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Caulobacter crescentus differentiates from a motile, foraging swarmer cell into a sessile, replication-competent stalked cell during its cell cycle. This developmental transition is inhibited by nutrient deprivation to favor the motile swarmer state. We identify two cell cycle regulatory signals, ppGpp and polyphosphate (polyP), that inhibit the swarmer-to-stalked transition in both complex and glucose-exhausted media, thereby increasing the proportion of swarmer cells in mixed culture. Upon depletion of available carbon, swarmer cells lacking the ability to synthesize ppGpp or polyP improperly initiate chromosome replication, proteolyze the replication inhibitor CtrA, localize the cell fate determinant DivJ, and develop polar stalks. Furthermore, we show that swarmer cells produce more ppGpp than stalked cells upon starvation. These results provide evidence that ppGpp and polyP are cell-type-specific developmental regulators.  相似文献   

Development in Caulobacter reflects a level of complexity once thought only to exist in eukaryotic cells. The cell cycle and development are not isolated from each other, but are interdependent processes. Checkpoints are in place to ensure that both cell cycle and developmental processes are completed accurately before the next stage is initiated. The timing of these processes is regulated by signal transduction networks that integrate signals from DNA replication, cell division and development. These signal transduction networks achieve precise timing of the cell cycle and development by regulating temporal gene expression, and protein activity by dynamic spatial localization within the cell and timed proteolysis.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in developmental biology is how morphogenesis is coordinated with cell cycle progression. In Caulobacter crescentus, each cell cycle produces morphologically distinct daughter cells, a stalked cell and a flagellated swarmer cell. Construction of both the flagellum and stalk requires the alternative sigma factor RpoN (sigma(54)). Here we report that a sigma(54)-dependent activator, TacA, is required for cell cycle regulated stalk biogenesis by collaborating with RpoN to activate gene expression. We have also identified the first histidine phosphotransferase in C. crescentus, ShpA, and show that it too is required for stalk biogenesis. Using a systematic biochemical technique called phosphotransfer profiling we have identified a multicomponent phosphorelay which leads from the hybrid histidine kinase ShkA to ShpA and finally to TacA. This pathway functions in vivo to phosphorylate and hence, activate TacA. Finally, whole genome microarrays were used to identify candidate members of the TacA regulon, and we show that at least one target gene, staR, regulates stalk length. This is the first example of a general method for identifying the connectivity of a phosphorelay and can be applied to any organism with two-component signal transduction systems.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase IV mediates chromosome segregation and is a potential target for antibacterial agents including new antipneumococcal fluoroquinolones. We have used hybridization to a Staphylococcus aureus gyrB probe in concert with chromosome walking to isolate the Streptococcus pneumoniae parE-parC locus, lying downstream of a putative new insertion sequence and encoding 647-residue ParE and 823-residue ParC subunits of DNA topoisomerase IV. These proteins exhibited greatest homology respectively to the GrlB (ParE) and GrlA (ParC) subunits of S. aureus DNA topoisomerase IV. When combined, whole-cell extracts of Escherichia coli strains expressing S. pneumoniae ParC or ParE proteins reconstituted a salt-insensitive ATP-dependent decatenase activity characteristic of DNA topoisomerase IV. A second gyrB homolog isolated from S. pneumoniae encoded a 648-residue protein which we identified as GyrB through its close homology both to counterparts in S. aureus and Bacillus subtilis and to the product of the S. pneumoniae nov-1 gene that confers novobiocin resistance. gyrB was not closely linked to gyrA. To examine the role of DNA topoisomerase IV in fluoroquinolone action and resistance in S. pneumoniae, we isolated mutant strains stepwise selected for resistance to increasing concentrations of ciprofloxacin. We analysed four low-level resistant mutants and showed that Ser-79 of ParC, equivalent to resistance hotspots Ser-80 of GrlA and Ser-84 of GyrA in S. aureus, was in each case substituted with Tyr. These results suggest that DNA topoisomerase IV is an important target for fluoroquinolones in S. pneumoniae and establish this organism as a useful gram-positive system for resistance studies.  相似文献   

Penicillin G at low concentrations blocked cell division in Caulobacter crescentus without inhibiting cell growth. The long filamentous cells formed after two to three generations under these conditions had a stalk at one pole and usually one or more flagella at the opposite pole. The failure of the filaments to form a second stalk at the flagellated pole indicates that stalk formation was dependent upon completion of a step that was also required for cell division. Two observations support this conclusion. (i) Penicillin did not stop the normal development of synchronous swarmer cells into stalked initiation and stalk elongation. (ii) When the action of penicillin was reversed by the addition of penicillinase to cultures of filaments, stalks were not formed at the nonstalked pole until after cell division had occurred; thus the normal order of development events was maintained: cell division leads to stalk formation. These results are consistent with a model in which the organization of the developmental program for stalk formation occurs before cell division as a consequence of steps that branch from the cell division pathway.  相似文献   

