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Analyses of the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of the modern benthic foraminifera, Cibicides wuellerstorfi (epifaunal) and Uvigerina species (infaunal) from the Coral Sea, and Cibicides refulgens (epifaunal) and Trifarina angulosa (infaunal) from Prydz Bay, Antarctica revealed relationships with temperature that have possible applications for reconstructions of bottom-water paleotemperatures. A positive relationship exists between the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of Cibicides wuellerstorfi and Cibicides refulgens and ambient temperatures, at least within the range of 2 and 6°C. For the correlation between Mg/Ca compositions and temperature the r2 values range from 0.78 (C. wuellerstorfi alone) to 0.88 (C. wuellerstorfi and C. refulgens together). At present, the Mg/Ca-temperature relationship must be regarded as tentative because of significant overlap of standard error values. The relationship between the Sr/Ca compositions of C. wuellerstorfi and bottom-water temperature yields an r2 value of 0.95. These results indicate that Sr/Ca and possibly Mg/Ca ratios of Cibicides wuellerstorfi may provide useful information for the assessment of paleotemperature. Single-species data are presently insufficient to assess the influence of ambient temperature on trace-element compositions of Uvigerina species. Trifarina angulosa may have Mg/Ca compositions which are positively related to temperature, but Sr/Ca values seem unaffected by temperature. This may be due to pore-water influences on infaunal tests or to vital effects. Although more modern data are needed, our present results suggest that Sr/Ca ratios and possibly Mg/Ca ratios of some benthic foraminifera have the potential to be useful paleothermometers, at least within a temperature range of −2 to 6°C.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe step-scan analyses across the inner nacreous layer of a sectionedMytilus edulis shell revealed no long-term periodic (e.g., seasonal) variation in the concentration of strontium. Similarly, no significant difference was found between a specimen sampled in February (water temperature = 1.3 °C) and one sampled in August (water temperature = 18.0 °C) with regard to the concentration of strontium within the most recently deposited aragonite. Correlation of the amount of strontium within various nacreous regions of the shells of living or fossil mytilids with water temperatures (present or past) is probably not possible through the use of an electron probe, at least to the extent that strontium variation within the nacre ofMytilus edulis is representative of that in nacreous layers of all mytilids.  相似文献   

P. Anadón  R. Julià 《Hydrobiologia》1990,197(1):291-303
A reconstruction of the early Pleistocene paleohydrochemistry based on the Mg, Sr and Ca content of the Cyprideis valves is presented for shallow lacustrine sequences of the Baza basin. A large number of environmental changes in this marginal area has been recorded by the recurrent alternation of two fossil assemblages which differ in their salinity requirements. Measurements of the Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of individual calcite shells of Cyprideis show that the water in the higher saline stages (with thalassic organisms indicating marine-like conditions) was of non-marine origin. The Sr/Ca values of Cyprideis valves from sands deposited during a saline water phase show lower values than those from an overlying carbonate sequence which was formed under lower salinity conditions. These unexpected values are assumed to be the result of major changes in the chemical composition of the water in shallow, littoral ponded areas of a hydrologically complex lake. In the sequences that originated in these areas, Sr/Ca values may be used only as salinity indicators within each portion of the sequence formed in a single, continuous evolution. In more open areas, the wide fluctuations of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca recorded in ostracodes from individual layers of rippled ostracode-shell sands probably reflect the mixing of valves from changing short-term environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In the south central Andes, archaeologists have long debated the extent of Tiwanaku colonization during the Middle Horizon (AD 500-1000). We tested the hypotheses regarding the nature of Tiwanaku influence using strontium isotope, trace element concentration, and oxygen isotope data from archaeological human tooth enamel and bone from Tiwanaku- and Chiribaya-affiliated sites in the south central Andes. Strontium isotope analysis of 25 individuals buried at the Tiwanaku-affiliated Moquegua Valley site of Chen Chen demonstrates that it was likely a Tiwanaku colony. In contrast, no immigrants from the Lake Titicaca Basin were present in 27 individuals analyzed from the San Pedro de Atacama cemeteries of Coyo Oriental, Coyo-3, and Solcor-3; it is likely that these sites represent economic and religious alliances, but not colonies. However, strontium isotope analysis alone cannot distinguish movement between the Tiwanaku- and Chiribaya-affiliated sites in the Moquegua and Ilo Valleys of southern Peru. Analyzing oxygen isotope and trace element concentration data and comparing it with strontium isotope data from the same individuals provides a more detailed picture of residential mobility in the Tiwanaku and Chiribaya polities. In addition to monitoring diagenetic contamination, trace element concentration data identified movement during adulthood for certain individuals. However, these data could not distinguish movement between the Moquegua and Ilo Valleys. While oxygen isotope data could clearly distinguish the high-altitude sites from others, more data is needed to characterize the local oxygen isotope ratios of these regions. These data demonstrate the potential for archaeological reconstruction of residential mobility through multiple lines of evidence.  相似文献   

