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Examination of Giardia muris cysts stained with the fluorogenic dyes, fluorescein diacetate (FDA) or propidium iodide (PI), by either Nomarski differential interference contrast (DIC), phase, or brightfield (BF) microscopy revealed a direct correlation between morphologic appearance and uptake of FDA or PI. Cysts incorporating FDA were all morphologically identical and exhibited (1) a clearly delineated cyst wall, (2) the presence of a distinct space between cyst wall and cytoplasm, and (3) flagella recognizable at one pole of the cyst. FDA-positive cysts also had a hyaline appearance of the cytoplasm (examined at multiple focal planes with DIC) that made it very difficult to detect the presence of nuclei, intracellular axonemes of flagella, or curved elements of the adhesive disc. However, PI-stained cysts possessed a distinct morphology that was clearly different from that of FDA-stained cysts. Examination of PI-stained cysts demonstrated the presence of well-defined nuclei, intracellular axonemes, and curved elements of the adhesive disc. The cytoplasm of PI-stained cysts contained a fine granular texture as opposed to the hyaline appearance of FDA-stained cysts, and no space was observed separating the cyst wall from the underlying cytoplasm in the PI cyst. This light microscopic comparison of viable FDA- and nonviable PI-stained cysts of G. muris demonstrates that 2 types of cysts can be distinguished and implies that structural differences can be used to identify these subpopulations of cysts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Giardia muris cyst viability after ozonation was compared by using fluorescein diacetate-ethidium bromide staining, the C3H/HeN mouse-G. muris model, and in vitro excystation. Bench-scale batch experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions (pH 6.7, 22 degrees C) in ozone-demand-free phosphate buffer. There was a significant difference between fluorogenic staining and infectivity (P less than or equal to 0.05), with fluorogenic staining overestimating viability compared with infectivity estimates of viability. This suggests that viable cysts as indicated by fluorogenic dyes may not be able to complete the life cycle and produce an infection. No significant differences between infectivity and excystation and between fluorogenic staining and excystation (P less than or equal to 0.05) were detected for inactivations up to 99.9%. Only animal infectivity had the sensitivity to detect inactivations greater than 99.9%. Therefore, the animal model is the best method currently available for detecting high levels of G. muris cyst inactivation.  相似文献   

Giardia muris cyst viability after ozonation was compared by using fluorescein diacetate-ethidium bromide staining, the C3H/HeN mouse-G. muris model, and in vitro excystation. Bench-scale batch experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions (pH 6.7, 22 degrees C) in ozone-demand-free phosphate buffer. There was a significant difference between fluorogenic staining and infectivity (P less than or equal to 0.05), with fluorogenic staining overestimating viability compared with infectivity estimates of viability. This suggests that viable cysts as indicated by fluorogenic dyes may not be able to complete the life cycle and produce an infection. No significant differences between infectivity and excystation and between fluorogenic staining and excystation (P less than or equal to 0.05) were detected for inactivations up to 99.9%. Only animal infectivity had the sensitivity to detect inactivations greater than 99.9%. Therefore, the animal model is the best method currently available for detecting high levels of G. muris cyst inactivation.  相似文献   

BrdU-substituted Chinese hamster chromosomes were treated with a hot Na2HPO4 solution and stained with Giemsa to produce sister chromatid differential staining (SCD). The process of SCD was examined with the Nomarski differential interference microscope and the scanning electron microscope. After the Na2HPO4 treatment alone, unifilarly BrdU-substituted (TB) chromatids appeared somewhat more severely collapsed than the bifilarly substituted (BB) chromatids. Subsequent Giemsa staining, however, brought about pronounced piling up of the Giemsa dye on the TB-chromatids but not on the BB-ones, causing highly distinct differential Giemsa staining as well as a marked differentiation in surface topography between the sister chromatids. Removal of the Giemsa dye from the differentially Giemsa stained chromosomes resulted in a disappearance of such a pronounced topographic differentiation.  相似文献   

