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A tip-focused Ca^2+ gradient is tightly coupled to polarized pollen tube growth, and tip-localized influxes of extracellular Ca^2+ are required for this process. However the molecular identity and regulation of the potential Ca^2+ channels remains elusive. The present study has implicated CNGC18 (cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 18) in polarized pollen tube growth, because its overexpression induced wider and shorter pollen tubes. Moreover, CNGC18 overexpression induced depolarization of pollen tube growth was suppressed by lower extracellular calcium ([Ca^2+]ex). CNGC18-yellow fluorescence protein (YFP) was preferentially localized to the apparent post-Golgi vesicles and the plasma membrane (PM) in the apex of pollen tubes. The PM localization was affected by tip-localized ROP1 signaling. Expression of wild type ROP1 or an active form of ROP1 enhanced CNGC18-YFP localization to the apical region of the PM, whereas expression of RopGAP1 (a ROP1 deactivator) blocked the PM localization. These results support a role for PM-Iocalized CNGC18 in the regulation of polarized pollen tube growth through its potential function in the modulation of calcium influxes.  相似文献   

The formation of distinct actin filament arrays in the subapical region of pollen tubes is crucial for pollen tube growth. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the organization and dynamics of the actin filaments in this region remain to be determined. This study shows that Arabidopsis thaliana MICROTUBULE-DESTABILIZING PROTEIN25 (MDP25) has the actin filament–severing activity of an actin binding protein. This protein negatively regulated pollen tube growth by modulating the organization and dynamics of actin filaments in the subapical region of pollen tubes. MDP25 loss of function resulted in enhanced pollen tube elongation and inefficient fertilization. MDP25 bound directly to actin filaments and severed individual actin filaments, in a manner that was dramatically enhanced by Ca2+, in vitro. Analysis of a mutant that bears a point mutation at the Ca2+ binding sites demonstrated that the subcellular localization of MDP25 was determined by cytosolic Ca2+ level in the subapical region of pollen tubes, where MDP25 was disassociated from the plasma membrane and moved into the cytosol. Time-lapse analysis showed that the F-actin-severing frequency significantly decreased and a high density of actin filaments was observed in the subapical region of mdp25-1 pollen tubes. This study reveals a mechanism whereby calcium enhances the actin filament–severing activity of MDP25 in the subapical region of pollen tubes to modulate pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Actin filaments are often arranged into higher-order structures, such as the longitudinal actin cables that generate the reverse fountain cytoplasmic streaming pattern present in pollen tubes. While several actin binding proteins have been implicated in the generation of these cables, the mechanisms that regulate their dynamic turnover remain largely unknown. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana ACTIN-DEPOLYMERIZING FACTOR7 (ADF7) is required for turnover of longitudinal actin cables. In vitro biochemical analyses revealed that ADF7 is a typical ADF that prefers ADP-G-actin over ATP-G-actin. ADF7 inhibits nucleotide exchange on actin and severs filaments, but its filament severing and depolymerizing activities are less potent than those of the vegetative ADF1. ADF7 primarily decorates longitudinal actin cables in the shanks of pollen tubes. Consistent with this localization pattern, the severing frequency and depolymerization rate of filaments significantly decreased, while their maximum lifetime significantly increased, in adf7 pollen tube shanks. Furthermore, an ADF7–enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion with defective severing activity but normal G-actin binding activity could not complement adf7, providing compelling evidence that the severing activity of ADF7 is vital for its in vivo functions. These observations suggest that ADF7 evolved to promote turnover of longitudinal actin cables by severing actin filaments in pollen tubes.  相似文献   

