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Visual background complexity facilitates the evolution of camouflage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— Cryptic animal coloration or camouflage is an adaptation that decreases the risk of detection. The study of the evolution of camouflage has strongly emphasized the minimization of visual information that predators receive from prey, by means of background matching. However, the evolutionary effects of information processing after its reception have been virtually ignored. I constructed a model that employs an artificial neural network and simulates the evolution of prey coloration in a visually complex and simple habitat. The model suggests: (1) the difficulty of a detection task is related to the visual complexity of the habitat; (2) it is easier to decrease the risk of detection by the means of camouflage in a visually complex habitat; (3) selection on camouflage can exploit limitations in predators information processing; and (4) there are shortcomings in using the degree of background matching as the measure of camouflage.  相似文献   

Conspicuous coloration is often used in combination with chemical defenses to deter predators from attacking. Experimental studies have shown that the avoidance inducing effect of conspicuous prey coloration increases with increasing size of pattern elements and with increasing body size. Here we use a comparative approach to test the prediction from these findings, namely that conspicuous coloration will evolve in tandem with body size. In our analysis, we use a previously published mitochondrial DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to examine if evolutionary shifts in color pattern have been associated with evolutionary changes in body size in aposematic poison frogs (Anura: Dendrobatidae). Information on body size (snout to vent length) and coloration were obtained from the literature. Two different measures of conspicuousness were used, one based on rankings by human observers and the other based on computer analysis of digitized photographs. The results from comparative analyses using either measure of coloration indicated that avoidance inducing coloration and body size have evolved in concert in poison frogs. Results from reconstruction of character change further indicate that the correlated evolution of size and coloration has involved changes in both directions within each of the different clades of the phylogenetic tree. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that selection imposed by visually guided predators has promoted the evolution of larger body size in species with conspicuous coloration, or enhanced evolution of conspicuous coloration in larger species.  相似文献   

Many animals are toxic or unpalatable and signal this to predators with warning signals (aposematism). Aposematic appearance has long been a classical system to study predator–prey interactions, communication and signalling, and animal behaviour and learning. The area has received considerable empirical and theoretical investigation. However, most research has centred on understanding the initial evolution of aposematism, despite the fact that these studies often tell us little about the form and diversity of real warning signals in nature. In contrast, less attention has been given to the mechanistic basis of aposematic markings; that is, ‘what makes an effective warning signal?’, and the efficacy of warning signals has been neglected. Furthermore, unlike other areas of adaptive coloration research (such as camouflage and mate choice), studies of warning coloration have often been slow to address predator vision and psychology. Here, we review the current understanding of warning signal form, with an aim to comprehend the diversity of warning signals in nature. We present hypotheses and suggestions for future work regarding our current understanding of several inter-related questions covering the form of warning signals and their relationship with predator vision, learning, and links to broader issues in evolutionary ecology such as mate choice and speciation.  相似文献   

Studies on the evolution of aposematic coloration (prey coloration advertising for unpalatability) have mainly focused on predator psychology in simplified single-prey species systems. We chose, instead, to model population dynamics on the community level. We studied the invasion by an aposematic phenotype in the presence and absence of another prey species. The single-prey and two-prey models differed in two major ways. First, with two prey species the invasion was possible only with a weak aposematic signal, whereas with a single prey species there was no such an upper limit for signal strength. Second, with a single prey species, increase of the aposematic phenotype always resulted in rapid extinction of the predator. Resource value and growth rate of the alternative prey species affected the invasion. These results suggest that community structure is an important determinant of the conditions for invasion of aposematism, and may have contributed to its initial evolution.  相似文献   

