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昆虫雷达让我们看到了什么?   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
翟保平 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):217-226
昆虫雷达的应用深化了人们对昆虫迁飞行为机制的认识。昆虫雷达让我们看到了弱小的昆虫主动起飞 ,以一定的速度爬升到巡航高度乘风远行 ,并对大气风温场表现出令人难以置信的适应和选择能力 ,通过成层 (边界层顶现象 )、定向和集聚等主动行为 ,最大限度地利用空气动力到达新的栖息地。这些全新的画面展示出远迁的昆虫并非完全被动的随风飘流者 ,而是一个个驾舟中流击水的舵手。  相似文献   

在2007年7~9月江淮稻区稻纵卷叶螟大发生期间,利用多普勒昆虫监测雷达在南京市浦口区对稻纵卷叶螟成虫的迁飞活动进行了监测,结合大气风温场的数值模拟,研究了稻纵卷叶螟成虫的空中飞行参数和种群迁飞动态。结果表明:稻纵卷叶螟多选择在黄昏18:30以后大规模起飞,空中虫群密度在20:00~22:00时最大,迁飞过程可持续到次日5:00;稻纵卷叶螟主要选择在500m以下高度飞行。空中虫群具有聚集成层的现象,虫层多在100~500m高度之间形成,有时形成两个虫层,成层现象与低空急流关系密切,与温度没有直接关系。迁飞过程分析表明,浦口区的六(4)代稻纵卷叶螟在台风、副热带高压和江淮气旋的影响下,先后出现了多次迁入迁出过程。低压系统外围的下沉气流很可能是稻纵卷叶螟两次集中迁入的主要原因。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞轨迹的数值模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外目前应用的迁飞轨迹模型都是大气扩散模型,其时空分辨率难以满足昆虫迁飞轨迹分析的要求,且均未考虑迁飞昆虫自身的行为反应。本文通过将昆虫迁飞行为参数化,并选用一维TKE模式,以国家气象局的常规气象资料为基础,以E-ε闭合求其数值解,模拟出边界层内任意迁飞高度上的风温要素值,从而建立起以边界层气象学和昆虫迁飞行为生态学为基础的昆虫迁飞轨迹分析的数值模型,为昆虫迁飞行为研究和迁飞性害虫的异地预测提供了一个有效的工具,并以国内粘虫、草地螟和小地老虎的标放回收试验结果,进行了个例分析和检验。  相似文献   

小菜蛾Plutella xylostella Linnaeus是一种世界性的十字花科蔬菜重要害虫,具有远距离迁飞的特性,明确小菜蛾在我国的种群发生动态及迁飞路径对其早期预警具有重要意义.本文调查了2009年5月我国南京、故城、安阳、大连、公主岭、沈阳6个地区小菜蛾成虫种群的发生动态,并首次利用HYSPLIT平台对不同地区小菜蛾种群的迁飞峰次进行了轨迹分析.结果表明,2009年5月我国6个地区的小菜蛾成虫种群存在显著地“突增”或“突减”现象,符合迁飞昆虫在迁飞期的种群动态的典型特征;5月14日南京地区起飞的小菜蛾种群可迁飞至大连,5月19日故城地区起飞的小菜蛾种群可迁飞至公主岭,5月20日安阳地区起飞的小菜蛾种群可迁飞至沈阳;首次明确了小菜蛾轨迹分析的设定参数,800-1200 m为小菜蛾适宜迁飞的飞行高度,飞行持续时间一般为2-3d.  相似文献   

首次入侵广东的草地贪夜蛾迁入路径及天气背景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
草地贪夜蛾 Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith)是联合国粮农组织全球预警的超级害虫,2019年1月入侵我国云南,并随季风远距离迁飞扩散,4月23日,广东省广州市增城区首次发现并确认该虫幼虫发生为害,对当地玉米等粮食作物构成严重威胁。本研究运用基于WRF模式的昆虫三维轨迹分析程序和GrADS气象图形软件,模拟了入侵广东的草地贪夜蛾的迁飞路径及天气背景场。结果表明:按照幼虫发育历期推算,首批草地贪夜蛾成虫迁入广东的时间可能为4月8日~13日;在此期间,越南北部及华南地区的西南低空急流可为草地贪夜蛾的迁飞提供运载气流,而风切变、降雨和下沉气流为草地贪夜蛾的迫降提供便利条件;4月9-10日存在草地贪夜蛾的有效迁飞路径,入侵广东省增城区草地贪夜蛾种群的有效虫源地分布在越南及老挝北部。本研究为华南地区草地贪夜蛾春季迁入种群的监测预警及防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日 晨昏朦影时 基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞牧场考具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层。在运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定中以修饰,运行速度与目标昆虫自身行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具 。  相似文献   