In plants, the copy number of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be much lower than the number of mitochondria. The biological significance and regulatory mechanisms of this phenomenon remain poorly understood. Here, using the pollen vegetative cell, we examined the role of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mtDNA-binding protein WHIRLY2 (AtWHY2). AtWHY2 decreases during pollen development, in parallel with the rapid degradation of mtDNA; to examine the importance of this decrease, we used the pollen vegetative cell-specific promoter Lat52 to express AtWHY2. The transgenic plants (LWHY2) had very high mtDNA levels in pollen, more than 10 times more than in the wild type (ecotype Columbia-0). LWHY2 plants were fertile, morphologically normal, and set seeds; however, reciprocal crosses with heterozygous plants showed reduced transmission of LWHY2-1 through the male and slower growth of LWHY2-1 pollen tubes. We found that LWHY2-1 pollen had significantly more reactive oxygen species and less ATP compared with the wild type, indicating an effect on mitochondrial respiration. These findings reveal that AtWHY2 affects mtDNA copy number in pollen and suggest that low mtDNA copy numbers might be the normal means by which plant cells maintain mitochondrial genetic information.Reflecting their endosymbiotic origin, mitochondria contain DNA genomes (mtDNA) encoding several key proteins for oxidative phosphorylation. As most genes identified in the mitochondrial genome are indispensable for mitochondrial function, it is generally believed that each mitochondrion must possess at least one full copy of the genome. Indeed, this seems to be the case in animals. For example, although the number of mitochondria per cell varies in human, mouse, rabbit, and rat cell lines, the mtDNA copy number per mitochondrion remains constant at 2.6 ± 0.3 (Robin and Wong, 1988). Also, in mouse egg cells, each mitochondrion contains an estimated one to two copies of the mtDNA (Pikó and Matsumoto, 1976).Plant cells, however, have very few copies of the mtDNA compared with the number of mitochondria. For example, in the Cucurbitaceae, cells containing 110 to 140 copies of the mtDNA have 360 to 1,100 mitochondria (Bendich and Gauriloff, 1984). In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), leaf cells each contain approximately 670 mitochondria (Sheahan et al., 2005) and approximately 50 copies of the mtDNA (Draper and Hays, 2000). Thus, in plant cells, each mitochondrion does not possess one complete copy of the mtDNA, a phenomenon that occurs commonly in somatic cells of plants (Preuten et al., 2010). In addition, work in Arabidopsis, barley (Hordeum vulgare), and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) showed that cells in leaves, stems, and roots contain few copies of the mtDNA (40–160), whereas cells in root tips contain more copies (300–450; Preuten et al., 2010). This is consistent with the mitochondrial nucleoid diminishment previously observed in developing root and shoot tips (Fujie et al., 1993, 1994), which suggests that the low copy numbers in plant cells result from a decrease in the mtDNA copy number in nondividing cells during development.One question raised by these findings is whether some mitochondria have complete mtDNAs while others have no mtDNA or whether mitochondria have partial mtDNAs. Using techniques for the direct visualization of small amounts of DNA, our group revealed that up to two-thirds of mitochondria in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells totally lack mtDNA and the remaining one-third of mitochondria possess mtDNA of about 100 kb on average (Wang et al., 2010). This agrees well with a previously reported value for mtDNA copy number (about 50 copies per cell; Draper and Hays, 2000) and is consistent with the idea that plant mitochondrial genomes exist as submolecules smaller than the total genomic sizes (Satoh et al., 1993; Kubo and Newton, 2008). Among plant cells possessing low mtDNA copy numbers, the vegetative cell in the pollen grains is an extreme case; a mature pollen grain of Antirrhinum majus, containing many more mitochondria than a somatic cell, possesses only 16 copies of the mtDNA (Wang et al., 2010). Similar to the changes observed in somatic cells, this extremely low level of mtDNA in pollen vegetative cells results from a rapid decrease in mtDNA copy number during pollen development (Sodmergen et al., 1991; Nagata et al., 1999). In A. majus, the vegetative cell in its initial developmental stage has 482.7 copies of the mtDNA per cell, indicating a 30-fold decrease (482.7/16) during development (Wang et al., 2010). These results from both somatic and reproductive cells led to the intriguing idea that the mtDNA copy number in plants decreases in parallel with cell differentiation, to a very low value, and thus that several mitochondria must share the genetic information carried on a single copy of the mtDNA. Plant cell