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To characterize the sericin components of the cocoon of silkworm Bombyx mori, fresh cocoon shells were dissolved in saturated aqueous lithium thiocyanate containing 2-mercaptoethanol, and fractionated by ethanol precipitation. Cocoon sericin was found to mainly consist of three polypeptides having molecular masses of the 400, 250, and 150 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE, which corresponds to the sericin present in the middle, anterior, and posterior part of the middle silk gland. The amino acid compositions of the 400 and 150 kDa components were similar to each other, but that of the 250 kDa component was different. This suggests differences in the coding gene and properties of the 250 kDa sericin from the other two.  相似文献   

Just before spinning, larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, absorb intact urease of the host plant (mulberry leaf) from the midgut lumen into the hemolymph. In order to investigate whether the transport of the mulberry leaf urease is selective, crude proteins extracted from the mulberry leaves were labeled with biotin and orally administered to the fifth instar larvae. The biotinylated proteins transported into the hemolymph were detected by ligand blotting using streptavidin. When the biotinylated proteins were administered to 5-day-old fifth instar larvae, a strong signal of a biotinylated protein was detected in the hemolymph 2 days after the administration. In contrast, when the biotinylated mulberry leaf proteins were administered to 3-day-old fifth instar larvae, no signal derived from the biotinylated proteins was detected in the hemolymph. The signal weakened when the biotinylated proteins had been immunoprecipitated before administering to the larvae, indicating that the signal came from the mulberry leaf urease. These results show that the transport of the mulberry leaf urease from the midgut into the hemolymph is selective and larval-stage specific. Subsequently, binding assays were carried out to test the binding ability of the mulberry leaf urease to the brush border membrane in the epithelial cells of larval midgut. The urease was not bound to the brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from the midgut of 3-day-old fifth instar larvae, while more than 60% of the total amount of incubated urease was bound to the BBMV from the midgut of 6-day-old fifth instar larvae. The urease binding ability of BBMV correlated with the uptake of the mulberry leaf urease. This suggests that a urease binding molecule(s) exists in the BBM of the midgut epithelium, which is involved in the uptake of the mulberry leaf urease. In addition, the uptake of the mulberry leaf urease into the hemolymph was induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone.  相似文献   

The diapause hormone (DH) secreted from the suboesophageal ganglion is responsible for the embryonic diapause in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. It was extracted from two million mated male adult heads. At least two species of DH were separated from the extracts (a complex lipid fraction) by gel permeation chromatography with Sephadex LH-20 by organic eluants. One of them was further purified by repeating gel permeation column chromatography with Merckogel® Type OR 6000 in the cold and dark to give finally a single peak with high DH activity. This preparation seems to be chemically pure, and its molecular weight is chromatographically estimated to be between 2000 and 4000. Other characteristics of DH are also presented. Biological activity of the final DH preparation is discussed with reference to other insect hormones such as juvenile hormone and α-ecdysone.  相似文献   

An original procedure for isolation and purification of carboxylesterase from the hemolymph of stage V larvae of one of Bombyx mori strains including precipitation with 10% polyethyleneglycol, ion-exchange chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, has been developed. The specific activity of the enzyme after purification makes up to 1250 units per mg of protein with a 59% yield. Some physicochemical properties of the enzyme (Mr = 69 000, pI congruent to 4.9, temperature optimum = 40 degrees, pH optimum = 7.2 Km for alpha-naphthyl- and beta-naphthylacetate = 0.11 X 10(-3) and 0.52 X 10(-3) M, respectively) have been determined. Using immunodiffusion in agar gel, the antigenic identity of the enzymes isolated from the hemolymph of two silkworm species has been established.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Aminopeptidase N was selectively released from larval midgut of silkworm, Bombyx mori, by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, and purified to a homogeneous state by ion exchange, gel filtration. Con A-Sepharose and 4-aminobenzyl phosphonic acid-agarose column chromatographies.
  • 2.2. The purified aminopeptidase N preparation showed 190.8 U/mg of specific activity. Its molecular weight was estimated to be around 100 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
  • 3.3. Purified aminopeptidase N molecule preferentially hydrolyzed Leu-, Ala- and Met-p-nitroanilide as substrates. Especially, Leu-p-nitroanilide proved to be the best substrate for aminopeptidase N from larval midgut of silkworm.
  • 4.4. By treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, two other hydrolases, alkaline phosphatase and alkaline phosphodiesterase I, were also solubilized from silkworm midgut.

