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Urea residues are produced by ionizing radiation on thymine residues in DNA. We have studied an oligodeoxynucleotide containing a thymine opposite the urea residue, by one and two dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The urea deoxyribose exists as two isomers with respect to the orientation about the peptide bond. For the trans isomer we find that the thymine and urea site are positioned within the helix and are probably hydrogen bonded. The oligonucleotide adopts a globally B form structure although conformational changes are observed around the mismatch site. A minor species is observed, in which the urea deoxyribose and the opposite base adopt an extrahelical position and this corresponds to the isomer cis for the peptide bond.  相似文献   

Translesional DNA synthesis past abasic sites proceeds with the preferential incorporation of dAMP opposite the lesion and, depending on the sequence context, one or two base deletions. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations were used to determine the three-dimensional structure of a DNA heteroduplex containing a synthetic abasic site (tetrahydrofuran) residue positioned in a sequence that promotes one base deletions. Analysis of NMR spectra indicates that the stem region of the duplex adopts a right-handed helical structure and the glycosidic torsion angle is in anti orientation for all residues. NOE interactions establish Watson-Crick alignments for all canonical base pairs of the duplex. Measurement of distance interactions at the lesion site shows the abasic residue excluded from the helix. Restrained molecular dynamics simulations generated three-dimensional models in excellent agreement with the spectroscopic data. These structures show a regular duplex region and a slight bend at the lesion site. The tetrahydrofuran residue extrudes from the helix and is highly flexible. The model reported here, in conjunction with a previous study performed on abasic sites, explains the structural bias of one-base deletion mutations.  相似文献   

We have determined the three-dimensional structure of a non-selfcomplementary nonanucleotide duplex which contains an abasic (apyrimidinic) site in the centre, i.e. a deoxyribose residue opposite an adenosine. The majority of the base and sugar proton resonances were assigned by NOESY, COSY and 2DQF spectra in D2O and H2O. We have measured the initial slope of buildup of NOEs in NOESY spectra at very short mixing times (25 to 50 ms), and from these were able to establish interproton distances for the central part of the duplex. We propose a different strategy for proton-proton distance determinations which takes into account the observed variations in correlation times for particular proton-proton vectors. A set of 31 measured interproton distances was incorporated into the refinement of the oligonucleotide structure by molecular mechanics calculations. Two structures were obtained which retain all aspects of a classical B DNA in which the unpaired adenine and the abasic deoxyribose lie inside the helix. We observe that the non-hydrogen bonded adenine is held well in the helix, the Tm of this base being the same as that of the A.T base pairs in the same duplex.  相似文献   

During the base excision repair of certain DNA lesions, the formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg) binds specifically to the DNA region containing an abasic (AP) site. Is this step affected by exposure to ionizing radiation? To answer this question, we studied a complex between a DNA duplex containing an analogue of an abasic site (the 1,3-propanediol site, Pr) and a mutated Lactococcus lactis Fpg (P1G-LlFpg) lacking strand cleavage activity. Upon irradiation of the complex, the ratio of bound/free partners decreased. When the partners were irradiated separately, the irradiated DNA still bound the unirradiated protein, whereas irradiated Fpg no longer bound unirradiated DNA. Thus irradiation hinders Fpg-DNA binding because of the damage to the protein. Using our radiolytic attack simulation procedure RADACK (Begusova et al., J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 19, 141-157, 2001), we reveal the potential hot spots for damage in the irradiated protein. Most of them are essential for the interaction of Fpg with DNA, which explains the radiation-induced loss of binding ability of Fpg. The doses necessary to destroy the complex are higher than those inactivating Fpg irradiated separately. As confirmed by our calculations, this can be explained by the partial protection of the protein by the bound DNA.  相似文献   

Dodecanucleotide, d(CGCXCGCGTGCG), containing abasic site at desired position in the sequence was synthesized by solid-phase triester method. The introduced moiety (X) WAS N-(2'-deoxy-beta-D-erythropentofuranosyl) formamide.  相似文献   