mitochondria undergo frequent and coupled fusions and divisions, which may explain how mitochondria share this information (Arimura et al., 2004). However, the biological significance of why plant cells lose their mtDNA, and how this benefits these cells, remains unknown. Given that pollen germination, pollen tube elongation, and sperm cell delivery all require energy conversion, the extremely low mtDNA copy numbers, such as in pollen vegetative cells, must not compromise mitochondrial function.The mtDNA copy numbers remain constant in various tissues, however, indicating that cellular mechanisms accurately regulate the levels of mtDNA in relation to cell type (Robin and Wong, 1988; Preuten et al., 2010). In yeast and animals, this regulation involves the core enzymes of mtDNA replication, such as DNA polymerase-γ (Sharief et al., 1999), RNA polymerase (Wanrooij et al., 2008), and mitochondrial helicase (Liu et al., 2009), as well as a group of DNA-binding proteins such as ARS-binding factor2 protein in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Newman et al., 1996), MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR A (TFAM) in human (Alam et al., 2003), and mitochondrial single-stranded DNA binding protein in Drosophila spp. (Maier et al., 2001). Overexpression of TFAM causes an increase in the mtDNA copy number, and RNA interference of TFAM decreases the mtDNA copy number (Ekstrand et al., 2004; Kanki et al., 2004). Also, the homozygous knockout of TFAM in mouse results in embryos that lack mtDNA and thus fail to survive (Larsson et al., 1998). Clearly, protein factors within mitochondrial nucleoids play a crucial role in the regulation of mtDNA copy number.Recent investigation in Arabidopsis revealed that, similar to the case in yeast and animal cells, DNA polymerase, the core enzyme of mtDNA replication, functions to maintain mtDNA levels in plants. Mutation of Arabidopsis PolIA or PolIB (homologs of bacterial DNA polymerase I) causes a reduction in mtDNA copy number, and double mutation of these proteins is lethal (Parent et al., 2011). Also, an Mg2+-dependent exonuclease, DEFECTIVE IN POLLEN ORGANELLE DNA DEGRADATION1 (DPD1), degrades organelle DNA, helping to produce the proper amounts of mtDNA in pollen cells (Matsushima et al., 2011; Tang et al., 2012). These results provide insights into the molecular control of mtDNA levels in plants, via both mtDNA replication and mtDNA degradation. Except for these enzymes, however, other protein factors (such as TFAM in animals) have not been identified in plants. The DNA-binding proteins, such as MutS Homolog1 (MSH1), Organellar Single-Strand DNA Binding Protein1 (OSB1), Recombinase A1 (RecA1), RecA3, and WHIRLY2 (WHY2), identified so far in plant mitochondria likely participate in genomic maintenance by affecting substoichiometric shifting (Abdelnoor et al., 2003), stoichiometric transmission (Zaegel et al., 2006), genomic stability (Shedge et al., 2007; Odahara et al., 2009), and DNA repair (Cappadocia et al., 2010). None of these plant nucleoid factors (DNA-binding proteins) has been implicated in the control of mtDNA copy number; thus, the mechanisms by which nonenzyme protein factors regulate mtDNA copy number in plants remain obscure.To test whether nucleoid DNA-binding proteins can affect mtDNA copy number, we examined the effect of producing Arabidopsis WHY2, a single-stranded DNA-binding protein (Cappadocia et al., 2010), in the pollen vegetative cell, which generally does not express WHY2 (Honys and Twell, 2004). We found that expression of WHY2 resulted in a 10-fold increase in mtDNA copy number in the pollen vegetative cell. This increase affected mitochondrial respiration, mitochondrial size, and pollen tube growth. Thus, our results uncover a novel function for WHY2, a member of the plant Whirly protein family, in regulating mtDNA amounts and indicate that, in plants, low mtDNA copy number does not compromise mitochondrial function but rather promotes proper mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Cultured neurons obtained from MAP1B-deficient mice have a delay in axon outgrowth and a reduced rate of axonal elongation compared with neurons from wild-type mice. Here we show that MAP1B deficiency results in a significant decrease in Rac1 and cdc42 activity and a significant increase in Rho activity. We found that MAP1B interacted with Tiam1, a guanosine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1. The decrease in Rac1/cdc42 activity was paralleled by decreases in the phosphorylation of the downstream effectors of these proteins, such as LIMK-1 and cofilin. The expression of a constitutively active form of Rac1, cdc42, or Tiam1 rescued the axon growth defect of MAP1B-deficient neurons. Taken together, these observations define a new and crucial function of MAP1B that we show to be required for efficient cross-talk between microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton during neuronal polarization.  相似文献   