The transport pathways for dibasic amino acids were investigated in brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from the anterior-middle (AM) and posterior (P) regions of Bombyx mori midgut. In the absence of K(+), a low-affinity saturable transport of arginine in both AM- and P-BBMV (K(m) 1.01 mM, V(max) 4.07 nmol/7s/mg protein and K(m) 1.38 mM, V(max) 2.26 nmol/7s/mg protein, respectively) was detected. Arginine influx was dependent on the membrane electrical potential (Deltapsi) and increased raising the alkalinity of the external medium from pH 7.2 to 10.6. Competition experiments indicated the following order of substrate affinity: arginine, homoarginine, N(G)-monomethylarginine, N(G)-nitroarginine>lysine>ornithine>cysteine>methionine. Leucine, valine and BCH (2-amino-2-norbornanecarboxylic acid) did not inhibit arginine influx. In the presence of external K(+), the influx of arginine as a function of arginine concentration fitted to a complex saturation kinetics compatible with both a low-affinity and a high-affinity component. The latter (K(m) 0.035 mM, V(max) 2.54 nmol/7s/mg protein) was fully characterized. The influx rate had an optimum at pH 8.8, was strongly affected by Deltapsi and was homogeneous along the midgut. The substrate affinity rank was: homoarginine>arginine, N(G)-monomethylarginine>cysteine, lysine>N(G)-nitroarginine>ornithine>methionine. Leucine and amino acids with a hydrophobic side chain were not accepted. This system is also operative in the absence of potassium, with the same order of specificity but a very low activity. Lysine influx is mediated by two more transport systems, the leucine uniport and the K(+)/leucine symport specific for amino acids with a hydrophobic side chain that recognizes lysine at extravesicular pH values (pH(out)) exceeding 9. Both the uniport and the symport differ from the cationic transport systems so far identified in mammals because they are unaffected by N-ethylmaleimide, have no significant affinity for neutral amino acids in the presence of the cation and show a striking difference in their optimum pH.  相似文献   

1. The membrane anchor of aminopeptidase N associated with larval midgut cell membranes of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, was investigated by using phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) and proteases. 2. Aminopeptidase N, which was virtually all localized in the brush border membrane, was solubilized by PIPLC but not by papain or trypsin. 3. Detergent-solubilized amphiphilic aminopeptidase N was converted into a hydrophilic form by PIPLC but not by papain. 4. Either of these effects of PIPLC on aminopeptidase N was maximally 40%. 5. These results suggest that in larval midgut cells of the silkworm, B. mori, at least 40% aminopeptidase N is anchored in the brush border membrane via glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol.  相似文献   

