in East Africa. The material is distinct from other species of the suborder, including the anthracothere Brachyodus aequatorialis, which is of similar size. The upper molars of the new form are bunodont, quadricuspidate (with a tiny paraconule), and have no buccal styles (parastyle, mesostyle, metastyle) and the enamel is thin and lightly wrinkled to smooth, which contrasts strongly with upper molars of Brachyodus which are pentacuspidate, selenodont, have pervasively wrinkled enamel and well-developed parastyle, mesostyle and metastyle. A new genus and species is erected for this suiform, which is most likely an anthracothere.  相似文献   

The Late Miocene fossiliferous locality of Chomateri is located close to the classic locality of Pikermi, but unfortunately its faunal context is not sufficiently known. Some fossil remains of spiral-horned antelopes from Chomateri are assigned to Prostrepsiceros rotundicornis and Protragelaphus skouzesi. The co-existence of P. rotundicornis and P. skouzesi is relatively rare in the Late Miocene, but well-documented in Pikermi. Comparisons of the Chomateri material support a middle Turolian age for the Chomateri locality and suggest a close chronological relation to the Pikermi fauna.  相似文献   

Several large suid cranial remains attributed to Microstonyx major are part of a new Hipparion Fauna collection from the Hezheng area, Northern China. The new material confirms the presence of Microstonyx in the late Miocene of the area. The Chinese form belongs to a small-sized eastern population with reduced premolar row and clear sexual bimodality. Statistical comparison shows that Microstonyx major was a polymorphic species and reinforces recognition of Hippopotamodon as a separate genus, defined by relatively stout premolars resulting from a different underlying pattern of allometric growth. The presence of Microstonyx in North China and the distinct suid assemblage that lived there suggest biogeographic connections between Northern China and Western Eurasia in contrast to isolation from Southern China and the Indian subcontinent. The suid fauna of the late Miocene of Northern China seems to have been restricted to the later, more humid phase represented by the Red Clay faunas.  相似文献   

A new comparative study of the two crania, LGPUT RZO-03 and LGPUT RZO-68 attributed to Palaeoreas zouavei Bouvrain, 1980 from the Late Miocene of Axios Valley, Greece reveals great morphological and metric differences between them, which require the exclusion of LGPUT RZO-68 from this species and even from Palaeoreas Gaudry, 1861. This decision leaves unsupported many diagnostic features of P. zouavei applied by previous authors and along with recent data from Bulgaria put in doubt the validity of P. zouavei as a whole. As a result, the genus Palaeoreas is re-defined as monotypic and the cranial morphometric changes of P. lindermayeri (Wagner, 1848) are discussed on a temporal basis. An updated taxonomic analysis confirms the presence of P. lindermayeri in the Late Turolian mammal assemblage of Dytiko-1 (Axios Valley, Greece) but rejects its occurrence at Dytiko-2. Instead, a re-examination of old cranial specimens and a study of new ones suggest the presence in both sites of Majoreas Kostopoulos, 2004 a Late Miocene taxon previously mostly known from the eastern banks of the Aegean Sea. A reassessment of the LGPUT RZO-68 cranium, and its comparison with Palaeoreas and Criotherium Forsyth-Major, 1891, suggests that it deserves taxonomic distinction at genus and species levels: Stryfnotherium exophthalmon.  相似文献   

Examination of some collections from several late Miocene Turkish localities allows us to describe and definitely identify for the first time several species of spiral-horned antelopes in this country:Palaeoreas lindermayeri, Protragelaphus skouzesi, Prostrepsiceros zitteli andNisidorcas sp. During the first part of the late Miocene, several endemic species are restricted to central Anatolia, while more widespread taxa appear in the later part of this period, suggesting a decrease in provinciality of this area.  相似文献   

Recent excavations at Shanshenmiaozui site in Nihewan Basin of North China uncovered a rich collection of comb-antlered deer, which includes the first discovery of the yearling antler, complete upper and lower dentitions (both deciduous and permanent), associated limb bones including the longest metapodials ever recovered. Based on toothrow length and the dental characters as well as the postcranial bones, the new fossil materials can be referred to Eucladoceros boulei that is estimated to be 350 kg and represents the largest Pleistocene cervid ever recovered in China. Besides the large size, E. boulei is also characterized by the pronounced anterior cingulids and entostylid ribs on lower molars as well as the moderately pachyostosed mandibles. The present study shows that the body weight of large cervids can be estimated by the length of toothrow and metacarpal, with exception for Cervus elaphus, which has larger toothrow length, but shorter metacarpal and smaller body size. E. boulei is a typical element of the Early Pleistocene fauna in northern China. The early Villafranchian is a bottleneck period for cervid evolution in northern China, which is characterized by the following features: decrease of cervid diversity, disappearance of archaic groups, and the rise of the medium to large-sized three-tined cervini taxa. The sudden appearance of the very large and/or multi-tined cervids at the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition may represent a great migration event of mammals. The Early Pleistocene cervids from Nihewan Basin are very diverse, and are in need of more taxonomic work.  相似文献   