Membrane lipids play fundamental structural and regulatory roles in cell metabolism and signaling. Here, we report that phosphatidic acid (PA), a product of phospholipase D (PLD), regulates MAP65-1, a microtubule-associated protein, in response to salt stress. Knockout of the PLDα1 gene resulted in greater NaCl-induced disorganization of microtubules, which could not be recovered during or after removal of the stress. Salt affected the association of MAP65-1 with microtubules, leading to microtubule disorganization in pldα1cells, which was alleviated by exogenous PA. PA bound to MAP65-1, increasing its activity in enhancing microtubule polymerization and bundling. Overexpression of MAP65-1 improved salt tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana cells. Mutations of eight amino acids in MAP65-1 led to the loss of its binding to PA, microtubule-bundling activity, and promotion of salt tolerance. The pldα1 map65-1 double mutant showed greater sensitivity to salt stress than did either single mutant. These results suggest that PLDα1-derived PA binds to MAP65-1, thus mediating microtubule stabilization and salt tolerance. The identification of MAP65-1 as a target of PA reveals a functional connection between membrane lipids and the cytoskeleton in environmental stress signaling.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, meiocytes develop from subepidermal cells in anthers and ovules. The mechanisms that integrate gene-regulatory processes with meiotic programs during reproductive development remain poorly characterized. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana plants deficient in ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN6 (ARP6), a subunit of the SWR1 ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex, exhibit defects in prophase I of female meiosis. We found that this meiotic defect is likely due to dysregulated expression of meiotic genes, particularly those involved in meiotic recombination, including DMC1 (DISRUPTED MEIOTIC cDNA1). Analysis of DMC1 expression in arp6 mutant plants indicated that ARP6 inhibits expression of DMC1 in the megasporocyte and surrounding nonsporogeneous ovule cells before meiosis. After cells enter meiosis, however, ARP6 activates DMC1 expression specifically in the megasporocyte even as it continues to inhibit DMC1 expression in the nonsporogenous ovule cells. We further show that deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z, mediated by the SWR1 chromatin-remodeling complex at the DMC1 gene body, requires ARP6. Therefore, ARP6 regulates female meiosis by determining the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression required for proper meiosis during ovule development.  相似文献   