Warning (aposematic) and cryptic colorations appear to be mutually incompatible because the primary function of the former is to increase detectability, whereas the function of the latter is to decrease it. Disruptive coloration is a type of crypsis in which the color pattern breaks up the outline of the prey, thus hindering its detection. This delusion can work even when the prey's pattern elements are highly contrasting; thus, it is possible for an animal's coloration to combine both warning and disruptive functions. The coloration of the wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis) is such that the moth is conspicuous when it rests on vegetation, but when it feigns death and drops to the grass‐ and litter‐covered ground, it is hard to detect. This death‐feigning behavior therefore immediately switches the function of its coloration from signaling to camouflage. We experimentally tested whether the forewing patterning of wood tiger moths could function as disruptive coloration against certain backgrounds. Using actual forewing patterns of wood tiger moths, we crafted artificial paper moths and placed them on a background image resembling a natural litter and grass background. We manipulated the disruptiveness of the wing pattern so that all (marginal pattern) or none (nonmarginal pattern) of the markings extended to the edge of the wing. Paper moths, each with a hidden palatable food item, were offered to great tits (Parus major) in a large aviary where the birds could search for and attack the “moths” according to their detectability. The results showed that prey items with the disruptive marginal pattern were attacked less often than prey without it. However, the disruptive function was apparent only when the prey was brighter than the background. These results suggest that warning coloration and disruptive coloration can work in concert and that the moth, by feigning death, can switch the function of its coloration from warning to disruptive.  相似文献   

The occurrence of coral snake coloration among unrelated venomous and non‐venomous snake species has often been explained in terms of warning coloration and mimicry. In Argentina, no field tests have been conducted to confirm this mimetic association between one venomous coral species (Micrurus phyrrocryptus, Elapidae) and two non‐venomous snake species with a similar color pattern (Lystrophis pulcher and Oxyrhopus rhombifer, Colubridae). The aims of this work were to test for the possible aposematic or cryptic function of the ring pattern and coloration of coral snakes and false coral snakes from central Argentina, and to analyse whether the pattern is effective throughout the year. Predation on snakes was estimated by using non‐toxic plasticine replicas of ringed venomous and non‐venomous snakes and unbanded green snakes placed along transects in their natural habitat during the dry and rainy season. Ringed color pattern was attacked by predators despite the background color. One of the replica types was attacked more than expected during the dry season, suggesting that both shape and width of rings may influence the choice by predators. The reaction of predators towards replicas that mimic snake species with ringed patterns is independent of the geographical region, and we can conclude that mimicry characteristics are quite general when the true models are present in the area.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the use of artificial neural networks in the study of prey coloration. I briefly review the anti-predator functions of prey coloration and describe both in general terms and with help of two studies as specific examples the use of neural network models in the research on prey coloration. The first example investigates the effect of visual complexity of background on evolution of camouflage. The second example deals with the evolutionary choice of defence strategy, crypsis or aposematism. I conclude that visual information processing by predators is central in evolution of prey coloration. Therefore, the capability to process patterns as well as to imitate aspects of predator's information processing and responses to visual information makes neural networks a well-suited modelling approach for the study of prey coloration. In addition, their suitability for evolutionary simulations is an advantage when complex or dynamic interactions are modelled. Since not all behaviours of neural network models are necessarily biologically relevant, it is important to validate a neural network model with empirical data. Bringing together knowledge about neural networks with knowledge about topics of prey coloration would provide a potential way to deepen our understanding of the specific appearances of prey coloration.  相似文献   

Animals that are brightly colored have intrigued scientists since the time of Darwin, because it seems surprising that prey should have evolved to be clearly visible to predators. Often this self-advertisement is explained by the prey being unprofitable in some way, with the conspicuous warning coloration helping to protect the prey because it signals to potential predators that the prey is unprofitable. However, such signals only work in this way once predators have learned to associate the conspicuous color with the unprofitability of the prey. The evolution of warning coloration is still widely considered to be a paradox, because it has traditionally been assumed that the very first brightly colored individuals would be at an immediate selective disadvantage because of their greater conspicuousness to predators that are naive to the meaning of the signal. As a result, it has been difficult to understand how a novel conspicuous color morph could ever avoid extinction for long enough for predators to become educated about the signal. Thus, the traditional view that the evolution of warning coloration is difficult to explain rests entirely on assumptions about the foraging behavior of predators. However, we review recent evidence from a range of studies of predator foraging decisions, which refute these established assumptions. These studies show that: (1) Many predators are so conservative in their food preferences that even very conspicuous novel prey morphs are not necessarily at a selective disadvantage. (2) The survival and spread of novel color morphs can be simulated in field and aviary experiments using real predators (birds) foraging on successive generations of artificial prey populations. This work demonstrates that the foraging preferences of predators can regularly (though not always) result in the increase to fixation of a novel morph appearing in a population of familiar-colored prey. Such fixation events occur even if both novel and familiar prey are fully palatable and despite the novel food being much more conspicuous than the familiar prey. These studies therefore provide strong empirical evidence that conspicuous coloration can evolve readily, and repeatedly, as a result of the conservative foraging decisions of predators.  相似文献   

