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The ultrastructural characteristics of the innervation established by MIP-(Mytilus inhibitory peptide) immunoreactive neurons was investigated in the heart of the snail, Helix pomatia, applying correlative light- and electron microscopic pre-embedding immunocytochemistry on Vibratome-slices. In both the auricle and ventricle, the muscle fibers receive a rich innervation by MIP-immunoreactive (IR) varicose fibers. However, the innervation is seasonally changing in the two parts of the heart. The varicosities, containing a morphologically uniform population of large (120-150 nm) electron-dense granules, can be found in three different positions in relation to the muscle fibers: (i) close (15-20 nm) but unspecialized membrane connections between MIP-(IR) varicosities and muscle fibers; (ii) MIP-IR varicosities located relatively far (0.5-several microm) from the muscles fibers; (iii) MIP-IR profiles localized freely in the extracellular space among the loosely arranged muscle fibers. A general modulatory role of MIP in regulating the heart activity of Helix is suggested.  相似文献   

Adult pulmonate snails (Helix pomatia) were released equidistant between two types of food, carrot and potato, respectively. Naive snails moved in different directions and did not locate either food above chance, although both foods were readily eaten upon direct contact. After a single carrot feeding episode, 75% of the carrot-fed snails moved directly towards the carrot and ate it. Conversely, potato-fed snails located the potato in 67% of the cases. Snails that were fed apple or lettuce behaved like naive animals, with the majority of animals (75% in both cases) locating neither the carrot nor the potato.The ability of snails to locate this particular food after a single feeding episode was maintained for at least 11 days, provided that the snails were not exposed to other foods in the interim. If the animals were fed a different food (but still tested for food-finding ability to the initially conditioned food) their orientation preference decreased gradually over a period of 5 days.Although the snails' orientation is based upon olfactory cues, exposure to food odor alone is not sufficient to enable food-finding; additional feeding related stimuli are necessary.These findings indicate that Helix do not possess a predisposition for the foods tested, and further suggest that processes underlying food-finding and food selection are strongly influenced by learning experiences. The conditioning phenomenon underlying food-finding behavior has been called Food-Attraction Conditioning, and appears to be a crucial link between the ecologies of learning and foraging behaviors. The accessibility of the snail's nervous system should permit neuronal analysis of the mechanisms underlying such a unique and complex learning phenomenon.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the cellular mechanism of secretion in the salivary gland of the snail, Helix pomatia, using electrophysiological, electron microscopic and immunohistochemical techniques. A homogeneously distributed membrane potential (-56.6 +/- 9.8 mV) was determined mainly by a K+ -electrochemical gradient and partly by the contribution of the electrogenic Na+ -pump and Cl- conductance. Low resistance electrical coupling sites were identified physiologically. Transmission electron microscopy and innexin 2 antibody revealed the presence of gap-junction-like membrane structures between gland cells. It is suggested that gap-junctions are sites of electrotonic intercellular communication, which integrate the gland cells into a synchronized functional unit in the acinus. Stimulation of the salivary nerve elicited secretory potentials (depolarization) which could be mimicked by local application of acetylcholine, dopamine or serotonin. In voltage-clamp experiments four major conductances were identified: a delayed rectifier (IK), a transient (IA) and a Ca2+ -activated outward K+ current (IK(Ca)) and Ca2+ -inward currents (ICa). It is suggested that one or more of these conductances may give rise to a stimulus activated secretory potential leading to excitation-secretion coupling and subsequent the release of the mucus from the gland cells.  相似文献   