We have determined by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance studies and molecular mechanics calculations the three dimensional solution structure of the non-selfcomplementary oligonucleotide, d(GAGGAGGCACG). d(CGTGCGTCCTC) in which the central base pair is G.G. This is the first structural determination of a G.G mismatch in a oligonucleotide. Two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectra show that the bases of the mismatched pair are stacked into the helix and that the helix adopts a classical B-DNA form. Spectra of the exchangeable protons show that the two guanosines are base paired via their imino protons. For the non-exchangeable protons and for some of the exchangeable protons nuclear Overhauser enhancement build up curves at short mixing times have been measured. These give 84 proton-proton distances which are sensitive to the helix conformation. One of the guanosines adopts a normal anti conformation while the other is syn or close to syn. All non-terminal sugars are C2' endo. These data sets were incorporated into the refinement of the oligonucleotide structure by molecular mechanics calculations. The G.G mismatch shows a symmetrical base pairing structure. Although the mismatch is very bulky many of its features are close to that of normal B-DNA. The mismatch induces a small lateral shift in the helix axis and the sum of the helical twist above and below the mismatch is close to that of B-DNA.  相似文献   

Thomas F  Michon J  Lhomme J 《Biochemistry》1999,38(6):1930-1937
The abasic site is a common lesion in DNA that is also formed as an intermediate in the base excision repair of damaged bases. We have previously reported the adenine-acridine conjugate 1 that was designed to bind to the abasic site and interfere with the repair process. High-field NMR had shown that 1 forms specific complexes with a DNA duplex containing an apurinic abasic site model. We report here the dynamics of the interaction of the nitroxide-labeled analogue 3 of the conjugate 1 with the same apurinic oligonucleotide and with the parent unmodified duplex. Identical study of the labeled acridine subunit 5 used as a reference is also reported. In the presence of the apurinic duplex and depending on the concentrations and drug ratios, three species are observed: the radical "free in solution", the "intercalation" complex characterized by its similarity to that observed in the presence of the parent unmodified duplex, and the "abasic-site-specific" complex which is the sole species visible at low drug ratios. The experimental data reinforced by molecular modeling of the complex and theoretical calculation of correlation times suggest (i) the most immobilized form corresponds to that observed by NMR and (ii) complexation of the drug is little or not modified by the spin-label. We also show that the abasic site constitutes a binding site for the propylaminoacridine intercalator 5.  相似文献   

Abasic sites represent a common type of lesion in DNA. If not repaired, they can lead to mutations during replication or to cell death. Due to their biological importance, there is a strong interest in methods of recognizing abasic sites in DNA both for diagnostic and also for potential pharmaceutical applications. Extended aromatic residues can have a substantial positive influence on the stability of double-stranded DNA containing abasic sites. We report here the use of a simple, non-nucleosidic phenanthrene as a base surrogate, which effectively enhances the duplex stability of DNA with an abasic site. The influence of the linker length on the stability of the duplex is investigated. Data and model considerations indicate that stabilization is a result of stacking interactions between the phenanthrene and DNA base pairs.  相似文献   

In contrast to the RGD-peptides, head to tail cyclization of LNGRV and LNGRv caused only a marginal change in their integrin receptor affinity as shown by the limited effect and selectivity on the adhesion of endothelial cells to ECM components. Structure determination of the two cyclopeptides by NMR and MD, semiempirical and ab initio methods revealed that both are very flexible and take on multiple stable conformers in solution. This structural diversity, along with the presence of the Asn-Gly peptide bond, enhances succinimide ring formation leading to the hydrolysis of Asn. It has been demonstrated that c(LNGRV) suffers deamidation with time both in solution and during storage. As the isoaspartyl-peptide may co-elute with the asparginyl-peptide in the course of HPLC analysis, MS measurement is necessary to check the purity of peptides containing the NGR sequence. Our stability investigations raise the question whether the NGR motif or its hydrolysis product is effective in in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

The formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg, MutM) is a bifunctional base excision repair enzyme (DNA glycosylase/AP lyase) that removes a wide range of oxidized purines, such as 8-oxoguanine and imidazole ring-opened purines, from oxidatively damaged DNA. The structure of a non-covalent complex between the Lactoccocus lactis Fpg and a 1,3-propanediol (Pr) abasic site analogue-containing DNA has been solved. Through an asymmetric interaction along the damaged strand and the intercalation of the triad (M75/R109/F111), Fpg pushes out the Pr site from the DNA double helix, recognizing the cytosine opposite the lesion and inducing a 60 degrees bend of the DNA. The specific recognition of this cytosine provides some structural basis for understanding the divergence between Fpg and its structural homologue endo nuclease VIII towards their substrate specificities. In addition, the modelling of the 8-oxoguanine residue allows us to define an enzyme pocket that may accommodate the extrahelical oxidized base.  相似文献   

YrrB is a hypothetical protein containing a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain from a Gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus subtilis. We determined YrrB structure in the C2 space group to 2.5A resolution, which is the first TPR structure of the Gram-positive bacterium B. subtilis. In contrast to other known TPR structures, the concave surface of the YrrB TPR domain is composed of the putative peptide-binding pocket lined with positively-charged residues. This unique charge distribution reveals that YrrB can interact with partner proteins via an unusual TPR-mediated interaction mode, compared to that of other TPR-containing structures. Functional annotation using genomics analysis suggested that YrrB may be an interacting mediator in the complex formation among RNA sulfuration components. No proteins containing a TPR domain have been identified in the biosynthesis of sulfur-containing biomolecules. Thus, YrrB could play a new role as a connecting module among those proteins in the conserved gene cluster for RNA sulfuration.  相似文献   

Abasic sites are common DNA lesions resulting from spontaneous depurination and excision of damaged nucleobases by DNA repair enzymes. However, the influence of the local sequence context on the structure of the abasic site and ultimately, its recognition and repair, remains elusive. In the present study, duplex DNAs with three different bases (G, C or T) opposite an abasic site have been synthesized in the same sequence context (5′-CCA AAG6 XA8C CGG G-3′, where X denotes the abasic site) and characterized by 2D NMR spectroscopy. Studies on a duplex DNA with an A opposite the abasic site in the same sequence has recently been reported [Chen,J., Dupradeau,F.-Y., Case,D.A., Turner,C.J. and Stubbe,J. (2007) Nuclear magnetic resonance structural studies and molecular modeling of duplex DNA containing normal and 4′-oxidized abasic sites. Biochemistry, 46, 3096–3107]. Molecular modeling based on NMR-derived distance and dihedral angle restraints and molecular dynamics calculations have been applied to determine structural models and conformational flexibility of each duplex. The results indicate that all four duplexes adopt an overall B-form conformation with each unpaired base stacked between adjacent bases intrahelically. The conformation around the abasic site is more perturbed when the base opposite to the lesion is a pyrimidine (C or T) than a purine (G or A). In both the former cases, the neighboring base pairs (G6-C21 and A8-T19) are closer to each other than those in B-form DNA. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that transient H-bond interactions between the unpaired pyrimidine (C20 or T20) and the base 3′ to the abasic site play an important role in perturbing the local conformation. These results provide structural insight into the dynamics of abasic sites that are intrinsically modulated by the bases opposite the abasic site.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) bypasses a cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer efficiently and accurately, and inactivation of Pol eta in humans results in the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Also, Pol eta bypasses the 8-oxoguanine lesion efficiently by predominantly inserting a C opposite this lesion, and it bypasses the O(6)-methylguanine lesion by inserting a C or a T. To further assess the range of DNA lesions tolerated by Pol eta, here we examine the bypass of an abasic site, a prototypical noninstructional lesion. Steady-state kinetic analyses show that both yeast and human Pol eta are very inefficient in both inserting a nucleotide opposite an abasic site and in extending from the nucleotide inserted. Hence, Pol eta bypasses this lesion extremely poorly. These results suggest that Pol eta requires the presence of template bases opposite both the incoming nucleotide and the primer terminus to catalyze efficient nucleotide incorporation.  相似文献   