Both Batesian and Müllerian mimicries are considered classical evidence of natural selection where predation pressure has, at times, created a striking similarity between unrelated prey species. Batesian mimicry, in which palatable mimics resemble unpalatable aposematic species, is parasitic and only beneficial to the mimics. By contrast, in classical Müllerian mimicry the cost of predators' avoidance learning is shared between similar unpalatable co-mimics, and therefore mimicry benefits all parties. Recent studies using mathematical modeling have questioned the dynamics of Müllerian mimicry, suggesting that fitness benefits should be calculated in a way similar to Batesian mimicry; that is, according to the relative unpalatability difference between co-mimics. Batesian mimicry is very sensitive to the availability of alternative prey, but the effects of alternative prey for Müllerian dynamics are not known and experiments are rare. We designed two experiments to test the effect of alternative prey on imperfect Batesian and Müllerian mimicry complexes. When alternative prey were scarce, imperfect Batesian mimics were selected out from the population, but abundantly available alternative prey relaxed selection against imperfect mimics. Birds learned to avoid both Müllerian models and mimics irrespective of the availability of alternative prey. However, the rate of avoidance learning of models increased when alternative prey were abundant. This experiment suggests that the availability of alternative prey affects the dynamics of both Müllerian and Batesian mimicry, but in different ways.  相似文献   

Dynamics of mimicry evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We simulated mimicry evolution by allowing three populations to cocvolvc: two populations of senders and one of receivers. Artificial neural networks were used to model receivers, and it was assumed that recognition was inherited. The senders' signals consisted of nine dimensions. Changes to receivers and senders were caused by random mutations during the course of the simulation. Whereas it paid both types of senders to elicit the same response from the receiver, it benefited the receiver to respond in this way only towards one of the sender types. The receiver was thus in conflict with one of the senders, e.g. as in Batesian mimicry. Monotonically increasing response gradients caused the appearance of the model and the mimic to move in the same direction. Mimicry evolved because the mimic approached the model faster than the model moved away. Even after mimicry was established the model and the mimic were constantly changing in appearance. Our results conform with what is known in comparative psychology and ethology about how animals respond to stimuli. Several of our results arc a direct consequence of recognition and have not, to our knowledge, been reported before, showing the importance of considering the recognition mechanism in detail when studying mimicry.  相似文献   

Disruptive patterning is a potentially universal camouflage technique that is thought to enhance concealment by rendering the detection of body shapes more difficult. In a recent series of field experiments, artificial moths with markings that extended to the edges of their 'wings' survived at higher rates than moths with the same edge patterns inwardly displaced. While this result seemingly indicates a benefit to obscuring edges, it is possible that the higher density markings of the inwardly displaced patterns concomitantly reduced their extent of background matching. Likewise, it has been suggested that the mealworm baits placed on the artificial moths could have created differential contrasts with different moth patterns. To address these concerns, we conducted controlled trials in which human subjects searched for computer-generated moth images presented against images of oak trees. Moths with edge-extended disruptive markings survived at higher rates, and took longer to find, than all other moth types, whether presented sequentially or simultaneously. However, moths with no edge markings and reduced interior pattern density survived better than their high-density counterparts, indicating that background matching may have played a so-far unrecognized role in the earlier experiments. Our disruptively patterned non-background-matching moths also had the lowest overall survivorship, indicating that disruptive coloration alone may not provide significant protection from predators. Collectively, our results provide independent support for the survival value of disruptive markings and demonstrate that there are common features in human and avian perception of camouflage.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the specifics of predator avoidance learning, information loss, and recognition errors may heavily influence the evolution of aposematism. I establish a mathematical model of the change in frequency over time of bright individuals of a distasteful prey species. Warning color spreads through green beard selection as reformulated by Guilford (1990); bright colored forms gain an advantage due to their phenotypic resemblance to other bright forms, which have been sampled by the predator. I use a general classical conditioning model to examine gradual predator learning and forgetting, and then consider the extreme of one-trial learning and no forgetting over time that may occur with very toxic prey. The advantage of conspicuous coloration under these latter conditions depends upon its role in lowering a constant probability of the prey being misidentified and thus mistakenly attacked by a predator, a rarely emphasized factor in the evolution of warning coloration. This constant probability of mistaken attacks can also be interpreted as a constant probability that forgetting has occurred (forgetting does not increase with time) or a periodic decision by the predator to resample avoided prey. I show that when predators learn and forget gradually, as under the general classical conditioning model, it is very difficult for aposematic coloration to become established unless bright individuals cross an often high threshold frequency through chance factors. In contrast, the conditions expected with highly toxic prey promote the evolution of warning coloration more easily, by means from the fixation of very bright mutations to the fixation of successive mutations each of which causes a small increase in a prey's conspicuousness. The results therefore predict that aposematic coloration may have evolved in a different manner in different predator and prey systems. They also suggest that it may be extremely difficult for warning coloration to evolve in more mildly toxic or distasteful prey outside of a mimicry system.  相似文献   