Pollen tubes deliver sperms to the ovule for fertilization via tip growth. The rapid turnover of F-actin in pollen tube tips plays an important role in this process. In this study, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana RIC1, a member of the ROP-interactive CRIB motif-containing protein family, regulates pollen tube growth via its F-actin severing activity. Knockout of RIC1 enhanced pollen tube elongation, while overexpression of RIC1 dramatically reduced tube growth. Pharmacological analysis indicated that RIC1 affected F-actin dynamics in pollen tubes. In vitro biochemical assays revealed that RIC1 directly bound and severed F-actin in the presence of Ca2+ in addition to interfering with F-actin turnover by capping F-actin at the barbed ends. In vivo, RIC1 localized primarily to the apical plasma membrane (PM) of pollen tubes. The level of RIC1 at the apical PM oscillated during pollen tube growth. The frequency of F-actin severing at the apex was notably decreased in ric1-1 pollen tubes but was increased in pollen tubes overexpressing RIC1. We propose that RIC1 regulates F-actin dynamics at the apical PM as well as the cytosol by severing F-actin and capping the barbed ends in the cytoplasm, establishing a novel mechanism that underlies the regulation of pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

钙调素对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛脑和玉米胚CaM能显著促进花粉萌发和花粉管生长(图1),而CaM抑制剂TFP、CPZ及另外两个专一性更强的抑制剂Compound48/80和W7均严重抑制甚至阻止花粉的萌发(图2,3)。用对CaM亲和性较低的W7同系物W5,在与W7同样浓度下,对花粉萌发和花粉管生长无明显影响。此外,W7对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的抑制效应可被外源CaM所消除(图4)。在花粉萌发过程中,其内源CaM含量显著上升,在花粉萌发率接近最大值时,花粉CaM含量达最高水平(图5)。上述结果表明CaM对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的调控起重要作用。  相似文献   

Various oligosaccharides were studied with regard to their effecton the in vitro growth of Camellia japonica pollen tube. Sucrose,raffinose, melezitose, cellobiose, turanose and isomaltose,especially the first four, promoted pollen tube growth, whilemaltotriose, trehalose, gentiobiose, palatinose, melibiose,lactose and lactulose had little effect. Maltose strongly inhibitednot only the tube growth on sugar-free medium but also sugar-stimulatedgrowth, except in the case of sucrose stimulation. Glycosidaseactivities toward the growth-stimulating oligosaccharides weredetected in the extract of sucrose-grown pollen, but the activitiesof -glucosidase and -galactosidase were much lower than thoseof ß-fructosidase and ß-glucosidase. Maltosesuppressed the increase in UDP-glucose level of the glucose-grownpollen but not that of the sucrose-grown one. These resultssuggest that maltose acts, directly or indirectly, somewherein the pathway from glucose to UDP-glucose via glucose-1-phosphate,but does not interfere with the direct conversion of sucroseto UDP-glucose. (Received December 1, 1984; Accepted May 24, 1985)  相似文献   

