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Introductionthe aim of this study was to assess the validity of a novel wearable sweat rate monitor against an array of sweat analysis techniques which determine sudomotor function when exercising moderately under heat stress. Construct validity was determined utilising a 5-day short-term heat acclimation (STHA) intervention.MethodsNineteen healthy individuals (age: 41 ± 23 years, body mass: 74.0 ± 12.2 kg, height: 174.9 ± 6.9 cm) [male; n = 15, female; n = 4] completed nine trials over a three-week period, in a controlled chamber set to 35 °C, 50% relative humidity for all sessions. The pre and post-trials were separated by five consecutive controlled hyperthermia HA sessions. Sweat analysis was compared from pre and post-trial, whereby whole body sweat rate (WBSR) was assessed via pre and post nude body mass. Local sweat rate (LSR) was determined via technical absorbent patches (TA) (weighed pre and post) and a novel wearable KuduSmart® (SMART) monitor which was placed on the left arm during the 30-min of exercise. Tegaderm patches, used to measure sweat sodium chloride conductivity (SC), and TA patches were placed on the back, chest and forearm for the 30-min cycling.ResultsSudomotor function significantly adapted via STHA (p < 0.05); demonstrated by a WBSR increase of 24%, LSR increase via the TA method (back: 26%, chest: 45% and arm: 48%) and LSR increase by the SMART monitor (35%). Finally, SC decreased (back: -21%, chest: -25% and arm: -24%, p < 0.05).ConclusionAll sweat techniques were sensitive to sudomotor function adaptation following STHA, reinforcing their validity. The real time data given by the wearable KuduSmart® monitor provides coaches and athletes instant comparable sudomotor function feedback to traditional routinely used sweat analysis techniques.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of active heat acclimation on the sweat osmolality and sweat sodium ion concentration vs. sweat rate relationship in humans. Eight healthy male volunteers completed 10 days of exercise in the heat. The mean exercising heart rate and core temperature were significantly decreased (P < 0.05) by 18 beats/min and 0.6 degrees C, respectively, following heat acclimation. Furthermore, sweat osmolality and the sweat sodium ion concentration vs. sweat rate relationships were shifted to the right. Specifically, the slopes of the relationships were not affected by heat acclimation. Rather, heat acclimation significantly reduced the y-intercepts of the sweat osmolality and sweat sodium relationships with sweat rate by 28 mosmol/kgH(2)O and 15 mmol/l, respectively. Thus there was a significantly lower sweat sodium ion concentration for a given sweat rate following heat acclimation. These results suggest that heat acclimation increases the sodium ion reabsorption capacity of the human eccrine sweat gland.  相似文献   

Enhanced recovery following physical activity and exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) has become a priority for athletes. Consequently, a number of post-exercise recovery strategies are used, often without scientific evidence of their benefits. Within this framework, the purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of whole body cryotherapy (WBC), far infrared (FIR) or passive (PAS) modalities in hastening muscular recovery within the 48 hours after a simulated trail running race. In 3 non-adjoining weeks, 9 well-trained runners performed 3 repetitions of a simulated trail run on a motorized treadmill, designed to induce muscle damage. Immediately (post), post 24 h, and post 48 h after exercise, all participants tested three different recovery modalities (WBC, FIR, PAS) in a random order over the three separate weeks. Markers of muscle damage (maximal isometric muscle strength, plasma creatine kinase [CK] activity and perceived sensations [i.e. pain, tiredness, well-being]) were recorded before, immediately after (post), post 1 h, post 24 h, and post 48 h after exercise. In all testing sessions, the simulated 48 min trail run induced a similar, significant amount of muscle damage. Maximal muscle strength and perceived sensations were recovered after the first WBC session (post 1 h), while recovery took 24 h with FIR, and was not attained through the PAS recovery modality. No differences in plasma CK activity were recorded between conditions. Three WBC sessions performed within the 48 hours after a damaging running exercise accelerate recovery from EIMD to a greater extent than FIR or PAS modalities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of warm-up protocols using either whole-body vibration (WBV) or cycle ergometry (CE) on peak torque at 3 different isokinetic speeds and on fatigue in the knee extension exercise. Twenty-seven recreationally trained (age = 23.59 ± 3.87 years) men (n = 14) and women (n = 13) were tested at 3 different isokinetic speeds (60, 180, 300°·s-1) after either WBV or CE warm-up. The WBV consisted of intermittent bouts of 30 seconds