Mimicry with warning colors includes Batesian and Müllerian mimicries. If we divide mimicry by sex, there are theoretically four types of mimicry: unimodal, female-limited, male-limited and dual mimicry. The latter three cases cause sexual dimorphism in body color and marking pattern but are rarely reported. In this study, we show that the tussock moth Numenes albofascia is possibly a dual mimic. The wing color and marking pattern of male and female N. albofascia are completely different, with the male's pattern resembling that of the smoky moth Pidorus atratus, while the female pattern resembles that of the tiger moth Arctia caja. Body size also differs greatly between the sexes of N. albofascia, matching the mimicry model species of each sex. These moths are distributed sympatrically in Japan, and their adult seasons overlap with each other. According to lizard feeding experiments, N. albofascia is palatable, while both male and female model species are unpalatable. Actograms in the laboratory and the light trapping in the field suggest that females of N. albofascia fly actively from sunset to midnight, while males fly during the twilight period around dawn. Therefore, male and female N. albofascia might be Batesian mimics of diurnally active P. atratus and nocturnally active A. caja, respectively, and the great sexual dimorphism of this moth could be caused by dual mimicry.  相似文献   

Camouflage is one of the most widespread forms of anti-predator defence and prevents prey individuals from being detected or correctly recognized by would-be predators. Over the past decade, there has been a resurgence of interest in both the evolution of prey camouflage patterns, and in understanding animal cognition in a more ecological context. However, these fields rarely collide, and the role of cognition in the evolution of camouflage is poorly understood. Here, we review what we currently know about the role of both predator and prey cognition in the evolution of prey camouflage, outline why cognition may be an important selective pressure driving the evolution of camouflage and consider how studying the cognitive processes of animals may prove to be a useful tool to study the evolution of camouflage, and vice versa. In doing so, we highlight that we still have a lot to learn about the role of cognition in the evolution of camouflage and identify a number of avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Various conspicuous signals in nature promote initial and learnedavoidance by predators. It is widely thought that such signalsare most effective when highly symmetrical in features suchas size and shape, supported by recent laboratory experimentswith domestic chicks and artificial prey. However, no studyhas investigated the effect of asymmetry on conspicuous signalsin a natural setting, where viewing distances, angles, predatorspecies, and light conditions vary and where predators encounterprey sequentially rather than simultaneously. We undertook 2field experiments with artificial gray-scale prey, marked witha pair of white markings presented to wild avian predators,to test the effect of asymmetry on the survival value of conspicuoussignals in the field. Experiment 1 had treatments with symmetricalspots or with spots asymmetrical in area between 5 and 50%.All marked treatments survived better than unmarked controls,but there was no benefit of being symmetrical. Experiment 2tested the effect of possessing markings asymmetrical for shapeor position and any additive effect of these 2 features. Again,symmetry conferred no benefit and targets with markings asymmetricalfor position and/or shape survived equally well as those withsymmetrical arrangements. These findings indicate that asymmetryin warning signals may not be costly to prey in nature or beof less importance compared with other features of the signal,such as color and overall size.  相似文献   