Sági J  Guliaev AB  Singer B 《Biochemistry》2001,40(13):3859-3868
Abasic site (AP)-containing duplexes, with flanking adenine (A) or cytosine (C) bases, were shown to be more stable with flanking A than with C bases [Sági, J., Hang, B., and Singer, B. (1999) Chem. Res. Toxicol. 12, 917-923]. We investigated whether the lower-magnitude destabilization by an AP site, with A neighbors, is a general effect of the purine versus the pyrimidine neighbors. Duplex stability, as compared to that of the corresponding control duplexes, was markedly decreased by the incorporation of the AP site (x) opposite any of the four bases. However, for the duplexes containing T, A, or C opposite the AP site, replacement of the symmetric doublet flanking pyrimidine bases with purines resulted in a smaller destabilization effect. The average stabilizing effect of the symmetric doublet purine neighbors of an AP site opposite T, A, or C bases was 3.2 degrees C (DeltaT(m)) and 1.3 kcal/mol (DeltaDeltaG degrees (37)) compared to those of pyrimidine neighbors. In contrast, a G.AP pair reduced or eliminated the differential effect of the neighbors. Using unrestrained molecular dynamics, it was shown that for the duplexes containing T opposite the AP site, with doublet pyrimidine neighbors, there was a larger magnitude of curvature around the lesion site than for the duplexes with the purines flanking the AP site. Purines flanking the AP site tend to shift toward each other, creating overlap, in contrast to the flanking pyrimidines. This indicates the possibility of stacking between purine bases at the AP site and can be the reason for the observed smaller thermodynamic destabilization of the duplexes with the AAxAA and GGxGG central sequences, as compared to those with TTxTT and CCxCC sequences. This work showed that for an AP site the GC content is not the only determinant of duplex stability, but rather is influenced more by whether purines or pyrimidines flank the AP site.  相似文献   

Greenberg MM  Weledji YN  Kroeger KM  Kim J 《Biochemistry》2004,43(48):15217-15222
Abasic lesions are unable to form Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds with nucleotides. Nonetheless, polymerase and repair enzymes distinguish between various oxidized abasic lesions, as well as from nonoxidized abasic sites (AP). The C2-AP lesion is produced when DNA is exposed to gamma-radiolysis. Its effects on polymerases and repair enzymes are unknown. A recently reported method for the chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides containing C2-AP at a defined site was utilized for studying the activity of Klenow exo(-) and repair enzymes on templates containing the lesion. The C2-AP lesion has a similar effect on Klenow exo(-) as do AP and C4-AP sites. Deoxyadenosine is preferentially incorporated opposite C2-AP, but extension of the primer past the lesion is strongly blocked. C2-AP is incised less efficiently by exonuclease III and endonuclease IV than are other abasic lesions. Furthermore, although a Schiff base between C2-AP and endonuclease III can be chemically trapped, the location of the 3'-phosphate alpha with respect to the aldehyde prevents beta-elimination associated with the lyase activity of type I base excision repair enzymes. The interactions of the C2'-oxidized abasic site with Klenow exo(-) and repair enzymes suggest that the lesion will be mutagenic and that it will be removed by strand displacement synthesis and flap endonuclease processing via a long patch repair mechanism.  相似文献   

