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《BioTechniques》2011,51(5):305, 307

A 1 846 bp cDNA is isolated from a human tonsil cell λgt 11 cDNA library (ATCC No. 37546) with mAb 5D4 reactive strongly with human B cell line 3D5, but weakly with human B cell line Daudi and human T cell line Jurkat as a probe. RT-PCR also shows a strong reaction in 3D5 cell and a weak reaction in Daudi and Jurkat cell for 5D4 mRNA. There is an open reading frame from 88 to 1 209 bp in 5D4 cDNA encoding a 374 AA protein. Both the Northern blot analysis and the two consecutive stop codens before start coden demonstrate that the cDNA is a full-length cDNA. Secondary structure prediction suggests that there are a region from 295 to 334 AA in the protein with strong hydrophobicity and a transmembrane helix region with high score from 313 to 334 AA with an orientation from the inside to the outside of the cell.  相似文献   

The regulation of gelsolin levels during differentiation of the murine embryonal carcinoma cell line, PC-13, was investigated using nucleic acid and immunological probes. A cDNA clone, Mu-319, which contained the entire coding sequence for the cytoplasmic form of murine gelsolin was isolated using a polyclonal antibody. Gelsolin was detected in several cell lines but was not detectable in three undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma cell lines. Levels of gelsolin mRNA increased 10-fold during the differentiation of the murine embryonal carcinoma cell line, PC-13. Differentiation of PC-13 was accompanied by changes in cell shape, from small indistinct cells to large flat cells. The accumulation of gelsolin mRNA in PC-13 cells began 12-24 h after addition of the differentiation-inducing agents. In comparison, 2-5A-dependent RNase activity showed a 40-fold increase beginning after 24 to 36 h and c-fos mRNA were shown to increase about 9-fold beginning 36 to 60 h after induction of differentiation. The levels of gelsolin per se, as determined by immunoreactivity were also shown to increase with differentiation of PC-13 cells. These results suggest that gelsolin may play a role in the restructuring of actin filaments which accompanies the dramatic changes in cell shape during differentiation.  相似文献   

A 1 846 bp cDNA is isolated from a human tonsil cell λ gt 11 cDNA library (ATCC No. 37546) with mAb 5D4 reactive strongly with human B cell line 3D5, but weakly with human B cell line Daudi and human T cell line Jurkat as a probe. RT-PCR also shows a strong reaction in 3D5 cell and a weak reaction in Daudi and Jurkat cell for 5D4 mRNA. There is an open reading frame from 88 to 1 209 bp in 5D4 cDNA encoding a 374 AA protein. Both the Northern blot analysis and the two consecutive stop codens before start coden demonstrate that the cDNA is a full-length cDNA. Secondary structure prediction suggests that there are a region from 295 to 334 AA in the protein with strong hydrophobicity and a transmembrane helix region with high score from 313 to 334 AA with an orientation from the inside to the outside of the cell.  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play a pivotal role in endochondral bone formation. Using differential display polymerase chain reaction, we have identified a novel gene, named BIG-3 (BMP-2-induced gene 3 kb), that is induced as a murine prechondroblastic cell line, MLB13MYC clone 17, acquires osteoblastic features in response to BMP-2 treatment. The 3-kilobase mRNA encodes a 34-kDa protein containing seven WD-40 repeats. Northern and Western analyses demonstrated that BIG-3 mRNA and protein were induced after 24 h of BMP-2 treatment. BIG-3 mRNA was expressed in conditionally immortalized murine bone marrow stromal cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and growth plate chondrocytes, as well as in primary calvarial osteoblasts. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that BIG-3 was expressed in the osteoblasts of calvariae isolated from mouse embryos. To identify a role for BIG-3 in osteoblast differentiation, MC3T3-E1 cells were stably transfected with the full-length coding region of BIG-3 (MC3T3E1-BIG-3) cloned downstream of a cytomegalovirus promoter in pcDNA3.1. Pooled MC3T3E1-BIG-3 clones expressed alkaline phosphatase activity earlier and achieved a peak level of activity 10-fold higher than cells transfected with the empty vector (MC3T3E1-EV) at 14 days. Cyclic AMP production in response to parathyroid hormone was increased 10- and 14-fold at 7 and 14 days, respectively, in MC3T3E1-BIG-3 clones, relative to MC3T3E1-EV clones. This increase in cAMP production was associated with an increase in PTH binding. Expression of BIG-3 increased mRNA levels encoding Cbfa1, type I collagen, and osteocalcin and accelerated formation of mineralized nodules. In conclusion, we have identified a novel WD-40 protein, induced by BMP-2 treatment, that dramatically accelerates the program of osteoblastic differentiation in stably transfected MC3T3E1 cells.  相似文献   