Pollen tube growth is an essential aspect of plant reproduction because it is the mechanism through which nonmotile sperm cells are delivered to ovules, thus allowing fertilization to occur. A pollen tube is a single cell that only grows at the tip, and this tip growth has been shown to depend on actin filaments. It is generally assumed that myosin-driven movements along these actin filaments are required to sustain the high growth rates of pollen tubes. We tested this conjecture by examining seed set, pollen fitness, and pollen tube growth for knockout mutants of five of the six myosin XI genes expressed in pollen of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Single mutants had little or no reduction in overall fertility, whereas double mutants of highly similar pollen myosins had greater defects in pollen tube growth. In particular, myo11c1 myo11c2 pollen tubes grew more slowly than wild-type pollen tubes, which resulted in reduced fitness compared with the wild type and a drastic reduction in seed set. Golgi stack and peroxisome movements were also significantly reduced, and actin filaments were less organized in myo11c1 myo11c2 pollen tubes. Interestingly, the movement of yellow fluorescent protein-RabA4d-labeled vesicles and their accumulation at pollen tube tips were not affected in the myo11c1 myo11c2 double mutant, demonstrating functional specialization among myosin isoforms. We conclude that class XI myosins are required for organelle motility, actin organization, and optimal growth of pollen tubes.Pollen tubes play a crucial role in flowering plant reproduction. A pollen tube is the vegetative cell of the male gametophyte. It undergoes rapid polarized growth in order to transport the two nonmotile sperm cells to an ovule. This rapid growth is supported by the constant delivery of secretory vesicles to the pollen tube tip, where they fuse with the plasma membrane to enlarge the cell (Bove et al., 2008; Bou Daher and Geitmann, 2011; Chebli et al., 2013). This vesicle delivery is assumed to be driven by the rapid movement of organelles and cytosol throughout the cell, a process that is commonly referred to as cytoplasmic streaming (Shimmen, 2007). Cytoplasmic streaming in angiosperm pollen tubes forms a reverse fountain: organelles moving toward the tip travel along the cell membrane, while organelles moving away from the tip travel through the center of the tube (Heslop-Harrison and Heslop-Harrison, 1990; Derksen et al., 2002). Drug treatments revealed that pollen tube cytoplasmic streaming and tip growth depend on actin filaments (Franke et al., 1972; Mascarenhas and Lafountain, 1972; Heslop-Harrison and Heslop-Harrison, 1989; Parton et al., 2001; Vidali et al., 2001). Curiously, very low concentrations of actin polymerization inhibitors can prevent growth without completely stopping cytoplasmic streaming, indicating that cytoplasmic streaming is not sufficient for pollen tube growth (Vidali et al., 2001). At the same time, however, drug treatments have not been able to specifically inhibit cytoplasmic streaming; thus, it is unknown whether cytoplasmic streaming is necessary for pollen tube growth.Myosins are actin-based motor proteins that actively transport organelles throughout the cell and are responsible for cytoplasmic streaming in plants (Shimmen, 2007; Sparkes, 2011; Madison and Nebenführ, 2013). Myosins can be grouped into at least 30 different classes based on amino acid sequence similarity of the motor domain, of which only class VIII and class XI myosins are found in plants (Odronitz and Kollmar, 2007; Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2014). Class VIII and class XI myosins have similar domain architecture. The N-terminal motor domain binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP (Tominaga et al., 2003) and is often preceded by an SH3-like (for sarcoma homology3) domain of unknown function. The neck domain, containing IQ (Ile-Gln) motifs, acts as a lever arm and is bound by calmodulin-like proteins that mediate calcium regulation of motor activity (Kinkema and Schiefelbein, 1994; Yokota et al., 1999; Tominaga et al., 2012). The coiled-coil domain facilitates dimerization (Li and Nebenführ, 2008), and the globular tail functions as the cargo-binding domain (Li and Nebenführ, 2007). Class VIII myosins also contain an N-terminal extension, MyTH8 (for myosin tail homology8; Mühlhausen and Kollmar, 2013), and class XI myosins contain a dilute domain in the C-terminal globular tail (Kinkema and Schiefelbein, 1994; Odronitz and Kollmar, 2007; Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2014). Recently, Mühlhausen and Kollmar (2013) proposed a new nomenclature for plant myosins based on a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all known plant myosins that clearly identifies paralogs and makes interspecies comparisons easier (Madison and Nebenführ, 2013).The localization of class VIII myosins, as determined by immunolocalization and the expression of fluorescently labeled full-length or tail constructs, has implicated these myosins in cell-to-cell communication, cell division, and endocytosis in angiosperms and moss (Reichelt et al., 1999; Van Damme et al., 2004; Avisar et al., 2008; Golomb et al., 2008; Sattarzadeh et al., 2008; Yuan et al., 2011; Haraguchi et al., 2014; Wu and Bezanilla, 2014). On the other hand, class XI myosin mutants have been studied extensively in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which revealed roles for class XI myosins in cell expansion and organelle motility (Ojangu et al., 2007, 2012; Peremyslov et al., 2008, 2010; Prokhnevsky et al., 2008; Park and Nebenführ, 2013). Very few studies have examined the reproductive tissues of class XI myosin mutants. In rice (Oryza sativa), one myosin XI was shown to be required for normal pollen development under short-day conditions (Jiang et al., 2007). In Arabidopsis, class XI myosins are required for stigmatic papillae elongation, which is necessary for normal fertility (Ojangu et al., 2012). Even though pollen tubes of myosin XI mutants have not been examined, the tip growth of another tip-growing plant cell has been thoroughly examined in myosin mutants. Root hairs are tubular outgrowths of root epidermal cells that function to increase the surface area of the root for water and nutrient uptake. Two myosin XI mutants have shorter root hairs, of which the myo11e1 (xik; myosin XI K) mutation has been shown to be associated with a slower root hair growth rate and reduced actin dynamics compared with the wild type (Ojangu et al., 2007; Peremyslov et al., 2008; Park and Nebenführ, 2013). Higher order mutants have a further reduction in root hair growth and have altered actin organization (Prokhnevsky et al., 2008; Peremyslov et al., 2010). Disruption of actin organization was also observed in myosin XI mutants of the moss Physcomitrella patens (Vidali et al., 2010), where these motors appear to coordinate the formation of actin filaments in the apical dome of the tip-growing protonemal cells (Furt et al., 2013). Interestingly, organelle movements in P. patens are much slower than in angiosperms and do not seem to depend on myosin motors (Furt et al., 2012).The function of myosins in pollen tubes is currently not known, although it is generally assumed that they are responsible for the prominent cytoplasmic streaming observed in these cells by associating with organelle surfaces (Kohno and Shimmen, 1988; Shimmen, 2007). Myosin from lily (Lilium longiflorum) pollen tubes was isolated biochemically and shown to move actin filaments with a speed of about 8 µm s−1 (Yokota and Shimmen, 1994) in a calcium-dependent manner (Yokota et al., 1999). Antibodies against this myosin labeled small structures in both the tip region and along the shank (Yokota et al., 1995), consistent with the proposed role of this motor in moving secretory vesicles to the apex.In Arabidopsis, six of 13 myosin XI genes are highly expressed in pollen: Myo11A1 (XIA), Myo11A2 (XID), Myo11B1 (XIB), Myo11C1 (XIC), Myo11C2 (XIE), and Myo11D (XIJ; Peremyslov et al., 2011; Sparkes, 2011). The original gene names (Reddy and Day, 2001) are given in parentheses. Myo11D is the only short-tailed myosin XI in Arabidopsis (Mühlhausen and Kollmar, 2013) and lacks the typical myosin XI globular tail involved in cargo binding (Li and Nebenführ, 2007). The remaining genes have the same domain architecture as the conventional class XI myosins that have been shown to be involved in the elongation of trichomes, stigmatic papillae, and root hairs (Ojangu et al., 2007, 2012; Peremyslov et al., 2008, 2010; Prokhnevsky et al., 2008; Park and Nebenführ, 2013). Therefore, we predicted that these five pollen-expressed, conventional class XI myosins are required for the rapid elongation of pollen tubes. In this study, we examined transfer DNA (T-DNA) insertion mutants of Myo11A1, Myo11A2, Myo11B1, Myo11C1, and Myo11C2 for defects in fertility and pollen tube growth. Organelle motility and actin organization were also examined in myo11c1 myo11c2 pollen tubes.  相似文献   