The Cd-sequestering metallothionein (MT) isoform isolated from the midgut gland of Roman snails exposed to Cd supplements in the feed was characterized by compositional and spectroscopic analysis. The preparations contained nearly 5 mol of Cd, small amounts of Cu and about 1 mol of Zn per chain mass of 6620 Da, in numerical agreement with the apoprotein's measured capacity of firmly binding a maximum of 6 equivalents of Cd per molecule. As with other Cd-containing MTs the occurrence of a prominent Cd-mercaptide-specific shoulder at 250 nm in its absorption spectrum showed that Cd is complexed in tetrahedral symmetry by the cysteine residues of the protein, and the multiphasic ellipticity profile in the CD spectrum revealed that these complexes are joined to form one or more oligonuclear Cd-mercapto clusters. Both spectral features vanished with the removal of the metal but were reconstituted to maximum amplitudes by readdition of Cd to the metal-free apoprotein, provided precautions were taken to prevent air oxidation of the latter. Quantitative analysis of snail MT reconstituted with Cd established that the 18 cysteine side chains bind the metal in a 3-to-1 ratio; spectroscopic studies on fractionally restored forms demonstrated that the six Cd ions were bound to the apoprotein molecule in succession in two sets of three Cd ions each. Thus, one can infer from the observed stoichiometry and the coordinating preferences of Cd that this gastropod MT, like the Cd-bearing MTs of marine crustaceans, harboured the metal in two separate cyclically constructed Cd3Cys9 clusters. The snail clusters differed, however, from other MTs in their response to acidification. Their protolytic dissociation proceeded through two separate protonation steps with the manifestation of spectroscopically distinguishable intermediate forms. Thus, this snail isoform displays in its metal composition and its chemical and spectroscopic features both similarities and differences to other animal kingdom MTs. Its properties suggest that it serves an important role in the protection of the terrestrial gastropod from Cd.  相似文献   

1. The galactan of the snail Helix pomatia was subjected to two cycles of Smith-degradation and the resulting products were isolated by gel filtration and thin layer chromatography. 2. The structures of the low molecular weight oligosaccharides were elucidated being identical to those obtained from Lymnaea stagnalis galactan. However, the quantities released differed significantly between the two species. The high molecular fractions comprising about 66% of the material were not obtained in a similar degradation of the Lymnaea stagnalis galactan. 4. Thus the observed structural differences can explain easily the species-specific reactivity among the two polysaccharides seen earlier with lectins, enzymes and antibodies.  相似文献   

Hemolymph metabolite composition in ectothermic species is mainly constrained by trophic and climatic habitat conditions. In temperate regions, ectothermic species have to face subzero temperatures in winter, to which they typically respond with a state of inactivity. With use of ultra-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques, we investigated the hemolymph metabolite composition of the land snail Helix pomatia with respect to physiological states (activity and hibernation) in a mountain population (800 m above sea level) and a valley population (150 m above sea level) in Germany. The dry masses of active snails as well as the saccharide and amino acid concentrations in active snails were higher in the mountain population than in the valley population. These differences between populations might reflect differences in microhabitat conditions, such as climate and vegetal food, and consequent differences in metabolic activity. Galactose was the most abundant component in hemolymph besides glucose. Both saccharides might indicate glycolytic activity, which could provide energy for locomotion and foraging. In hibernation, glutamate, α-alanine, glycine, aspartate, serine, homoserine, hydroxyproline, glycerol, and triglycerides were accumulated in both populations. The concentrations were correlated with a decrease in body supercooling point. Therefore, these metabolites might have a role in the cold hardiness of H. pomatia that should be further investigated in a functional study.  相似文献   

Summary The shell-repair membrane of the snail, Helix pomatia, has been studied with the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The ultrastructure of the repair membrane, in the initial stages of calcification, revealed the presence of a fibrillar protein, proteoglycan granules, osmiophilic vesicles, and cytoplasmic dense bodies of different size and structure. The involvement of the cell constituents in the formation of calcifying centra and initial crystal formation is discussed. The amoebocytes present within the repair membrane appeared to be involved in three different functions: (1) phagocytosis, (2) release of granules, vesicles and dense bodies, and (3) secretion of a fibrillar protein. The possible lytic function of the amoebocytes is mentioned. The common features in the mineralizing process of the shell-repair membrane of the snail and the epiphyseal cartilage of the mammals were noted.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, which is gratefully acknowledged. I am indebted to Miss Ch. Stensjö and Mrs. E. Hellmén for their technical assistance  相似文献   

