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李宽意  刘正文  杨宏伟  李娟  李传红 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4209-4213
在室外实验条件下,研究了模拟牧食损害(动物牧食所造成的损害)对伊乐藻植株生长的影响。结果表明:3种人工损害方式(去除植株50%叶片,去除植株顶端,以及同时去除植物顶端与50%叶片)对伊乐藻的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的增长、植物的干物质、氮、磷含量等均有不同程度的影响。其中,去叶与去顶去叶损害显著抑制了伊乐藻的生长,相对生长率分别占未受损植株的62.8%与74.4%;去顶与去顶去叶损害使伊乐藻主枝生长几乎停止,却显著促进了植物分枝的生长;去叶损害对植株的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的生长无明显抑制并却显著地降低了分枝的重量。对受损伊乐藻生长的机理进行了分析,探讨了东太湖伊乐藻现存量近年来迅速增加的原因并认为植物残体是伊乐藻种群扩张的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

潘慧云  李小路  徐小花  高士祥 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6159-6164
研究了烯效唑对沉水植物伊乐藻生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,烯效唑可以刺激伊乐藻新芽萌发,新生枝条节间距减小,叶片紧密,同时烯效唑对成熟枝条的生长具有明显的抑制作用。低浓度(≤1.0mg/L)、短时间的烯效唑暴露可促进叶绿素a含量的增加,随着暴露时间的延长,处理组叶绿素a含量降低,叶绿素b含量显著增加。烯效唑胁迫下,伊乐藻体内3种抗氧化酶反应灵敏,SOD活性受到显著诱导,CAT活性先升高后降低,POD活性先升高后降低后又升高。说明烯效唑可对植物产生氧化胁迫,诱导抗氧化酶活性升高,当胁迫超过一定强度时,活性氧不能及时清除,对植物体产生氧化损伤。  相似文献   

李宽意  刘正文  杨宏伟  李娟  李传红 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4209-4213
在室外实验条件下,研究了模拟牧食损害(动物牧食所造成的损害)对伊乐藻植株生长的影响。结果表明:3种人工损害方式(去除植株50%叶片,去除植株顶端,以及同时去除植物顶端与50%叶片)对伊乐藻的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的增长、植物的干物质、氮、磷含量等均有不同程度的影响。其中,去叶与去顶去叶损害显著抑制了伊乐藻的生长,相对生长率分别占未受损植株的62.8%与74.4%;去顶与去顶去叶损害使伊乐藻主枝生长几乎停止,却显著促进了植物分枝的生长;去叶损害对植株的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的生长无明显抑制并却显著地降低了分枝的重量。对受损伊乐藻生长的机理进行了分析,探讨了东太湖伊乐藻现存量近年来迅速增加的原因并认为植物残体是伊乐藻种群扩张的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

伊乐藻对富营养化水体的净化作用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用室内静态模拟生长体系,研究了沉水植物伊乐藻在夏季高温季节5种不同氮磷营养条件水体中的生长状况及其对水体中氮、磷的净化效果。结果表明:低氮(1.0~5.5mg.L-1)、低磷(0.3~1.3mg.L-1)营养盐水体中的伊乐藻生长状态良好,但在高浓度氮(8.0mg.L-1)、磷(2.0mg.L-1)营养盐条件下,伊乐藻生长在后期受到部分抑制。伊乐藻对水体氮磷的去除效果随水体氮磷浓度的增加而增强,与起始水体氮磷含量相比,不同营养盐条件处理50d时,各处理伊乐藻对水体总氮的去除率分别达到55.88%、85.51%、88.18%、93.57%、95.97%,总磷的去除率分别达到47.55%、74.31%、57.75%、79.23%、74.92%。可见,伊乐藻在夏季高温季节对水体氮磷有一定去除效果,且对氮的去除效率高于磷,其对高氮、高磷环境有一定的耐受能力。  相似文献   