Increasing experimental evidence indicates that ingested proteins can in part reach the haemocoel undegraded, but information on the mechanisms involved in protein transport across the insect gut is very limited, in spite of the implications that this may have on the development of novel delivery strategies of insecticide proteins targeting haemocoelic receptors. Here we contribute to this field of study, by focusing on horseradish peroxidase (HRP) transport through Bombyx mori larval midgut, isolated and perfused in vitro. The protein crossed the intestinal barrier in a time-dependent manner and the influx was linearly related to time between 30 and 90 min of incubation. HRP absorption was strongly affected by temperature and inhibition of cell metabolism: protein influx at 4 degrees C was reduced to 27% of that measured at 25 degrees C and was similarly inhibited by the metabolic inhibitor DNP. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of midgut columnar cells exposed to HRP showed the presence of the protein both in vesicular structures inside the cytoplasm and in the space between two adjacent absorptive cells, indicating the occurrence of both a transcellular and a paracellular permeation route. The analysis of HRP influx as a function of increasing protein concentration in the lumen supported this morphological indication. The J(max) relative to the HRP transcellular transport component was 121+/-24 pmol/cm(2)/h and the K(d) of the passage through the paracellular route was 1.9+/-0.3 microl/cm(2)/h. The paracellular electrical resistance decreased in midguts exposed to HRP, indicating that its passage through this pathway was likely due to an alteration exerted on the junctional complex by the protein itself. The role of the cytoskeleton in HRP transport was investigated by assessing the impact of drugs affecting microtubules and actin filaments.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(5):531-536
A chymotrypsin inhibitor, CI-1, and its co-dominant allelic counterpart CI-2, detectable in certain strains of Bombyx mori each as an electrophoretic band close to the origin, were purified from the larval hemolymph by using ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. CIs 1 and 2 were monomeric neutral proteins with a pI of 7.12 and 7.00 and an Mr of about 10,400 and 7900, respectively. Amino acid analysis showed that these inhibitors were rich in aspartic acid (or asparagine), glutamic acid (or glutamine) and lysine, but poor, or lacking, in valine, methionine, histidine and arginine. In the amino-terminal sequence, 14 out of 20 amino acid residues analyzed were common between CIs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1980,10(2):199-208
Vitellin was purified from the eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori by a simple method which included a specific precipitation at pH 6 under low ionic concentration and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The final preparation was highly homogeneous as judged by gel electrophoresis, electron microscopy and ultracentrifugation.Vitellin was defined as glycolipoprotein with a sedimentation coefficient (S20, W) of 13.5S and a molecular weight of 440,000. The molecule was almost spherical in shape with a diameter of 13 nm. The molecule contained 3% mannose and 7.5% total lipids which comprised triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The amino acid composition displayed a high content of glutamic and aspartic acids and a low content of methionine. The molecule was composed of two non-identical subunits with molecular weights of 180,000 and 42,000, and the native molecule was assumed to be a tetramer composed of two molecules of each of these subunits. Separation of the two subunits was achieved, and mannose was covalently associated only with the heavier subunit.The rabbit anti-egg vitellin antibody cross-reacted with the haemolymph vitellogenin but not with other haemolymph proteins, nor with the vitellogenin from Locusta migratoria. The antibody also reacted with the haemolymph vitellogenin of the silkworm, Philosamia cynthia.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound alkaline proteases from the midgut epithelia of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were solubilized with 1% Lubrol-WX, at pH 11.2. They were purified by gel filtration on Sepharose 6B and Ultrogel AcA-202 columns and a preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two proteases, caseinolytic (6B3-Tc) and benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide-lytic (6B3-Tb) were obtained. Both enzymes were homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide electrophoresis. These enzymes showed high pH optima, 11.2, and pI values, above 11, and were extremely stable over a wide range of pH. The Km values for 6B3-Tb and Tc were 0.476 mM and 2.5 mg/ml respectively. Hammarsten casein and mulberry leaf protein were rapidly hydrolyzed by Tc, whereas the hydrolytic activity of Tb for Azocoll was higher than that of Tc. The protease Tb was strongly inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, p-chloromercuribenzoate, benzamidine, leupeptin, and soybean trypsin inhibitor; Tc was inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, tosyl phenylalanine chloromethylketone and chymostatin, but not by tosyl lysine chloromethylketone, p-chloromercuribenzoate, or iodoacetamide. The molecular weights of the proteases were estimated to be 12,800 (Tb) and 13,300 (Tc) by Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration. The amino acid analyses showed that both proteases contain a large number of acidic amino acids but a relatively small number of basic amino acids.  相似文献   

Patchwork-structure serpins from silkworm (Bombyx mori) larval hemolymph.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new serpin (serine proteinase inhibitor), having antichymotryptic activity, was isolated from silkworm, Bombyx mori, larval hemolymph and was named silkworm antichymotrypsin II (sw-AchyII). Amino-acid-sequence analysis of sw-AchyII revealed that it consisted of 375 amino acids without cysteine or glycosylated residues. sw-AchyII formed an SDS-undissociable complex with alpha-chymotrypsin, but this complex was broken down at pH 12.5 into alpha-chymotrypsin and sw-AchyII in which the reactive site was cleaved. Amino-acid-sequence analysis after cleavage identified in P1-P1' residue at the reactive site of sw-AchyII as Phe340-Met341. The amino acid sequence from the amino terminus to residue 336 was completely identical to the corresponding region of sw-AT [Takagi, H., Narumi, H., Nakamura, K. & Sasaki, T. (1990) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 108, 372-378]. The degree of similarity between sw-AchyII and silkworm antitrypsin (sw-AT) from residue 337 to the carboxy terminus was only 46%. Reactive sites of both serpins were in the variable regions.  相似文献   