The promise of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to provide an unlimited supply of cells for cell therapy and tissue engineering depends on the availability of a controllable bioprocess for their expansion and differentiation. We describe for the first time the formation of differentiating human embryoid bodies (hEBs) in rotating bioreactors to try and control their agglomeration. The efficacy of the dynamic process compared to static cultivation in Petri dishes was analyzed with respect to the yield of hEB formation and differentiation. Quantitative analyses of hEBs, DNA and protein contents, and viable cell concentration, as measures for culture cellularity and scale-up, revealed 3-fold enhancement in generation of hEBs compared to the static culture. Other metabolic indices such as glucose consumption, lactic acid production, and pH pointed to efficient cell expansion and differentiation in the dynamic cultures. The type of rotating vessel had a significant impact on the process of hEB formation and agglomeration. In the slow turning lateral vessel (STLV), hEBs were smaller in size and no large necrotic centers were seen, even after 1-month cultivation. In the high aspect rotating vessel (HARV), hEB agglomeration was massive. The appearance of representative tissues derived from the three germ layers as well as primitive neuronal tube organization, blood vessel formation, and specific-endocrine secretion indicated that the initial developmental events are not altered in the dynamically formed hEBs. Collectively, our study defines the culture conditions in which control over the aggregation of differentiating hESCs is obtained, thus enabling scaleable cell production for clinical and industrial applications.  相似文献   

bldA编码天蓝色链霉菌中唯一有效识别UUA亮氨酸密码的tRNA(Leu)UUA。通过构建阿维链霉菌NRRL8165基因组亚文库,筛选得到含有阿维链霉菌bldAa及其侧翼序列的克隆。利用λRED介导的PCRtargeting技术构建了bldAa的基因置换质粒pHL358,将其跨属接合转移进入阿维链霉菌NRRL8165,筛选得到bldAa基因置换菌株TW10。TW10表现为光秃表型,表明bldAa调控阿维链霉菌的形态分化。摇瓶发酵TW10菌株并对发酵产物进行HPLC分析,发现TW10菌株均不合成阿维菌素组分,提示阿维菌素的合成受bldAa调控;考察阿维菌素生物合成基因簇,其中aveA3和aveR含有TTA密码,它们的翻译可能受bldAa调控,与实验结果一致。  相似文献   

中国生态地理区城市水资源利用效率时空分异特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国水资源面临的形势十分严峻,水资源短缺、水污染严重、水生态环境恶化等问题突出,已成为制约社会经济可持续发展的主要瓶颈。基于分类数据包络分析(Categorical DEA)对2007-2016年中国生态地理区城市水资源利用效率进行测算,对其时间变化、空间分布以及空间收敛性进行分析。结果表明:1)2007-2016年期间全国城市水资源利用效率总体处于低效率状态,随时间高低交错波动式发展,整体呈先降后升势态;2)生态地理区城市水资源利用综合效率由高到低依次为温带干旱区、温带半干旱区、温带半湿润区、温带湿润区、亚热带湿润区,呈西北向东南逐渐递减的空间分布格局,生态地理区纯技术效率区间差异较大,但空间分布规律不显著,区域规模效率间差距小,且无明显空间分布规律;3)纯技术效率低效是制约全国水资源利用综合效率提升的主要因素,生态地理区间纯技术效率巨大差距导致全国纯技术效率整体低效,也是全国水资源利用综合效率低效的根本原因;4)生态地理区水资源利用综合效率区域差距逐渐缩小,主要是因为高效率区域效率值向低效率区域靠拢,区域间低效向高效的"追赶效应"不明显。  相似文献   