高浓度氮、磷胁迫对伊乐藻SOD、POD和CAT活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以伊乐藻枝条为材料,研究了氮、磷浓度对伊乐藻抗氧化酶系统的影响。结果表明高浓度的氮、磷明显影响伊乐藻枝条的生长,表现为不定根形成减少、生物量增加缓慢、叶绿素含量下降。另外,高浓度的氮、磷还导致伊乐藻过氧化物酶的活性持续升高、而过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶的活性震荡幅度明显变小,同时细胞内丙二醛含量明显升高。说明伊乐藻抗氧化酶系统的活性受到了干扰,活性氧清除能力下降,氧化胁迫加剧,细胞膜脂过氧化程度增加。这种变化可能是过高氮、磷浓度影响植物生长的内在生理因素之一。  相似文献   

浮游动物是淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,一方面浮游动物主要以浮游植物作为食物^[1],同时又能摄食细菌^[2、3]、原生动物^[4、5];另一方面浮游动物又是一些鱼类优良的食物^[6、7]。国内外一些研究发现,有大量沉水植物存在的湖区,浮游动物的种类数、数量、生物量和多样性都比存在少量或没有沉水植物的湖区要高^[8-13]。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌影响作物非生物胁迫耐受性的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
土壤中存在着大量不同种类的微生物资源,土壤微生物能够与自然界中的大多数植物密切合作,其中丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)起着十分重要的作用。近年来,对于AMF的研究越来越多。AMF是存在于土壤中的重要真菌之一,是土壤中的菌根真菌菌丝与高等植物营养根系形成的一种联合体。AMF可以与陆地上90%左右的植物根系形成共生体,通过在植物根系形成重要的“丛枝菌根”结构而为植物提供更多的养分。为了了解接种AMF对作物生长过程中耐受一些非生物胁迫(如干旱、极端温度、重金属污染、盐分、不利的土壤pH变化等)性能方面的影响,基于之前接种AMF对养分胁迫下玉米生长影响的研究,在扩大作物品种的基础上,通过查阅大量文献,结合试验研究及对前人和近年来关于AMF的一些最新研究进展,获得了具有实践性意义的新发现:AMF与植物共生有助于植物生长,可以改善植物的营养状况,并且可以保护植物免受各种非生物环境胁迫的影响。由此可以得出结论:AMF通过各种机制改善植物生长状况,提高作物抗逆性,为作物增产、农民增收创造了福利,并且避免了由于肥料过量施用导致的一些污染环境问题。本文主要综述了接种AMF在各种非生物环境胁迫(干旱、极端温度、重金属污染、盐分、不利的土壤pH变化等)条件下对植株生长和发育的有利影响,并对目前存在的不足和今后研究的重点提出几点建议。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下植物活性氧代谢研究进展(综述Ⅱ)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文概述植物活性氧代谢的研究及水分胁迫下活性氧与植物抗旱性(抗水分胁迫)之间的关系;着重叙述水分胁迫响应中植物脱毒酶和抗氧化物的功能和机制;并对植物抗氧化基因的研究进展作了讨论。  相似文献   

为了探讨大气CO2和海水硝氮浓度升高对龙须菜生理特性的影响,在实验室条件下把藻体于CoNo、C No、CoN 和C N 4种不同CO2和硝氮供应水平的处理中进行培养,15d后,分别测定各种不同培养条件下藻体的生长、色素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和营养盐吸收速率.结果表明:CO2或硝氮浓度增加都会使藻体生长加快,但当二者同时加富时对生长的促进作用没有表现出协同效应.不管是高氮还是低氮的培养条件,高浓度CO2都能使藻体的色素和可溶性蛋白的含量降低,而使硝酸还原酶活性升高;同时,在硝氮加富的条件下,高浓度CO2培养能够显著提高藻体的营养盐吸收速率.不管是高还是低的CO2浓度培养条件下,硝氮浓度增加都会使藻体的色素和可溶性蛋白含量以及营养盐吸收速率得到显著提高.这些结果说明,在大气CO2浓度升高或海水富营养化条件下,龙须菜的生长、硝酸还原酶活性和营养盐吸收速率都可能得到促进,而色素和可溶性蛋白的含量也会受到影响.  相似文献   