of isometric squats at various degrees of hip and knee flexion for a total of 5 minutes. The CE consisted of 5 minutes of pedaling a cycle ergometer at 65-85% of age-predicted max heart rate. Comparisons between the warm-up conditions were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. For the fatigue comparison, subjects completed 50 continuous concentric knee extensions at 240°·s-1. Means from the first 3 repetitions were compared to means from the final 3 repetitions to establish a fatigue index. Conditions were compared through an independent T-test. No significant (p > 0.05) differences were discovered between warm-up conditions at any speed or on the fatigue index. Means were virtually identical at 60°·s-1 (WBV = 142.14 ± 43.61 ft lb-1; CE = 140.64 ± 42.72 ft lb-1), 180° s-1 (WBV = 93.88 ± 35.18 ft lb-1; CE = 96.36 ± 31.53 ft lb-1), and 300°·s-1 (WBV = 78.36 ± 26.04 ft lb-1; CE = 80.13 ± 26.08), and on fatigue percentage (WBV = 51.14 ± 10.06%; CE = 52.96 ± 9.19%). These data suggest that the more traditional 5-minute cycle ergometer warm-up elicits results comparable to a less common vibration warm-up. The findings of this study are that these modalities are comparable under the tested conditions.  相似文献   

Methods based on cutaneous markers are the most popular for the recording of three dimensional scapular motion analysis. Numerous methods have been evaluated, each showing different levels of accuracy and reliability. The aim of this review was to report the metrological properties of 3D scapular kinematic measurements using cutaneous markers and to make recommendations based on metrological evidence.  相似文献   

A number of methods exist for the estimation of abdominal obesity, ranging from waist-to-hip ratio to computed tomography (CT). Although dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was originally used to measure bone density and total body composition, recent improvements in software allow it to determine abdominal fat mass. Sixty-five men and women aged 18-72 yr participated in a series of studies to examine the validity and reliability of the DXA to accurately measure abdominal fat. Total body fat and abdominal regional fat were measured by DXA using a Lunar DPX-IQ. Multislice CT scans were performed between L1 and L4 vertebral bodies (region of interest) using a Picker PQ5000 CT scanner, and volumetric analyses were carried out on a Voxel Q workstation. Both abdominal total tissue mass (P = 0.02) and abdominal fat mass (P < 0.0001) in the L1-L4 region of interest were significantly lower as measured by DXA compared with multislice CT. However, Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated good concordance between DXA and CT for abdominal total tissue mass (i.e., limits of agreement = -1.56-2.54 kg) and fat mass (i.e., limits of agreement = -0.40-1.94 kg). DXA also showed excellent reliability among three different operators to determine total, fat, and lean body mass in the L1-L4 region of interest (intraclass correlations, R = 0.94, 0.97, and 0.89, respectively). In conclusion, the DXA L1-L4 region of interest compared with CT proved to be both reliable and accurate method to determine abdominal obesity.  相似文献   


Morningness-eveningness (ME) can be defined as individual differences in sleep-wake patterns, and the time of day people feel and perform best. Various self-report instruments that measure ME have been developed. The Horne and Östberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) has most frequently been used for classifying ME types. The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the Slovene version of the MEQ (Slovene MEQ). Two hundred and sixty-five participants (65.3% women, 34,7% men, mean age 38,1 years, range 19–67) took the Slovene MEQ twice, 2 weeks apart (MEQ test and retest). Internal consistency of the Slovene MEQ items was high, with Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of 0.86. The test–retest reliability was also high, with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.96. The classification of chronotypes on middle-aged population offered a more balanced representation of the five chronotypes than those proposed by the authors Horne and Östberg . Age changes in chronotype could be confirmed in this study in the supposed direction with older adults being more morning-oriented. The criterion validity of the Slovene MEQ through the relationship of morningness and basic personality traits showed that conscientiousness and agreeableness demonstrated positive and significant correlations with morningness. A low negative correlation was observed between openness and morningness, with higher eveningness among more open participants.  相似文献   