Dynamic processes during wet-heat treatment of individual spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis at 80 to 90°C were investigated using dual-trap Raman spectroscopy, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, and nucleic acid stain (SYTO 16) fluorescence microscopy. During spore wet-heat treatment, while the spores' 1:1 chelate of Ca(2+) with dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) was released rapidly at a highly variable time T(lag), the levels of spore nucleic acids remained nearly unchanged, and the T(lag) times for individual spores from the same preparation were increased somewhat as spore levels of CaDPA increased. The brightness of the spores' DIC image decreased by ~50% in parallel with CaDPA release, and there was no spore cortex hydrolysis observed. The lateral diameters of the spores' DIC image and SYTO 16 fluorescence image also decreased in parallel with CaDPA release. The SYTO 16 fluorescence intensity began to increase during wet-heat treatment at a time before T(lag) and reached maximum at a time slightly later than T(release). However, the fluorescence intensities of wet-heat-inactivated spores were ~15-fold lower than those of nutrient-germinated spores, and this low SYTO 16 fluorescence intensity may be due in part to the low permeability of the dormant spores' inner membranes to SYTO 16 and in part to nucleic acid denaturation during the wet-heat treatment.  相似文献   

A method was developed in which indirect immunofluorescence and phase-contrast microscopy are used for rapid detection and identification of Giardia cysts in raw and finished water supplies. When anti-Giardia cyst antiserum and fluorescein conjugate were applied to known Giardia cysts on membrane filters, the cysts fluoresced bright green when they were illuminated by UV light. This procedure permitted individual cysts to be quickly located even in samples heavily contaminated with other microorganisms and debris. The identity of presumptive Giardia cysts located in this way could then be confirmed by observing characteristic internal morphological features with phase-contrast microscopy. With this method, Giardia cysts were detected and their identities were confirmed in samples taken from raw and finished surface water supplies during several recent outbreaks.  相似文献   

A method was developed in which indirect immunofluorescence and phase-contrast microscopy are used for rapid detection and identification of Giardia cysts in raw and finished water supplies. When anti-Giardia cyst antiserum and fluorescein conjugate were applied to known Giardia cysts on membrane filters, the cysts fluoresced bright green when they were illuminated by UV light. This procedure permitted individual cysts to be quickly located even in samples heavily contaminated with other microorganisms and debris. The identity of presumptive Giardia cysts located in this way could then be confirmed by observing characteristic internal morphological features with phase-contrast microscopy. With this method, Giardia cysts were detected and their identities were confirmed in samples taken from raw and finished surface water supplies during several recent outbreaks.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Giardia species are enteric protozoa which cause waterborne disease. The detection of these organisms in water relies on the detection of the oocyst and cyst forms or stages. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were compared for their abilities to react with Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts after storage in water, 3.7% formaldehyde, and 2.5% potassium dichromate, upon exposure to bleach, and in environmental samples. Three monoclonal antibodies to Cryptosporidium parvum were evaluated. Each test resulted in an equivalent detection of the oocysts after storage, after exposure to bleach, and in environmental samples. Oocyst levels declined slightly after 20 to 22 weeks of storage in water, and oocyst fluorescence and morphology were dull and atypical. Oocyst counts decreased after exposure to 2,500 mg of sodium hypochlorite per liter, and fluorescence and phase-contrast counts were similar. Sediment due to algae and clays found in environmental samples interfered with the detection of oocysts on membrane filters. Two monoclonal antibodies and a polyclonal antibody directed against Giardia lamblia cysts were evaluated. From the same seeded preparations, significantly greater counts were obtained with the polyclonal antibody. Of the two monoclonal antibodies, one resulted in significantly lower cyst counts. In preliminary studies, the differences between antibodies were not apparent when used on the environmental wastewater samples. After 20 to 22 weeks in water, cyst levels declined significantly by 67%. Cysts were not detected with monoclonal antibodies after exposure to approximately 5,000 mg of sodium hypochlorite per liter.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Giardia species are enteric protozoa which cause waterborne disease. The detection of these organisms in water relies on the detection of the oocyst and cyst forms or stages. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were compared for their abilities to react with Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts after storage in water, 3.7% formaldehyde, and 2.5% potassium dichromate, upon exposure to bleach, and in environmental samples. Three monoclonal antibodies to Cryptosporidium parvum were evaluated. Each test resulted in an equivalent detection of the oocysts after storage, after exposure to bleach, and in environmental samples. Oocyst levels declined slightly after 20 to 22 weeks of storage in water, and oocyst fluorescence and morphology were dull and atypical. Oocyst counts decreased after exposure to 2,500 mg of sodium hypochlorite per liter, and fluorescence and phase-contrast counts were similar. Sediment due to algae and clays found in environmental samples interfered with the detection of oocysts on membrane filters. Two monoclonal antibodies and a polyclonal antibody directed against Giardia lamblia cysts were evaluated. From the same seeded preparations, significantly greater counts were obtained with the polyclonal antibody. Of the two monoclonal antibodies, one resulted in significantly lower cyst counts. In preliminary studies, the differences between antibodies were not apparent when used on the environmental wastewater samples. After 20 to 22 weeks in water, cyst levels declined significantly by 67%. Cysts were not detected with monoclonal antibodies after exposure to approximately 5,000 mg of sodium hypochlorite per liter.  相似文献   