Sr : Ca ratios measured in the otoliths of sea‐caged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar showed distinct seasonal peaks that were unrelated to water temperature and somatic growth, suggesting other factors have a greater influence on strontium deposition. Atlantic salmon remained in the sea‐cages for two seasons, or equivalent to two‐seawinter fish in the wild and were subjected to seasonally varying temperatures. Water temperature appeared to be inversely related to the Sr : Ca ratios, but this relationship was statistically not significant. Furthermore, water temperature could not explain the distinct increase in the strontium during the second year. The intensity of the Sr peaks increased in the second season while average winter water temperatures were consistent between years. Additionally, strontium deposition in the otoliths was unrelated to somatic growth. Somatic growth, as evidenced by circuli spacings on the scales, was largely invariant and therefore could not explain the observed peaks. Though not explicitly measured, the data are consistent with the notion that strontium deposition is a function of maturity state in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Tissue and organ deposition and blood parameters were evaluated as indices of mineral and trace element absorption in rats. The absorption of elements was quantified in relation to nitrogen retention, i.e., considering the weight gain and new tissue synthesis. A rapeseed meal diet was supplied with three levels of calcium, two levels of zinc, and two levels of copper in a factorial design. In general, an increase in dietary mineral content increased the relative absorption, which in turn, increased the tissue deposition progressively. Striated muscle, however, did not respond to either an increased calcium or zinc supply. Furthermore, an increased calcium absorption caused a depression of the fractional phosphorus and magnesium content of femur bones. The copper content of the kidneys and the heart muscle was directly proportional to the amount of absorbed zinc and iron, respectively. The iron content of tissues was, in general, inversely proportional to zinc absorption and showed a tendency to be directly proportional to copper absorption. The zinc level in tissues was, in a similar way, inversely correlated to measured calcium absorption. In conclusion, interactions between elements do not only affect the intestinal element absorption, but also the distribution of already absorbed elements in tissues and organs.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses of 60 surface sediment samples from estuarine environments near Vancouver Island, including the Georgia Strait (GS), the Effingham (EFF) and the Seymour–Belize (SB) Inlets were performed in order to document the distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and their relationship to hydrographic conditions, productivity and nutrient concentrations. We tested transfer functions using the analogue method, and suggest that dinoflagellate cyst assemblages can be used to reconstruct primary productivity, temperature and salinity. The EFF and SB Inlets are characterized by a dominance of autotrophic taxa, particularly Operculodinium centrocarpum, whereas the Protoperidinioid and gymnodinial heterotrophic taxa such as Quinquecuspis concreta and Brigantedinium spp. dominate the assemblages of the GS. Multivariate analysis shows that this distribution is closely linked to primary productivity, sea-surface temperature (SST) and spring silica concentration. The abundance of autotrophic taxa in the EFF and SB Inlets is associated with high primary productivity and low summer SST, indicating summer upwelling of coastal British Columbia, whereas the heterotrophic taxa that characterizes the GS assemblages are related to low productivity, high summer SST and high silica concentration during spring. Multivariate analysis shows that the most important environmental parameters related to dinocyst distribution in the restricted embayment of the GS, are distance to the shore, distance to Vancouver Harbor, spring sea surface salinity (SSS), spring phosphate concentration and spring productivity. The autotrophic taxa are generally more common in coastal and shallow waters, but Spiniferites ramosus and Pentapharsodinium dalei show an opposite correlation to spring productivity and salinity. P. dalei is particularly abundant around Vancouver Harbor, near highly urbanized shores and within the Fraser River plume, where salinity is low and spring productivity and continental runoff are high. S. ramosus shows its highest abundance on the western coast of GS. Protoperidinioid and gymnodinial cysts characterize distal zones within the central and southern GS that are associated with a mixture of brackish waters coming from the Fraser River and deep upwelling waters entering the GS via Juan de Fuca Strait. The relationship between dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and primary productivity in these estuarine systems differs from that in oceanic and outer neritic zones, where the abundance of heterotrophic taxa is commonly associated with upwelling and high productivity.  相似文献   