Fu Q  Li P  Xu Y  Zhang S  Jia L  Zha X  Xiang Z  He N 《Proteomics》2011,11(18):3761-3767
Multidimensional LC-tandem MS was used to investigate the protein compositions of three tissues of silkworm, Bombyx mori. A total of 162, 259, and 175 peptides from silkworm larval integument and trachea, and adult scale obtained by database search were matched to 48, 51, and 40 proteins, respectively. Forty-one cuticular proteins were identified from three tissues and covered all five cuticular protein families of silkworm. In the adult scale, all seven cuticular proteins were identified for the first time in the final pellet after SDS extraction. The majority of cuticular proteins were found in each tissue differentially, suggesting that tissue-specific cuticular proteins were involved in the building of the specialized tissues. Seventy-three non-cuticular proteins were also identified in this analysis mainly including muscular proteins, proteinases, inhibitors, transport proteins, and redox-related proteins.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity, mode of transmission, tissue specificity of infection and the small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene sequences of the three new microsporidian isolates from the silkworm Bombyx mori were studied. Out of the three, NIK-2r revealed life cycle features and SSU-rRNA gene sequence similar to Nosema bombycis, suggesting that it is N. bombycis. The other two, NIK-4m and NIK-3h, differed from each other as well as from N. bombycis. NIK-4m was highly pathogenic and did not show any vertical transmission, in accordance with the apparent lack of gonadal infection, whereas NIK-3h was less pathogenic and vertical transmission was not detected but could not be excluded. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU-rRNA gene sequence placed NIK-3h and NIK-4m in a distinct clade that included almost all the Vairimorpha species and Nosema species that infect lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, while NIK-2r was included in a clade containing almost all the Nosema isolates that infect only lepidopteran hosts. Thus, we have presented molecular evidence that one of the three isolates is in fact the type species N. bombycis, while the other two isolates are Vairimorpha spp. There was distinct separation of microsporidian isolates infecting only lepidopteran hosts and those infecting lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, reflecting possible co-evolution of hosts and microsporidian isolates.  相似文献   

朱艳菊  吕志强 《昆虫学报》2013,56(5):505-511
作为遭遇各种微生物的前线, 昆虫的消化道在免疫反应中起到重要的作用。为了研究家蚕Bombyx mori肠道免疫反应, 我们利用基于ACP (annealing control primer)的反转录PCR技术, 从中肠组织中鉴定得到18个在经口器感染绿脓杆菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa 和金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus后的差异表达基因,并利用荧光定量PCR分析了其中4个基因在感染后24 h内的动态变化。结果表明: 肽聚糖识别蛋白-L1(PGRP-L1)和一个丝氨酸蛋白酶前体基因特异性地受绿脓杆菌感染后上调; 30kP蛋白酶A基因受绿脓杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌2种细菌感染后上调。我们的研究鉴定了经口器感染后家蚕中肠中参与入侵细菌识别和免疫信号途径的基因, 可为对这些基因进一步的功能研究提供线索。  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1976,6(5):491-496
In larvae of Bombyx mori proteolytic activity was found in the midgut tissue and digestive fluid. The pH-activity curves of both proteases were very similar and optimal activity was about pH 11.2. The reduction in activity at 50°C, for 10 min was about 80% in digestive fluid protease, and about 40% in tissue protease. HgCl2 and DFP strongly inhibited protease activity, and the influence was greater in digestive fluid than in the midgut tissue. Most of the tissue proteases was found to be membrane bound enzyme from results of differential centrifugation and column experiments.  相似文献   

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