Hoehn ST  Junker HD  Bunt RC  Turner CJ  Stubbe J 《Biochemistry》2001,40(20):5894-5905
Bleomycin (BLM) is an antitumor antibiotic that is used clinically. Its major cause of cytotoxicity is thought to be related to BLM's ability to cause double-strand (ds) DNA cleavage. A single molecule of BLM appears to cleave both strands of DNA in the presence of its required cofactors Fe(2+) and oxygen without dissociating from the helix. A mechanism for this process has been proposed based on a model structure of the hydroperoxide of Co(III)-BLM (CoBLM) bound sequence-specifically to an intact duplex containing a GTAC site, a hot spot for ds cleavage [Vanderwall, D. E., Lui, S. M., Wu, W., Turner, C. J., Kozarich, J. W., and Stubbe, J. (1997) Chem. Biol. 4, 373-387]. In this paper, we present a structural model for the second cleavage event. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling were carried out to study CoBLM bound to d(CCAAAGXACTGGG).d(CCCAGTACTTTGG), where X represents a 3'-phosphoglycolate lesion next to a 5'-phosphate. Assignments of 729 NOEs, including 51 between the drug and the DNA and 126 within the BLM molecule, have been made. These NOEs in addition to 96 dihedral angle constraints have been used to obtain a well-defined structural model for this complex. The model reveals that the bithiazole tail is partially intercalated between the T19 and the A20 of the duplex and that the metal binding domain is poised for abstraction of the T19 H4' in the minor groove. The modeling further reveals that the predominant conformation of the bithiazole protons is trans. Two cis conformations of these protons are also observed, and ROESY experiments provide evidence for interconversion of all of these forms. The relationship of these observations to the model for ds cleavage is presented.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrate that the different substrate recognition properties of bacterial and human AP endonucleases might be used to quantify and localize apurinic (AP) sites formed in DNA in vivo. By using a model oligonucleotide containing a single AP site modified with methoxyamine (MX), we show that endonuclease III and IV of E. coli are able to cleave the alkoxyamine-adducted site whereas a partially purified HeLa AP endonuclease and crude cell-free extracts from HeLa cells are inhibited by this modification. In addition MX-modified AP sites in a DNA template retain their ability to block DNA synthesis in vitro. Since MX can efficiently react with AP sites formed in mammalian cells in vivo we propose that the MX modified abasic sites thus formed can be quantitated and localized at the level of the individual gene by subsequent site specific cleavage by either E. coli endonuclease III or IV in vitro.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Donnelly A  Lee I  Berdis AJ 《Biochemistry》2006,45(44):13293-13303
Translesion DNA synthesis represents the ability of a DNA polymerase to misinsert a nucleotide opposite a DNA lesion. Previous kinetic studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase using a series of non-natural nucleotides suggest that pi-electron density of the incoming nucleotide substantially contributes to the efficiency of incorporation opposite an abasic site, a nontemplating DNA lesion. However, it is surprising that these nonhydrogen-bonding analogues can also be incorporated opposite natural templating DNA with variable degrees of efficiency. In this article, we describe attempts to achieve selectivity for incorporation opposite the abasic site through optimization of pi-electron density and shape of the nucleobase. Toward this goal, we report the synthesis and enzymatic characterization of two novel nucleotide analogues, 5-napthyl-indolyl-2'-deoxyriboside triphosphate (5-NapITP) and 5-anthracene-indolyl-2'-deoxyriboside triphosphate (5-AnITP). The overall catalytic efficiency for their incorporation opposite an abasic site is similar to that of other non-natural nucleotides such as 5-NITP and 5-PhITP that contain significant pi-electron density. As expected, the incorporation of either 5-NapITP or 5-AnITP opposite templating DNA is reduced and presumably reflects steric constraints imposed by the large size of the polycyclic aromatic moieties. Furthermore, 5-NapITP is a chain terminator of translesion DNA synthesis because the DNA polymerase is unable to extend beyond the incorporated non-natural nucleotide. In addition, idle turnover measurements confirm that 5-NapIMP is stably incorporated opposite damaged DNA, and this enhancement reflects the overall favorable incorporation kinetic parameters coupled with a reduction in excision by the exonuclease-proofreading activity of the enzyme. On the basis of these data, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the potential role of pi-electron surface area for nucleotide incorporation opposite templating and nontemplating DNA catalyzed by the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Abasic sites are common DNA lesions, which are strong blocks to replicative polymerases and are potentially mutagenic when bypassed. We report here the 2.8 A structure of the bacteriophage RB69 replicative DNA polymerase attempting to process an abasic site analog. Four different complexes were captured in the crystal asymmetric unit: two have DNA in the polymerase active site whereas the other two molecules are in the exonuclease mode. When compared to complexes with undamaged DNA, the DNA surrounding the abasic site reveals distinct changes suggesting why the lesion is so poorly bypassed: the DNA in the polymerase active site has not translocated and is therefore stalled, precluding extension. All four molecules exhibit conformations that differ from the previously published structures. The polymerase incorporates dAMP across the lesion under crystallization conditions, indicating that the different conformations observed in the crystal may be part of the active site switching reaction pathway.  相似文献   

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