This study determines the distribution of magnesium and sulphur in the shells of two species of brachiopod from the same environment to highlight environmental and biological influences on shell composition. In Terebratulina retusa there are differences in magnesium concentration between the primary layer and the outer and inner regions of the secondary layer. In contrast, Novocrania anomala has a shell composed of high magnesium calcite and there is no significant difference in magnesium concentration between the primary and the secondary shell layers. Sulphur provides an indication of the distribution of sulphated organic matrix within the shells of T. retusa and N. anomala . In T. retusa the distribution of magnesium and sulphur correlates across the shell; however, there is no evidence for a relationship between magnesium and sulphur distribution in N. anomala . The relationship between magnesium and sulphur in T. retusa indicates that a proportion of the magnesium content of the shell is associated with the sulphated fraction of the organic matrix. In these two species of brachiopod, from the same environment, magnesium and organic concentration and distribution are very different, emphasizing the importance of fully understanding the factors that control biomineral composition before the application of these biominerals to environmental studies.  相似文献   

Trace elements are known to have a key role in myocardial metabolism. The accumulation (cobalt, arsenic, copper) or deficiency (selenium, zinc) of trace elements may be responsible for idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. We investigated the trace element concentrations (Cu, Zn, Mg) in sera from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. We observed that patients with dilated cardiomyopathies have higher copper and lower zinc concentrations in serum than healthy controls. The magnesium concentrations of patients did not differ significantly from that of control subjects.  相似文献   

1. The specific respiration rate of 13 chironomid taxa and Chaoborus were measured to test the hypothesis of the relation between a species' ability to regulate their oxygen uptake and their distributional patterns among nine study lakes in British Columbia, Canada.
2. Respiration patterns of individual taxa were modelled using piecewise linear regression with break point and simple hyperbolic functions. Three types of respiration curves were identified: (i) classical oxy-conformers (e.g. littoral Cricotopus ) which cannot sustain a sufficient oxygen uptake with decreasing oxygen availability; (ii) oxy-regulators (e.g. profundal Chironomus ) which can regulate and maintain a constant respiration until a certain critical point and (iii) oxy-stressors ( Micropsectra ) which increase their respiration rate with decreasing oxygen availability until a critical point.
3. Respiration was measured at two different temperatures (10 and 20 °C), and over the range of oxygen saturation conditions studied here (0–90%) mean Q 10 values varied from 1.3 to 2.5.
4. The results show that different chironomid taxa have varying sensitivity to low oxygen concentrations and different respiratory responses to increased temperature. The critical point increased to higher oxygen saturation for six taxa, decreased for one taxon and was unchanged for two taxa.
5. The results illustrate one of the possible biological mechanisms behind the use of chironomids as temperature and climate indicators in palaeoecological studies by exploring the link between temperature and respiration physiology.  相似文献   

The physical-chemical limnology of a desert lake in central Arizona was investigated from February 1971–July 1973. The reservoir was found to be a warm-monomictic, eutrophic lake which exhibited pronounced thermal stratification during the summer months. Surface water temperatures ranged from a minimum of ca. 9 C in January to a maximum near 30 C in July–August. Chemically the lake may be described as a hard water lake of moderately high alkalinity and salinity. The concentration of the principal ions was affected significantly by precipitation run-off. The primary nutrients N and P were subject to considerable seasonal variability, being influenced most by precipitation and phytoplankton abundance. Trace element concentrations were low and showed comparatively little fluctuation during the study.  相似文献   

Stabel  Hans-Henning 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):323-329
The contents of Sr and Ca were measured weekly in Lake Constance in 1986. Epilimnetic concentrations of Ca changed between 1.30 × 10-3 mol l-1 (during homothermy) and 0.9 × 10 -3 mol l-1 (during thermal stratification). The seasonal fluctuations of Ca were correlated with those of Sr (between 4.61 and 5.36 mol l-1). The epilimnion was permanently oversaturated with respect to calcite but not with respect to SrCO3. Analysis of the settling process by use of sedimentation traps revealed two short episodes of very high authigenic settling fluxes of CaCO3, triggered by phytoplankton diatoms. Seasonal changes of the Ca contents (between 4.1 and 30.7 percent of the dry weight) and of the Sr concentrations (from 12 to 75 × 10-3 percent) in the settling material were closely correlated. This suggests a coprecipitation mechanism with a nearly constant stoichiometry of (atoms Sr/atoms Ca) × 1000 of 0.84. Coprecipitation of Sr or Ca with organic matter was insignificant. In the hypolimnion some Sr and Ca were released from the settling material. These results strongly suggest that the cycle of Sr in Lake Constance is driven predominantly by coprecipitation with calcite. The principal chemical mechanisms leading to coprecipitation are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on somatic and otolith growth and the incorporation of strontium in otolith of the Japanese eel, were studied in laboratory-reared and field-caught eels. The somatic and otolith growth rates of the eel increased significantly with temperature and were estimated as approximately 0·096 mm t.l, (P<0·01) and 0·36 μm in otolith diameter per degree-day (0·01相似文献   