AIMS: The main goal of this study was to validate a new laser scanning cytometry method (ChemScanRDI) that couples immunofluorescence detection with differential interference contrast (DIC) confirmation, against manual microscopic enumeration of Giardia and Cryptosporidium (oo)cysts. This study also assessed the basic performance of the new Association Fran?aise de Normalisation (AFNOR) NF T 90-455 method for Giardia and Cryptosporidium (oo)cyst enumeration with respect to (oo)cyst yield, linearity, repeatability, influence of turbidity and detection limit in raw and potable waters. METHODS AND RESULTS: The new standard method relies on cartridge (Envirocheck) filtration, immunomagnetic separation purification, immunofluorescence staining and detection followed by DIC confirmation. The recovery was 30-50% for both parasites at seeding levels from 30 to 230 (oo)cysts. The method is linear from 0 to around 400 seeded (oo)cysts and the yield does not significantly vary for turbidity levels from 10 to 40 Formazin Nephelometric Units (FNU). The results were obtained using manual microscopic enumeration of the (oo)cysts. The ChemScanRDI yielded counts that were at least equivalent to those obtained using manual microscopy for both parasites in raw and potable water concentrates, for seeding levels of 10-300 or 10-100, respectively. The purification and labelling method proposed by the supplier of theChemScanRDI (Chemunex) reached very similar recoveries to the AFNOR protocol (70-86% in both cases). CONCLUSIONS: Laser scanning cytometry can be used as a more standardized alternative to manual enumeration as part of the new AFNOR standard method. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: By using laser scanning cytometry instead of manual microscopy, laboratories could circumvent the limitations of manual microscopy, namely: low sample throughput, operator subjectivity and operator fatigue. The study further supports the drive to incorporate laser scanning cytometry in the standard methods for Giardia and Cryptosporidium enumeration.  相似文献   

The flagellated protozoan, Giardia agilis, was isolated from tadpole small intestine and examined by scanning electron microscopy and interference reflexion microscopy. The general morphology of the G. agilis trophozoite is similar to G. muris and G. duodenalis, but with modifications that reflect its elongated form. Interference reflexion microscopic analysis of attachment of G. agilis reveals a pattern of focal contacts by the lateral crest of the ventral disc, the ventrolateral flange, the lateral shield, and by numerous microvillus-like appendages found along the lateral border of the trophozoite. The pattern of focal contacts was observed to be dynamic; trophozoites were observed to make and break the focal contacts in a relatively short time and to glide along the surface of the substratum without breaking focal contacts.  相似文献   

Morphology of the cyst of Giardia microti by light and electron microscopy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cysts of Giardia microti, isolated from feces and intestinal contents of Microtus ochrogaster, were examined by light and electron microscopy. These cysts differed morphologically from cysts of other G. duodenalis morphological types in that these cysts often contained two apparently differentiated trophozoites with mature ventral discs. Cysts more closely resembling those reported for G. lamblia and G. muris were in greater abundance in preparations made from intestinal contents and were interpreted as immature cysts. "Multiple fission" cysts, reported in G. muris and G. microti by earlier workers, were not observed; however, endosymbiotic bacteria were found in the cysts of G. microti and may have been responsible for reports of multiple fission in the cysts of Giardia.  相似文献   