Cell cycle transitions are often triggered by the proteolysis of key regulatory proteins. In Caulobacter crescentus, the G1‐S transition involves the degradation of an essential DNA‐binding response regulator, CtrA, by the ClpXP protease. Here, we show that another critical cell cycle regulator, SciP, is also degraded during the G1‐S transition, but by the Lon protease. SciP is a small protein that binds directly to CtrA and prevents it from activating target genes during G1. We demonstrate that SciP must be degraded during the G1‐S transition so that cells can properly activate CtrA‐dependent genes following DNA replication initiation and the reaccumulation of CtrA. These results indicate that like CtrA, SciP levels are tightly regulated during the Caulobacter cell cycle. In addition, we show that formation of a complex between CtrA and SciP at target promoters protects both proteins from their respective proteases. Degradation of either protein thus helps trigger the destruction of the other, facilitating a cooperative disassembly of the complex. Collectively, our results indicate that ClpXP and Lon each degrade an important cell cycle regulator, helping to trigger the onset of S phase and prepare cells for the subsequent programmes of gene expression critical to polar morphogenesis and cell division.  相似文献   

The amino acid and muropeptide compositions of murein (peptidoglycan) isolated from populations of Caulobacter crescentus predominantly composed of swarmer or stalked cells were determined and compared with the structure of murein sacculi obtained from a population of unsegregated cells. It appears that in spite of vast morphological alterations in the course of the cell cycle, the murein composition of the various cell types is not markedly different.  相似文献   

Net phospholipid synthesis is discontinuous during the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle with synthesis restricted to two discrete periods. The first period of net phospholipid synthesis begins in the swarmer cell shortly after cell division and ends at about the time when DNA replication initiates. The second period of phospholipid synthesis begins at a time when DNA replication is about two-thirds complete and ends at about the same time that DNA replication terminates. Thus, considerable DNA replication, growth, and differentiation (stalk growth) occur in the absence of net phospholipid synthesis. In fact, when net phospholipid synthesis was inhibited by the antibiotic cerulenin through the entire cell cycle, both the initiation and the elongation phases of DNA synthesis occurred normally. An analysis of the kinetics of incorporation of radioactive phosphate into macromolecules showed that the periodicity of phospholipid synthesis could not have been detected by pulse-labeling techniques, and only an analysis of cells prelabeled to equilibrium allowed detection of the periodicity. Equilibrium-labeled cells also allowed determination of the absolute amount of phosphorus-containing macromolecules in newborn swarmer cells. These cells contain about as much DNA as one Escherichia coli chromosome and about four times as much RNA as DNA. The amount of phosphorus in phospholipids is about one-seventh of that in DNA, or about 3% of the total macromolecular phosphorus.  相似文献   

The Obg subfamily of bacterial GTP-binding proteins are biochemically distinct from Ras-like proteins raising the possibility that they are not controlled by conventional guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and/or guanine nucleotide activating proteins (GAPs). To test this hypothesis, we generated mutations in the Caulobacter crescentus obg gene (cgtAC) which, in Ras-like proteins, would result in either activating or dominant negative phenotypes. In C. crescentus, a P168V mutant is not activating in vivo, although in vitro, the P168V protein showed a modest reduction in the affinity for GDP. Neither the S173N nor N280Y mutations resulted in a dominant negative phenotype. Furthermore, the S173N was significantly impaired for GTP binding, consistent with a critical role of this residue in GTP binding. In general, conserved amino acids in the GTP-binding pocket were, however, important for function. To examine the in vivo consequences of depleting CgtAC, we generated a temperature-sensitive mutant, G80E. At the permissive temperature, G80E cells grow slowly and have reduced levels of 50S ribosomal subunits, indicating that CgtAC is important for 50S assembly and/or stability. Surprisingly, at the non-permissive temperature, G80E cells rapidly lose viability and yet do not display an additional ribosome defect. Thus, the essential nature of the cgtAC gene does not appear to result from its ribosome function. G80E cells arrest as predivisional cells and stalkless cells. Flow cytometry on synchronized cells reveals a G1-S arrest. Therefore, CgtAC is necessary for DNA replication and progression through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The pattern of phospholipid synthesis during the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus has been determined. Although the phospholipid composition of swarmer and stalked cells was indistinguishable in continuously labeled cultures if the two cell types were pulse-labeled for a short time period, marked differences in the pattern of phospholipid synthesis were detected. Pulse-labeled swarmer cells exhibited a higher proportion of phosphatidic acid and a lower proportion of phosphatidylglycerol. In addition, minor phospholipids were detected in the swarmer cells that were not detected in stalked cells. Stalked cells that developed directly from swarmer cells showed that same phospholipid profile as the swarmer cells. The switch to the second phospholipid profile was observed to occur at the predivisional cell stage. Because cell division then yielded a swarmer cell with a different phospholipid profile than its sibling stalked cell, the cell division process may trigger a mechanism which alters the pattern of phospholipid synthesis.  相似文献   

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