Young, W, Farrow, D, Pyne, D, McGregor, W, and Handke, T. Validity and reliability of agility tests in junior Australian football players. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3399-3403, 2011-The importance of sport-specific stimuli in reactive agility tests (RATs) compared to other agility tests is not known. The purpose of this research was to determine the validity and reliability of agility tests. Fifty junior Australian football players aged 15-17 years, members of either an elite junior squad (n = 35) or a secondary school team (n = 15), were assessed on a new RAT that involved a change of direction sprint in response to the movements of an attacking player projected in life size on a screen. These players also underwent the planned Australian Football League agility test, and a subgroup (n = 13) underwent a test requiring a change of direction in response to a left or right arrow stimulus. The elite players were significantly better than the school group players on the RAT (2.81 ± 0.08 seconds, 3.07 ± 0.12 seconds; difference 8.5%) but not in the arrow stimulus test or planned agility test. The data were log transformed and the reliability of the new RAT estimated using typical error (TE) expressed as a coefficient of variation. The TE for the RAT was 2.7% (2.0-4.3, 90% confidence interval) or 0.07 seconds (0.5-1.0), with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.33. For the test using the arrow stimulus, the TE was 3.4% (2.4-6.2), 0.09 (0.06-0.15) seconds, and ICC was 0.10. The sport-specific stimulus provided by the new RAT is a crucial component of an agility test; however, adoption of the new RAT for routine testing is likely to require more accessible equipment and several familiarization trials to improve its reliability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish validity and reliability evidence for the medicine ball throw test for kindergarten students, an underrepresented group in the literature. The subjects were 105 students, 5-7 years old, BMI 17.44 +/- 3.17 kg x m(-2), 43% female and 57% male. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to examine reliability, and Pearson correlation coefficients and a paired t-test were used to examine validity. To accomplish this, the kindergarten students completed the medicine ball throw test on two different days and the modified pull-up test, the "criterion" measure, on another day. For the medicine ball throw, each student sat on the floor before throwing the medicine ball forward like a chest pass three times. The medicine ball throw was highly reliable both within 1 day (ICCs = 0.93 and 0.94 for day 1 and day 2, respectively) and across 2 days (ICC = 0.88), with all reliability estimates over the acceptable level of 0.80. The medicine ball throw scores were positively related with height (r = 0.34) and weight (r = 0.34), and there was a significant difference between the 5-year-old group (mean +/- SD; 111.78 +/- 34.93) and the 6-year-old group (135.60 +/- 39.77), t = -3.23, p = 0.002, which supports correlational and known-difference evidence of validity for the medicine ball throw test. Even though no correlation was found between the medicine ball throw test and the modified pull-up test, r = -0.04, other forms of validity evidence (i.e., known-difference and correlational) were apparent. In conclusion, the medicine ball throw test seems to be a valid and reliable measure of upper-body strength for kindergarten children.  相似文献   

Regional cutaneous sensitivity to cooling was assessed in males by separately immersing four discrete skin regions in cold water (15 degrees C) during head-out immersion. The response measured was gasping at the onset of immersion; the gasping response appears to be the result of a nonthermoregulatory neurogenic drive from cutaneous cold receptors. Subjects of similar body proportions wore a neoprene "dry" suit modified to allow exposure to the water of either the arms, upper torso, lower torso, or legs, while keeping the unexposed skin regions thermoneutral. Each subject was immersed to the sternal notch in all four conditions of partial exposure plus one condition of whole body exposure. The five cold water conditions were matched by control immersions in lukewarm (34 degrees C) water, and trials were randomized. The magnitude of the gasping response was determined by mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1). For each subject, P0.1 values for the 1st min of immersion were integrated, and control trial values, although minimal, were subtracted from their cold water counterpart to account for any gasping due to the experimental design. Results were averaged and showed that the highest P0.1 values were elicited from whole body exposure, followed in descending order by exposures of the upper torso, legs, lower torso, and arms. Correction of the P0.1 response for differences in exposed surface area (A) and cooling stimulus (delta T) between regions gave a cold sensitivity index [CSI, P0.1/(A.delta T)] for each region and showed that the index for the upper torso was significantly higher than that for the arms or legs; no significant difference was observed between the indexes for the upper and lower torso.