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ras-related GTPases participate in signaling for a variety of cellular processes. The GTPases cycle between a GTP-bound active state and a GDP-bound inactive state. This cycling is partially controlled by guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulators (GDS, also known as exchange factors). We report on the molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding a new mammalian GDS protein, using sequences derived from the yeast ras GDS proteins as probes. The encoded protein stimulates the dissociation of guanine nucleotides from the ras-related ralA and ralB GTPases at a rate at least 30-fold faster than the intrinsic nucleotide dissociation rate. This new GDS, ralGDS, is at least 20-fold more active on the ralA and ralB GTPases than on any other GTPase tested, including other members of the ras family (H-ras, N-ras, K-ras, R-ras, rap1a and rap2), members of the rho family (rhoA, rhoB and CDC42-Hs) and members of the rab family (rab3a and ypt1). While the ralGDS protein is phosphorylated on serine residues, we find no evidence that phosphorylation affects the activity of insect cell-expressed ralGDS towards the ralA or ralB GTPase. The 3600 nucleotide ralGDS mRNA and the 115 kDa protein were found in all tissues and cell lines examined.  相似文献   

Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the Ha-ras oncogene product p21 and its nucleotide complexes have been obtained. It is shown that the 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of a number of nucleotide-enzyme complexes show some common features. In particular, the chemical shift values of the beta-phosphorus resonance of enzyme-bound NTP and NDP (N = A, G) of hydrolases exhibit a downfield shift virtually identical for myosin, elongation factor Tu, and the Ha-ras oncogene product p21. This suggests that the stereochemistry around the beta-phosphorus might be similar in these compounds.  相似文献   

PDZRhoGEF (PRG) belongs to a small family of RhoA-specific nucleotide exchange factors that mediates signaling through select G-protein-coupled receptors via Gα(12/13) and activates RhoA by catalyzing the exchange of GDP to GTP. PRG is a multidomain protein composed of PDZ, regulators of G-protein signaling-like (RGSL), Dbl-homology (DH), and pleckstrin-homology (PH) domains. It is autoinhibited in cytosol and is believed to undergo a conformational rearrangement and translocation to the membrane for full activation, although the molecular details of the regulation mechanism are not clear. It has been shown recently that the main autoregulatory elements of PDZRhoGEF, the autoinhibitory "activation box" and the "GEF switch," which is required for full activation, are located directly upstream of the catalytic DH domain and its RhoA binding surface, emphasizing the functional role of the RGSL-DH linker. Here, using a combination of biophysical and biochemical methods, we show that the mechanism of PRG regulation is yet more complex and may involve an additional autoinhibitory element in the form of a molten globule region within the linker between RGSL and DH domains. We propose a novel, two-tier model of autoinhibition where the activation box and the molten globule region act synergistically to impair the ability of RhoA to bind to the catalytic DH-PH tandem. The molten globule region and the activation box become less ordered in the PRG-RhoA complex and dissociate from the RhoA-binding site, which may constitute a critical step leading to PRG activation.  相似文献   

Ras proteins play a critical role in controlling normal cellular growth and, when activated by mutation, in causing malignant transformation. Regulation of p21ras is achieved by GTPase activating proteins, which control the rate of hydrolysis of GTP to GDP, and also by GDP dissociation stimulators, which catalyze the exchange of guanine nucleotides. Several such proteins have now been identified and their control mechanisms characterized.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies performed on p21H guanine nucleotide complexes with and without Mg2+ show that point mutations at positions 12, 59, and 61 each have a different effect on the rate of nucleotide dissociation. Double mutants with a combination of these amino acid substitutions reveal that the effects of each mutation on these kinetics are interactive (nonadditive) for positions 12 and 59 and approximately additive for the positions 12 and 61. The magnitude and direction of the effects seen are dependent on the nature of the nucleotide and whether or not the complexes contain Mg2+. All the mutants have reduced GTPase activity. It is also shown that the autophosphorylation reaction velocity is of first order with respect to the protein concentration and that this reaction is an intramolecular one, which takes place as a side reaction of the GTPase reaction. The autophosphorylation is not reversible under the experimental conditions. The covalently bound phosphate does not decrease the nucleotide-binding ability of the protein nor does it change the relative affinity of the protein for GTP versus GDP. The results are discussed in terms of the structural model and function of p21H.  相似文献   