桃花粉离体萌发和花粉管生长特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用花粉离体萌发法研究不同培养基组分和培养条件对桃花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响,同时对不同贮藏温度下的桃花粉寿命进行研究.结果表明:固体培养基与液体培养基对桃的花粉萌发率和花粉管长度影响差异不显著;10%蔗糖是大多数桃品种花粉的最适萌发条件;硼能提高桃花粉的萌发率,但对花粉管的生长没有促进作用;桃花粉在20℃~25℃的培养温度下萌发率最高,花粉管最长;桃花粉萌发率和花粉管长度在培养前3 h内上升最快,3~5 h上升趋势减弱,5 h后基本停止;随着贮藏温度的升高和贮藏时间的延长,花粉生活力呈降低的趋势.  相似文献   

不同培养条件对黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以黄连木花粉为试材,采用离体培养法研究了培养基组分和植物生长调节物质对黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响.结果表明:花粉萌发和花粉管生长的适宜蔗糖浓度为15%,适宜培养温度为25℃;该培养条件下,花粉萌发率和花粉管长度分别达最大值63.3%和412.1 μm.硼酸、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)在一定浓度范围内,可以促进黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长,浓度过高时起抑制作用;最适宜黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长的硼酸浓度、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)浓度分别为100、50和15 mg/L.  相似文献   

花粉萌发和花粉管生长发育的信号转导   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
孙颖  孙大业 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2001,43(12):1211-1217
显花植物授粉是一个复杂的发育过程。从花粉落在柱头上开始,经过粘附、识别、水合、萌发,花粉管在花柱内生长,直至到达子房发生双受精作用,整个过程发生在雌、雄两性细胞和组织之间,受到严格的遗传控制和细胞控制。一方面雌雄配子的基因型决定两者是否亲和,另一方面雌雄两性细胞间发生复杂的相互作用,细胞外信号分子是这些过程的主要调控因子。当花粉或花粉管细胞感知外部信号后,必然通过信号转导级联反应,达到控制萌发、调整花粉管生长方向等目的。这一系列动力学的细胞事件,关系到受精的成败。因此研究此过程中的信号及其转换机…  相似文献   

During compatible pollination of the angiosperms, pollen tubes grow in the pistil transmitting tract (TT) and are guided to the ovule for fertilization. Lily (Lilium longiflorum) stigma/style Cys-rich adhesin (SCA), a plant lipid transfer protein (LTP), is a small, secreted peptide involved in pollen tube adhesion-mediated guidance. Here, we used a reverse genetic approach to study biological roles of Arabidopsis thaliana LTP5, a SCA-like LTP. The T-DNA insertional gain-of-function mutant plant for LTP5 (ltp5-1) exhibited ballooned pollen tubes, delayed pollen tube growth, and decreased numbers of fertilized eggs. Our reciprocal cross-pollination study revealed that ltp5-1 results in both male and female partial sterility. RT-PCR and β-glucuronidase analyses showed that LTP5 is present in pollen and the pistil TT in low levels. Pollen-targeted overexpression of either ltp5-1 or wild-type LTP5 resulted in defects in polar tip growth of pollen tubes and thereby decreased seed set, suggesting that mutant ltp5-1 acts as a dominant-active form of wild-type LTP5 in pollen tube growth. The ltp5-1 protein has additional hydrophobic C-terminal sequences, compared with LTP5. In our structural homology/molecular dynamics modeling, Tyr-91 in ltp5-1, replacing Val-91 in LTP5, was predicted to interact with Arg-45 and Tyr-81, which are known to interact with a lipid ligand in maize (Zea mays) LTP. Thus, Arabidopsis LTP5 plays a significant role in reproduction.  相似文献   

百合远缘杂交花粉萌发及花粉管生长过程观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用荧光显微镜对百合远缘杂交组合Bernini×Pollyanna花粉萌发及花粉管生长过程进行观察研究,结果显示,授粉后3~30 h内花粉萌发形成花粉管,且花粉管生长速度由快到慢,48~51 h内花粉管停止生长,花粉管最后深入到花柱的1/3处,并观察到一些异常的花粉管形态;花粉管生长过程中还伴随着一系列的胼胝质反应,出现的部位依次是乳突细胞、花粉管、花柱通道细胞、胚珠中的胚囊.结果表明该杂交组合不亲和.研究认为Berni-ni柱头乳突细胞是阻碍Pollyanna花粉管生长的第一道屏障,花柱通道细胞是抑制花粉管在花柱内生长的第二道屏障.  相似文献   

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