New material of a chalicothere was recently found from Tsaidam Basin, the only late Tertiary locality within the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau established byBirger Bohlin during the Sino-Swedish Expeditions in 1927–33. A partial lower jaw with two molars helps to identify it asChalicotherium cf.C. brevirostris (Colbert), a species found in Chinese Tunggurian age (middle Miocene). Occurrence ofChalicotherium in the Tsaidam Basin indicates the presence of a wooded environment along freshwater streams, a condition much milder than the desert environment at the present time. The Tsaidam fauna thus provides a reference point in the current debate on the timing of environmental deterioration during the uplift of Tibetan Plateau.

The Lagomerycidae, a small family of the Cervoidea, is known in France by the genera Lagomeryx, Ligeromeryx and Stephanocemas. Lagomeryx contains three species, the other two genera one species only. This family is known from MN3 to MN5.  相似文献   

原始牛(Bos primigenius)化石新材料包括泥河湾盆地禾尧庄的1件角心、上沙嘴的1件肱骨和承德隆化的1件肱骨、1件胫骨、1件踝骨、2件跟骨和3件距骨;其中上沙嘴的肱骨化石长达457.3 mm,代表迄今在我国境内发现的最大原始牛个体,也是该种的最大记录之一,推算其所属动物的肩高接近2 m;北京门头沟珠窝的原始牛头骨的眶后宽度及角心周长数据也是该种的最大记录之一;禾尧庄的角心标本稍小,但也比晚更新世多数同类要大;这些巨大的化石与欧洲中更新世晚期同类十分接近,其时代也应当与之相当,为中更新世晚期;过去认为原始牛在我国只出现于晚更新世地层,但现在看来该种在中更新世晚期就已扩散到中国。东欧及北亚的最新化石证据表明,过去认为与原始牛共生的晚更新世化石组合的常见属种早在中更新世晚期或更早时期就已出现,其中包括灰狼、虎、真猛犸象、马、真披毛犀、野猪、诺氏驼、赤鹿、驼鹿及草原野牛等。最新测年数据也表明中国北方有几个含原始牛化石的遗址是形成于中更新世晚期;本文认为华北和西北地区个体巨大的原始牛,代表中更新世晚期,而个体较小的则可能代表晚更新世或全新世;近些年在东北地区发现大量原始牛化石,但其中少见个体巨大者。在我国,原始牛化石分布只局限于北方及淮河过渡区,而在南方及毗邻的东南亚地区均未发现此类化石;因此,有人提出原始牛很可能是在中更新世中、晚期通过中亚走廊(Central Asian Corridor)进入中国。不过,近些年在非洲也发现了一些牛属(Bos)化石,因此有人又提出了牛属非洲起源的"奥杜威牛–牛属演化谱系"(Pelorovis–Bos lineage),但该学说所依据的奥杜威牛化石材料,在形态结构上与牛属相去甚远,难以归入同类;此外,非洲可靠的牛属化石记录均未超过1 Ma。本文作者支持传统的牛属"南亚起源学说",因为在南亚西瓦里克地区发现的早期牛属化石不仅时代更古老(早于2 Ma),并且在形态上与原始牛更为相似。中国北方的原始牛化石主要发现于华北平原、黄土高原和松嫩平原的河湖相堆积层,仅极个别出现于黄土地层;由此推断原始牛可能更喜欢水系发育的林缘和/或沼泽环境。  相似文献   

Chalicotheriids are rare in the late Miocene mammal localities of Axios Valley, Macedonia (Greece). The new campaign of excavations, since 1972, has provided some specimens, which are studied in this article. They are coming from two different localities. The late early Vallesian locality of Pentalophos 1 (PNT) has provided a skull and a mandible of an Ancylotherium. The morphological characters of the PNT material as the small size, the long snout, the shallow mandibular corpus, the strong cingulum in the teeth, the short tooth rows and the short M3/m3 indicate that it differs from the known Turolian species A. pentelicum and allow the erection of a new species, named Ancylotherium hellenicum n. sp., which can be used as a biostratigraphic marker of the Vallesian. The middle Turolian locality Prochoma 1 (PXM) has provided only one M3, which is determined to the chalicotheriine Anisodon macedonicus. This species was earlier described from the middle Turolian locality Vathylakkos 3 (VAT) and the late Turolian one of Dytiko 3 (DKO) of Axios Valley. The biogeography and biostratigraphy of the late Miocene chalicotheres of the Greco-Iranian Palaeoprovince (GRIP), as well as their palaeoecology are also discussed. The common chalicothere of GRIP is A. pentelicum, expanded from the Balkans to Afganistan and ranging stratigraphically from the early to the late Turolian. Chalicotherium goldfussi is certainly present in GRIP and it also ranges from the early to the late Turolian; its possible Vallesian occurrence needs confirmation. The other two late Miocene chalicotheres of GRIP A. macedonicus and Kalimantsia bulgarica are restricted to the Turolian of the Balkan Peninsula.  相似文献   