伊乐藻、苦草和菹草对磷急性胁迫的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水生植被,特别是沉水植被的衰退和消失是水体富营养化过程中的普遍现象[1,2],其原因是多方面的,但较高的水柱氮、磷浓度显然是重要原因之一.  相似文献   

李宽意  张雷燕  刘正文 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6414-6418
动物牧食可以调节植物种间的相对竞争能力,从而改变物种在群落中的竞争地位.外来植物伊乐藻生长迅速、具有较强的光竞争能力,土著种苦草根系发达、具有较强的地下资源竞争能力.选择这两种各具竞争特色的沉水植物为模式生物,通过室外受控实验研究了螺类牧食对两种沉水植物种间关系的影响.结果表明:不管有无螺类牧食,伊乐藻的相对生长率为苦草的2~5倍,伊乐藻具有明显的竞争优势.苦草低密度种植时,螺类牧食与种间竞争对其生长没有显著影响;高密度种植时,螺类牧食活动促进了苦草的生长,种间竞争则使苦草的生长率明显降低.无论伊乐藻种植密度如何,螺类牧食均使其生长率明显降低,混栽高密度的苦草也能抑制伊乐藻生长.探讨了螺类牧食对沉水植物的种间竞争关系的作用机理.  相似文献   

Abstract. Elodea nuttallii was grown under greenhouse conditions in domestic wastewater in an aquatic treatment system under conditions conducive to photorespiration. Initial research on the photosynthetic characteristics of E. nuttallii suggest that the submergent macrophyte possessed a carbon concentrating mechanism. Isotopic disequilibria H14CO3-uptake studies (5-80s) were used to assess the bicarbonate active-transport capabilities in E. nuttallii leaves. Using a range of substrate concentrations (50-50200mmol m?3), the accumulation of label (mmol g?1 Chl) over time due to transport was found initially to exceed accumulation due to fixation until steady state rates were observed. Internal steady state pools of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) ranged from 40 to 80 mol m?3. The concentration factor (CF: the ratio of internal cyroplasmic (DIC] to external medium [DIC]) decreased from 800 to 114 as external bicarbonate concentrations were increased. Inhibition of transport by uncouplers (2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)); ATPase inhibitors (dicylcohexocarbodiamide (DCCD), phloridzin, arsenate); electron transport inhibitors (DCMU, Antimycin A), and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (ethoxyzolamide, acetazolamide) suggest that bicarbonate transport required (1) a proton motive force, (2) a functional ATPase, (3) a chloroplast carbon sink, and possibly (4) a CA-like moiety associated with the transport protein. While plasmalemmasomes were not observed, the plasmalemma was vesiculated and acid and alkaline banding was observed when leaves were incubated under light in the presence of bicarbonate. These data are consistent with the operation of a bicarbonate-cation symport which concentrates substrate against a concentration gradient at the expense of metabolic energy. The presence of an active transport system for bicarbonate ensures that internal carbon concentrations are high when carbon dioxide, is scarce and bicarbonate is the only carbon species available in aquatic treatment systems during photorespiratory conditions. Therefore, E. nuttallii is particularly well suited for use in these systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Elodea nuttallii was grown in primary effluent from domestic wastewater under conditions in which CO2 may be limiting. However, high photosynthetic inorganic carbon uptake rates have been reported for Elodea under these conditions. In order to determine if leaf cell structure showed modifications which would support proposed models of a plasma membrane (PM) bicarbonate transport system and observed high photo-synthetic rates, leaf cell ultrastructure was analysed using quantitative techniques (stereology). A Fold Index (FI) calculated for the PM showed that infolding increased surface area to 2.15 times that of an idealized cell of the same shape and size. Association Indices (Sa) showed a significant association of the mitochondria with the PM. These observations support models for an ATPase-driven HCO3-cation cotransport system in Elodea cells. High chloroplast thylakoid surface density values (Sv) were similar to C4:monocots and indicated high light-gathering potential. The granal/stromal (g/s), granal/cristae (g/c), and stromal/cristae (s/c) membrane ratios were similar to those of C3 plant cells. Thus, Elodea chloroplasts and cells exhibited some structural features similar to both C3 and C4 plants. Membrane-bound inclusion bodies, which occupied 1% of the cell volume, were also observed in the leaf cells. Cell walls and nucleoid regions were absent in these bodies and X-ray (EDAX) analysis failed to detect any element (above the resolution limit of atomic no. 12) in substantial quantities. Inclusion bodies were observed in both the cytoplasm and the periplast and remain unidentified. A model is proposed for Elodea using an ATPase proton pump in the plasma membrane which extrudes protons into the periplast space between the cell wall and plasma membrane. This proton gradient is coupled to a bicarbonate symport.  相似文献   