为了探讨上杭种源马尾松Pinus massoniana叶营养与生长对不同镁肥水平的响应,以其优良种源1年生苗为材料,设置4个镁肥梯度(42 g·m-2、85 g·m-2、170 g·m-2、339 g·m-2),测定移栽1年后苗木生长指标及叶内营养含量。结果表明,施镁能够促进元素P、K、Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn积累,抑制N、Mg、Mn积累;镁施肥量为85 g·m-2时,对N、Mg、Mn积累的抑制作用不显著,对P、K、Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn积累的促进作用最大,苗木生长最好,为最佳施肥量。施镁并不能促进苗木对镁的吸收,而是改变了营养供应的土壤环境,从而改变植物对其他营养的吸收比例,进而影响植物的生长。苗木的生长与Fe、P、K的关系最为密切,其次是Mg、Mn、Ca、N、Cu、Zn。  相似文献   

Trace elements have been shown to improve red blood cell (RBC) deformability: zinc in sickle cell disease and magnesium in an in vitro model of chemically rigidified erythrocytes. In this study, we investigated the effect and the influence of incubation time of zinc or magnesium on an in vitro model of rigidified RBCs by heating. Erythrocyte rigidity was determined by viscosimetry at high shear rate by a falling ball viscosimeter MT 90. In the first part of the study, six normal volunteers participated. Viscosimetry was performed on native blood before and after heating the sample for 10 min at 50°C. Therefore, increasing concentrations of zinc gluconate (final concentration: 0.5–4 g/L) or isotonic NaCl as control medium were added to the sample. Heating induced a twofold increase in all indices of RBC rigidity (p<0.05). At all these concentrations of zinc, a highly significant, dose-related fluidifying effect was observed (40–70%): this effect was immediately obtained and did not change over 60 min. Even at the highest concentration, recovery was not complete. In the second part of the study, we studied magnesium’s effects on blood. In a first protocol, whole blood was rigidified by heating at 56°C for 10 min, and the correcting effect of 5 min of incubation at 37°C of RBCs in 150 mmol/L NaCl, MgSO4, magnesium acetate, and magnesium gluconate was investigated. In a second protocol, the same incubation with NaCl and magnesium salts was made on blood that had not been previously heated. In a third protocol, the correcting effect of magnesium gluconate on heated red blood cells was tested at four concentrations (75, 150, 225, and 300 mmol/L) over 1 h, for evaluating the effects of both concentration and time. Erythrocyte rigidity by heating is corrected by the three salts employed in protocol 1 (compared to sodium). In protocol 2, the deformability of normal (nonheated) red cells is not modified by magnesium. In protocol 3, no marked modification over 1 h is observed. The correcting effect is not complete for 75 mmol/L Mg, but remains the same at the three other concentrations. This study shows that zinc and magnesium at supraphysiological concentration are able to reverse RBC’s rigidification induced by heating, but that magnesium does not modify the flexibility of normal RBCs. This article suggests that zinc and magnesium may be studied in vivo as potential pharmacologic tools for improving hemorheologic disturbances.  相似文献   

Desert perennials as plant and soil indicators in Eastern Arabia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Böer  Benno  Sargeant  Donna 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(2):261-266
Soils of different Eastern Arabian vegetation types, dominated by five desert perennials have been analysed for their texture, salinity and surface hardness. The vegetation types were analysed for plant species richness and composition. Special emphasis was given to Abu Dhabi's widespread terrestrial perennials Cyperus conglomeratus Rottb., Haloxylon salicornicum (Moq.) Bge., Pennisetum divisum (Gmel.) Henr., Seidlitzia rosmarinus Ehrenb. ex Bge. and Zygophyllum mandavillei Hadidi. The results show some important relationships between soils and plants. C. conglomeratus indicates the lowest soil salinity levels and the finest texture. P. divisum indicates the highest species richness and S. rosmarinus indicates the lowest species richness. Z. mandavillei indicates the highest salinity levels, the largest soil particle size, and the hardest soil surfaces.  相似文献   

Weckström  Jan  Korhola  Atte  Blom  Tom 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):171-184
Weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibrationbased optima and tolerances of lakewater pH andtemperature are presented for diatoms in ecologicallysensitive, subarctic Fennoscandian lakes. The studysites are mostly small, simple, oligotrophic,low-conductivity lakes with a pH range from 5.0 to7.7 and a temperature range (after data screening)from 9.3 to 15.0 °C. Experiments with inverse andclassical deshrinking, with or without tolerancedownweighting, were used to identify the bestcalibration functions. The model estimates wereadjusted by jackknifing procedures. WA by inversedeshrinking and with tolerance downweighting performedbest for pH prediction, whereas simple WA wasmarginally superior for predicting water temperature.The established pH model is accurate to within±0.39 H units, and the temperature model towithin ±0.88 degrees Celcius. Fifteen diatom taxawere identified as potential indicator species for pHand three for temperature.  相似文献   

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