This is a report on the arrangement and dynamic behaviour of microtubule fibres investigated by video-intensified microscopy (Allen Video Enhanced Contrast —Differential Interference Contrast, AVEC-DIC) in spindles of living crane fly spermatocytes. The spindle was found to contain numerous fibrils, each fibril probably consisting of several microtubules. The fibrils are oriented between the poles and, due to slight inclinations, towards each other, frequently form arrowhead-like structures or points of intersection. This leads to an overall lattice-like arrangement. The fibrils display flickering motions visible in real time recordings. The observations are discussed in relation to ultrastructural data on chromosome fibre architecture from previous studies.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy were used to monitor the kinetics of nutrient and nonnutrient germination of multiple individual untreated and wet-heat-treated spores of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium, as well as of several isogenic Bacillus subtilis strains. Major conclusions from this work were as follows. (i) More than 90% of these spores were nonculturable but retained their 1:1 chelate of Ca2+ and dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) when incubated in water at 80 to 95°C for 5 to 30 min. (ii) Wet-heat treatment significantly increased the time, T(lag), at which spores began release of the great majority of their CaDPA during the germination of B. subtilis spores with different nutrient germinants and also increased the variability of T(lag) values. (iii) The time period, ΔT(release), between T(lag) and the time, T(release), at which a spore germinating with nutrients completed the release of the great majority of its CaDPA, was also increased in wet-heat-treated spores. (iv) Wet-heat-treated spores germinating with nutrients had higher values of I(release), the intensity of a spore's DIC image at T(release), than did untreated spores and had much longer time periods, ΔT(lys), for the reduction in I(release) intensities to the basal value due to hydrolysis of the spore's peptidoglycan cortex, probably due at least in part to damage to the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ. (v) Increases in T(lag) and ΔT(release) were also observed when wet-heat-treated B. subtilis spores were germinated with the nonnutrient dodecylamine, while the change in I(release) was less significant. (vi) The effects of wet-heat treatment on nutrient germination of B. cereus and B. megaterium spores were generally similar to those on B. subtilis spores. These results indicate that (i) some proteins important in spore germination are damaged by wet-heat treatment, (ii) the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ is one germination protein damaged by wet heat, and (iii) the CaDPA release process itself seems likely to be the target of wet-heat damage which has the greatest effect on spore germination.  相似文献   

The viability of Giardia muris cysts was studied with the fluorogenic dyes fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and propidium iodide (PI). G. muris cysts were seen to fluoresce intensely green with FDA at an excitation wavelength of 450 to 490 nm. Cysts stained with PI fluoresced bright orange at an excitation wavelength of 450 to 490 nm and bright red at 545 to 546 nm. Examination of isolated G. muris cyst preparations stained with FDA-PI revealed that greater than 85% of the cysts stained green with FDA and less than 15% stained orange-red with PI. Using the mouse model for giardiasis, we inoculated FDA- or PI-stained cysts into neonatal mice. Feces were examined at days 3, 5, 8, and 11 postinoculation for the presence of cysts. Using 1,000 FDA-stained cysts as the inoculum, we detected cysts at days 5, 8, and 11 postinoculation in 19 of 19 mice, whereas a 50-fold greater dose of cysts produced infection in 27 of 27 mice at day 3 as well as at days 5, 8, and 11 postinoculation. Inoculation of mice with either 5,000 or 50,000 PI-stained G. muris cysts did not produce infection in any of the animals. Necropsy of mice infected with FDA-stained cysts showed trophozoites within the intestines. No trophozoites were detected within animals inoculated with PI-stained cysts. These results demonstrate that FDA-positive cysts are viable, as determined by infectivity, while PI-positive cysts are nonviable and incapable of producing G. muris infections in vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The viability of Giardia muris cysts was studied with the fluorogenic dyes fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and propidium iodide (PI). G. muris cysts were seen to fluoresce intensely green with FDA at an excitation wavelength of 450 to 490 nm. Cysts stained with PI fluoresced bright orange at an excitation wavelength of 450 to 490 nm and bright red at 545 to 546 nm. Examination of isolated G. muris cyst preparations stained with FDA-PI revealed that greater than 85% of the cysts stained green with FDA and less than 15% stained orange-red with PI. Using the mouse model for giardiasis, we inoculated FDA- or PI-stained cysts into neonatal mice. Feces were examined at days 3, 5, 8, and 11 postinoculation for the presence of cysts. Using 1,000 FDA-stained cysts as the inoculum, we detected cysts at days 5, 8, and 11 postinoculation in 19 of 19 mice, whereas a 50-fold greater dose of cysts produced infection in 27 of 27 mice at day 3 as well as at days 5, 8, and 11 postinoculation. Inoculation of mice with either 5,000 or 50,000 PI-stained G. muris cysts did not produce infection in any of the animals. Necropsy of mice infected with FDA-stained cysts showed trophozoites within the intestines. No trophozoites were detected within animals inoculated with PI-stained cysts. These results demonstrate that FDA-positive cysts are viable, as determined by infectivity, while PI-positive cysts are nonviable and incapable of producing G. muris infections in vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Villava CE  Arellano-Torres A  Navarro RE  Maldonado E 《BioTechniques》2007,43(3):313-4, 316, 318-20 passim
The zebrafish is a model organism used to study organogenesis during vertebrate development; however epidermis development has been the focus of only a few studies. Thus, new methodologies to highlight and study epidermal cells could be valuable to deepen our understanding of skin development. Large-scale mutagenic screenings have already identified many zebrafish mutants, which are models for human developmental diseases, however only four epidermis mutants have been isolated. Novel screening techniques are needed to improve this collection. We designed and tested a novel freeze-crack technique to obtain, fix, and stain epidermal cells from 5 days postfertilization zebrafish larvae. Using commercially available fluorescent markers and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, we were able to label and highlight subcellular structures such as microridges, cell boundaries, nuclei, and the Golgi complex from epidermis cells. Acquiring and processing epidermis samples from 15 to 75 larvae takes about 2-4 h, respectively. Therefore this method could be used as part of large-scale screenings. In addition, we present a more extensive protocol for antibody staining, which could be employed for more specific studies.  相似文献   