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present investigation was aimed to evaluate the effect of subclinical hypothyroidism and obesity on bone mineral content (BMC) in different body segments. METHODS: Thirty-two premenopausal women (age: 37 +/- 9.9 years), with a wide range in body mass index (BMI), were studied. Subclinical hypothyroidism was defined by a basal TSH > or = 4 microU/l and/or a TRH-stimulated peak > or = 30 microU/l. For each subject, weight, height, BMI (weight/height(2)) and the waist/hip ratio were measured. Total BMC, total bone mineral density (BMD), leg BMC, leg BMD, trunk BMC, trunk BMD, arm BMC and arm BMD were determined using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Thyroid function (basal and TRH-stimulated TSH, free T(3) and free T(4)) were determined from fasting blood samples for all subjects. RESULTS: Anova was conducted within all the groups to observe the effect of thyroid status and/or obesity on BMC and BMD. There was no statistical difference for age. Total BMC was affected by obesity (p < 0.05) but not by thyroid status, BMD of the legs was significantly influenced both by thyroid function and obesity (p < 0.01); total BMD was affected by hypothyroid status (p < 0.05). A direct relationship between leg BMD and TSH was demonstrated. CONCLUSION: Subclinical thyroid hypofunction and obesity seem to affect BMD differently in the body segments. An influence of gravitational force seems necessary in order to make evident the effect of subclinical hypothyroidism on bone. A condition of subclinical hypothyroidism should be considered when evaluating subjects for osteoporosis, since a BMD measured at the femoral neck may induce underestimation of initial osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Little research has been reported examining the effects of pre-cooling on high-intensity exercise performance, particularly when combined with strategies to keep the working muscle warm. This study used nine active males to determine the effects of pre-cooling the torso and thighs (LC), pre-cooling the torso (ice-vest in 3 degrees C air) while keeping the thighs warm (LW), or no cooling (CON: 31 degrees C air), on physiological strain and high-intensity (45-s) exercise performance (33 degrees C, 60% rh). Furthermore, we sought to determine whether performance after pre-cooling was influenced by a short exercise warm-up. The 45-s test was performed at different (P<0.05) mean core temperature [(rectal+oesophageal)/2] [CON: 37.3+/-0.3 (S.D.), LW: 37.1+/-0.3, LC: 36.8+/-0.4 degrees C] and mean skin temperature (CON: 34.6+/-0.6, LW: 29.0+/-1.0, LC: 27.2+/-1.2 degrees C) between all conditions. Forearm blood flow prior to exercise was also lower in LC (3.1+/-2.0 ml 100 ml tissue(-1) x min(-1)) than CON (8.2+/-2.5, P=0.01) but not LW (4.3+/-2.6, P=0.46). After an exercise warm-up, muscle temperature (Tm) was not significantly different between conditions (CON: 37.3+/-1.5, LW: 37.3+/-1.2, LC: 36.6+/-0.7 degrees C, P=0.16) but when warm-up was excluded, T(m) was lower in LC (34.5+/-1.9 degrees C, P=0.02) than in CON (37.3+/-1.0) and LW (37.1+/-0.9). Even when a warm-up was performed, torso+thigh pre-cooling decreased both peak (-3.4+/-3.8%, P=0.04) and mean power output (-4.1+/-3.8%, P=0.01) relative to the control, but this effect was markedly larger when warm-up was excluded (peak power -7.7+/-2.5%, P=0.01; mean power -7.6+/-1.2%, P=0.01). Torso-only pre-cooling did not reduce peak or mean power, either with or without warm-up. These data indicate that pre-cooling does not improve 45-s high-intensity exercise performance, and can impair performance if the working muscles are cooled. A short exercise warm-up largely removes any detrimental effects of a cold muscle on performance by increasing Tm.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of a new stair sprinting power (SSP) test and, in addition, develop norms for college-age students. Two hundred twenty-seven college-age volunteers participated in the study (ages: males, [Latin capital letter X with macron above] = 21.6 +/- 2.264 years; females, [Latin capital letter X with macron above] = 22.3 +/- 4.214 years). The majority (n = 192) were tested with stopwatches, and 35 were tested using Speedtrap II. Participants began with their back to a wall 1.87 m from the first step of a 2.04-m high staircase of which they sprinted 2 steps per stride to the top. Scores were explosive power = (body mass (kg) x 98 x 2.04)/time (s). Excellent test-retest reliability (intraclass R) was demonstrated: overall, F(1, 226) = 0.420, p = 0.518, R = 0.986; stopwatch: males, F(1, 118) = 0.045, p = 0.833, R = 0.970; and females, F(1, 72) = 0.000, p = 0.998, R = 0.977; and the Speedtrap II: males, F(1, 15) = 2.599, p = 0.128, R = 0.982; and females, F(1, 18) = 0.010, p = 0.921, R = 0.980. In addition, vertical jumping distance (VJD) was acquired on 25 of the Speedtrap II participants. Using Pearson product moment correlation, relationships were determined between SSP, vertical jumping distance (VJD), and vertical jumping power (VJP): VJP = (W) = 51.9 x countermovement VJD (cm) + 48.9 x body mass (kg) - 2007. Overall, the correlation between SSP and VJD was strong, r = 0.692, p = 0.000; however, correlations by sex were neither significant nor meaningful. Significantly strong correlations were found between SSP and VJP: overall, r = 0.943, p = 0.000; males, r = 0.903, p = 0.000; and females, r = 0.835, p = 0.000. It was concluded that the new test was safe, quick, easy to administer, inexpensive, reliable, and valid both logically and concurrently when used with college-age males and females.  相似文献   