刘垚  包云轩  陆明红  刘万才 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4466-4475
褐飞虱是影响亚洲地区水稻生产的迁飞性害虫,其远距离迁飞与种群分布会受到大气环流和局地天气条件的影响。采用WRF-Flexpart耦合模式、GIS空间分析和Vincenty方位角/距离估计等方法,选取2009年9月30日—10月7日发生在中国15个植保站的褐飞虱迁入过程,并根据模式输出、GIS分析和轨迹计算结果探讨了多种大气物理胁迫共存下大气动力场、降水、温度场和湿度场对褐飞虱秋季回迁过程及其降落虫量分布的影响。研究结果表明:(1)此次重大迁飞过程中,大气动力场、降水、温度场和湿度场在不同地区、不同时间段对褐飞虱种群的迁入和降落起了不同的作用,因而造成了迁入虫量分布的时空差异。(2)从各虫源地迁出的褐飞虱种群是向着温暖而湿润的地方迁飞的,迁飞方向主要受所经区域盛行风向的影响,迁飞距离由途径区的风速所决定。(3)当迁飞种群途径局地降水较多的区域时,初期迁入量并不多,经过短暂的一段时间后降虫量会突然增加。(4)在一定的温度范围内,大气湿度条件会影响褐飞虱的迁入虫量:褐飞虱迁入虫量在近地面温度高于26℃、相对湿度(925 hPa)大于70%且下沉气流较强的地区分布最多,而在近地面温度低于24℃、相对湿度(925 hPa)小于50%、无明显下沉气流的地区未发现有褐飞虱的迁入。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅰ.行为分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞特性具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层,运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定向加以修饰,运行速度为风速与目标昆虫自身飞行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞轨迹数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具  相似文献   

为了探明我国西南稻区褐飞虱早期迁入种群的虫源地,为后期预测和防治提供依据,通过对2007—2016年云南植保站4—5月份褐飞虱虫情进行分析,选取出云南省勐海、芒市、江城、师宗、麻栗坡、广南6个代表性站点,利用WRF-FlexPart耦合模式对2013年、2015年和2016年这些站点的早期迁入峰进行了数值模拟,得到近年来云南省褐飞虱早期迁入虫源的虫源地。选取了2013年褐飞虱早期迁入量较大的迁入峰进行了大气背景分析,结合峰期影响褐飞虱迁飞的大气动力场、温度场和相对湿度场,探讨了影响云南省褐飞虱早期迁入的大气背景。研究结果表明:(1)近年来云南省褐飞虱迁入的虫源主要来自缅甸,部分来自老挝和泰国,少数来自越南,还有极少量来自孟加拉国。(2)这一时期,当释放高度分别为1500、2000 m时,褐飞虱的迁飞高度分别集中在2216 m和2489 m,平均迁飞高度分别是2167、2454 m,从不同释放高度回推的褐飞虱迁飞高度的起伏趋势具有较好的一致性,表明模式能较好地反映系统性垂直气流和下垫面起伏对其上层三维流场和种群迁飞的影响。(3)选取2013年5月22—26日发生在云南勐海、麻栗坡和广南的一次典型褐飞虱迁入过程,分析了大气背景场对褐飞虱迁飞的影响,结果显示:受印缅低压控制或影响,高空从境外虫源区至云南降虫区有西南水平气流作为种群输送动力;温场在降虫区东北侧有"低温屏障墙"存在,阻止了种群的继续北迁;垂直速度场上虫源区有上升气流促使种群起飞迁出,降虫区有下沉气流促使种群降落;弱降水形成的拖曳下沉气流对降虫也十分有利;相对湿度场对此次迁飞过程不形成任何胁迫。  相似文献   