We have developed techniques for micromanipulation under high power video microscopy. We have used these to study the structure and motion of patch-clamped membranes when driven by pressure steps. Patch-clamped membranes do not consist of just a membrane, but rather a plug of membrane-covered cytoplasm. There are organelles and vesicles within the cytoplasm in the pipette tip of both cell-attached and excised patches. The cytoplasm is capable of active contraction normal to the plane of the membrane. With suction applied before seal formation, vesicles may be swept from the cell surface by shear stress generated from the flow of saline over the cell surface. In this case, patch recordings are made from membrane that was not originally present under the tip. The vesicles may break, or fuse and break, to form the gigasealed patch. Patch membranes adhere strongly to the wall of the pipette so that at zero transmural pressure the membranes tend to be normal to the wall. With transmural pressure gradients, the membranes generally become spherical; the radius of curvature decreasing with increasing pressure. Some patches have nonuniform curvature demonstrating that forces normal to the membrane may be significant. Membranes often do not respond quickly to changes in pipette pressure, probably because viscoelastic cytoplasm reduces the rate of flow through the tip of the pipette. Inside-out patches may be peeled from the walls of the pipette, and even everted (with positive pressure), without losing the seal. This suggests that the gigaseal is a distributed property of the membrane-glass interface.  相似文献   

The effects of freezing and thawing on the detection of selected Giardia spp. cysts were investigated using immunofluorescence, bright field microscopy, and low voltage scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Giardia muris cysts were obtained from either animal carcasses, fecal pellets, or isolated cyst preparations, whereas Giardia lamblia cysts were isolated from fecal samples. These samples were stained using an immunofluorescence technique after 1-3 freezing (-16 C) and thawing (20 C) cycles. Cysts were detected successfully by immunofluorescence in all samples. However, in those samples subjected to freeze-thawing, the cyst walls often became distorted and then were not detectable by bright field microscopy. Low voltage SEM demonstrated that the filaments in the distorted cyst wall underwent rearrangements of interfilament spacing. Quantitation of cyst recovery after freezing and thawing demonstrated that a substantial loss occurred after 1 cycle of alternating temperature when low concentrations of cysts were used, but not with high concentrations of cysts. Cyst recovery, after 3 freezing and thawing cycles, was dramatically lowered irrespective of the initial cyst concentration. These results demonstrated that immunofluorescence was an effective technique for the detection of Giardia spp. cysts in frozen samples and would suggest that freezing and thawing of fecal samples could prevent the detection of cysts when only bright field microscopy was employed.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Molecular detection of Giardia duodenalis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is difficult in faecal samples due to inhibitors that contaminate DNA preparations, or due...  相似文献   

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