The sulfatase from the snail Heli pomatia is widely used for analytical applications. We have investigated the content of sulfatases in H. pomatia, using a biochemical and a molecular approach. A 112-kDa protein from the intestinal juice of H. pomatia comigrated with sulfatase activity when chromatographed on Sephacryl S300 and concanavalin A-Sepharose. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein was similar to one of three sulfatase motifs defined by sequence alignment of known sulfatases. Degenerate primers designed from the motifs and the N-terminal amino acid sequence obtained were used to generate PCR fragments and to isolate both a full-length and a 3'-truncated cDNA encoding H. pomatia sulfatases, designated SULF1 and SULF2. SULF1 consists of 503 amino acids and shows 53-55% identity to the mammalian arylsulfatase B. The amino acid sequence deduced from the 878-bp SULF2 cDNA fragment is 55% identical with SULF1. Both SULF1 and SULF2 contain the cysteine residue conserved in the active site of many sulfatases, which is known to be posttranslationally modified into formylglycine in eukaryotic sulfatases. However, the SULF1 and SULF2 cDNAs do not code for the protein purified. This indicates the presence of at least three sulfatase genes in H. pomatia.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The mechanism of generation of membrane potential (MP) oscillations was studied in identified bursting neurons from the snail Helix pomatia.
  • 2.2. Long-lasting stimulation of an identified peptidergic interneuron produced a persistent bursting activity in a non-active burster.
  • 3.3. External application of calcium channel blockers (1 mM Cd2+ or 5 mM La2+) resulted in a transient increase in the slow-wave amplitude and subsequent prevention of pacemaker activity generation in bursting neurons. Application of these blockers together with endogenous neuropeptide initiating bursting activity generation, increased MP wave amplitude without prevention of bursting activity generation.
  • 4.4. Replacement of all NaCl in normal Ringer's solution with isoosmotic CaCl2, glucose or Tris-HCl produced a reversible block of bursting activity generation. Stationary current-voltage relation (CVR) of bursting neuron membrane has a region of negative resistance (NRR) and does not intersect the potential axis in threshold region for action potential (AP) generation in normal Ringer's solution. In Na-free solution stationary CVR is linear and intersects the potential axis near — 52 mV.
  • 5.5. Novel potential- and time-dependent outward (Erev = − 58 mV) current, IB, activated by hyperpolarization was found in the bursting neuron membrane. Having achieved a maximal value, this current decayed with a time constant of about 1 sec. Hyperpolarization inactivated maximal conductance, gB, responsible for IB, and depolarization abolished inactivation of gB.
  • 6.6. Short-lasting (0.01 sec) hyperpolarization of the bursting neuron membrane by inward current pulse induced the development of prolonged hyperpolarization wave lasting up to 10 sec.
  • 7.7. These results suggest that: (a) persistent bursting activity of RPal neuron in the snail Helix pomatia is not endogenous but is due to a constant activation of peptidergic synaptic inputs of these neurons; (b) Ca2+ ions do not play a pivotal role in the ionic mechanism of MP oscillations but play a determining role in the process of secretion of a peptide initiating bursting activity by the interneuron presynaptic terminal; (c) depolarizing phase of the MP wave is due to specific properties of stationary CVR and hyperpolarization phase is due to regenerative properties of hyperpolarization-activated outward current IB. The minimal mathematical version of MP oscillations based on the experimental data is presented.

Seven positive hybridoma clones were chosen by immunoenzyme analysis amons 103 clones obtained by hybridization of NSO plasmocytoma cells and splenocytes from BALB/C mice, immunized with snail's nervous system antigens. Specific binding of Mabs with neuron cytoplasmic antigens was indicated on cryostat sections of visceral, pedal and cerebral ganglia. The Mabs obtained could be used for the study of physiological role of antigens identified.  相似文献   

Snails were kept in self-cleaning housing chambers in an artificially controlled environment. Mating was frequent under long days (18 h light) and rare under short days (8 h light) regardless of whether the snails were kept at 15 degrees C or 20 degrees C. An interaction between photoperiod and temperature was observed for egg laying. The number of eggs laid (45-50/snail) and the frequency of egg laying (90-130%) were greater in long than in short days (16-35/snail and 27-77%) but a temperature of 20 degrees C redressed, to some extent, the inhibitory effect of short days. At both temperatures only long photoperiods brought about cyclic reproduction over a period of 16 weeks, confirming the synchronizing role of photoperiod on the neuroendocrine control of egg laying in this species of snail.  相似文献   

The anatomy of three novel flexor muscles in the posterior tentacles of Helix pomatia is described. The muscles originate from the ventral side of the sensory pad and are anchored at different sites in the base of the tentacle stem. The muscles span the tentacle and always take the length of the stem which depends on the rate of tentacle protrusion indicating that the muscles are both contractile and extremely stretchable. The three anchoring points at the base of the stem determine three space axes along which the contraction of a muscle or the synchronous contraction of the muscles can move the tentacle in space.  相似文献   

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