Summary In order to visualize regional blood flow in various tissues of the mouse at the same time, the distribution of radioactive carbon from 14C-iodoantipyrine was studied by whole-body autoradiography. The mice were frozen with Dry-Ice-hexane at 1, 10, 30 min, and 1 h and 3 h after intravenous injection of 14C-iodoantipyrine. Whole-sagittal sections of the frozen mouse, obtained by using a cryostat microtome, were dried in a cryostat and subjected to autoradiography. The resulting dry autoradiographs are called untreated autoradiographs in the present work. The sections were then fixed in cold 6% (w/v) HClO4, dried at room temperature and again subjected to autoradiography. Autoradiographs thus obtained are referred to as treated autoradiographs. It was found that the method could be suitable for the estimation of regional blood flow of the renal cortex, spleen, lung, skeletal muscle, bone marrow, thymus, testes, and brain.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants capable of helping to protect the skin from the damaging effects of exposure to sun by reducing the free radicals in skin produced by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and they may also have a physical protective effect in human skin. Since carotenoids are lipophilic molecules which can be ingested with the diet, they can accumulate in significant quantities in the skin. Several studies on humans have been conducted to evaluate the protective function of carotenoids against various diseases, but there is very limited published information available to understand the mechanism of carotenoid bioavailability in animals. The current study was conducted to investigate the skin carotenoid level (SCL) in two cattle skin sets – weaners with an unknown feeding regime and New Generation Beef (NGB) cattle with monitored feed at three different ages. Rapid analytical and sensitive Raman spectroscopy has been shown to be of interest as a powerful technique for the detection of carotenoids in cattle skin due to the strong resonance enhancement with 532 nm laser excitation. The spectral difference of both types of skin were measured and quantified using univariate and linear discriminant analysis. SCL was higher in NGB cattle than weaners and there is a perfect classification accuracy between weaners and NGB cattle skin using carotenoid markers as a basis. Further work carried out on carotenoid rich NGB cattle skin of 8, 12 and 24 months of age identified an increasing trend in SCL with age. The present work validated the ability of Raman spectroscopy to determine the skin carotenoid level in cattle by comparing it with established HPLC methods. There is an excellent correlation of R2 = 0.96 between the two methods that could serve as a model for future application for larger population studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of coating methods (plaster bandage, inelastic tape, and the alginate method) and an indirect method using a three dimensional (3D) whole body scanner. The surface area of geometric solids was measured five times using the three coating methods, and analyzed through 2D scanning and a planimeter. Second, to examine the accuracy of the alginate method more closely, the surface areas of boards with different surface properties at various inclines were measured and compared. Lastly, the surface area of a human arm was measured using the three coating methods and a 3D scanning method. The results are as follows: 1) The three coating methods were statistically valid and reliable for measuring the surface area of geometric solids. 2) The planimeter was rejected because the mean error was bigger than in 2D scanning. 3) The method showing the least error was the inelastic tape method, but that method was not recommended because it was too tiresome and laborious. 4) The greater the curvature and smaller the size of a geometric solid, the greater the error. 5) In measuring surface area using the alginate method, the objects that were smoother and had steeper angles showed a greater surface area: however, the mean error was less than 1%. 6) In measuring a human arm, the surface area obtained by 3D scanning was less than any other surface area obtained in the three coating methods, because the 3D scanner could not discern the armpit and fingers. In conclusion, the method using alginate was statistically valid and reliable in the measuring of surface area both of geometric solids and real human skin.  相似文献   

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