2010年6月10-12日, 我国华南、 江南南部稻区出现了稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée)的大范围同期突增。为了明确此次同期突增的虫源性质, 进一步揭示稻纵卷叶螟大规模降落的大气动力学机制, 我们利用HYSPLIT轨迹分析平台、 地理信息系统ArcGIS和气象图形软件GrADS, 对稻纵卷叶螟的迁飞过程及大气背景场进行了个例研究。结果表明: (1)粤北大范围的稻纵卷叶螟突增以外地迁入种群为主, 部分为本地繁殖种群; (2)西南低空急流为稻纵卷叶螟的远距离迁飞提供了运载气流, 稻纵卷叶螟迁飞种群的集中降落是降雨造成的, 主降区位于雨区边缘的曲江、 紫金、 佛冈等地区, 降雨区的空间分布直接导致了曲江、 南雄地区降虫量的巨大差别; (3)稻纵卷叶螟迁入峰的主要虫源地分布在广东西南部稻区, 6月上旬以阳春为代表的虫源地的双季早稻进入扬花灌浆期 乳熟期, 叶片营养恶化, 稻纵卷叶螟处于成虫盛发期, 存在为粤北大规模迁入提供虫源的可能。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The efficiency of D.austrinus as a biological control agent depends on successful colonization of the cactus weed Opuntia aurantiaca .
2. Unlike other coccoid insects, the female crawlers (first-instar larvae) of cochineal insects develop long wax fiaments on the dorsal surface of the body that reduce their terminal velocity in air and enhance wind dispersal.
3. Dactylopiid males are dispersed as winged adults and male crawlers of D.austrinus have fewer and shorter filaments than the females and they are blown a shorter distance in a wind tunnel.
4. Vertical and horizontal wind dispersal of D.austrinus from O.aurantiaca in the field is usually very limited, but was greatly improved when crawlers were launched from an elevated 'tower'.
5. Preparatory to dispersal, female crawlers climb to the top of the host plant and 'take-off' from there. This behaviour is most marked in crawlers 2–3 days old at which stage the wax filaments are best developed: the behaviour is never manifest following artificial 'dispersal'.
6. Final settling on cladodes of the host plant is a function of the age of the female crawlers and of the condition of the cladodes.
7. When given a choice, approximately equal numbers of crawlers settled on cladodes that had received high and low fertilizer treatments. More crawlers settled on cladodes that had been kept in the shade than on those kept in the sun, and on basal rather than terminal cladodes.
8. The highest percentage of crawlers settled on cladodes that were 20% dehydrated. Settling success was much lower on more desiccated cladodes.  相似文献   

迁飞过程中昆虫的行为   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据国内外对昆虫迁飞的雷达观测结果,综述了迁飞过程中昆虫的成层、定向和集聚行为及其生态学意义。昆虫在迁飞过程中不完全是被动地随风飘流,而是在一定程度上自主地选择了自己的运行轨迹。它们选择在气温最高、风力最大和风向最适的高度成层,并通过定向进一步修饰位移方位,从而可最大限度地利用空气动力到达新的栖息地。同时,不同尺度的大气辐合过程使得迁飞昆虫集聚成足以在某种条件下引起局地爆发的高密度种群,而地面大发生种群形成与否取决于大气辐合的发生频率、强度和寿命,以及集聚起来的昆虫是否降落,在何时何地降落,是否还会再迁出等。阐明昆虫在迁飞过程中的各种行为机制是迁飞性害虫测报和防治的关键所在。  相似文献   

In repeated behaviours such as those of feeding and reproduction, past experiences can inform future behaviour. By altering their behaviour in response to environmental stimuli, insects in highly variable landscapes can tailor their behaviour to their particular environment. In particular, female mosquitoes may benefit from plasticity in their choice of egg‐laying site as these sites are often temporally variable and clustered. The opportunity to adapt egg‐laying behaviour to past experience also exists for mosquito populations as females typically lay eggs multiple times throughout their lives. Whether experience and age affect egg‐laying (or oviposition) behaviour in the mosquito Stegomyia aegypti (=Aedes aegypti) (Diptera: Culicidae) was assessed using a wind tunnel. Initially, gravid mosquitoes were provided with a cup containing either repellent or well water. After ovipositing in these cups, the mosquitoes were blood‐fed and introduced into a wind tunnel. In this wind tunnel, an oviposition cup containing repellent was placed in the immediate vicinity of the gravid mosquitoes. A cup containing well water was placed at the opposite end of the tunnel so that if the females flew across the chamber, they encountered the well water cup, in which they readily laid eggs. Mosquitoes previously exposed to repellent cups became significantly more likely to later lay eggs in repellent cups, suggesting that previous experience with suboptimal oviposition sites informs mosquitoes of the characteristics of nearby oviposition sites. These results provide further evidence that mosquitoes modify behaviour in response to environmental information and are demonstrated in a vector species in which behavioural plasticity may be ecologically and epidemiologically meaningful.  相似文献   

Abstract  Based on boundary layer meteorology and behavioural ecology of insect migration, a numerical TRA model was established. The spatial and temporal resolutions of the standard meteorological data are far insufficient for insect migration studies; so, a one dimension TKE closure scheme (E-ε scheme) was adopted to simulate the wind and temperature profiles en route based on the conventional surface and 850 hPa wind and temperature data of Chinese National Meteorological Bureau. Then the migrating behaviour of insects was parameterized as some proper mathematical expressions to determine their timing and their flight height, speed and direction from the wind and temperature profiles simulated by the PBL sub-model, and so their flight pathways could be estimated by a simple algorithm. Finally, the hourly episodes of the airborne migrants were output which consists of the latitude, longitude and flying altitude. The TRA model was verified by mark-release-recapture studies of Mythimna separata, Loxostege sticticalis , and Agrotis ipsilon . The results suggest that the parameterizing scheme of migratory behaviour, the numerical simulation scheme of wind and temperature in PBL and the TRA procedure developed in this paper should be reasonable and feasible. This model provides a useful tool for inter-regional forecast of migratory insect pests.  相似文献   