A small hipparion from the Vallesian (early Late Miocene) of Northern Greece is studied. It is coming from the locality “Ravin de la Pluie” of the lower Axios valley, near Thessaloniki. Its characteristics as the small size, the short symphysis, the long snout, the high enamel plication, the well developed protostylid, the large m3 and the elongated m1-m3 series distinguish it from the other known eurasiatic small hipparions, allowed us to derive a new species,Hipparion macedonicum. It lived during Vallesian and can be used as a stratigraphic species for this period.  相似文献   

The modern walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, is specialized and only extant member of the family Odobenidae. They were much more diversified in the past, and at least 16 genera and 20 species of fossil walruses have been known. Although their diversity increased in the late Miocene and Pliocene (around 8–2 Million years ago), older records are poorly known. A new genus and species of archaic odobenid, Archaeodobenus akamatsui, gen. et sp. nov. from the late Miocene (ca. 10.0–9.5 Ma) top of the Ichibangawa Formation, Hokkaido, northern Japan, suggests rapid diversification of basal Miocene walruses. Archaeodobenus akamatsui is the contemporaneous Pseudotaria muramotoi from the same formation, but they are distinguishable from each other in size and shape of the occipital condyle, foramen magnum and mastoid process of the cranium, and other postcranial features. Based on our phylogenetic analysis, A. akamatsui might have split from P. muramotoi at the late Miocene in the western North Pacific. This rapid diversification of the archaic odobenids occurred with a combination of marine regression and transgression, which provided geological isolation among the common ancestors of extinct odobenids.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(4):261-268
Remains of Brachyodus cf. onoideus from the Ban Na Sai Basin (Thailand) are described. They correspond to the first occurrence of that genus in South Asia, and might document the latest record of the genus in the Old World. Sihongotherium from the Middle Miocene of eastern China is likely a representative of Brachyodus that was misinterpreted. To cite this article: S. Ducrocq et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

The proboscidean fauna of the middle Miocene of Thailand consists of five taxa, including four elephantoids and one deinothere. The Thai association is dominated by the genera Stegolophodon and Gomphotherium. Stegolophodon is represented by S. nasaiensis and S. praelatidens. The latter species, considered invalid and possibly conspecific with S. latidens, is re‐erected. Its phylogenetic relationships are discussed. The Thai Gomphotherium matches with G. browni from the middle Miocene of Indo‐Pakistan. However, the open nomenclature is employed for the Thai material because it differs from G. browni in terms of curvature of the upper tusk. Intraspecific molar size variation observed in G. cf. browni and Stegolophodon praelatidens is attributed to sexual dimorphism. The Thai proboscidean asssemblage is mainly endemic compared with other contemporaneous Asian faunas although the recognition of Gomphotherium cf. browni denotes faunal affinities with Pakistan. The biostratigraphical implications of the taxa are examined in a regional context. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 703–721.  相似文献   

The first triconodontids from Asia have been discovered from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian to Albian) Shahai and Fuxin formations in Liaoning Province, northeastern China: Meiconodon lii gen. and sp. nov. and M. setoguchii gen. and sp. nov. M. lii is characterized by molariform teeth with a developed cusp d, an m3 with taller cusp a, an m4 with three primary cusps of subequal height, the posteriorly decreasing transverse width of the m4, and a considerably reduced m5. M. setoguchii is slightly larger than M. lii, and characterized by a sharp labial cingulum on the m4, and a less developed cusp d on the molariform teeth than M. lii. The extensive interlocking system between molariforms, posteriorly recumbent primary molariform cusps, and their great degree of asymmetry in occlusal view with rounded labial faces and more angulate lingual faces in lateral view, indicate that Meiconodon belongs to the triconodontid subfamily Alticonodontinae. These new taxa are the first record of Triconodontidae from Asia, and of Alticonodontinae outside North America, suggesting the occurrence of mammalian faunal exchange between North America and Asia during or before the Aptian-Albian.  相似文献   

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