The transforming activity of naturally arising ras oncogenes results from point mutations that affect residue 12 or 61 of the encoded 21-kilodalton protein (p21). By use of site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that deletions and insertions of amino acid residues in the region of residue 12 are also effective in conferring oncogenic activity on p21. Common to these various alterations is the disruption that they create in this domain of the protein, which we propose results in the inactivation of a normal function of the protein.  相似文献   

Bovine brain smg p25A, a guanine nucleotide-binding protein with a Mr of about 25,000, bound specifically GTP, guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) and GDP. The initial velocities of the binding of GTP gamma S to GDP-bound smg p25A and the dissociation of GDP from this protein increased by decreasing Mg2+ concentrations or increasing NaCl concentrations. The initial velocity of the binding of GTP gamma S to GDP-free smg p25A was not affected by changing Mg2+ concentrations. These results indicate that the dissociation of GDP from smg p25A limits the binding of GTP to this protein, and suggest that there is a protein stimulating the dissociation of GDP from smg p25A and thereby stimulating the binding of GTP to this protein in mammalian tissues. In fact, the protein stimulating the dissociation of GDP, but not of GTP gamma S, from smg p25A was detected in bovine brain cytosol.  相似文献   

Cdc25Mm is a mammalian Ras-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). By homology modeling we show that it shares with Sos-GEF the structure of the putative catalytic HI hairpin where the dominant negative T1184E mutation is located. Similarly to Cdc25MmT1184E, the isolated wild-type and mutant hairpins retain the ability to displace Ras-bound nucleotide, originate a stable Ras/GEF complex and downregulate the Ras pathway in vivo. These results indicate that nucleotide re-entry and Ras/GEF dissociation--final steps in the GEF catalytic cycle--require GEF regions different from the HI hairpin. GEF down-sizing could lead to development of novel Ras inhibitors.  相似文献   

Our strategy to use saturation mutagenesis to produce an unbiased collection of major histocompatibility class I mutants has resulted in unpredicted mutant phenotypes. First, we have shown data supporting our earlier work of the Dp20(Y27N) mutant. Allorecognition is altered at the clonal level while no variation in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-restricted recognition is observed. The defect does not destroy the integrity of this class I protein on the basis of three observations: (i) LCMV self-restricted recognition is not impaired, (ii) beta 2 microglobulin still associates with Dp20(Y27N) at the cell surface, and (iii) this mutant can stimulate a primary MLR. Thus, we believe Dp20(Y27N) specifically affects allorecognition, perhaps by altering self peptide associations. The Dp14(A11V;E32Q) mutant appears to interact with T cell receptors (TCR) from a cloned cytotoxic T lymphocyte, but is altered in inducing a wild type signal into the responding cell. This is presumably due to decreased interaction at the cell surface between Dp14(A11V;E32Q) and wild type-specific TCR such that variations are detected in how a cell perceives extracellular signals. Analysis of additional mutants suggests that mutant Dp163(N66S) alters the binding site for monoclonal antibodies 7-16.10 and 135, while leaving unaltered the binding site for monoclonal antibodies 34-1.2 and 11-20.3. This maps the residue responsible for 7-16.10 and 135 binding to the region of Dp163(N66S).  相似文献   

The 3-end of the cDNA encoding the smg GDP dissociation stimulator (smg GDS) protein shares 100% homology with the previously published expressed sequence tag 00038 site. This site extends the 3-end of the smg GDS gene by 212 bp. It has been localized to human chromosome 4. Here, we have refined the localization of smg GDP to human chromosome 4q21-q25 using a mapping panel of rodent/human somatic cell hybrids containing different parts of chromosome 4. This chromosomal localization of smg GDP to 4q21-25 overlaps with a region of allele loss in primary hepatocellular carcinoma (4q13-q26).HGM symbol: RAP1GDS1  相似文献   