The interactions between macrophytes and water movement are not yet fully understood, and the causes responsible for the metabolic and ultrastructural variations in plant cells as a consequence of turbulence are largely unknown. In the present study, growth, metabolism and ultrastructural changes were evaluated in the aquatic macrophyte Elodea nuttallii, after exposure to turbulence for 30 days. The turbulence was generated with a vertically oscillating horizontal grid. The turbulence reduced plant growth, plasmolysed leaf cells and strengthened cell walls, and plants exposed to turbulence accumulated starch granules in stem chloroplasts. The size of the starch granules increased with the magnitude of the turbulence. Using capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (CE‐MS), analysis of the metabolome found metabolite accumulation in response to the turbulence. Asparagine was the dominant amino acid that was concentrated in stressed plants, and organic acids such as citrate, ascorbate, oxalate and γ‐amino butyric acid (GABA) also accumulated in response to turbulence. These results indicate that turbulence caused severe stress that affected plant growth, cell ultrastructure and some metabolic functions of E. nuttallii. Our findings offer insights to explain the effects of water movement on the functions of aquatic plants.  相似文献   

Abstract. The photosynthetic characteristics of Elodea nuttallii grown in wastewater in continuous flow reactors in a greenhouse were investigated. The diurnal changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were monitored. Photosynthesis removed both CO2(aq) and HCO3? from the reactors. A stoichiometry of 1.19:1 was observed between HCO3? removal during photosynthesis and OH? production during photosynthesis, consistent with theories regarding direct bicarbonate utilization. In laboratory experiments, the light compensation points (гPPFD) were similar (31–35μmol m?2 s?1) to reported values for other macrophytes; however, the light saturation level was high (1100μmol m?2 s?1) and similar to values reported for aerial portions Of heterophyllous macrophytes. The kinetics of photosynthetic oxygen evolution (Km (CO2) = 96mmol m?3; Vmax= 133mmol g?1 Chl h?1) and the CO2 compensation point (г= 44cm3 m?3) suggested an adaptive, low photorespiratory state in response to low carbon concentrations. Photosynthetic Vmax values were slightly, but significantly higher (P 0.001) at pH 8.0 compared to pH 4.5. While CO2 utilization at pH 8 could account for most of the observed phototsynthetic rates, an HCO3? component was present, suggesting two separate transport systems for HCO3? and CO2(aq) in E. nuttallii. The activity of RUBISCO (160.3 mmol g?1 Chl h?1 was one of the highest reported values for aquatic macrophytes. Compared to RUBISCO, we observed lower activities of the β-carboxylating enzymes phopho enolpyruvate carboyxlase (PEPcase), 24.1 mmol g?1 Chl h?1; phosphor enol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCKase), 14 mmol g?1 Chl h?1. This suggests that the potential light-independent fixation of carbon in E. nuttallii was much less than RUBISCO-dependent fixation. The RUBISCO/PEPcase ratio was 6.6, indicating that E. nuttallii was similar to Myriophyllum sp. in possessing a physiological adaptation to low CO2 levels which is hypothesized to include carbonic anhydrase (CA) and an active transport system for HCO3?. CA levels were surprisingly low in E. nuttallii (14.2 EUmg Chl?).  相似文献   