Radar observations of moths migrating in a nocturnal low-level jet   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. 1. Radar observations of insects migrating at night over central-western New South Wales have detected an instance of migration in a low-level wind jet.
2. From the characteristics of the radar echoes, and from the catches obtained in traps at ground level and at the altitude of migration, the migrants can be identified as noctuid and pyralid moths of a number of different species.
3. The migration, which was in a downwind direction, started at dusk and ended at about dawn. During the period immediately before first light, a large proportion of the migrants were concentrated into a 100m deep layer at an altitude of about 250m; this layer had not been present during the first half of the night.
4. The boundary layer wind profile at dawn exhibited a clear low-level jet structure, with a wind maximum between 100 and 300m, and strong shear in the wind direction below 300m. A strong surface temperature inversion, but not a wind-speed maximum, had been present the previous evening.
5. The formation of the layer concentration in the upper part of the jet may be accounted for in terms of previously described responses of nocturnally migrating insects to a surface temperature inversion. It is not therefore necessary to assume that the migrants were responding specifically to the presence of a wind-speed maximum.  相似文献   

Modelling moth dispersal in relation to wind direction and strength could greatly enhance the role of pheromone traps in biosecurity and pest management applications. Anemotaxis theory, which describes moth behaviour in the presence of a pheromone plume and is used as a framework for such models. Currently, however, that theory includes only three components: upwind, zigzagging, and sideways casting behaviour. We test anemotaxis theory by analysing the data from a series of mark–release–recapture experiments where the wind direction was known and the insects were trapped using an irregular grid of pheromone traps. The trapping results provide evidence of a downwind component to the flight patterns of the released insects. This active or passive downwind dispersal is likely to be an appetitive behaviour, occurring prior to the elicitation of pheromone‐oriented flight patterns (pheromone anemotaxis). Given the potential for significant displacement during downwind dispersal, this component will have impact on final trap captures and should be considered when constructing moth dispersal models.  相似文献   

Swifts, Apus apus, spend the night aloft and this offers an opportunity to test the degree of adaptability of bird orientation and flight to different ecological situations. We predicted the swifts' behaviour by assuming that they are adapted to minimize energy expenditure during the nocturnal flight and during a compensatory homing flight if they become displaced by wind. We tested the predictions by recording the swifts' altitudes, speeds and directions under different wind conditions with tracking radar; we found an agreement between predictions and observations for orientation behaviour, but not for altitude and speed regulation. The swifts orientated consistently into the head wind, with angular concentration increasing with increasing wind speed. However, contrary to our predictions, they did not select altitudes with slow or moderate winds, nor did they increase their airspeed distinctly when flying into strong head winds. A possible explanation is that their head-wind orientation is sufficient to keep nocturnal displacement from their home area within tolerable limits, leaving flight altitude to be determined by other factors (correlated with temperature), and airspeed to show only a marginal increase in strong winds. The swifts were often moving "backwards", heading straight into the wind but being overpowered by wind speeds exceeding their airspeed. The regular occurrence of such flights is probably uniquely associated with the swifts' remarkable habit of roosting on the wing.  相似文献   

Migratory insects flying at high altitude at night often show a degree of common alignment, sometimes with quite small angular dispersions around the mean. The observed orientation directions are often close to the downwind direction and this would seemingly be adaptive in that large insects could add their self-propelled speed to the wind speed, thus maximising their displacement in a given time. There are increasing indications that high-altitude orientation may be maintained by some intrinsic property of the wind rather than by visual perception of relative ground movement. Therefore, we first examined whether migrating insects could deduce the mean wind direction from the turbulent fluctuations in temperature. Within the atmospheric boundary-layer, temperature records show characteristic ramp-cliff structures, and insects flying downwind would move through these ramps whilst those flying crosswind would not. However, analysis of vertical-looking radar data on the common orientations of nocturnally migrating insects in the UK produced no evidence that the migrants actually use temperature ramps as orientation cues. This suggests that insects rely on turbulent velocity and acceleration cues, and refocuses attention on how these can be detected, especially as small-scale turbulence is usually held to be directionally invariant (isotropic). In the second part of the paper we present a theoretical analysis and simulations showing that velocity fluctuations and accelerations felt by an insect are predicted to be anisotropic even when the small-scale turbulence (measured at a fixed point or along the trajectory of a fluid-particle) is isotropic. Our results thus provide further evidence that insects do indeed use turbulent velocity and acceleration cues as indicators of the mean wind direction.  相似文献   

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