In many species of birds, different body parts often display very different colours. This spatial distribution of coloured plumage patches may be determined, among other factors, by the balance between being cryptic to predators, and conspicuous to intended receivers. If this is the case, ventral and anterior body parts in birds – which are less visible to predators but more prominent to conspecifics – should present more conspicuous and sexually dichromatic plumage colours. Here, I test these predictions using reflectance spectrometric measurements of standardised plumage patches across males and females for nearly an entire avifauna (Australian landbirds, n = 538 species). My data show that, as predicted, conspicuous and sexually dichromatic colours are mainly located near the head, while the plumage of the back is the most cryptic. One clear exception to this pattern is the conspicuous rump coloration. In many species, this patch can be concealed by wings, and therefore exposed only when necessary. In addition, conspicuous rump coloration could deflect or confuse predators in case of attack. However, there is considerable variation across species, and this makes position on the body a very poor predictor of plumage elaboration (R2 < 0.02). Future studies should try to determine whether differences between species in the distribution of colours across the plumage are due to variation in ecological factors (predation risk, habitat, etc.).  相似文献   

Sexual selection has been hypothesized to promote speciation, but evidence relating sexual selection to differences in speciation rates among taxa is equivocal. We note that evolutionary changes in ornaments are the link connecting sexual selection to speciation, and that ornament evolution is influenced by many factors so that its relationship with the strength of sexual selection may not be linear. We test if the evolution of ornamental coloration in Carduelis finches is related with speciation and if more ornamented lineages speciate more. We found that coloration evolves with a speciational pattern, but we found no evidence that the evolutionary changes associated with speciation are predominantly gains in ornamentation. The speciational pattern was found for both carotenoid- and melanin-based coloration, suggesting that traits putatively under stronger sexual selection by female choice (carotenoid coloration) are not the sole ones facilitating reproductive isolation. We conclude that in the genus Carduelis the evolutionary lability of ornaments influences speciation more than the strength of sexual selection, and we suggest that ornament lability should be considered as a possible causal factor in studies comparing cladogenesis among taxa.  相似文献   

Animals possess a range of defensive markings to reduce the risk of predation, including warning colours, camouflage, eyespots and mimicry. These different strategies are frequently considered independently, and with little regard towards predator vision, even though they may be linked in various ways and can be fully understood only in terms of predator perception. For example, camouflage and warning coloration need not be mutually exclusive, and may frequently exploit similar features of visual perception. This paper outlines how different forms of protective markings can be understood from predator perception and illustrates how this is fundamental in determining the mechanisms underlying, and the interrelation between, different strategies. Suggestions are made for future work, and potential mechanisms discussed in relation to various forms of defensive coloration, including disruptive coloration, eyespots, dazzle markings, motion camouflage, aposematism and mimicry.  相似文献   

Most models of the evolution of aposematic signaling assume (1) that the secondary defense being signaled is fixed, and (2) that conspicuous mutants arising in a population of defended individuals of cryptic appearance are initially protected from predation. Previous models of ours relaxed the first assumption, here we relax the second and compare with our earlier work to explore the consequences of initial protection from predation on the coevolution of secondary defense and aposematic signaling. As expected, we find that aposematic signaling evolves more easily if initial protection is available. Less obviously, the coevolved level of secondary defense should also be higher if initial protection is provided. Across species or populations, we predict that when initial protection occurs, then strength of aposematic signal should be correlated with the strength of the underlying secondary defense, whereas no such correlation should occur without initial protection. Finally, we demonstrate that species can invest heavily in a secondary defense and remain maximally cryptic (forgoing the advantages of aposematic signaling) and that within a species we should expect strong variation in appearance between populations but much less variation within populations. Hence, we demonstrate that whether conspicuous morphs receive initial protection from predation has powerful and potentially empirically detectible consequences for the coevolution of secondary defenses and aposematic signaling.  相似文献   

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