Three species of Elodea (Elodea canadensis Michaux, E. nuttallii St John and E. ernstiae St John) have colonized Europe from the American continent. All three arrived in the Alsatian Rhine floodplain (north-eastern France) soon after their arrival in Europe, i.e. in the mid-19th century for E. canadensis, and in the mid-20th century for E. nuttallii and E. ernstiae. The paper investigates the present distribution of Elodea spp. in the floodplain by quantifying the species’ respective occurrences and by describing their habitats. The study further focuses on E. nuttallii which is presently colonizing other parts of Europe. It analyses whether it has continued to expand in the Alsatian Rhine floodplain during recent decades, and it checks whether changes in the abundance of E. nuttallii have had an impact on species richness of water plant communities. E.␣nuttallii has been found to be at present one of the most dominant and most frequent aquatic plant species in the study sector, while E. canadensis and E. ernstiae are less abundant. The species’ distributions differ with regard to water chemistry and water temperature: E. canadensis occurs in oligo-mesotrophic, rather stenothermic habitats, whereas E. nuttallii and E. ernstiae can be encountered in meso- to eutrophic sites with little or no arrival of stenothermic ground water. By comparing successive vegetation relevés from the same sites the study revealed further that the distribution of E. nuttallii has been stable in recent decades, despite local fluctuations in abundance. No relationship could be established between those fluctuations and changes in species richness or type of local plant communities. The sum of the results suggests that the expansion of E. nuttallii in the Alsatian Rhine floodplain had been completed prior to the study period. The species’ present distribution in the study sector as well as its position in local plant communities might therefore be considered a model for what can be expected to happen in areas where E.nuttallii has only recently arrived.  相似文献   

The biomass production of wetland vegetation can be limited by nitrogen or phosphorus. Some species are most abundant in N-limited vegetation, and others in P-limited vegetation, possibly because growth-related traits of these species respond differently to N versus P supply. Two growth experiments were carried out to examine how various morphological and physiological traits respond to the relative supply of N and P, and whether species from sites with contrasting nutrient availability respond differently. In experiment 1, four Carex species were grown in nutrient solutions at five N:P supply ratios (1.7, 5, 15, 45, 135) combined with two levels of supply (geometric means of N and P supply). In experiment 2, two Carex and two grass species were grown in sand at the same .ve N:P supply ratios combined with three levels of supply and two light intensities (45% or 5% daylight). After 12-13 weeks of growth, plant biomass, allocation, leaf area, tissue nutrient concentrations and rates and nutrient uptake depended signi.cantly on the N:P supply ratio, but the type and strength of the responses differed among these traits. The P concentration and the N:P ratio of shoots and roots as well as the rates of N and P uptake were mainly determined by the N:P supply ratio; they showed little or no dependence on the supply level and relatively small interspeci.c variation. By contrast, the N concentration, root mass ratio, leaf dry matter content and speci.c leaf area were only weakly related to the N:P supply ratio; they mainly depended on plant species and light, and partly on overall nutrient supply. Plant biomass was determined by all factors together. Within a level of light and nutrient supply, biomass was generally maximal (i.e. co-limited by N and P) at a N:P supply ratio of 15 or 45. All species responded in a similar way to the N:P supply ratio. In particular, the grass species Phalaris arundinacea and Molinia caerulea showed no differences in response that could clearly explain why P. arundinacea tends to invade P-rich (N-limited) sites, and M. caerulea P-limited sites. This may be due to the short duration of the experiments, which investigated growth and nutrient acquisition but not nutrient con­servation.  相似文献   

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