The effect of Mg2+ on the guanine nucleotide exchange rate of p21N-ras   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
There is growing evidence that the protein products of the ras gene family, p21ras, can couple growth factor receptors to intracellular second messenger production and in particular to phosphoinositol lipid turnover. So far, however, there has been no direct proof that the ras proteins function as typical regulatory G proteins. We show here that the human p21N-ras protein, isolated from an Escherichia coli expression system, can exist as a stable GDP complex which exchanges very slowly with exogenous GTP, the half-life of the p21N-ras X GDP complex being around 20 min. However, in low Mg2+ (0.5 microM) the exchange rate is dramatically increased and the half-life of the p21N-ras X GDP complex is less than 30 s. Furthermore, in low Mg2+, the relative binding affinity of the protein for GTP as compared to GDP is increased 10-fold. The effect of low Mg2+ on the exchange rate of both normal and oncogenic mutant p21ras molecules is identical. We propose that removal of Mg2+ in vitro induces a similar conformational change to stimulation in vivo. The properties described here are consistent with a G protein-like activity for p21N-ras.  相似文献   

T cell stimulation via the TCR complex (TCR/CD3 complex) results in activation of the guanine nucleotide binding proteins encoded by the ras protooncogenes (p21ras). In the present study we show that the activation state of p21ras in T lymphocytes can also be controlled by triggering of the CD2 Ag. The activation state of p21ras is controlled by GTP levels on p21ras. In T cells stimulation of protein kinase C is able to induce an accumulation of "active" p21ras-GTP complexes due to an inhibitory effect of protein kinase C stimulation on the intrinsic GTPase activity of p21ras. The regulatory effect of protein kinase C on p21ras GTPase activity appears to be mediated via regulation of GAP, the GTPase activating protein of p21ras. In the present report, we demonstrate that the TCR/CD3 complex and the CD2 Ag control the accumulation of p21ras-GTP complexes via a regulatory effect on p21ras GTPase activity. The TCR/CD3 complex and CD2 Ag are also able to control the cellular activity of GAP. These data demonstrate that p21ras is part of the signal transduction responses controlled by the CD2 Ag, and reveal that the TCR/CD3 complex and CD2 Ag control the activation state of p21ras via a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

An Ala-to-Thr substitution at position 59 activates the transforming properties of the p21ras protein without impairment of GTPase activity, a biochemical alteration associated with other activating mutations. To investigate the basis for the transforming properties of the Thr-59 mutant, we characterized guanine nucleotide release. This reaction exhibited a slow rate and stringent temperature requirements. To further dissect the release reaction, we used monoclonal antibodies directed against different epitopes of the p21 molecule. One monoclonal specifically interfered with nucleotide release, while others which recognized different regions of the molecule blocked nucleotide binding. Mutants with the Thr-59 substitution exhibited a three- to ninefold-higher rate of GDP and GTP release than normal p21 or mutants with other activating lesions. This alteration in the Thr-59 mutant would have the effect of increasing its rate of nucleotide exchange. In an intracellular environment with a high GTP/GDP ratio, this would favor the association of GTP with the Thr-59 mutant. Consistent with knowledge of known G-regulatory proteins, these findings support a model in which the p21-GTP complex is the biologically active form of the p21 protein.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc42(+) regulates cell morphology and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Scd1p/Ral1p is the only described guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Cdc42p in S. pombe. We have identified a new GEF, named Gef1p, specifically regulating Cdc42p. Gef1p binds to inactive Cdc42p but not to other Rho GTPases in two-hybrid assays. Overexpression of gef1(+) increases specifically the GTP-bound Cdc42p, and Gef1p is capable of stimulating guanine nucleotide exchange of Cdc42p in vitro. Overexpression of gef1(+) causes changes in cell morphology similar to those caused by overexpression of the constitutively active cdc42G12V allele. Gef1p localizes to the septum. gef1(+) deletion is viable but causes a mild cell elongation and defects in bipolar growth and septum formation, suggesting a role for Gef1p in the control of cell polarity and cytokinesis. The double mutant gef1delta scd1delta is not viable, indicating that they share an essential function as Cdc42p activators. However, both deletion and overexpression of either gef1(+) or scd1(+) causes different morphological phenotypes, which suggest different functions. Genetic evidence revealed a link between Gef1p and the signaling pathway of Shk1/Orb2p and Orb6p. In contrast, no genetic interaction between Gef1p and Shk2p-Mkh1p pathway was observed.  相似文献   

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