链霉菌是现代生物学研究中一种重要的微生物,它有两个突出的特征:其一,有无与伦比的合成次生代谢产物的能力,世界上所知数千种抗生素的70%由其产生。其二,有一个复杂的发育分化的生命周期,是微生物分化研究的一个最好的模式材料。链霉菌分化主要为形态分化和生理分化,两者彼此独立又相互关联,构成复杂的分化调控网络,研究分化基因的调控不但有重要的理论意义,而且可用于控制抗生素的生物合成,因此弄清合成途径的分子机制,也有潜在的应用价值。圈卷产色链霉菌是从我国东北土  相似文献   

We report here the identification and characterization of a novel paired-like homeobox-containing gene (Ehox). This gene, identified in embryonic stem (ES) cells, is differentially expressed during in vitro ES cell differentiation. We have assessed Ehox function using the ES cell in vitro differentiation system. This has involved molecular and biological analyses of the effects of sense or antisense Ehox expression (using episomal vectors) on ES cell differentiation. Analysis of antisense Ehox-expressing ES cells indicates that they are unable to express marker genes associated with hematopoietic, endothelial, or cardiac differentiation following removal of leukemia inhibitory factor. In contrast, overexpression of Ehox using the sense construct accelerated the appearance of these differentiation markers. ES cell self-renewal and differentiation assays reveal that inhibition of Ehox activity results in the maintenance of a stem cell phenotype in limiting concentrations of leukemia inhibitory factor and the almost complete impairment of the cardiomyocyte differentiation capacity of these cells. We therefore conclude that Ehox is a novel homeobox-containing gene that is essential for the earliest stages of murine ES cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The cellular mechanisms involved in chronic inflammatory processes are poorly understood. This is especially true for the role of macrophages, which figure prominently in the inflammatory response. Two proteins, MRP8 and MRP14, which are expressed in infiltrate macrophages during inflammatory reactions but not in normal tissue macrophages, have been characterized. Here we report that MRP8 and MRP14 mRNAs are specifically expressed in human cells of myeloid origin and that their expression is regulated during monocyte-macrophage and granulocyte differentiation. To initiate the analysis of cis-acting elements governing the tissue-specific expression of the MRP genes, we cloned the human genes encoding MRP8 and MRP14. Both genes contain three exons, are single copy, and have a strikingly similar organization. They belong to a novel subfamily of highly homologous calcium-binding proteins which includes S100 alpha, S100 beta, intestinal calcium-binding protein, P11, and calcyclin (2A9). A transient expression assay was devised to investigate the tissue-specific regulatory elements responsible for MRP gene expression after differentiation in leukemia HL60 cells. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the cis-acting elements responsible for MRP expression are present on the cloned DNA fragment containing the MRP gene loci.  相似文献   

农业生态系统养分循环再利用作物产量增益的地理分异   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:23  
通过4个地点中长期田间试验联网比较获得以下结果,农业生态系统养分循环再利用的作物产量增益受气候的热量因素、化肥施用和养分循环再利用持续时间的长短等因素影响.在不施化肥情况下,保持0.8循环率养分循环再利用的平均粮食增产量自北向南分别是:温带黑龙江海伦253kg·hm-2(10年平均)、暖温带辽宁沈阳1122kg·hm-2(6年)和喀左1332kg·hm-2(8年)、亚热带湖南桃源2884kg·hm-2(7年);在施用NP化肥基础上保持养分循环再利用则分别为海伦225、沈阳694、喀左786、桃源1321kg·hm-2.循环回田的农家肥养分对作物增产有着明显的残效叠加作用,在施用NPK化肥基础上保持养分循环再利用的作物增产率在试验期间的前3年平均为5%,后3年平均可上升至14%.  相似文献   

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